
Nameamazon-scraper-api JSON
Version 0.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFree Trial Amazon Scraper API for extracting search, product, offer listing, reviews, question and answers, best sellers and sellers data.
upload_time2023-11-13 12:13:03
keywords javascript python api golang php scraper csharp amazon amazon-api web-scraping url-scraper email-scraper e-commerce-api amazon-scraper amazon-price-tracker amazon-scraping-library amazon-scraping github-python amazon-scraper-api
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Amazon Scraper

[![Amazon_scraper (1)](]( 

Oxylabs' [Amazon Scraper API]( allows users to easily scrape publicly-available data from any page on Amazon, such as reviews, pricing, product information and more. If you're interested in testing out this powerful tool, you can [**sign up for a free trial on the Oxylabs website.**](

### Overview

Below is a quick overview of all the available data `source` values we support with Amazon.

| Source               | Description                                                  | Structured data     |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------- |
| `amazon`             | Submit any Amazon URL you like.                              | Depends on the URL. |
| `amazon_bestsellers` | List of best seller items in a taxonomy node of your choice. | Yes                 |
| `amazon_pricing`     | List of offers available for an ASIN of your choice.         | Yes.                |
| `amazon_product`     | Product page of an ASIN of your choice.                      | Yes.                |
| `amazon_questions`   | Q\&A page of an ASIN of your choice.                         | Yes.                |
| `amazon_reviews`     | Reviews page of an ASIN of your choice.                      | Yes.                |
| `amazon_search`      | Search results for a search term of your choice.             | Yes.                |
| `amazon_sellers`     | Seller information of a seller of your choice.               | Yes.                |

### URL

The `amazon` source is designed to retrieve the content from various Amazon URLs. Instead of sending multiple parameters, you can provide us with a direct URL to the required Amazon page. We do not strip any parameters or alter your URLs in any way.

#### **Query parameters**

| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | N/A           |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`url`**</mark>     | Direct URL (link) to Amazon page                                                                                                                  | -             |
| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`     |
| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         | -             |
| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -             |
| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data, as long as the URL submitted is for one of the page types we can parse.                                       | `false`       |

&#x20;   <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

In the code example below, we make a request to retrieve the Amazon product page for `B0BDJ279KF` .

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon',
    'url': '',
    'parse': True

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('YOUR_USERNAME', 'YOUR_PASSWORD'), #Your credentials go here

# Instead of response with job status and results url, this will return the
# JSON response with results.

To see the response example with retrieved data, download [**this** **sample output**](\&token=be9d00d0-d3e3-443b-be67-26cbdbcabc5d) in JSON format.

### Search

The `amazon_search` source is designed to retrieve Amazon search result pages.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value   |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_search` |
| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`           |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>   | UTF-encoded keyword                                                                                                                               | -               |
| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`             |
| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`             |
| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](**.**                               | -               |
| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`       |
| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         | -               |
| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -               |
| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                                           | -               |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>category_id</code></p>    | Search for items in a particular browse node (product category).                                                                                  | -               |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>merchant_id</code></p>    | Search for items sold by a particular seller.                                                                                                     | -               |

&#x20;   <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

In the code example below, we make a request to retrieve product page for ASIN `3AA17D2BRD4YMT0X` on `` marketplace. In case the ASIN provided is a parent ASIN, we ask Amazon to return a product page of an automatically-selected variation.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon_search',
    'domain': 'nl',
    'query': 'adidas',
    'start_page': 11,
    'pages': 10,
    'parse': True,
    'context': [
        {'key': 'category_id', 'value': 16391843031},
        {'key': 'merchant_id', 'value':'3AA17D2BRD4YMT0X'}

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.

 To see the response example with retrieved data, download [**this** **sample output**](\_search.json?alt=media\&token=f02b1ceb-70f6-45cd-9f7c-7247196b2bd6) file in JSON format.
### Product

The `amazon_product` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon product pages.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                       | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | Default Value    |
| --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>      | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                                       | `amazon_product` |
| `domain`                                                        | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                    | `com`            |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>       | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | -                |
| `geo_location`                                                  | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](**.**                                                                                                                                                        | -                |
| `user_agent_type`                                               | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                          | `desktop`        |
| `render`                                                        | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                                 |                  |
| `callback_url`                                                  | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                              | -                |
| `parse`                                                         | `true` will return structured data.                                                                                                                                                           | -                |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>autoselect_variant</code></p> | To get accurate pricing/buybox data, set this parameter to `true` (which tells us to append the `th=1&psc=1` URL parameters to the end of the product URL). To get an accurate representation of the parent ASIN's product page, omit this parameter or set it to `false`. | `false`          |

&#x20; <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

In the code example below, we make a request to retrieve product page for ASIN `B09RX4KS1G`on `` marketplace. In case the ASIN provided is a parent ASIN, we ask Amazon to return a product page of an automatically-selected variation.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon_product',
    'domain': 'nl',
    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',
    'parse': True,
    'context': [
      'key': 'autoselect_variant', 'value': True

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.

