
Nameaind-behavior-curriculum JSON
Version 0.0.28 PyPI version JSON
SummaryGenerated from aind-library-template
upload_time2024-08-01 16:46:00
authorAllen Institute for Neural Dynamics
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # aind-behavior-curriculum

![Code Style](
[![semantic-release: angular](](

A core problem in mice training is accurately keeping track of each mouse's training stage and accurately setting the corresponding rig parameters. As the number of behavior studies, research assistants, and mice increase, manual tracking and parameter input is prone to human error. This library provides a flexible framework for defining mice curriculum enabling mouse training to be automated.

## Installation
pip install aind-behavior-curriculum

## Documentation

### Understanding a Curriculum

A **``Curriculum``** is structured as a graph of training **``Stages``**.
Each **``Stage``**  is associated with a **``Task``**, which is a set of rig parameters.
Stages are connected by **``Stage Transitions``**, which are directed edges associated with a trigger condition.

**``Stages``** and **``Stage Transitions``** form the nodes and edges of a **``Curriculum``** graph, respectively.
With this structure alone, a user can define a basic curriculum with the flexibility of defining skip connections and regressions. For nodes with multiple ongoing edges, edges are labelled by priority, set by the user.

| ![High-Level Curriculum](./examples/example_project/diagrams/high_level_curr_diagram.png "Title") | 
|*An example curriculum consisting of purely stages and stage transitions. This **``Curriculum``** consists of a skip connection between **``Stage``** 'StageA' and **``Stage``** 'Graduated'. **``Stage Transitions``** are triggered on a parameter 't2' and the skip transition is ordered before the transition going to **``Stage``** StageB.* |


This library also supports **``Curriculum``** **hypergraphs**. 

Conceptually, a user may want to change the rig parameters associated with a stage, but this set of rig parameters would be unnatural to classify as a new training stage altogether.
In this situation, the user may define a graph of **``Policies``** and **``Policy Transitions``** within a **``Stage``**.
A **``Policy``**, changes the task parameters of a **``Stage``**, as described above. A **``Policy Transition``** acts just like a **``Stage Transition``**, and defines transitions between **``Policies``** on a trigger condition. Like **``Stage Transitions``**, **``Policy Transitions``**  can connect any two arbitrary **``Policies``** and are ordered by priority set by the user.

| ![Full Curriculum](./examples/example_project/diagrams/my_curr_diagram.png "Title") | 
|*An example **``Curriculum``** consisting of **``Stage``** and  **``Policy``** graphs. Left: The high level policy graph. Right: Internal policy graphs.* |

**``Policies``** are more nuanced than **``Stages``**.

Yellow **``Policies``** in the example indicate '**Start Policies**'. To initialize the rig parameters of a **``Stage``**, the user must specify which **``Policy/Policies``** in the **``Stage``** policy graph to start with.

Unlike **``Stages``**, a mouse can occupy multiple active **``Policies``**  within a **``Stage``**. As described later, the **``Trainer``** will record the net combination of rig parameters.


**Any hypergraph is supported!**

Here are some examples of the possibilities. The high-level stage graph are shown to the left and the inidividual policy graphs are shown to the right.

| ![Tree Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/tree_curr_diagram.png "Title") | 
|*A 'Tree' **``Curriculum``*** |

| ![Track Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/track_curr_diagram.png "Title") | 
|*A 'Train Track' **``Curriculum``*** |

| ![Policy Triangle Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/p_triangle_curr_diagram.png "Title") | 
|*A 'Policy Triangle' **``Curriculum``*** |

| ![Stage Triangle Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/s_triangle_curr_diagram.png "Title") | 
|*A 'Stage Triangle' **``Curriculum``*** |


### Understanding the Trainer

The **``Trainer``** is responsible for recording where a mouse is in its associated curriculum hypergraph. The **``Trainer``** contains 4 primary functions:
1) Registration:
	This is the entry point where the mice enter the system.
	Here, the user provides the **``Trainer``** with a mouse and associates the mouse with a curriculum, a start stage, and start policies as a starting place for evaluation.

