
Namealchy JSON
Version 2.2.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA SQLAlchemy extension for its declarative ORM that provides enhancements for model classes, queries, and sessions.
upload_time2017-01-04 02:41:23
authorDerrick Gilland
licenseMIT License
keywords sqlalchemy databases orm declarative
requirements pydash SQLAlchemy
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

|version| |travis| |coveralls| |license|

A SQLAlchemy extension for its declarative ORM that provides enhancements for model classes, queries, and sessions.



Use `sqlservice <>`_ instead.


- Project:
- Documentation:
- PyPi:
- TravisCI:

.. |version| image::

.. |travis| image::

.. |coveralls| image::

.. |license| image::


v2.2.2 (2017-01-03)

- Fix bug in handling of session options when providing explicit ``binds`` value via ``session_options`` during ``Manager`` in initialization. Thanks brianbruggeman_!

v2.2.1 (2016-05-18)

- Fix bug with ``events.before_delete`` where decorator was defined using invalid parent class making it completely non-functional as a decorator.

v2.2.0 (2016-03-21)

- Add ``metadata``argument to ``alchy.model.make_declarative_base`` to provide custom metaclass for declarative base model. Thanks fabioramponi_!

v2.1.0 (2016-03-11)

- Add ``Meta`` argument to ``alchy.model.make_declarative_base`` to provide custom metaclass for declarative base model. Thanks elidchan_!

v2.0.1 (2015-07-29)

- Make ``Session.get_bind()`` ``mapper`` argument have default value of ``None``.

v2.0.0 (2015-04-29)

- Add ``Query.index_by``.
- Add ``Query.chain``.
- Add ``pydash`` as dependency and incorporate into existing ``Query`` methods: ``map``, ``reduce``, ``reduce_right``, and ``pluck``.
- Improve logic for setting ``__tablename__`` to work with all table inheritance styles (joined, single, and concrete), to handle ``@declared_attr`` columns, and not to duplicate underscore characters. Thanks sethp_!
- Modify logic that sets a Model class' ``__table_args__`` and ``__mapper_args__`` (unless overridden in subclass) by merging ``__global_table_args__`` and ``__global_mapper_args__`` from all classes in the class's ``mro()`` with ``__local_table_args__`` and ``__local_mapper_args__`` from the class itself. A ``__{global,local}_{table,mapper}_args__`` may be callable or classmethod, in which case it is evaluated on the class whose ``__{table,mapper}_args__`` is being set. Thanks sethp_! (**breaking change**)

v1.5.1 (2015-01-13)

- Add support for callable ``__table_args__`` and ``__local_table_args__``. Thanks sethp_!

v1.5.0 (2014-12-16)

- Add ``Model.is_modified()``. Thanks sethp_!
- Add ``Model.filter()``.
- Add ``Model.filter_by()``.

v1.4.2 (2014-11-18)

- Add ``search.inenum`` and ``search.notinenum`` for performing an ``in_`` and ``not(in_)`` comparision using ``DeclarativeEnum``.

v1.4.1 (2014-11-17)

- Allow ``Model.__bind_key__`` to be set at the declarative base level so that model classes can properly inherit it.

v1.4.0 (2014-11-09)

- Make ``ModelBase``'s ``__table_args__`` and ``__mapper_args__`` inheritable via mixins. Thanks sethp_!
- Add ``__enum_args__`` to ``DeclarativeEnum``. Thanks sethp_!
- Allow enum name to be overridden when calling ``DeclarativeEnum.db_type()``. Thanks sethp_!

v1.3.1 (2014-10-14)

- During ``Model.update()`` when setting a non-list relationship automatically instantiate ``dict`` values using the relationship model class.

v1.3.0 (2014-10-10)

- Convert null relationships to ``{}`` when calling ``Model.to_dict()`` instead of leaving as ``None``.

v1.2.0 (2014-10-10)

- During ``Model.update()`` when setting a list relationship automatically instantiate ``dict`` values using the relationship model class.

v1.1.2 (2014-09-25)

