
Nameai21 JSON
Version 3.0.1 PyPI version JSON
upload_time2024-12-02 12:06:57
authorAI21 Labs
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <h1 align="center">
    <a href="">AI21 Labs Python SDK</a>

[//]: # "Add when public"
[//]: # '<a href=""><img src="" alt="Test"></a>'
[//]: # '<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Supported Python versions"></a>'

<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Test"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Integration Tests"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Package version"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Poetry"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Supported Python versions"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Semantic Release Support"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="License"></a>


## Table of Contents

- [Examples](#examples-tldr) 🗂️
- [Migration from v1.3.4 and below](#migration-from-v134-and-below)
- [AI21 Official Documentation](#Documentation)
- [Installation](#Installation) 💿
- [Usage - Chat Completions](#Usage)
- [Conversational RAG (Beta)](#Conversational-RAG-Beta)
- [Older Models Support Usage](#Older-Models-Support-Usage)
- [More Models](#More-Models)
  - [Streaming](#Streaming)
  - [TSMs](#TSMs)
- [Token Counting](#Token-Counting)
- [Environment Variables](#Environment-Variables)
- [Error Handling](#Error-Handling)
- [Cloud Providers](#Cloud-Providers) ☁️
  - [AWS](#AWS)
    - [Bedrock](#Bedrock)
    - [SageMaker](#SageMaker)
  - [Azure](#Azure)
  - [Vertex](#Vertex)

## Examples (tl;dr)

If you want to quickly get a glance how to use the AI21 Python SDK and jump straight to business, you can check out the examples. Take a look at our models and see them in action! Several examples and demonstrations have been put together to show our models' functionality and capabilities.

### [Check out the Examples](examples/)

Feel free to dive in, experiment, and adapt these examples to suit your needs. We believe they'll help you get up and running quickly.

## Migration from v1.3.4 and below

In `v2.0.0` we introduced a new SDK that is not backwards compatible with the previous version.
This version allows for non-static instances of the client, defined parameters to each resource, modelized responses and

<summary>Migration Examples</summary>

### Instance creation (not available in v1.3.4 and below)

from ai21 import AI21Client

client = AI21Client(api_key='my_api_key')

# or set api_key in environment variable - AI21_API_KEY and then
client = AI21Client()

We No longer support static methods for each resource, instead we have a client instance that has a method for each
allowing for more flexibility and better control.

### Completion before/after

prompt = "some prompt"

- import ai21
- response = ai21.Completion.execute(model="j2-light", prompt=prompt, maxTokens=2)

+ from ai21 import AI21Client
+ client = ai21.AI21Client()
+ response = client.completion.create(model="j2-light", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=2)

This applies to all resources. You would now need to create a client instance and use it to call the resource method.

### Tokenization and Token counting before/after

- response = ai21.Tokenization.execute(text=prompt)
- print(len(response)) # number of tokens

+ from ai21 import AI21Client
+ client = AI21Client()
+ token_count = client.count_tokens(text=prompt)

### Key Access in Response Objects before/after

It is no longer possible to access the response object as a dictionary. Instead, you can access the response object as an object with attributes.

- import ai21
- response = ai21.Summarize.execute(source="some text", sourceType="TEXT")
- response["summary"]

+ from ai21 import AI21Client
+ from ai21.models import DocumentType
+ client = AI21Client()
+ response = client.summarize.create(source="some text", source_type=DocumentType.TEXT)
+ response.summary


### AWS Client Creations

### Bedrock Client creation before/after

- import ai21
- destination = ai21.BedrockDestination(model_id=ai21.BedrockModelID.J2_MID_V1)
- response = ai21.Completion.execute(prompt=prompt, maxTokens=1000, destination=destination)

+ from ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID
+ client = AI21BedrockClient()
+ response = client.completion.create(prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1000, model_id=BedrockModelID.J2_MID_V1)

### SageMaker Client creation before/after

- import ai21
- destination = ai21.SageMakerDestination("j2-mid-test-endpoint")
- response = ai21.Completion.execute(prompt=prompt, maxTokens=1000, destination=destination)

