# Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library.
This package has been tested with Python 3.8+.
For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the [azure sdk python release](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/all).
## _Disclaimer_
_Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues/20691_
## Getting started
### Prerequisites
- Python 3.8+ is required to use this package.
- [Azure subscription](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/)
### Install the package
pip install azure-mgmt-billing
pip install azure-identity
### Authentication
By default, [Azure Active Directory](https://aka.ms/awps/aad) token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables.
- `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` for Azure client ID.
- `AZURE_TENANT_ID` for Azure tenant ID.
- `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` for Azure client secret.
In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable `AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID`.
With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.billing import BillingManagementClient
import os
sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
client = BillingManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id)
## Examples
Code samples for this package can be found at:
- [Search Billing](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?languages=python&term=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing&terms=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing) on docs.microsoft.com
- [Azure Python Mgmt SDK Samples Repo](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt/samples)
## Troubleshooting
## Next steps
## Provide Feedback
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
section of the project.
# Release History
## 7.0.0 (2024-09-04)
### Features Added
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'associated_tenants'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'billing_requests'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'billing_role_definition'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'savings_plan_orders'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'savings_plans'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'billing_subscriptions_aliases'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'departments'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'payment_methods'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'reservation_orders'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'transfers'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'partner_transfers'
- Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'recipient_transfers'
- Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'IMPLICIT'
- Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'OFFLINE'
- Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'PHYSICAL_SIGN'
- Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'NEW'
- Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'PENDING'
- Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'UNDER_REVIEW'
- Model 'AccountType' added property 'BUSINESS'
- Model 'AccountType' added property 'CLASSIC_PARTNER'
- Model 'AccountType' added property 'INTERNAL'
- Model 'AccountType' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'AccountType' added property 'RESELLER'
- Model 'AccountType' added property 'TENANT'
- Model 'AddressDetails' added property 'is_valid_address'
- Model 'AddressValidationStatus' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'Agreement' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Agreement' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'AgreementType' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'AvailableBalance' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'AvailableBalance' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'AzurePlan' added property 'product_id'
- Model 'BillingAccount' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingAccount' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingProfile' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingProfileStatus' added property 'DELETED'
- Model 'BillingProfileStatus' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'BillingProfileStatus' added property 'UNDER_REVIEW'
- Model 'BillingProfileStatusReasonCode' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'BillingProfileStatusReasonCode' added property 'UNUSUAL_ACTIVITY'
- Model 'BillingProperty' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingProperty' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingRelationshipType' added property 'CSP_CUSTOMER'
- Model 'BillingRelationshipType' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignment' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignment' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingRoleDefinition' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingRoleDefinition' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'auto_renew'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'beneficiary_tenant_id'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'beneficiary'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'billing_frequency'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'billing_policies'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'billing_profile_name'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'consumption_cost_center'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'customer_name'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'enrollment_account_id'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'enrollment_account_display_name'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'invoice_section_name'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'next_billing_cycle_details'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'offer_id'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'product_category'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'product_type'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'product_type_id'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'purchase_date'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'quantity'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'renewal_term_details'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'system_overrides'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'resource_uri'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'term_duration'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'term_start_date'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'term_end_date'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'provisioning_tenant_id'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'status'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'operation_status'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'provisioning_state'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'suspension_reasons'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'suspension_reason_details'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'enrollment_account_start_date'
- Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'subscription_enrollment_account_status'
- Model 'Category' added property 'INDIRECT_FOR_GOVERNMENT_AGREEMENT'
- Model 'Category' added property 'MICROSOFT_PARTNER_AGREEMENT'
- Model 'Category' added property 'UK_CLOUD_COMPUTE_FRAMEWORK'
- Model 'Customer' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Customer' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'CustomerPolicy' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'CustomerPolicy' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Department' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Department' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'DocumentSource' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'EnrollmentAccount' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'EnrollmentAccount' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Invoice' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Invoice' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'SUMMARY'
- Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'TAX_RECEIPT'
- Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'TRANSACTIONS'
- Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'VOID_NOTE'
- Model 'InvoiceSection' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'InvoiceSection' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'DELETED'
- Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'DISABLED'
- Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'UNDER_REVIEW'
- Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'WARNED'
- Model 'InvoiceStatus' added property 'LOCKED'
- Model 'InvoiceStatus' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'InvoiceType' added property 'AZURE_SERVICES'
- Model 'InvoiceType' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'MarketplacePurchasesPolicy' added property 'DISABLED'
- Model 'MarketplacePurchasesPolicy' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'DIRECT_DEBIT'
- Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'E_WALLET'
- Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'TASK_ORDER'
- Model 'Product' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Product' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'etag'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'tags'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'instance_flexibility'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'archived'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'capabilities'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'benefit_start_time'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'last_updated_date_time'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'expiry_date_time'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'review_date_time'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'extended_status_info'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'billing_plan'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'purchase_date'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'purchase_date_time'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'split_properties'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'merge_properties'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'swap_properties'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'applied_scope_properties'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'billing_scope_id'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'renew_destination'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'renew_properties'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'product_code'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'trend'
- Model 'Reservation' added property 'aggregates'
- Model 'ReservationPurchasesPolicy' added property 'DISABLED'
- Model 'ReservationPurchasesPolicy' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'ReservationSummary' added property 'no_benefit_count'
- Model 'ReservationSummary' added property 'warning_count'
- Model 'ReservationSummary' added property 'processing_count'
- Model 'Resource' added property 'system_data'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'ACCOUNT_IS_LOCKED'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'ASSET_HAS_CAP'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'ASSET_NOT_ACTIVE'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'BILLING_PROFILE_PAST_DUE'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'INVOICE_SECTION_IS_RESTRICTED'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'NONE'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'NO_ACTIVE_AZURE_PLAN'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'OTHER'
- Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'SUBSCRIPTION_HAS_RESERVATIONS'
- Model 'Transaction' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'Transaction' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method
- Model 'ViewChargesPolicy' added property 'OTHER'
- Added model 'AcceptTransferRequest'
- Added model 'AccessDecision'
- Added model 'AccountSubType'
- Added model 'AddressValidationResponse'
- Added model 'AgreementProperties'
- Added model 'AppliedScopeProperties'
- Added model 'AppliedScopeType'
- Added model 'AssociatedTenant'
- Added model 'AssociatedTenantListResult'
- Added model 'AssociatedTenantProperties'
- Added model 'AvailableBalanceProperties'
- Added model 'AvailableBalancePropertiesAmount'
- Added model 'AvailableBalancePropertiesTotalPaymentsOnAccount'
- Added model 'Beneficiary'
- Added model 'BillingAccountPatch'
- Added model 'BillingAccountPolicy'
- Added model 'BillingAccountPolicyProperties'
- Added model 'BillingAccountPolicyPropertiesEnterpriseAgreementPolicies'
- Added model 'BillingAccountProperties'
- Added model 'BillingAccountPropertiesEnrollmentDetails'
- Added model 'BillingAccountPropertiesRegistrationNumber'
- Added model 'BillingAccountPropertiesSoldTo'
- Added model 'BillingAccountStatusReasonCode'
- Added model 'BillingManagementTenantState'
- Added model 'BillingPermission'
- Added model 'BillingPermissionListResult'
- Added model 'BillingPlan'
- Added model 'BillingPlanInformation'
