
Namebilliards JSON
Version 0.5.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA 2D physics engine for simulating dynamical billiards
upload_time2023-05-12 21:27:52
authorMarkus Ebke
licenseGNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
keywords python3 physics-engine physics-2d
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # billiards

> A 2D physics engine for simulating dynamical billiards

**billiards** is a python library that implements a very simple physics engine:
It simulates the movement and elastic collisions of hard, disk-shaped particles in a two-dimensional world.

## Features

- Collisions are found and resolved *exactly*. No reliance on time steps, no tunneling of high-speed bullets!
- Quick state updates thanks to [numpy](, especially if there are no collisions between the given start and end times.
- Static obstacles to construct a proper billiard table.
- Balls with zero radii behave like point particles, useful for simulating [dynamical billiards]( (although this library is not optimized for point particles).
- Optional features: plotting and animation with [matplotlib](, interaction with [pyglet](
- Free software: GPLv3+ license.

## Installation

**billiards** depends on [numpy](
Additionally, billiard systems can be visualized with [matplotlib]( and [pyglet]( (and [tqdm]( to display progress in `visualize.animate`).
But this feature is optional.

Clone the repository from GitHub and install the package:

git clone
pip install .[visualize]

## Usage

All important classes (the billiard simulation and obstacles) are accessible from the top-level module.
The visualization module must be imported separately and tries to load *matplotlib*, *tqdm* and *pyglet*.

>>> import billiards  # access to Billiard, Disk and InfiniteWall
>>> from billiards import visualize  # for plot, animate and interact
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # for

Let's compute the first few digits of π using a billiard simulation following the setup of Gregory Galperin.
We need a billiard table with a vertical wall and two balls:

>>> obstacles = [billiards.obstacles.InfiniteWall((0, -1), (0, 1), inside="right")]
>>> bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles)
>>> bld.add_ball((3, 0), (0, 0), radius=0.2, mass=1)  # returns index of new ball
>>> bld.add_ball((6, 0), (-1, 0), radius=1, mass=100 ** 5)

Using the _visualize_ module, let's see how this initial state looks:

>>> visualize.plot(bld)
<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>

![Initial state of Galperin's billiard](docs/_images/quickstart_1.svg)

The _Billiard.evolve_ method simulates our billiard system from _bld.time_ until a given end time.
It returns a list of collisions (ball-ball and ball-obstacle collisions).

>>> bld.toi_next  # next ball-ball collision, its a (time, index, index)-triplet
(1.8000000000000005, 0, 1)
>>> total_collisions = 0
>>> for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
...     total_collisions += len(bld.evolve(i))
...     print(f"Until t = {bld.time}: {total_collisions} collisions")
Until t = 1: 0 collisions
Until t = 2: 1 collisions
Until t = 3: 1 collisions
Until t = 4: 4 collisions
Until t = 5: 314152 collisions

The first collision happened at time t = 1.8.
Until t = 4 there were only 4 collisions, but then between t = 4 and t = 5 there were several thousands.
Let's see how the situation looks now:

>>> bld.time  # current time
>>> visualize.plot(bld)
<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>

![State at time t = 5](docs/_images/quickstart_2.svg)

Let's advance the simulation to t = 16.
As we can check, there won't be any other collisions after this time:

>>> total_collisions += len(bld.evolve(16))
>>> bld.balls_velocity  # nx2 numpy array where n is the number of balls
array([[0.73463055, 0.        ],
       [1.        , 0.        ]])
>>> bld.toi_next  # next ball-ball collision
(inf, -1, 0)
>>> bld.obstacles_next  # next ball-obstacle collision
(inf, 0, None)
>>> visualize.plot(bld)
<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>

![State at time t = 16](docs/_images/quickstart_3.svg)

Both balls are moving towards infinity, the smaller ball to slow to catch the larger one.
What is the total number of collisions?

