
Namebacalhau-sdk JSON
Version 1.2.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCompute over Data framework for public, transparent, and optionally verifiable computation using IPFS & Filecoin.
upload_time2024-01-30 21:49:43
authorEnrico Rotundo
keywords bacalhau filecoin ipfs cod compute over data verifiable computation
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Bacalhau Python SDK :snake:

This is the official Python SDK for Bacalhau, named `bacalhau-sdk`.
It is a **high-level** SDK that ships the client-side logic (e.g. signing requests) needed to query the endpoints.
Please take a look at [the examples](./examples) for snippets to create, list and inspect jobs.
Under the hood, this SDK uses [`bacalhau-apiclient`](../clients) (autogenerated via [Swagger]( to interact with the API.

Please make sure to use this SDK library in your Python projects, instead of the lower level `bacalhau-apiclient`.
The latter is listed as a dependency of this SDK and will be installed automatically when you follow the installation instructions below.

## Features

* List, create and inspect Bacalhau jobs using Python objects :balloon:
* Use the production network, or set the following environment variables to target any Bacalhau network out there:
* Generate a key pair used to sign requests stored in the path specified by the `BACALHAU_DIR` env var (default: `~/.bacalhau`)
## Install

### From PyPi:

$ pip install bacalhau-sdk

### From source:

Clone the public repository:

``` console
$ git clone

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

``` console
$ cd python/
$ pip install .

## Initialize

Likewise the Bacalhau CLI, this SDK uses a key pair to be stored in `BACALHAU_DIR` used for signing requests.
If a key pair is not found there, it will create one for you.

## Example Use

Let's submit a Hello World job and then fetch its output data's CID.
We start by importing this sdk, namely `bacalhau_sdk`, used to create and submit a job create request.
Then we import `bacalhau_apiclient` (installed automatically with this sdk), it provides various object models that compose a job create request.
These are used to populate a simple python dictionary that will be passed over to the `submit` util method.

import pprint

from bacalhau_sdk.api import submit
from bacalhau_sdk.config import get_client_id
from bacalhau_apiclient.models.storage_spec import StorageSpec
from bacalhau_apiclient.models.spec import Spec
from bacalhau_apiclient.models.job_spec_language import JobSpecLanguage
from bacalhau_apiclient.models.job_spec_docker import JobSpecDocker
from bacalhau_apiclient.models.publisher_spec import PublisherSpec
from import Deal

data = dict(
            entrypoint=["echo", "Hello World!"],


The script above prints the following object, the `` value is our newly created job id!

{'job': {'api_version': 'V1beta1',
         'metadata': {'client_id': 'bae9c3b2adfa04cc647a2457e8c0c605cef8ed93bdea5ac5f19f94219f722dfe',
                      'created_at': '2023-02-01T19:30:21.405209538Z',
                      'id': '710a0bc2-81d1-4025-8f80-5327ca3ce170'},
         'spec': {'Deal': {'Concurrency': 1},
                  'Docker': {'Entrypoint': ['echo', 'Hello World!'],
                             'Image': 'ubuntu'},
                  'Engine': 'Docker',
                  'ExecutionPlan': {'ShardsTotal': 1},
                  'Language': {'JobContext': {}},
                  'Network': {'Type': 'None'},
                  'Publisher': 'IPFS',
                  'Resources': {'GPU': ''},
                  'Sharding': {'BatchSize': 1,
                               'GlobPatternBasePath': '/inputs'},
                  'Timeout': 1800,
                  'Wasm': {'EntryModule': {}},
                  'outputs': [{'Name': 'outputs',
                               'StorageSource': 'IPFS',
                               'path': '/outputs'}]},
         'status': {'JobState': {},
                    'Requester': {'RequesterNodeID': 'QmdZQ7ZbhnvWY1J12XYKGHApJ6aufKyLNSvf8jZBrBaAVL',
                                  'RequesterPublicKey': 'CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDVRKPgCfY2fgfrkHkFjeWcqno+MDpmp8DgVaY672BqJl/dZFNU9lBg2P8Znh8OTtHPPBUBk566vU3KchjW7m3uK4OudXrYEfSfEPnCGmL6GuLiZjLf+eXGEez7qPaoYqo06gD8ROdD8VVse27E96LlrpD1xKshHhqQTxKoq1y6Rx4DpbkSt966BumovWJ70w+Nt9ZkPPydRCxVnyWS1khECFQxp5Ep3NbbKtxHNX5HeULzXN5q0EQO39UN6iBhiI34eZkH7PoAm3Vk5xns//FjTAvQw6wZUu8LwvZTaihs+upx2zZysq6CEBKoeNZqed9+Tf+qHow0P5pxmiu+or+DAgMBAAE='}}}}

We can then use the `results` method to fetch, among other fields, the output data's CID.

from bacalhau_sdk.api import results


The line above prints the following dictionary:

{'results': [{'data': {'cid': 'QmYEqqNDdDrsRhPRShKHzsnZwBq3F59Ti3kQmv9En4i5Sw',
                       'metadata': None,
                       'name': 'job-710a0bc2-81d1-4025-8f80-5327ca3ce170-shard-0-host-QmYgxZiySj3MRkwLSL4X2MF5F9f2PMhAE3LV49XkfNL1o3',
                       'path': None,
                       'source_path': None,
                       'storage_source': 'IPFS',
                       'url': None},
              'node_id': 'QmYgxZiySj3MRkwLSL4X2MF5F9f2PMhAE3LV49XkfNL1o3',
              'shard_index': None}]}

Congrats, that was a good start! 🎈
Please find more code snippets in [the examples folder](./examples) (more examples published in the near future).

