Name | PyTokenCounter JSON |
Version |
| download |
home_page | None |
Summary | A Python library for tokenizing text and counting tokens using various encoding schemes. |
upload_time | 2025-01-13 03:30:06 |
maintainer | None |
docs_url | None |
author | None |
requires_python | >=3.11 |
license | MIT License Copyright (c) 2024 Kaden Gruizenga Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. |
keywords |
bugtrack_url |
requirements |
No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI |
No Travis.
coveralls test coverage |
No coveralls.
# PyTokenCounter
PyTokenCounter is a Python library designed to simplify text tokenization and token counting. It supports various encoding schemes, with a focus on those used by **Large Language Models (LLMs)**, particularly those developed by OpenAI. Leveraging the `tiktoken` library for efficient processing, PyTokenCounter facilitates seamless integration with LLM workflows. This project is based on the [`tiktoken` library]( created by [OpenAI](
## Table of Contents
- [Background](#background)
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [CLI](#cli)
- [API](#api)
- [Utility Functions](#utility-functions)
- [String Tokenization and Counting](#string-tokenization-and-counting)
- [File and Directory Tokenization and Counting](#file-and-directory-tokenization-and-counting)
- [Token Mapping](#token-mapping)
- [Maintainers](#maintainers)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
## Background
The development of PyTokenCounter was driven by the need for a user-friendly and efficient way to handle text tokenization in Python, particularly for applications that interact with **Large Language Models (LLMs)** like OpenAI's language models. **LLMs process text by breaking it down into tokens**, which are the fundamental units of input and output for these models. Tokenization, the process of converting text into a sequence of tokens, is a fundamental step in natural language processing and essential for optimizing interactions with LLMs.
Understanding and managing token counts is crucial when working with LLMs because it directly impacts aspects such as **API usage costs**, **prompt length limitations**, and **response generation**. PyTokenCounter addresses these needs by providing an intuitive interface for tokenizing strings, files, and directories, as well as counting the number of tokens based on different encoding schemes. With support for various OpenAI models and their associated encodings, PyTokenCounter is versatile enough to be used in a wide range of applications involving LLMs, such as prompt engineering, cost estimation, and monitoring usage.
## Install
Install PyTokenCounter using `pip`:
pip install PyTokenCounter
## Usage
Here are a few examples to get you started with PyTokenCounter, especially in the context of **LLMs**:
from pathlib import Path
import PyTokenCounter as tc
import tiktoken
# Count tokens in a string for an LLM model
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(
string="This is a test string.", model="gpt-4o"
print(f"Number of tokens: {numTokens}")
# Count tokens in a file intended for LLM processing
filePath = Path("./TestFile.txt")
numTokensFile = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath, model="gpt-4o")
print(f"Number of tokens in file: {numTokensFile}")
# Count tokens in a directory of documents for batch processing with an LLM
dirPath = Path("./TestDir")
numTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, model="gpt-4o", recursive=True)
print(f"Number of tokens in directory: {numTokensDir}")
# Get the encoding for a specific LLM model
encoding = tc.GetEncoding(model="gpt-4o")
# Tokenize a string using a specific encoding for LLM input
tokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string="This is another test.", encoding=encoding)
print(f"Token IDs: {tokens}")
# Map tokens to their decoded strings
mappedTokens = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens, encoding=encoding)
print(f"Mapped tokens: {mappedTokens}")
# Count tokens in a string using the default model
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string="This is a test string.")
print(f"Number of tokens: {numTokens}")
# Count tokens in a file using the default model
filePath = Path("./TestFile.txt")
numTokensFile = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath)
print(f"Number of tokens in file: {numTokensFile}")
# Tokenize a string using the default model
tokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string="This is another test.")
print(f"Token IDs: {tokens}")
# Map tokens to their decoded strings using the default model
mappedTokens = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens)
print(f"Mapped tokens: {mappedTokens}")
### CLI
PyTokenCounter can also be used as a command-line tool, making it convenient to integrate into scripts and workflows that involve **LLMs**:
# Example usage for tokenizing a string for an LLM
tokencount tokenize-str "Hello, world!" --model gpt-4o
# Example usage for tokenizing a string using the default model
tokencount tokenize-str "Hello, world!"
# Example usage for tokenizing a file for an LLM
tokencount tokenize-file TestFile.txt --model gpt-4o
# Example usage for tokenizing a file using the default model
tokencount tokenize-file TestFile.txt
# Example usage for tokenizing multiple files for an LLM
tokencount tokenize-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt --model gpt-4o
# Example usage for tokenizing multiple files using the default model
tokencount tokenize-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt
# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files for an LLM
tokencount tokenize-files MyDirectory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive
# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files using the default model
tokencount tokenize-files MyDirectory --no-recursive
# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files for an LLM (alternative)
tokencount tokenize-dir MyDirectory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive
# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files using the default model (alternative)
tokencount tokenize-dir MyDirectory --no-recursive
# Example usage for counting tokens in a string for an LLM
tokencount count-str "This is a test string." --model gpt-4o
# Example usage for counting tokens in a string using the default model
tokencount count-str "This is a test string."
# Example usage for counting tokens in a file for an LLM
tokencount count-file TestFile.txt --model gpt-4o
# Example usage for counting tokens in a file using the default model
tokencount count-file TestFile.txt
# Example usage for counting tokens in multiple files for an LLM
tokencount count-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt --model gpt-4o
# Example usage for counting tokens in multiple files using the default model
tokencount count-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt
# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory for an LLM
tokencount count-files TestDir --model gpt-4o --no-recursive
# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory using the default model
tokencount count-files TestDir --no-recursive
# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory for an LLM (alternative)
tokencount count-dir TestDir --model gpt-4o --no-recursive
# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory using the default model (alternative)
tokencount count-dir TestDir --no-recursive
# Example to get the model associated with an encoding
tokencount get-model cl100k_base
# Example to get the encoding associated with a model
tokencount get-encoding gpt-4o
# Example to map tokens to strings for an LLM
tokencount map-tokens 123,456,789 --model gpt-4o
# Example to map tokens to strings using the default model
tokencount map-tokens 123,456,789
**CLI Usage Details:**
The `tokencount` CLI provides several subcommands for tokenizing and counting tokens in strings, files, and directories, tailored for use with **LLMs**.
