
Nameadjango JSON
Version 0.3.9 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA library with many features for interacting with Django
upload_time2025-02-03 23:20:22
keywords adjango django utils funcs features async managers services
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # 🚀 ADjango 

> Sometimes I use this in different projects, so I decided to put it on pypi

`ADjango` is a convenient library for simplifying work with Django DRF and other,
which offers various useful `managers`, `services`, `serializers`, `decorators`, utilities 
for `asynchronous` programming, a task scheduler for Celery, working 
with `transactions` and much more.
- [Installation](#installation-%EF%B8%8F)
- [Settings](#settings-%EF%B8%8F)
- [Overview](#overview)
  - [Manager & Services](#manager--services-%EF%B8%8F)
  - [Utils](#utils-)
  - [Decorators](#decorators-)
  - [Serializers](#serializers-)
  - [Other](#other)

## Installation 🛠️
pip install adjango

## Settings ⚙️

* ### Add the application to the project.
* ### In `` set the params
    # None of the parameters are required.  
    # For usage @a/controller decorators
    LOGIN_URL = '/login/' 
    # optional
    ADJANGO_BACKENDS_APPS = BASE_DIR / 'apps' # for management commands
    ADJANGO_FRONTEND_APPS = BASE_DIR.parent / 'frontend' / 'src' / 'apps' # for management commands
    ADJANGO_APPS_PREPATH = 'apps.'  # if apps in BASE_DIR/apps/app1,app2...
    ADJANGO_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_FUNCTION = ... # Read about @acontroller, @controller
    ADJANGO_CONTROLLERS_LOGGER_NAME = 'global' # only for usage @a/controller decorators
    ADJANGO_CONTROLLERS_LOGGING = True # only for usage @a/controller decorators
    ADJANGO_EMAIL_LOGGER_NAME = 'email' # for send_emails_task logging
        # add request.ip in views if u need
## Overview
Most functions, if available in asynchronous form, are also available in synchronous form.

### Manager & Services 🛎️
A simple example and everything is immediately clear...
from adjango.fields import AManyToManyField
from adjango.managers.base import AManager
from import ABaseService
from adjango.models import AModel
from adjango.polymorphic_models import APolymorphicModel

class User(AbstractUser, ABaseService):
    objects = AManager()
# Its equal with...
class User(AbstractUser, AModel): pass

class Product(APolymorphicModel):
    # APolymorphicManager() of course here already exists
    name = CharField(max_length=100)

class Order(AModel):
    user = ForeignKey(User, CASCADE)
    products = AManyToManyField(Product)

# The following is now possible...
products = await Product.objects.aall()
products = await Product.objects.afilter(name='name')
# Returns an object or None if not found
order = await Order.objects.agetorn(id=69) # aget or none
if not order: raise

# We install products in the order
await order.products.aset(products)
# Or queryset right away...
await order.products.aset(
await order.products.aadd(products[0])

# We get the order again without associated objects
order: Order = await Order.objects.aget(id=69)
# Retrieve related objects asynchronously.
order.user = await order.related('user')
products = await order.products.aall()
# Works the same with intermediate processing/query filters
orders = await Order.objects.prefetch_related('products').aall()
for o in orders:
    for p in o.products.all():
#thk u
### Utils 🔧
  `aall`, `afilter`,  `arelated`, и так далее доступны как отдельные функции
  from adjango.utils.funcs import aall, getorn, agetorn, afilter, aset, aadd, arelated
### Decorators 🎀
* `aforce_data`

    The `aforce_data` decorator combines data from the `GET`, `POST` and `JSON` body 
    request in ``. This makes it easy to access all request data in one place.

* `atomic`

    An asynchronous decorator that wraps 
    function into a transactional context. If an exception occurs, all changes are rolled back.

