.. inclusion-marker-badges-start
.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/beautifultable.svg
:target: https://badge.fury.io/py/beautifultable
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/beautifultable.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/beautifultable/
.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/pri22296/beautifultable/branch/master/graphs/badge.svg
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/pri22296/beautifultable/branch/master/
.. image:: https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/7a76eb35ad4e450eaf00339e98381511
:target: https://www.codacy.com/app/pri22296/beautifultable?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=pri22296/beautifultable&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade
.. image:: https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg?branch=master
:target: https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable/actions/workflows/build.yml
.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/beautifultable/badge/?version=latest
:alt: Documentation Status
:target: http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-yellow.svg
:target: https://paypal.me/beautifultable
.. inclusion-marker-badges-end
.. inclusion-marker-introduction-start
This Package provides BeautifulTable class for easily printing
tabular data in a visually appealing format to a terminal.
Features included but not limited to:
* Full customization of the look and feel of the table
* Build the Table as you wish, By adding rows, or by columns or even
mixing both these approaches.
* Full support for *colors* using ANSI sequences or any library of your
choice. It just works.
* Plenty of predefined *styles* for multiple use cases and option to
create custom ones.
* Support for *Unicode* characters.
* Supports streaming table when data is slow to retrieve.
.. inclusion-marker-introduction-end
.. inclusion-marker-links-start
* `Documentation <http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_
* `Source <https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable>`_
* `API Reference <http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/beautifultable.html#module-beautifultable>`_
.. inclusion-marker-links-end
.. inclusion-marker-usage-start
Here is an example of how you can use beautifultable::
>>> from beautifultable import BeautifulTable
>>> table = BeautifulTable()
>>> table.rows.append(["Jacob", 1, "boy"])
>>> table.rows.append(["Isabella", 1, "girl"])
>>> table.rows.append(["Ethan", 2, "boy"])
>>> table.rows.append(["Sophia", 2, "girl"])
>>> table.rows.append(["Michael", 3, "boy"])
>>> table.rows.header = ["S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5"]
>>> table.columns.header = ["name", "rank", "gender"]
>>> print(table)
| | name | rank | gender |
| S1 | Jacob | 1 | boy |
| S2 | Isabella | 1 | girl |
| S3 | Ethan | 2 | boy |
| S4 | Sophia | 2 | girl |
| S5 | Michael | 3 | boy |
You can learn more about beautifultable at this `Tutorial <http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html>`_
.. inclusion-marker-usage-end
.. inclusion-marker-install-start
python3 -m pip install beautifultable
.. inclusion-marker-install-end
.. inclusion-marker-changelog-start
* Drop support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6
* Add official support for python 3.9 and 3.10
* Added `asdict` and `aslist` method on the row object. (Thanks to `@Agent-Hellboy <https://github.com/Agent-Hellboy>`_)
* Added `from_csv` and `to_csv` methods to export/import a csv file. (Thanks to `@Agent-Hellboy <https://github.com/Agent-Hellboy>`_)
* Added `from_df` and `to_df` methods to export/import a dataframe. (Thanks to `@Agent-Hellboy <https://github.com/Agent-Hellboy>`_)
* Fixed an issue where appending a column with a header to an empty table left the table instance in
an inconsistent state.
* Added two new views ``rows`` and ``columns`` to the ``BeautifulTable`` class. Most of the existing
methods have been deprecated. Methods of the form ``{}_row`` and ``{}_column`` have been moved to
views ``rows.{}`` and ``columns.{}``(ex. ``append_row`` is now ``rows.append``). Calling older
deprecated methods will now raise a ``FutureWarning``. Special methods such as ``__len__``, ``__iter__``,
etc. have also been moved to the respective views. For details, refer the
API documentation and the Updated Tutorial
* The existing styling attributes have also been deprecated. A new ``border`` property can be accessed
to control all styling attributes affecting the border. Rest of the attributes can be accessed from
it's respective view.
