
Nameai-aside JSON
Version 3.7.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA plugin containing xblocks and apps supporting GPT and other LLM use on edX.
upload_time2023-11-20 19:09:48
licenseAGPL 3.0
keywords python edx
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

|pypi-badge| |ci-badge| |codecov-badge| |doc-badge| |pyversions-badge|
|license-badge| |status-badge|


This plugin holds LLM related blocks and tools, initially the summary XBlock aside but eventually more options.

Getting Started


One Time Setup
.. code-block::

  # Clone the repository
  git clone
  cd ai-aside

  # Set up a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper with the same name as the repo and activate it
  mkvirtualenv -p python3.8 ai-aside

Local testing
To test your changes locally, you will need to install the package from your local branch into edx-platform. For example, if using devstack, copy or clone your branch into <devstack-parent>/src/ai-aside. Bring up the LMS and CMS containers in devstack, and run this make target in the ai-aside directory::

  make install-local

You should see it uninstall any existing ai-aside in and install your local source, for both the CMS and LMS.

The plug-in configuration will automatically be picked up once installed. Changes will be hot reloaded after the next LMS or CMS restart.

If you would like to manually install ai-aside, go to your lms or cms shell and run::

  pip install -e /edx/src/ai-aside

Run Migrations
You will also need to run migrations for local testing. Using the same lms or cms shell as before, run::

  ./ lms migrate ai_aside

Testing in Docker with AI-spot

If you are running both devstack and a local instance of the supporting ai-spot in docker, you need two pieces of special setup to let ai-spot call the aside handler and retrieve content.

The first is to connect ai-spot to the devstack network with a docker command::

  docker network connect devstack_default ai-spot-server-1

The second is to change the handler URLs generated by ai-aside to a URL that is accessible by ai-spot in the same docker. This is already set up for you in ``summaryhook_aside/settings/``. If your AI service is running locally outside of docker, you will need to change that setting.

Enabling the Aside

For the summary aside to work, you will have to make two changes in the LMS admin:

1. You must create an ``XBlockAsidesConfig`` (admin URL: `/admin/lms_xblock/xblockasidesconfig/`). This model has a list of blocks you do not want asides to apply to that can be left alone, and an enabled setting that unsurprisingly should be True.

2. You must enable a course waffle flag for each course you want to summarize. ``summaryhook.summaryhook_enabled`` is the main one, ``summaryhook_enabled.summaryhook_staff_only`` can be used if you only want staff to see it.

3. You must enable a course waffle flag if you want to use the feature for enabling/disabling the summary by its settings. ``summaryhook.summaryhook_summaries_configuration``. If this flag is enabled, you can enable/disable the courses and the blocks by its settings.

Aside Settings API

There are some endpoints that can be used to pinpoint units to be either enabled or disabled based on their configs. The new settings work as follows:
- If a course is enabled, the summary for all the blocks for that course are enabled by default.
- If a course is disabled or the setting does not exists, then the summary for all the blocks from that course are disabled by default.
- If a block has its own settings, it will override any other setting with the one that is saved.
- If a block does not have any settings saved, then the enabled state will fall back to the course's enabled state mentioned above.

The new endpoints for updating these settings are:

Fetch settings

| Method | Path                                | Responses                                                         |
| GET    | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id``          | - Code 200: ``{ "success": true }``                               |
+--------+-------------------------------------+ - Code 400: ``{ "success": false, "message": "(description)" }``  |
| GET    | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id/:unit_id`` | - Code 404: ``{ "success": false }``                              |

Update settings

| Method | Path                                | Payload                       | Responses                                                        |
| POST   | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id``          | ``{ "enabled": true|false }`` | - Code 200: ``{ "success": true }``                              |
+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ - Code 400: ``{ "success": false, "message": "(description)" }`` |
| POST   | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id/:unit_id`` | ``{ "enabled": true|false }`` |                                                                  |