To see the response example with retrieved data, download [**this** **sample output**](\_product.json?alt=media\&token=42016a49-9790-4671-9022-bb0feed79d1a) file in JSON format.

### Offer listing

The `amazon_pricing` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon product offer listings.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value    |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_pricing` |
| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`            |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>   | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                               | -                |
| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`              |
| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`              |
| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                |
| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`        |
| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         |                  |
| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                |
| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                             | -                |

&#x20;   <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

In the code examples below, we make a request to retrieve product offer listing page for ASIN `B09RX4KS1G` on ``&#x20; marketplace.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon_pricing',
    'domain': 'nl',
    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',
    'parse': True,

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.

To see what the parsed output looks like, download [**this**](\_pricing.json?alt=media\&token=a30a8253-225f-44c2-880b-850e94e23c21) JSON file.
### Reviews

The `amazon_reviews` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon product review pages of an ASIN of your choice.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value    |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_reviews` |
| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`            |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>   | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                               | -                |
| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                |
| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`        |
| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`              |
| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`              |
| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         |                  |
| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                |
| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                                  | -                |

&#x20;   <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon_reviews',
    'domain': 'nl',
    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',
    'parse': True,

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.

To see the response example with retrieved data, download this [**sample** **output**](\_reviews.json?alt=media\&token=f1845f29-2286-41a3-9ac5-834a89b345c5) file in JSON format.

### Questions & Answers

The `amazon_questions` data source is designed to retrieve any particular product's Questions & Answers pages.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value      |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_questions` |
| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`              |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>   | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                               | -                  |
| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                  |
| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`          |
| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](****                         |                    |
| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                  |
| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                   | -                  |

&#x20;   <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon_questions',
    'domain': 'nl',
    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',
    'parse': True,

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.

To see the response example with retrieved data, download this [**sample** **output**](\_questions.json?alt=media\&token=a59d9850-d79b-40bc-a2a6-bdd802eafd6b) file in JSON format.

### Best Sellers

The `amazon_bestsellers` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon Best Sellers pages.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value        |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_bestsellers` |
| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`                |
| `query`                                                     | Department name. Example: `Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry`                                                                                             | -                    |
| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`                  |
| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`                  |
| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                    |
| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`            |
| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                        |                      |
| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                    |
| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                                                                                                               | -                    |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>category_id</code></p>    | Search for items in a particular browse node (product category).                                                                                  | -                    |

&#x20;   <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon_bestsellers',
    'domain': 'de',
    'query': 'automotive',
    'start_page': 2,
    'parse': True,
    'context': [
        {'key': 'category_id', 'value': 82400031},

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.

To see the response example with retrieved data, download this [**sample output**](\_bestsellers.json?alt=media\&token=6b4b3817-5a6e-4095-96b0-81d8d9d0883f) file in JSON format.

### Sellers

The `amazon_sellers` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon Sellers pages.&#x20;

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | Default Value    |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                                             | `amazon_sellers` |
| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                          | `com`            |
|  <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>   | 13-character seller ID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | -                |
| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                  | -                |
| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                | `desktop`        |
| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                                        |                  |
| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                    | -                |
| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data. Please note that right now we only support parsed output for `desktop` device type. However, there is no apparent reason to get sellers pages with any other device type, as seller data is going to be exactly the same across all devices. | -                |

&#x20;   <mark style="background-color:green;"></mark> - required parameter

#### Python code example

In the code examples below, we make a request to retrieve the seller page for seller ID `ABNP0A7Y0QWBN` on `` marketplace.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'amazon_sellers',
    'domain': 'de',
    'query': 'ABNP0A7Y0QWBN',
    'parse': True