* Added support for row headers. As a result rows can now be accessed by their keys similar
to columns
* Added two new methods ``to_csv`` and ``from_csv`` to directly export/import to a
csv file. (Thanks to `@dinko-pehar <https://github.com/dinko-pehar>`_)
* Added ``BeautifulTable.rows.filter`` method to generate a new table with only certain rows
* Added a new ``shape`` attribute to the ``BeautifulTable`` class which returns a tuple of form (nrow, ncol)
* Added new attribute ``BeautifulTable.columns.header.alignment`` which can be used to have
a seperate header alignment. The default behaviour is to inherit ``BeautifulTable.columns.alignment``
* Updated ``BeautifulTable.rows.sort`` (earlier ``BeautifulTable.sort``) method to now
also accept any callables as a key.
* Updated behaviour of ``BeautifulTable.columns.width`` (earlier ``BeautifulTable.column_widths``).
It no longer overrides user specified widths by default. You can reset it to default
by setting it to **"auto"**
* Deprecated attribute ``serialno`` and ``serialno_header``. User can now easily implement
this functionality by using row headers if required
* Deprecated methods ``get_table_width()``, ``copy()`` and ``get_string()``.
* Deprecated constructor arguments and class attributes named ``sign_mode``, ``numeric_precision``,
``max_width`` and renamed to ``sign``, ``precision`` and ``maxwidth`` respectively
* Fixed an issue where table was malformed if ``blessings`` module was used to generate colored strings.
* Fixed issues with the existing implementation of ``__iter__``, ``__copy__`` and ``__deepcopy__`` which
should now work more reliably.
* Fixed an issue where default padding could not be set to 0. (Thanks to `@furlongm <https://github.com/furlongm>`_)
* Fixed several memory leak issues by ensuring that all internal objects hold only a weak reference
to the table instance.
* Dropped support for Python 2
* Dropped support for Python 3.3
* Added support for streaming tables using a generator for cases where data retrieval is slow
* Alignment, padding, width can now be set for all columns using a simplified syntax like
``table.column_alignments = beautifultable.ALIGN_LEFT``
* Added 4 new styles, **STYLE_BOX**, **STYLE_BOX_DOUBLED**, **STYLE_BOX_ROUNDED**,
* **wcwidth** is now an optional dependency
* Updated the algorithm for calculating width of columns(better division of space among columns)
* Added support for Paragraphs(using ``\n`` character)
* Added finer control for intersection characters using 12 new
attributes ``intersect_{top|header|row|bottom}_{left|mid|right}``
* Added the ability to also accept bytestrings instead of unicode
* Deprecated attribute ``intersection_char``
* Deprecated methods ``get_top_border()``, ``get_bottom_border()``, ``get_header_separator()``,
``get_row_separator()``, ``auto_calculate_width()``
* Fixed an issue with **WEP_ELLIPSIS** and **WEP_STRIP** when using multibyte characters
* Fixed an issue where table would not be in proper form if ``column_width`` is too low
* Added support for handling Multi byte strings
* Added support for colored strings using ANSI escape sequences
* Added constraint where all strings must be unicode
* Fixed an issue where sometimes width was calculated as higher than intended
* Added support for handing color codes using ANSI escape sequences(experimental)
* Fixed collections ABCs deprecation warning
* Added new style **STYLE_NONE**
* Fixed issue regarding improper conversion of non-string floats
* Added ``detect_numerics`` boolean for toggling automatic numeric conversion
* Added new property ``serialno_header``
* Deprecated methods with misspelled *"seperator"* in their name.
* Fixed an issue where table was corrupted when ``column_count`` was too high
* Added predefined styles for easier customization
* Added *reverse* argument to ``sort()`` method
* Fixed *enum34* dependency for python versions prior to 3.4
* Added property ``serialno`` for auto printing serial number
* Fixed an issue with ``sign_mode`` related to str conversion
* Fixed bugs related to python version prior to 3.3
* Fixed exception on **WEP_ELLIPSIS** and token length less than 3
* Fixed printing issues with empty table
* Added python 2 support
* Fixed minor issues
* Added new property ``default_padding``
* Added new method ``update_row``
* Fixed an issue in ``auto_calculate_width()``
* Initial release on PyPI
.. inclusion-marker-changelog-end
.. inclusion-marker-contribution-start
If you have any suggestions or bug reports, Please create a Issue. Pull
Requests are always welcome.
