
Namealibabacloud-kms-python-sdk JSON
Version 1.1.3 PyPI version JSON
SummaryAlibaba Cloud KMS Python SDK
upload_time2024-01-26 11:46:10
authorAlibaba Cloud SDK
licenseApache License 2.0
keywords alibabacloud kms python sdk
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            Alibaba Cloud KMS SDK for Python

.. figure::
   :alt: image0


Alibaba Cloud KMS SDK for Python can help Python developers to use the

*Read this in other
languages:*\ `English <README.rst>`__\ *,*\ `简体中文 <README.zh-cn.rst>`__

-  `Alibaba Cloud KMS
   Homepage <>`__
-  `Sample Code </example>`__
-  `Issues <>`__
-  `Release <>`__


Alibaba Cloud KMS SDK helps Python developers quickly use all APIs of
Alibaba Cloud KMS products: - KMS resource management and key operations
can be performed through KMS public gateway access - You can perform key
operations through KMS instance gateway


-  Python 3.6 or later



   pip install alibabacloud-kms-python-sdk

Introduction to KMS Client

| KMS client classes       | Introduction        | Usage scenarios     |
| alibabacloud_kms_k       | KMS resource        | 1. Scenarios where  |
| ms20160120.client.Client | management and key  | key operations are  |
|                          | operations for KMS  | performed only      |
|                          | instance gateways   | through VPC         |
|                          | are supported       | gateways. 2. KMS    |
|                          |                     | resource management |
|                          |                     | scenarios that only |
|                          |                     | use public          |
|                          |                     | gateways. 3.        |
|                          |                     | Scenarios where you |
|                          |                     | want to perform key |
|                          |                     | operations through  |
|                          |                     | VPC gateways and    |
|                          |                     | manage KMS          |
|                          |                     | resources through   |
|                          |                     | public gateways.    |
| al                       | Users can migrate   | Users who use       |
| ibabacloud_kms_kms201601 | from KMS 1.0 key    | Alibaba Cloud SDK   |
| 20.client.TransferClient | operations to KMS   | to access KMS 1.0   |
|                          | 3.0 key operations  | key operations need |
|                          |                     | to migrate to KMS   |
|                          |                     | 3.0                 |

Sample code

1. Scenarios where key operations are performed only through VPC gateways.

Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS AdvanceEncrypt API. For more API examples, see\ `operation samples <./example/operation>`__

.. code:: python

   import sys
   from typing import List
   from openapi import models as dedicated_kms_openapi_models
   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.client import Client as KmsSdkClient
   from sdk import models as dedicated_kms_sdk_models
   from alibabacloud_tea_util.client import Client as UtilClient
   from alibabacloud_darabonba_env.client import Client as EnvClient

   class AdvanceEncrypt:
       def __init__(self):

       def create_kms_instance_config(
           client_key_file: str,
           password: str,
           endpoint: str,
           ca_file_path: str,
       ) -> dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config:
           config = dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config(
           return config

       def create_client(
           kms_instance_config: dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config,
       ) -> KmsSdkClient:
           return KmsSdkClient(kms_instance_config=kms_instance_config)

       def advance_encrypt(
           client: KmsSdkClient,
           key_id: str,
           plaintext: bytes,
       ) -> dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptResponse:
           request = dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptRequest(
           return client.advance_encrypt(request)

       def main(
           args: List[str],
       ) -> None:
           kms_instance_config = AdvanceEncrypt.create_kms_instance_config(EnvClient.get_env('your client key file path env'), EnvClient.get_env('your client key password env'), 'your kms instance endpoint', 'your ca file path')
           client = AdvanceEncrypt.create_client(kms_instance_config)
           key_id = 'your keyId'
           plaintext = UtilClient.to_bytes('your plaintext')
           response = AdvanceEncrypt.advance_encrypt(client, key_id, plaintext)

   if __name__ == '__main__':

2. KMS resources are managed only through public gateways.

Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS CreateKey API. For more API examples, see\ `manage samples <./example/manage>`__

