
Nameatlastk JSON
Version 0.13.3 PyPI version JSON
SummaryWorld's lightest toolkit to quickly and easily add a GUI to your Python programs and bring them online.
upload_time2023-09-11 13:32:01
authorClaude SIMON
keywords gui web atlas toolkit
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            > **Cyberaddiction, cyberbullying, pedocriminality…: [*Zelbinium*](, to prevent the risks related to smartphone use!**

# *Python* version of the *Atlas* toolkit

[![Run on](](  [![About online demonstrations](](

[![Version 0.13](](
[![license: MIT](](


Si la table ci-dessous est modifiée, alors modifier également (pages du site :
- la page '_index' ;

> The [*Atlas* toolkit]( is available for:
> | Language / Demo | Repository | Popularity | Vidéo |
> |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|
> | [![Java](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-java](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-java](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |
> | [![Node.js](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-node](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-node](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |
> | [![Perl](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-perl](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-perl](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |
> | [![Python](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-python](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-python](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |
> | [![Ruby](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-ruby](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-ruby](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |

<ins>***WebGPIO* (*Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2*)**</ins>: the *WebGPIO* application, with which you can control the *Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2* (and probably other similar devices) GPIOs with your smartphone, is described in the *Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2* below section.


## A GUI with *Python* in a couple of minutes

Click the animation to see a screencast of programming this ["Hello, World!" program](,_World!%22_program) with *Python* in a matter of minutes:

[![Building a GUI in with *Python* in less then 10 minutes](](

Same video on [*Peertube*]( <>.

Source code:

import atlastk

BODY = """
 <input id="Input" xdh:onevent="Submit" value="World"/>
 <button xdh:onevent="Submit">Hello</button>
  <output id="Output">Greetings displayed here!</output>

def acConnect(dom):
  dom.inner("", BODY)

def acSubmit(dom):
  name = dom.getValue("Input")
  dom.begin("Output", f"<div>Hello, {name}!</div>")
  dom.setValue("Input", "")

  "": acConnect,
  "Submit": acSubmit


### See for yourself right now - it's quick and easy!

#### Online, with nothing to install

To run above "Hello, World!" program directly in your browser, as seen in corresponding video, follow this link: <>.

Thanks to [*Replit*](, an [online IDE](, you can write and run programs using the *Atlas* toolkit directly in your web browser, without having to install *Python* on your computer [![About online demonstrations](](

To see more examples, like the following [*TodoMVC*](, simply:
- go [here]( (also accessible with the [![Run on](]( button at the top of this page),
- click on the green `Run` button,
- choose the *Python* entry (this clones the corresponding *GitHub* repository),
- choose the demonstration to launch,
- wait for the application to open, 
- … and, as you wish, fork the *Replit* repository and run your own tests directly in your browser, by modifying the code of the examples or by writing your own code.

[![TodoMVC]( "The TodoMVC application made with the Atlas toolkit")](

#### With *Python* on your computer

# You can replace '' with '' or ''.
# DON'T copy/paste this and above line!
git clone
cd atlas-python/examples
python Hello/

## *Android* devices

Programs made with the *Atlas* toolkit work perfectly on your [*Android*]( devices (smartphone or tablet) using the [*Termux*]( application. Simply install (``pkg intall …``) the *git* and *python* packages. That's all!

## *Jupyter* notebooks

When using the *Atlas* toolkit in a [*Jupyter* notebook](, the GUI is embedded in the notebook, as shown here:


*Jupyter* notebook examples can be found in the *tutorials* directory.

## Your turn

If you want to take your code to the next level, from [CLI]( to [GUI](, then you found the right toolkit.

With the [*Atlas* toolkit](, you transform your programs in modern web applications ([*SPA*]( without the usual hassles:
- no *JavaScript* to write; only *HTML*(/*CSS*) and *Python*,
- no [front and back end architecture]( to bother with,
- no [web server]( (*Apache*, *Nginx*…) to install,
- no need to deploy your application on a remote server,
- no incoming port to open on your internet box or routeur.

The *Atlas* toolkit is written in pure *Python*, with no native code and no dependencies, allowing the *Atlas* toolkit to be used on all environments where *Python* is available. 