Delete settings

| Method | Path                                | Responses                                                         |
| DELETE | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id``          | - Code 200: ``{ "success": true }``                               |
+--------+-------------------------------------+ - Code 400: ``{ "success": false, "message": "(description)" }``  |
| DELETE | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id/:unit_id`` | - Code 404: ``{ "success": false }``                              |

Every time you develop something in this repo
.. code-block::

  # Activate the virtualenv
  workon ai-aside

  # Grab the latest code
  git checkout main
  git pull

  # Install/update the dev requirements
  make requirements

  # Run the tests and quality checks (to verify the status before you make any changes)
  make validate

  # Make a new branch for your changes
  git checkout -b <your_github_username>/<short_description>

  # Using your favorite editor, edit the code to make your change.
  vim ...

  # Run your new tests
  pytest ./path/to/new/tests

  # Run all the tests and quality checks
  make validate

  # Commit all your changes
  git commit ...
  git push

  # Open a PR and ask for review.


This plugin is deployed on via EDXAPP_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS.


The code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 unless
otherwise noted.

Please see `LICENSE.txt <LICENSE.txt>`_ for details.


Contributions are very welcome.
Please read `How To Contribute <>`_ for details.

This project is currently accepting all types of contributions, bug fixes,
security fixes, maintenance work, or new features.  However, please make sure
to have a discussion about your new feature idea with the maintainers prior to
beginning development to maximize the chances of your change being accepted.
You can start a conversation by creating a new issue on this repo summarizing
your idea.

The Open edX Code of Conduct

All community members are expected to follow the `Open edX Code of Conduct`_.

.. _Open edX Code of Conduct:


The assigned maintainers for this component and other project details may be
found in `Backstage`_. Backstage pulls this data from the ``catalog-info.yaml``
file in this repo.

.. _Backstage:

Reporting Security Issues

Please do not report security issues in public. Please email

.. |pypi-badge| image::
    :alt: PyPI

.. |ci-badge| image::
    :alt: CI

.. |codecov-badge| image::
    :alt: Codecov

.. |doc-badge| image::
    :alt: Documentation

.. |pyversions-badge| image::
    :alt: Supported Python versions

.. |license-badge| image::
    :alt: License

.. TODO: Choose one of the statuses below and remove the other status-badge lines.
.. |status-badge| image::
.. .. |status-badge| image::
.. .. |status-badge| image::
.. .. |status-badge| image::

Change Log

   All enhancements and patches to ai_aside will be documented
   in this file.  It adheres to the structure of ,
   but in reStructuredText instead of Markdown (for ease of incorporation into
   Sphinx documentation and the PyPI description).

   This project adheres to Semantic Versioning (

.. There should always be an "Unreleased" section for changes pending release.


3.6.2 — 2023-10-12

* Handle rare blocks missing dates when calculating last updated
* Remove log of expected "not here" exception during config

3.6.1 — 2023-10-10

* Resolve scenario where a user has no associated enrollment value

3.6.0 – 2023-10-05

* Include user role in summary hook HTML.
* Add make install-local target for easy devstack installation.

3.5.0 – 2023-09-04

* Add edx-drf-extensions lib.
* Add JwtAuthentication checks before each request.
* Add SessionAuthentication checks before each request.
* Add HasStudioWriteAccess permissions checks before each request.

3.4.0 – 2023-08-30

* Include last updated timestamp in summary hook HTML, derived from the blocks.
* Also somewhat reformats timestamps in the handler return to conform to ISO standard.

3.3.1 – 2023-08-21

* Remove no longer needed first waffle flag summaryhook_enabled

3.3.0 – 2023-08-16

* Add xpert summaries configuration by default for units

3.2.0 – 2023-07-26

* Added the checks for the module settings behind the waffle flag `summaryhook.summaryhook_summaries_configuration`.
* Added is this course configurable endpoint
* Error suppression logs now include block ID
* Missing video transcript is caught earlier in content fetch

3.1.0 – 2023-07-20


* Added API endpoints for updating settings for courses and modules (enable/disable for now) (Has migrations)

3.0.1 – 2023-07-20

* Add positive log when summary fragement decides to inject

3.0.0 – 2023-07-16

* Summary content handler now requires a staff user identity, otherwise returns 403. This is a breaking change.
* Added models to summaryhook_aside (Has migrations)
* Catch exceptions in a couple of locations so the aside cannot crash content.