+ from ai21 import AI21SageMakerClient
+ client = AI21SageMakerClient(endpoint_name="j2-mid-test-endpoint")
+ response = client.completion.create(prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1000)


## Documentation


The full documentation for the REST API can be found on [](

## Installation


pip install ai21

## Usage


from ai21 import AI21Client
from import ChatMessage

client = AI21Client(
    # defaults to os.enviorn.get('AI21_API_KEY')

system = "You're a support engineer in a SaaS company"
messages = [
    ChatMessage(content=system, role="system"),
    ChatMessage(content="Hello, I need help with a signup process.", role="user"),

chat_completions =

### Async Usage

You can use the `AsyncAI21Client` to make asynchronous requests.
There is no difference between the sync and the async client in terms of usage.

import asyncio

from ai21 import AsyncAI21Client
from import ChatMessage

system = "You're a support engineer in a SaaS company"
messages = [
    ChatMessage(content=system, role="system"),
    ChatMessage(content="Hello, I need help with a signup process.", role="user"),

client = AsyncAI21Client(
   # defaults to os.enviorn.get('AI21_API_KEY')

async def main():
    response = await



A more detailed example can be found [here](examples/studio/chat/

## Older Models Support Usage


### Supported Models:

- j2-light
- [j2-ultra](#Chat)
- [j2-mid](#Completion)
- [jamba-instruct](#Chat-Completion)

you can read more about the models [here](

### Chat

from ai21 import AI21Client
from ai21.models import RoleType
from ai21.models import ChatMessage

system = "You're a support engineer in a SaaS company"
messages = [
    ChatMessage(text="Hello, I need help with a signup process.", role=RoleType.USER),
    ChatMessage(text="Hi Alice, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem?", role=RoleType.ASSISTANT),
    ChatMessage(text="I am having trouble signing up for your product with my Google account.", role=RoleType.USER),

client = AI21Client()
chat_response =

For a more detailed example, see the chat [examples](examples/studio/

### Completion

from ai21 import AI21Client

client = AI21Client()
completion_response = client.completion.create(
    prompt="This is a test prompt",

### Chat Completion

from ai21 import AI21Client
from import ChatMessage

system = "You're a support engineer in a SaaS company"
messages = [
    ChatMessage(content=system, role="system"),
    ChatMessage(content="Hello, I need help with a signup process.", role="user"),
    ChatMessage(content="Hi Alice, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem?", role="assistant"),
    ChatMessage(content="I am having trouble signing up for your product with my Google account.", role="user"),

client = AI21Client()

response =


Note that jamba-instruct supports async and streaming as well.


For a more detailed example, see the completion [examples](examples/studio/chat/


## Streaming

We currently support streaming for the Chat Completions API in Jamba.

from ai21 import AI21Client
from import ChatMessage

messages = [ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")]

client = AI21Client()

response =
for chunk in response:
    print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end="")


### Async Streaming

import asyncio

from ai21 import AsyncAI21Client
from import ChatMessage

messages = [ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")]

client = AsyncAI21Client()

async def main():
    response = await
    async for chunk in response:
        print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end="")



### Conversational RAG (Beta)

Like chat, but with the ability to retrieve information from your Studio library.

from ai21 import AI21Client
from import ChatMessage

messages = [
    ChatMessage(content="Ask a question about your files", role="user"),

client = AI21Client()

chat_response = client.beta.conversational_rag.create(

For a more detailed example, see the chat [sync](examples/studio/conversational_rag/ and [async](examples/studio/conversational_rag/ examples.


### File Upload

from ai21 import AI21Client

client = AI21Client()

file_id = client.library.files.create(
    labels=["label1", "label2"],

uploaded_file = client.library.files.get(file_id)

## Token Counting


By using the `count_tokens` method, you can estimate the billing for a given request.

from ai21.tokenizers import get_tokenizer

tokenizer = get_tokenizer(name="jamba-tokenizer")
total_tokens = tokenizer.count_tokens(text="some text")  # returns int

### Async Usage

from ai21.tokenizers import get_async_tokenizer

## Your async function code
tokenizer = await get_async_tokenizer(name="jamba-tokenizer")
total_tokens = await tokenizer.count_tokens(text="some text")  # returns int

Available tokenizers are:

- `jamba-tokenizer`
- `j2-tokenizer`

For more information on AI21 Tokenizers, see the [documentation](

## Environment Variables


You can set several environment variables to configure the client.

