
NamebetterDXcam JSON
Version 0.0.9 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows use Desktop Duplication API
upload_time2024-06-14 16:53:10
keywords screen screenshot screencapture screengrab windows
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # **Better DXcam**
> ***Fastest Python Screenshot for Windows, Forked, and Maintained***
import betterdxcam
camera = betterdxcam.create()

## Introduction
BetterDXcam is a fork of [DXcam](, a Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows using Desktop Duplication API. Capable of 240Hz+ capturing. It was originally built as a part of deep learning pipeline for FPS games to perform better than existed python solutions ([python-mss](, [D3DShot]( 

BetterDXcam provides these improvements over DXcam:
- Fixed crashing when screen changes resolution

Compared to these existed solutions, DXcam provides:
- Way faster screen capturing speed (> 240Hz)
- Capturing of Direct3D exclusive full-screen application without interrupting, even when alt+tab.
- Automatic handling of scaled / stretched resolution.
- Accurate FPS targeting when in capturing mode, makes it suitable for Video output. 
- Seamless integration with NumPy, OpenCV, PyTorch, etc.

## Installation
### From PyPI:
pip install betterdxcam

**Note:** OpenCV is required by betterDXcam for colorspace conversion. If you don't already have OpenCV, install it easily with command `pip install betterdxcam[cv2]`.

### From source:
pip install --editable .

# for installing OpenCV also
pip install --editable .[cv2]

## Usage
In betterDXCam, each output (monitor) is asscociated to a ```betterDXCamera``` instance.
To create a betterDXCamera instance:
import betterdxcam
camera = betterdxcam.create()  # returns a betterDXCamera instance on primary monitor
### Screenshot
For screenshot, simply use ```.grab```:
frame = camera.grab()
The returned ```frame``` will be a ```numpy.ndarray``` in the shape of ```(Height,  Width, 3[RGB])```. This is the default and the only supported format (**for now**). It is worth noting that ```.grab``` will return ```None``` if there is no new frame since the last time you called ```.grab```. Usually it means there's nothing new to render since last time (E.g. You are idling).

To view the captured screenshot:
from PIL import Image
To screenshot a specific region, use the ```region``` parameter: it takes ```tuple[int, int, int, int]``` as the left, top, right, bottom coordinates of the bounding box. Similar to [PIL.ImageGrab.grab](
left, top = (1920 - 640) // 2, (1080 - 640) // 2
right, bottom = left + 640, top + 640
region = (left, top, right, bottom)
frame = camera.grab(region=region)  # numpy.ndarray of size (640x640x3) -> (HXWXC)
The above code will take a screenshot of the center ```640x640``` portion of a ```1920x1080``` monitor.
### Screen Capture
To start a screen capture, simply use ```.start```: the capture will be started in a separated thread, default at 60Hz. Use ```.stop``` to stop the capture.
camera.start(region=(left, top, right, bottom))  # Optional argument to capture a region
camera.is_capturing  # True
# ... Do Something
camera.is_capturing  # False
### Consume the Screen Capture Data
While the ```betterDXCamera``` instance is in capture mode, you can use ```.get_latest_frame``` to get the latest frame in the frame buffer:
for i in range(1000):
    image = camera.get_latest_frame()  # Will block until new frame available
Notice that ```.get_latest_frame``` by default will block until there is a new frame available since the last call to ```.get_latest_frame```. To change this behavior, use ```video_mode=True```.

## Advanced Usage and Remarks
### Multiple monitors / GPUs
cam1 = betterdxcam.create(device_idx=0, output_idx=0)
cam2 = betterdxcam.create(device_idx=0, output_idx=1)
cam3 = betterdxcam.create(device_idx=1, output_idx=1)
img1 = cam1.grab()
img2 = cam2.grab()
img2 = cam3.grab()
The above code creates three ```betterDXCamera``` instances for: ```[monitor0, GPU0], [monitor1, GPU0], [monitor1, GPU1]```, and subsequently takes three full-screen screenshots. (cross GPU untested, but I hope it works.) To get a complete list of devices and outputs:
>>> import betterdxcam
>>> betterdxcam.device_info()
'Device[0]:<Device Name:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Dedicated VRAM:24348Mb VendorId:4318>\n'
>>> betterdxcam.output_info()
'Device[0] Output[0]: Res:(1920, 1080) Rot:0 Primary:True\nDevice[0] Output[1]: Res:(1920, 1080) Rot:0 Primary:False\n'