2.0.2 – 2023-07-05


* Updated HTML parser to remove tags with their content for specific cases like `<script>` or `<style>`.

2.0.1 – 2023-06-29


* Fix transcript format request and conversion

2.0.0 – 2023-06-28


* Adds a handler endpoint to provide summarizable content
* Improves content length checking using that summarizable content

1.2.1 – 2023-05-19


* Fix summary-aside settings package

1.2.0 – 2023-05-11


* Porting over summary-aside from edx-arch-experiments version 1.2.0


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "ai-aside",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "Python edx",
    "author": "edX",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "ai-aside\n#############################\n\n|pypi-badge| |ci-badge| |codecov-badge| |doc-badge| |pyversions-badge|\n|license-badge| |status-badge|\n\nPurpose\n*******\n\nThis plugin holds LLM related blocks and tools, initially the summary XBlock aside but eventually more options.\n\nGetting Started\n***************\n\nDeveloping\n==========\n\nOne Time Setup\n--------------\n.. code-block::\n\n  # Clone the repository\n  git clone\n  cd ai-aside\n\n  # Set up a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper with the same name as the repo and activate it\n  mkvirtualenv -p python3.8 ai-aside\n\nLocal testing\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nTo test your changes locally, you will need to install the package from your local branch into edx-platform. For example, if using devstack, copy or clone your branch into <devstack-parent>/src/ai-aside. Bring up the LMS and CMS containers in devstack, and run this make target in the ai-aside directory::\n\n  make install-local\n\nYou should see it uninstall any existing ai-aside in and install your local source, for both the CMS and LMS.\n\nThe plug-in configuration will automatically be picked up once installed. Changes will be hot reloaded after the next LMS or CMS restart.\n\nIf you would like to manually install ai-aside, go to your lms or cms shell and run::\n\n  pip install -e /edx/src/ai-aside\n\n\nRun Migrations\n..............\nYou will also need to run migrations for local testing. Using the same lms or cms shell as before, run::\n\n  ./ lms migrate ai_aside\n\n\nTesting in Docker with AI-spot\n..............................\n\nIf you are running both devstack and a local instance of the supporting ai-spot in docker, you need two pieces of special setup to let ai-spot call the aside handler and retrieve content.\n\nThe first is to connect ai-spot to the devstack network with a docker command::\n\n  docker network connect devstack_default ai-spot-server-1\n\nThe second is to change the handler URLs generated by ai-aside to a URL that is accessible by ai-spot in the same docker. This is already set up for you in ``summaryhook_aside/settings/``. If your AI service is running locally outside of docker, you will need to change that setting.\n\n\nEnabling the Aside\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nFor the summary aside to work, you will have to make two changes in the LMS admin:\n\n1. You must create an ``XBlockAsidesConfig`` (admin URL: `/admin/lms_xblock/xblockasidesconfig/`). This model has a list of blocks you do not want asides to apply to that can be left alone, and an enabled setting that unsurprisingly should be True.\n\n2. You must enable a course waffle flag for each course you want to summarize. ``summaryhook.summaryhook_enabled`` is the main one, ``summaryhook_enabled.summaryhook_staff_only`` can be used if you only want staff to see it.\n\n3. You must enable a course waffle flag if you want to use the feature for enabling/disabling the summary by its settings. ``summaryhook.summaryhook_summaries_configuration``. If this flag is enabled, you can enable/disable the courses and the blocks by its settings.\n\nAside Settings API\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nThere are some endpoints that can be used to pinpoint units to be either enabled or disabled based on their configs. The new settings work as follows:\n- If a course is enabled, the summary for all the blocks for that course are enabled by default.\n- If a course is disabled or the setting does not exists, then the summary for all the blocks from that course are disabled by default.\n- If a block has its own settings, it will override any other setting with the one that is saved.\n- If a block does not have any settings saved, then the enabled state will fall back to the course's enabled state mentioned above.\n\nThe new endpoints for updating these settings are:\n\nFetch settings\n..............