# Automate the Microsoft Windows GUI with Pandas
#### This module will show you all elements on your screen that have a handle/hwnd.
##### It also shows hidden windows used, for example,
##### to process keystrokes. Once you have the handle on those windows, automation is much easier.
pip install a-pandas-ex-automate-win32
from a_pandas_ex_automate_win32 import pd_add_automate_win32
import pandas as pd
df = pd.Q_get_automate32_df()
parent pid title windowtext hwnd length tid status coords_client dim_client coords_win dim_win class_name path
0 197994 1312 Dwm DWM Notification Window 65632 24 1316 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (-32000, -31840, -32000, -31972) (160, 28) Dwm
1 132098 1492 SeparatorBand 3867734 1 6116 visible (0, 7, 0, 1) (7, 1) (3567, 3574, 252, 253) (7, 1) SeparatorBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
2 525318 1492 SeparatorBand 3867734 1 6116 visible (0, 7, 0, 1) (7, 1) (3567, 3574, 252, 253) (7, 1) SeparatorBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
3 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
4 197608 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
5 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
6 525318 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
7 66830 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
8 66830 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
9 66832 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
10 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
11 66850 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
12 66852 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
13 66852 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
14 66880 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
15 66880 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
16 197614 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
17 263152 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\Windows\explorer.exe
18 263152 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
19 132096 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\Windows\explorer.exe
20 132096 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
21 132098 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\Windows\explorer.exe
22 132098 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
23 525318 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\Windows\explorer.exe
24 525318 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
25 132096 1492 Search Box 197614 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 32) (100, 32) (3463, 3563, 237, 269) (100, 32) Search Box C:\Windows\explorer.exe
26 132098 1492 Search Box 197614 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 32) (100, 32) (3463, 3563, 237, 269) (100, 32) Search Box C:\Windows\explorer.exe
27 525318 1492 Search Box 197614 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 32) (100, 32) (3463, 3563, 237, 269) (100, 32) Search Box C:\Windows\explorer.exe
28 132098 1492 UniversalSearchBand 263152 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 36) (100, 36) (3463, 3563, 234, 270) (100, 36) UniversalSearchBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
29 525318 1492 UniversalSearchBand 263152 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 36) (100, 36) (3463, 3563, 234, 270) (100, 36) UniversalSearchBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
30 132098 1492 SeparatorBand 197612 1 6116 visible (0, 6, 0, 1) (6, 1) (3457, 3463, 252, 253) (6, 1) SeparatorBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
31 525318 1492 SeparatorBand 197612 1 6116 visible (0, 6, 0, 1) (6, 1) (3457, 3463, 252, 253) (6, 1) SeparatorBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
32 590798 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
33 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
34 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
35 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
36 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66864 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
37 197608 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
38 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66868 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
39 197608 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
40 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66864 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
41 525318 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
42 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66868 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
43 525318 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
44 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66864 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
45 66850 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
46 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66868 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
47 66850 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
48 66852 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
49 66852 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\Windows\explorer.exe
50 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66880 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
51 197608 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\Windows\explorer.exe
52 197608 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
53 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66880 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
54 525318 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\Windows\explorer.exe
55 525318 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
56 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66880 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
57 66850 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\Windows\explorer.exe
58 66850 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
59 66852 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\Windows\explorer.exe
60 66852 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
61 66880 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\Windows\explorer.exe
62 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
63 197608 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
64 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
65 525318 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
66 66830 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
67 66830 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
68 66832 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
69 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
70 66850 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
71 66852 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
72 66852 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
73 66880 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\Windows\explorer.exe
74 66880 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\Windows\explorer.exe
75 132096 1492 msctls_progress32 132326 1 6116 visible (0, 1238, 0, 30) (1238, 30) (2213, 3451, 238, 268) (1238, 30) msctls_progress32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
76 132098 1492 msctls_progress32 132326 1 6116 visible (0, 1238, 0, 30) (1238, 30) (2213, 3451, 238, 268) (1238, 30) msctls_progress32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
77 525318 1492 msctls_progress32 132326 1 6116 visible (0, 1238, 0, 30) (1238, 30) (2213, 3451, 238, 268) (1238, 30) msctls_progress32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
78 590798 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\Windows\explorer.exe
79 590798 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
80 132096 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\Windows\explorer.exe
81 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
82 132098 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\Windows\explorer.exe