### Logging

We use the standard library [`logging`]( module.

To enable logging, set the `AI21_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable.

$ export AI21_LOG_LEVEL=debug

### Other Important Environment Variables

- `AI21_API_KEY` - Your API key. If not set, you must pass it to the client constructor.
- `AI21_API_VERSION` - The API version. Defaults to `v1`.
- `AI21_API_HOST` - The API host. Defaults to ``.
- `AI21_TIMEOUT_SEC` - The timeout for API requests.
- `AI21_NUM_RETRIES` - The maximum number of retries for API requests. Defaults to `3` retries.
- `AI21_AWS_REGION` - The AWS region to use for AWS clients. Defaults to `us-east-1`.

## Error Handling


from ai21 import errors as ai21_errors
from ai21 import AI21Client, AI21APIError
from ai21.models import ChatMessage

client = AI21Client()

system = "You're a support engineer in a SaaS company"
messages = [
        # Notice the given role does not exist and will be the reason for the raised error
        ChatMessage(text="Hello, I need help with a signup process.", role="Non-Existent-Role"),

    chat_completion =
except ai21_errors.AI21ServerError as e:
    print("Server error and could not be reached")
except ai21_errors.TooManyRequestsError as e:
    print("A 429 status code was returned. Slow down on the requests")
except AI21APIError as e:
    print("A non 200 status code error. For more error types see ai21.errors")


## Cloud Providers


### AWS

AI21 Library provides convenient ways to interact with two AWS clients for use with [AWS Bedrock]( and AWS SageMaker.

### Installation


pip install -U "ai21[AWS]"

This will make sure you have the required dependencies installed, including `boto3 >= 1.28.82`.

### Usage


### Bedrock

from ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID
from import ChatMessage

client = AI21BedrockClient(region='us-east-1') # region is optional, as you can use the env variable instead

messages = [
  ChatMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant", role="system"),
  ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

response =

#### Stream

from ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID
from import ChatMessage

system = "You're a support engineer in a SaaS company"
messages = [
    ChatMessage(content=system, role="system"),
    ChatMessage(content="Hello, I need help with a signup process.", role="user"),
    ChatMessage(content="Hi Alice, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem?", role="assistant"),
    ChatMessage(content="I am having trouble signing up for your product with my Google account.", role="user"),

client = AI21BedrockClient()

response =

for chunk in response:
    print(chunk.choices[0].message.content, end="")

#### Async

import asyncio
from ai21 import AsyncAI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID
from import ChatMessage

client = AsyncAI21BedrockClient(region='us-east-1') # region is optional, as you can use the env variable instead

messages = [
  ChatMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant", role="system"),
  ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

async def main():
    response = await

### With Boto3 Session

import boto3

from ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID
from import ChatMessage

boto_session = boto3.Session(region_name="us-east-1")

client = AI21BedrockClient(session=boto_session)

messages = [
  ChatMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant", role="system"),
  ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

response =

### Async

import boto3
import asyncio

from ai21 import AsyncAI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID
from import ChatMessage

boto_session = boto3.Session(region_name="us-east-1")

client = AsyncAI21BedrockClient(session=boto_session)

messages = [
  ChatMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant", role="system"),
  ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

async def main():
  response = await

### SageMaker

from ai21 import AI21SageMakerClient

client = AI21SageMakerClient(endpoint_name="j2-endpoint-name")
response = client.summarize.create(
    source="Text to summarize",

#### Async

import asyncio
from ai21 import AsyncAI21SageMakerClient

client = AsyncAI21SageMakerClient(endpoint_name="j2-endpoint-name")

async def main():
  response = await client.summarize.create(
      source="Text to summarize",

### With Boto3 Session

from ai21 import AI21SageMakerClient
import boto3
boto_session = boto3.Session(region_name="us-east-1")

client = AI21SageMakerClient(

### Azure

If you wish to interact with your Azure endpoint on Azure AI Studio, use the `AI21AzureClient`
and `AsyncAI21AzureClient` clients.