\n\n+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Method | Path                                | Responses                                                         |\n+========+=====================================+===================================================================+\n| GET    | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id``          | - Code 200: ``{ \"success\": true }``                               |\n+--------+-------------------------------------+ - Code 400: ``{ \"success\": false, \"message\": \"(description)\" }``  |\n| GET    | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id/:unit_id`` | - Code 404: ``{ \"success\": false }``                              |\n+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nUpdate settings\n...............\n\n+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Method | Path                                | Payload                       | Responses                                                        |\n+========+=====================================+===============================+==================================================================+\n| POST   | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id``          | ``{ \"enabled\": true|false }`` | - Code 200: ``{ \"success\": true }``                              |\n+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ - Code 400: ``{ \"success\": false, \"message\": \"(description)\" }`` |\n| POST   | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id/:unit_id`` | ``{ \"enabled\": true|false }`` |                                                                  |\n+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nDelete settings\n...............\n\n+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Method | Path                                | Responses                                                         |\n+========+=====================================+===================================================================+\n| DELETE | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id``          | - Code 200: ``{ \"success\": true }``                               |\n+--------+-------------------------------------+ - Code 400: ``{ \"success\": false, \"message\": \"(description)\" }``  |\n| DELETE | ``ai_aside/v1/:course_id/:unit_id`` | - Code 404: ``{ \"success\": false }``                              |\n+--------+-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nEvery time you develop something in this repo\n---------------------------------------------\n.. code-block::\n\n  # Activate the virtualenv\n  workon ai-aside\n\n  # Grab the latest code\n  git checkout main\n  git pull\n\n  # Install/update the dev requirements\n  make requirements\n\n  # Run the tests and quality checks (to verify the status before you make any changes)\n  make validate\n\n  # Make a new branch for your changes\n  git checkout -b <your_github_username>/<short_description>\n\n  # Using your favorite editor, edit the code to make your change.\n  vim ...\n\n  # Run your new tests\n  pytest ./path/to/new/tests\n\n  # Run all the tests and quality checks\n  make validate\n\n  # Commit all your changes\n  git commit ...\n  git push\n\n  # Open a PR and ask for review.\n\nDeploying\n=========\n\nThis plugin is deployed on via EDXAPP_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS.\n\nLicense\n*******\n\nThe code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 unless\notherwise noted.\n\nPlease see `LICENSE.txt <LICENSE.txt>`_ for details.\n\nContributing\n************\n\nContributions are very welcome.\nPlease read `How To Contribute <>`_ for details.\n\nThis project is currently accepting all types of contributions, bug fixes,\nsecurity fixes, maintenance work, or new features.  However, please make sure\nto have a discussion about your new feature idea with the maintainers prior to\nbeginning development to maximize the chances of your change being accepted.\nYou can start a conversation by creating a new issue on this repo summarizing\nyour idea.\n\nThe Open edX Code of Conduct\n****************************\n\nAll community members are expected to follow the `Open edX Code of Conduct`_.\n\n.. _Open edX Code of Conduct:\n\nPeople\n******\n\nThe assigned maintainers for this component and other project details may be\nfound in `Backstage`_. Backstage pulls this data from the ``catalog-info.yaml``\nfile in this repo.