- Added model 'BillingProfileInfo'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePolicy'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePolicyProperties'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePolicyPropertiesEnterpriseAgreementPolicies'
- Added model 'BillingProfileProperties'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesBillTo'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesCurrentPaymentTerm'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesIndirectRelationshipInfo'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesShipTo'
- Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesSoldTo'
- Added model 'BillingPropertyProperties'
- Added model 'BillingPropertyPropertiesEnrollmentDetails'
- Added model 'BillingPropertyPropertiesSubscriptionServiceUsageAddress'
- Added model 'BillingRequest'
- Added model 'BillingRequestListResult'
- Added model 'BillingRequestProperties'
- Added model 'BillingRequestPropertiesCreatedBy'
- Added model 'BillingRequestPropertiesLastUpdatedBy'
- Added model 'BillingRequestPropertiesReviewedBy'
- Added model 'BillingRequestStatus'
- Added model 'BillingRequestType'
- Added model 'BillingRoleAssignmentProperties'
- Added model 'BillingRoleDefinitionProperties'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionAlias'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionAliasListResult'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionAliasProperties'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionListResult'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionMergeRequest'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionOperationStatus'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionPatch'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionProperties'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionSplitRequest'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionStatus'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionStatusDetails'
- Added model 'CancelSubscriptionRequest'
- Added model 'Cancellation'
- Added model 'CancellationReason'
- Added model 'CheckAccessRequest'
- Added model 'CheckAccessResponse'
- Added model 'Commitment'
- Added model 'CommitmentGrain'
- Added model 'CreatedByType'
- Added model 'CreditType'
- Added model 'CustomerPolicyProperties'
- Added model 'CustomerProperties'
- Added model 'CustomerStatus'
- Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityCode'
- Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityDetail'
- Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityResult'
- Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityStatus'
- Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityCode'
- Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityDetail'
- Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityResult'
- Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityStatus'
- Added model 'DepartmentListResult'
- Added model 'DepartmentProperties'
- Added model 'DetailedTransferStatus'
- Added model 'DocumentDownloadRequest'
- Added model 'DocumentDownloadResult'
- Added model 'EligibleProductType'
- Added model 'EnrollmentAccountOwnerViewCharges'
- Added model 'EnrollmentAccountProperties'
- Added model 'EnrollmentAuthLevelState'
- Added model 'EnrollmentDepartmentAdminViewCharges'
- Added model 'EnrollmentDetails'
- Added model 'EnrollmentDetailsIndirectRelationshipInfo'
- Added model 'EnterpriseAgreementPolicies'
- Added model 'ErrorAdditionalInfo'
- Added model 'ErrorDetail'
- Added model 'ExtendedStatusDefinitionProperties'
- Added model 'ExtendedStatusInfo'
- Added model 'ExtendedTermOption'
- Added model 'ExternalReference'
- Added model 'FailedPayment'
- Added model 'FailedPaymentReason'
- Added model 'InitiateTransferRequest'
- Added model 'InitiatorCustomerType'
- Added model 'InstanceFlexibility'
- Added model 'InvoiceDocument'
- Added model 'InvoiceProperties'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesAmountDue'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesAzurePrepaymentApplied'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesBilledAmount'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesCreditAmount'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesFreeAzureCreditApplied'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesRebillDetails'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesRefundDetails'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesSubTotal'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesTaxAmount'
- Added model 'InvoicePropertiesTotalAmount'
- Added model 'InvoiceSectionLabelManagementPolicy'
- Added model 'InvoiceSectionProperties'
- Added model 'InvoiceSectionStateReasonCode'
- Added model 'InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermissionListResult'
- Added model 'MarkupStatus'
- Added model 'MoveBillingSubscriptionEligibilityResult'
- Added model 'MoveBillingSubscriptionErrorDetails'
- Added model 'MoveBillingSubscriptionRequest'
- Added model 'MoveProductEligibilityResult'
- Added model 'MoveProductEligibilityResultErrorDetails'
- Added model 'MoveProductErrorDetails'
- Added model 'MoveProductRequest'
- Added model 'MoveValidationErrorCode'
- Added model 'NextBillingCycleDetails'
- Added model 'Participant'
- Added model 'PartnerInitiateTransferRequest'
- Added model 'PartnerTransferDetails'
- Added model 'PartnerTransferDetailsListResult'
- Added model 'Patch'
- Added model 'Payment'
- Added model 'PaymentAmount'
- Added model 'PaymentDetail'
- Added model 'PaymentMethod'
- Added model 'PaymentMethodLink'
- Added model 'PaymentMethodLinksListResult'
- Added model 'PaymentMethodLogo'
- Added model 'PaymentMethodProperties'
- Added model 'PaymentMethodStatus'
- Added model 'PaymentMethodsListResult'
- Added model 'PaymentOnAccount'
- Added model 'PaymentOnAccountAmount'
- Added model 'PaymentStatus'
- Added model 'PaymentTerm'
- Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityCode'
- Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityDetail'
- Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityResult'
- Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityStatus'
- Added model 'PolicySummary'
- Added model 'PolicyType'
- Added model 'Price'
- Added model 'Principal'
- Added model 'PrincipalType'
- Added model 'ProductDetails'
- Added model 'ProductListResult'
- Added model 'ProductPatch'
- Added model 'ProductProperties'
- Added model 'ProductPropertiesLastCharge'
- Added model 'ProductPropertiesReseller'
- Added model 'ProductStatus'
- Added model 'ProductTransferStatus'
- Added model 'ProductType'
- Added model 'ProvisioningState'
- Added model 'ProvisioningTenantState'
- Added model 'ProxyResource'
- Added model 'ProxyResourceWithTags'
- Added model 'PurchaseRequest'
- Added model 'RecipientTransferDetails'
- Added model 'RecipientTransferDetailsListResult'
- Added model 'RefundDetailsSummary'
- Added model 'RefundDetailsSummaryAmountRefunded'
- Added model 'RefundDetailsSummaryAmountRequested'
- Added model 'RefundReasonCode'
- Added model 'RefundStatus'
- Added model 'RefundTransactionDetails'
- Added model 'RefundTransactionDetailsAmountRefunded'
- Added model 'RefundTransactionDetailsAmountRequested'
- Added model 'RegistrationNumber'
- Added model 'RenewProperties'
- Added model 'RenewPropertiesResponse'
- Added model 'RenewalTermDetails'
- Added model 'ReservationAppliedScopeProperties'
- Added model 'ReservationBillingPlan'
- Added model 'ReservationExtendedStatusInfo'
- Added model 'ReservationList'
- Added model 'ReservationMergeProperties'
- Added model 'ReservationOrder'
- Added model 'ReservationOrderBillingPlanInformation'
- Added model 'ReservationOrderList'
- Added model 'ReservationPaymentDetail'
- Added model 'ReservationPurchaseRequest'
- Added model 'ReservationSplitProperties'
- Added model 'ReservationStatusCode'
- Added model 'ReservationSwapProperties'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanModel'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanModelList'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanModelListResult'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanOrderModel'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanOrderModelList'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanPurchasesPolicy'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanSummaryCount'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanTerm'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanUpdateRequest'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanUpdateRequestProperties'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanUpdateValidateRequest'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanValidResponseProperty'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanValidateResponse'
- Added model 'ServiceDefinedResourceName'
- Added model 'Sku'
- Added model 'SkuName'
- Added model 'SpecialTaxationType'
- Added model 'SpendingLimitDetails'
- Added model 'SpendingLimitStatus'
- Added model 'SpendingLimitType'
- Added model 'SubscriptionBillingType'
- Added model 'SubscriptionEnrollmentAccountStatus'
- Added model 'SubscriptionEnrollmentDetails'
- Added model 'SubscriptionPolicy'
- Added model 'SubscriptionPolicyProperties'
- Added model 'SubscriptionStatusReason'
- Added model 'SubscriptionWorkloadType'
- Added model 'SupportLevel'
- Added model 'SupportedAccountType'
- Added model 'SystemData'
- Added model 'SystemOverrides'
- Added model 'TaxIdentifier'
- Added model 'TaxIdentifierStatus'
- Added model 'TaxIdentifierType'
- Added model 'TransactionKind'
- Added model 'TransactionProperties'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesAzureCreditApplied'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesConsumptionCommitmentDecremented'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesEffectivePrice'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesMarketPrice'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesRefundTransactionDetails'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesSubTotal'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesTax'
- Added model 'TransactionPropertiesTransactionAmount'
- Added model 'TransactionSummary'
- Added model 'TransactionType'
- Added model 'TransferDetails'
- Added model 'TransferDetailsListResult'
- Added model 'TransferError'
- Added model 'TransferItemQueryParameter'
- Added model 'TransferStatus'
- Added model 'TransitionDetails'
- Added model 'Utilization'
- Added model 'UtilizationAggregates'
- Added model 'ValidateTransferListResponse'
- Added model 'ValidateTransferResponse'
- Added model 'ValidationResultProperties'
- Model 'AvailableBalancesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'
- Model 'AvailableBalancesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_profile'
- Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'begin_add_payment_terms'
- Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'begin_cancel_payment_terms'
- Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'confirm_transition'
- Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'validate_payment_terms'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_billing_account'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_billing_profile'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_customer'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_department'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_enrollment_account'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_invoice_section'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer_at_billing_account'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_department'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_enrollment_account'
- Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_invoice_section'
- Model 'BillingProfilesOperations' added method 'begin_delete'
- Model 'BillingProfilesOperations' added method 'validate_delete_eligibility'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_billing_account'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_billing_profile'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_customer'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_invoice_section'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_billing_account'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_department'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_enrollment_account'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_billing_account'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_billing_profile'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_customer'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_invoice_section'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'delete_by_customer'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'delete_by_department'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'delete_by_enrollment_account'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'get_by_customer'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'get_by_department'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'get_by_enrollment_account'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'list_by_department'
- Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'list_by_enrollment_account'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_cancel'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_delete'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_merge'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_split'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_update'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_profile'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer_at_billing_account'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'list_by_enrollment_account'
- Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'validate_move_eligibility'
- Model 'CustomersOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'
- Model 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations' added method 'get_by_department'
- Model 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations' added method 'list_by_billing_account'
- Model 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations' added method 'list_by_department'
- Model 'InvoiceSectionsOperations' added method 'begin_delete'
- Model 'InvoiceSectionsOperations' added method 'validate_delete_eligibility'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_amend'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_by_billing_account'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_by_billing_subscription'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_documents_by_billing_account'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_documents_by_billing_subscription'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_summary_by_billing_account'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'
- Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_subscription'
- Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_billing_account'
- Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_billing_profile'
- Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_customer'
- Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_customer_at_billing_account'
- Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'
- Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'get_by_customer_at_billing_account'
- Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'get_by_subscription'
- Model 'ProductsOperations' added method 'begin_move'
- Model 'ProductsOperations' added method 'validate_move_eligibility'
- Model 'ReservationsOperations' added method 'begin_update_by_billing_account'
- Model 'ReservationsOperations' added method 'get_by_reservation_order'
- Model 'ReservationsOperations' added method 'list_by_reservation_order'
- Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'begin_transactions_download_by_invoice'
- Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'get_transaction_summary_by_invoice'
- Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'list_by_billing_profile'
- Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer'
- Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'list_by_invoice_section'
- Added model 'AssociatedTenantsOperations'
- Added model 'BillingRequestsOperations'
- Added model 'BillingRoleDefinitionOperations'
- Added model 'BillingSubscriptionsAliasesOperations'
- Added model 'DepartmentsOperations'
- Added model 'PartnerTransfersOperations'
- Added model 'PaymentMethodsOperations'
- Added model 'RecipientTransfersOperations'
- Added model 'ReservationOrdersOperations'
- Added model 'SavingsPlanOrdersOperations'
- Added model 'SavingsPlansOperations'
- Added model 'TransfersOperations'
### Breaking Changes
- Deleted or renamed client operation group 'BillingManagementClient.instructions'
- Deleted or renamed client operation group 'BillingManagementClient.billing_role_definitions'
- Deleted or renamed client operation group 'BillingManagementClient.billing_periods'
- 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'agreement_link'
- 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'category'
- 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'acceptance_mode'
- 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'effective_date'
- 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'expiration_date'
- 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'participants'
- 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'
- 'AvailableBalance' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'amount'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sold_to'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'agreement_type'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_type'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_status'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profiles'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enrollment_details'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'departments'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enrollment_accounts'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'has_read_access'
- 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'notification_email_address'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'po_number'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_relationship_type'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'bill_to'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'indirect_relationship_info'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_email_opt_in'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_day'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'currency'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enabled_azure_plans'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_sections'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'has_read_access'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'system_id'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status_reason_code'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'spending_limit'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'target_clouds'
- 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tags'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_admin_notification_email_address'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_tenant_id'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_account_id'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_account_display_name'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_status'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_status_reason_code'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_spending_limit'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_id'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_display_name'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'is_account_admin'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_id'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_name'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_id'
- 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_description'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_on'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_by_principal_tenant_id'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_by_principal_id'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_by_user_email_address'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'principal_id'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'principal_tenant_id'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'role_definition_id'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'scope'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'user_authentication_type'
- 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'user_email_address'
- 'BillingRoleDefinition' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'description'
- 'BillingRoleDefinition' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'permissions'
- 'BillingRoleDefinition' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'role_name'
- 'BillingSubscription' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_billing_status'
- 'BillingSubscription' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'
- 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'
- 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'
- 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'
- 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enabled_azure_plans'
- 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'resellers'
- 'CustomerListResult' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'total_count'
- 'CustomerPolicy' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'view_charges'
- 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'department_name'
- 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'
- 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'
- 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enrollment_accounts'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_name'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_owner'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_owner_email'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'start_date'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'end_date'
- 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'department'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'due_date'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_date'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'amount_due'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'azure_prepayment_applied'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billed_amount'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'credit_amount'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'free_azure_credit_applied'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sub_total'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tax_amount'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'total_amount'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_period_start_date'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_period_end_date'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_type'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'is_monthly_invoice'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'purchase_order_number'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'documents'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'payments'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'rebill_details'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'document_type'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billed_document_id'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'credit_for_document_id'
- 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_id'
- 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'
- 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'labels'
- 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'state'
- 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'system_id'
- 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'target_cloud'
- 'InvoiceSectionListResult' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'total_count'
- Deleted or renamed enum value 'InvoiceType.AZURE_SERVICE'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'auto_renew'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'purchase_date'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type_id'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'end_date'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_frequency'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'last_charge'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'last_charge_date'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'quantity'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_id'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_description'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tenant_id'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'availability_id'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_id'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_display_name'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_id'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_display_name'
- 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'reseller'
- 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'id'
- 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'name'
- 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'type'
- 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'utilization'
- Deleted or renamed enum value 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode.NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_DESTINATION_MARKET'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'kind'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'date'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_id'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'order_id'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'order_name'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_family'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type_id'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_description'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'transaction_type'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'transaction_amount'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'quantity'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_id'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_display_name'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_id'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_display_name'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_id'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_name'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'azure_plan'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'azure_credit_applied'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_currency'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'discount'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'effective_price'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'exchange_rate'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'market_price'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'pricing_currency'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'service_period_start_date'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'service_period_end_date'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sub_total'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tax'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'unit_of_measure'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'units'