### Output Format
You can specify the output color mode upon creation of the betterDXCamera instance:
betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0, output_color="BGRA")
We currently support "RGB", "RGBA", "BGR", "BGRA", "GRAY", with "GRAY being the gray scale. As for the data format, ```betterDXCamera``` only supports ```numpy.ndarray```  in shape of ```(Height, Width, Channels)``` right now. ***We will soon add support for other output formats.***

### Video Buffer
The captured frames will be insert into a fixed-size ring buffer, and when the buffer is full the newest frame will replace the oldest frame. You can specify the max buffer length (defualt to 64) using the argument ```max_buffer_len``` upon creation of the ```betterDXCamera``` instance. 
camera = betterdxcam.create(max_buffer_len=512)
***Note:  Right now to consume frames during capturing there is only `get_latest_frame` available which assume the user to process frames in a LIFO pattern. This is a read-only action and won't pop the processed frame from the buffer. we will make changes to support various of consuming pattern soon.***

### Target FPS
To make ```betterDXCamera``` capture close to the user specified ```target_fps```, we used the undocumented ```CREATE_WAITABLE_TIMER_HIGH_RESOLUTION ``` flag to create a Windows [Waitable Timer Object]( This is far more accurate (+/- 1ms) than Python (<3.11) ```time.sleep``` (min resolution 16ms). The implementation is done through ```ctypes``` creating a perodic timer. Python 3.11 used a similar approach[^2]. 
camera.start(target_fps=120)  # Should not be made greater than 160.
However, due to Windows itself is a preemptive OS[^1] and the overhead of Python calls, the target FPS can not be guarenteed accurate when greater than 160. (See Benchmarks)

### Video Mode
The default behavior of ```.get_latest_frame``` only put newly rendered frame in the buffer, which suits the usage scenario of a object detection/machine learning pipeline. However, when recording a video that is not ideal since we aim to get the frames at a constant framerate: When the ```video_mode=True``` is specified when calling ```.start``` method of a ```betterDXCamera``` instance, the frame buffer will be feeded at the target fps, using the last frame if there is no new frame available. For example, the following code output a 5-second, 120Hz screen capture:
target_fps = 120
camera = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0, output_color="BGR")
camera.start(target_fps=target_fps, video_mode=True)
writer = cv2.VideoWriter(
    "video.mp4", cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v"), target_fps, (1920, 1080)
for i in range(600):
> You can do interesting stuff with libraries like ```pyav``` and ```pynput```: see examples/ for a ghetto implementation of instant replay using hot-keys

### Safely Releasing of Resource
Upon calling ```.release``` on a betterDXCamera instance, it will stop any active capturing, free the buffer and release the duplicator and staging resource. Upon calling ```.stop()```, betterDXCamera will stop the active capture and free the frame buffer. If you want to manually recreate a ```betterDXCamera``` instance on the same output with different parameters, you can also manully delete it:
camera1 = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0, output_color="BGR")
camera2 = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0)  # Not allowed, camera1 will be returned
camera1 is camera2  # True
del camera1
del camera2
camera2 = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0)  # Allowed

## Benchmarks
### For Max FPS Capability:
start_time, fps = time.perf_counter(), 0
cam = betterdxcam.create()
start = time.perf_counter()
while fps < 1000:
    frame = cam.grab()
    if frame is not None:  # New frame
        fps += 1
end_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time
print(f"{title}: {fps/end_time}")
When using a similar logistic (only captured new frame counts), ```betterDXcam / DXcam, python-mss, D3DShot``` benchmarked as follow:

|             | DXcam  | python-mss | D3DShot |
| Average FPS | 238.79 :checkered_flag: | 75.87      | 118.36  |
| Std Dev     | 1.25   | 0.5447     | 0.3224   |

The benchmark is across 5 runs, with a light-moderate usage on my PC (5900X + 3090; Chrome ~30tabs, VS Code opened, etc.), I used the [Blur Buster UFO test]( to constantly render 240 fps on my monitor (Zowie 2546K). DXcam captured almost every frame rendered.

