
Namea2perf JSON
Version 0.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryBenchmarking suite for evaluating autonomous agents in real-world domains.
upload_time2024-09-06 15:00:08
licenseMIT License
keywords reinforcement learning autonomous agents rl imitation learning benchmark ai
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)

[//]: # ([![Python](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/gymnasium.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/gymnasium) TODO: Add working Python versions once a2perf package is available)

[//]: # ([![PyPI](https://badge.fury.io/py/gymnasium.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/gymnasium)
TODO: Add PyPI once a2perf package is available)

[//]: # ([![arXiv](https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-2407.17032-b31b1b.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.17032) TODO: Add arXiv once we have DOI link)

<p align="center">
    <img src="docs/_static/img/logo/github/A2Perf-github.png" width="500px"/>
A2Perf is a benchmark for evaluating agents on sequential decision problems that
are relevant to the real world. This
repository contains code for running and evaluating participant's submissions on
the benchmark platform.

## Environments

A2Perf provides benchmark environments in the following domains:

* [Web Navigation](docs/content/web_navigation/WebNavigation-Difficulty-01-v0.ipynb) -
  This environment facilitates the
  creation of compositional tasks represented by dependency graphs, where
  automatically generated websites are completed by the trained agent.
* [Quadruped Locomotion](docs/content/quadruped_locomotion/QuadrupedLocomotion-DogPace-v0.ipynb) -
  This quadruped
  locomotion environment aims to teach a legged robot with 18 degrees of freedom
  to replicate animal-like behaviors by imitating real-world motion data to
  develop a diverse repertoire of skills.
* [Circuit Training](docs/content/circuit_training/CircuitTraining-Ariane-v0.ipynb) -
  Chip floorplanning, a
  complex and traditionally manual process, has been addressed by Google's
  open-source Circuit Training framework, which uses reinforcement learning to
  optimize chip layouts for multiple objectives.

### Web Navigation

![Three web navigation environments](media/gminiwob_scene.png)

### Quadruped Locomotion

![Simulated quadrupeds](media/locomotion_scene.png)

### Chip Floorplanning

![Chip floorplanning environment](media/ariane_scene.png) -->

## Installation

A2Perf can be installed on your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/A2Perf.git
cd A2Perf
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip install -e .[all]

### Specific Package installation

To install specific packages, you can use the following commands:

pip install -e .[web_navigation]
pip install -e .[quadruped_locomotion]
pip install -e .[circuit_training]

Both x86-64 and Arch64 (ARM64) architectures are supported.
Please note that the Windows version is not as well-tested as Linux and macOS
It can be used for development and testing but if you want to conduct serious (
time and resource-extensive) experiments on Windows,
please consider
using [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/)
or [WSL](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10) with Linux

## API

Environments in A2Perf are registered under specific names for each domain and
task. Here are the available environments:

1. Quadruped Locomotion:
    - `QuadrupedLocomotion-DogPace-v0`
    - `QuadrupedLocomotion-DogTrot-v0`
    - `QuadrupedLocomotion-DogSpin-v0`

2. Web Navigation:
    - `WebNavigation-Difficulty-01-v0`
    - `WebNavigation-Difficulty-02-v0`
    - `WebNavigation-Difficulty-03-v0`

3. Circuit Training:
    - `CircuitTraining-ToyMacro-v0`
    - `CircuitTraining-Ariane-v0`

For example, you can create an instance of the `WebNavigation-Difficulty-01-v0`
environment as follows:

import gymnasium as gym

from a2perf.domains import web_navigation

env = gym.make("WebNavigation-DifficultyLevel-01-v0", num_websites=10, seed=0)


## User Submission

A beginners guide to benchmarking with A2Perf is
described [here](docs/content/tutorials/training.md).

- Users can pull the template repository
  at https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/a2perf-benchmark-submission
    - The submission repository must include:
        - `train.py` - defines a global `train` function with the following
          def train():
            """Trains the user's model."""
        - `inference.py` - defines the following functions:
          def load_policy(env, **load_kwargs):
            """Loads a trained policy model from the specified directory."""
          def infer_once(policy, observation):
            """Runs a single inference step using the given policy and observation."""
          def preprocess_observation(observation):
            """Preprocesses a raw observation from the environment into a format compatible with the policy."""
        - `requirements.txt` - lists the required Python packages and
          their versions for running the user's code
        - `__init__.py` - an empty file that allows the submission to be
          imported as a Python module

## Gin Configuration Files

Under [
there are default gin configuration files for training and inference for each
domain. These files define various settings and parameters for

Here's an example of an `training.gin` file for web navigation:

# ----------------------
# ----------------------
import a2perf.submission.submission_util

# ----------------------
# ----------------------
# Set up submission object
Submission.mode = %BenchmarkMode.TRAIN
Submission.domain = %BenchmarkDomain.WEB_NAVIGATION
Submission.run_offline_metrics_only = False
Submission.measure_emissions = True