- 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'unit_type'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingAccountUpdateRequest'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingFrequency'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPeriod'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPeriodsListResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPermissionsListResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPermissionsProperties'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingProfileCreationRequest'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingProfileSpendingLimit'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingProfilesOnExpand'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingSubscriptionStatusType'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingSubscriptionsListResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'Document'
- Deleted or renamed model 'DocumentType'
- Deleted or renamed model 'DownloadUrl'
- Deleted or renamed model 'Enrollment'
- Deleted or renamed model 'EnrollmentAccountContext'
- Deleted or renamed model 'EnrollmentAccountSummary'
- Deleted or renamed model 'EnrollmentPolicies'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ErrorDetails'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ErrorSubDetailsItem'
- Deleted or renamed model 'Instruction'
- Deleted or renamed model 'InstructionListResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'InvoiceSectionCreationRequest'
- Deleted or renamed model 'InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'InvoiceSectionsOnExpand'
- Deleted or renamed model 'Participants'
- Deleted or renamed model 'PaymentProperties'
- Deleted or renamed model 'Policy'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ProductStatusType'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ProductTransferValidationErrorCode'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ProductsListResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ReservationPropertyUtilization'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ReservationType'
- Deleted or renamed model 'SpendingLimitForBillingProfile'
- Deleted or renamed model 'StatusReasonCode'
- Deleted or renamed model 'StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile'
- Deleted or renamed model 'TargetCloud'
- Deleted or renamed model 'TransactionTypeKind'
- Deleted or renamed model 'TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties'
- Deleted or renamed model 'TransferProductRequestProperties'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateAddressResponse'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult'
- Deleted or renamed model 'ViewCharges'
- 'AddressOperations.validate' renamed its parameter 'address' to 'parameters' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- 'AgreementsOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- Deleted or renamed method 'AvailableBalancesOperations.get'
- 'BillingAccountsOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_all'
- 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_all_without_billing_profiles'
- 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'
- 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_pending_agreement'
- 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_resellee'
- 'BillingPermissionsOperations.list_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'
- Deleted or renamed method 'BillingPermissionsOperations.list_by_invoice_sections'
- 'BillingProfilesOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- 'BillingProfilesOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'
- 'BillingProfilesOperations.list_by_billing_account' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- 'BillingPropertyOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_billing_country'
- 'BillingPropertyOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_transition_status'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.begin_move' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_subscription_name'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_subscription_name'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_tenant_subscriptions'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_failed'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_profile' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'
- 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_invoice_section' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'
- Deleted or renamed method 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.update'
- Deleted or renamed method 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.validate_move'
- 'CustomersOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'
- 'CustomersOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_account_name'
- 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'enrollment_account_name'
- 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'name' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- Deleted or renamed method 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.list'
- 'InvoiceSectionsOperations.list_by_billing_profile' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'
- 'InvoicesOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'billing_account_name' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_billing_subscription_invoice'
- Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_invoice'
- Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_multiple_billing_profile_invoices'
- Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_multiple_billing_subscription_invoices'
- Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.get_by_id'
- Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.get_by_subscription_and_invoice_id'
- 'PoliciesOperations.get_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'
- 'PoliciesOperations.get_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'policy_name'
- Deleted or renamed method 'PoliciesOperations.update'
- Deleted or renamed method 'PoliciesOperations.update_customer'
- Deleted or renamed method 'ProductsOperations.move'
- Deleted or renamed method 'ProductsOperations.validate_move'
- 'ReservationsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'orderby' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- 'ReservationsOperations.list_by_billing_profile' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'orderby' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPeriodsOperations'
- Deleted or renamed model 'BillingRoleDefinitionsOperations'
- Deleted or renamed model 'InstructionsOperations'
## 6.1.0b1 (2022-11-01)
### Features Added
- Model Agreement has a new parameter billing_profile_info
- Model BillingProfileListResult has a new parameter total_count
- Model BillingSubscription has a new parameter suspension_reasons
- Model InvoiceListResult has a new parameter total_count
- Model InvoiceSection has a new parameter tags
- Model ProductsListResult has a new parameter total_count
- Model TransactionListResult has a new parameter total_count
## 6.0.0 (2021-05-12)
- Model InvoiceSectionListResult has a new parameter total_count
- Model OperationDisplay has a new parameter description
- Model BillingSubscriptionsListResult has a new parameter total_count
- Model BillingAccountUpdateRequest has a new parameter notification_email_address
- Model EnrollmentAccount has a new parameter account_owner_email
- Model CustomerListResult has a new parameter total_count
- Model Operation has a new parameter is_data_action
- Model BillingAccount has a new parameter notification_email_address
- Model AddressDetails has a new parameter middle_name
- Model BillingProfile has a new parameter tags
- Model EnrollmentPolicies has a new parameter marketplace_enabled
- Added operation group ReservationsOperations
**Breaking changes**
- Model EnrollmentPolicies no longer has parameter marketplaces_enabled
## 6.0.0b1 (2020-11-20)
This is beta preview version.
This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
**General breaking changes**
- Credential system has been completly revamped:
- `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead: https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/
- `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential`
- The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of
supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)
- You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead
- Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`.
- Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed).
- Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:
- `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user
- For a complete set of
supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)
**General new features**
- Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready.
- This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client.
- This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/core/azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry) for an overview.
## 1.0.0 (2020-10-19)
- Model ErrorDetails has a new parameter details
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_multiple_billing_subscription_invoice
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.get_by_id
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_invoice
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.list_by_billing_subscription
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.list_by_billing_account
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_billing_subscription_invoice
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_multiple_modern_invoice
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.list_by_billing_profile
- Added operation InvoicesOperations.get_by_subscription_and_invoice_id
- Added operation group InvoiceSectionsOperations
- Added operation group PoliciesOperations
- Added operation group InstructionsOperations
- Added operation group ProductsOperations
- Added operation group AddressOperations
- Added operation group BillingProfilesOperations
- Added operation group TransactionsOperations
- Added operation group BillingPermissionsOperations
- Added operation group BillingRoleDefinitionsOperations
- Added operation group BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations
- Added operation group BillingSubscriptionsOperations
- Added operation group AvailableBalancesOperations
- Added operation group CustomersOperations
- Added operation group AgreementsOperations
- Added operation group BillingAccountsOperations
- Added operation group BillingPropertyOperations
**Breaking changes**
- Model Invoice has a new signature
- Model EnrollmentAccount has a new signature
- Removed operation InvoicesOperations.get_latest
- Removed operation InvoicesOperations.list
## 0.2.0 (2018-03-29)
- Add new nrollment_accounts operation groups
- Now all operation groups have a "models" attributes
## 0.1.0 (2017-05-18)
- Initial Release
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python",
"name": "azure-mgmt-billing",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "azure, azure sdk",
"author": "Microsoft Corporation",