The following models are supported on Azure:

- `jamba-instruct`

from ai21 import AI21AzureClient
from import ChatMessage

client = AI21AzureClient(
  api_key="<your Azure api key>",

messages = [
  ChatMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant", role="system"),
  ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

response =

#### Async

import asyncio
from ai21 import AsyncAI21AzureClient
from import ChatMessage

client = AsyncAI21AzureClient(
  api_key="<your Azure api key>",

messages = [
  ChatMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant", role="system"),
  ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

async def main():
  response = await

### Vertex

If you wish to interact with your Vertex AI endpoint on GCP, use the `AI21VertexClient`
and `AsyncAI21VertexClient` clients.

The following models are supported on Vertex:

- `jamba-1.5-mini`
- `jamba-1.5-large`

from ai21 import AI21VertexClient

from import ChatMessage

# You can also set the project_id, region, access_token and Google credentials in the constructor
client = AI21VertexClient()

messages = ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

response =

#### Async

import asyncio

from ai21 import AsyncAI21VertexClient
from import ChatMessage

# You can also set the project_id, region, access_token and Google credentials in the constructor
client = AsyncAI21VertexClient()

async def main():
    messages = ChatMessage(content="What is the meaning of life?", role="user")

    response = await

Happy prompting! 🚀


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "ai21",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "AI21 Labs",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<h1 align=\"center\">\n    <a href=\"\">AI21 Labs Python SDK</a>\n</h1>\n\n[//]: # \"Add when public\"\n[//]: # '<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Test\"></a>'\n[//]: # '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Supported Python versions\"></a>'\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Test\"></a>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Integration Tests\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Package version\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Poetry\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Supported Python versions\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Semantic Release Support\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"License\"></a>\n</p>\n\n---\n\n## Table of Contents\n\n- [Examples](#examples-tldr) \ud83d\uddc2\ufe0f\n- [Migration from v1.3.4 and below](#migration-from-v134-and-below)\n- [AI21 Official Documentation](#Documentation)\n- [Installation](#Installation) \ud83d\udcbf\n- [Usage - Chat Completions](#Usage)\n- [Conversational RAG (Beta)](#Conversational-RAG-Beta)\n- [Older Models Support Usage](#Older-Models-Support-Usage)\n- [More Models](#More-Models)\n  - [Streaming](#Streaming)\n  - [TSMs](#TSMs)\n- [Token Counting](#Token-Counting)\n- [Environment Variables](#Environment-Variables)\n- [Error Handling](#Error-Handling)\n- [Cloud Providers](#Cloud-Providers) \u2601\ufe0f\n  - [AWS](#AWS)\n    - [Bedrock](#Bedrock)\n    - [SageMaker](#SageMaker)\n  - [Azure](#Azure)\n  - [Vertex](#Vertex)\n\n## Examples (tl;dr)\n\nIf you want to quickly get a glance how to use the AI21 Python SDK and jump straight to business, you can check out the examples. Take a look at our models and see them in action! Several examples and demonstrations have been put together to show our models' functionality and capabilities.\n\n### [Check out the Examples](examples/)\n\nFeel free to dive in, experiment, and adapt these examples to suit your needs. We believe they'll help you get up and running quickly.\n\n## Migration from v1.3.4 and below\n\nIn `v2.0.0` we introduced a new SDK that is not backwards compatible with the previous version.\nThis version allows for non-static instances of the client, defined parameters to each resource, modelized responses and\nmore.