* `acontroller/controller`

    An asynchronous decorator that wraps 
    function into a transactional context. If an exception occurs, all changes are rolled back.
    from adjango.adecorators import acontroller

    @acontroller(name='My View', logger='custom_logger', log_name=True, log_time=True)
    async def my_view(request):
    @acontroller('One More View')
    async def my_view_one_more(request):
    * These decorators automatically catch uncaught exceptions and log if the logger is configured 
    * You can also implement the interface:
        class IHandlerControllerException(ABC):
            def handle(fn_name: str, request: WSGIRequest | ASGIRequest, e: Exception, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
                An example of an exception handling function.
                :param fn_name: The name of the function where the exception occurred.
                :param request: The request object (WSGIRequest or ASGIRequest).
                :param e: The exception to be handled.
                :param args: Positional arguments passed to the function.
                :param kwargs: Named arguments passed to the function.
                :return: None
        and use `handle` to get an uncaught exception:
        from adjango.handlers import HCE # use my example if u need
### Serializers 🔧
`ADjango` extends `Django REST Framework` serializers to support asynchronous 
operations, making it easier to handle data in async views.
Support methods like `adata`, `avalid_data`, `ais_valid`, and `asave`.
from adjango.querysets.base import AQuerySet
from adjango.aserializers import (
  AModelSerializer, ASerializer, AListSerializer
from adjango.serializers import create_dynamic_serializer

class ConsultationPublicSerializer(AModelSerializer):
    clients = UserPublicSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
    psychologists = UserPsyPublicSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
    config = ConsultationConfigSerializer(read_only=True)

    class Meta:
        model = Consultation
        fields = '__all__'

# From the complete serializer we cut off the pieces into smaller ones
ConsultationSerializerTier1 = create_dynamic_serializer(
    ConsultationPublicSerializer, ('id', 'date',)
ConsultationSerializerTier2 = create_dynamic_serializer(
    ConsultationPublicSerializer, (
        'id', 'date', 'psychologists', 'clients', 'config'
    ), {
        'psychologists': UserPublicSerializer(many=True),  # overridden

# Use it, in compact format
@acontroller('Completed Consultations')
async def consultations_completed(request):
    page = int(request.query_params.get('page', 1))
    page_size = int(request.query_params.get('page_size', 10))
    return Response({
        'results': await ConsultationSerializerTier2(
            await request.user.completed_consultations[
                  (page - 1) * page_size:page * page_size
            context={'request': request}
    }, status=200)

class UserService:
    def completed_consultations(self: 'User') -> AQuerySet['Consultation']:
        Returns an optimized AQuerySet of all completed consultations of the user
        (both psychologist and client).
        from apps.psychology.models import Consultation
        now_ = now()
        return Consultation.objects.defer(
                Q(clients=self) | Q(psychologists=self),
            ) |
                Q(clients=self) | Q(psychologists=self),

### Other

* `AsyncAtomicContextManager`🧘

    An asynchronous context manager for working with transactions, which ensures the atomicity of operations.
    from adjango.utils.base import AsyncAtomicContextManager
    async def some_function():
        async with AsyncAtomicContextManager():

* `Tasker`📋

    The Tasker class provides methods for scheduling tasks in `Celery` and `Celery Beat`.
    from adjango.utils.tasks import Tasker
    task_id = Tasker.put(
        countdown=60 # The task will be completed in 60 seconds
    from adjango.utils.tasks import Tasker
    from datetime import datetime
    # One-time task via Celery Beat
        schedule_time=datetime(2024, 10, 10, 14, 30), # Start the task on October 10, 2024 at 14:30
    # Periodic task via Celery Beat (every hour)
        interval=3600, # The task runs every hour

* `send_emails`

    Allows you to send emails using templates and context rendering.
    from adjango.utils.mail import send_emails
        emails=('', ''),
        context={'user': 'John Doe'}
    from adjango.tasks import send_emails_task
    from adjango.utils.tasks import Tasker
        context={'message': 'Welcome to our service!'}
    # or
        context={'message': 'Welcome to our service!'},
        countdown=60 # The task will be completed in 5 seconds