- `tokenize-str`: Tokenizes a provided string.
- `tokencount tokenize-str "Your string here" --model gpt-4o`
- `tokencount tokenize-str "Your string here"`
- `tokenize-file`: Tokenizes the contents of a file.
- `tokencount tokenize-file Path/To/Your/File.txt --model gpt-4o`
- `tokencount tokenize-file Path/To/Your/File.txt`
- `tokenize-files`: Tokenizes the contents of multiple specified files or all files within a directory.
- `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt --model gpt-4o`
- `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt`
- `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`
- `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`
- `tokenize-dir`: Tokenizes all files within a specified directory into lists of token IDs.
- `tokencount tokenize-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`
- `tokencount tokenize-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`
- `count-str`: Counts the number of tokens in a provided string.
- `tokencount count-str "Your string here" --model gpt-4o`
- `tokencount count-str "Your string here"`
- `count-file`: Counts the number of tokens in a file.
- `tokencount count-file Path/To/Your/File.txt --model gpt-4o`
- `tokencount count-file Path/To/Your/File.txt`
- `count-files`: Counts the number of tokens in multiple specified files or all files within a directory.
- `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt --model gpt-4o`
- `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt`
- `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`
- `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`
- `count-dir`: Counts the total number of tokens across all files in a specified directory.
- `tokencount count-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`
- `tokencount count-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`
- `get-model`: Retrieves the model name from the provided encoding.
- `tokencount get-model cl100k_base`
- `get-encoding`: Retrieves the encoding name from the provided model.
- `tokencount get-encoding gpt-4o`
- `map-tokens`: Maps a list of token integers to their decoded strings.
- `tokencount map-tokens 123,456,789 --model gpt-4o`
- `tokencount map-tokens 123,456,789`
- `-m`, `--model`: Specifies the model to use for encoding. **Default: `gpt-4o`**
- `-e`, `--encoding`: Specifies the encoding to use directly.
- `-nr`, `--no-recursive`: When used with `tokenize-files`, `tokenize-dir`, `count-files`, or `count-dir` for a directory, it prevents the tool from processing subdirectories recursively.
- `-q`, `--quiet`: When used with any of the above commands, it prevents the tool from showing progress bars and minimizes output.
- `-M`, `--mapTokens`: When used with the `tokenize-str`, `tokenize-file`, `tokenize-files`, or `tokenize-dir` commands, outputs mapped tokens instead of raw token integers.
- `-o`, `--output`: When used with any of the commands, specifies an output JSON file to save the results to.
**Note:** For detailed help on each subcommand, use `tokencount <subcommand> -h`.
## API
Here's a detailed look at the PyTokenCounter API, designed to integrate seamlessly with **LLM** workflows:
### Utility Functions
#### `GetModelMappings() -> dict`
Retrieves the mappings between models and their corresponding encodings, essential for selecting the correct tokenization strategy for different **LLMs**.
- `dict`: A dictionary where keys are model names and values are their corresponding encodings.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
modelMappings = tc.GetModelMappings()
#### `GetValidModels() -> list[str]`
Returns a list of valid model names supported by PyTokenCounter, primarily focusing on **LLMs**.
- `list[str]`: A list of valid model names.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
validModels = tc.GetValidModels()
#### `GetValidEncodings() -> list[str]`
Returns a list of valid encoding names, ensuring compatibility with various **LLMs**.
- `list[str]`: A list of valid encoding names.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
validEncodings = tc.GetValidEncodings()
#### `GetModelForEncoding(encoding: tiktoken.Encoding) -> list[str] | str`
Determines the model name(s) associated with a given encoding, facilitating the selection of appropriate **LLMs**.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`): The encoding to get the model for.
- `str`: The model name or a list of models corresponding to the given encoding.
- `ValueError`: If the encoding name is not valid.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding('cl100k_base')
model = tc.GetModelForEncoding(encoding=encoding)
#### `GetModelForEncodingName(encodingName: str) -> str`
Determines the model name associated with a given encoding name, facilitating the selection of appropriate **LLMs**.
- `encodingName` (`str`): The name of the encoding.
- `str`: The model name or a list of models corresponding to the given encoding.
- `ValueError`: If the encoding name is not valid.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
modelName = tc.GetModelForEncodingName(encodingName="cl100k_base")
#### `GetEncodingForModel(modelName: str) -> tiktoken.Encoding`
Retrieves the encoding associated with a given model name, ensuring accurate tokenization for the selected **LLM**.
- `modelName` (`str`): The name of the model.
- `tiktoken.Encoding`: The encoding corresponding to the given model name.
- `ValueError`: If the model name is not valid.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
encoding = tc.GetEncodingForModel(modelName="gpt-4o")
#### `GetEncodingNameForModel(modelName: str) -> str`
Retrieves the encoding name associated with a given model name, ensuring accurate tokenization for the selected **LLM**.
- `modelName` (`str`): The name of the model.
- `str`: The encoding name corresponding to the given model name.
- `ValueError`: If the model name is not valid.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
encodingName = tc.GetEncodingNameForModel(modelName="gpt-4o")
#### `GetEncoding(model: str | None = None, encodingName: str | None = None) -> tiktoken.Encoding`
Obtains the `tiktoken` encoding based on the specified model or encoding name, tailored for **LLM** usage. If neither `model` nor `encodingName` is provided, it defaults to the encoding associated with the `"gpt-4o"` model.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model.
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding.
- `tiktoken.Encoding`: The `tiktoken` encoding object.
- `ValueError`: If neither model nor encoding is provided, or if the provided model or encoding is invalid.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
import tiktoken
encoding = tc.GetEncoding(model="gpt-4o")
encoding = tc.GetEncoding(encodingName="p50k_base")
encoding = tc.GetEncoding()
### String Tokenization and Counting
#### `TokenizeStr(string: str, model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False, mapTokens: bool = True) -> list[int] | dict[str, int]`
Tokenizes a string into a list of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens, preparing text for input into an **LLM**.