\n\n<details>\n<summary>Migration Examples</summary>\n\n### Instance creation (not available in v1.3.4 and below)\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\n\nclient = AI21Client(api_key='my_api_key')\n\n# or set api_key in environment variable - AI21_API_KEY and then\nclient = AI21Client()\n```\n\nWe No longer support static methods for each resource, instead we have a client instance that has a method for each\nallowing for more flexibility and better control.\n\n### Completion before/after\n\n```diff\nprompt = \"some prompt\"\n\n- import ai21\n- response = ai21.Completion.execute(model=\"j2-light\", prompt=prompt, maxTokens=2)\n\n+ from ai21 import AI21Client\n+ client = ai21.AI21Client()\n+ response = client.completion.create(model=\"j2-light\", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=2)\n```\n\nThis applies to all resources. You would now need to create a client instance and use it to call the resource method.\n\n### Tokenization and Token counting before/after\n\n```diff\n- response = ai21.Tokenization.execute(text=prompt)\n- print(len(response)) # number of tokens\n\n+ from ai21 import AI21Client\n+ client = AI21Client()\n+ token_count = client.count_tokens(text=prompt)\n```\n\n### Key Access in Response Objects before/after\n\nIt is no longer possible to access the response object as a dictionary. Instead, you can access the response object as an object with attributes.\n\n```diff\n- import ai21\n- response = ai21.Summarize.execute(source=\"some text\", sourceType=\"TEXT\")\n- response[\"summary\"]\n\n+ from ai21 import AI21Client\n+ from ai21.models import DocumentType\n+ client = AI21Client()\n+ response = client.summarize.create(source=\"some text\", source_type=DocumentType.TEXT)\n+ response.summary\n```\n\n---\n\n### AWS Client Creations\n\n### Bedrock Client creation before/after\n\n```diff\n- import ai21\n- destination = ai21.BedrockDestination(model_id=ai21.BedrockModelID.J2_MID_V1)\n- response = ai21.Completion.execute(prompt=prompt, maxTokens=1000, destination=destination)\n\n+ from ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID\n+ client = AI21BedrockClient()\n+ response = client.completion.create(prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1000, model_id=BedrockModelID.J2_MID_V1)\n```\n\n### SageMaker Client creation before/after\n\n```diff\n- import ai21\n- destination = ai21.SageMakerDestination(\"j2-mid-test-endpoint\")\n- response = ai21.Completion.execute(prompt=prompt, maxTokens=1000, destination=destination)\n\n+ from ai21 import AI21SageMakerClient\n+ client = AI21SageMakerClient(endpoint_name=\"j2-mid-test-endpoint\")\n+ response = client.completion.create(prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1000)\n```\n\n</details>\n\n## Documentation\n\n---\n\nThe full documentation for the REST API can be found on [](\n\n## Installation\n\n---\n\n```bash\npip install ai21\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n---\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nclient = AI21Client(\n    # defaults to os.enviorn.get('AI21_API_KEY')\n    api_key='my_api_key',\n)\n\nsystem = \"You're a support engineer in a SaaS company\"\nmessages = [\n    ChatMessage(content=system, role=\"system\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"Hello, I need help with a signup process.\", role=\"user\"),\n]\n\nchat_completions =\n    messages=messages,\n    model=\"jamba-1.5-mini\",\n)\n```\n\n### Async Usage\n\nYou can use the `AsyncAI21Client` to make asynchronous requests.\nThere is no difference between the sync and the async client in terms of usage.\n\n```python\nimport asyncio\n\nfrom ai21 import AsyncAI21Client\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nsystem = \"You're a support engineer in a SaaS company\"\nmessages = [\n    ChatMessage(content=system, role=\"system\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"Hello, I need help with a signup process.\", role=\"user\"),\n]\n\nclient = AsyncAI21Client(\n   # defaults to os.enviorn.get('AI21_API_KEY')\n    api_key='my_api_key',\n)\n\n\nasync def main():\n    response = await\n        messages=messages,\n        model=\"jamba-1.5-mini\",\n    )\n\n    print(response)\n\n\\n\n```\n\nA more detailed example can be found [here](examples/studio/chat/\n\n## Older Models Support Usage\n\n<details>\n<summary>Examples</summary>\n\n### Supported Models:\n\n- j2-light\n- [j2-ultra](#Chat)\n- [j2-mid](#Completion)\n- [jamba-instruct](#Chat-Completion)\n\nyou can read more about the models [here](\n\n### Chat\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\nfrom ai21.models import RoleType\nfrom ai21.models import ChatMessage\n\nsystem = \"You're a support engineer in a SaaS company\"\nmessages = [\n    ChatMessage(text=\"Hello, I need help with a signup process.