- Allow ``alias`` keyword argument to ``Query.join_eager()`` and ``Query.outerjoin_eager()`` to be a ``dict`` mapping aliases to join keys. Enables nested aliases.

v1.1.1 (2014-09-01)

- Fix handling of nested ``Model.update()`` calls to relationship attributes so that setting relationship to empty ``dict`` will propagate ``None`` to relationship attribute value correctly.

v1.1.0 (2014-08-30)

- Add ``query.LoadOption`` to support nesting load options when calling the ``query.Query`` load methods: ``join_eager``, ``outerjoin_eager``, ``joinedload``, ``immediateload``, ``lazyload``, ``noload``, and ``subqueryload``.

v1.0.0 (2014-08-25)

- Replace usage of ``@classproperty`` decorators in ``ModelBase`` with ``@classmethod``. Any previously defined class properties now require method access. Affected attributes are: ``session``, ``primary_key``, ``primary_keys``, ``primary_attrs``, ``attrs``, ``descriptors``, ``relationships``, ``column_attrs``, and ``columns``. (**breaking change**)
- Proxy ``getitem`` and ``setitem`` access to ``getattr`` and ``setattr`` in ``ModelBase``. Allows models to be accessed like dictionaries.
- Make ```` decorators class based.
- Require ```` decorators to be instantiated using a function call (e.g. ``@events.before_update()`` instead of ``@events.before_update``). (**breaking change**)
- Add ```` comparators, ``eqenum`` and ``noteqenum``, for comparing ``DeclarativeEnum`` types.

v0.13.3 (2014-07-26)

- Fix ``utils.iterflatten()`` by calling ``iterflatten()`` instead of ``flatten`` in recursive loop.

v0.13.2 (2014-06-12)

- Add ``ModelBase.primary_attrs`` class property that returns a list of class attributes that are primary keys.
- Use ``ModelBase.primary_attrs`` in ```` so that it handles cases where primary keys have column names that are different than the class attribute name.

v0.13.1 (2014-06-11)

- Modify internals of ```` to better handle searching on a query object that already has joins and filters applied.

v0.13.0 (2014-06-03)

- Add ``search.icontains`` and ``search.noticontains`` for case insensitive contains filter.
- Remove strict update support from ``Model.update()``. Require this to be implemented in user-land. (**breaking change**)

v0.12.0 (2014-05-18)

- Merge originating query where clause in ```` so that pagination works properly.
- Add ``session_class`` argument to ``Manager`` which can override the default session class used.

v0.11.3 (2014-05-05)

- In ``ModelMeta`` when checking whether to do tablename autogeneration, tranverse all base classes when trying to determine if a primary key is defined.
- In ``ModelMeta`` set ``bind_key`` in ``__init__`` method instead of ``__new__``. This also fixes an issue where ``__table_args__`` was incorrectly assumed to always be a ``dict``.

v0.11.2 (2014-05-05)

- Support ``order_by`` as list/tuple in ````.

v0.11.1 (2014-05-05)

- Fix bug in ```` where ``order_by`` wasn't applied in the correct order. Needed to come before limit/offset are applied.

v0.11.0 (2014-05-04)

- PEP8 compliance with default settings.
- Remove ``query_property`` argument from ``make_declarative_base()`` and ``extend_declarative_base()``. (**breaking change**)
- Add ``ModelBase.primary_keys`` class property which returns a tuple always (``ModelBase.primary_key`` returns a single key if only one present or a tuple if multiple).
- Move location of class ``QueryProperty`` from ``alchy.model`` to ``alchy.query``. (**breaking change**)
- Create new ``Query`` subclass named ``QueryModel`` which is to be used within a query property context. Replace ``Query`` with ``QueryModel`` as default query class. (**breaking change**)
- Move ``__advanced_search__`` and ``__simple_search__`` class attributes from ``ModelBase`` to ``QueryModel``. (**breaking change**)
- Introduce ``QueryModel.__search_filters__`` which can define a canonical set of search filters which can then be referenced in the list version of ``__advanced_search__`` and ``__simple_search__``.
- Modify the logic of ```` to use a subquery joined onto the originating query in order to support pagination when one-to-many and many-to-many joins are present on the originating query. (**breaking change**)
- Support passing in a callable that returns a column attribute for ``<method>()``. Allows for ```` to be used at the class attribute level when ```` will be defined later.
- Add search operators ``any_/notany_`` and ``has/nothas`` which can be used for the corresponding relationship operators.

