
NameWebTorchX JSON
Version 0.0.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryLCTP is a Selenium-based Low-Code Web Testing Automation tool in Python. It simplifies web testing using JSON configuration files, making it easy for testers and developers to automate test scenarios. Also This module provides a command-line interface for various tasks related to the LCTP application. You can use this CLI to run tests, generate requirements files, format Python files, and perform extra functions.
upload_time2023-09-03 07:56:02
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <p align="center">
    <img src="https://106714.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/106714/Low%20Code%20Citizen%20Developer.jpg" height="200">

<div align="center">
  <h3 align="center">
     WebTorch ( LCTP ) - Selenium Low-Code Web Testing Automation in Python

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<div align="center">

**LCTP** is a Selenium-based Low-Code Web Testing Automation tool in Python. It simplifies web testing using JSON configuration files, making it easy for testers and developers to automate test scenarios.

It's a powerful tool designed to streamline your testing efforts, and we're constantly improving it. However, please note that it's still a work in progress and not ready for production use.

[Getting started](#getting-started) ~ [Supported opcodes](#supported-opcodes) ~
[Build](#build) ~ [Test](#test) ~
[Report a bug](https://github.com/)
~ [Questions](https://www.newton.so/view?tags=LCTP)


<div align="center">
<img src="https://media3.giphy.com/media/9MbgJKNugBIi6QDwEf/200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474m3sg50anfj1rfi5m8628lnk3tqkd77089nsi4y8&rid=200w.webp&ct=g" height="400" />

<div align="center">
<h2> Fear of coding the testing files use the LCTP to relieve your complexity and upgrade your automation using LCTP for your application. </h2>

# Setup:
## Installation:
Install LCTP using the following command: `pip install LCTP`

## Usage:
{ <br/>
        "driver_path" : "../../../path", <br/>
        "auto_install":"true", <br/>
        "browser":"Opera", <br/>
        "get":"https://www.saucedemo.com/", <br/>
        "window" : "maximize" <br/>
The `setup` keyword is mandatory when using LCTP.

1. `driver_path`: Provide the path to the Selenium Chrome driver executable.
2. `auto_install`: Automatically download and install the Chrome driver if not found.
3. `browser`: Specify the browser to be used (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
4. `get`: Define the URL of the landing page.
5. `window`: It's recommended to use "maximize" to maximize the browser window. You can also use "minimize" if needed.
6. `screen_recorder`: Enable screen recording of the testing session.
7. `run_and_wait`: Wait for the browser window to run the program.

Auto_install can handle the following browsers:
        1. Chrome
        2. ChromeService
        3. Brave
        4. BraveService
        5. Firefox
        6. FirefoxService
        7. IE
        8. IEService
        9. Edge
        10. EdgeService
        11. Opera

## Get Elements  
### Supported selectors: ['id', 'name', 'class', 'xpath']
'id': Get elements by their ID attribute.
'name': Get elements by their Name attribute.
'class': Get elements by their Class attribute.
'xpath': Get elements by their XPath.

### Examples:
        "driver_path" : "../../../path",
        "browser":"Opera",  //
        "get":"https://www.saucedemo.com/", //
        "window" : "maximize" //
        "fill_user_name" : {
            "id" : "user-name:sk:minimize",
            "data" : "standard_user"

### Click a list of Elements line by line
list_data = ['ls_id_clk', 'ls_name_clk', 'ls_xpath_clk']

        "driver_path" : "../../../path",
        "browser":"Opera",  //
        "get":"https://www.saucedemo.com/", //
        "window" : "maximize" //
        "fill_user_name" : {
            "id" : "user-name:sk:minimize",
            "data" : "standard_user"
        "ls_id_clk" : ["add-to-cart-sauce-labs-backpack","add-to-cart-sauce-labs-bike-light","add-to-cart-sauce-labs-fleece-jacket"],
        "ls_name_clk" : ["add-to-cart-test.allthethings()-t-shirt-(red)","add-to-cart-sauce-labs-bolt-t-shirt","add-to-cart-sauce-labs-onesie"]
            "xpath": "//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize",
            "window":  "maximize"

### ScreenShot and ScreenRecorder
`"screen_recorder":"true"`: Enable screen recording from the beginning to the end of the test, and it is implemented only in the setup query. The recordings are stored in the Test_Video folder path.<br/>
`"take":"screenshot"`: Take a screenshot of the task at any line of code. The screenshots are stored in the ScreenShots folder path.