2) Evaluation:
	For each registered mouse, the **``Trainer``** looks at the mouse's current position in its hypergraph curriculum. The **``Trainer``** collects all the current outgoing transitions and checks which evaluate to True. The **``Trainer``** determines the updated hypergraph position and associated **``Task``** parameters according to the following simple rules:
	- **``Trainer``** takes the outgoing **``Stage Transition``** with the highest priority. If multiple **``Stage Transitions``** evaluate to True, then the **``Stage Transition``** with the highest priority is chosen. Priority is set by the user.
	- **``Trainer``** takes the outgoing **``Policy Transition``** with the highest priority. If multiple **``Policy Transitions``** evaluate to True, then the **``Policy Transition``** with the highest priority is chosen. Priority is set by the user.
	- **``Stage Transitions``** override **``Policy Transitions``**. If a **``Stage Transition``** and **``Policy Transition``** both evaluate to True, the **``Trainer``** jumps directly to the next **``Stage``** .
	- If no transitions are True, the mouse stays in place.
	- For multiple active **``Policies``** that evaluate to True, **``Trainer``** sets the current  **``Task``**  parameters to the net combination of incident **``Policies``**.

3) Mouse Override:
	This allows the user to update a mouse's position manually to any position in its curriculum. Future evaluation occurs from this new position. Due to this feature, it is possible to design a **``Curriculum``** of 'floating stages' and 'floating policies'.

4) Mouse Eject:
	 This allows the user to remove a mouse from its curriculum entirely. The position of the mouse is recorded as 'None' and stays at 'None' on future evaluation unless the mouse is overrides back onto curriculum.

Every **``Trainer``**  function keeps a record of mouse history in **``SubjectHistory``** which can be referenced or exported for rig automation and further analysis.


### Building a Curriculum

For examples of how to build a **``Curriculum``**, please reference ``examples/example_project`` and ``examples/example_project_2`` within the project files and their associated diagrams, ``examples/example_project/diagrams`` and ``examples/example_project_2/diagrams``.

Tips for building your own **``Curriculum``**:
- Focus on one graph at a time. Define all the **``Tasks/Stages/Stage Transitions``** associated with the higher level graph, and then move onto defining the **``Policies/Policy Transitions``** associated with each **``Stage``**.

- **``Metrics``** contains all the variables that trigger conditions associated with **``Stage Transitions``** and **``Policy Transitions``**. Progressively add to **``Metrics``** as needed.

- Keep **``Stage Transitions``** and **``Policy Transitions``** simple. A typical transition will only trigger on one metric variable. This makes transitions much easier to name.

-  Validate **``Stage Transition``** and **``Policy Transition``** priority with the ``Curriculum.export_digram(...)`` utility, which labels edges with its rank. Use ``Curriculum.set_stage_transition_priority(...)`` and ``Stage.set_policy_transition_priority(...)`` to reorder priority.

Common mistakes:
- Every **``Stage``** needs a set of start policies, see ``Curriculum.set_start_policies(...)``. If a stage with no policies is desired, use ``curriculum_utils.create_empty_stage(...)``. This is a common pattern for the final stage of a **``Curriculum``**, so the library also offers a prebuilt final stage ``curriculum_utils.GRADUATED``.

- The callables in **``Policy``** and **``Policy Transition/Stage Transition``** have different input signatures. Please reference ``Policy.validate_rule(...)`` and ``PolicyTransition.validate_rule(...)``/``StageTransition.validate_rule(...)``


### Building a Trainer

The 4 primary functions of the **``Trainer``** described above are decoupled from any database. To use the **``Trainer``** in practice, the user must define ``Trainer.load_data(...)`` and ``Trainer.write_data(...)`` which connect to a user's databases for mice curriculum, mice history, and mice metrics. Please see ``examples/example_project/`` for an example.


### Inside Allen Institute of Neural Dynamics

Allen Institute of Neural Dynamics offers an internal repository template that automatically uploads the repository's curriculum to a central bucket available here:
This way, curriculums can be accessed across rig computers and reused/modified similar to Github commits.