.. code:: python

   import sys

   from typing import List

   from alibabacloud_tea_openapi import models as open_api_models
   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.client import Client as KmsSdkClient
   from alibabacloud_kms20160120 import models as kms_20160120_models
   from alibabacloud_darabonba_env.client import Client as EnvClient

   class CreateKey:
       def __init__(self):

       def create_open_api_config(
           access_key_id: str,
           access_key_secret: str,
           region_id: str,
       ) -> open_api_models.Config:
           config = open_api_models.Config(
           return config

       def create_client(
           open_api_config: open_api_models.Config,
       ) -> KmsSdkClient:
           return KmsSdkClient(open_api_config=open_api_config)

       def create_key(
           client: KmsSdkClient,
           enable_automatic_rotation: bool,
           rotation_interval: str,
           key_usage: str,
           origin: str,
           description: str,
           dkmsinstance_id: str,
           protection_level: str,
           key_spec: str,
       ) -> kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyResponse:
           request = kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyRequest(
           return client.create_key(request)

       def main(
           args: List[str],
       ) -> None:
           #Make sure that the environment in which the code runs has environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET set.
           #Project code leakage may cause AccessKey to be leaked and threaten the security of all resources under the account. The following code example uses an environment variable to obtain the AccessKey for reference only, it is recommended to use the more secure STS mode, for more authentication access methods, see
           open_api_config = CreateKey.create_open_api_config(EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'), 'your region id')
           client = CreateKey.create_client(open_api_config)
           enable_automatic_rotation = False
           rotation_interval = 'your rotationInterval'
           key_usage = 'your keyUsage'
           origin = 'your origin'
           description = 'your description'
           d_kmsinstance_id = 'your dKMSInstanceId'
           protection_level = 'your protectionLevel'
           key_spec = 'your keySpec'
           response = CreateKey.create_key(client, enable_automatic_rotation, rotation_interval, key_usage, origin, description, d_kmsinstance_id, protection_level, key_spec)

   if __name__ == '__main__':

3. You must not only perform key operations through a VPC gateway, but also manage KMS resources through a public gateway.

Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS CreateKey API and the AdvanceEncrypt API. For more API examples, see `operation samples <./example/operation>`__ 和 `manage samples <./example/manage>`__

.. code:: python

   import sys
   from typing import List
   from openapi import models as dedicated_kms_openapi_models
   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.client import Client as KmsSdkClient
   from sdk import models as dedicated_kms_sdk_models
   from alibabacloud_tea_util.client import Client as UtilClient
   from alibabacloud_darabonba_env.client import Client as EnvClient
   from alibabacloud_tea_openapi import models as open_api_models
   from alibabacloud_kms20160120 import models as kms_20160120_models

   class Sample:
       def __init__(self):

       def create_kms_instance_config(
           client_key_file: str,
           password: str,
           endpoint: str,
           ca_file_path: str,
       ) -> dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config:
           config = dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config(
           return config

       def create_open_api_config(
           access_key_id: str,
           access_key_secret: str,
           region_id: str,
       ) -> open_api_models.Config:
           config = open_api_models.Config(
           return config

       def create_client(kms_instance_config: dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config,
                         open_api_config: open_api_models.Config
       ) -> KmsSdkClient:
           return KmsSdkClient(kms_instance_config=kms_instance_config, open_api_config=open_api_config)

       def create_key(
           client: KmsSdkClient,
           enable_automatic_rotation: bool,
           rotation_interval: str,
           key_usage: str,
           origin: str,
           description: str,
           dkmsinstance_id: str,
           protection_level: str,
           key_spec: str,
       ) -> kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyResponse:
           request = kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyRequest(
           return client.create_key(request)
       def advance_encrypt(
           client: KmsSdkClient,
           key_id: str,
           plaintext: bytes,
       ) -> dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptResponse:
           request = dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptRequest(
           return client.advance_encrypt(request)

       def main(
           args: List[str],
       ) -> None:
           kms_instance_config = Sample.create_kms_instance_config(EnvClient.get_env('your client key file path env'), EnvClient.get_env('your client key password env'), 'your kms instance endpoint', 'your ca file path')
           #Make sure that the environment in which the code runs has environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET set.
           #Project code leakage may cause AccessKey to be leaked and threaten the security of all resources under the account. The following code example uses an environment variable to obtain the AccessKey for reference only, it is recommended to use the more secure STS mode, for more authentication access methods, see
           open_api_config = Sample.create_open_api_config(EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'), 'your region id')
           client = Sample.create_client(kms_instance_config, open_api_config)
           enable_automatic_rotation = False
           rotation_interval = 'your rotationInterval'
           key_usage = 'your keyUsage'
           origin = 'your origin'
           description = 'your description'
           d_kmsinstance_id = 'your dKMSInstanceId'
           protection_level = 'your protectionLevel'
           key_spec = 'your keySpec'
           create_key_resp = Sample.create_key(client, enable_automatic_rotation, rotation_interval, key_usage, origin, description, d_kmsinstance_id, protection_level, key_spec)
           #Advance Encrypt
           key_id = 'your keyId'
           plaintext = UtilClient.to_bytes('your plaintext')
           encrypt_resp = Sample.advance_encrypt(client, key_id, plaintext)

   if __name__ == '__main__':

Users who uses Alibaba Cloud SDK to access KMS 1.0 keys need to migrate to access KMS 3.0 keys.

Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS API. For more API examples, see `kms transfer samples <./example/transfer>`__

.. code:: python

   import os
   from alibabacloud_kms20160120 import models as kms_20160120_models
   from alibabacloud_tea_openapi import models as open_api_models
   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.models import KmsConfig, KmsRuntimeOptions
   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.transfer_client import TransferClient

   def create_client():
          # set config
          openapi_config = open_api_models.Config(
              # set region id
              # set access key id
              # set access key secret
          # set kms config
          kms_config = KmsConfig(
              # set the request protocol to https
              # set client key file path
              # set client key password
              # set kms instance endpoint
       # create transfer client
       return TransferClient(config=config, kms_config=kms_config)

   def create_key(client):
       request = kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyRequest(

       # If verify server CA certificate,you can set CA certificate file path with RuntimeOptions
       runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(
       # If you ignore ssl verification,you can set ignore_ssl with True related to the RuntimeOptions parameter
       # runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(
       #    ignore_ssl=True
       # )

           response = client.create_key_with_options(request, runtime)
       except Exception as e:

   def generate_data_key(client):
       request = kms_20160120_models.GenerateDataKeyRequest(

       # If verify server CA certificate,you can set CA certificate file path with RuntimeOptions
       runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(
       # If you ignore ssl verification,you can set ignore_ssl with True related to the RuntimeOptions parameter
       # runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(
       #    ignore_ssl=True
       # )

           response = client.generate_data_key_with_options(request, runtime)
       except Exception as e:

   client = create_client()

KMS instance performance testing

If you need to use the KMS instance SDK for KMS instance performance
testing, please refer to the sample code of the pressure measurement
tools in the directory named benchmarks , compile it into an executable
program and run it with the following command:

.. code:: shell

   $ python --case=encrypt --client_key_file=./ClientKey_****.json --client_key_password=**** --endpoint=kst-**** --key_id=key-**** --data_size=32 --concurrence_nums=32 --duration=600

How to compile and use the stress test tool, please refer to `the
document <README-benchmark.rst>`__.


`Apache License
2.0 <>`__

Copyright (c) 2009-present, Alibaba Cloud All rights reserved.

Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "alibabacloud-kms-python-sdk",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "alibabacloud,kms,python,sdk",
    "author": "Alibaba Cloud SDK",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "any",
    "description": "Alibaba Cloud KMS SDK for Python\n================================\n\n.. figure::\n   :alt: image0\n\n   image0\n\nAlibaba Cloud KMS SDK for Python can help Python developers to use the\nKMS.\n\n*Read this in other\nlanguages:*\\ `English <README.rst>`__\\ *,*\\ `\u7b80\u4f53\u4e2d\u6587 <README.zh-cn.rst>`__\n\n-  `Alibaba Cloud KMS\n   Homepage <>`__\n-  `Sample Code </example>`__\n-  `Issues <>`__\n-  `Release <>`__\n\nAdvantage\n---------\n\nAlibaba Cloud KMS SDK helps Python developers quickly use all APIs of\nAlibaba Cloud KMS products: - KMS resource management and key operations\ncan be performed through KMS public gateway access - You can perform key\noperations through KMS instance gateway\n\nRequirements\n------------\n\n-  Python 3.6 or later\n\nInstall\n-------\n\n::\n\n   pip install alibabacloud-kms-python-sdk\n\nIntroduction to KMS Client\n\n+--------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+\n| KMS client classes       | Introduction        | Usage scenarios     |\n+==========================+=====================+=====================+\n| alibabacloud_kms_k       | KMS resource        | 1. Scenarios where  |\n| ms20160120.client.Client | management and key  | key operations are  |\n|                          | operations for KMS  | performed only      |\n|                          | instance gateways   | through VPC         |\n|                          | are supported       | gateways. 2. KMS    |\n|                          |                     | resource management |\n|                          |                     | scenarios that only |\n|                          |                     | use public          |\n|                          |                     | gateways. 3.        |\n|                          |                     | Scenarios where you |\n|                          |                     | want to perform key |\n|                          |                     | operations through  |\n|                          |                     | VPC gateways and    |\n|                          |                     | manage KMS          |\n|                          |                     | resources through   |\n|                          |                     | public gateways.    |\n+--------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+\n| al                       | Users can migrate   | Users who use       |\n| ibabacloud_kms_kms201601 | from KMS 1.0 key    | Alibaba Cloud SDK   |\n| 20.client.TransferClient | operations to KMS   | to access KMS 1.0   |\n|                          | 3.0 key operations  | key operations need |\n|                          |                     | to migrate to KMS   |\n|                          |                     | 3.0                 |\n+--------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+\n\nSample code\n-----------\n\n1. Scenarios where key operations are performed only through VPC gateways.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nRefer to the following sample code to call the KMS AdvanceEncrypt API. For more API examples, see\\ `operation samples <./example/operation>`__\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   import sys\n   from typing import List\n   from openapi import models as dedicated_kms_openapi_models\n   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.client import Client as KmsSdkClient\n   from sdk import models as dedicated_kms_sdk_models\n   from alibabacloud_tea_util.client import Client as UtilClient\n   from alibabacloud_darabonba_env.client import Client as EnvClient\n\n\n   class AdvanceEncrypt:\n       def __init__(self):\n           pass\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_kms_instance_config(\n           client_key_file: str,\n           password: str,\n           endpoint: str,\n           ca_file_path: str,\n       ) -> dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config:\n           config = dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config(\n               client_key_file=client_key_file,\n               password=password,\n               endpoint=endpoint,\n               ca_file_path=ca_file_path\n           )\n           return config\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_client(\n           kms_instance_config: dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config,\n       ) -> KmsSdkClient:\n           return KmsSdkClient(kms_instance_config=kms_instance_config)\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def advance_encrypt(\n           client: KmsSdkClient,\n           key_id: str,\n           plaintext: bytes,\n       ) -> dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptResponse:\n           request = dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptRequest(\n               key_id=key_id,\n               plaintext=plaintext\n           )\n           return client.advance_encrypt(request)\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def main(\n           args: List[str],\n       ) -> None:\n           kms_instance_config = AdvanceEncrypt.create_kms_instance_config(EnvClient.get_env('your client key file path env'), EnvClient.get_env('your client key password env'), 'your kms instance endpoint', 'your ca file path')\n           client = AdvanceEncrypt.create_client(kms_instance_config)\n           key_id = 'your keyId'\n           plaintext = UtilClient.to_bytes('your plaintext')\n           response = AdvanceEncrypt.advance_encrypt(client, key_id, plaintext)\n           print(response)\n\n   if __name__ == '__main__':\n       AdvanceEncrypt.main(sys.argv[1:])\n\n2. KMS resources are managed only through public gateways.