# ----------------------
# ----------------------
# Set up codecarbon for system metrics
track_emissions_decorator.project_name = 'a2perf_web_navigation_train'
track_emissions_decorator.measure_power_secs = 5
track_emissions_decorator.save_to_file = True  # Save data to file
track_emissions_decorator.save_to_logger = False  # Do not save data to logger
track_emissions_decorator.gpu_ids = None  # Enter list of specific GPU IDs to track if desired
track_emissions_decorator.log_level = 'info'  # Log level set to 'info'
track_emissions_decorator.country_iso_code = 'USA'
track_emissions_decorator.region = 'Massachusetts'
track_emissions_decorator.offline = True

## Baselines

Baselines for all tasks are provided and are described in the article supporting

## Environment Versioning

A2Perf keeps strict versioning for reproducibility reasons. All environments end
in a suffix like "-v0". When changes are made to environments that might impact
learning results, the number is increased by one to prevent potential confusion.
This follows the Gymnasium convention.

[//]: # (## Citation)

[//]: # ()

[//]: # (You can cite A2Perf as:)

[//]: # ()

[//]: # (```bibtex)

[//]: # (@misc{TODO })

[//]: # (```)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "a2perf",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "Reinforcement Learning, Autonomous Agents, RL, Imitation Learning, Benchmark, AI",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Farama Foundation <contact@farama.org>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/8c/76/19d8587b5e34b717933eb7e1191f571b5f4fd6c12d3589e302d8bee30734/a2perf-0.1.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "![pre-commit](https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/A2Perf/actions/workflows/pre-commit.yml/badge.svg)\n[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)\n\n[//]: # ([![Python]&#40;https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/gymnasium.svg&#41;]&#40;https://badge.fury.io/py/gymnasium&#41; TODO: Add working Python versions once a2perf package is available)\n\n[//]: # ([![PyPI]&#40;https://badge.fury.io/py/gymnasium.svg&#41;]&#40;https://badge.fury.io/py/gymnasium&#41;\nTODO: Add PyPI once a2perf package is available)\n\n[//]: # ([![arXiv]&#40;https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-2407.17032-b31b1b.svg&#41;]&#40;https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.17032&#41; TODO: Add arXiv once we have DOI link)\n\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n    <img src=\"docs/_static/img/logo/github/A2Perf-github.png\" width=\"500px\"/>\n</p>\nA2Perf is a benchmark for evaluating agents on sequential decision problems that\nare relevant to the real world. This\nrepository contains code for running and evaluating participant's submissions on\nthe benchmark platform.\n\n## Environments\n\nA2Perf provides benchmark environments in the following domains:\n\n* [Web Navigation](docs/content/web_navigation/WebNavigation-Difficulty-01-v0.ipynb) -\n  This environment facilitates the\n  creation of compositional tasks represented by dependency graphs, where\n  automatically generated websites are completed by the trained agent.\n* [Quadruped Locomotion](docs/content/quadruped_locomotion/QuadrupedLocomotion-DogPace-v0.ipynb) -\n  This quadruped\n  locomotion environment aims to teach a legged robot with 18 degrees of freedom\n  to replicate animal-like behaviors by imitating real-world motion data to\n  develop a diverse repertoire of skills.\n* [Circuit Training](docs/content/circuit_training/CircuitTraining-Ariane-v0.ipynb) -\n  Chip floorplanning, a\n  complex and traditionally manual process, has been addressed by Google's\n  open-source Circuit Training framework, which uses reinforcement learning to\n  optimize chip layouts for multiple objectives.\n\n<!--\n### Web Navigation\n\n![Three web navigation environments](media/gminiwob_scene.png)\n\n### Quadruped Locomotion\n\n![Simulated quadrupeds](media/locomotion_scene.png)\n\n### Chip Floorplanning\n\n![Chip floorplanning environment](media/ariane_scene.png) -->\n\n## Installation\n\nA2Perf can be installed on your local machine:\n\n```bash\ngit clone https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/A2Perf.git\ncd A2Perf\ngit submodule sync --recursive\ngit submodule update --init --recursive\npip install -e .[all]\n```\n\n### Specific Package installation\n\nTo install specific packages, you can use the following commands:\n\n```bash\npip install -e .[web_navigation]\npip install -e .[quadruped_locomotion]\npip install -e .[circuit_training]\n```\n\nBoth x86-64 and Arch64 (ARM64) architectures are supported.\n\\\nPlease note that the Windows version is not as well-tested as Linux and macOS\nversions.\nIt can be used for development and testing but if you want to conduct serious (\ntime and resource-extensive) experiments on Windows,\nplease consider\nusing [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/)\nor [WSL](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10) with Linux\nversion.