Version 1.2.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryEasily interact with Signal Metadata Format (SigMF) recordings.
upload_time2024-06-06 20:54:11
keywords gnuradio radio
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <p align="center"><img src="" alt="Rendered SigMF Logo"/></p>

This python module makes it easy to interact with Signal Metadata Format
(SigMF) recordings. This module works with Python 3.7+ and is distributed
freely under the terms GNU Lesser GPL v3 License.

This module follows the SigMF specification [html]([pdf]( from the [spec repository](

# Installation

To install the latest PyPi release, install from pip:

pip install sigmf

To install the latest git release, build from source:

git clone
cd sigmf-python
pip install .

Testing can be run with a variety of tools:

# pytest and coverage run locally
coverage run
# run coverage in a venv
tox run
# other useful tools
pylint sigmf tests

# Examples

### Load a SigMF archive; read all samples & metadata

import sigmf
handle = sigmf.sigmffile.fromfile('example.sigmf')
handle.read_samples() # returns all timeseries data
handle.get_global_info() # returns 'global' dictionary
handle.get_captures() # returns list of 'captures' dictionaries
handle.get_annotations() # returns list of all annotations

### Verify SigMF dataset integrity & compliance

sigmf_validate example.sigmf

### Load a SigMF dataset; read its annotation, metadata, and samples

from sigmf import SigMFFile, sigmffile

# Load a dataset
filename = 'logo/sigmf_logo' # extension is optional
signal = sigmffile.fromfile(filename)

# Get some metadata and all annotations
sample_rate = signal.get_global_field(SigMFFile.SAMPLE_RATE_KEY)
sample_count = signal.sample_count
signal_duration = sample_count / sample_rate
annotations = signal.get_annotations()

# Iterate over annotations
for adx, annotation in enumerate(annotations):
    annotation_start_idx = annotation[SigMFFile.START_INDEX_KEY]
    annotation_length = annotation[SigMFFile.LENGTH_INDEX_KEY]
    annotation_comment = annotation.get(SigMFFile.COMMENT_KEY, "[annotation {}]".format(adx))

    # Get capture info associated with the start of annotation
    capture = signal.get_capture_info(annotation_start_idx)
    freq_center = capture.get(SigMFFile.FREQUENCY_KEY, 0)
    freq_min = freq_center - 0.5*sample_rate
    freq_max = freq_center + 0.5*sample_rate

    # Get frequency edges of annotation (default to edges of capture)
    freq_start = annotation.get(SigMFFile.FLO_KEY)
    freq_stop = annotation.get(SigMFFile.FHI_KEY)

    # Get the samples corresponding to annotation
    samples = signal.read_samples(annotation_start_idx, annotation_length)

### Create and save a Collection of SigMF Recordings from numpy arrays

First, create a single SigMF Recording and save it to disk

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import sigmf
from sigmf import SigMFFile
from sigmf.utils import get_data_type_str

# suppose we have an complex timeseries signal
data = np.zeros(1024, dtype=np.complex64)

# write those samples to file in cf32_le

# create the metadata
meta = SigMFFile(
    data_file='example_cf32.sigmf-data', # extension is optional
    global_info = {
        SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY: get_data_type_str(data),  # in this case, 'cf32_le'
        SigMFFile.SAMPLE_RATE_KEY: 48000,
        SigMFFile.AUTHOR_KEY: '',
        SigMFFile.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'All zero complex float32 example file.',

# create a capture key at time index 0
meta.add_capture(0, metadata={
    SigMFFile.FREQUENCY_KEY: 915000000,
    SigMFFile.DATETIME_KEY: dt.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z',

# add an annotation at sample 100 with length 200 & 10 KHz width
meta.add_annotation(100, 200, metadata = {
    SigMFFile.FLO_KEY: 914995000.0,
    SigMFFile.FHI_KEY: 915005000.0,
    SigMFFile.COMMENT_KEY: 'example annotation',

# check for mistakes & write to disk
meta.tofile('example_cf32.sigmf-meta') # extension is optional

Now lets add another SigMF Recording and associate them with a SigMF Collection:

from sigmf import SigMFCollection

data_ci16 = np.zeros(1024, dtype=np.complex64)

#rescale and save as a complex int16 file:
data_ci16 *= pow(2, 15)