And simply by running them on a local computer connected to internet, applications using the *Atlas* toolkit will be accessible from the entire internet on laptops, smartphones, tablets…

The *Atlas* toolkit is particularly well suited for educational purposes, to write modern programming exercises, i.e. with a true graphical interface instead of the usual outdated textual one. More about this can be found [here](

*Python* is much more powerful then *Excel* macros to automate (boring) tasks, and you can also work with *PDF*, *Word*, *Google* files…. And with the *Atlas* toolkit, you have much more possibilities then with *VBA* forms. There are some examples [here](  

There is also a stub to for this library at address <>.

> You will also find programs from [*The Big Book of Small Python Projects*]( by [Al Sweigart]( to which a graphical user interface using the *Atlas* toolkit were added in this repository: [epeios-q37/AlSweigartTheBigBookPython](

## Content of the repository

The `atlastk` directory contains the *Python* source code of the *Atlas* toolkit, which is the directory you have to reference in `PYTHONPATH` in order to use the *Atlas* toolkit in your own program, unless you have installed the [*atlastk* package]( (`pip install atlastk`…).

You can also retrieve the `` file, and add to your source code :

__import__("sys").path.append("<path to>/")

import atlastk

If the `` file is in the current folder, replace `<path-to>/` with `./` and not only ``.

In the `examples` directory, you will found following examples:

- `Blank`: very basic example,
- `Hello`: ["*Hello, World!*"](,_World!%22_program),
- `Chatroom`: multi-user chatroom,
- `Notes`: note taking program,
- `TodoMVC`: [*TodoMVC*](,
- `Hangman`: [Hangman game](,
- `15-puzzle`: [15-puzzle game](,
- `Contacts`: a basic address book, 
- `Widgets`: some widgets handled with the *Atlas* toolkit,
- `Chatrooms` : same as above `Chatroom`, but with several rooms,
- `PigGame`: [Pig game]( for one or two players,
- `Reversi`: [*Reversi* game]( for one or two players,
- `MatPlotLib` : the *Atlas* toolkit displaying some graphics made with [*matplotlib*](; this example needs, of course, the *matplotlib* package to be installed…

Other examples are detailed in the next section.

Except for the *ErgoJr*, *GPIO* and *RGB* applications, which are detailed in the next section, to run an example, launch, from within the `examples` directory, `python <Name>/` (don't forget the final `/`), where `<Name>` is the name of the example (`Blank`, `Chatroom`…).

The *Stars* application is an example where the *Atlas* *toolkit* is used to control a [*Pygame*]( based application. Of course, *Pygame* needs to be installed.

The `tutorials` directory contains some [*Jupyter* notebooks]( about  the *Atlas* *toolkit*.

## *Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2*

**If the applications does not work on your *Raspberry Pi*, please see this issue: <>**

The *GPIO* and *RGB* applications are designed to be used on a *Raspberry Pi* or a *ODROID-C2*.

Here is how the *WebGPIO* application looks like:

![*WebGPIO* interface](

For the *Raspberry Pi*, the `RPi.GPIO` *Python* module have to be installed (this is probably already the case).

For the *ODROID-C2*, The *Python* version of *WiringPi* must be installed, and the application has to be launched, from within the `examples` directory, with `sudo` (`sudo python GPIO/` or `sudo python RGB/`).

The *ErgoJr* application is experimental and to control a *Poppy* *Ergo Jr* robot.

The *RGB* application is dedicated to the control of a RGB led, and the *GPIO* (aka *WebGPIO*) application allows to control the basic pins. Click below picture to see a *YouTube* video on how they work (same video on [*PeerTube*]( <>):