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "adjango",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "adjango django utils funcs features async managers services",
    "author": "xlartas",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# \ud83d\ude80 ADjango \r\n\r\n> Sometimes I use this in different projects, so I decided to put it on pypi\r\n\r\n`ADjango` is a convenient library for simplifying work with Django DRF and other,\r\nwhich offers various useful `managers`, `services`, `serializers`, `decorators`, utilities \r\nfor `asynchronous` programming, a task scheduler for Celery, working \r\nwith `transactions` and much more.\r\n- [Installation](#installation-%EF%B8%8F)\r\n- [Settings](#settings-%EF%B8%8F)\r\n- [Overview](#overview)\r\n  - [Manager & Services](#manager--services-%EF%B8%8F)\r\n  - [Utils](#utils-)\r\n  - [Decorators](#decorators-)\r\n  - [Serializers](#serializers-)\r\n  - [Other](#other)\r\n\r\n## Installation \ud83d\udee0\ufe0f\r\n```bash\r\npip install adjango\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Settings \u2699\ufe0f\r\n\r\n* ### Add the application to the project.\r\n    ```python\r\n    INSTALLED_APPS = [\r\n        #...\r\n        'adjango',\r\n    ]\r\n    ```\r\n* ### In `` set the params\r\n    ```python\r\n    #\r\n    # None of the parameters are required.  \r\n  \r\n    # For usage @a/controller decorators\r\n    LOGIN_URL = '/login/' \r\n  \r\n    # optional\r\n    ADJANGO_BACKENDS_APPS = BASE_DIR / 'apps' # for management commands\r\n    ADJANGO_FRONTEND_APPS = BASE_DIR.parent / 'frontend' / 'src' / 'apps' # for management commands\r\n    ADJANGO_APPS_PREPATH = 'apps.'  # if apps in BASE_DIR/apps/app1,app2...\r\n    ADJANGO_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_FUNCTION = ... # Read about @acontroller, @controller\r\n    ADJANGO_CONTROLLERS_LOGGER_NAME = 'global' # only for usage @a/controller decorators\r\n    ADJANGO_CONTROLLERS_LOGGING = True # only for usage @a/controller decorators\r\n    ADJANGO_EMAIL_LOGGER_NAME = 'email' # for send_emails_task logging\r\n    ```\r\n    ```python\r\n    MIDDLEWARE = [\r\n        ...\r\n        # add request.ip in views if u need\r\n        'adjango.middleware.IPAddressMiddleware',  \r\n        ...\r\n    ]\r\n    ```\r\n## Overview\r\nMost functions, if available in asynchronous form, are also available in synchronous form.\r\n\r\n### Manager & Services \ud83d\udece\ufe0f\r\nA simple example and everything is immediately clear...\r\n```python\r\nfrom adjango.fields import AManyToManyField\r\nfrom adjango.managers.base import AManager\r\nfrom import ABaseService\r\nfrom adjango.models import AModel\r\nfrom adjango.polymorphic_models import APolymorphicModel\r\n\r\nclass User(AbstractUser, ABaseService):\r\n    objects = AManager()\r\n# Its equal with...\r\nclass User(AbstractUser, AModel): pass\r\n    \r\n\r\nclass Product(APolymorphicModel):\r\n    # APolymorphicManager() of course here already exists\r\n    name = CharField(max_length=100)\r\n\r\nclass Order(AModel):\r\n    user = ForeignKey(User, CASCADE)\r\n    products = AManyToManyField(Product)\r\n\r\n    \r\n# The following is now possible...\r\nproducts = await Product.objects.aall()\r\nproducts = await Product.objects.afilter(name='name')\r\n# Returns an object or None if not found\r\norder = await Order.objects.agetorn(id=69) # aget or none\r\nif not order: raise\r\n\r\n# We install products in the order\r\nawait order.products.aset(products)\r\n# Or queryset right away...\r\nawait order.products.aset(\r\n  Product.objects.filter(name='name') \r\n)\r\nawait order.products.aadd(products[0])\r\n\r\n# We get the order again without associated objects\r\norder: Order = await Order.objects.aget(id=69)\r\n# Retrieve related objects asynchronously.\r\norder.user = await order.related('user')\r\nproducts = await order.products.aall()\r\n# Works the same with intermediate processing/query filters\r\norders = await Order.objects.prefetch_related('products').aall()\r\nfor o in orders:\r\n    for p in o.products.all():\r\n        print(\r\n#thk u\r\n```\r\n### Utils \ud83d\udd27\r\n  `aall`, `afilter`,  `arelated`, \u0438 \u0442\u0430\u043a \u0434\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0435 \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u043d\u044b \u043a\u0430\u043a \u043e\u0442\u0434\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0444\u0443\u043d\u043a\u0446\u0438\u0438\r\n  ```python\r\n  from adjango.utils.funcs import aall, getorn, agetorn, afilter, aset, aadd, arelated\r\n  ```\r\n### Decorators \ud83c\udf80\r\n* `aforce_data`\r\n\r\n    The `aforce_data` decorator combines data from the `GET`, `POST` and `JSON` body \r\n    request in ``. This makes it easy to access all request data in one place.