
NameRecTools JSON
Version 0.8.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryAn easy-to-use Python library for building recommendation systems
upload_time2024-08-28 14:58:58
maintainerEmiliy Feldman
authorEmiliy Feldman
keywords recsys recommendation systems machine learning ai personalization
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # RecTools

[![Python versions](](



<p align="center">
  <a href="">Documentation</a> |
  <a href="">Examples</a> |
    <a href="">Tutorials</a> |
  <a href="">Contributing</a> |
  <a href="">Releases</a> |
  <a href="">Developers Board</a>

RecTools is an easy-to-use Python library which makes the process of building recommendation systems easier, 
faster and more structured than ever before.
It includes built-in toolkits for data processing and metrics calculation, 
a variety of recommender models, some wrappers for already existing implementations of popular algorithms 
and model selection framework.
The aim is to collect ready-to-use solutions and best practices in one place to make processes 
of creating your first MVP and deploying model to production as fast and easy as possible.

## Get started

Prepare data with


import pandas as pd
from implicit.nearest_neighbours import TFIDFRecommender
from rectools import Columns
from rectools.dataset import Dataset
from rectools.models import ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel

# Read the data
ratings = pd.read_csv(
    engine="python",  # Because of 2-chars separators
    names=[Columns.User, Columns.Item, Columns.Weight, Columns.Datetime],
# Create dataset
dataset = Dataset.construct(ratings)
# Fit model
model = ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel(TFIDFRecommender(K=10))

# Make recommendations
recos = model.recommend(

## Installation

RecTools is on PyPI, so you can use `pip` to install it.
pip install rectools
The default version doesn't contain all the dependencies, because some of them are needed only for specific functionality. Available user extensions are the following:

- `lightfm`: adds wrapper for LightFM model,
- `torch`: adds models based on neural nets,
- `visuals`: adds visualization tools,
- `nmslib`: adds fast ANN recommenders.

Install extension:
pip install rectools[extension-name]

Install all extensions:
pip install rectools[all]

## Recommender Models
The table below lists recommender models that are available in RecTools.  
See [recommender baselines extended tutorial]( for deep dive into theory & practice of our supported models.

| Model | Type | Description (🎏 for user/item features, 🔆 for warm inference, ❄️ for cold inference support) | Tutorials & Benchmarks |
| [implicit]( ALS Wrapper | Matrix Factorization | `rectools.models.ImplicitALSWrapperModel` - Alternating Least Squares Matrix Factorizattion algorithm for implicit feedback. <br>🎏| 📙 [Theory & Practice](<br> 🚀 [50% boost to metrics with user & item features](examples/5_benchmark_iALS_with_features.ipynb) |
| [implicit]( ItemKNN Wrapper | Nearest Neighbours | `rectools.models.ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel` - Algorithm that calculates item-item similarity matrix using distances between item vectors in user-item interactions matrix | 📙 [Theory & Practice]( |
| [LightFM]( Wrapper | Matrix Factorization | `rectools.models.LightFMWrapperModel` - Hybrid matrix factorization algorithm which utilises user and item features and supports a variety of losses.<br>🎏 🔆 ❄️| 📙 [Theory & Practice](<br>🚀 [10-25 times faster inference with RecTools](examples/6_benchmark_lightfm_inference.ipynb)|
| EASE | Linear Autoencoder | `rectools.models.EASEModel` - Embarassingly Shallow Autoencoders implementation that explicitly calculates dense item-item similarity matrix | 📙 [Theory & Practice]( |
| PureSVD | Matrix Factorization | `rectools.models.PureSVDModel` - Truncated Singular Value Decomposition of user-item interactions matrix | 📙 [Theory & Practice]( |
| DSSM | Neural Network | `rectools.models.DSSMModel` - Two-tower Neural model that learns user and item embeddings utilising their explicit features and learning on triplet loss.<br>🎏 🔆 | - |
| Popular | Heuristic | `rectools.models.PopularModel` - Classic baseline which computes popularity of items and also accepts params like time window and type of popularity computation.<br>❄️| - |
| Popular in Category | Heuristic |  `rectools.models.PopularInCategoryModel` - Model that computes poularity within category and applies mixing strategy to increase Diversity.<br>❄️| - |
| Random |  Heuristic | `rectools.models.RandomModel` - Simple random algorithm useful to benchmark Novelty, Coverage, etc.<br>❄️| - |