### For Targeting FPS:
camera = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0)
for i in range(1000):
    image = camera.get_latest_frame()
|   (Target)\\(mean,std)          | betterDXcam / DXcam  | python-mss | D3DShot |
|-------------  |--------                 |------------|---------|
| 60fps         | 61.71, 0.26 :checkered_flag: | N/A     | 47.11, 1.33  |
| 30fps         | 30.08, 0.02 :checkered_flag:  | N/A     | 21.24, 0.17  |

## Work Referenced
[D3DShot]( : DXcam (and by extension betterDXcam) borrows the ctypes header directly from the no-longer maintained D3DShot.

[OBS Studio]( : Learned a lot from it.

[^1]: <> Preemption (computing)

[^2]: <> bpo-21302: time.sleep() uses waitable timer on Windows


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "betterDXcam",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "screen, screenshot, screencapture, screengrab, windows",
    "author": "E1Bos",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# **Better DXcam**\r\n> ***Fastest Python Screenshot for Windows, Forked, and Maintained***\r\n```python\r\nimport betterdxcam\r\ncamera = betterdxcam.create()\r\ncamera.grab()\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Introduction\r\nBetterDXcam is a fork of [DXcam](, a Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows using Desktop Duplication API. Capable of 240Hz+ capturing. It was originally built as a part of deep learning pipeline for FPS games to perform better than existed python solutions ([python-mss](, [D3DShot]( \r\n\r\nBetterDXcam provides these improvements over DXcam:\r\n- Fixed crashing when screen changes resolution\r\n\r\nCompared to these existed solutions, DXcam provides:\r\n- Way faster screen capturing speed (> 240Hz)\r\n- Capturing of Direct3D exclusive full-screen application without interrupting, even when alt+tab.\r\n- Automatic handling of scaled / stretched resolution.\r\n- Accurate FPS targeting when in capturing mode, makes it suitable for Video output. \r\n- Seamless integration with NumPy, OpenCV, PyTorch, etc.\r\n\r\n## Installation\r\n### From PyPI:\r\n```bash\r\npip install betterdxcam\r\n```\r\n\r\n**Note:** OpenCV is required by betterDXcam for colorspace conversion. If you don't already have OpenCV, install it easily with command `pip install betterdxcam[cv2]`.\r\n\r\n### From source:\r\n```bash\r\npip install --editable .\r\n\r\n# for installing OpenCV also\r\npip install --editable .[cv2]\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Usage\r\nIn betterDXCam, each output (monitor) is asscociated to a ```betterDXCamera``` instance.\r\nTo create a betterDXCamera instance:\r\n```python\r\nimport betterdxcam\r\ncamera = betterdxcam.create()  # returns a betterDXCamera instance on primary monitor\r\n```\r\n### Screenshot\r\nFor screenshot, simply use ```.grab```:\r\n```python\r\nframe = camera.grab()\r\n```\r\nThe returned ```frame``` will be a ```numpy.ndarray``` in the shape of ```(Height,  Width, 3[RGB])```. This is the default and the only supported format (**for now**). It is worth noting that ```.grab``` will return ```None``` if there is no new frame since the last time you called ```.grab```. Usually it means there's nothing new to render since last time (E.g. You are idling).\r\n\r\nTo view the captured screenshot:\r\n```python\r\nfrom PIL import Image\r\nImage.fromarray(frame).show()\r\n```\r\nTo screenshot a specific region, use the ```region``` parameter: it takes ```tuple[int, int, int, int]``` as the left, top, right, bottom coordinates of the bounding box. Similar to [PIL.ImageGrab.grab](\r\n```python\r\nleft, top = (1920 - 640) // 2, (1080 - 640) // 2\r\nright, bottom = left + 640, top + 640\r\nregion = (left, top, right, bottom)\r\nframe = camera.grab(region=region)  # numpy.ndarray of size (640x640x3) -> (HXWXC)\r\n```\r\nThe above code will take a screenshot of the center ```640x640``` portion of a ```1920x1080``` monitor.