v0.10.0 (2014-04-02)

- Issue warning instead of failing when installed version of SQLAlchemy isn't compatible with ``alchy.Query``'s loading API (i.e. missing ``sqlalchemy.orm.strategy_options.Load``). This allows ``alchy`` to be used with earlier versions of SQLAlchemy at user's own risk.
- Add ```` module which provides compatible search functions for ``ModelBase.__advanced_search__`` and ``ModelBase.__simple_search__``.

v0.9.1 (2014-03-30)

- Change ``ModelBase.session`` to proxy ``ModelBase.query.session``.
- Add ``ModelBase.object_session`` proxy to ``orm.object_session(ModelBase)``.

v0.9.0 (2014-03-26)

- Remove ``engine_config_prefix`` argument to ``Manager()``. (**breaking change**)
- Add explicit ``session_options`` argument to ``Manager()``. (**breaking change**)
- Change the ``Manager.config`` options to follow Flask-SQLAlchemy. (**breaking change**)
- Allow ``Manager.config`` to be either a ``dict``, ``class``, or ``module object``.
- Add multiple database engine support using a single ``Manager`` instance.
- Add ``__bind_key__`` configuration option for ``ModelBase`` for binding model to specific database bind (similar to Flask-SQLAlchemy).

v0.8.0 (2014-03-18)

- For ``ModelBase.update()`` don't nest ``update()`` calls if field attribute is a ``dict``.
- Deprecated ``refresh_on_empty`` argument to ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` and instead implement ``ModelBase.__to_dict__`` configuration property as place to handle processing of model before casting to ``dict``. (**breaking change**)
- Add ``ModelBase.__to_dict__`` configuration property which handles preprocessing for model instance and returns a set of fields as strings to be used as dict keys when calling ``to_dict()``.

v0.7.0 (2014-03-13)

- Rename ``alchy.ManagerBase`` to ``alchy.ManagerMixin``. (**breaking change**)
- Add ``pylint`` support.
- Remove dependency on ``six``.

v0.6.0 (2014-03-10)

- Prefix event decorators which did not start with ``before_`` or ``after_`` with ``on_``. Specifically, ``on_set``, ``on_append``, ``on_remove``, ``on_append_result``, ``on_create_instance``, ``on_instrument_class``, ``on_mapper_configured``, ``on_populate_instance``, ``on_translate_row``, ``on_expire``, ``on_load``, and ``on_refresh``. (**breaking change**)
- Remove lazy engine/session initialization in ``Manager``. Require that ``Model`` and ``config`` be passed in at init time. While this removes some functionality, it's done to simplify the ``Manager`` code so that it's more straightforward. If lazy initialization is needed, then a proxy class should be used. (**breaking change**)

v0.5.0 (2014-03-02)

- Add ``ModelBase.primary_key`` class property for retrieving primary key(s).
- Add ``Base=None`` argument to ``make_declarative_base()`` to support passing in a subclass of ``ModelBase``. Previously had to create a declarative ``Model`` to pass in a subclassed ``ModelBase``.
- Let any exception occurring in ``ModelBase.query`` attribute access bubble up (previously, ``UnmappedClassError`` was caught).
- Python 2.6 and 3.3 support.
- PEP8 compliance.
- New dependency: ``six`` (for Python 3 support)

v0.4.2 (2014-02-24)

- In ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` only include fields which are mapper descriptors.
- Support ``to_dict`` method hook when iterating over objects in ``ModelBase.to_dict()``.
- Add ``to_dict`` method hook to ``EnumSymbol`` (propagates to ``DeclarativeEnum``).

v0.4.1 (2014-02-23)

- Support ``__iter__`` method in model so that ``dict(model)`` is equilvalent to ``model.to_dict()``.
- Add ``refresh_on_empty=True`` argument to ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` which supports calling ``ModelBase.refresh()`` if ``__dict__`` is empty.

