
Nameargus-server JSON
Version 1.20.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryArgus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
upload_time2024-07-26 12:20:37
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Argus
[![build badge](](
[![codecov badge](](
[![Code style: black](](
[![docs badge](](

Argus is a platform for aggregating incidents across network management systems, and
sending notifications to users. Users create notification profiles that define which
incidents they subscribe to. See [Argus docs]( for more details.

This repository hosts the backend built with Django. There is also a
[REACT SPA frontend](

See also the the [Python client library](

## Installation

There are several ways to install Argus.

### Prerequisites

#### Requirements

* Python 3.8+
* Django 4.2 or 5.0
* pip

#### Optional requirements

* **Redis**
  is recommended if you are going to run the frontend.
  Redis backs the websockets, in order to push realtime updates to the frontend.
* [Argus-frontend](
* PostgreSQL
* Docker and docker-compose to run Argus in Docker

#### Optional: Dataporten registration

Dataporten authentication is supported by Argus and can be used to log into
Refer to the [Dataporten]( section of the documentation to learn
about Dataporten registration, and how to set it up with Argus.

### Install Argus using pip

You can also install Argus with `pip` via PyPI. The package name is `argus-server`:
$ pip install argus-server

If you are using the PyPI package in production, please note: The file
`requirements.txt` contains the pinned versions of dependencies that the
release was tested on. The file `constraints.txt` is for controlling versions
of sub-dependencies so as to not poison the pyproject.toml.

To update the dependency lock-files, use `tox`:

$ pip install tox
$ tox -e upgrade-deps -- -U

To upgrade a single dependency, replace the `-U` flag with `-P PACKAGENAME`.

To install from the lock-file use pip:

$ pip install -c constraints.txt --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Now change and adapt [Argus' settings](#settings-in-argus) according to your needs.

Run the initial Argus setup, and make note of the admin password that is generated:

$ python initial_setup

  Created Argus superuser "admin" with password "2S0qJbjVEew0GunL".

   Please change the password via the admin interface.


Then run the Argus API server:

$ python runserver

### Setup Argus using Docker Compose

Download the source code first.
$ git clone
$ cd Argus

Running Argus with docker-compose is as simple as
$ docker-compose up

Run the initial Argus setup, and make note of the admin password that is generated:

$ docker-compose exec api django-admin initial_setup

  Created Argus superuser "admin" with password "ns6bfoKquW12koIP".

   Please change the password via the admin interface.


You will find Argus running at http://localhost:8000/.

## Settings in Argus

Site-specific settings can either be set using environment variables, using a
`` file, or a combination of both.

For more information on both methods and a list of the settings, consult the
documentation section on
[site-specific settings](

## Running Argus in development

### Step 1: Installation

You can use docker-compose to conveniently setup a complete dev environment for Argus,
including PostgreSQL. Instructions
[are provided above](#setup-argus-using-docker-compose).

To do a manual install instead, follow these steps.

Download the source code first.
$ git clone
$ cd Argus

We recommend using virtualenv or virtaulenvwrapper to create
a place to stash Argus' dependencies.

Create and activate a Python virtual environment.
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install Argus' requirements into the virtual env.
$ pip install -r requirements-django42.txt
$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

### Step 2: Setting environment variables and Django settings

Copy the `` to `` and make it executable
$ cp
$ chmod u+x
Now set the environment variables in the file using an editor.

Required settings in `` are


The `DATAPORTEN` variables are optional. Refer to the dataporten section of
[setting site-specific settings]( for details.

`DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` can be set to ``.

If you need more complex settings than environment variables and ```` can provide,
we recommend having a `` in the same directory as `` with any

Refer to the [development notes]( for further details and
useful hints on managing Argus in development mode.

### Step 3: Run Argus in development

Afterwards, run the initial Argus setup and start the server.
$ python initial_setup
$ python runserver

You will find Argus running at http://localhost:8000/.

### Code style

Argus uses black as a source code formatter. Black will automatically install
with the [dev requirements](requirements/dev.txt).

A pre-commit hook will format new code automatically before committing.
To enable this pre-commit hook, run

$ pre-commit install

## Running tests

Given that Argus is installed and configured as described above,
this command is the most basic option to run the tests.
$ python test

If you have installed `tox`, the following command will
test Argus code against several Django versions, several Python versions, and
automatically compute code coverage.
$ tox
An [HTML coverage report](htmlcov/index.html) will be generated.
Refer to the [tox.ini](tox.ini) file for further options.