### Keywords
#### Send Keys
1. `sk`: Send keys to input fields. You can send keys using two ways: `:sk` and `:sk@data`. If `:sk` is used alone, then the data should be declared in another line.
2. 'c&sk': Clear the input field and send keys, similar to `sk`.

#### Window Controller
1. `window`: Use it with any field to maximize or minimize the browser window.
2. `set_window_position`: Set the position of the browser window.
            "xpath": "//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize",
            "window":  "maximize"
            "xpath": "//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize",
            "window":  "minimize"

# Selenium Low-Code Web Testing Automation Hot Keys

This Python module simplifies web testing with Selenium WebDriver using a low-code approach. It enables developers or testers to write test scenarios using JSON configuration files. Below is the documentation for the project, along with code examples for each section.

## Table of Contents

1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Usage](#usage)
    - [Setup Configuration](#setup-configuration)
    - [Login Testing](#login-testing)
    - [Home Page Testing](#home-page-testing)
    - [View Cart Testing](#view-cart-testing)
    - [Additional Example](#additional-example)
3. [JSON Configuration](#json-configuration)
    - [Setup Section](#setup-section)
    - [Login Testing Section](#login-testing-section)
    - [Home Page Section](#home-page-section)
    - [View Cart Section](#view-cart-section)
4. [Advanced Features](#advanced-features)
    - [Screen Recording](#screen-recording)
    - [Running and Waiting](#running-and-waiting)
    - [Taking Screenshots](#taking-screenshots)
    - [Executing Python Code](#executing-python-code)
5. [Additional Example Configuration](#additional-example-configuration)
6. [Contributing](#contributing)
7. [License](#license)

## Installation <a name="installation"></a>

You can install this module using pip:

pip install selenium-webtest
## Usage <a name="usage"></a>

To use this module, follow these steps:

1. Create a JSON configuration file for your test scenarios.
2. Utilize the `WebTestExecutor` class to execute your tests.

Here's how you can structure your JSON configuration file and perform different test actions:

### Setup Configuration <a name="setup-configuration"></a>

The `setup` section in your JSON configuration file is used to set up your test environment. It includes the following parameters:

- `driver_path` (str): The path to your WebDriver executable (e.g., ChromeDriver).
- `auto_install` (str): Automatically install the WebDriver if it's not found (set to `"true"` to enable).
- `browser` (str): Specify the browser to use (e.g., "Opera").
- `get` (str): The URL of the website to be tested.
- `window` (str): Maximize the browser window (set to "maximize" to enable).


    "setup": {
        "driver_path": "../../../path",
        "auto_install": "true",
        "browser": "Opera",
        "get": "https://www.saucedemo.com/",
        "window": "maximize"

### Login Testing <a name="login-testing"></a>

The `login_testing` section defines actions related to logging into a website. It includes the following parameters:

- `fill_user_name`: Fill the username input field.
- `fill_password`: Fill the password input field.
- `click_login_btn`: Click the login button.


    "login_testing": {
        "fill_user_name": {
            "id": "user-name:sk:minimize",
            "data": "standard_user"
        "fill_password": {
            "id": "password:sk",
            "data": "secret_sauce",
            "take": "screenshot"
        "click_login_btn": {
            "id": "login-button:click"

### Home Page Testing <a name="home-page-testing"></a>

The `home_page` section defines actions for interacting with elements on the home page of the website. It includes the following parameters:

- `set_window_position` (optional): Set the position of the browser window.
- `ls_id_clk`: Click elements by their IDs.
- `ls_name_clk`: Click elements by their names.