\n\n.. _Backstage:\n\nReporting Security Issues\n*************************\n\nPlease do not report security issues in public. Please email\n\n.. |pypi-badge| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: PyPI\n\n.. |ci-badge| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: CI\n\n.. |codecov-badge| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Codecov\n\n.. |doc-badge| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Documentation\n\n.. |pyversions-badge| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Supported Python versions\n\n.. |license-badge| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: License\n\n.. TODO: Choose one of the statuses below and remove the other status-badge lines.\n.. |status-badge| image::\n.. .. |status-badge| image::\n.. .. |status-badge| image::\n.. .. |status-badge| image::\n\n\nChange Log\n##########\n\n..\n   All enhancements and patches to ai_aside will be documented\n   in this file.  It adheres to the structure of ,\n   but in reStructuredText instead of Markdown (for ease of incorporation into\n   Sphinx documentation and the PyPI description).\n\n   This project adheres to Semantic Versioning (\n\n.. There should always be an \"Unreleased\" section for changes pending release.\n\nUnreleased\n**********\n\n3.6.2 \u2014 2023-10-12\n**********************************************\n\n* Handle rare blocks missing dates when calculating last updated\n* Remove log of expected \"not here\" exception during config\n\n3.6.1 \u2014 2023-10-10\n**********************************************\n\n* Resolve scenario where a user has no associated enrollment value\n\n3.6.0 \u2013 2023-10-05\n**********************************************\n\n* Include user role in summary hook HTML.\n* Add make install-local target for easy devstack installation.\n\n3.5.0 \u2013 2023-09-04\n**********************************************\n\n* Add edx-drf-extensions lib.\n* Add JwtAuthentication checks before each request.\n* Add SessionAuthentication checks before each request.\n* Add HasStudioWriteAccess permissions checks before each request.\n\n\n3.4.0 \u2013 2023-08-30\n**********************************************\n\n* Include last updated timestamp in summary hook HTML, derived from the blocks.\n* Also somewhat reformats timestamps in the handler return to conform to ISO standard.\n\n\n3.3.1 \u2013 2023-08-21\n**********************************************\n\n* Remove no longer needed first waffle flag summaryhook_enabled\n\n3.3.0 \u2013 2023-08-16\n**********************************************\n\nFeatures\n=========\n* Add xpert summaries configuration by default for units\n\n3.2.0 \u2013 2023-07-26\n**********************************************\n\nFeatures\n=========\n* Added the checks for the module settings behind the waffle flag `summaryhook.summaryhook_summaries_configuration`.\n* Added is this course configurable endpoint\n* Error suppression logs now include block ID\n* Missing video transcript is caught earlier in content fetch\n\n3.1.0 \u2013 2023-07-20\n**********************************************\n\nFeatures\n=========\n\n* Added API endpoints for updating settings for courses and modules (enable/disable for now) (Has migrations)\n\n3.0.1 \u2013 2023-07-20\n**********************************************\n\n* Add positive log when summary fragement decides to inject\n\n3.0.0 \u2013 2023-07-16\n**********************************************\n\nFeatures\n=========\n* Summary content handler now requires a staff user identity, otherwise returns 403. This is a breaking change.\n* Added models to summaryhook_aside (Has migrations)\n* Catch exceptions in a couple of locations so the aside cannot crash content.\n\n2.0.2 \u2013 2023-07-05\n**********************************************\n\nFix\n=====\n\n* Updated HTML parser to remove tags with their content for specific cases like `<script>` or `<style>`.\n\n\n2.0.1 \u2013 2023-06-29\n**********************************************\n\nFix\n=====\n\n* Fix transcript format request and conversion\n\n\n2.0.0 \u2013 2023-06-28\n**********************************************\n\nAdded\n=====\n\n* Adds a handler endpoint to provide summarizable content\n* Improves content length checking using that summarizable content\n\n\n1.2.1 \u2013 2023-05-19\n**********************************************\n\nFixes\n=====\n\n* Fix summary-aside settings package\n\n1.2.0 \u2013 2023-05-11\n**********************************************\n\nAdded\n=====\n\n* Porting over summary-aside from edx-arch-experiments version 1.2.0\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "AGPL 3.0",
    "summary": "A plugin containing xblocks and apps supporting GPT and other LLM use on edX.",
    "version": "3.7.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
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Elapsed time: 0.13899s