v0.4.0 (2014-02-23)

- Add ```` method which adds model instance loaded from session to transaction.
- Add ``ModelBase.get_by()`` which proxies to ``ModelBase.query.filter_by().first()``.
- Add model attribute ``events``.
- Add support for multiple event decoration.
- Add named events for all supported events.
- Add composite events for ``before_insert_update`` and ``after_insert_update``.

v0.3.0 (2014-02-07)

- Rename ``ModelBase.advanced_search_config`` to ``ModelBase.__advanced_search__``.
- Rename ``ModelBase.simple_search_config`` to ``ModelBase.__simple_search__``
- Add ``ModelMeta`` metaclass.
- Implement ``__tablename__`` autogeneration from class name.
- Add mapper event support via ``ModelBase.__events__`` and/or ``model.event`` decorator.

v0.2.1 (2014-02-03)

- Fix reference to ``model.make_declarative_base`` in ``Manager`` class.

v0.2.0 (2014-02-02)

- Add default ``query_class`` to declarative model if none defined.
- Let ``model.make_declarative_base()`` accept predefined base and just extend its functionality.

v0.1.0 (2014-02-01)

- First release

.. _sethp:
.. _elidchan:
.. _fabioramponi:
.. _brianbruggeman:


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "alchy",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "sqlalchemy databases orm declarative",
    "author": "Derrick Gilland",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "",
    "description": "alchy\n*****\n\n|version| |travis| |coveralls| |license|\n\nA SQLAlchemy extension for its declarative ORM that provides enhancements for model classes, queries, and sessions.\n\nMAINTENANCE MODE\n================\n\n**PROJECT IS IN MAINTENANCE MODE: NO NEW FEATURES, BUG FIXES ONLY**\n\nUse `sqlservice <>`_ instead.\n\n\nLinks\n=====\n\n- Project:\n- Documentation:\n- PyPi:\n- TravisCI:\n\n\n.. |version| image::\n    :target:\n\n.. |travis| image::\n    :target:\n\n.. |coveralls| image::\n    :target:\n\n.. |license| image::\n    :target:\n\n\nChangelog\n=========\n\n\nv2.2.2 (2017-01-03)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix bug in handling of session options when providing explicit ``binds`` value via ``session_options`` during ``Manager`` in initialization. Thanks brianbruggeman_!\n\n\nv2.2.1 (2016-05-18)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix bug with ``events.before_delete`` where decorator was defined using invalid parent class making it completely non-functional as a decorator.\n\n\nv2.2.0 (2016-03-21)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``metadata``argument to ``alchy.model.make_declarative_base`` to provide custom metaclass for declarative base model. Thanks fabioramponi_!\n\n\nv2.1.0 (2016-03-11)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``Meta`` argument to ``alchy.model.make_declarative_base`` to provide custom metaclass for declarative base model. Thanks elidchan_!\n\n\nv2.0.1 (2015-07-29)\n-------------------\n\n- Make ``Session.get_bind()`` ``mapper`` argument have default value of ``None``.\n\n\nv2.0.0 (2015-04-29)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``Query.index_by``.\n- Add ``Query.chain``.\n- Add ``pydash`` as dependency and incorporate into existing ``Query`` methods: ``map``, ``reduce``, ``reduce_right``, and ``pluck``.\n- Improve logic for setting ``__tablename__`` to work with all table inheritance styles (joined, single, and concrete), to handle ``@declared_attr`` columns, and not to duplicate underscore characters. Thanks sethp_!\n- Modify logic that sets a Model class' ``__table_args__`` and ``__mapper_args__`` (unless overridden in subclass) by merging ``__global_table_args__`` and ``__global_mapper_args__`` from all classes in the class's ``mro()`` with ``__local_table_args__`` and ``__local_mapper_args__`` from the class itself. A ``__{global,local}_{table,mapper}_args__`` may be callable or classmethod, in which case it is evaluated on the class whose ``__{table,mapper}_args__`` is being set. Thanks sethp_! (**breaking change**)\n\n\nv1.5.1 (2015-01-13)\n-------------------\n\n- Add support for callable ``__table_args__`` and ``__local_table_args__``. Thanks sethp_!