83 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
84 525318 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\Windows\explorer.exe
85 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
86 132326 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
87 132098 1492 Address Band Root 590798 1 6116 visible (0, 1242, 0, 39) (1242, 39) (2211, 3453, 233, 272) (1242, 39) Address Band Root C:\Windows\explorer.exe
88 525318 1492 Address Band Root 590798 1 6116 visible (0, 1242, 0, 39) (1242, 39) (2211, 3453, 233, 272) (1242, 39) Address Band Root C:\Windows\explorer.exe
89 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Up band toolbar 918712 16 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 242, 271) (24, 29) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
90 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Up band toolbar 918712 16 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 242, 271) (24, 29) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
91 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Up band toolbar 918712 16 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 242, 271) (24, 29) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
92 132098 1492 UpBand 132308 1 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 238, 267) (24, 29) UpBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
93 525318 1492 UpBand 132308 1 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 238, 267) (24, 29) UpBand C:\Windows\explorer.exe
94 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Navigation buttons 263136 19 6116 visible (0, 77, 0, 30) (77, 30) (2110, 2187, 238, 268) (77, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
95 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Navigation buttons 263136 19 6116 visible (0, 77, 0, 30) (77, 30) (2110, 2187, 238, 268) (77, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
96 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Navigation buttons 263136 19 6116 visible (0, 77, 0, 30) (77, 30) (2110, 2187, 238, 268) (77, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
97 197608 1492 ToolbarWindow32 132328 1 6116 visible (0, 1466, 0, 0) (1466, 0) (2108, 3574, 275, 275) (1466, 0) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
98 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 132328 1 6116 visible (0, 1466, 0, 0) (1466, 0) (2108, 3574, 275, 275) (1466, 0) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
99 918776 1492 ToolbarWindow32 132328 1 6116 visible (0, 1466, 0, 0) (1466, 0) (2108, 3574, 275, 275) (1466, 0) ToolbarWindow32 C:\Windows\explorer.exe
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/hansalemaos/a_pandas_ex_automate_win32",
"name": "a-pandas-ex-automate-win32",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "ctypes,windows,Pandas,DataFrame,pyautogui,pywinauto",
"author": "Johannes Fischer",
"author_email": "<aulasparticularesdealemaosp@gmail.com>",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f1/f8/c9526f793293898c3bf419f2c7c12164aa7235f697936891bfac6c9d90bf/a_pandas_ex_automate_win32-0.12.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "\n# Automate the Microsoft Windows GUI with Pandas \n\n\n\n#### This module will show you all elements on your screen that have a handle/hwnd.\n\n##### It also shows hidden windows used, for example, \n\n##### to process keystrokes. Once you have the handle on those windows, automation is much easier.\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\npip install a-pandas-ex-automate-win32\n\n\n\nfrom a_pandas_ex_automate_win32 import pd_add_automate_win32\n\npd_add_automate_win32()\n\nimport pandas as pd\n\ndf = pd.Q_get_automate32_df()\n\n\n\n\n\nprint(df[:100].to_string())\n\n parent pid title windowtext hwnd length tid status coords_client dim_client coords_win dim_win class_name path\n\n0 197994 1312 Dwm DWM Notification Window 65632 24 1316 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (-32000, -31840, -32000, -31972) (160, 28) Dwm \n\n1 132098 1492 SeparatorBand 3867734 1 6116 visible (0, 7, 0, 1) (7, 1) (3567, 3574, 252, 253) (7, 1) SeparatorBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n2 525318 1492 SeparatorBand 3867734 1 6116 visible (0, 7, 0, 1) (7, 1) (3567, 3574, 252, 253) (7, 1) SeparatorBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n3 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n4 197608 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n5 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n6 525318 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n7 66830 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n8 66830 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n9 66832 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n10 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n11 66850 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n12 66852 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n13 66852 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n14 66880 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132452 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n15 66880 1492 ScrollBar 66918 1 6116 visible (0, 17, 0, 298) (17, 298) (3557, 3574, 275, 573) (17, 298) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n16 197614 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n17 263152 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n18 263152 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n19 132096 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n20 132096 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n21 132098 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n22 132098 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n23 525318 1492 SearchEditBoxWrapperClass 263120 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) SearchEditBoxWrapperClass C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n24 525318 1492 DirectUIHWND 459892 1 6116 visible (0, 90, 0, 32) (90, 32) (3468, 3558, 237, 269) (90, 32) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n25 132096 1492 Search Box 197614 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 32) (100, 32) (3463, 3563, 237, 269) (100, 32) Search Box C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n26 132098 1492 Search Box 197614 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 32) (100, 32) (3463, 3563, 237, 269) (100, 32) Search Box C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n27 525318 1492 Search Box 197614 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 32) (100, 32) (3463, 3563, 237, 269) (100, 32) Search Box C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n28 132098 1492 UniversalSearchBand 263152 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 36) (100, 36) (3463, 3563, 234, 270) (100, 36) UniversalSearchBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n29 525318 1492 UniversalSearchBand 263152 1 6116 visible (0, 100, 0, 36) (100, 36) (3463, 3563, 234, 270) (100, 36) UniversalSearchBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n30 132098 1492 SeparatorBand 197612 1 6116 visible (0, 6, 0, 1) (6, 1) (3457, 3463, 252, 253) (6, 1) SeparatorBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n31 525318 1492 SeparatorBand 197612 1 6116 visible (0, 6, 0, 1) (6, 1) (3457, 3463, 252, 253) (6, 1) SeparatorBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n32 590798 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n33 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n34 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n35 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address band toolbar 721994 21 6116 visible (0, 66, 0, 30) (66, 30) (3385, 3451, 238, 268) (66, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n36 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66864 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n37 197608 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n38 