\", role=RoleType.USER),\n    ChatMessage(text=\"Hi Alice, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem?\", role=RoleType.ASSISTANT),\n    ChatMessage(text=\"I am having trouble signing up for your product with my Google account.\", role=RoleType.USER),\n]\n\n\nclient = AI21Client()\nchat_response =\n    system=system,\n    messages=messages,\n    model=\"j2-ultra\",\n)\n```\n\nFor a more detailed example, see the chat [examples](examples/studio/\n\n### Completion\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\n\n\nclient = AI21Client()\ncompletion_response = client.completion.create(\n    prompt=\"This is a test prompt\",\n    model=\"j2-mid\",\n)\n```\n\n### Chat Completion\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nsystem = \"You're a support engineer in a SaaS company\"\nmessages = [\n    ChatMessage(content=system, role=\"system\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"Hello, I need help with a signup process.\", role=\"user\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"Hi Alice, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem?\", role=\"assistant\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"I am having trouble signing up for your product with my Google account.\", role=\"user\"),\n]\n\nclient = AI21Client()\n\nresponse =\n    messages=messages,\n    model=\"jamba-instruct\",\n    max_tokens=100,\n    temperature=0.7,\n    top_p=1.0,\n    stop=[\"\\n\"],\n)\n\nprint(response)\n```\n\nNote that jamba-instruct supports async and streaming as well.\n\n</details>\n\nFor a more detailed example, see the completion [examples](examples/studio/chat/\n\n---\n\n## Streaming\n\nWe currently support streaming for the Chat Completions API in Jamba.\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nmessages = [ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")]\n\nclient = AI21Client()\n\nresponse =\n    messages=messages,\n    model=\"jamba-instruct\",\n    stream=True,\n)\nfor chunk in response:\n    print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end=\"\")\n\n```\n\n### Async Streaming\n\n```python\nimport asyncio\n\nfrom ai21 import AsyncAI21Client\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nmessages = [ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")]\n\nclient = AsyncAI21Client()\n\n\nasync def main():\n    response = await\n        messages=messages,\n        model=\"jamba-1.5-mini\",\n        stream=True,\n    )\n    async for chunk in response:\n        print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end=\"\")\n\n\\n\n```\n\n---\n\n### Conversational RAG (Beta)\n\nLike chat, but with the ability to retrieve information from your Studio library.\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nmessages = [\n    ChatMessage(content=\"Ask a question about your files\", role=\"user\"),\n]\n\nclient = AI21Client()\n\nclient.library.files.create(\n  file_path=\"path/to/file\",\n  path=\"path/to/file/in/library\",\n  labels=[\"my_file_label\"],\n)\nchat_response = client.beta.conversational_rag.create(\n    messages=messages,\n    labels=[\"my_file_label\"],\n)\n```\n\nFor a more detailed example, see the chat [sync](examples/studio/conversational_rag/ and [async](examples/studio/conversational_rag/ examples.\n\n---\n\n### File Upload\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client\n\nclient = AI21Client()\n\nfile_id = client.library.files.create(\n    file_path=\"path/to/file\",\n    path=\"path/to/file/in/library\",\n    labels=[\"label1\", \"label2\"],\n    public_url=\"\",\n)\n\nuploaded_file = client.library.files.get(file_id)\n```\n\n## Token Counting\n\n---\n\nBy using the `count_tokens` method, you can estimate the billing for a given request.\n\n```python\nfrom ai21.tokenizers import get_tokenizer\n\ntokenizer = get_tokenizer(name=\"jamba-tokenizer\")\ntotal_tokens = tokenizer.count_tokens(text=\"some text\")  # returns int\nprint(total_tokens)\n```\n\n### Async Usage\n\n```python\nfrom ai21.tokenizers import get_async_tokenizer\n\n## Your async function code\n#...