## Using towncrier to automatically produce the changelog
### Before merging a pull request
To be able to automatically produce the changelog for a release one file for each
pull request (also called news fragment) needs to be added to the folder

The name of the file consists of three parts separated by a period:
1. The identifier: either the issue number (in case the pull request fixes that issue)
or the pull request number. If we don't want to add a link to the resulting changelog
entry then a `+` followed by a unique short description.
2. The type of the change: we use `security`, `removed`, `deprecated`, `added`,
`changed` and `fixed`.
3. The file suffix, e.g. `.md`, towncrier does not care which suffix a fragment has.

So an example for a file name related to an issue/pull request would be ``
or for a file without corresponding issue ``.

This file can either be created manually with a file name as specified above and the
changelog text as content or one can use towncrier to create such a file as following:

$ towncrier create -c "Changelog content"

When opening a pull request there will be a check to make sure that a news fragment is
added and it will fail if it is missing.

### Before a release
To add all content from the `changelog.d/` folder to the changelog file simply run
$ towncrier build --version {version}
This will also delete all files in `changelog.d/`.

To preview what the addition to the changelog file would look like add the flag
`--draft`. This will not delete any files or change ``. It will only output
the preview in the terminal.

A few other helpful flags:
- `date DATE` - set the date of the release, default is today
- `keep` - do not delete the files in `changelog.d/`