[![RGB video](](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "atlastk",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "GUI,web,Atlas toolkit",
    "author": "Claude SIMON",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "> **Cyberaddiction, cyberbullying, pedocriminality\u2026: [*Zelbinium*](, to prevent the risks related to smartphone use!**\n\n# *Python* version of the *Atlas* toolkit\n\n[![Run on](](  [![About online demonstrations](](\n\n[![Version 0.13](](\n[![license: MIT](](\n[![Documentation](](  \n\n[![Version](](\n\n<!--\nSi la table ci-dessous est modifi\u00e9e, alors modifier \u00e9galement (pages du site\u00a0:\n- la page '_index'\u00a0;\n-->\n\n> The [*Atlas* toolkit]( is available for:\n> | Language / Demo | Repository | Popularity | Vid\u00e9o |\n> |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|\n> | [![Java](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-java](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-java](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |\n> | [![Node.js](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-node](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-node](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |\n> | [![Perl](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-perl](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-perl](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |\n> | [![Python](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-python](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-python](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |\n> | [![Ruby](](<br/>[![Run on Replit](]( | [![Framagit](]( [![GitHub](](<br/>[![GitLab](]( | [![Stars for atlas-ruby](](<br/>[![GitHub forks for atlas-ruby](]( | [![PeerTube](](<br/>[![YouTube](]( |\n\n\n<ins>***WebGPIO* (*Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2*)**</ins>: the *WebGPIO* application, with which you can control the *Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2* (and probably other similar devices) GPIOs with your smartphone, is described in the *Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2* below section.\n\n\n\n---\n\n## A GUI with *Python* in a couple of minutes\n\nClick the animation to see a screencast of programming this [\"Hello, World!\" program](,_World!%22_program) with *Python* in a matter of minutes:\n\n[![Building a GUI in with *Python* in less then 10 minutes](](\n\nSame video on [*Peertube*]( <>.\n\nSource code:\n\n```python\nimport atlastk\n\nBODY = \"\"\"\n<fieldset>\n <input id=\"Input\" xdh:onevent=\"Submit\" value=\"World\"/>\n <button xdh:onevent=\"Submit\">Hello</button>\n <hr/>\n <fieldset>\n  <output id=\"Output\">Greetings displayed here!</output>\n </fieldset>\n</fieldset>\n\"\"\"\n\ndef acConnect(dom):\n  dom.inner(\"\", BODY)\n  dom.focus(\"Input\")\n\ndef acSubmit(dom):\n  name = dom.getValue(\"Input\")\n  dom.begin(\"Output\", f\"<div>Hello, {name}!</div>\")\n  dom.setValue(\"Input\", \"\")\n  dom.focus(\"Input\")\n\nCALLBACKS = {\n  \"\": acConnect,\n  \"Submit\": acSubmit\n}\n\natlastk.launch(CALLBACKS)\n```\n\n### See for yourself right now - it's quick and easy!\n\n#### Online, with nothing to install\n\nTo run above \"Hello, World!\" program directly in your browser, as seen in corresponding video, follow this link: <>.\n\nThanks to [*Replit*](, an [online IDE](, you can write and run programs using the *Atlas* toolkit directly in your web browser, without having to install *Python* on your computer [![About online demonstrations](](\n\nTo see more examples, like the following [*TodoMVC*](, simply:\n- go [here]( (also accessible with the [![Run on](]( button at the top of this page),\n- click on the green `Run` button,\n- choose the *Python* entry (this clones the corresponding *GitHub* repository),\n- choose the demonstration to launch,\n- wait for the application to open, \n- \u2026 and, as you wish, fork the *Replit* repository and run your own tests directly in your browser, by modifying the code of the examples or by writing your own code.\n\n[![TodoMVC]( \"The TodoMVC application made with the Atlas toolkit\")](\n\n#### With *Python* on your computer\n\n```shell\n# You can replace '' with '' or ''.\n# DON'T copy/paste this and above line!\ngit clone\ncd atlas-python/examples\npython Hello/\n```\n\n## *Android* devices\n\nPrograms made with the *Atlas* toolkit work perfectly on your [*Android*]( devices (smartphone or tablet) using the [*Termux*]( application. Simply install (``pkg intall \u2026``) the *git* and *python* packages. That's all!\n\n## *Jupyter* notebooks\n\nWhen using the *Atlas* toolkit in a [*Jupyter* notebook](, the GUI is embedded in the notebook, as shown here:\n\n![](\n\n*Jupyter* notebook examples can be found in the *tutorials* directory.