\n\n## API\n\nEnvironments in A2Perf are registered under specific names for each domain and\ntask. Here are the available environments:\n\n1. Quadruped Locomotion:\n    - `QuadrupedLocomotion-DogPace-v0`\n    - `QuadrupedLocomotion-DogTrot-v0`\n    - `QuadrupedLocomotion-DogSpin-v0`\n\n2. Web Navigation:\n    - `WebNavigation-Difficulty-01-v0`\n    - `WebNavigation-Difficulty-02-v0`\n    - `WebNavigation-Difficulty-03-v0`\n\n3. Circuit Training:\n    - `CircuitTraining-ToyMacro-v0`\n    - `CircuitTraining-Ariane-v0`\n\nFor example, you can create an instance of the `WebNavigation-Difficulty-01-v0`\nenvironment as follows:\n\n```python\nimport gymnasium as gym\n\nfrom a2perf.domains import web_navigation\n\nenv = gym.make(\"WebNavigation-DifficultyLevel-01-v0\", num_websites=10, seed=0)\n\n```\n\n## User Submission\n\nA beginners guide to benchmarking with A2Perf is\ndescribed [here](docs/content/tutorials/training.md).\n\n- Users can pull the template repository\n  at https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/a2perf-benchmark-submission\n    - The submission repository must include:\n        - `train.py` - defines a global `train` function with the following\n          signature:\n          ```python\n          def train():\n            \"\"\"Trains the user's model.\"\"\"\n          ```\n        - `inference.py` - defines the following functions:\n          ```python\n          def load_policy(env, **load_kwargs):\n            \"\"\"Loads a trained policy model from the specified directory.\"\"\"\n          def infer_once(policy, observation):\n            \"\"\"Runs a single inference step using the given policy and observation.\"\"\"\n          def preprocess_observation(observation):\n            \"\"\"Preprocesses a raw observation from the environment into a format compatible with the policy.\"\"\"\n          ```\n        - `requirements.txt` - lists the required Python packages and\n          their versions for running the user's code\n        - `__init__.py` - an empty file that allows the submission to be\n          imported as a Python module\n\n## Gin Configuration Files\n\nUnder [\n`a2perf/submission/configs`](https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/A2Perf/tree/main/a2perf/submission/configs),\nthere are default gin configuration files for training and inference for each\ndomain. These files define various settings and parameters for\nbenchmarking.\n\nHere's an example of an `training.gin` file for web navigation:\n\n```python\n# ----------------------\n# IMPORTS\n# ----------------------\nimport a2perf.submission.submission_util\n\n# ----------------------\n# SUBMISSION SETUP\n# ----------------------\n# Set up submission object\nSubmission.mode = %BenchmarkMode.TRAIN\nSubmission.domain = %BenchmarkDomain.WEB_NAVIGATION\nSubmission.run_offline_metrics_only = False\nSubmission.measure_emissions = True\n\n# ----------------------\n# SYSTEM METRICS SETUP\n# ----------------------\n# Set up codecarbon for system metrics\ntrack_emissions_decorator.project_name = 'a2perf_web_navigation_train'\ntrack_emissions_decorator.measure_power_secs = 5\ntrack_emissions_decorator.save_to_file = True  # Save data to file\ntrack_emissions_decorator.save_to_logger = False  # Do not save data to logger\ntrack_emissions_decorator.gpu_ids = None  # Enter list of specific GPU IDs to track if desired\ntrack_emissions_decorator.log_level = 'info'  # Log level set to 'info'\ntrack_emissions_decorator.country_iso_code = 'USA'\ntrack_emissions_decorator.region = 'Massachusetts'\ntrack_emissions_decorator.offline = True\n```\n\n## Baselines\n\nBaselines for all tasks are provided and are described in the article supporting\nA2Perf.\n\n## Environment Versioning\n\nA2Perf keeps strict versioning for reproducibility reasons. All environments end\nin a suffix like \"-v0\". When changes are made to environments that might impact\nlearning results, the number is increased by one to prevent potential confusion.\nThis follows the Gymnasium convention.\n\n[//]: # (## Citation)\n\n[//]: # ()\n\n[//]: # (You can cite A2Perf as:)\n\n[//]: # ()\n\n[//]: # (```bibtex)\n\n[//]: # (@misc{TODO })\n\n[//]: # (```)\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT License",
    "summary": "Benchmarking suite for evaluating autonomous agents in real-world domains.",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Bug Report": "https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/A2Perf/issues",
        "Documentation": "https://a2perf.farama.org",
        "Homepage": "https://farama.org",
        "Repository": "https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/A2Perf"
    "split_keywords": [
        "reinforcement learning",
        " autonomous agents",
        " rl",
        " imitation learning",
        " benchmark",
        " ai"
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    "lcname": "a2perf"
Elapsed time: 0.36686s