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "amazon-scraper-api",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "javascript,python,api,golang,php,scraper,csharp,amazon,amazon-api,web-scraping,url-scraper,email-scraper,e-commerce-api,amazon-scraper,amazon-price-tracker,amazon-scraping-library,amazon-scraping,github-python,amazon-scraper-api",
    "author": "Oxylabs",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Amazon Scraper\n\n[![Amazon_scraper (1)](]( \n\nOxylabs' [Amazon Scraper API]( allows users to easily scrape publicly-available data from any page on Amazon, such as reviews, pricing, product information and more. If you're interested in testing out this powerful tool, you can [**sign up for a free trial on the Oxylabs website.**](\n\n### Overview\n\nBelow is a quick overview of all the available data `source` values we support with Amazon.\n\n| Source               | Description                                                  | Structured data     |\n| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------- |\n| `amazon`             | Submit any Amazon URL you like.                              | Depends on the URL. |\n| `amazon_bestsellers` | List of best seller items in a taxonomy node of your choice. | Yes                 |\n| `amazon_pricing`     | List of offers available for an ASIN of your choice.         | Yes.                |\n| `amazon_product`     | Product page of an ASIN of your choice.                      | Yes.                |\n| `amazon_questions`   | Q\\&A page of an ASIN of your choice.                         | Yes.                |\n| `amazon_reviews`     | Reviews page of an ASIN of your choice.                      | Yes.                |\n| `amazon_search`      | Search results for a search term of your choice.             | Yes.                |\n| `amazon_sellers`     | Seller information of a seller of your choice.               | Yes.                |\n\n### URL\n\nThe `amazon` source is designed to retrieve the content from various Amazon URLs. Instead of sending multiple parameters, you can provide us with a direct URL to the required Amazon page. We do not strip any parameters or alter your URLs in any way.\n\n#### **Query parameters**\n\n| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value |\n| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | N/A           |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`url`**</mark>     | Direct URL (link) to Amazon page                                                                                                                  | -             |\n| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`     |\n| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         | -             |\n| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -             |\n| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data, as long as the URL submitted is for one of the page types we can parse.                                       | `false`       |\n\n&#x20;   <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn the code example below, we make a request to retrieve the Amazon product page for `B0BDJ279KF` .\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon',\n    'url': '',\n    'parse': True\n}\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('YOUR_USERNAME', 'YOUR_PASSWORD'), #Your credentials go here\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Instead of response with job status and results url, this will return the\n# JSON response with results.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nTo see the response example with retrieved data, download [**this** **sample output**](\\&token=be9d00d0-d3e3-443b-be67-26cbdbcabc5d) in JSON format.\n\n### Search\n\nThe `amazon_search` source is designed to retrieve Amazon search result pages.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value   |\n| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_search` |\n| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`           |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>   | UTF-encoded keyword                                                                                                                               | -               |\n| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`             |\n| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`             |\n| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](**.**                               | -               |\n| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`       |\n| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         | -               |\n| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -               |\n| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                                           | -               |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>category_id</code></p>    | Search for items in a particular browse node (product category).                                                                                  | -               |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>merchant_id</code></p>    | Search for items sold by a particular seller.                                                                                                     | -               |\n\n&#x20;   <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn the code example below, we make a request to retrieve product page for ASIN `3AA17D2BRD4YMT0X` on `` marketplace. In case the ASIN provided is a parent ASIN, we ask Amazon to return a product page of an automatically-selected variation.\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon_search',\n    'domain': 'nl',\n    'query': 'adidas',\n    'start_page': 11,\n    'pages': 10,\n    'parse': True,\n    'context': [\n        {'key': 'category_id', 'value': 16391843031},\n        {'key': 'merchant_id', 'value':'3AA17D2BRD4YMT0X'}\n    ],\n}\n\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\n To see the response example with retrieved data, download [**this** **sample output**](\\_search.json?alt=media\\&token=f02b1ceb-70f6-45cd-9f7c-7247196b2bd6) file in JSON format.\n \n### Product\n\nThe `amazon_product` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon product pages.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                       | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | Default Value    |\n| --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>      | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                                       | `amazon_product` |\n| `domain`                                                        | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                    | `com`            |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>       | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | -                |\n| `geo_location`                                                  | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](**.**                                                                                                                                                        | -                |\n| `user_agent_type`                                               | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                          | `desktop`        |\n| `render`                                                        | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                                 |                  |\n| `callback_url`                                                  | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                              | -                |\n| `parse`                                                         | `true` will return structured data.                                                                                                                                                           | -                |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>autoselect_variant</code></p> | To get accurate pricing/buybox data, set this parameter to `true` (which tells us to append the `th=1&psc=1` URL parameters to the end of the product URL). To get an accurate representation of the parent ASIN's product page, omit this parameter or set it to `false`. | `false`          |\n\n&#x20; <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn the code example below, we make a request to retrieve product page for ASIN `B09RX4KS1G`on `` marketplace. In case the ASIN provided is a parent ASIN, we ask Amazon to return a product page of an automatically-selected variation.\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon_product',\n    'domain': 'nl',\n    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',\n    'parse': True,\n    'context': [\n    {\n      'key': 'autoselect_variant', 'value': True\n    }],\n}\n\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nTo see the response example with retrieved data, download [**this** **sample output**](\\_product.json?alt=media\\&token=42016a49-9790-4671-9022-bb0feed79d1a) file in JSON format.\n\n### Offer listing\n\nThe `amazon_pricing` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon product offer listings.