# create the metadata for the second file
meta_ci16 = SigMFFile(
    data_file='example_ci16.sigmf-data', # extension is optional
    global_info = {
        SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY: 'ci16_le', # get_data_type_str() is only valid for numpy types
        SigMFFile.SAMPLE_RATE_KEY: 48000,
        SigMFFile.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'All zero complex int16 file.',
meta_ci16.add_capture(0, metadata=meta.get_capture_info(0))

collection = SigMFCollection(['example_cf32.sigmf-meta', 'example_ci16.sigmf-meta'],
        metadata = {'collection': {
            SigMFCollection.AUTHOR_KEY: '',
            SigMFCollection.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'Collection of two all zero files.',
streams = collection.get_stream_names()
sigmf = [collection.get_SigMFFile(stream) for stream in streams]

The SigMF Collection and its associated Recordings can now be loaded like this:

from sigmf import sigmffile
collection = sigmffile.fromfile('example_zeros')
ci16_sigmffile = collection.get_SigMFFile(stream_name='example_ci16')
cf32_sigmffile = collection.get_SigMFFile(stream_name='example_cf32')

### Load a SigMF Archive and slice its data without untaring it

Since an *archive* is merely a tarball (uncompressed), and since there any many
excellent tools for manipulating tar files, it's fairly straightforward to
access the *data* part of a SigMF archive without un-taring it. This is a
compelling feature because __1__ archives make it harder for the `-data` and
the `-meta` to get separated, and __2__ some datasets are so large that it can
be impractical (due to available disk space, or slow network speeds if the
archive file resides on a network file share) or simply obnoxious to untar it

>>> import sigmf
>>> arc = sigmf.SigMFArchiveReader('/src/LTE.sigmf')
>>> arc.shape
>>> arc.ndim
>>> arc[:10]
array([-20.+11.j, -21. -6.j, -17.-20.j, -13.-52.j,   0.-75.j,  22.-58.j,
        48.-44.j,  49.-60.j,  31.-56.j,  23.-47.j], dtype=complex64)

The preceeding example exhibits another feature of this approach; the archive
`LTE.sigmf` is actually `complex-int16`'s on disk, for which there is no
corresponding type in `numpy`. However, the `.sigmffile` member keeps track of
this, and converts the data to `numpy.complex64` *after* slicing it, that is,
after reading it from disk.

>>> arc.sigmffile.get_global_field(sigmf.SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY)

>>> arc.sigmffile._memmap.dtype

>>> arc.sigmffile._return_type

Another supported mode is the case where you might have an archive that *is not
on disk* but instead is simply `bytes` in a python variable.
Instead of needing to write this out to a temporary file before being able to
read it, this can be done "in mid air" or "without touching the ground (disk)".

>>> import sigmf, io
>>> sigmf_bytes = io.BytesIO(open('/src/LTE.sigmf', 'rb').read())
>>> arc = sigmf.SigMFArchiveReader(archive_buffer=sigmf_bytes)
>>> arc[:10]
array([-20.+11.j, -21. -6.j, -17.-20.j, -13.-52.j,   0.-75.j,  22.-58.j,
        48.-44.j,  49.-60.j,  31.-56.j,  23.-47.j], dtype=complex64)

# Frequently Asked Questions

### Is this a GNU Radio effort?

*No*, this is not a GNU Radio-specific effort.
This effort first emerged from a group of GNU Radio core
developers, but the goal of the project to provide a standard that will be
useful to anyone and everyone, regardless of tool or workflow.