- All of the models follow the same interface. **No exceptions**
- No need for manual creation of sparse matrixes or mapping ids. Preparing data for models is as simple as `dataset = Dataset.construct(interactions_df)`
- Fitting any model is as simple as ``
- For getting recommendations `filter_viewed` and `items_to_recommend` options are available
- For item-to-item recommendations use `recommend_to_items` method
- For feeding user/item features to model just specify dataframes when constructing `Dataset`. [Check our tutorial](examples/4_dataset_with_features.ipynb)
- For warm / cold inference just provide all required ids in `users` or `target_items` parameters of `recommend` or `recommend_to_items` methods and make sure you have features in the dataset for warm users/items. **Nothing else is needed, everything works out of the box.**

## Contribution
[Contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.rst)

To install all requirements
- you must have `python>=3.8` and `poetry>=1.5.0` installed
- make sure you have no active virtual environments (deactivate conda `base` if applicable)
- run
make install

For autoformatting run 
make format

For linters check run 
make lint

For tests run 
make test

For coverage run 
make coverage

To remove virtual environment run
make clean

## RecTools Team

- [Emiliy Feldman]( [Maintainer]
- [Daria Tikhonovich]( [Maintainer]
- [Alexander Butenko](
- [Andrey Semenov](
- [Mike Sokolov](
- [Maya Spirina](
- [Grigoriy Gusarov](