    "home_page": {
        "set_window_position": [10, 10],
        "ls_id_clk": [
        "ls_name_clk": [

### View Cart Testing <a name="view-cart-testing"></a>

The `view_cart` section defines actions for viewing the shopping cart. It includes the following parameters:

- `select_select_box`: Select an option from a dropdown menu by index.
- `nav_to_view_cart`: Navigate to the shopping cart and maximize the window.


    "view_cart": {
        "select_select_box": {
            "xpath": "//*[@id='header_container']/div[2]/div[2]/span/select:select_by_index@2"
        "nav_to_view_cart": {
            "xpath": "//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize",
            "window": "maximize"

### Additional Example Configuration <a name="additional-example"></a>

Here's an additional example of JSON configuration to perform web testing actions:

    "setup": {
        "web_driver_location": "path",
        "dict": {
            "a": {
                "id": "hello"
    "login_page": {
        "msg": "to login into",
        "id": "id",
        "name": "name",
        "xpath": "xpath",
        "link_text": "LINK_TEXT",
        "tag_name": "TAG_NAME",
        "partial_link_text": "PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT",
        "class_name": "CLASS_NAME",
        "css_selector": "CSS_SELECTOR",
        "send_key": "values",
        "sleep": "2s"

This example illustrates how to configure the web driver location and login page testing actions using various element attributes.

## JSON Configuration <a name="json-configuration"></a>

### Setup Section <a name="setup-section"></a>

The `setup` section includes parameters for configuring the test environment. It must be the first section in your JSON configuration file.

- `driver_path` (str): The path to the WebDriver executable.
- `auto_install` (str): Automatically install the WebDriver if not found (set to `"true"` to enable).
- `browser` (str): Specify the browser to use.
- `get` (str): The URL of the website to test.
- `window` (str): Maximize the browser window after opening.

### Login Testing Section <a name="login-testing-section"></a>

The `login_testing` section defines actions for logging into a website.

- Each action should be a JSON object with a unique name.
- Specify the target element using its attributes (e.g., `id`, `xpath`).
- Use the `data` field to provide input data (e.g., username and password).
- Use `take` to take a screenshot after the action (optional).
- Use `click` to perform a click action (optional).

### Home Page Section <a name="home-page-section"></a>

The `home_page` section defines actions for interacting with elements on the home page of the website.

- `set_window_position` (optional): Set the position of the browser window.
- `ls_id_clk` (list of str): Click elements by their IDs.
- `ls_name_clk` (list of str): Click elements by their names.

### View Cart Section <a name="view-cart-section"></a>

The `view_cart` section defines actions for viewing the shopping cart.

- `select_select_box` (optional): Select an option from a dropdown menu by index.
- `nav_to_view_cart` (optional): Navigate to the shopping cart and maximize the window.

## Advanced Features <a name="advanced-features"></a>

### Screen Recording <a name="screen-recording"></a>

Enable screen recording during testing by setting `"screen_recorder"` to `"true"` in the `setup` section.

### Running and Waiting <a name="running-and-waiting"></a>

Set `"run_and_wait"` to `"true"` in the `setup` section to make the script wait for elements to become visible or clickable before performing actions.

### Taking Screenshots <a name="taking-screenshots"></a>

Take screenshots after specific actions by adding `"take": "screenshot"` to those actions in the `login_testing` section.

### Executing Python Code <a name="executing-python-code"></a>

Execute custom Python code during testing by setting `"code"` to `"true"` in a login action. Specify your Python code in the `"python_code"` field or provide a file path using `"python_code_path"`.

## Additional Example Configuration <a name="additional-example-configuration"></a>

Here's an additional example configuration demonstrating web driver location setup and login page testing actions. You can configure various element attributes for testing different web pages.