\r\n\r\n* `atomic`\r\n\r\n    An asynchronous decorator that wraps \r\n    function into a transactional context. If an exception occurs, all changes are rolled back.\r\n\r\n* `acontroller/controller`\r\n\r\n    An asynchronous decorator that wraps \r\n    function into a transactional context. If an exception occurs, all changes are rolled back.\r\n    ```python\r\n    from adjango.adecorators import acontroller\r\n\r\n    @acontroller(name='My View', logger='custom_logger', log_name=True, log_time=True)\r\n    async def my_view(request):\r\n        pass\r\n  \r\n    @acontroller('One More View')\r\n    async def my_view_one_more(request):\r\n        pass\r\n    ```\r\n    * These decorators automatically catch uncaught exceptions and log if the logger is configured \r\n    `ADJANGO_CONTROLLERS_LOGGER_NAME` `ADJANGO_CONTROLLERS_LOGGING`. \r\n    * You can also implement the interface:\r\n        ```python\r\n        class IHandlerControllerException(ABC):\r\n            @staticmethod\r\n            @abstractmethod\r\n            def handle(fn_name: str, request: WSGIRequest | ASGIRequest, e: Exception, *args, **kwargs) -> None:\r\n                \"\"\"\r\n                An example of an exception handling function.\r\n        \r\n                :param fn_name: The name of the function where the exception occurred.\r\n                :param request: The request object (WSGIRequest or ASGIRequest).\r\n                :param e: The exception to be handled.\r\n                :param args: Positional arguments passed to the function.\r\n                :param kwargs: Named arguments passed to the function.\r\n        \r\n                :return: None\r\n                \"\"\"\r\n                pass\r\n        ```\r\n        and use `handle` to get an uncaught exception:\r\n        ```python\r\n        #\r\n        from adjango.handlers import HCE # use my example if u need\r\n        ADJANGO_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_FUNCTION = HCE.handle\r\n        ```\r\n### Serializers \ud83d\udd27\r\n`ADjango` extends `Django REST Framework` serializers to support asynchronous \r\noperations, making it easier to handle data in async views.\r\nSupport methods like `adata`, `avalid_data`, `ais_valid`, and `asave`.\r\n```python\r\nfrom adjango.querysets.base import AQuerySet\r\nfrom adjango.aserializers import (\r\n  AModelSerializer, ASerializer, AListSerializer\r\n)\r\nfrom adjango.serializers import create_dynamic_serializer\r\n...\r\n\r\nclass ConsultationPublicSerializer(AModelSerializer):\r\n    clients = UserPublicSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)\r\n    psychologists = UserPsyPublicSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)\r\n    config = ConsultationConfigSerializer(read_only=True)\r\n\r\n    class Meta:\r\n        model = Consultation\r\n        fields = '__all__'\r\n\r\n# From the complete serializer we cut off the pieces into smaller ones\r\nConsultationSerializerTier1 = create_dynamic_serializer(\r\n    ConsultationPublicSerializer, ('id', 'date',)\r\n)\r\nConsultationSerializerTier2 = create_dynamic_serializer(\r\n    ConsultationPublicSerializer, (\r\n        'id', 'date', 'psychologists', 'clients', 'config'\r\n    ), {\r\n        'psychologists': UserPublicSerializer(many=True),  # overridden\r\n    }\r\n)\r\n\r\n# Use it, in compact format\r\n@acontroller('Completed Consultations')\r\n@api_view(('GET',))\r\n@permission_classes((IsAuthenticated,))\r\nasync def consultations_completed(request):\r\n    page = int(request.query_params.get('page', 1))\r\n    page_size = int(request.query_params.get('page_size', 10))\r\n    return Response({\r\n        'results': await ConsultationSerializerTier2(\r\n            await request.user.completed_consultations[\r\n                  (page - 1) * page_size:page * page_size\r\n                  ].aall(),\r\n            many=True,\r\n            context={'request': request}\r\n        ).adata\r\n    }, status=200)\r\n\r\n...