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nRefer to the following sample code to call the KMS CreateKey API. For more API examples, see\\ `manage samples <./example/manage>`__\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   import sys\n\n   from typing import List\n\n   from alibabacloud_tea_openapi import models as open_api_models\n   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.client import Client as KmsSdkClient\n   from alibabacloud_kms20160120 import models as kms_20160120_models\n   from alibabacloud_darabonba_env.client import Client as EnvClient\n\n\n   class CreateKey:\n       def __init__(self):\n           pass\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_open_api_config(\n           access_key_id: str,\n           access_key_secret: str,\n           region_id: str,\n       ) -> open_api_models.Config:\n           config = open_api_models.Config(\n               access_key_id=access_key_id,\n               access_key_secret=access_key_secret,\n               region_id=region_id\n           )\n           return config\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_client(\n           open_api_config: open_api_models.Config,\n       ) -> KmsSdkClient:\n           return KmsSdkClient(open_api_config=open_api_config)\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_key(\n           client: KmsSdkClient,\n           enable_automatic_rotation: bool,\n           rotation_interval: str,\n           key_usage: str,\n           origin: str,\n           description: str,\n           dkmsinstance_id: str,\n           protection_level: str,\n           key_spec: str,\n       ) -> kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyResponse:\n           request = kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyRequest(\n               enable_automatic_rotation=enable_automatic_rotation,\n               rotation_interval=rotation_interval,\n               key_usage=key_usage,\n               origin=origin,\n               description=description,\n               dkmsinstance_id=dkmsinstance_id,\n               protection_level=protection_level,\n               key_spec=key_spec\n           )\n           return client.create_key(request)\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def main(\n           args: List[str],\n       ) -> None:\n           #Make sure that the environment in which the code runs has environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET set.\n           #Project code leakage may cause AccessKey to be leaked and threaten the security of all resources under the account. The following code example uses an environment variable to obtain the AccessKey for reference only, it is recommended to use the more secure STS mode, for more authentication access methods, see\n           open_api_config = CreateKey.create_open_api_config(EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'), 'your region id')\n           client = CreateKey.create_client(open_api_config)\n           enable_automatic_rotation = False\n           rotation_interval = 'your rotationInterval'\n           key_usage = 'your keyUsage'\n           origin = 'your origin'\n           description = 'your description'\n           d_kmsinstance_id = 'your dKMSInstanceId'\n           protection_level = 'your protectionLevel'\n           key_spec = 'your keySpec'\n           response = CreateKey.create_key(client, enable_automatic_rotation, rotation_interval, key_usage, origin, description, d_kmsinstance_id, protection_level, key_spec)\n           print(response)\n\n\n   if __name__ == '__main__':\n       CreateKey.main(sys.argv[1:])\n\n3. You must not only perform key operations through a VPC gateway, but also manage KMS resources through a public gateway.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nRefer to the following sample code to call the KMS CreateKey API and the AdvanceEncrypt API. For more API examples, see `operation samples <./example/operation>`__ \u548c `manage samples <./example/manage>`__\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   import sys\n   from typing import List\n   from openapi import models as dedicated_kms_openapi_models\n   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.client import Client as KmsSdkClient\n   from sdk import models as dedicated_kms_sdk_models\n   from alibabacloud_tea_util.client import Client as UtilClient\n   from alibabacloud_darabonba_env.client import Client as EnvClient\n   from alibabacloud_tea_openapi import models as open_api_models\n   from alibabacloud_kms20160120 import models as kms_20160120_models\n\n   class Sample:\n       def __init__(self):\n           pass\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_kms_instance_config(\n           client_key_file: str,\n           password: str,\n           endpoint: str,\n           ca_file_path: str,\n       ) -> dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config:\n           config = dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config(\n               client_key_file=client_key_file,\n               password=password,\n               endpoint=endpoint,\n               ca_file_path=ca_file_path\n           )\n           return config\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_open_api_config(\n           access_key_id: str,\n           access_key_secret: str,\n           region_id: str,\n       ) -> open_api_models.Config:\n           config = open_api_models.Config(\n               access_key_id=access_key_id,\n               access_key_secret=access_key_secret,\n               region_id=region_id\n           )\n           return config\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_client(kms_instance_config: dedicated_kms_openapi_models.Config,\n                         open_api_config: open_api_models.Config\n       ) -> KmsSdkClient:\n           return KmsSdkClient(kms_instance_config=kms_instance_config, open_api_config=open_api_config)\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def create_key(\n           client: KmsSdkClient,\n           enable_automatic_rotation: bool,\n           rotation_interval: str,\n           key_usage: str,\n           origin: str,\n           description: str,\n           dkmsinstance_id: str,\n           protection_level: str,\n           key_spec: str,\n       ) -> kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyResponse:\n           request = kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyRequest(\n               enable_automatic_rotation=enable_automatic_rotation,\n               rotation_interval=rotation_interval,\n               key_usage=key_usage,\n               origin=origin,\n               description=description,\n               dkmsinstance_id=dkmsinstance_id,\n               protection_level=protection_level,\n               key_spec=key_spec\n           )\n           return client.create_key(request)\n       @staticmethod\n       def advance_encrypt(\n           client: KmsSdkClient,\n           key_id: str,\n           plaintext: bytes,\n       ) -> dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptResponse:\n           request = dedicated_kms_sdk_models.AdvanceEncryptRequest(\n               key_id=key_id,\n               plaintext=plaintext\n           )\n           return client.advance_encrypt(request)\n\n       @staticmethod\n       def main(\n           args: List[str],\n       ) -> None:\n           kms_instance_config = Sample.create_kms_instance_config(EnvClient.get_env('your client key file path env'), EnvClient.get_env('your client key password env'), 'your kms instance endpoint', 'your ca file path')\n           #Make sure that the environment in which the code runs has environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET set.