## Contributing <a name="contributing"></a>

Contributions to this project are welcome. Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests on the GitHub repository.
## Usage:
  <pre>    -h, --help: Show this help message.
    --version, --V, --v: Show version information.
    -test <test_file>: Run tests based on a JSON configuration file.
    -req <requirements_file>: Create a requirements.txt file.
    -f <python_file>: Format a single Python file.
    -fa <directory>: Format all Python files in a directory.

## License <a name="license"></a>

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Change Log
========== (03/09/2023)

-First Release


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "http://nagipragalathan.pythonanywhere.com/",
    "name": "WebTorchX",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "NagiPragalathan",
    "author_email": "nagipragalathan@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<p align=\"center\">\r\n    <img src=\"https://106714.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/106714/Low%20Code%20Citizen%20Developer.jpg\" height=\"200\">\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n  <h3 align=\"center\">\r\n     WebTorch ( LCTP ) - Selenium Low-Code Web Testing Automation in Python\r\n  </h3>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/NagiPragalathan/WebTorch?style=flat-square&logo=github)\r\n![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/NagiPragalathan/WebTorch?logo=github&style=flat-square)\r\n![GitHub top language](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/NagiPragalathan/WebTorch?style=flat-square)\r\n[![Telegram](https://img.shields.io/badge/telegram-nagipragalathan-yellow.svg?logo=telegram)](https://t.me/nagipragalathan)\r\n![Contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-orange.svg)\r\n[![Read FAQ](https://img.shields.io/badge/Ask%20Question-Read%20FAQ-000000)](https://www.newton.so/view?tags=LCTP)\r\n![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/NagiPragalathan/WebTorch?style=social)\r\n[![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/nagipragalathan?style=social)](https://twitter.com/NagiPragalathan)\r\n\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n\r\n**LCTP** is a Selenium-based Low-Code Web Testing Automation tool in Python. It simplifies web testing using JSON configuration files, making it easy for testers and developers to automate test scenarios.\r\n\r\nIt's a powerful tool designed to streamline your testing efforts, and we're constantly improving it. However, please note that it's still a work in progress and not ready for production use.\r\n\r\n[Getting started](#getting-started) ~ [Supported opcodes](#supported-opcodes) ~\r\n[Build](#build) ~ [Test](#test) ~\r\n[Report a bug](https://github.com/)\r\n~ [Questions](https://www.newton.so/view?tags=LCTP)\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<img src=\"https://media3.giphy.com/media/9MbgJKNugBIi6QDwEf/200w.webp?cid=ecf05e474m3sg50anfj1rfi5m8628lnk3tqkd77089nsi4y8&rid=200w.webp&ct=g\" height=\"400\" />\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<h2> Fear of coding the testing files use the LCTP to relieve your complexity and upgrade your automation using LCTP for your application. </h2>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n# Setup:\r\n## Installation:\r\nInstall LCTP using the following command: `pip install LCTP`\r\n\r\n## Usage:\r\n<hr/>\r\n<pre>\r\n{ <br/>\r\n    \"setup\":{<br/>\r\n        \"driver_path\" : \"../../../path\", <br/>\r\n        \"auto_install\":\"true\", <br/>\r\n        \"browser\":\"Opera\", <br/>\r\n        \"get\":\"https://www.saucedemo.com/\", <br/>\r\n        \"window\" : \"maximize\" <br/>\r\n        \"screen_recorder\":\"true\",\r\n        \"run_amd_wait\":\"true\"\r\n    }<br/>\r\n}<br/>\r\n</pre>\r\n<hr/>\r\nThe `setup` keyword is mandatory when using LCTP.\r\n\r\n1. `driver_path`: Provide the path to the Selenium Chrome driver executable.\r\n2. `auto_install`: Automatically download and install the Chrome driver if not found.