\r\n### Screen Capture\r\nTo start a screen capture, simply use ```.start```: the capture will be started in a separated thread, default at 60Hz. Use ```.stop``` to stop the capture.\r\n```python\r\ncamera.start(region=(left, top, right, bottom))  # Optional argument to capture a region\r\ncamera.is_capturing  # True\r\n# ... Do Something\r\ncamera.stop()\r\ncamera.is_capturing  # False\r\n```\r\n### Consume the Screen Capture Data\r\nWhile the ```betterDXCamera``` instance is in capture mode, you can use ```.get_latest_frame``` to get the latest frame in the frame buffer:\r\n```python\r\ncamera.start()\r\nfor i in range(1000):\r\n    image = camera.get_latest_frame()  # Will block until new frame available\r\ncamera.stop()\r\n```\r\nNotice that ```.get_latest_frame``` by default will block until there is a new frame available since the last call to ```.get_latest_frame```. To change this behavior, use ```video_mode=True```.\r\n\r\n## Advanced Usage and Remarks\r\n### Multiple monitors / GPUs\r\n```python\r\ncam1 = betterdxcam.create(device_idx=0, output_idx=0)\r\ncam2 = betterdxcam.create(device_idx=0, output_idx=1)\r\ncam3 = betterdxcam.create(device_idx=1, output_idx=1)\r\nimg1 = cam1.grab()\r\nimg2 = cam2.grab()\r\nimg2 = cam3.grab()\r\n```\r\nThe above code creates three ```betterDXCamera``` instances for: ```[monitor0, GPU0], [monitor1, GPU0], [monitor1, GPU1]```, and subsequently takes three full-screen screenshots. (cross GPU untested, but I hope it works.) To get a complete list of devices and outputs:\r\n```pycon\r\n>>> import betterdxcam\r\n>>> betterdxcam.device_info()\r\n'Device[0]:<Device Name:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Dedicated VRAM:24348Mb VendorId:4318>\\n'\r\n>>> betterdxcam.output_info()\r\n'Device[0] Output[0]: Res:(1920, 1080) Rot:0 Primary:True\\nDevice[0] Output[1]: Res:(1920, 1080) Rot:0 Primary:False\\n'\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Output Format\r\nYou can specify the output color mode upon creation of the betterDXCamera instance:\r\n```python\r\nbetterdxcam.create(output_idx=0, output_color=\"BGRA\")\r\n```\r\nWe currently support \"RGB\", \"RGBA\", \"BGR\", \"BGRA\", \"GRAY\", with \"GRAY being the gray scale. As for the data format, ```betterDXCamera``` only supports ```numpy.ndarray```  in shape of ```(Height, Width, Channels)``` right now. ***We will soon add support for other output formats.***\r\n\r\n### Video Buffer\r\nThe captured frames will be insert into a fixed-size ring buffer, and when the buffer is full the newest frame will replace the oldest frame. You can specify the max buffer length (defualt to 64) using the argument ```max_buffer_len``` upon creation of the ```betterDXCamera``` instance. \r\n```python\r\ncamera = betterdxcam.create(max_buffer_len=512)\r\n```\r\n***Note:  Right now to consume frames during capturing there is only `get_latest_frame` available which assume the user to process frames in a LIFO pattern. This is a read-only action and won't pop the processed frame from the buffer. we will make changes to support various of consuming pattern soon.***\r\n\r\n### Target FPS\r\nTo make ```betterDXCamera``` capture close to the user specified ```target_fps```, we used the undocumented ```CREATE_WAITABLE_TIMER_HIGH_RESOLUTION ``` flag to create a Windows [Waitable Timer Object]( This is far more accurate (+/- 1ms) than Python (<3.11) ```time.sleep``` (min resolution 16ms). The implementation is done through ```ctypes``` creating a perodic timer. Python 3.11 used a similar approach[^2]. \r\n```python\r\ncamera.start(target_fps=120)  # Should not be made greater than 160.