"author_email": "azpysdkhelp@microsoft.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/22/ca/33dcf49369ec765f585d6d59003144fa4710afab7a85ea643db07dbaa305/azure_mgmt_billing-7.0.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Microsoft Azure SDK for Python\n\nThis is the Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library.\nThis package has been tested with Python 3.8+.\nFor a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the [azure sdk python release](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/all).\n\n## _Disclaimer_\n\n_Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues/20691_\n\n## Getting started\n\n### Prerequisites\n\n- Python 3.8+ is required to use this package.\n- [Azure subscription](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/)\n\n### Install the package\n\n```bash\npip install azure-mgmt-billing\npip install azure-identity\n```\n\n### Authentication\n\nBy default, [Azure Active Directory](https://aka.ms/awps/aad) token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables.\n\n- `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` for Azure client ID.\n- `AZURE_TENANT_ID` for Azure tenant ID.\n- `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` for Azure client secret.\n\nIn addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable `AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID`.\n\nWith above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code:\n\n```python\nfrom azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential\nfrom azure.mgmt.billing import BillingManagementClient\nimport os\n\nsub_id = os.getenv(\"AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID\")\nclient = BillingManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id)\n```\n\n## Examples\n\nCode samples for this package can be found at:\n- [Search Billing](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?languages=python&term=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing&terms=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing) on docs.microsoft.com\n- [Azure Python Mgmt SDK Samples Repo](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt/samples)\n\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\n## Next steps\n\n## Provide Feedback\n\nIf you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the\n[Issues](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues)\nsection of the project. \n\n\n# Release History\n\n## 7.0.0 (2024-09-04)\n\n### Features Added\n\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'associated_tenants'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'billing_requests'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'billing_role_definition'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'savings_plan_orders'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'savings_plans'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'billing_subscriptions_aliases'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'departments'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'payment_methods'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'reservation_orders'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'transfers'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'partner_transfers'\n - Client 'BillingManagementClient' added operation group 'recipient_transfers'\n - Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'IMPLICIT'\n - Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'OFFLINE'\n - Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'AcceptanceMode' added property 'PHYSICAL_SIGN'\n - Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'NEW'\n - Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'PENDING'\n - Model 'AccountStatus' added property 'UNDER_REVIEW'\n - Model 'AccountType' added property 'BUSINESS'\n - Model 'AccountType' added property 'CLASSIC_PARTNER'\n - Model 'AccountType' added property 'INTERNAL'\n - Model 'AccountType' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'AccountType' added property 'RESELLER'\n - Model 'AccountType' added property 'TENANT'\n - Model 'AddressDetails' added property 'is_valid_address'\n - Model 'AddressValidationStatus' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'Agreement' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Agreement' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'AgreementType' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'AvailableBalance' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'AvailableBalance' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'AzurePlan' added property 'product_id'\n - Model 'BillingAccount' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingAccount' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingProfile' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingProfileStatus' added property 'DELETED'\n - Model 'BillingProfileStatus' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'BillingProfileStatus' added property 'UNDER_REVIEW'\n - Model 'BillingProfileStatusReasonCode' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'BillingProfileStatusReasonCode' added property 'UNUSUAL_ACTIVITY'\n - Model 'BillingProperty' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingProperty' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingRelationshipType' added property 'CSP_CUSTOMER'\n - Model 'BillingRelationshipType' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignment' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignment' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingRoleDefinition' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingRoleDefinition' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'auto_renew'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'beneficiary_tenant_id'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'beneficiary'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'billing_frequency'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'billing_policies'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'billing_profile_name'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'consumption_cost_center'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'customer_name'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'enrollment_account_id'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'enrollment_account_display_name'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'invoice_section_name'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'next_billing_cycle_details'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'offer_id'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'product_category'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'product_type'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'product_type_id'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'purchase_date'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'quantity'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'renewal_term_details'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'system_overrides'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'resource_uri'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'term_duration'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'term_start_date'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'term_end_date'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'provisioning_tenant_id'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'status'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'operation_status'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'provisioning_state'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'suspension_reasons'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'suspension_reason_details'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'enrollment_account_start_date'\n - Model 'BillingSubscription' added property 'subscription_enrollment_account_status'\n - Model 'Category' added property 'INDIRECT_FOR_GOVERNMENT_AGREEMENT'\n - Model 'Category' added property 'MICROSOFT_PARTNER_AGREEMENT'\n - Model 'Category' added property 'UK_CLOUD_COMPUTE_FRAMEWORK'\n - Model 'Customer' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Customer' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'CustomerPolicy' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'CustomerPolicy' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Department' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Department' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'DocumentSource' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'EnrollmentAccount' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'EnrollmentAccount' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Invoice' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Invoice' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'SUMMARY'\n - Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'TAX_RECEIPT'\n - Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'TRANSACTIONS'\n - Model 'InvoiceDocumentType' added property 'VOID_NOTE'\n - Model 'InvoiceSection' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'InvoiceSection' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'DELETED'\n - Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'DISABLED'\n - Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'UNDER_REVIEW'\n - Model 'InvoiceSectionState' added property 'WARNED'\n - Model 'InvoiceStatus' added property 'LOCKED'\n - Model 'InvoiceStatus' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'InvoiceType' added property 'AZURE_SERVICES'\n - Model 'InvoiceType' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'MarketplacePurchasesPolicy' added property 'DISABLED'\n - Model 'MarketplacePurchasesPolicy' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'DIRECT_DEBIT'\n - Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'E_WALLET'\n - Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'PaymentMethodFamily' added property 'TASK_ORDER'\n - Model 'Product' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Product' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'etag'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'tags'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'instance_flexibility'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'archived'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'capabilities'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'benefit_start_time'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'last_updated_date_time'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'expiry_date_time'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'review_date_time'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'extended_status_info'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'billing_plan'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'purchase_date'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'purchase_date_time'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'split_properties'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'merge_properties'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'swap_properties'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'applied_scope_properties'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'billing_scope_id'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'renew_destination'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'renew_properties'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'product_code'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'trend'\n - Model 'Reservation' added property 'aggregates'\n - Model 'ReservationPurchasesPolicy' added property 'DISABLED'\n - Model 'ReservationPurchasesPolicy' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'ReservationSummary' added property 'no_benefit_count'\n - Model 'ReservationSummary' added property 'warning_count'\n - Model 'ReservationSummary' added property 'processing_count'\n - Model 'Resource' added property 'system_data'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'ACCOUNT_IS_LOCKED'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'ASSET_HAS_CAP'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'ASSET_NOT_ACTIVE'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'BILLING_PROFILE_PAST_DUE'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'INVOICE_SECTION_IS_RESTRICTED'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'NONE'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'NO_ACTIVE_AZURE_PLAN'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'OTHER'\n - Model 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode' added property 'SUBSCRIPTION_HAS_RESERVATIONS'\n - Model 'Transaction' added parameter 'tags' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'Transaction' added parameter 'properties' in the '__init__' method\n - Model 'ViewChargesPolicy' added property 'OTHER'\n - Added model 'AcceptTransferRequest'\n - Added model 'AccessDecision'\n - Added model 'AccountSubType'\n - Added model 'AddressValidationResponse'\n - Added model 'AgreementProperties'\n - Added model 'AppliedScopeProperties'\n - Added model 'AppliedScopeType'\n - Added model 'AssociatedTenant'\n - Added model 'AssociatedTenantListResult'\n - Added model 'AssociatedTenantProperties'\n - Added model 'AvailableBalanceProperties'\n - Added model 'AvailableBalancePropertiesAmount'\n - Added model 'AvailableBalancePropertiesTotalPaymentsOnAccount'\n - Added model 'Beneficiary'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountPatch'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountPolicy'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountPolicyProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountPolicyPropertiesEnterpriseAgreementPolicies'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountPropertiesEnrollmentDetails'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountPropertiesRegistrationNumber'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountPropertiesSoldTo'\n - Added model 'BillingAccountStatusReasonCode'\n - Added model 'BillingManagementTenantState'\n - Added model 'BillingPermission'\n - Added model 'BillingPermissionListResult'\n - Added model 'BillingPlan'\n - Added model 'BillingPlanInformation'\n - Added model 'BillingProfileInfo'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePolicy'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePolicyProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePolicyPropertiesEnterpriseAgreementPolicies'\n - Added model 'BillingProfileProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesBillTo'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesCurrentPaymentTerm'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesIndirectRelationshipInfo'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesShipTo'\n - Added model 'BillingProfilePropertiesSoldTo'\n - Added model 'BillingPropertyProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingPropertyPropertiesEnrollmentDetails'\n - Added model 'BillingPropertyPropertiesSubscriptionServiceUsageAddress'\n - Added model 'BillingRequest'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestListResult'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestPropertiesCreatedBy'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestPropertiesLastUpdatedBy'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestPropertiesReviewedBy'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestStatus'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestType'\n - Added model 'BillingRoleAssignmentProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingRoleDefinitionProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionAlias'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionAliasListResult'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionAliasProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionListResult'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionMergeRequest'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionOperationStatus'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionPatch'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionProperties'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionSplitRequest'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionStatus'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionStatusDetails'\n - Added model 'CancelSubscriptionRequest'\n - Added model 'Cancellation'\n - Added model 'CancellationReason'\n - Added model 'CheckAccessRequest'\n - Added model 'CheckAccessResponse'\n - Added model 'Commitment'\n - Added model 'CommitmentGrain'\n - Added model 'CreatedByType'\n - Added model 'CreditType'\n - Added model 'CustomerPolicyProperties'\n - Added model 'CustomerProperties'\n - Added model 'CustomerStatus'\n - Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityCode'\n - Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityDetail'\n - Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityResult'\n - Added model 'DeleteBillingProfileEligibilityStatus'\n - Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityCode'\n - Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityDetail'\n - Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityResult'\n - Added model 'DeleteInvoiceSectionEligibilityStatus'\n - Added model 'DepartmentListResult'\n - Added model 'DepartmentProperties'\n - Added model 'DetailedTransferStatus'\n - Added model 'DocumentDownloadRequest'\n - Added model 'DocumentDownloadResult'\n - Added model 'EligibleProductType'\n - Added model 'EnrollmentAccountOwnerViewCharges'\n - Added model 'EnrollmentAccountProperties'\n - Added model 'EnrollmentAuthLevelState'\n - Added model 'EnrollmentDepartmentAdminViewCharges'\n - Added model 'EnrollmentDetails'\n - Added model 'EnrollmentDetailsIndirectRelationshipInfo'\n - Added model 'EnterpriseAgreementPolicies'\n - Added model 'ErrorAdditionalInfo'\n - Added model 'ErrorDetail'\n - Added model 'ExtendedStatusDefinitionProperties'\n - Added model 'ExtendedStatusInfo'\n - Added model 'ExtendedTermOption'\n - Added model 'ExternalReference'\n - Added model 'FailedPayment'\n - Added model 'FailedPaymentReason'\n - Added model 'InitiateTransferRequest'\n - Added model 'InitiatorCustomerType'\n - Added model 'InstanceFlexibility'\n - Added model 'InvoiceDocument'\n - Added model 'InvoiceProperties'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesAmountDue'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesAzurePrepaymentApplied'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesBilledAmount'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesCreditAmount'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesFreeAzureCreditApplied'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesRebillDetails'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesRefundDetails'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesSubTotal'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesTaxAmount'\n - Added model 'InvoicePropertiesTotalAmount'\n - Added model 'InvoiceSectionLabelManagementPolicy'\n - Added model 'InvoiceSectionProperties'\n - Added model 'InvoiceSectionStateReasonCode'\n - Added model 'InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermissionListResult'\n - Added model 'MarkupStatus'\n - Added model 'MoveBillingSubscriptionEligibilityResult'\n - Added model 'MoveBillingSubscriptionErrorDetails'\n - Added model 'MoveBillingSubscriptionRequest'\n - Added model 'MoveProductEligibilityResult'\n - Added model 'MoveProductEligibilityResultErrorDetails'\n - Added model 'MoveProductErrorDetails'\n - Added model 'MoveProductRequest'\n - Added model 'MoveValidationErrorCode'\n - Added model 'NextBillingCycleDetails'\n - Added model 'Participant'\n - Added model 'PartnerInitiateTransferRequest'\n - Added model 'PartnerTransferDetails'\n - Added model 'PartnerTransferDetailsListResult'\n - Added model 'Patch'\n - Added model 'Payment'\n - Added model 'PaymentAmount'\n - Added model 'PaymentDetail'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethod'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethodLink'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethodLinksListResult'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethodLogo'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethodProperties'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethodStatus'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethodsListResult'\n - Added model 'PaymentOnAccount'\n - Added model 'PaymentOnAccountAmount'\n - Added model 'PaymentStatus'\n - Added model 'PaymentTerm'\n - Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityCode'\n - Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityDetail'\n - Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityResult'\n - Added model 'PaymentTermsEligibilityStatus'\n - Added model 'PolicySummary'\n - Added model 'PolicyType'\n - Added model 'Price'\n - Added model 'Principal'\n - Added model 'PrincipalType'\n - Added model 'ProductDetails'\n - Added model 'ProductListResult'\n - Added model 'ProductPatch'\n - Added model 'ProductProperties'\n - Added model 'ProductPropertiesLastCharge'\n - Added model 'ProductPropertiesReseller'\n - Added model 'ProductStatus'\n - Added model 'ProductTransferStatus'\n - Added model 'ProductType'\n - Added model 'ProvisioningState'\n - Added model 'ProvisioningTenantState'\n - Added model 'ProxyResource'\n - Added model 'ProxyResourceWithTags'\n - Added model 'PurchaseRequest'\n - Added model 'RecipientTransferDetails'\n - Added model 'RecipientTransferDetailsListResult'\n - Added model 'RefundDetailsSummary'\n - Added model 'RefundDetailsSummaryAmountRefunded'\n - Added model 'RefundDetailsSummaryAmountRequested'\n - Added model 'RefundReasonCode'\n - Added model 'RefundStatus'\n - Added model 'RefundTransactionDetails'\n - Added model 'RefundTransactionDetailsAmountRefunded'\n - Added model 'RefundTransactionDetailsAmountRequested'\n - Added model 'RegistrationNumber'\n - Added model 'RenewProperties'\n - Added model 'RenewPropertiesResponse'\n - Added model 'RenewalTermDetails'\n - Added model 'ReservationAppliedScopeProperties'\n - Added model 'ReservationBillingPlan'\n - Added model 'ReservationExtendedStatusInfo'\n - Added model 'ReservationList'\n - Added model 'ReservationMergeProperties'\n - Added model 'ReservationOrder'\n - Added model 'ReservationOrderBillingPlanInformation'\n - Added model 'ReservationOrderList'\n - Added model 'ReservationPaymentDetail'\n - Added model 'ReservationPurchaseRequest'\n - Added model 'ReservationSplitProperties'\n - Added model 'ReservationStatusCode'\n - Added model 'ReservationSwapProperties'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanModel'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanModelList'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanModelListResult'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanOrderModel'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanOrderModelList'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanPurchasesPolicy'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanSummaryCount'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanTerm'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanUpdateRequest'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanUpdateRequestProperties'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanUpdateValidateRequest'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanValidResponseProperty'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanValidateResponse'\n - Added model 'ServiceDefinedResourceName'\n - Added model 'Sku'\n - Added model 'SkuName'\n - Added model 'SpecialTaxationType'\n - Added model 'SpendingLimitDetails'\n - Added model 'SpendingLimitStatus'\n - Added model 'SpendingLimitType'\n - Added model 'SubscriptionBillingType'\n - Added model 'SubscriptionEnrollmentAccountStatus'\n - Added model 'SubscriptionEnrollmentDetails'\n - Added model 'SubscriptionPolicy'\n - Added model 'SubscriptionPolicyProperties'\n - Added model 'SubscriptionStatusReason'\n - Added model 'SubscriptionWorkloadType'\n - Added model 'SupportLevel'\n - Added model 'SupportedAccountType'\n - Added model 'SystemData'\n - Added model 'SystemOverrides'\n - Added model 'TaxIdentifier'\n - Added model 'TaxIdentifierStatus'\n - Added model 'TaxIdentifierType'\n - Added model 'TransactionKind'\n - Added model 'TransactionProperties'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesAzureCreditApplied'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesConsumptionCommitmentDecremented'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesEffectivePrice'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesMarketPrice'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesRefundTransactionDetails'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesSubTotal'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesTax'\n - Added model 'TransactionPropertiesTransactionAmount'\n - Added model 'TransactionSummary'\n - Added model 'TransactionType'\n - Added model 'TransferDetails'\n - Added model 'TransferDetailsListResult'\n - Added model 'TransferError'\n - Added model 'TransferItemQueryParameter'\n - Added model 'TransferStatus'\n - Added model 'TransitionDetails'\n - Added model 'Utilization'\n - Added model 'UtilizationAggregates'\n - Added model 'ValidateTransferListResponse'\n - Added model 'ValidateTransferResponse'\n - Added model 'ValidationResultProperties'\n - Model 'AvailableBalancesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'AvailableBalancesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_profile'\n - Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'begin_add_payment_terms'\n - Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'begin_cancel_payment_terms'\n - Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'confirm_transition'\n - Model 'BillingAccountsOperations' added method 'validate_payment_terms'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_billing_profile'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_customer'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_department'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_enrollment_account'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'check_access_by_invoice_section'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer_at_billing_account'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_department'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_enrollment_account'\n - Model 'BillingPermissionsOperations' added method 'list_by_invoice_section'\n - Model 'BillingProfilesOperations' added method 'begin_delete'\n - Model 'BillingProfilesOperations' added method 'validate_delete_eligibility'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_billing_profile'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_customer'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_by_invoice_section'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_department'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_enrollment_account'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_billing_profile'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_customer'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'begin_resolve_by_invoice_section'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'delete_by_customer'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'delete_by_department'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'delete_by_enrollment_account'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'get_by_customer'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'get_by_department'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'get_by_enrollment_account'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'list_by_department'\n - Model 'BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations' added method 'list_by_enrollment_account'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_cancel'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_delete'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_merge'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_split'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'begin_update'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_profile'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer_at_billing_account'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'list_by_enrollment_account'\n - Model 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations' added method 'validate_move_eligibility'\n - Model 'CustomersOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations' added method 'get_by_department'\n - Model 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations' added method 'list_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations' added method 'list_by_department'\n - Model 'InvoiceSectionsOperations' added method 'begin_delete'\n - Model 'InvoiceSectionsOperations' added method 'validate_delete_eligibility'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_amend'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_by_billing_subscription'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_documents_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_documents_by_billing_subscription'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'begin_download_summary_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'InvoicesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_subscription'\n - Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_billing_profile'\n - Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_customer'\n - Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'begin_create_or_update_by_customer_at_billing_account'\n - Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'get_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'get_by_customer_at_billing_account'\n - Model 'PoliciesOperations' added method 'get_by_subscription'\n - Model 'ProductsOperations' added method 'begin_move'\n - Model 'ProductsOperations' added method 'validate_move_eligibility'\n - Model 'ReservationsOperations' added method 'begin_update_by_billing_account'\n - Model 'ReservationsOperations' added method 'get_by_reservation_order'\n - Model 'ReservationsOperations' added method 'list_by_reservation_order'\n - Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'begin_transactions_download_by_invoice'\n - Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'get_transaction_summary_by_invoice'\n - Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'list_by_billing_profile'\n - Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'list_by_customer'\n - Model 'TransactionsOperations' added method 'list_by_invoice_section'\n - Added model 'AssociatedTenantsOperations'\n - Added model 'BillingRequestsOperations'\n - Added model 'BillingRoleDefinitionOperations'\n - Added model 'BillingSubscriptionsAliasesOperations'\n - Added model 'DepartmentsOperations'\n - Added model 'PartnerTransfersOperations'\n - Added model 'PaymentMethodsOperations'\n - Added model 'RecipientTransfersOperations'\n - Added model 'ReservationOrdersOperations'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlanOrdersOperations'\n - Added model 'SavingsPlansOperations'\n - Added model 'TransfersOperations'\n\n### Breaking Changes\n\n - Deleted or renamed client operation group 'BillingManagementClient.instructions'\n - Deleted or renamed client operation group 'BillingManagementClient.billing_role_definitions'\n - Deleted or renamed client operation group 'BillingManagementClient.billing_periods'\n - 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'agreement_link'\n - 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'category'\n - 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'acceptance_mode'\n - 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'effective_date'\n - 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'expiration_date'\n - 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'participants'\n - 'Agreement' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'\n - 'AvailableBalance' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'amount'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sold_to'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'agreement_type'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_type'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_status'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profiles'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enrollment_details'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'departments'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enrollment_accounts'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'has_read_access'\n - 'BillingAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'notification_email_address'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'po_number'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_relationship_type'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'bill_to'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'indirect_relationship_info'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_email_opt_in'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_day'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'currency'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enabled_azure_plans'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_sections'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'has_read_access'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'system_id'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status_reason_code'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'spending_limit'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'target_clouds'\n - 'BillingProfile' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tags'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_admin_notification_email_address'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_tenant_id'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_account_id'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_account_display_name'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_status'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_status_reason_code'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_spending_limit'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_id'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_display_name'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'is_account_admin'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_id'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_name'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_id'\n - 'BillingProperty' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_description'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_on'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_by_principal_tenant_id'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_by_principal_id'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'created_by_user_email_address'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'principal_id'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'principal_tenant_id'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'role_definition_id'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'scope'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'user_authentication_type'\n - 'BillingRoleAssignment' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'user_email_address'\n - 'BillingRoleDefinition' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'description'\n - 'BillingRoleDefinition' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'permissions'\n - 'BillingRoleDefinition' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'role_name'\n - 'BillingSubscription' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_billing_status'\n - 'BillingSubscription' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'\n - 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'\n - 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'\n - 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'\n - 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enabled_azure_plans'\n - 'Customer' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'resellers'\n - 'CustomerListResult' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'total_count'\n - 'CustomerPolicy' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'view_charges'\n - 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'department_name'\n - 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'\n - 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'\n - 'Department' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'enrollment_accounts'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_name'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'cost_center'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_owner'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'account_owner_email'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'start_date'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'end_date'\n - 'EnrollmentAccount' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'department'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'due_date'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_date'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'amount_due'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'azure_prepayment_applied'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billed_amount'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'credit_amount'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'free_azure_credit_applied'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sub_total'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tax_amount'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'total_amount'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_period_start_date'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_period_end_date'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_type'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'is_monthly_invoice'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'purchase_order_number'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'documents'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'payments'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'rebill_details'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'document_type'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billed_document_id'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'credit_for_document_id'\n - 'Invoice' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_id'\n - 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'\n - 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'labels'\n - 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'state'\n - 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'system_id'\n - 'InvoiceSection' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'target_cloud'\n - 'InvoiceSectionListResult' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'total_count'\n - Deleted or renamed enum value 'InvoiceType.AZURE_SERVICE'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'auto_renew'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'display_name'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'purchase_date'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type_id'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'status'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'end_date'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_frequency'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'last_charge'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'last_charge_date'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'quantity'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_id'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sku_description'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tenant_id'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'availability_id'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_id'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_display_name'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_id'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_display_name'\n - 'Product' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'reseller'\n - 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'id'\n - 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'name'\n - 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'type'\n - 'Reservation' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'utilization'\n - Deleted or renamed enum value 