As of (5/9/2024), a Metrics database has yet to be defined, therefore a Trainer cannot be defined.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "aind-behavior-curriculum",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# aind-behavior-curriculum\n\n[![License](](LICENSE)\n![Code Style](\n[![semantic-release: angular](](\n![Interrogate](\n![Coverage](\n![Python](>=3.11-blue?logo=python)\n\nA core problem in mice training is accurately keeping track of each mouse's training stage and accurately setting the corresponding rig parameters. As the number of behavior studies, research assistants, and mice increase, manual tracking and parameter input is prone to human error. This library provides a flexible framework for defining mice curriculum enabling mouse training to be automated.\n\n## Installation\n```bash\npip install aind-behavior-curriculum\n```\n\n## Documentation\n\n### Understanding a Curriculum\n\nA **``Curriculum``** is structured as a graph of training **``Stages``**.\nEach **``Stage``**  is associated with a **``Task``**, which is a set of rig parameters.\nStages are connected by **``Stage Transitions``**, which are directed edges associated with a trigger condition.\n\n**``Stages``** and **``Stage Transitions``** form the nodes and edges of a **``Curriculum``** graph, respectively.\nWith this structure alone, a user can define a basic curriculum with the flexibility of defining skip connections and regressions. For nodes with multiple ongoing edges, edges are labelled by priority, set by the user.\n\n\n| ![High-Level Curriculum](./examples/example_project/diagrams/high_level_curr_diagram.png \"Title\") | \n|:--:| \n|*An example curriculum consisting of purely stages and stage transitions. This **``Curriculum``** consists of a skip connection between **``Stage``** 'StageA' and **``Stage``** 'Graduated'. **``Stage Transitions``** are triggered on a parameter 't2' and the skip transition is ordered before the transition going to **``Stage``** StageB.* |\n\n$~$\n\nThis library also supports **``Curriculum``** **hypergraphs**. \n\nConceptually, a user may want to change the rig parameters associated with a stage, but this set of rig parameters would be unnatural to classify as a new training stage altogether.\nIn this situation, the user may define a graph of **``Policies``** and **``Policy Transitions``** within a **``Stage``**.\nA **``Policy``**, changes the task parameters of a **``Stage``**, as described above. A **``Policy Transition``** acts just like a **``Stage Transition``**, and defines transitions between **``Policies``** on a trigger condition. Like **``Stage Transitions``**, **``Policy Transitions``**  can connect any two arbitrary **``Policies``** and are ordered by priority set by the user.\n\n\n| ![Full Curriculum](./examples/example_project/diagrams/my_curr_diagram.png \"Title\") | \n|:--:| \n|*An example **``Curriculum``** consisting of **``Stage``** and  **``Policy``** graphs. Left: The high level policy graph. Right: Internal policy graphs.* |\n\n**``Policies``** are more nuanced than **``Stages``**.\n\nYellow **``Policies``** in the example indicate '**Start Policies**'. To initialize the rig parameters of a **``Stage``**, the user must specify which **``Policy/Policies``** in the **``Stage``** policy graph to start with.\n\nUnlike **``Stages``**, a mouse can occupy multiple active **``Policies``**  within a **``Stage``**. As described later, the **``Trainer``** will record the net combination of rig parameters.\n\n$~$\n\n**Any hypergraph is supported!**\n\nHere are some examples of the possibilities. The high-level stage graph are shown to the left and the inidividual policy graphs are shown to the right.\n\n\n| ![Tree Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/tree_curr_diagram.png \"Title\") | \n|:--:| \n|*A 'Tree' **``Curriculum``*** |\n\n| ![Track Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/track_curr_diagram.png \"Title\") | \n|:--:| \n|*A 'Train Track' **``Curriculum``*** |\n\n| ![Policy Triangle Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/p_triangle_curr_diagram.png \"Title\") | \n|:--:| \n|*A 'Policy Triangle' **``Curriculum``*** |\n\n| ![Stage Triangle Curriculum](./examples/example_project_2/diagrams/s_triangle_curr_diagram.png \"Title\") | \n|:--:| \n|*A 'Stage Triangle' **``Curriculum``*** |\n\n$~$\n\n### Understanding the Trainer\n\nThe **``Trainer``** is responsible for recording where a mouse is in its associated curriculum hypergraph. The **``Trainer``** contains 4 primary functions:\n1) Registration:\n\tThis is the entry point where the mice enter the system.\n\tHere, the user provides the **``Trainer``** with a mouse and associates the mouse with a curriculum, a start stage, and start policies as a starting place for evaluation.