\r\n3. `browser`: Specify the browser to be used (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).\r\n4. `get`: Define the URL of the landing page.\r\n5. `window`: It's recommended to use \"maximize\" to maximize the browser window. You can also use \"minimize\" if needed.\r\n6. `screen_recorder`: Enable screen recording of the testing session.\r\n7. `run_and_wait`: Wait for the browser window to run the program.\r\n\r\nAuto_install can handle the following browsers:\r\n<pre>\r\n        1. Chrome\r\n        2. ChromeService\r\n        3. Brave\r\n        4. BraveService\r\n        5. Firefox\r\n        6. FirefoxService\r\n        7. IE\r\n        8. IEService\r\n        9. Edge\r\n        10. EdgeService\r\n        11. Opera\r\n</pre>\r\n\r\n## Get Elements  \r\n### Supported selectors: ['id', 'name', 'class', 'xpath']\r\n<pre>\r\n'id': Get elements by their ID attribute.\r\n'name': Get elements by their Name attribute.\r\n'class': Get elements by their Class attribute.\r\n'xpath': Get elements by their XPath.\r\n</pre>\r\n\r\n### Examples:\r\n<pre>\r\n{   \r\n    \"setup\":{\r\n        \"driver_path\" : \"../../../path\",\r\n        \"auto_install\":\"true\",\r\n        \"browser\":\"Opera\",  //\r\n        \"get\":\"https://www.saucedemo.com/\", //\r\n        \"window\" : \"maximize\" //\r\n    },\r\n    \"login_testing\":{\r\n        \"fill_user_name\" : {\r\n            \"id\" : \"user-name:sk:minimize\",\r\n            \"data\" : \"standard_user\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"fill_password\":{\r\n            \"id\":\"password:sk\",\r\n            \"data\":\"secret_sauce\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"click_login_btn\":{\r\n            \"id\":\"login-button:click\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n }\r\n</pre>\r\n\r\n### Click a list of Elements line by line\r\nlist_data = ['ls_id_clk', 'ls_name_clk', 'ls_xpath_clk']\r\n\r\n<pre>\r\n{   \r\n    \"setup\":{\r\n        \"driver_path\" : \"../../../path\",\r\n        \"auto_install\":\"true\",\r\n        \"browser\":\"Opera\",  //\r\n        \"get\":\"https://www.saucedemo.com/\", //\r\n        \"window\" : \"maximize\" //\r\n    },\r\n    \"login_testing\":{\r\n        \"fill_user_name\" : {\r\n            \"id\" : \"user-name:sk:minimize\",\r\n            \"data\" : \"standard_user\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"fill_password\":{\r\n            \"id\":\"password:sk\",\r\n            \"data\":\"secret_sauce\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"click_login_btn\":{\r\n            \"id\":\"login-button:click\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    \"home_page\":{\r\n        \"ls_id_clk\" : [\"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-backpack\",\"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-bike-light\",\"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-fleece-jacket\"],\r\n        \"ls_name_clk\" : [\"add-to-cart-test.allthethings()-t-shirt-(red)\",\"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-bolt-t-shirt\",\"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-onesie\"]\r\n    },\r\n    \"view_cart\":{\r\n        \"select_select_box\":{\r\n            \"xpath\":\"//*[@id='header_container']/div[2]/div[2]/span/select:select_by_index@2\"   \r\n        },\r\n        \"nav_to_view_cart\":{\r\n            \"xpath\": \"//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize\",\r\n            \"window\":  \"maximize\"\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n</pre>\r\n\r\n### ScreenShot and ScreenRecorder\r\n`\"screen_recorder\":\"true\"`: Enable screen recording from the beginning to the end of the test, and it is implemented only in the setup query. The recordings are stored in the Test_Video folder path.<br/>\r\n`\"take\":\"screenshot\"`: Take a screenshot of the task at any line of code. The screenshots are stored in the ScreenShots folder path.\r\n\r\n### Keywords\r\n#### Send Keys\r\n1. `sk`: Send keys to input fields. You can send keys using two ways: `:sk` and `:sk@data`. If `:sk` is used alone, then the data should be declared in another line.