Previous contributors: [Ildar Safilo]( [ex-Maintainer], [Daniil Potapov]( [ex-Maintainer], [Igor Belkov](, [Artem Senin](, [Mikhail Khasykov](, [Julia Karamnova](, [Maxim Lukin](, [Yuri Ulianov](, [Egor Kratkov](, [Azat Sibagatulin](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "RecTools",
    "maintainer": "Emiliy Feldman",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<3.13,>=3.8.1",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "recsys, recommendation systems, machine learning, AI, personalization",
    "author": "Emiliy Feldman",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# RecTools\n\n[![Python versions](](\n[![PyPI](](\n[![Docs](](\n\n[![License](](\n[![Coverage](](\n[![Tests](](\n\n[![Contributors](](\n[![Downloads](](\n[![Telegram](](\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"\">Documentation</a> |\n  <a href=\"\">Examples</a> |\n    <a href=\"\">Tutorials</a> |\n  <a href=\"\">Contributing</a> |\n  <a href=\"\">Releases</a> |\n  <a href=\"\">Developers Board</a>\n</p>\n\nRecTools is an easy-to-use Python library which makes the process of building recommendation systems easier, \nfaster and more structured than ever before.\nIt includes built-in toolkits for data processing and metrics calculation, \na variety of recommender models, some wrappers for already existing implementations of popular algorithms \nand model selection framework.\nThe aim is to collect ready-to-use solutions and best practices in one place to make processes \nof creating your first MVP and deploying model to production as fast and easy as possible.\n\n\n\n## Get started\n\nPrepare data with\n\n```shell\nwget\nunzip\n```\n\n```python\nimport pandas as pd\nfrom implicit.nearest_neighbours import TFIDFRecommender\n    \nfrom rectools import Columns\nfrom rectools.dataset import Dataset\nfrom rectools.models import ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel\n\n# Read the data\nratings = pd.read_csv(\n    \"ml-1m/ratings.dat\", \n    sep=\"::\",\n    engine=\"python\",  # Because of 2-chars separators\n    header=None,\n    names=[Columns.User, Columns.Item, Columns.Weight, Columns.Datetime],\n)\n    \n# Create dataset\ndataset = Dataset.construct(ratings)\n    \n# Fit model\nmodel = ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel(TFIDFRecommender(K=10))\\n\n# Make recommendations\nrecos = model.recommend(\n    users=ratings[Columns.User].unique(),\n    dataset=dataset,\n    k=10,\n    filter_viewed=True,\n)\n```\n\n## Installation\n\nRecTools is on PyPI, so you can use `pip` to install it.\n```\npip install rectools\n```\nThe default version doesn't contain all the dependencies, because some of them are needed only for specific functionality. Available user extensions are the following:\n\n- `lightfm`: adds wrapper for LightFM model,\n- `torch`: adds models based on neural nets,\n- `visuals`: adds visualization tools,\n- `nmslib`: adds fast ANN recommenders.\n\nInstall extension:\n```\npip install rectools[extension-name]\n```\n\nInstall all extensions:\n```\npip install rectools[all]\n```\n\n\n## Recommender Models\nThe table below lists recommender models that are available in RecTools.  \nSee [recommender baselines extended tutorial]( for deep dive into theory & practice of our supported models.\n\n| Model | Type | Description (\ud83c\udf8f for user/item features, \ud83d\udd06 for warm inference, \u2744\ufe0f for cold inference support) | Tutorials & Benchmarks |\n|----|----|---------|--------|\n| [implicit]( ALS Wrapper | Matrix Factorization | `rectools.models.ImplicitALSWrapperModel` - Alternating Least Squares Matrix Factorizattion algorithm for implicit feedback. <br>\ud83c\udf8f| \ud83d\udcd9 [Theory & Practice](<br> \ud83d\ude80 [50% boost to metrics with user & item features](examples/5_benchmark_iALS_with_features.ipynb) |\n| [implicit]( ItemKNN Wrapper | Nearest Neighbours | `rectools.models.ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel` - Algorithm that calculates item-item similarity matrix using distances between item vectors in user-item interactions matrix | \ud83d\udcd9 [Theory & Practice]( |\n| [LightFM]( Wrapper | Matrix Factorization | `rectools.models.LightFMWrapperModel` - Hybrid matrix factorization algorithm which utilises user and item features and supports a variety of losses.<br>\ud83c\udf8f \ud83d\udd06 \u2744\ufe0f| \ud83d\udcd9 [Theory & Practice](<br>\ud83d\ude80 [10-25 times faster inference with RecTools](examples/6_benchmark_lightfm_inference.ipynb)|\n| EASE | Linear Autoencoder | `rectools.models.EASEModel` - Embarassingly Shallow Autoencoders implementation that explicitly calculates dense item-item similarity matrix | \ud83d\udcd9 [Theory & Practice]( |\n| PureSVD | Matrix Factorization | `rectools.models.PureSVDModel` - Truncated Singular Value Decomposition of user-item interactions matrix | \ud83d\udcd9 [Theory & Practice]( |\n| DSSM | Neural Network | `rectools.models.DSSMModel` - Two-tower Neural model that learns user and item embeddings utilising their explicit features and learning on triplet loss.<br>\ud83c\udf8f \ud83d\udd06 | - |\n| Popular | Heuristic | `rectools.models.PopularModel` - Classic baseline which computes popularity of items and also accepts params like time window and type of popularity computation.<br>\u2744\ufe0f| - |\n| Popular in Category | Heuristic |  `rectools.models.PopularInCategoryModel` - Model that computes poularity within category and applies mixing strategy to increase Diversity.<br>\u2744\ufe0f| - |\n| Random |  Heuristic | `rectools.models.RandomModel` - Simple random algorithm useful to benchmark Novelty, Coverage, etc.<br>\u2744\ufe0f| - |\n\n- All of the models follow the same interface. **No exceptions**\n- No need for manual creation of sparse matrixes or mapping ids. Preparing data for models is as simple as `dataset = Dataset.construct(interactions_df)`\n- Fitting any model is as simple as ``\n- For getting recommendations `filter_viewed` and `items_to_recommend` options are available\n- For item-to-item recommendations use `recommend_to_items` method\n- For feeding user/item features to model just specify dataframes when constructing `Dataset`. [Check our tutorial](examples/4_dataset_with_features.ipynb)\n- For warm / cold inference just provide all required ids in `users` or `target_items` parameters of `recommend` or `recommend_to_items` methods and make sure you have features in the dataset for warm users/items. **Nothing else is needed, everything works out of the box.**\n\n## Contribution\n[Contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.rst)\n\nTo install all requirements\n- you must have `python>=3.8` and `poetry>=1.5.0` installed\n- make sure you have no active virtual environments (deactivate conda `base` if applicable)\n- run\n```\nmake install\n```\n\n\nFor autoformatting run \n```\nmake format\n```\n\nFor linters check run \n```\nmake lint\n```\n\nFor tests run \n```\nmake test\n```\n\nFor coverage run \n```\nmake coverage\n```\n\nTo remove virtual environment run\n```\nmake clean\n```\n\n## RecTools Team\n\n- [Emiliy Feldman]( [Maintainer]\n- [Daria Tikhonovich]( [Maintainer]\n- [Alexander Butenko](\n- [Andrey Semenov](\n- [Mike Sokolov](\n- [Maya Spirina](\n- [Grigoriy Gusarov](\n\nPrevious contributors: [Ildar Safilo]( [ex-Maintainer], [Daniil Potapov]( [ex-Maintainer], [Igor Belkov](, [Artem Senin](, [Mikhail Khasykov](, [Julia Karamnova](, [Maxim Lukin](, [Yuri Ulianov](, [Egor Kratkov](, [Azat Sibagatulin](\n\n\n",
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