- `string` (`str`): The string to tokenize.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): A `tiktoken` encoding object.
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.
- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs.
- `list[int]`: A list of token IDs.
- `dict[str, int]`: A dictionary mapping decoded strings to token IDs if `mapTokens` is `True`.
- `ValueError`: If the provided model or encoding is invalid.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
tokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string="Hail to the Victors!", model="gpt-4o")
tokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string="Hail to the Victors!")
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
tokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string="2024 National Champions", encoding=encoding, mapTokens=True)
tokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string="2024 National Champions", mapTokens=True)
#### `GetNumTokenStr(string: str, model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False) -> int`
Counts the number of tokens in a string.
- `string` (`str`): The string to count tokens in.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): A `tiktoken.Encoding` object.
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.
- `int`: The number of tokens in the string.
- `ValueError`: If the provided model or encoding is invalid.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string="Hail to the Victors!", model="gpt-4o")
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string="Hail to the Victors!")
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string="Corum 4 Heisman", encoding=tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base"))
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string="Corum 4 Heisman")
### File and Directory Tokenization and Counting
#### `TokenizeFile(filePath: Path | str, model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False, mapTokens: bool = True) -> list[int] | dict[str, int]`
Tokenizes the contents of a file into a list of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens.
- `filePath` (`Path | str`): The path to the file to tokenize.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.
- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs.
- `list[int]`: A list of token IDs representing the tokenized file contents.
- `dict[str, int]`: A dictionary mapping decoded strings to token IDs if `mapTokens` is `True`.
- `TypeError`: If the types of input parameters are incorrect.
- `ValueError`: If the provided model or encoding is invalid.
- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file encoding is not supported.
- `FileNotFoundError`: If the file does not exist.
from pathlib import Path
import PyTokenCounter as tc
filePath = Path("TestFile1.txt")
tokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath, model="gpt-4o")
filePath = Path("TestFile1.txt")
tokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath)
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("p50k_base")
filePath = Path("TestFile2.txt")
tokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath, encoding=encoding, mapTokens=True)
filePath = Path("TestFile2.txt")
tokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath, mapTokens=True)
#### `GetNumTokenFile(filePath: Path | str, model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False) -> int`
Counts the number of tokens in a file based on the specified model or encoding.
- `filePath` (`Path | str`): The path to the file to count tokens for.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.
- `int`: The number of tokens in the file.
- `TypeError`: If the types of `filePath`, `model`, `encodingName`, or `encoding` are incorrect.
- `ValueError`: If the provided `model` or `encodingName` is invalid, or if there is a mismatch between the model and encoding name, or between the provided encoding and the derived encoding.
- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file's encoding cannot be determined.
- `FileNotFoundError`: If the file does not exist.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
from pathlib import Path
filePath = Path("TestFile1.txt")
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath, model="gpt-4o")
filePath = Path("TestFile1.txt")
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath)
filePath = Path("TestFile2.txt")
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath, model="gpt-4o")
filePath = Path("TestFile2.txt")
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath)
#### `TokenizeFiles(inputPath: Path | str | list[Path | str], model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, exitOnListError: bool = True, mapTokens: bool = True) -> list[int] | dict[str, list[int] | dict]`
Tokenizes multiple files or all files within a directory into lists of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens.
- `inputPath` (`Path | str | list[Path | str]`): The path to a file or directory, or a list of file paths to tokenize.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.
- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): If `inputPath` is a directory, whether to tokenize files in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**
- `exitOnListError` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, stop processing the list upon encountering an error. If `False`, skip files that cause errors. **Default: `True`**
- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs for each file.
- `list[int] | dict[str, list[int] | dict]`:
- If `inputPath` is a file, returns a list of token IDs for that file.
- If `inputPath` is a list of files, returns a dictionary where each key is the file name and the value is the list of token IDs for that file.
- If `inputPath` is a directory:
- If `recursive` is `True`, returns a nested dictionary where each key is a file or subdirectory name with corresponding token lists or sub-dictionaries.
- If `recursive` is `False`, returns a dictionary with file names as keys and their token lists as values.
- `TypeError`: If the types of `inputPath`, `model`, `encodingName`, `encoding`, or `recursive` are incorrect.
- `ValueError`: If any of the provided file paths in a list are not files, or if a provided directory path is not a directory.
- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If any of the files to be tokenized have an unsupported encoding.
- `RuntimeError`: If the provided `inputPath` is neither a file, a directory, nor a list.
from PyTokenCounter import TokenizeFiles
from pathlib import Path
inputFiles = [
tokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=inputFiles, model="gpt-4o")
tokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)
# Tokenizing multiple files using the default model
tokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding('p50k_base')
dirPath = Path("TestDir")
tokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, encoding=encoding, recursive=False)
tokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, model="gpt-4o", recursive=True, mapTokens=True)
tokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, recursive=True, mapTokens=True)
# Tokenizing a directory using the default model
tokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, recursive=True, mapTokens=True)
#### `GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath: Path | str | list[Path | str], model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, exitOnListError: bool = True) -> int`
Counts the number of tokens across multiple files or in all files within a directory.
- `inputPath` (`Path | str | list[Path | str]`): The path to a file or directory, or a list of file paths to count tokens for.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.
- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): If `inputPath` is a directory, whether to count tokens in files in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**
- `exitOnListError` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, stop processing the list upon encountering an error. If `False`, skip files that cause errors. **Default: `True`**
- `int`: The total number of tokens in the specified files or directory.
- `TypeError`: If the types of `inputPath`, `model`, `encodingName`, `encoding`, or `recursive` are incorrect.
- `ValueError`: If any of the provided file paths in a list are not files, or if a provided directory path is not a directory, or if the provided model or encoding is invalid.
- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If any of the files to be tokenized have an unsupported encoding.