\n\n\nv1.5.0 (2014-12-16)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``Model.is_modified()``. Thanks sethp_!\n- Add ``Model.filter()``.\n- Add ``Model.filter_by()``.\n\n\nv1.4.2 (2014-11-18)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``search.inenum`` and ``search.notinenum`` for performing an ``in_`` and ``not(in_)`` comparision using ``DeclarativeEnum``.\n\n\nv1.4.1 (2014-11-17)\n-------------------\n\n- Allow ``Model.__bind_key__`` to be set at the declarative base level so that model classes can properly inherit it.\n\n\nv1.4.0 (2014-11-09)\n-------------------\n\n- Make ``ModelBase``'s ``__table_args__`` and ``__mapper_args__`` inheritable via mixins. Thanks sethp_!\n- Add ``__enum_args__`` to ``DeclarativeEnum``. Thanks sethp_!\n- Allow enum name to be overridden when calling ``DeclarativeEnum.db_type()``. Thanks sethp_!\n\n\nv1.3.1 (2014-10-14)\n-------------------\n\n- During ``Model.update()`` when setting a non-list relationship automatically instantiate ``dict`` values using the relationship model class.\n\n\nv1.3.0 (2014-10-10)\n-------------------\n\n- Convert null relationships to ``{}`` when calling ``Model.to_dict()`` instead of leaving as ``None``.\n\n\nv1.2.0 (2014-10-10)\n-------------------\n\n- During ``Model.update()`` when setting a list relationship automatically instantiate ``dict`` values using the relationship model class.\n\n\nv1.1.2 (2014-09-25)\n-------------------\n\n- Allow ``alias`` keyword argument to ``Query.join_eager()`` and ``Query.outerjoin_eager()`` to be a ``dict`` mapping aliases to join keys. Enables nested aliases.\n\n\nv1.1.1 (2014-09-01)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix handling of nested ``Model.update()`` calls to relationship attributes so that setting relationship to empty ``dict`` will propagate ``None`` to relationship attribute value correctly.\n\n\nv1.1.0 (2014-08-30)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``query.LoadOption`` to support nesting load options when calling the ``query.Query`` load methods: ``join_eager``, ``outerjoin_eager``, ``joinedload``, ``immediateload``, ``lazyload``, ``noload``, and ``subqueryload``.\n\n\nv1.0.0 (2014-08-25)\n-------------------\n\n- Replace usage of ``@classproperty`` decorators in ``ModelBase`` with ``@classmethod``. Any previously defined class properties now require method access. Affected attributes are: ``session``, ``primary_key``, ``primary_keys``, ``primary_attrs``, ``attrs``, ``descriptors``, ``relationships``, ``column_attrs``, and ``columns``. (**breaking change**)\n- Proxy ``getitem`` and ``setitem`` access to ``getattr`` and ``setattr`` in ``ModelBase``. Allows models to be accessed like dictionaries.\n- Make ```` decorators class based.\n- Require ```` decorators to be instantiated using a function call (e.g. ``@events.before_update()`` instead of ``@events.before_update``). (**breaking change**)\n- Add ```` comparators, ``eqenum`` and ``noteqenum``, for comparing ``DeclarativeEnum`` types.\n\n\nv0.13.3 (2014-07-26)\n--------------------\n\n- Fix ``utils.iterflatten()`` by calling ``iterflatten()`` instead of ``flatten`` in recursive loop.\n\n\nv0.13.2 (2014-06-12)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``ModelBase.primary_attrs`` class property that returns a list of class attributes that are primary keys.\n- Use ``ModelBase.primary_attrs`` in ```` so that it handles cases where primary keys have column names that are different than the class attribute name.\n\n\nv0.13.1 (2014-06-11)\n--------------------\n\n- Modify internals of ```` to better handle searching on a query object that already has joins and filters applied.\n\n\nv0.13.0 (2014-06-03)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``search.icontains`` and ``search.noticontains`` for case insensitive contains filter.