.. inclusion-marker-contribution-end
.. inclusion-marker-license-start
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the `LICENSE.txt <https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable/blob/master/LICENSE.txt>`_ file for details.
.. inclusion-marker-license-end
.. inclusion-marker-donation-start
Love *beautifultable*? Consider supporting the development :)
.. image:: https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif
:target: https://paypal.me/beautifultable
.. inclusion-marker-donation-end
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable",
"name": "beautifultable",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "table terminal ascii",
"author": "Priyam Singh",
"author_email": "priyamsingh.22296@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/86/a6/8aa4b731d0d53bd375411cb846e938028d7dda234d4966324d2e8f240588/beautifultable-1.1.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "##########################################################################\nbeautifultable\n##########################################################################\n\n.. inclusion-marker-badges-start\n\n.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/beautifultable.svg\n :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/beautifultable\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/beautifultable.svg\n :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/beautifultable/\n\n.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/pri22296/beautifultable/branch/master/graphs/badge.svg\n :target: https://codecov.io/gh/pri22296/beautifultable/branch/master/\n\n.. image:: https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/7a76eb35ad4e450eaf00339e98381511\n :target: https://www.codacy.com/app/pri22296/beautifultable?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=pri22296/beautifultable&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade\n\n.. image:: https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg?branch=master\n :target: https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable/actions/workflows/build.yml\n\n.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/beautifultable/badge/?version=latest\n :alt: Documentation Status\n :target: http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-yellow.svg\n :target: https://paypal.me/beautifultable\n\n.. inclusion-marker-badges-end\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-introduction-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nIntroduction\n**************************************************************************\n\nThis Package provides BeautifulTable class for easily printing\ntabular data in a visually appealing format to a terminal. \n\nFeatures included but not limited to:\n\n* Full customization of the look and feel of the table\n* Build the Table as you wish, By adding rows, or by columns or even\n mixing both these approaches.\n* Full support for *colors* using ANSI sequences or any library of your\n choice. It just works.\n* Plenty of predefined *styles* for multiple use cases and option to\n create custom ones.\n* Support for *Unicode* characters.\n* Supports streaming table when data is slow to retrieve.\n \n.. inclusion-marker-introduction-end\n\n\n \n.. inclusion-marker-links-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nLinks\n**************************************************************************\n\n* `Documentation <http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_\n\n* `Source <https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable>`_\n\n* `API Reference <http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/beautifultable.html#module-beautifultable>`_\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-links-end\n\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-usage-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nUsage\n**************************************************************************\n\nHere is an example of how you can use beautifultable::\n\n >>> from beautifultable import BeautifulTable\n >>> table = BeautifulTable()\n >>> table.rows.append([\"Jacob\", 1, \"boy\"])\n >>> table.rows.append([\"Isabella\", 1, \"girl\"])\n >>> table.rows.append([\"Ethan\", 2, \"boy\"])\n >>> table.rows.append([\"Sophia\", 2, \"girl\"])\n >>> table.rows.append([\"Michael\", 3, \"boy\"])\n >>> table.rows.header = [\"S1\", \"S2\", \"S3\", \"S4\", \"S5\"]\n >>> table.columns.header = [\"name\", \"rank\", \"gender\"]\n >>> print(table)\n +----+----------+------+--------+\n | | name | rank | gender |\n +----+----------+------+--------+\n | S1 | Jacob | 1 | boy |\n +----+----------+------+--------+\n | S2 | Isabella | 1 | girl |\n +----+----------+------+--------+\n | S3 | Ethan | 2 | boy |\n +----+----------+------+--------+\n | S4 | Sophia | 2 | girl |\n +----+----------+------+--------+\n | S5 | Michael | 3 | boy |\n +----+----------+------+--------+\n\n\nYou can learn more about beautifultable at this `Tutorial <http://beautifultable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html>`_\n\n.. inclusion-marker-usage-end\n\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-install-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nInstallation\n**************************************************************************\n\n::\n\n python3 -m pip install beautifultable\n\n.. inclusion-marker-install-end\n\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-changelog-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nChangelog\n**************************************************************************\n\n===========\nDevelopment\n===========\n\n\n==========\nv1.1.0\n==========\n\n* Drop support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6\n* Add official support for python 3.9 and 3.10\n* Added `asdict` and `aslist` method on the row object. (Thanks to `@Agent-Hellboy <https://github.com/Agent-Hellboy>`_)\n* Added `from_csv` and `to_csv` methods to export/import a csv file. (Thanks to `@Agent-Hellboy <https://github.com/Agent-Hellboy>`_)\n* Added `from_df` and `to_df` methods to export/import a dataframe. (Thanks to `@Agent-Hellboy <https://github.com/Agent-Hellboy>`_)\n\n==========\nv1.0.1\n==========\n\n* Fixed an issue where appending a column with a header to an empty table left the table instance in\n an inconsistent state.\n\n==========\nv1.0.0\n==========\n\n* Added two new views ``rows`` and ``columns`` to the ``BeautifulTable`` class. Most of the existing\n methods have been deprecated. Methods of the form ``{}_row`` and ``{}_column`` have been moved to\n views ``rows.{}`` and ``columns.{}``(ex. ``append_row`` is now ``rows.append``). Calling older\n deprecated methods will now raise a ``FutureWarning``. Special methods such as ``__len__``, ``__iter__``,\n etc. have also been moved to the respective views. For details, refer the\n API documentation and the Updated Tutorial\n* The existing styling attributes have also been deprecated. A new ``border`` property can be accessed\n to control all styling attributes affecting the border. Rest of the attributes can be accessed from\n it's respective view.\n* Added support for row headers. As a result rows can now be accessed by their keys similar\n to columns\n* Added two new methods ``to_csv`` and ``from_csv`` to directly export/import to a\n csv file. (Thanks to `@dinko-pehar <https://github.com/dinko-pehar>`_)\n* Added ``BeautifulTable.rows.filter`` method to generate a new table with only certain rows\n* Added a new ``shape`` attribute to the ``BeautifulTable`` class which returns a tuple of form (nrow, ncol)\n* Added new attribute ``BeautifulTable.columns.header.alignment`` which can be used to have\n a seperate header alignment. The default behaviour is to inherit ``BeautifulTable.columns.alignment``\n* Updated ``BeautifulTable.rows.sort`` (earlier ``BeautifulTable.sort``) method to now\n also accept any callables as a key.\n* Updated behaviour of ``BeautifulTable.columns.width`` (earlier ``BeautifulTable.column_widths``).\n It no longer overrides user specified widths by default. You can reset it to default\n by setting it to **\"auto\"**\n* Deprecated attribute ``serialno`` and ``serialno_header``. User can now easily implement\n this functionality by using row headers if required\n* Deprecated methods ``get_table_width()``, ``copy()`` and ``get_string()``.\n* Deprecated constructor arguments and class attributes named ``sign_mode``, ``numeric_precision``,\n ``max_width`` and renamed to ``sign``, ``precision`` and ``maxwidth`` respectively\n* Fixed an issue where table was malformed if ``blessings`` module was used to generate colored strings.\n* Fixed issues with the existing implementation of ``__iter__``, ``__copy__`` and ``__deepcopy__`` which\n should now work more reliably.\n* Fixed an issue where default padding could not be set to 0. (Thanks to `@furlongm <https://github.com/furlongm>`_)\n* Fixed several memory leak issues by ensuring that all internal objects hold only a weak reference\n to the table instance.