- `RuntimeError`: If the provided `inputPath` is neither a file, a directory, nor a list.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
from pathlib import Path
inputFiles = [
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=inputFiles, model='gpt-4o')
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)
# Counting tokens in multiple files using the default model
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)
import tiktoken
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding('p50k_base')
dirPath = Path("TestDir")
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=dirPath, encoding=encoding, recursive=False)
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=dirPath, model='gpt-4o', recursive=True)
# Counting tokens in a directory using the default model
numTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=dirPath, recursive=True)
#### `TokenizeDir(dirPath: Path | str, model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, mapTokens: bool = True) -> dict[str, list[int] | dict]`
Tokenizes all files within a directory into lists of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens.
- `dirPath` (`Path | str`): The path to the directory to tokenize.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.
- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): Whether to tokenize files in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**
- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs for each file.
- `dict[str, list[int] | dict]`: A nested dictionary where each key is a file or subdirectory name:
- If the key is a file, its value is a list of token IDs.
- If the key is a subdirectory, its value is another dictionary following the same structure.
- `TypeError`: If the types of input parameters are incorrect.
- `ValueError`: If the provided path is not a directory or if the model or encoding is invalid.
- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file's encoding cannot be determined.
- `FileNotFoundError`: If the directory does not exist.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
from pathlib import Path
dirPath = Path("TestDir")
tokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, model="gpt-4o", recursive=True)
tokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True)
# Tokenizing a directory using the default model
tokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True)
tokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, model="gpt-4o", recursive=False)
tokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=False)
tokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, model="gpt-4o", recursive=True, mapTokens=True)
# Tokenizing a directory using the default model with token mapping
tokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True, mapTokens=True)
#### `GetNumTokenDir(dirPath: Path | str, model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False) -> int`
Counts the number of tokens in all files within a directory.
- `dirPath` (`Path | str`): The path to the directory to count tokens for.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.
- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): Whether to count tokens in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**
- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**
- `int`: The total number of tokens in the directory.
- `TypeError`: If the types of input parameters are incorrect.
- `ValueError`: If the provided path is not a directory or if the model or encoding is invalid.
- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file's encoding cannot be determined.
- `FileNotFoundError`: If the directory does not exist.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
from pathlib import Path
dirPath = Path("TestDir")
numTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, model="gpt-4o", recursive=True)
# Counting tokens in a directory using the default model
numTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True)
numTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, model="gpt-4o", recursive=False)
numTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=False)
### Token Mapping
#### `MapTokens(tokens: list[int] | OrderedDict[str, list[int] | OrderedDict], model: str | None = "gpt-4o", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None) -> OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict[str, OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict]`
Maps tokens to their corresponding decoded strings based on a specified encoding.
- `tokens` (`list[int] | OrderedDict[str, list[int] | OrderedDict]`): The tokens to be mapped. This can either be:
- A list of integer tokens to decode.
- An `OrderedDict` with string keys and values that are either:
- A list of integer tokens.
- Another nested `OrderedDict` with the same structure.
- `model` (`str`, optional): The model name to use for determining the encoding. **Default: `"gpt-4o"`**
- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.
- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): The encoding object to use.
- `OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict[str, OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict]`: A mapping of decoded strings to their corresponding integer tokens. If `tokens` is a nested structure, the result will maintain the same nested structure with decoded mappings.
- `TypeError`: If `tokens` is not a list of integers or an `OrderedDict` of strings mapped to tokens.
- `ValueError`: If an invalid model or encoding name is provided, or if the encoding does not match the model or encoding name.
- `KeyError`: If a token is not in the given encoding's vocabulary.
- `RuntimeError`: If an unexpected error occurs while validating the encoding.
import PyTokenCounter as tc
import tiktoken
from collections import OrderedDict
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
tokens = [123,456,789]
mapped = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens, encoding=encoding)
tokens = OrderedDict({
"file1": [123,456,789],
"file2": [987,654,321],
"subdir": OrderedDict({
"file3": [246, 135, 798],
"file4": [951, 753, 864]
mapped = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens, encoding=encoding)
# Mapping tokens using the default model
mapped = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens)
## Maintainers
- [Kaden Gruizenga](
## Acknowledgements
- This project is based on the `tiktoken` library created by [OpenAI](
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to [open an issue]( or submit a pull request.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.
Raw data
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"home_page": null,
"name": "PyTokenCounter",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.11",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "tokenization, encoding, tiktoken, openai, gpt, language-model, llm, transformers, natural-language-processing, nlp, machine-learning, ai, text-processing, language-models",
"author": null,
"author_email": "Kaden Gruizenga <>",
"download_url": "",
"platform": null,
"description": "# PyTokenCounter\n\nPyTokenCounter is a Python library designed to simplify text tokenization and token counting. It supports various encoding schemes, with a focus on those used by **Large Language Models (LLMs)**, particularly those developed by OpenAI. Leveraging the `tiktoken` library for efficient processing, PyTokenCounter facilitates seamless integration with LLM workflows. This project is based on the [`tiktoken` library]( created by [OpenAI](\n\n## Table of Contents\n\n- [Background](#background)\n- [Install](#install)\n- [Usage](#usage)\n - [CLI](#cli)\n- [API](#api)\n - [Utility Functions](#utility-functions)\n - [String Tokenization and Counting](#string-tokenization-and-counting)\n - [File and Directory Tokenization and Counting](#file-and-directory-tokenization-and-counting)\n - [Token Mapping](#token-mapping)\n- [Maintainers](#maintainers)\n- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)\n- [Contributing](#contributing)\n- [License](#license)\n\n## Background\n\nThe development of PyTokenCounter was driven by the need for a user-friendly and efficient way to handle text tokenization in Python, particularly for applications that interact with **Large Language Models (LLMs)** like OpenAI's language models. **LLMs process text by breaking it down into tokens**, which are the fundamental units of input and output for these models. Tokenization, the process of converting text into a sequence of tokens, is a fundamental step in natural language processing and essential for optimizing interactions with LLMs.