\n           #Project code leakage may cause AccessKey to be leaked and threaten the security of all resources under the account. The following code example uses an environment variable to obtain the AccessKey for reference only, it is recommended to use the more secure STS mode, for more authentication access methods, see\n           open_api_config = Sample.create_open_api_config(EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), EnvClient.get_env('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'), 'your region id')\n           client = Sample.create_client(kms_instance_config, open_api_config)\n           #CreateKey\n           enable_automatic_rotation = False\n           rotation_interval = 'your rotationInterval'\n           key_usage = 'your keyUsage'\n           origin = 'your origin'\n           description = 'your description'\n           d_kmsinstance_id = 'your dKMSInstanceId'\n           protection_level = 'your protectionLevel'\n           key_spec = 'your keySpec'\n           create_key_resp = Sample.create_key(client, enable_automatic_rotation, rotation_interval, key_usage, origin, description, d_kmsinstance_id, protection_level, key_spec)\n           print(create_key_resp)\n           #Advance Encrypt\n           key_id = 'your keyId'\n           plaintext = UtilClient.to_bytes('your plaintext')\n           encrypt_resp = Sample.advance_encrypt(client, key_id, plaintext)\n           print(encrypt_resp)\n\n   if __name__ == '__main__':\n       Sample.main(sys.argv[1:])\n\nUsers who uses Alibaba Cloud SDK to access KMS 1.0 keys need to migrate to access KMS 3.0 keys.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nRefer to the following sample code to call the KMS API. For more API examples, see `kms transfer samples <./example/transfer>`__\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n.. code:: python\n\n   import os\n   from alibabacloud_kms20160120 import models as kms_20160120_models\n   from alibabacloud_tea_openapi import models as open_api_models\n   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.models import KmsConfig, KmsRuntimeOptions\n   from alibabacloud_kms_kms20160120.transfer_client import TransferClient\n\n\n   def create_client():\n          # set config\n          openapi_config = open_api_models.Config(\n              # set region id\n              region_id='<your-region-id>',\n              # set access key id\n              access_key_id=os.getenv('ACCESS_KEY_ID'),\n              # set access key secret\n              access_key_secret=os.getenv('ACCESS_KEY_SECRET')\n          )\n          # set kms config\n          kms_config = KmsConfig(\n              # set the request protocol to https\n              protocol='https',\n              # set client key file path\n              client_key_file='<your-client-key-file-path>',\n              # set client key password\n              password='<your-password>',\n              # set kms instance endpoint\n              endpoint='<your-kms-instance-endpoint>'\n          )\n       # create transfer client\n       return TransferClient(config=config, kms_config=kms_config)\n\n\n   def create_key(client):\n       request = kms_20160120_models.CreateKeyRequest(\n           key_spec='<your-key-spec>',\n           key_usage='<your-key-usage>'\n       )\n\n       # If verify server CA certificate,you can set CA certificate file path with RuntimeOptions\n       runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(\n           ca='<your-ca-certificate-file-path>'\n       )\n       # If you ignore ssl verification\uff0cyou can set ignore_ssl with True related to the RuntimeOptions parameter\n       # runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(\n       #    ignore_ssl=True\n       # )\n\n       try:\n           response = client.create_key_with_options(request, runtime)\n           print(str(response.body))\n       except Exception as e:\n           print(str(e))\n\n\n   def generate_data_key(client):\n       request = kms_20160120_models.GenerateDataKeyRequest(\n           key_id='<your-key-id>',\n       )\n\n       # If verify server CA certificate,you can set CA certificate file path with RuntimeOptions\n       runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(\n           ca='<your-ca-certificate-file-path>'\n       )\n       # If you ignore ssl verification\uff0cyou can set ignore_ssl with True related to the RuntimeOptions parameter\n       # runtime = KmsRuntimeOptions(\n       #    ignore_ssl=True\n       # )\n\n       try:\n           response = client.generate_data_key_with_options(request, runtime)\n           print(str(response.body))\n       except Exception as e:\n           print(str(e))\n\n\n   client = create_client()\n   create_key(client)\n   generate_data_key(client)\n\nKMS instance performance testing\n--------------------------------\n\nIf you need to use the KMS instance SDK for KMS instance performance\ntesting, please refer to the sample code of the pressure measurement\ntools in the directory named benchmarks , compile it into an executable\nprogram and run it with the following command:\n\n.. code:: shell\n\n   $ python --case=encrypt --client_key_file=./ClientKey_****.json --client_key_password=**** --endpoint=kst-**** --key_id=key-**** --data_size=32 --concurrence_nums=32 --duration=600\n\nHow to compile and use the stress test tool, please refer to `the\ndocument <README-benchmark.rst>`__.\n\nLicense\n-------\n\n`Apache License\n2.0 <>`__\n\nCopyright (c) 2009-present, Alibaba Cloud All rights reserved.",
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