\n* Dropped support for Python 2\n\n==========\nv0.8.0\n==========\n\n* Dropped support for Python 3.3\n* Added support for streaming tables using a generator for cases where data retrieval is slow\n* Alignment, padding, width can now be set for all columns using a simplified syntax like\n ``table.column_alignments = beautifultable.ALIGN_LEFT``\n\n==========\nv0.7.0\n==========\n\n* Added 4 new styles, **STYLE_BOX**, **STYLE_BOX_DOUBLED**, **STYLE_BOX_ROUNDED**,\n **STYLE_GRID**.\n* Renamed **STYLE_RESTRUCTURED_TEXT** to **STYLE_RST**\n* **wcwidth** is now an optional dependency\n* Updated the algorithm for calculating width of columns(better division of space among columns)\n* Added support for Paragraphs(using ``\\n`` character)\n* Added finer control for intersection characters using 12 new\n attributes ``intersect_{top|header|row|bottom}_{left|mid|right}``\n* Added the ability to also accept bytestrings instead of unicode\n* Deprecated attribute ``intersection_char``\n* Deprecated methods ``get_top_border()``, ``get_bottom_border()``, ``get_header_separator()``,\n ``get_row_separator()``, ``auto_calculate_width()``\n* Fixed an issue with **WEP_ELLIPSIS** and **WEP_STRIP** when using multibyte characters\n* Fixed an issue where table would not be in proper form if ``column_width`` is too low\n\n==========\nv0.6.0\n==========\n\n* Added support for handling Multi byte strings\n* Added support for colored strings using ANSI escape sequences\n* Added constraint where all strings must be unicode\n* Fixed an issue where sometimes width was calculated as higher than intended\n\n==========\nv0.5.3\n==========\n\n* Added support for handing color codes using ANSI escape sequences(experimental)\n* Fixed collections ABCs deprecation warning\n\n==========\nv0.5.2\n==========\n\n* Added new style **STYLE_NONE**\n* Fixed issue regarding improper conversion of non-string floats\n\n==========\nv0.5.1\n==========\n\n* Added ``detect_numerics`` boolean for toggling automatic numeric conversion\n\n==========\nv0.5.0\n==========\n\n* Added new property ``serialno_header``\n* Deprecated methods with misspelled *\"seperator\"* in their name.\n* Fixed an issue where table was corrupted when ``column_count`` was too high\n\n\n==========\nv0.4.0\n==========\n\n* Added predefined styles for easier customization\n* Added *reverse* argument to ``sort()`` method\n* Fixed *enum34* dependency for python versions prior to 3.4\n\n==========\nv0.3.0\n==========\n\n* Added property ``serialno`` for auto printing serial number\n* Fixed an issue with ``sign_mode`` related to str conversion\n* Fixed bugs related to python version prior to 3.3\n* Fixed exception on **WEP_ELLIPSIS** and token length less than 3\n* Fixed printing issues with empty table\n\n==========\nv0.2.0\n==========\n\n* Added python 2 support\n\n==========\nv0.1.3\n==========\n\n* Fixed minor issues\n\n==========\nv0.1.2\n==========\n\n* Added new property ``default_padding``\n* Added new method ``update_row``\n* Fixed an issue in ``auto_calculate_width()``\n\n==========\nv0.1.1\n==========\n\n* Initial release on PyPI\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-changelog-end\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-contribution-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nContribute\n**************************************************************************\n\nIf you have any suggestions or bug reports, Please create a Issue. Pull\nRequests are always welcome.\n\n.. inclusion-marker-contribution-end\n\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-license-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nLicense\n**************************************************************************\n\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License - see the `LICENSE.txt <https://github.com/pri22296/beautifultable/blob/master/LICENSE.txt>`_ file for details.\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-license-end\n\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-donation-start\n\n**************************************************************************\nDonation\n**************************************************************************\n\nLove *beautifultable*? Consider supporting the development :)\n\n.. image:: https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif\n :target: https://paypal.me/beautifultable\n\n\n.. inclusion-marker-donation-end\n\n\n",
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"summary": "Print text tables for terminals",
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