\n\nUnderstanding and managing token counts is crucial when working with LLMs because it directly impacts aspects such as **API usage costs**, **prompt length limitations**, and **response generation**. PyTokenCounter addresses these needs by providing an intuitive interface for tokenizing strings, files, and directories, as well as counting the number of tokens based on different encoding schemes. With support for various OpenAI models and their associated encodings, PyTokenCounter is versatile enough to be used in a wide range of applications involving LLMs, such as prompt engineering, cost estimation, and monitoring usage.\n\n## Install\n\nInstall PyTokenCounter using `pip`:\n\n```bash\npip install PyTokenCounter\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nHere are a few examples to get you started with PyTokenCounter, especially in the context of **LLMs**:\n\n```python\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nimport tiktoken\n\n# Count tokens in a string for an LLM model\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(\n string=\"This is a test string.\", model=\"gpt-4o\"\n)\nprint(f\"Number of tokens: {numTokens}\")\n\n# Count tokens in a file intended for LLM processing\nfilePath = Path(\"./TestFile.txt\")\nnumTokensFile = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath, model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(f\"Number of tokens in file: {numTokensFile}\")\n\n# Count tokens in a directory of documents for batch processing with an LLM\ndirPath = Path(\"./TestDir\")\nnumTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, model=\"gpt-4o\", recursive=True)\nprint(f\"Number of tokens in directory: {numTokensDir}\")\n\n# Get the encoding for a specific LLM model\nencoding = tc.GetEncoding(model=\"gpt-4o\")\n\n# Tokenize a string using a specific encoding for LLM input\ntokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string=\"This is another test.\", encoding=encoding)\nprint(f\"Token IDs: {tokens}\")\n\n# Map tokens to their decoded strings\nmappedTokens = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens, encoding=encoding)\nprint(f\"Mapped tokens: {mappedTokens}\")\n\n# Count tokens in a string using the default model\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string=\"This is a test string.\")\nprint(f\"Number of tokens: {numTokens}\")\n\n# Count tokens in a file using the default model\nfilePath = Path(\"./TestFile.txt\")\nnumTokensFile = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath)\nprint(f\"Number of tokens in file: {numTokensFile}\")\n\n# Tokenize a string using the default model\ntokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string=\"This is another test.\")\nprint(f\"Token IDs: {tokens}\")\n\n# Map tokens to their decoded strings using the default model\nmappedTokens = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens)\nprint(f\"Mapped tokens: {mappedTokens}\")\n```\n\n### CLI\n\nPyTokenCounter can also be used as a command-line tool, making it convenient to integrate into scripts and workflows that involve **LLMs**:\n\n```bash\n# Example usage for tokenizing a string for an LLM\ntokencount tokenize-str \"Hello, world!\" --model gpt-4o\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing a string using the default model\ntokencount tokenize-str \"Hello, world!\"\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing a file for an LLM\ntokencount tokenize-file TestFile.txt --model gpt-4o\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing a file using the default model\ntokencount tokenize-file TestFile.txt\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing multiple files for an LLM\ntokencount tokenize-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt --model gpt-4o\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing multiple files using the default model\ntokencount tokenize-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files for an LLM\ntokencount tokenize-files MyDirectory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files using the default model\ntokencount tokenize-files MyDirectory --no-recursive\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files for an LLM (alternative)\ntokencount tokenize-dir MyDirectory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive\n\n# Example usage for tokenizing a directory of files using the default model (alternative)\ntokencount tokenize-dir MyDirectory --no-recursive\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a string for an LLM\ntokencount count-str \"This is a test string.\" --model gpt-4o\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a string using the default model\ntokencount count-str \"This is a test string.\"\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a file for an LLM\ntokencount count-file TestFile.txt --model gpt-4o\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a file using the default model\ntokencount count-file TestFile.txt\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in multiple files for an LLM\ntokencount count-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt --model gpt-4o\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in multiple files using the default model\ntokencount count-files TestFile1.txt TestFile2.txt\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory for an LLM\ntokencount count-files TestDir --model gpt-4o --no-recursive\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory using the default model\ntokencount count-files TestDir --no-recursive\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory for an LLM (alternative)\ntokencount count-dir TestDir --model gpt-4o --no-recursive\n\n# Example usage for counting tokens in a directory using the default model (alternative)\ntokencount count-dir TestDir --no-recursive\n\n# Example to get the model associated with an encoding\ntokencount get-model cl100k_base\n\n# Example to get the encoding associated with a model\ntokencount get-encoding gpt-4o\n\n# Example to map tokens to strings for an LLM\ntokencount map-tokens 123,456,789 --model gpt-4o\n\n# Example to map tokens to strings using the default model\ntokencount map-tokens 123,456,789\n```\n\n**CLI Usage Details:**\n\nThe `tokencount` CLI provides several subcommands for tokenizing and counting tokens in strings, files, and directories, tailored for use with **LLMs**.\n\n**Subcommands:**\n\n- `tokenize-str`: Tokenizes a provided string.\n - `tokencount tokenize-str \"Your string here\" --model gpt-4o`\n - `tokencount tokenize-str \"Your string here\"`\n- `tokenize-file`: Tokenizes the contents of a file.\n - `tokencount tokenize-file Path/To/Your/File.txt --model gpt-4o`\n - `tokencount tokenize-file Path/To/Your/File.txt`\n- `tokenize-files`: Tokenizes the contents of multiple specified files or all files within a directory.\n - `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt --model gpt-4o`\n - `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt`\n - `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`\n - `tokencount tokenize-files Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`\n- `tokenize-dir`: Tokenizes all files within a specified directory into lists of token IDs.\n - `tokencount tokenize-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`\n - `tokencount tokenize-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`\n- `count-str`: Counts the number of tokens in a provided string.\n - `tokencount count-str \"Your string here\" --model gpt-4o`\n - `tokencount count-str \"Your string here\"`\n- `count-file`: Counts the number of tokens in a file.\n - `tokencount count-file Path/To/Your/File.txt --model gpt-4o`\n - `tokencount count-file Path/To/Your/File.txt`\n- `count-files`: Counts the number of tokens in multiple specified files or all files within a directory.\n - `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt --model gpt-4o`\n - `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/File1.txt Path/To/Your/File2.txt`\n - `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`\n - `tokencount count-files Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`\n- `count-dir`: Counts the total number of tokens across all files in a specified directory.\n - `tokencount count-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --model gpt-4o --no-recursive`\n - `tokencount count-dir Path/To/Your/Directory --no-recursive`\n- `get-model`: Retrieves the model name from the provided encoding.\n - `tokencount get-model cl100k_base`\n- `get-encoding`: Retrieves the encoding name from the provided model.