\ntokenizer = await get_async_tokenizer(name=\"jamba-tokenizer\")\ntotal_tokens = await tokenizer.count_tokens(text=\"some text\")  # returns int\nprint(total_tokens)\n```\n\nAvailable tokenizers are:\n\n- `jamba-tokenizer`\n- `j2-tokenizer`\n\nFor more information on AI21 Tokenizers, see the [documentation](\n\n## Environment Variables\n\n---\n\nYou can set several environment variables to configure the client.\n\n### Logging\n\nWe use the standard library [`logging`]( module.\n\nTo enable logging, set the `AI21_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable.\n\n```bash\n$ export AI21_LOG_LEVEL=debug\n```\n\n### Other Important Environment Variables\n\n- `AI21_API_KEY` - Your API key. If not set, you must pass it to the client constructor.\n- `AI21_API_VERSION` - The API version. Defaults to `v1`.\n- `AI21_API_HOST` - The API host. Defaults to ``.\n- `AI21_TIMEOUT_SEC` - The timeout for API requests.\n- `AI21_NUM_RETRIES` - The maximum number of retries for API requests. Defaults to `3` retries.\n- `AI21_AWS_REGION` - The AWS region to use for AWS clients. Defaults to `us-east-1`.\n\n## Error Handling\n\n---\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import errors as ai21_errors\nfrom ai21 import AI21Client, AI21APIError\nfrom ai21.models import ChatMessage\n\nclient = AI21Client()\n\nsystem = \"You're a support engineer in a SaaS company\"\nmessages = [\n        # Notice the given role does not exist and will be the reason for the raised error\n        ChatMessage(text=\"Hello, I need help with a signup process.\", role=\"Non-Existent-Role\"),\n    ]\n\ntry:\n    chat_completion =\n        messages=messages,\n        model=\"j2-ultra\",\n        system=system\n    )\nexcept ai21_errors.AI21ServerError as e:\n    print(\"Server error and could not be reached\")\n    print(e.details)\nexcept ai21_errors.TooManyRequestsError as e:\n    print(\"A 429 status code was returned. Slow down on the requests\")\nexcept AI21APIError as e:\n    print(\"A non 200 status code error. For more error types see ai21.errors\")\n\n```\n\n## Cloud Providers\n\n---\n\n### AWS\n\nAI21 Library provides convenient ways to interact with two AWS clients for use with [AWS Bedrock]( and AWS SageMaker.\n\n### Installation\n\n---\n\n```bash\npip install -U \"ai21[AWS]\"\n```\n\nThis will make sure you have the required dependencies installed, including `boto3 >= 1.28.82`.\n\n### Usage\n\n---\n\n### Bedrock\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nclient = AI21BedrockClient(region='us-east-1') # region is optional, as you can use the env variable instead\n\nmessages = [\n  ChatMessage(content=\"You are a helpful assistant\", role=\"system\"),\n  ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n]\n\nresponse =\n    messages=messages,\n    model_id=BedrockModelID.JAMBA_1_5_LARGE,\n)\n```\n\n#### Stream\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nsystem = \"You're a support engineer in a SaaS company\"\nmessages = [\n    ChatMessage(content=system, role=\"system\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"Hello, I need help with a signup process.\", role=\"user\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"Hi Alice, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem?\", role=\"assistant\"),\n    ChatMessage(content=\"I am having trouble signing up for your product with my Google account.\", role=\"user\"),\n]\n\nclient = AI21BedrockClient()\n\nresponse =\n    messages=messages,\n    model=BedrockModelID.JAMBA_1_5_LARGE,\n    stream=True,\n)\n\nfor chunk in response:\n    print(chunk.choices[0].message.content, end=\"\")\n```\n\n#### Async\n\n```python\nimport asyncio\nfrom ai21 import AsyncAI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nclient = AsyncAI21BedrockClient(region='us-east-1') # region is optional, as you can use the env variable instead\n\nmessages = [\n  ChatMessage(content=\"You are a helpful assistant\", role=\"system\"),\n  ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n]\n\nasync def main():\n    response = await\n        messages=messages,\n        model_id=BedrockModelID.JAMBA_1_5_LARGE,\n    )\n\n\\n```\n\n### With