### Is this specific to wireless communications?

*No*, similar to the response, above, the goal is to create something that is
generally applicable to _signal processing_, regardless of whether or not the
application is communications related.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "SigMF",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "gnuradio, radio",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<p align=\"center\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Rendered SigMF Logo\"/></p>\n\nThis python module makes it easy to interact with Signal Metadata Format\n(SigMF) recordings. This module works with Python 3.7+ and is distributed\nfreely under the terms GNU Lesser GPL v3 License.\n\nThis module follows the SigMF specification [html]([pdf]( from the [spec repository](\n\n# Installation\n\nTo install the latest PyPi release, install from pip:\n\n```bash\npip install sigmf\n```\n\nTo install the latest git release, build from source:\n\n```bash\ngit clone\ncd sigmf-python\npip install .\n```\n\nTesting can be run with a variety of tools:\n\n```bash\n# pytest and coverage run locally\npytest\ncoverage run\n# run coverage in a venv\ntox run\n# other useful tools\npylint sigmf tests\npytype\nblack\nflake8\n```\n\n# Examples\n\n### Load a SigMF archive; read all samples & metadata\n\n```python\nimport sigmf\nhandle = sigmf.sigmffile.fromfile('example.sigmf')\nhandle.read_samples() # returns all timeseries data\nhandle.get_global_info() # returns 'global' dictionary\nhandle.get_captures() # returns list of 'captures' dictionaries\nhandle.get_annotations() # returns list of all annotations\n```\n\n### Verify SigMF dataset integrity & compliance\n\n```bash\nsigmf_validate example.sigmf\n```\n\n### Load a SigMF dataset; read its annotation, metadata, and samples\n\n```python\nfrom sigmf import SigMFFile, sigmffile\n\n# Load a dataset\nfilename = 'logo/sigmf_logo' # extension is optional\nsignal = sigmffile.fromfile(filename)\n\n# Get some metadata and all annotations\nsample_rate = signal.get_global_field(SigMFFile.SAMPLE_RATE_KEY)\nsample_count = signal.sample_count\nsignal_duration = sample_count / sample_rate\nannotations = signal.get_annotations()\n\n# Iterate over annotations\nfor adx, annotation in enumerate(annotations):\n    annotation_start_idx = annotation[SigMFFile.START_INDEX_KEY]\n    annotation_length = annotation[SigMFFile.LENGTH_INDEX_KEY]\n    annotation_comment = annotation.get(SigMFFile.COMMENT_KEY, \"[annotation {}]\".format(adx))\n\n    # Get capture info associated with the start of annotation\n    capture = signal.get_capture_info(annotation_start_idx)\n    freq_center = capture.get(SigMFFile.FREQUENCY_KEY, 0)\n    freq_min = freq_center - 0.5*sample_rate\n    freq_max = freq_center + 0.5*sample_rate\n\n    # Get frequency edges of annotation (default to edges of capture)\n    freq_start = annotation.get(SigMFFile.FLO_KEY)\n    freq_stop = annotation.get(SigMFFile.FHI_KEY)\n\n    # Get the samples corresponding to annotation\n    samples = signal.read_samples(annotation_start_idx, annotation_length)\n```\n\n### Create and save a Collection of SigMF Recordings from numpy arrays\n\nFirst, create a single SigMF Recording and save it to disk\n\n```python\nimport datetime as dt\nimport numpy as np\nimport sigmf\nfrom sigmf import SigMFFile\nfrom sigmf.utils import get_data_type_str\n\n# suppose we have an complex timeseries signal\ndata = np.zeros(1024, dtype=np.complex64)\n\n# write those samples to file in cf32_le\ndata.tofile('example_cf32.sigmf-data')\n\n# create the metadata\nmeta = SigMFFile(\n    data_file='example_cf32.sigmf-data', # extension is optional\n    global_info = {\n        SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY: get_data_type_str(data),  # in this case, 'cf32_le'\n        SigMFFile.SAMPLE_RATE_KEY: 48000,\n        SigMFFile.AUTHOR_KEY: '',\n        SigMFFile.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'All zero complex float32 example file.',\n    }\n)\n\n# create a capture key at time index 0\nmeta.add_capture(0, metadata={\n    SigMFFile.FREQUENCY_KEY: 915000000,\n    SigMFFile.DATETIME_KEY: dt.