\n - `tokencount get-encoding gpt-4o`\n- `map-tokens`: Maps a list of token integers to their decoded strings.\n - `tokencount map-tokens 123,456,789 --model gpt-4o`\n - `tokencount map-tokens 123,456,789`\n\n**Options:**\n\n- `-m`, `--model`: Specifies the model to use for encoding. **Default: `gpt-4o`**\n- `-e`, `--encoding`: Specifies the encoding to use directly.\n- `-nr`, `--no-recursive`: When used with `tokenize-files`, `tokenize-dir`, `count-files`, or `count-dir` for a directory, it prevents the tool from processing subdirectories recursively.\n- `-q`, `--quiet`: When used with any of the above commands, it prevents the tool from showing progress bars and minimizes output.\n- `-M`, `--mapTokens`: When used with the `tokenize-str`, `tokenize-file`, `tokenize-files`, or `tokenize-dir` commands, outputs mapped tokens instead of raw token integers.\n- `-o`, `--output`: When used with any of the commands, specifies an output JSON file to save the results to.\n\n**Note:** For detailed help on each subcommand, use `tokencount <subcommand> -h`.\n\n## API\n\nHere's a detailed look at the PyTokenCounter API, designed to integrate seamlessly with **LLM** workflows:\n\n### Utility Functions\n\n#### `GetModelMappings() -> dict`\n\nRetrieves the mappings between models and their corresponding encodings, essential for selecting the correct tokenization strategy for different **LLMs**.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `dict`: A dictionary where keys are model names and values are their corresponding encodings.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nmodelMappings = tc.GetModelMappings()\nprint(modelMappings)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetValidModels() -> list[str]`\n\nReturns a list of valid model names supported by PyTokenCounter, primarily focusing on **LLMs**.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `list[str]`: A list of valid model names.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nvalidModels = tc.GetValidModels()\nprint(validModels)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetValidEncodings() -> list[str]`\n\nReturns a list of valid encoding names, ensuring compatibility with various **LLMs**.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `list[str]`: A list of valid encoding names.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nvalidEncodings = tc.GetValidEncodings()\nprint(validEncodings)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetModelForEncoding(encoding: tiktoken.Encoding) -> list[str] | str`\n\nDetermines the model name(s) associated with a given encoding, facilitating the selection of appropriate **LLMs**.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`): The encoding to get the model for.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `str`: The model name or a list of models corresponding to the given encoding.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `ValueError`: If the encoding name is not valid.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nimport tiktoken\n\nencoding = tiktoken.get_encoding('cl100k_base')\nmodel = tc.GetModelForEncoding(encoding=encoding)\nprint(model)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetModelForEncodingName(encodingName: str) -> str`\n\nDetermines the model name associated with a given encoding name, facilitating the selection of appropriate **LLMs**.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `encodingName` (`str`): The name of the encoding.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `str`: The model name or a list of models corresponding to the given encoding.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `ValueError`: If the encoding name is not valid.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nmodelName = tc.GetModelForEncodingName(encodingName=\"cl100k_base\")\nprint(modelName)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetEncodingForModel(modelName: str) -> tiktoken.Encoding`\n\nRetrieves the encoding associated with a given model name, ensuring accurate tokenization for the selected **LLM**.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `modelName` (`str`): The name of the model.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `tiktoken.Encoding`: The encoding corresponding to the given model name.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `ValueError`: If the model name is not valid.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nencoding = tc.GetEncodingForModel(modelName=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(encoding)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetEncodingNameForModel(modelName: str) -> str`\n\nRetrieves the encoding name associated with a given model name, ensuring accurate tokenization for the selected **LLM**.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `modelName` (`str`): The name of the model.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `str`: The encoding name corresponding to the given model name.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `ValueError`: If the model name is not valid.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nencodingName = tc.GetEncodingNameForModel(modelName=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(encodingName)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetEncoding(model: str | None = None, encodingName: str | None = None) -> tiktoken.Encoding`\n\nObtains the `tiktoken` encoding based on the specified model or encoding name, tailored for **LLM** usage. If neither `model` nor `encodingName` is provided, it defaults to the encoding associated with the `\"gpt-4o\"` model.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model.\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `tiktoken.Encoding`: The `tiktoken` encoding object.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `ValueError`: If neither model nor encoding is provided, or if the provided model or encoding is invalid.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nimport tiktoken\n\nencoding = tc.GetEncoding(model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(encoding)\nencoding = tc.GetEncoding(encodingName=\"p50k_base\")\nprint(encoding)\nencoding = tc.GetEncoding()\nprint(encoding)\n```\n\n---\n\n### String Tokenization and Counting\n\n#### `TokenizeStr(string: str, model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False, mapTokens: bool = True) -> list[int] | dict[str, int]`\n\nTokenizes a string into a list of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens, preparing text for input into an **LLM**.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `string` (`str`): The string to tokenize.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): A `tiktoken` encoding object.\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.\n- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `list[int]`: A list of token IDs.\n- `dict[str, int]`: A dictionary mapping decoded strings to token IDs if `mapTokens` is `True`.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `ValueError`: If the provided model or encoding is invalid.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\ntokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string=\"Hail to the Victors!\", model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(tokens)\n\ntokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string=\"Hail to the Victors!\")\nprint(tokens)\n\n\nimport tiktoken\nencoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(\"cl100k_base\")\ntokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string=\"2024 National Champions\", encoding=encoding, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokens)\n\ntokens = tc.TokenizeStr(string=\"2024 National Champions\", mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokens)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetNumTokenStr(string: str, model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False) -> int`\n\nCounts the number of tokens in a string.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `string` (`str`): The string to count tokens in.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): A `tiktoken.Encoding` object.\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `int`: The number of tokens in the string.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `ValueError`: If the provided model or encoding is invalid.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string=\"Hail to the Victors!\", model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(numTokens)\n\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string=\"Hail to the Victors!