\n- Remove strict update support from ``Model.update()``. Require this to be implemented in user-land. (**breaking change**)\n\n\nv0.12.0 (2014-05-18)\n--------------------\n\n- Merge originating query where clause in ```` so that pagination works properly.\n- Add ``session_class`` argument to ``Manager`` which can override the default session class used.\n\n\nv0.11.3 (2014-05-05)\n--------------------\n\n- In ``ModelMeta`` when checking whether to do tablename autogeneration, tranverse all base classes when trying to determine if a primary key is defined.\n- In ``ModelMeta`` set ``bind_key`` in ``__init__`` method instead of ``__new__``. This also fixes an issue where ``__table_args__`` was incorrectly assumed to always be a ``dict``.\n\n\nv0.11.2 (2014-05-05)\n--------------------\n\n- Support ``order_by`` as list/tuple in ````.\n\n\nv0.11.1 (2014-05-05)\n--------------------\n\n- Fix bug in ```` where ``order_by`` wasn't applied in the correct order. Needed to come before limit/offset are applied.\n\n\nv0.11.0 (2014-05-04)\n--------------------\n\n- PEP8 compliance with default settings.\n- Remove ``query_property`` argument from ``make_declarative_base()`` and ``extend_declarative_base()``. (**breaking change**)\n- Add ``ModelBase.primary_keys`` class property which returns a tuple always (``ModelBase.primary_key`` returns a single key if only one present or a tuple if multiple).\n- Move location of class ``QueryProperty`` from ``alchy.model`` to ``alchy.query``. (**breaking change**)\n- Create new ``Query`` subclass named ``QueryModel`` which is to be used within a query property context. Replace ``Query`` with ``QueryModel`` as default query class. (**breaking change**)\n- Move ``__advanced_search__`` and ``__simple_search__`` class attributes from ``ModelBase`` to ``QueryModel``. (**breaking change**)\n- Introduce ``QueryModel.__search_filters__`` which can define a canonical set of search filters which can then be referenced in the list version of ``__advanced_search__`` and ``__simple_search__``.\n- Modify the logic of ```` to use a subquery joined onto the originating query in order to support pagination when one-to-many and many-to-many joins are present on the originating query. (**breaking change**)\n- Support passing in a callable that returns a column attribute for ``<method>()``. Allows for ```` to be used at the class attribute level when ```` will be defined later.\n- Add search operators ``any_/notany_`` and ``has/nothas`` which can be used for the corresponding relationship operators.\n\n\nv0.10.0 (2014-04-02)\n--------------------\n\n- Issue warning instead of failing when installed version of SQLAlchemy isn't compatible with ``alchy.Query``'s loading API (i.e. missing ``sqlalchemy.orm.strategy_options.Load``). This allows ``alchy`` to be used with earlier versions of SQLAlchemy at user's own risk.\n- Add ```` module which provides compatible search functions for ``ModelBase.__advanced_search__`` and ``ModelBase.__simple_search__``.\n\n\nv0.9.1 (2014-03-30)\n-------------------\n\n- Change ``ModelBase.session`` to proxy ``ModelBase.query.session``.\n- Add ``ModelBase.object_session`` proxy to ``orm.object_session(ModelBase)``.\n\n\nv0.9.0 (2014-03-26)\n-------------------\n\n- Remove ``engine_config_prefix`` argument to ``Manager()``. (**breaking change**)\n- Add explicit ``session_options`` argument to ``Manager()``. (**breaking change**)\n- Change the ``Manager.config`` options to follow Flask-SQLAlchemy. (**breaking change**)\n- Allow ``Manager.config`` to be either a ``dict``, ``class``, or ``module object``.\n- Add multiple database engine support using a single ``Manager`` instance.\n- Add ``__bind_key__`` configuration option for ``ModelBase`` for binding model to specific database bind (similar to Flask-SQLAlchemy).\n\nv0.8.0 (2014-03-18)\n-------------------\n\n- For ``ModelBase.update()`` don't nest ``update()`` calls if field attribute is a ``dict``.\n- Deprecated ``refresh_on_empty`` argument to ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` and instead implement ``ModelBase.