More information about [towncrier](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "argus-server",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Uninett Opensource <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "any",
    "description": "# Argus\n[![build badge](](\n[![codecov badge](](\n[![Code style: black](](\n[![docs badge](](\n\nArgus is a platform for aggregating incidents across network management systems, and\nsending notifications to users. Users create notification profiles that define which\nincidents they subscribe to. See [Argus docs]( for more details.\n\nThis repository hosts the backend built with Django. There is also a\n[REACT SPA frontend](\n\n\nSee also the the [Python client library](\n\n## Installation\n\nThere are several ways to install Argus.\n\n### Prerequisites\n\n#### Requirements\n\n* Python 3.8+\n* Django 4.2 or 5.0\n* pip\n\n#### Optional requirements\n\n* **Redis**\n  is recommended if you are going to run the frontend.\n  Redis backs the websockets, in order to push realtime updates to the frontend.\n* [Argus-frontend](\n* PostgreSQL\n* Docker and docker-compose to run Argus in Docker\n\n#### Optional: Dataporten registration\n\nDataporten authentication is supported by Argus and can be used to log into\nArgus-frontend.\nRefer to the [Dataporten]( section of the documentation to learn\nabout Dataporten registration, and how to set it up with Argus.\n\n### Install Argus using pip\n\nYou can also install Argus with `pip` via PyPI. The package name is `argus-server`:\n```console\n$ pip install argus-server\n```\n\nIf you are using the PyPI package in production, please note: The file\n`requirements.txt` contains the pinned versions of dependencies that the\nrelease was tested on. The file `constraints.txt` is for controlling versions\nof sub-dependencies so as to not poison the pyproject.toml.\n\nTo update the dependency lock-files, use `tox`:\n\n```console\n$ pip install tox\n$ tox -e upgrade-deps -- -U\n```\n\nTo upgrade a single dependency, replace the `-U` flag with `-P PACKAGENAME`.\n\nTo install from the lock-file use pip:\n\n```console\n$ pip install -c constraints.txt --upgrade -r requirements.txt\n```\n\nNow change and adapt [Argus' settings](#settings-in-argus) according to your needs.\n\nRun the initial Argus setup, and make note of the admin password that is generated:\n\n```console\n$ python initial_setup\n******************************************************************************\n\n  Created Argus superuser \"admin\" with password \"2S0qJbjVEew0GunL\".\n\n   Please change the password via the admin interface.\n\n******************************************************************************\n```\n\nThen run the Argus API server:\n\n```console\n$ python runserver\n```\n\n### Setup Argus using Docker Compose\n\nDownload the source code first.\n```console\n$ git clone\n$ cd Argus\n```\n\nRunning Argus with docker-compose is as simple as\n```console\n$ docker-compose up\n```\n\nRun the initial Argus setup, and make note of the admin password that is generated:\n\n```console\n$ docker-compose exec api django-admin initial_setup\n******************************************************************************\n\n  Created Argus superuser \"admin\" with password \"ns6bfoKquW12koIP\".\n\n   Please change the password via the admin interface.\n\n******************************************************************************\n```\n\n\nYou will find Argus running at http://localhost:8000/.\n\n## Settings in Argus\n\nSite-specific settings can either be set using environment variables, using a\n`` file, or a combination of both.\n\nFor more information on both methods and a list of the settings, consult the\ndocumentation section on\n[site-specific settings](\n\n\n## Running Argus in development\n\n### Step 1: Installation\n\nYou can use docker-compose to conveniently setup a complete dev environment for Argus,\nincluding PostgreSQL. Instructions\n[are provided above](#setup-argus-using-docker-compose).\n\nTo do a manual install instead, follow these steps.\n\nDownload the source code first.\n```console\n$ git clone\n$ cd Argus\n```\n\nWe recommend using virtualenv or virtaulenvwrapper to create\na place to stash Argus' dependencies.\n\nCreate and activate a Python virtual environment.\n```console\n$ python -m venv venv\n$ source venv/bin/activate\n```\n\nInstall Argus' requirements into the virtual env.\n```console\n$ pip install -r requirements-django42.txt\n$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt\n```\n\n### Step 2: Setting environment variables and Django settings\n\nCopy the `` to `` and make it executable\n```console\n$ cp\n$ chmod u+x\n```\nNow set the environment variables in the file using an editor.\n\nRequired settings in `` are\n\n- `DATABASE_URL`,\n- `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` and\n- `SECRET_KEY`.\n\nThe `DATAPORTEN` variables are optional. Refer to the dataporten section of\n[setting site-specific settings]( for details.\n\n`DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` can be set to ``.\n\nIf you need more complex settings than environment variables and ```` can provide,\nwe recommend having a `` in the same directory as `` with any\noverrides.\n\nRefer to the [development notes]( for further details and\nuseful hints on managing Argus in development mode.\n\n### Step 3: Run Argus in development\n\nAfterwards, run the initial Argus setup and start the server.\n```console\n$ python initial_setup\n$ python runserver\n```\n\nYou will find Argus running at http://localhost:8000/.\n\n### Code style\n\nArgus uses black as a source code formatter. Black will automatically install\nwith the [dev requirements](requirements/dev.txt).\n\nA pre-commit hook will format new code automatically before committing.\nTo enable this pre-commit hook, run\n\n```console\n$ pre-commit install\n```\n\n\n## Running tests\n\nGiven that Argus is installed and configured as described above,\nthis command is the most basic option to run the tests.\n```console\n$ python test\n```\n\nIf you have installed `tox`, the following command will\ntest Argus code against several Django versions, several Python versions, and\nautomatically compute code coverage.\n```console\n$ tox\n```\nAn [HTML coverage report](htmlcov/index.html) will be generated.\nRefer to the [tox.ini](tox.ini) file for further options.\n\n## Using towncrier to automatically produce the changelog\n### Before merging a pull request\nTo be able to automatically produce the changelog for a release one file for each\npull request (also called news fragment) needs to be added to the folder\n`changelog.d/`.\n\nThe name of the file consists of three parts separated by a period:\n1. The identifier: either the issue number (in case the pull request fixes that issue)\nor the pull request number. If we don't want to add a link to the resulting changelog\nentry then a `+` followed by a unique short description.\n2. The type of the change: we use `security`, `removed`, `deprecated`, `added`,\n`changed` and `fixed`.\n3. The file suffix, e.g. `.md`, towncrier does not care which suffix a fragment has.\n\nSo an example for a file name related to an issue/pull request would be ``\nor for a file without corresponding issue ``.\n\nThis file can either be created manually with a file name as specified above and the\nchangelog text as content or one can use towncrier to create such a file as following:\n\n```console\n$ towncrier create -c \"Changelog content\"\n```\n\nWhen opening a pull request there will be a check to make sure that a news fragment is\nadded and it will fail if it is missing.\n\n### Before a release\nTo add all content from the `changelog.d/` folder to the changelog file simply run\n```console\n$ towncrier build --version {version}\n```\nThis will also delete all files in `changelog.d/`.\n\nTo preview what the addition to the changelog file would look like add the flag\n`--draft`. This will not delete any files or change ``. It will only output\nthe preview in the terminal.\n\nA few other helpful flags:\n- `date DATE` - set the date of the release, default is today\n- `keep` - do not delete the files in `changelog.d/`\n\nMore information about [towncrier](\n",
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    "requirements": [],
    "tox": true,
    "lcname": "argus-server"
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