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value    |\n| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_pricing` |\n| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`            |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>   | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                               | -                |\n| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`              |\n| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`              |\n| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                |\n| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`        |\n| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         |                  |\n| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                |\n| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                             | -                |\n\n&#x20;   <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn the code examples below, we make a request to retrieve product offer listing page for ASIN `B09RX4KS1G` on ``&#x20; marketplace.\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon_pricing',\n    'domain': 'nl',\n    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',\n    'parse': True,\n}\n\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nTo see what the parsed output looks like, download [**this**](\\_pricing.json?alt=media\\&token=a30a8253-225f-44c2-880b-850e94e23c21) JSON file.\n \n### Reviews\n\nThe `amazon_reviews` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon product review pages of an ASIN of your choice.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value    |\n| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_reviews` |\n| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`            |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>   | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                               | -                |\n| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                |\n| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`        |\n| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`              |\n| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`              |\n| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                         |                  |\n| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                |\n| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                                  | -                |\n\n&#x20;   <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon_reviews',\n    'domain': 'nl',\n    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',\n    'parse': True,\n}\n\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nTo see the response example with retrieved data, download this [**sample** **output**](\\_reviews.json?alt=media\\&token=f1845f29-2286-41a3-9ac5-834a89b345c5) file in JSON format.\n\n### Questions & Answers\n\nThe `amazon_questions` data source is designed to retrieve any particular product's Questions & Answers pages.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value      |\n| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_questions` |\n| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`              |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>   | 10-symbol ASIN code                                                                                                                               | -                  |\n| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                  |\n| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`          |\n| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](****                         |                    |\n| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                  |\n| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                   | -                  |\n\n&#x20;   <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon_questions',\n    'domain': 'nl',\n    'query': 'B09RX4KS1G',\n    'parse': True,\n}\n\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nTo see the response example with retrieved data, download this [**sample** **output**](\\_questions.json?alt=media\\&token=a59d9850-d79b-40bc-a2a6-bdd802eafd6b) file in JSON format.\n\n### Best Sellers\n\nThe `amazon_bestsellers` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon Best Sellers pages.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                       | Default Value        |\n| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                              | `amazon_bestsellers` |\n| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                           | `com`                |\n| `query`                                                     | Department name. Example: `Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry`                                                                                             | -                    |\n| `start_page`                                                | Starting page number                                                                                                                              | `1`                  |\n| `pages`                                                     | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                       | `1`                  |\n| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                   | -                    |\n| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**]( | `desktop`            |\n| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                        |                      |\n| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                     | -                    |\n| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data.                                                                                                               | -                    |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>category_id</code></p>    | Search for items in a particular browse node (product category).                                                                                  | -                    |\n\n&#x20;   <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon_bestsellers',\n    'domain': 'de',\n    'query': 'automotive',\n    'start_page': 2,\n    'parse': True,\n    'context': [\n        {'key': 'category_id', 'value': 82400031},\n    ],\n}\n\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nTo see the response example with retrieved data, download this [**sample output**](\\_bestsellers.json?alt=media\\&token=6b4b3817-5a6e-4095-96b0-81d8d9d0883f) file in JSON format.\n\n### Sellers\n\nThe `amazon_sellers` data source is designed to retrieve Amazon Sellers pages.&#x20;\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                   | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | Default Value    |\n| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark>  | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                                             | `amazon_sellers` |\n| `domain`                                                    | Domain localization for Amazon. The full list of available domains can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                          | `com`            |\n|  <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>   | 13-character seller ID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | -                |\n| `geo_location`                                              | The _Deliver to_ location. See our guide to using this parameter [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                  | -                |\n| `user_agent_type`                                           | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                | `desktop`        |\n| `render`                                                    | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                                        |                  |\n| `callback_url`                                              | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                    | -                |\n| `parse`                                                     | `true` will return structured data. Please note that right now we only support parsed output for `desktop` device type. However, there is no apparent reason to get sellers pages with any other device type, as seller data is going to be exactly the same across all devices. | -                |\n\n&#x20;   <mark style=\"background-color:green;\"></mark> - required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn the code examples below, we make a request to retrieve the seller page for seller ID `ABNP0A7Y0QWBN` on `` marketplace.\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'amazon_sellers',\n    'domain': 'de',\n    'query': 'ABNP0A7Y0QWBN',\n    'parse': True\n}\n\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n",
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    "summary": "Free Trial Amazon Scraper API for extracting search, product, offer listing, reviews, question and answers, best sellers and sellers data.",
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