## Devstack

You can set the environment variables `BACALHAU_API_HOST` and `BACALHAU_API_PORT` to point this SDK to your Bacalhau API (e.g. [local devstack](../docs/

## Developers guide

We use Poetry to manage this package, take a look at [their official docs]( to install it.
Note, all targets in the Makefile use poetry as well!

To develop this SDK locally, create a dedicated poetry virtual environment and install the root package (i.e. `bacalhau_sdk`) and its dependencies:

$ poetry install --no-interaction --with test,dev -vvv
Creating virtualenv bacalhau-sdk-9mIcLX8U-py3.9 in /Users/enricorotundo/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs
Using virtualenv: /Users/enricorotundo/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/bacalhau-sdk-9mIcLX8U-py3.9
Installing dependencies from lock file

Note the line above installs the root package (i.e. `bacalhau_sdk`) in editable mode, that is, any change to its source code is reflected immediately without the need for re-packaging and re-installing it. Easy peasy!

Then install the pre-commit hooks and test it:

$ make install-pre-commit

$ make pre-commit


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "bacalhau-sdk",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8.1,<3.12",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "bacalhau,Filecoin,IPFS,cod,compute over data,verifiable computation",
    "author": "Enrico Rotundo",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Bacalhau Python SDK :snake:\n\nThis is the official Python SDK for Bacalhau, named `bacalhau-sdk`.\nIt is a **high-level** SDK that ships the client-side logic (e.g. signing requests) needed to query the endpoints.\nPlease take a look at [the examples](./examples) for snippets to create, list and inspect jobs.\nUnder the hood, this SDK uses [`bacalhau-apiclient`](../clients) (autogenerated via [Swagger]( to interact with the API.\n\nPlease make sure to use this SDK library in your Python projects, instead of the lower level `bacalhau-apiclient`.\nThe latter is listed as a dependency of this SDK and will be installed automatically when you follow the installation instructions below.\n\n## Features\n\n* List, create and inspect Bacalhau jobs using Python objects :balloon:\n* Use the production network, or set the following environment variables to target any Bacalhau network out there:\n    * `BACALHAU_API_HOST`\n    * `BACALHAU_API_PORT`\n* Generate a key pair used to sign requests stored in the path specified by the `BACALHAU_DIR` env var (default: `~/.bacalhau`)\n## Install\n\n### From PyPi:\n\n```console\n$ pip install bacalhau-sdk\n```\n\n### From source:\n\nClone the public repository:\n\n``` console\n$ git clone\n```\n\nOnce you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:\n\n``` console\n$ cd python/\n$ pip install .\n```\n\n## Initialize\n\nLikewise the Bacalhau CLI, this SDK uses a key pair to be stored in `BACALHAU_DIR` used for signing requests.\nIf a key pair is not found there, it will create one for you.\n\n\n## Example Use\n\nLet's submit a Hello World job and then fetch its output data's CID.\nWe start by importing this sdk, namely `bacalhau_sdk`, used to create and submit a job create request.\nThen we import `bacalhau_apiclient` (installed automatically with this sdk), it provides various object models that compose a job create request.\nThese are used to populate a simple python dictionary that will be passed over to the `submit` util method.\n\n```python\nimport pprint\n\nfrom bacalhau_sdk.api import submit\nfrom bacalhau_sdk.config import get_client_id\nfrom bacalhau_apiclient.models.storage_spec import StorageSpec\nfrom bacalhau_apiclient.models.spec import Spec\nfrom bacalhau_apiclient.models.job_spec_language import JobSpecLanguage\nfrom bacalhau_apiclient.models.job_spec_docker import JobSpecDocker\nfrom bacalhau_apiclient.models.publisher_spec import PublisherSpec\nfrom import Deal\n\n\ndata = dict(\n    APIVersion='V1beta1',\n    ClientID=get_client_id(),\n    Spec=Spec(\n        engine=\"Docker\",\n        publisher_spec=PublisherSpec(type=\"IPFS\"),\n        docker=JobSpecDocker(\n            image=\"ubuntu\",\n            entrypoint=[\"echo\", \"Hello World!