\r\n2. 'c&sk': Clear the input field and send keys, similar to `sk`.\r\n<pre>\r\n \"fill_password\":{\r\n            \"id\":\"password:sk\",\r\n            \"data\":\"secret_sauce\"\r\n        },\r\n \"fill_changepassword\":{\r\n            \"id\":\"changepassword:c&sk\",\r\n            \"data\":\"secret_sauce\"\r\n        },\r\n</pre>\r\n\r\n#### Window Controller\r\n1. `window`: Use it with any field to maximize or minimize the browser window.\r\n2. `set_window_position`: Set the position of the browser window.\r\n<pre>\r\n\"nav_to_view_cart\":{\r\n            \"xpath\": \"//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize\",\r\n            \"window\":  \"maximize\"\r\n        }\r\n\"nav_to_view_cart\":{\r\n            \"xpath\": \"//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize\",\r\n            \"window\":  \"minimize\"\r\n        }\r\n</pre>\r\n\r\n# Selenium Low-Code Web Testing Automation Hot Keys\r\n\r\nThis Python module simplifies web testing with Selenium WebDriver using a low-code approach. It enables developers or testers to write test scenarios using JSON configuration files. Below is the documentation for the project, along with code examples for each section.\r\n\r\n## Table of Contents\r\n\r\n1. [Installation](#installation)\r\n2. [Usage](#usage)\r\n    - [Setup Configuration](#setup-configuration)\r\n    - [Login Testing](#login-testing)\r\n    - [Home Page Testing](#home-page-testing)\r\n    - [View Cart Testing](#view-cart-testing)\r\n    - [Additional Example](#additional-example)\r\n3. [JSON Configuration](#json-configuration)\r\n    - [Setup Section](#setup-section)\r\n    - [Login Testing Section](#login-testing-section)\r\n    - [Home Page Section](#home-page-section)\r\n    - [View Cart Section](#view-cart-section)\r\n4. [Advanced Features](#advanced-features)\r\n    - [Screen Recording](#screen-recording)\r\n    - [Running and Waiting](#running-and-waiting)\r\n    - [Taking Screenshots](#taking-screenshots)\r\n    - [Executing Python Code](#executing-python-code)\r\n5. [Additional Example Configuration](#additional-example-configuration)\r\n6. [Contributing](#contributing)\r\n7. [License](#license)\r\n\r\n## Installation <a name=\"installation\"></a>\r\n\r\nYou can install this module using pip:\r\n\r\n```\r\npip install selenium-webtest\r\n```\r\n## Usage <a name=\"usage\"></a>\r\n\r\nTo use this module, follow these steps:\r\n\r\n1. Create a JSON configuration file for your test scenarios.\r\n2. Utilize the `WebTestExecutor` class to execute your tests.\r\n\r\nHere's how you can structure your JSON configuration file and perform different test actions:\r\n\r\n### Setup Configuration <a name=\"setup-configuration\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `setup` section in your JSON configuration file is used to set up your test environment. It includes the following parameters:\r\n\r\n- `driver_path` (str): The path to your WebDriver executable (e.g., ChromeDriver).\r\n- `auto_install` (str): Automatically install the WebDriver if it's not found (set to `\"true\"` to enable).\r\n- `browser` (str): Specify the browser to use (e.g., \"Opera\").\r\n- `get` (str): The URL of the website to be tested.\r\n- `window` (str): Maximize the browser window (set to \"maximize\" to enable).\r\n\r\n**Example:**\r\n\r\n\r\n<pre>{\r\n    \"setup\": {\r\n        \"driver_path\": \"../../../path\",\r\n        \"auto_install\": \"true\",\r\n        \"browser\": \"Opera\",\r\n        \"get\": \"https://www.saucedemo.com/\",\r\n        \"window\": \"maximize\"\r\n    },\r\n    ...\r\n}</pre> \r\n\r\n### Login Testing <a name=\"login-testing\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `login_testing` section defines actions related to logging into a website. It includes the following parameters:\r\n\r\n- `fill_user_name`: Fill the username input field.\r\n- `fill_password`: Fill the password input field.\r\n- `click_login_btn`: Click the login button.