\r\nclass UserService:\r\n    ...\r\n    @property\r\n    def completed_consultations(self: 'User') -> AQuerySet['Consultation']:\r\n        \"\"\"\r\n        Returns an optimized AQuerySet of all completed consultations of the user\r\n        (both psychologist and client).\r\n        \"\"\"\r\n        from apps.psychology.models import Consultation\r\n        now_ = now()\r\n        return Consultation.objects.defer(\r\n            'communication_type',\r\n            'language',\r\n            'reserved_by',\r\n            'notifies',\r\n            'cancel_initiator',\r\n            'original_consultation',\r\n            'consultations_feedbacks',\r\n        ).select_related(\r\n            'config',\r\n            'conference',\r\n        ).prefetch_related(\r\n            'clients',\r\n            'psychologists',\r\n        ).filter(\r\n            Q(\r\n                Q(clients=self) | Q(psychologists=self),\r\n                status=Consultation.Status.PAID,\r\n                date__isnull=False,\r\n                date__lt=now_,\r\n                consultations_feedbacks__user=self,\r\n            ) |\r\n            Q(\r\n                Q(clients=self) | Q(psychologists=self),\r\n                status=Consultation.Status.CANCELLED,\r\n                date__isnull=False,\r\n            )\r\n        ).distinct().order_by('-updated_at')\r\n    ...\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Other\r\n\r\n* `AsyncAtomicContextManager`\ud83e\uddd8\r\n\r\n    An asynchronous context manager for working with transactions, which ensures the atomicity of operations.\r\n    ```python\r\n    from adjango.utils.base import AsyncAtomicContextManager\r\n    \r\n    async def some_function():\r\n        async with AsyncAtomicContextManager():\r\n            ...  \r\n    ```\r\n\r\n* `Tasker`\ud83d\udccb\r\n\r\n    The Tasker class provides methods for scheduling tasks in `Celery` and `Celery Beat`.\r\n    ```python\r\n    from adjango.utils.tasks import Tasker\r\n    \r\n    task_id = Tasker.put(\r\n        task=my_celery_task,\r\n        param1='value1',\r\n        param2='value2',\r\n        countdown=60 # The task will be completed in 60 seconds\r\n    )\r\n    ```\r\n    ```python\r\n    from adjango.utils.tasks import Tasker\r\n    from datetime import datetime\r\n    \r\n    # One-time task via Celery Beat\r\n    Tasker.beat(\r\n        task=my_celery_task,\r\n        name='one_time_task',\r\n        schedule_time=datetime(2024, 10, 10, 14, 30), # Start the task on October 10, 2024 at 14:30\r\n        param1='value1',\r\n        param2='value2'\r\n    )\r\n    \r\n    # Periodic task via Celery Beat (every hour)\r\n    Tasker.beat(\r\n        task=my_celery_task,\r\n        name='hourly_task',\r\n        interval=3600, # The task runs every hour\r\n        param1='value1',\r\n        param2='value2'\r\n    )\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n* `send_emails`\r\n\r\n    Allows you to send emails using templates and context rendering.\r\n    ```python\r\n    from adjango.utils.mail import send_emails\r\n    \r\n    send_emails(\r\n        subject='Welcome!',\r\n        emails=('', ''),\r\n        template='emails/welcome.html',\r\n        context={'user': 'John Doe'}\r\n    )\r\n    ```\r\n    ```python\r\n    from adjango.tasks import send_emails_task\r\n    from adjango.utils.tasks import Tasker\r\n  \r\n    send_emails_task.delay(\r\n        subject='Hello!',\r\n        emails=('',),\r\n        template='emails/hello.html',\r\n        context={'message': 'Welcome to our service!'}\r\n    )\r\n    # or\r\n    Tasker.put(\r\n        task=send_emails_task,\r\n        subject='Hello!',\r\n        emails=('',),\r\n        template='emails/hello.html',\r\n        context={'message': 'Welcome to our service!'},\r\n        countdown=60 # The task will be completed in 5 seconds\r\n    )\r\n    ```\r\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
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    "summary": "A library with many features for interacting with Django",
    "version": "0.3.9",
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