\"],\n        ),\n        language=JobSpecLanguage(job_context=None),\n        wasm=None,\n        resources=None,\n        timeout=1800,\n        outputs=[\n            StorageSpec(\n                storage_source=\"IPFS\",\n                name=\"outputs\",\n                path=\"/outputs\",\n            )\n        ],\n        deal=Deal(concurrency=1),\n        do_not_track=False,\n    ),\n)\n\npprint.pprint(submit(data))\n```\n\nThe script above prints the following object, the `` value is our newly created job id!\n\n```python\n{'job': {'api_version': 'V1beta1',\n         'metadata': {'client_id': 'bae9c3b2adfa04cc647a2457e8c0c605cef8ed93bdea5ac5f19f94219f722dfe',\n                      'created_at': '2023-02-01T19:30:21.405209538Z',\n                      'id': '710a0bc2-81d1-4025-8f80-5327ca3ce170'},\n         'spec': {'Deal': {'Concurrency': 1},\n                  'Docker': {'Entrypoint': ['echo', 'Hello World!'],\n                             'Image': 'ubuntu'},\n                  'Engine': 'Docker',\n                  'ExecutionPlan': {'ShardsTotal': 1},\n                  'Language': {'JobContext': {}},\n                  'Network': {'Type': 'None'},\n                  'Publisher': 'IPFS',\n                  'Resources': {'GPU': ''},\n                  'Sharding': {'BatchSize': 1,\n                               'GlobPatternBasePath': '/inputs'},\n                  'Timeout': 1800,\n                  'Wasm': {'EntryModule': {}},\n                  'outputs': [{'Name': 'outputs',\n                               'StorageSource': 'IPFS',\n                               'path': '/outputs'}]},\n         'status': {'JobState': {},\n                    'Requester': {'RequesterNodeID': 'QmdZQ7ZbhnvWY1J12XYKGHApJ6aufKyLNSvf8jZBrBaAVL',\n                                  'RequesterPublicKey': 'CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDVRKPgCfY2fgfrkHkFjeWcqno+MDpmp8DgVaY672BqJl/dZFNU9lBg2P8Znh8OTtHPPBUBk566vU3KchjW7m3uK4OudXrYEfSfEPnCGmL6GuLiZjLf+eXGEez7qPaoYqo06gD8ROdD8VVse27E96LlrpD1xKshHhqQTxKoq1y6Rx4DpbkSt966BumovWJ70w+Nt9ZkPPydRCxVnyWS1khECFQxp5Ep3NbbKtxHNX5HeULzXN5q0EQO39UN6iBhiI34eZkH7PoAm3Vk5xns//FjTAvQw6wZUu8LwvZTaihs+upx2zZysq6CEBKoeNZqed9+Tf+qHow0P5pxmiu+or+DAgMBAAE='}}}}\n```\n\nWe can then use the `results` method to fetch, among other fields, the output data's CID.\n\n```python\nfrom bacalhau_sdk.api import results\n\nprint(results(job_id=\"710a0bc2-81d1-4025-8f80-5327ca3ce170\"))\n```\n\nThe line above prints the following dictionary:\n\n```python\n{'results': [{'data': {'cid': 'QmYEqqNDdDrsRhPRShKHzsnZwBq3F59Ti3kQmv9En4i5Sw',\n                       'metadata': None,\n                       'name': 'job-710a0bc2-81d1-4025-8f80-5327ca3ce170-shard-0-host-QmYgxZiySj3MRkwLSL4X2MF5F9f2PMhAE3LV49XkfNL1o3',\n                       'path': None,\n                       'source_path': None,\n                       'storage_source': 'IPFS',\n                       'url': None},\n              'node_id': 'QmYgxZiySj3MRkwLSL4X2MF5F9f2PMhAE3LV49XkfNL1o3',\n              'shard_index': None}]}\n```\n\nCongrats, that was a good start! \ud83c\udf88\nPlease find more code snippets in [the examples folder](./examples) (more examples published in the near future).\n\n## Devstack\n\nYou can set the environment variables `BACALHAU_API_HOST` and `BACALHAU_API_PORT` to point this SDK to your Bacalhau API (e.g. [local devstack](../docs/\n\n## Developers guide\n\nWe use Poetry to manage this package, take a look at [their official docs]( to install it.\nNote, all targets in the Makefile use poetry as well!\n\nTo develop this SDK locally, create a dedicated poetry virtual environment and install the root package (i.e. `bacalhau_sdk`) and its dependencies:\n\n```shell\n$ poetry install --no-interaction --with test,dev -vvv\nCreating virtualenv bacalhau-sdk-9mIcLX8U-py3.9 in /Users/enricorotundo/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs\nUsing virtualenv: /Users/enricorotundo/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/bacalhau-sdk-9mIcLX8U-py3.9\nInstalling dependencies from lock file\n...\n```\n\nNote the line above installs the root package (i.e. `bacalhau_sdk`) in editable mode, that is, any change to its source code is reflected immediately without the need for re-packaging and re-installing it. Easy peasy!\n\nThen install the pre-commit hooks and test it:\n\n```shell\n$ make install-pre-commit\n\n$ make pre-commit\n```\n",
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