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z',\n})\n\n# add an annotation at sample 100 with length 200 & 10 KHz width\nmeta.add_annotation(100, 200, metadata = {\n    SigMFFile.FLO_KEY: 914995000.0,\n    SigMFFile.FHI_KEY: 915005000.0,\n    SigMFFile.COMMENT_KEY: 'example annotation',\n})\n\n# check for mistakes & write to disk\nmeta.tofile('example_cf32.sigmf-meta') # extension is optional\n```\n\nNow lets add another SigMF Recording and associate them with a SigMF Collection:\n\n```python\nfrom sigmf import SigMFCollection\n\ndata_ci16 = np.zeros(1024, dtype=np.complex64)\n\n#rescale and save as a complex int16 file:\ndata_ci16 *= pow(2, 15)\ndata_ci16.view(np.float32).astype(np.int16).tofile('example_ci16.sigmf-data')\n\n# create the metadata for the second file\nmeta_ci16 = SigMFFile(\n    data_file='example_ci16.sigmf-data', # extension is optional\n    global_info = {\n        SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY: 'ci16_le', # get_data_type_str() is only valid for numpy types\n        SigMFFile.SAMPLE_RATE_KEY: 48000,\n        SigMFFile.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'All zero complex int16 file.',\n    }\n)\nmeta_ci16.add_capture(0, metadata=meta.get_capture_info(0))\nmeta_ci16.tofile('example_ci16.sigmf-meta')\n\ncollection = SigMFCollection(['example_cf32.sigmf-meta', 'example_ci16.sigmf-meta'],\n        metadata = {'collection': {\n            SigMFCollection.AUTHOR_KEY: '',\n            SigMFCollection.DESCRIPTION_KEY: 'Collection of two all zero files.',\n        }\n    }\n)\nstreams = collection.get_stream_names()\nsigmf = [collection.get_SigMFFile(stream) for stream in streams]\ncollection.tofile('example_zeros.sigmf-collection')\n```\n\nThe SigMF Collection and its associated Recordings can now be loaded like this:\n\n```python\nfrom sigmf import sigmffile\ncollection = sigmffile.fromfile('example_zeros')\nci16_sigmffile = collection.get_SigMFFile(stream_name='example_ci16')\ncf32_sigmffile = collection.get_SigMFFile(stream_name='example_cf32')\n```\n\n### Load a SigMF Archive and slice its data without untaring it\n\nSince an *archive* is merely a tarball (uncompressed), and since there any many\nexcellent tools for manipulating tar files, it's fairly straightforward to\naccess the *data* part of a SigMF archive without un-taring it. This is a\ncompelling feature because __1__ archives make it harder for the `-data` and\nthe `-meta` to get separated, and __2__ some datasets are so large that it can\nbe impractical (due to available disk space, or slow network speeds if the\narchive file resides on a network file share) or simply obnoxious to untar it\nfirst.\n\n```python\n>>> import sigmf\n>>> arc = sigmf.SigMFArchiveReader('/src/LTE.sigmf')\n>>> arc.shape\n(15379532,)\n>>> arc.ndim\n1\n>>> arc[:10]\narray([-20.+11.j, -21. -6.j, -17.-20.j, -13.-52.j,   0.-75.j,  22.-58.j,\n        48.-44.j,  49.-60.j,  31.-56.j,  23.-47.j], dtype=complex64)\n```\n\nThe preceeding example exhibits another feature of this approach; the archive\n`LTE.sigmf` is actually `complex-int16`'s on disk, for which there is no\ncorresponding type in `numpy`. However, the `.sigmffile` member keeps track of\nthis, and converts the data to `numpy.complex64` *after* slicing it, that is,\nafter reading it from disk.\n\n```python\n>>> arc.sigmffile.get_global_field(sigmf.SigMFFile.DATATYPE_KEY)\n'ci16_le'\n\n>>> arc.sigmffile._memmap.dtype\ndtype('int16')\n\n>>> arc.sigmffile._return_type\n'<c8'\n```\n\nAnother supported mode is the case where you might have an archive that *is not\non disk* but instead is simply `bytes` in a python variable.\nInstead of needing to write this out to a temporary file before being able to\nread it, this can be done \"in mid air\" or \"without touching the ground (disk)\".\n\n```python\n>>> import sigmf, io\n>>> sigmf_bytes = io.BytesIO(open('/src/LTE.sigmf', 'rb').read())\n>>> arc = sigmf.SigMFArchiveReader(archive_buffer=sigmf_bytes)\n>>> arc[:10]\narray([-20.+11.j, -21. -6.j, -17.-20.j, -13.-52.j,   0.-75.j,  22.-58.j,\n        48.-44.j,  49.-60.j,  31.-56.j,  23.-47.j], dtype=complex64)\n```\n\n# Frequently Asked Questions\n\n### Is this a GNU Radio effort?\n\n*No*, this is not a GNU Radio-specific effort.\nThis effort first emerged from a group of GNU Radio core\ndevelopers, but the goal of the project to provide a standard that will be\nuseful to anyone and everyone, regardless of tool or workflow.\n\n### Is this specific to wireless communications?\n\n*No*, similar to the response, above, the goal is to create something that is\ngenerally applicable to _signal processing_, regardless of whether or not the\napplication is communications related.\n",
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