\")\nprint(numTokens)\n\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string=\"Corum 4 Heisman\", encoding=tiktoken.get_encoding(\"cl100k_base\"))\nprint(numTokens)\n\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenStr(string=\"Corum 4 Heisman\")\nprint(numTokens)\n```\n\n---\n\n### File and Directory Tokenization and Counting\n\n#### `TokenizeFile(filePath: Path | str, model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False, mapTokens: bool = True) -> list[int] | dict[str, int]`\n\nTokenizes the contents of a file into a list of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `filePath` (`Path | str`): The path to the file to tokenize.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.\n- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `list[int]`: A list of token IDs representing the tokenized file contents.\n- `dict[str, int]`: A dictionary mapping decoded strings to token IDs if `mapTokens` is `True`.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `TypeError`: If the types of input parameters are incorrect.\n- `ValueError`: If the provided model or encoding is invalid.\n- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file encoding is not supported.\n- `FileNotFoundError`: If the file does not exist.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nfrom pathlib import Path\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\n\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile1.txt\")\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath, model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(tokens)\n\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile1.txt\")\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath)\nprint(tokens)\n\nimport tiktoken\nencoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(\"p50k_base\")\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile2.txt\")\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath, encoding=encoding, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokens)\n\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile2.txt\")\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFile(filePath=filePath, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokens)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetNumTokenFile(filePath: Path | str, model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, quiet: bool = False) -> int`\n\nCounts the number of tokens in a file based on the specified model or encoding.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `filePath` (`Path | str`): The path to the file to count tokens for.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `int`: The number of tokens in the file.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `TypeError`: If the types of `filePath`, `model`, `encodingName`, or `encoding` are incorrect.\n- `ValueError`: If the provided `model` or `encodingName` is invalid, or if there is a mismatch between the model and encoding name, or between the provided encoding and the derived encoding.\n- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file's encoding cannot be determined.\n- `FileNotFoundError`: If the file does not exist.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile1.txt\")\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath, model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(numTokens)\n\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile1.txt\")\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath)\nprint(numTokens)\n\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile2.txt\")\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath, model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(numTokens)\n\nfilePath = Path(\"TestFile2.txt\")\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFile(filePath=filePath)\nprint(numTokens)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `TokenizeFiles(inputPath: Path | str | list[Path | str], model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, exitOnListError: bool = True, mapTokens: bool = True) -> list[int] | dict[str, list[int] | dict]`\n\nTokenizes multiple files or all files within a directory into lists of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `inputPath` (`Path | str | list[Path | str]`): The path to a file or directory, or a list of file paths to tokenize.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.\n- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): If `inputPath` is a directory, whether to tokenize files in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**\n- `exitOnListError` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, stop processing the list upon encountering an error. If `False`, skip files that cause errors. **Default: `True`**\n- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs for each file.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `list[int] | dict[str, list[int] | dict]`:\n - If `inputPath` is a file, returns a list of token IDs for that file.\n - If `inputPath` is a list of files, returns a dictionary where each key is the file name and the value is the list of token IDs for that file.\n - If `inputPath` is a directory:\n - If `recursive` is `True`, returns a nested dictionary where each key is a file or subdirectory name with corresponding token lists or sub-dictionaries.\n - If `recursive` is `False`, returns a dictionary with file names as keys and their token lists as values.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `TypeError`: If the types of `inputPath`, `model`, `encodingName`, `encoding`, or `recursive` are incorrect.\n- `ValueError`: If any of the provided file paths in a list are not files, or if a provided directory path is not a directory.\n- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If any of the files to be tokenized have an unsupported encoding.\n- `RuntimeError`: If the provided `inputPath` is neither a file, a directory, nor a list.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nfrom PyTokenCounter import TokenizeFiles\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\ninputFiles = [\n Path(\"TestFile1.txt\"),\n Path(\"TestFile2.txt\"),\n]\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=inputFiles, model=\"gpt-4o\")\nprint(tokens)\n\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)\nprint(tokens)\n\n# Tokenizing multiple files using the default model\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)\nprint(tokens)\n\nimport tiktoken\nencoding = tiktoken.get_encoding('p50k_base')\ndirPath = Path(\"TestDir\")\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, encoding=encoding, recursive=False)\nprint(tokens)\n\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, model=\"gpt-4o\", recursive=True, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokens)\n\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, recursive=True, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokens)\n\n\n# Tokenizing a directory using the default model\ntokens = tc.TokenizeFiles(inputPath=dirPath, recursive=True, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokens)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath: Path | str | list[Path | str], model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, exitOnListError: bool = True) -> int`\n\nCounts the number of tokens across multiple files or in all files within a directory.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `inputPath` (`Path | str | list[Path | str]`): The path to a file or directory, or a list of file paths to count tokens for.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.\n- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): If `inputPath` is a directory, whether to count tokens in files in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**\n- `exitOnListError` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, stop processing the list upon encountering an error. If `False`, skip files that cause errors. **Default: `True`**\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `int`: The total number of tokens in the specified files or directory.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `TypeError`: If the types of `inputPath`, `model`, `encodingName`, `encoding`, or `recursive` are incorrect.\n- `ValueError`: If any of the provided file paths in a list are not files, or if a provided directory path is not a directory, or if the provided model or encoding is invalid.\n- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If any of the files to be tokenized have an unsupported encoding.