\n\n2) Evaluation:\n\tFor each registered mouse, the **``Trainer``** looks at the mouse's current position in its hypergraph curriculum. The **``Trainer``** collects all the current outgoing transitions and checks which evaluate to True. The **``Trainer``** determines the updated hypergraph position and associated **``Task``** parameters according to the following simple rules:\n\t- **``Trainer``** takes the outgoing **``Stage Transition``** with the highest priority. If multiple **``Stage Transitions``** evaluate to True, then the **``Stage Transition``** with the highest priority is chosen. Priority is set by the user.\n\t- **``Trainer``** takes the outgoing **``Policy Transition``** with the highest priority. If multiple **``Policy Transitions``** evaluate to True, then the **``Policy Transition``** with the highest priority is chosen. Priority is set by the user.\n\t- **``Stage Transitions``** override **``Policy Transitions``**. If a **``Stage Transition``** and **``Policy Transition``** both evaluate to True, the **``Trainer``** jumps directly to the next **``Stage``** .\n\t- If no transitions are True, the mouse stays in place.\n\t- For multiple active **``Policies``** that evaluate to True, **``Trainer``** sets the current  **``Task``**  parameters to the net combination of incident **``Policies``**.\n\n3) Mouse Override:\n\tThis allows the user to update a mouse's position manually to any position in its curriculum. Future evaluation occurs from this new position. Due to this feature, it is possible to design a **``Curriculum``** of 'floating stages' and 'floating policies'.\n\n4) Mouse Eject:\n\t This allows the user to remove a mouse from its curriculum entirely. The position of the mouse is recorded as 'None' and stays at 'None' on future evaluation unless the mouse is overrides back onto curriculum.\n\nEvery **``Trainer``**  function keeps a record of mouse history in **``SubjectHistory``** which can be referenced or exported for rig automation and further analysis.\n\n$~$\n\n### Building a Curriculum\n\nFor examples of how to build a **``Curriculum``**, please reference ``examples/example_project`` and ``examples/example_project_2`` within the project files and their associated diagrams, ``examples/example_project/diagrams`` and ``examples/example_project_2/diagrams``.\n\nTips for building your own **``Curriculum``**:\n- Focus on one graph at a time. Define all the **``Tasks/Stages/Stage Transitions``** associated with the higher level graph, and then move onto defining the **``Policies/Policy Transitions``** associated with each **``Stage``**.\n\n- **``Metrics``** contains all the variables that trigger conditions associated with **``Stage Transitions``** and **``Policy Transitions``**. Progressively add to **``Metrics``** as needed.\n\n- Keep **``Stage Transitions``** and **``Policy Transitions``** simple. A typical transition will only trigger on one metric variable. This makes transitions much easier to name.\n\n-  Validate **``Stage Transition``** and **``Policy Transition``** priority with the ``Curriculum.export_digram(...)`` utility, which labels edges with its rank. Use ``Curriculum.set_stage_transition_priority(...)`` and ``Stage.set_policy_transition_priority(...)`` to reorder priority.\n\n\nCommon mistakes:\n- Every **``Stage``** needs a set of start policies, see ``Curriculum.set_start_policies(...)``. If a stage with no policies is desired, use ``curriculum_utils.create_empty_stage(...)``. This is a common pattern for the final stage of a **``Curriculum``**, so the library also offers a prebuilt final stage ``curriculum_utils.GRADUATED``.\n\n- The callables in **``Policy``** and **``Policy Transition/Stage Transition``** have different input signatures. Please reference ``Policy.validate_rule(...)`` and ``PolicyTransition.validate_rule(...)``/``StageTransition.validate_rule(...)``\n\n$~$\n\n### Building a Trainer\n\nThe 4 primary functions of the **``Trainer``** described above are decoupled from any database. To use the **``Trainer``** in practice, the user must define ``Trainer.load_data(...)`` and ``Trainer.write_data(...)`` which connect to a user's databases for mice curriculum, mice history, and mice metrics. Please see ``examples/example_project/`` for an example.\n\n$~$\n\n### Inside Allen Institute of Neural Dynamics\n\nAllen Institute of Neural Dynamics offers an internal repository template that automatically uploads the repository's curriculum to a central bucket available here:\nThis way, curriculums can be accessed across rig computers and reused/modified similar to Github commits.\n\nAs of (5/9/2024), a Metrics database has yet to be defined, therefore a Trainer cannot be defined.\n",
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