__to_dict__`` configuration property as place to handle processing of model before casting to ``dict``. (**breaking change**)\n- Add ``ModelBase.__to_dict__`` configuration property which handles preprocessing for model instance and returns a set of fields as strings to be used as dict keys when calling ``to_dict()``.\n\n\nv0.7.0 (2014-03-13)\n-------------------\n\n- Rename ``alchy.ManagerBase`` to ``alchy.ManagerMixin``. (**breaking change**)\n- Add ``pylint`` support.\n- Remove dependency on ``six``.\n\n\nv0.6.0 (2014-03-10)\n-------------------\n\n- Prefix event decorators which did not start with ``before_`` or ``after_`` with ``on_``. Specifically, ``on_set``, ``on_append``, ``on_remove``, ``on_append_result``, ``on_create_instance``, ``on_instrument_class``, ``on_mapper_configured``, ``on_populate_instance``, ``on_translate_row``, ``on_expire``, ``on_load``, and ``on_refresh``. (**breaking change**)\n- Remove lazy engine/session initialization in ``Manager``. Require that ``Model`` and ``config`` be passed in at init time. While this removes some functionality, it's done to simplify the ``Manager`` code so that it's more straightforward. If lazy initialization is needed, then a proxy class should be used. (**breaking change**)\n\n\nv0.5.0 (2014-03-02)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``ModelBase.primary_key`` class property for retrieving primary key(s).\n- Add ``Base=None`` argument to ``make_declarative_base()`` to support passing in a subclass of ``ModelBase``. Previously had to create a declarative ``Model`` to pass in a subclassed ``ModelBase``.\n- Let any exception occurring in ``ModelBase.query`` attribute access bubble up (previously, ``UnmappedClassError`` was caught).\n- Python 2.6 and 3.3 support.\n- PEP8 compliance.\n- New dependency: ``six`` (for Python 3 support)\n\n\nv0.4.2 (2014-02-24)\n-------------------\n\n- In ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` only include fields which are mapper descriptors.\n- Support ``to_dict`` method hook when iterating over objects in ``ModelBase.to_dict()``.\n- Add ``to_dict`` method hook to ``EnumSymbol`` (propagates to ``DeclarativeEnum``).\n\n\nv0.4.1 (2014-02-23)\n-------------------\n\n- Support ``__iter__`` method in model so that ``dict(model)`` is equilvalent to ``model.to_dict()``.\n- Add ``refresh_on_empty=True`` argument to ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` which supports calling ``ModelBase.refresh()`` if ``__dict__`` is empty.\n\n\nv0.4.0 (2014-02-23)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ```` method which adds model instance loaded from session to transaction.\n- Add ``ModelBase.get_by()`` which proxies to ``ModelBase.query.filter_by().first()``.\n- Add model attribute ``events``.\n- Add support for multiple event decoration.\n- Add named events for all supported events.\n- Add composite events for ``before_insert_update`` and ``after_insert_update``.\n\n\nv0.3.0 (2014-02-07)\n-------------------\n\n- Rename ``ModelBase.advanced_search_config`` to ``ModelBase.__advanced_search__``.\n- Rename ``ModelBase.simple_search_config`` to ``ModelBase.__simple_search__``\n- Add ``ModelMeta`` metaclass.\n- Implement ``__tablename__`` autogeneration from class name.\n- Add mapper event support via ``ModelBase.__events__`` and/or ``model.event`` decorator.\n\n\nv0.2.1 (2014-02-03)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix reference to ``model.make_declarative_base`` in ``Manager`` class.\n\n\nv0.2.0 (2014-02-02)\n-------------------\n\n- Add default ``query_class`` to declarative model if none defined.\n- Let ``model.make_declarative_base()`` accept predefined base and just extend its functionality.\n\n\nv0.1.0 (2014-02-01)\n-------------------\n\n- First release\n\n\n.. _sethp:\n.. _elidchan:\n.. _fabioramponi:\n.. _brianbruggeman:\n\n\n",
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    "summary": "A SQLAlchemy extension for its declarative ORM that provides enhancements for model classes, queries, and sessions.",
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