\n- `RuntimeError`: If the provided `inputPath` is neither a file, a directory, nor a list.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\ninputFiles = [\n Path(\"TestFile1.txt\"),\n Path(\"TestFile2.txt\"),\n]\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=inputFiles, model='gpt-4o')\nprint(numTokens)\n\n\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)\nprint(numTokens)\n\n# Counting tokens in multiple files using the default model\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=inputFiles)\nprint(numTokens)\n\n\nimport tiktoken\nencoding = tiktoken.get_encoding('p50k_base')\ndirPath = Path(\"TestDir\")\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=dirPath, encoding=encoding, recursive=False)\nprint(numTokens)\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=dirPath, model='gpt-4o', recursive=True)\nprint(numTokens)\n\n# Counting tokens in a directory using the default model\nnumTokens = tc.GetNumTokenFiles(inputPath=dirPath, recursive=True)\nprint(numTokens)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `TokenizeDir(dirPath: Path | str, model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, mapTokens: bool = True) -> dict[str, list[int] | dict]`\n\nTokenizes all files within a directory into lists of token IDs or a mapping of decoded strings to tokens.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `dirPath` (`Path | str`): The path to the directory to tokenize.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.\n- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): Whether to tokenize files in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**\n- `mapTokens` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, outputs a dictionary mapping decoded strings to their token IDs for each file.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `dict[str, list[int] | dict]`: A nested dictionary where each key is a file or subdirectory name:\n - If the key is a file, its value is a list of token IDs.\n - If the key is a subdirectory, its value is another dictionary following the same structure.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `TypeError`: If the types of input parameters are incorrect.\n- `ValueError`: If the provided path is not a directory or if the model or encoding is invalid.\n- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file's encoding cannot be determined.\n- `FileNotFoundError`: If the directory does not exist.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\ndirPath = Path(\"TestDir\")\ntokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, model=\"gpt-4o\", recursive=True)\nprint(tokenizedDir)\n\ntokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True)\nprint(tokenizedDir)\n\n# Tokenizing a directory using the default model\ntokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True)\nprint(tokenizedDir)\n\ntokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, model=\"gpt-4o\", recursive=False)\nprint(tokenizedDir)\n\ntokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=False)\nprint(tokenizedDir)\n\n\ntokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, model=\"gpt-4o\", recursive=True, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokenizedDir)\n\n# Tokenizing a directory using the default model with token mapping\ntokenizedDir = tc.TokenizeDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True, mapTokens=True)\nprint(tokenizedDir)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `GetNumTokenDir(dirPath: Path | str, model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None, recursive: bool = True, quiet: bool = False) -> int`\n\nCounts the number of tokens in all files within a directory.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `dirPath` (`Path | str`): The path to the directory to count tokens for.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The name of the model to use for encoding. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): An existing `tiktoken.Encoding` object to use for tokenization.\n- `recursive` (`bool`, optional): Whether to count tokens in subdirectories recursively. **Default: `True`**\n- `quiet` (`bool`, optional): If `True`, suppresses progress updates. **Default: `False`**\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `int`: The total number of tokens in the directory.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `TypeError`: If the types of input parameters are incorrect.\n- `ValueError`: If the provided path is not a directory or if the model or encoding is invalid.\n- `UnsupportedEncodingError`: If the file's encoding cannot be determined.\n- `FileNotFoundError`: If the directory does not exist.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\ndirPath = Path(\"TestDir\")\nnumTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, model=\"gpt-4o\", recursive=True)\nprint(numTokensDir)\n\n# Counting tokens in a directory using the default model\nnumTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=True)\nprint(numTokensDir)\n\nnumTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, model=\"gpt-4o\", recursive=False)\nprint(numTokensDir)\n\nnumTokensDir = tc.GetNumTokenDir(dirPath=dirPath, recursive=False)\nprint(numTokensDir)\n```\n\n---\n\n### Token Mapping\n\n#### `MapTokens(tokens: list[int] | OrderedDict[str, list[int] | OrderedDict], model: str | None = \"gpt-4o\", encodingName: str | None = None, encoding: tiktoken.Encoding | None = None) -> OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict[str, OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict]`\n\nMaps tokens to their corresponding decoded strings based on a specified encoding.\n\n**Parameters:**\n\n- `tokens` (`list[int] | OrderedDict[str, list[int] | OrderedDict]`): The tokens to be mapped. This can either be:\n - A list of integer tokens to decode.\n - An `OrderedDict` with string keys and values that are either:\n - A list of integer tokens.\n - Another nested `OrderedDict` with the same structure.\n- `model` (`str`, optional): The model name to use for determining the encoding. **Default: `\"gpt-4o\"`**\n- `encodingName` (`str`, optional): The name of the encoding to use.\n- `encoding` (`tiktoken.Encoding`, optional): The encoding object to use.\n\n**Returns:**\n\n- `OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict[str, OrderedDict[str, int] | OrderedDict]`: A mapping of decoded strings to their corresponding integer tokens. If `tokens` is a nested structure, the result will maintain the same nested structure with decoded mappings.\n\n**Raises:**\n\n- `TypeError`: If `tokens` is not a list of integers or an `OrderedDict` of strings mapped to tokens.\n- `ValueError`: If an invalid model or encoding name is provided, or if the encoding does not match the model or encoding name.\n- `KeyError`: If a token is not in the given encoding's vocabulary.\n- `RuntimeError`: If an unexpected error occurs while validating the encoding.\n\n**Example:**\n\n```python\nimport PyTokenCounter as tc\nimport tiktoken\nfrom collections import OrderedDict\n\nencoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(\"cl100k_base\")\ntokens = [123,456,789]\nmapped = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens, encoding=encoding)\nprint(mapped)\n\ntokens = OrderedDict({\n \"file1\": [123,456,789],\n \"file2\": [987,654,321],\n \"subdir\": OrderedDict({\n \"file3\": [246, 135, 798],\n \"file4\": [951, 753, 864]\n })\n})\n\nmapped = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens, encoding=encoding)\nprint(mapped)\n\n# Mapping tokens using the default model\nmapped = tc.MapTokens(tokens=tokens)\nprint(mapped)\n```\n\n---\n\n## Maintainers\n\n- [Kaden Gruizenga](\n\n## Acknowledgements\n\n- This project is based on the `tiktoken` library created by [OpenAI](\n\n## Contributing\n\nContributions are welcome! Feel free to [open an issue]( or submit a pull request.\n\n## License\n\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.\n",
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"license": "MIT License Copyright (c) 2024 Kaden Gruizenga Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.",
"summary": "A Python library for tokenizing text and counting tokens using various encoding schemes.",
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" tiktoken",
" openai",
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" language-model",
" llm",
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" natural-language-processing",
" nlp",
" machine-learning",
" ai",
" text-processing",
" language-models"
"urls": [
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