\r\n\r\n**Example:**\r\n\r\n\r\n<pre>{\r\n    \"login_testing\": {\r\n        \"fill_user_name\": {\r\n            \"id\": \"user-name:sk:minimize\",\r\n            \"data\": \"standard_user\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"fill_password\": {\r\n            \"id\": \"password:sk\",\r\n            \"data\": \"secret_sauce\",\r\n            \"take\": \"screenshot\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"click_login_btn\": {\r\n            \"id\": \"login-button:click\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    ...\r\n}</pre> \r\n\r\n### Home Page Testing <a name=\"home-page-testing\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `home_page` section defines actions for interacting with elements on the home page of the website. It includes the following parameters:\r\n\r\n- `set_window_position` (optional): Set the position of the browser window.\r\n- `ls_id_clk`: Click elements by their IDs.\r\n- `ls_name_clk`: Click elements by their names.\r\n\r\n**Example:**\r\n\r\n\r\n<pre>{\r\n    \"home_page\": {\r\n        \"set_window_position\": [10, 10],\r\n        \"ls_id_clk\": [\r\n            \"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-backpack\",\r\n            \"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-bike-light\",\r\n            \"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-fleece-jacket\"\r\n        ],\r\n        \"ls_name_clk\": [\r\n            \"add-to-cart-test.allthethings()-t-shirt-(red)\",\r\n            \"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-bolt-t-shirt\",\r\n            \"add-to-cart-sauce-labs-onesie\"\r\n        ]\r\n    },\r\n    ...\r\n}</pre> \r\n\r\n### View Cart Testing <a name=\"view-cart-testing\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `view_cart` section defines actions for viewing the shopping cart. It includes the following parameters:\r\n\r\n- `select_select_box`: Select an option from a dropdown menu by index.\r\n- `nav_to_view_cart`: Navigate to the shopping cart and maximize the window.\r\n\r\n**Example:**\r\n\r\n\r\n<pre>{\r\n    \"view_cart\": {\r\n        \"select_select_box\": {\r\n            \"xpath\": \"//*[@id='header_container']/div[2]/div[2]/span/select:select_by_index@2\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"nav_to_view_cart\": {\r\n            \"xpath\": \"//*[@id='shopping_cart_container']/a:click:minimize\",\r\n            \"window\": \"maximize\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    ...\r\n}</pre> \r\n\r\n### Additional Example Configuration <a name=\"additional-example\"></a>\r\n\r\nHere's an additional example of JSON configuration to perform web testing actions:\r\n\r\n\r\n<pre>{\r\n    \"setup\": {\r\n        \"web_driver_location\": \"path\",\r\n        \"dict\": {\r\n            \"a\": {\r\n                \"id\": \"hello\"\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    \"login_page\": {\r\n        \"msg\": \"to login into\",\r\n        \"id\": \"id\",\r\n        \"name\": \"name\",\r\n        \"xpath\": \"xpath\",\r\n        \"link_text\": \"LINK_TEXT\",\r\n        \"tag_name\": \"TAG_NAME\",\r\n        \"partial_link_text\": \"PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT\",\r\n        \"class_name\": \"CLASS_NAME\",\r\n        \"css_selector\": \"CSS_SELECTOR\",\r\n        \"send_key\": \"values\",\r\n        \"sleep\": \"2s\"\r\n    }\r\n}</pre> \r\n\r\nThis example illustrates how to configure the web driver location and login page testing actions using various element attributes.\r\n\r\n## JSON Configuration <a name=\"json-configuration\"></a>\r\n\r\n### Setup Section <a name=\"setup-section\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `setup` section includes parameters for configuring the test environment. It must be the first section in your JSON configuration file.\r\n\r\n- `driver_path` (str): The path to the WebDriver executable.\r\n- `auto_install` (str): Automatically install the WebDriver if not found (set to `\"true\"` to enable).\r\n- `browser` (str): Specify the browser to use.