\r\n```\r\nHowever, due to Windows itself is a preemptive OS[^1] and the overhead of Python calls, the target FPS can not be guarenteed accurate when greater than 160. (See Benchmarks)\r\n\r\n\r\n### Video Mode\r\nThe default behavior of ```.get_latest_frame``` only put newly rendered frame in the buffer, which suits the usage scenario of a object detection/machine learning pipeline. However, when recording a video that is not ideal since we aim to get the frames at a constant framerate: When the ```video_mode=True``` is specified when calling ```.start``` method of a ```betterDXCamera``` instance, the frame buffer will be feeded at the target fps, using the last frame if there is no new frame available. For example, the following code output a 5-second, 120Hz screen capture:\r\n```python\r\ntarget_fps = 120\r\ncamera = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0, output_color=\"BGR\")\r\ncamera.start(target_fps=target_fps, video_mode=True)\r\nwriter = cv2.VideoWriter(\r\n    \"video.mp4\", cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*\"mp4v\"), target_fps, (1920, 1080)\r\n)\r\nfor i in range(600):\r\n    writer.write(camera.get_latest_frame())\r\ncamera.stop()\r\nwriter.release()\r\n```\r\n> You can do interesting stuff with libraries like ```pyav``` and ```pynput```: see examples/ for a ghetto implementation of instant replay using hot-keys\r\n\r\n\r\n### Safely Releasing of Resource\r\nUpon calling ```.release``` on a betterDXCamera instance, it will stop any active capturing, free the buffer and release the duplicator and staging resource. Upon calling ```.stop()```, betterDXCamera will stop the active capture and free the frame buffer. If you want to manually recreate a ```betterDXCamera``` instance on the same output with different parameters, you can also manully delete it:\r\n```python\r\ncamera1 = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0, output_color=\"BGR\")\r\ncamera2 = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0)  # Not allowed, camera1 will be returned\r\ncamera1 is camera2  # True\r\ndel camera1\r\ndel camera2\r\ncamera2 = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0)  # Allowed\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Benchmarks\r\n### For Max FPS Capability:\r\n```python\r\nstart_time, fps = time.perf_counter(), 0\r\ncam = betterdxcam.create()\r\nstart = time.perf_counter()\r\nwhile fps < 1000:\r\n    frame = cam.grab()\r\n    if frame is not None:  # New frame\r\n        fps += 1\r\nend_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time\r\nprint(f\"{title}: {fps/end_time}\")\r\n```\r\nWhen using a similar logistic (only captured new frame counts), ```betterDXcam / DXcam, python-mss, D3DShot``` benchmarked as follow:\r\n\r\n|             | DXcam  | python-mss | D3DShot |\r\n|-------------|--------|------------|---------|\r\n| Average FPS | 238.79 :checkered_flag: | 75.87      | 118.36  |\r\n| Std Dev     | 1.25   | 0.5447     | 0.3224   |\r\n\r\nThe benchmark is across 5 runs, with a light-moderate usage on my PC (5900X + 3090; Chrome ~30tabs, VS Code opened, etc.), I used the [Blur Buster UFO test]( to constantly render 240 fps on my monitor (Zowie 2546K). DXcam captured almost every frame rendered.\r\n\r\n### For Targeting FPS:\r\n```python\r\ncamera = betterdxcam.create(output_idx=0)\r\ncamera.start(target_fps=60)\r\nfor i in range(1000):\r\n    image = camera.get_latest_frame()\r\ncamera.stop()\r\n```\r\n|   (Target)\\\\(mean,std)          | betterDXcam / DXcam  | python-mss | D3DShot |\r\n|-------------  |--------                 |------------|---------|\r\n| 60fps         | 61.71, 0.26 :checkered_flag: | N/A     | 47.11, 1.33  |\r\n| 30fps         | 30.08, 0.02 :checkered_flag:  | N/A     | 21.24, 0.17  |\r\n\r\n## Work Referenced\r\n[D3DShot]( : DXcam (and by extension betterDXcam) borrows the ctypes header directly from the no-longer maintained D3DShot.\r\n\r\n[OBS Studio]( : Learned a lot from it.\r\n\r\n\r\n[^1]: <> Preemption (computing)\r\n\r\n[^2]: <> bpo-21302: time.sleep() uses waitable timer on Windows\r\n",
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    "summary": "A Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows use Desktop Duplication API",
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