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66868 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n39 197608 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n40 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66864 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n41 525318 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n42 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66868 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n43 525318 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n44 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66864 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n45 66850 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n46 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66868 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n47 66850 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n48 66852 1492 Button 66866 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n49 66852 1492 Button 66870 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2386, 2386, 287, 287) (0, 0) Button C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n50 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66880 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n51 197608 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n52 197608 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n53 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66880 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n54 525318 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n55 525318 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n56 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 66880 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n57 66850 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n58 66850 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n59 66852 1492 SHELLDLL_DefView ShellView 66830 10 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) SHELLDLL_DefView C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n60 66852 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n61 66880 1492 DirectUIHWND 66832 1 6116 visible (0, 1200, 0, 298) (1200, 298) (2374, 3574, 275, 573) (1200, 298) DirectUIHWND C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n62 197608 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n63 197608 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n64 525318 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n65 525318 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n66 66830 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n67 66830 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n68 66832 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n69 66850 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n70 66850 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n71 66852 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n72 66852 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n73 66880 1492 CtrlNotifySink 132382 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) CtrlNotifySink C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n74 66880 1492 ScrollBar 591202 1 6116 invisible (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0) (2374, 2374, 275, 275) (0, 0) ScrollBar C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n75 132096 1492 msctls_progress32 132326 1 6116 visible (0, 1238, 0, 30) (1238, 30) (2213, 3451, 238, 268) (1238, 30) msctls_progress32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n76 132098 1492 msctls_progress32 132326 1 6116 visible (0, 1238, 0, 30) (1238, 30) (2213, 3451, 238, 268) (1238, 30) msctls_progress32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n77 525318 1492 msctls_progress32 132326 1 6116 visible (0, 1238, 0, 30) (1238, 30) (2213, 3451, 238, 268) (1238, 30) msctls_progress32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n78 590798 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n79 590798 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\\Users\\Gamer\\anaconda3\\envs\\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n80 132096 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n81 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\\Users\\Gamer\\anaconda3\\envs\\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n82 132098 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n83 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\\Users\\Gamer\\anaconda3\\envs\\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n84 525318 1492 Breadcrumb Parent 394414 1 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) Breadcrumb Parent C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n85 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\\Users\\Gamer\\anaconda3\\envs\\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n86 132326 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Address: C:\\Users\\Gamer\\anaconda3\\envs\\dfdir 196758 45 6116 visible (0, 1172, 0, 30) (1172, 30) (2213, 3385, 238, 268) (1172, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n87 132098 1492 Address Band Root 590798 1 6116 visible (0, 1242, 0, 39) (1242, 39) (2211, 3453, 233, 272) (1242, 39) Address Band Root C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n88 525318 1492 Address Band Root 590798 1 6116 visible (0, 1242, 0, 39) (1242, 39) (2211, 3453, 233, 272) (1242, 39) Address Band Root C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n89 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Up band toolbar 918712 16 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 242, 271) (24, 29) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n90 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Up band toolbar 918712 16 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 242, 271) (24, 29) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n91 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Up band toolbar 918712 16 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 242, 271) (24, 29) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n92 132098 1492 UpBand 132308 1 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 238, 267) (24, 29) UpBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n93 525318 1492 UpBand 132308 1 6116 visible (0, 24, 0, 29) (24, 29) (2187, 2211, 238, 267) (24, 29) UpBand C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n94 132096 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Navigation buttons 263136 19 6116 visible (0, 77, 0, 30) (77, 30) (2110, 2187, 238, 268) (77, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n95 132098 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Navigation buttons 263136 19 6116 visible (0, 77, 0, 30) (77, 30) (2110, 2187, 238, 268) (77, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n96 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 Navigation buttons 263136 19 6116 visible (0, 77, 0, 30) (77, 30) (2110, 2187, 238, 268) (77, 30) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n97 197608 1492 ToolbarWindow32 132328 1 6116 visible (0, 1466, 0, 0) (1466, 0) (2108, 3574, 275, 275) (1466, 0) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n98 525318 1492 ToolbarWindow32 132328 1 6116 visible (0, 1466, 0, 0) (1466, 0) (2108, 3574, 275, 275) (1466, 0) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n99 918776 1492 ToolbarWindow32 132328 1 6116 visible (0, 1466, 0, 0) (1466, 0) (2108, 3574, 275, 275) (1466, 0) ToolbarWindow32 C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe\n\n...\n\n\n\n```\n\n\n\n",
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"license": "MIT",
"summary": "Automate the Microsoft Windows GUI with Pandas! Without pywin32, only ctypes!",
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"upload_time": "2023-01-28 23:14:31",
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"github_user": "hansalemaos",
"github_project": "a_pandas_ex_automate_win32",
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