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode.NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_DESTINATION_MARKET'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'kind'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'date'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_id'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'order_id'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'order_name'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_family'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type_id'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_type'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'product_description'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'transaction_type'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'transaction_amount'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'quantity'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_id'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'invoice_section_display_name'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_id'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_profile_display_name'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_id'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'customer_display_name'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_id'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'subscription_name'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'azure_plan'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'azure_credit_applied'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'billing_currency'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'discount'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'effective_price'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'exchange_rate'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'market_price'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'pricing_currency'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'service_period_start_date'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'service_period_end_date'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'sub_total'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'tax'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'unit_of_measure'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'units'\n - 'Transaction' model deleted or renamed its instance variable 'unit_type'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingAccountUpdateRequest'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingFrequency'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPeriod'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPeriodsListResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPermissionsListResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPermissionsProperties'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingProfileCreationRequest'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingProfileSpendingLimit'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingProfilesOnExpand'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingSubscriptionStatusType'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingSubscriptionsListResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'Document'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'DocumentType'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'DownloadUrl'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'Enrollment'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'EnrollmentAccountContext'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'EnrollmentAccountSummary'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'EnrollmentPolicies'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ErrorDetails'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ErrorSubDetailsItem'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'Instruction'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'InstructionListResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'InvoiceSectionCreationRequest'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'InvoiceSectionsOnExpand'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'Participants'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'PaymentProperties'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'Policy'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ProductStatusType'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ProductTransferValidationErrorCode'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ProductsListResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ReservationPropertyUtilization'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ReservationType'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'SpendingLimitForBillingProfile'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'StatusReasonCode'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'TargetCloud'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'TransactionTypeKind'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'TransferProductRequestProperties'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateAddressResponse'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'ViewCharges'\n - 'AddressOperations.validate' renamed its parameter 'address' to 'parameters' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - 'AgreementsOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'AvailableBalancesOperations.get'\n - 'BillingAccountsOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_all'\n - 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_all_without_billing_profiles'\n - 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'\n - 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_pending_agreement'\n - 'BillingAccountsOperations.list' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_resellee'\n - 'BillingPermissionsOperations.list_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'BillingPermissionsOperations.list_by_invoice_sections'\n - 'BillingProfilesOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - 'BillingProfilesOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'\n - 'BillingProfilesOperations.list_by_billing_account' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - 'BillingPropertyOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_billing_country'\n - 'BillingPropertyOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_transition_status'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.begin_move' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_subscription_name'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_subscription_name'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_tenant_subscriptions'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_failed'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_billing_profile' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'\n - 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.list_by_invoice_section' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.update'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'BillingSubscriptionsOperations.validate_move'\n - 'CustomersOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'\n - 'CustomersOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'expand' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_account_name'\n - 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.get' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'enrollment_account_name'\n - 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'name' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'EnrollmentAccountsOperations.list'\n - 'InvoiceSectionsOperations.list_by_billing_profile' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'include_deleted'\n - 'InvoicesOperations.get' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'billing_account_name' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_billing_subscription_invoice'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_invoice'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_multiple_billing_profile_invoices'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.begin_download_multiple_billing_subscription_invoices'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.get_by_id'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'InvoicesOperations.get_by_subscription_and_invoice_id'\n - 'PoliciesOperations.get_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'billing_profile_name'\n - 'PoliciesOperations.get_by_customer' method inserted a 'positional_or_keyword' parameter 'policy_name'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'PoliciesOperations.update'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'PoliciesOperations.update_customer'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'ProductsOperations.move'\n - Deleted or renamed method 'ProductsOperations.validate_move'\n - 'ReservationsOperations.list_by_billing_account' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'orderby' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - 'ReservationsOperations.list_by_billing_profile' method deleted or renamed its parameter 'orderby' of kind 'positional_or_keyword'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingPeriodsOperations'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'BillingRoleDefinitionsOperations'\n - Deleted or renamed model 'InstructionsOperations'\n\n## 6.1.0b1 (2022-11-01)\n\n### Features Added\n\n - Model Agreement has a new parameter billing_profile_info\n - Model BillingProfileListResult has a new parameter total_count\n - Model BillingSubscription has a new parameter suspension_reasons\n - Model InvoiceListResult has a new parameter total_count\n - Model InvoiceSection has a new parameter tags\n - Model ProductsListResult has a new parameter total_count\n - Model TransactionListResult has a new parameter total_count\n\n## 6.0.0 (2021-05-12)\n\n**Features**\n\n - Model InvoiceSectionListResult has a new parameter total_count\n - Model OperationDisplay has a new parameter description\n - Model BillingSubscriptionsListResult has a new parameter total_count\n - Model BillingAccountUpdateRequest has a new parameter notification_email_address\n - Model EnrollmentAccount has a new parameter account_owner_email\n - Model CustomerListResult has a new parameter total_count\n - Model Operation has a new parameter is_data_action\n - Model BillingAccount has a new parameter notification_email_address\n - Model AddressDetails has a new parameter middle_name\n - Model BillingProfile has a new parameter tags\n - Model EnrollmentPolicies has a new parameter marketplace_enabled\n - Added operation group ReservationsOperations\n\n**Breaking changes**\n\n - Model EnrollmentPolicies no longer has parameter marketplaces_enabled\n\n## 6.0.0b1 (2020-11-20)\n\nThis is beta preview version.\n\nThis version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).\n\n**General breaking changes**\n\n- Credential system has been completly revamped:\n\n - `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead: https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/\n - `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential`\n\n- The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of\n supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)\n- You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead\n- Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`.\n- Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed).\n- Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:\n\n - `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user\n - For a complete set of\n supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)\n\n**General new features**\n\n- Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready.\n- This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client.\n- This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/core/azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry) for an overview.\n\n## 1.0.0 (2020-10-19)\n\n**Features**\n\n - Model ErrorDetails has a new parameter details\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_multiple_billing_subscription_invoice\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.get_by_id\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_invoice\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.list_by_billing_subscription\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.list_by_billing_account\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_billing_subscription_invoice\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.download_multiple_modern_invoice\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.list_by_billing_profile\n - Added operation InvoicesOperations.get_by_subscription_and_invoice_id\n - Added operation group InvoiceSectionsOperations\n - Added operation group PoliciesOperations\n - Added operation group InstructionsOperations\n - Added operation group ProductsOperations\n - Added operation group AddressOperations\n - Added operation group BillingProfilesOperations\n - Added operation group TransactionsOperations\n - Added operation group BillingPermissionsOperations\n - Added operation group BillingRoleDefinitionsOperations\n - Added operation group BillingRoleAssignmentsOperations\n - Added operation group BillingSubscriptionsOperations\n - Added operation group AvailableBalancesOperations\n - Added operation group CustomersOperations\n - Added operation group AgreementsOperations\n - Added operation group BillingAccountsOperations\n - Added operation group BillingPropertyOperations\n\n**Breaking changes**\n\n - Model Invoice has a new signature\n - Model EnrollmentAccount has a new signature\n - Removed operation InvoicesOperations.get_latest\n - Removed operation InvoicesOperations.list\n\n## 0.2.0 (2018-03-29)\n\n - Add new nrollment_accounts operation groups\n - Now all operation groups have a \"models\" attributes\n\n## 0.1.0 (2017-05-18)\n\n - Initial Release\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "MIT License",
"summary": "Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library for Python",
"version": "7.0.0",
"project_urls": {
"Homepage": "https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python"
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