\n\n## Your turn\n\nIf you want to take your code to the next level, from [CLI]( to [GUI](, then you found the right toolkit.\n\nWith the [*Atlas* toolkit](, you transform your programs in modern web applications ([*SPA*]( without the usual hassles:\n- no *JavaScript* to write; only *HTML*(/*CSS*) and *Python*,\n- no [front and back end architecture]( to bother with,\n- no [web server]( (*Apache*, *Nginx*\u2026) to install,\n- no need to deploy your application on a remote server,\n- no incoming port to open on your internet box or routeur.\n\nThe *Atlas* toolkit is written in pure *Python*, with no native code and no dependencies, allowing the *Atlas* toolkit to be used on all environments where *Python* is available. \n\nAnd simply by running them on a local computer connected to internet, applications using the *Atlas* toolkit will be accessible from the entire internet on laptops, smartphones, tablets\u2026\n\nThe *Atlas* toolkit is particularly well suited for educational purposes, to write modern programming exercises, i.e. with a true graphical interface instead of the usual outdated textual one. More about this can be found [here](\n\n*Python* is much more powerful then *Excel* macros to automate (boring) tasks, and you can also work with *PDF*, *Word*, *Google* files\u2026. And with the *Atlas* toolkit, you have much more possibilities then with *VBA* forms. There are some examples [here](  \n\nThere is also a stub to for this library at address <>.\n\n> You will also find programs from [*The Big Book of Small Python Projects*]( by [Al Sweigart]( to which a graphical user interface using the *Atlas* toolkit were added in this repository: [epeios-q37/AlSweigartTheBigBookPython](\n\n## Content of the repository\n\nThe `atlastk` directory contains the *Python* source code of the *Atlas* toolkit, which is the directory you have to reference in `PYTHONPATH` in order to use the *Atlas* toolkit in your own program, unless you have installed the [*atlastk* package]( (`pip install atlastk`\u2026).\n\nYou can also retrieve the `` file, and add to your source code\u00a0:\n\n```python\n__import__(\"sys\").path.append(\"<path to>/\")\n\nimport atlastk\n```\n\nIf the `` file is in the current folder, replace `<path-to>/` with `./` and not only ``.\n\nIn the `examples` directory, you will found following examples:\n\n- `Blank`: very basic example,\n- `Hello`: [\"*Hello, World!*\"](,_World!%22_program),\n- `Chatroom`: multi-user chatroom,\n- `Notes`: note taking program,\n- `TodoMVC`: [*TodoMVC*](,\n- `Hangman`: [Hangman game](,\n- `15-puzzle`: [15-puzzle game](,\n- `Contacts`: a basic address book, \n- `Widgets`: some widgets handled with the *Atlas* toolkit,\n- `Chatrooms`\u00a0: same as above `Chatroom`, but with several rooms,\n- `PigGame`: [Pig game]( for one or two players,\n- `Reversi`: [*Reversi* game]( for one or two players,\n- `MatPlotLib`\u00a0: the *Atlas* toolkit displaying some graphics made with [*matplotlib*](; this example needs, of course, the *matplotlib* package to be installed\u2026\n\nOther examples are detailed in the next section.\n\nExcept for the *ErgoJr*, *GPIO* and *RGB* applications, which are detailed in the next section, to run an example, launch, from within the `examples` directory, `python <Name>/` (don't forget the final `/`), where `<Name>` is the name of the example (`Blank`, `Chatroom`\u2026).\n\nThe *Stars* application is an example where the *Atlas* *toolkit* is used to control a [*Pygame*]( based application. Of course, *Pygame* needs to be installed.\n\nThe `tutorials` directory contains some [*Jupyter* notebooks]( about  the *Atlas* *toolkit*.\n\n## *Raspberry Pi*/*ODROID-C2*\n\n**If the applications does not work on your *Raspberry Pi*, please see this issue: <>**\n\nThe *GPIO* and *RGB* applications are designed to be used on a *Raspberry Pi* or a *ODROID-C2*.\n\nHere is how the *WebGPIO* application looks like:\n\n![*WebGPIO* interface](\n\nFor the *Raspberry Pi*, the `RPi.GPIO` *Python* module have to be installed (this is probably already the case).\n\nFor the *ODROID-C2*, The *Python* version of *WiringPi* must be installed, and the application has to be launched, from within the `examples` directory, with `sudo` (`sudo python GPIO/` or `sudo python RGB/`).\n\nThe *ErgoJr* application is experimental and to control a *Poppy* *Ergo Jr* robot.\n\nThe *RGB* application is dedicated to the control of a RGB led, and the *GPIO* (aka *WebGPIO*) application allows to control the basic pins. Click below picture to see a *YouTube* video on how they work (same video on [*PeerTube*]( <>):\n\n[![RGB video](](\n\n\n\n\n",
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