\r\n- `get` (str): The URL of the website to test.\r\n- `window` (str): Maximize the browser window after opening.\r\n\r\n### Login Testing Section <a name=\"login-testing-section\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `login_testing` section defines actions for logging into a website.\r\n\r\n- Each action should be a JSON object with a unique name.\r\n- Specify the target element using its attributes (e.g., `id`, `xpath`).\r\n- Use the `data` field to provide input data (e.g., username and password).\r\n- Use `take` to take a screenshot after the action (optional).\r\n- Use `click` to perform a click action (optional).\r\n\r\n### Home Page Section <a name=\"home-page-section\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `home_page` section defines actions for interacting with elements on the home page of the website.\r\n\r\n- `set_window_position` (optional): Set the position of the browser window.\r\n- `ls_id_clk` (list of str): Click elements by their IDs.\r\n- `ls_name_clk` (list of str): Click elements by their names.\r\n\r\n### View Cart Section <a name=\"view-cart-section\"></a>\r\n\r\nThe `view_cart` section defines actions for viewing the shopping cart.\r\n\r\n- `select_select_box` (optional): Select an option from a dropdown menu by index.\r\n- `nav_to_view_cart` (optional): Navigate to the shopping cart and maximize the window.\r\n\r\n## Advanced Features <a name=\"advanced-features\"></a>\r\n\r\n### Screen Recording <a name=\"screen-recording\"></a>\r\n\r\nEnable screen recording during testing by setting `\"screen_recorder\"` to `\"true\"` in the `setup` section.\r\n\r\n### Running and Waiting <a name=\"running-and-waiting\"></a>\r\n\r\nSet `\"run_and_wait\"` to `\"true\"` in the `setup` section to make the script wait for elements to become visible or clickable before performing actions.\r\n\r\n### Taking Screenshots <a name=\"taking-screenshots\"></a>\r\n\r\nTake screenshots after specific actions by adding `\"take\": \"screenshot\"` to those actions in the `login_testing` section.\r\n\r\n### Executing Python Code <a name=\"executing-python-code\"></a>\r\n\r\nExecute custom Python code during testing by setting `\"code\"` to `\"true\"` in a login action. Specify your Python code in the `\"python_code\"` field or provide a file path using `\"python_code_path\"`.\r\n\r\n## Additional Example Configuration <a name=\"additional-example-configuration\"></a>\r\n\r\nHere's an additional example configuration demonstrating web driver location setup and login page testing actions. You can configure various element attributes for testing different web pages.\r\n\r\n## Contributing <a name=\"contributing\"></a>\r\n\r\nContributions to this project are welcome. Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests on the GitHub repository.\r\n## Usage:\r\n  <pre>    -h, --help: Show this help message.\r\n    --version, --V, --v: Show version information.\r\n    -test <test_file>: Run tests based on a JSON configuration file.\r\n    -req <requirements_file>: Create a requirements.txt file.\r\n    -f <python_file>: Format a single Python file.\r\n    -fa <directory>: Format all Python files in a directory.\r\n</pre>\r\n\r\n## License <a name=\"license\"></a>\r\n\r\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.\r\n\r\nChange Log\r\n==========\r\n\r\n0.0.0.1 (03/09/2023)\r\n--------------------\r\n\r\n-First Release\r\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "LCTP is a Selenium-based Low-Code Web Testing Automation tool in Python. It simplifies web testing using JSON configuration files, making it easy for testers and developers to automate test scenarios. Also This module provides a command-line interface for various tasks related to the LCTP application. You can use this CLI to run tests, generate requirements files, format Python files, and perform extra functions.",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "http://nagipragalathan.pythonanywhere.com/"
    "split_keywords": [],
    "urls": [
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