Boto3 Session\n\n```python\nimport boto3\n\nfrom ai21 import AI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nboto_session = boto3.Session(region_name=\"us-east-1\")\n\nclient = AI21BedrockClient(session=boto_session)\n\nmessages = [\n  ChatMessage(content=\"You are a helpful assistant\", role=\"system\"),\n  ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n]\n\nresponse =\n    messages=messages,\n    model_id=BedrockModelID.JAMBA_1_5_LARGE,\n)\n```\n\n### Async\n\n```python\nimport boto3\nimport asyncio\n\nfrom ai21 import AsyncAI21BedrockClient, BedrockModelID\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nboto_session = boto3.Session(region_name=\"us-east-1\")\n\nclient = AsyncAI21BedrockClient(session=boto_session)\n\nmessages = [\n  ChatMessage(content=\"You are a helpful assistant\", role=\"system\"),\n  ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n]\n\nasync def main():\n  response = await\n      messages=messages,\n      model_id=BedrockModelID.JAMBA_1_5_LARGE,\n  )\n\\n```\n\n### SageMaker\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21SageMakerClient\n\nclient = AI21SageMakerClient(endpoint_name=\"j2-endpoint-name\")\nresponse = client.summarize.create(\n    source=\"Text to summarize\",\n    source_type=\"TEXT\",\n)\nprint(response.summary)\n```\n\n#### Async\n\n```python\nimport asyncio\nfrom ai21 import AsyncAI21SageMakerClient\n\nclient = AsyncAI21SageMakerClient(endpoint_name=\"j2-endpoint-name\")\n\nasync def main():\n  response = await client.summarize.create(\n      source=\"Text to summarize\",\n      source_type=\"TEXT\",\n  )\n  print(response.summary)\n\\n```\n\n### With Boto3 Session\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21SageMakerClient\nimport boto3\nboto_session = boto3.Session(region_name=\"us-east-1\")\n\nclient = AI21SageMakerClient(\n    session=boto_session,\n    endpoint_name=\"j2-endpoint-name\",\n)\n```\n\n### Azure\n\nIf you wish to interact with your Azure endpoint on Azure AI Studio, use the `AI21AzureClient`\nand `AsyncAI21AzureClient` clients.\n\nThe following models are supported on Azure:\n\n- `jamba-instruct`\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21AzureClient\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nclient = AI21AzureClient(\n  base_url=\"https://<YOUR-ENDPOINT>\",\n  api_key=\"<your Azure api key>\",\n)\n\nmessages = [\n  ChatMessage(content=\"You are a helpful assistant\", role=\"system\"),\n  ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n]\n\nresponse =\n  model=\"jamba-1.5-mini\",\n  messages=messages,\n)\n```\n\n#### Async\n\n```python\nimport asyncio\nfrom ai21 import AsyncAI21AzureClient\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\nclient = AsyncAI21AzureClient(\n  base_url=\"https://<YOUR-ENDPOINT>\",\n  api_key=\"<your Azure api key>\",\n)\n\nmessages = [\n  ChatMessage(content=\"You are a helpful assistant\", role=\"system\"),\n  ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n]\n\nasync def main():\n  response = await\n    model=\"jamba-instruct\",\n    messages=messages,\n  )\n\\n```\n\n### Vertex\n\nIf you wish to interact with your Vertex AI endpoint on GCP, use the `AI21VertexClient`\nand `AsyncAI21VertexClient` clients.\n\nThe following models are supported on Vertex:\n\n- `jamba-1.5-mini`\n- `jamba-1.5-large`\n\n```python\nfrom ai21 import AI21VertexClient\n\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\n# You can also set the project_id, region, access_token and Google credentials in the constructor\nclient = AI21VertexClient()\n\nmessages = ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n\nresponse =\n    model=\"jamba-1.5-mini\",\n    messages=[messages],\n)\n```\n\n#### Async\n\n```python\nimport asyncio\n\nfrom ai21 import AsyncAI21VertexClient\nfrom import ChatMessage\n\n# You can also set the project_id, region, access_token and Google credentials in the constructor\nclient = AsyncAI21VertexClient()\n\n\nasync def main():\n    messages = ChatMessage(content=\"What is the meaning of life?\", role=\"user\")\n\n    response = await\n        model=\"jamba-1.5-mini\",\n        messages=[messages],\n    )\n\\n```\n\nHappy prompting! \ud83d\ude80\n\n",
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