>>> total_collisions
>>> import math
>>> math.pi

The first six digits match!
For an explanation why this happens, see Galperin's paper [Playing pool with π (the number π from a billiard point of view)]( or the series of youtube videos by [3Blue1Brown]( starting with [The most unexpected answer to a counting puzzle](

Lastly, I want to point out that all collisions were elastic, i.e. they conserved the kinetic energy (within floating point accuracy):

>>> 100 ** 5 * (-1) ** 2 / 2  # kinetic energy = m v^2 / 2 at the beginning
>>> v_squared = (bld.balls_velocity ** 2).sum(axis=1)
>>> (bld.balls_mass * v_squared).sum() / 2  # kinetic energy now

The video [examples/pi_with_pool.mp4](examples/pi_with_pool.mp4) replays the whole billiard simulation (it was created using `visualize.animate`).

## More Examples


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import billiards
>>> from billiards import visualize

### First shot in Pool (no friction)

Construct the billiard table:

>>> width, length = 112, 224
bounds = [
    billiards.InfiniteWall((0, 0), (length, 0)),  # bottom side
    billiards.InfiniteWall((length, 0), (length, width)),  # right side
    billiards.InfiniteWall((length, width), (0, width)),  # top side
    billiards.InfiniteWall((0, width), (0, 0))  # left side
bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles=bounds)

Arrange the balls in a pyramid shape:

>>> from math import sqrt
>>> radius = 2.85
>>> for i in range(5):
>>>     for j in range(i + 1):
>>>         x = 0.75 * length + radius * sqrt(3) * i
>>>         y = width / 2 + radius * (2 * j - i)
>>>         bld.add_ball((x, y), (0, 0), radius)

Add the white ball and give it a push, then view the animation:

>>> bld.add_ball((0.25 * length, width / 2), (length / 3, 0), radius)
>>> anim = visualize.animate(bld, end_time=10)
>>> anim._fig.set_size_inches((10, 5.5))

See [pool.mp4](./examples/pool.mp4)

### Brownian motion

The billiard table is a square box:

>>> obs = [
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((-1, -1), (1, -1)),  # bottom side
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((1, -1), (1, 1)),  # right side
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((1, 1), (-1, 1)),  # top side
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((-1, 1), (-1, -1)),  # left side
>>>     billiards.Disk((0, 0), radius=0.5)  # disk in the middle
>>> ]
>>> bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles=obs)

Distribute small particles (atoms) uniformly in the square, moving in random directions but with the same speed:

>>> from math import cos, pi, sin
>>> from random import uniform
>>> for i in range(250):
>>>     pos = [uniform(-1, 1), uniform(-1, 1)]
>>>     angle = uniform(0, 2 * pi)
>>>     vel = [cos(angle), sin(angle)]
>>>     bld.add_ball(pos, vel, radius=0.01, mass=1)

Add a bigger ball (like a dust particle)

bld.add_ball((0, 0), (0, 0), radius=0.1, mass=10)

and simulate until t = 50, recording the position of the bigger ball at each collision (this will take some time)

>>> poslist = []
>>> t_next = 0
>>> while t_next < 50:
>>>     bld.evolve(t_next)
>>>     poslist.append(bld.balls_position[-1].copy())
>>>     t_next = min(bld.toi_min[-1][0], bld.obstacles_toi[-1][0])
>>> bld.evolve(50)
>>> poslist.append(bld.balls_position[-1])

Plot the billiard and overlay the path of the particle

>>> fig = visualize.plot(bld, velocity_arrow_factor=0)
>>> fig.set_size_inches((7, 7))
>>> ax = fig.gca()
>>> poslist = np.asarray(poslist)
>>> ax.plot(poslist[:, 0], poslist[:, 1], marker=".", color="red")

![Brownian motion](docs/_images/brownian_motion.svg)

## Authors

- Markus Ebke - <>

# Changelog

- Use numpy's `argmin`-function for finding next collision, billiards with many ball-ball collisions are now up to 3x faster!
- Visualization improvements: Use progress bar in `animate`, scale/disable velocity indicators in `plot` and `animate`, plot `InfiniteWall` as an infinite line (duh! 🤦)
- Rework documentation and include more examples: ideal gas in a box, compute pi from pool (now the standard example in
- Change imports: Obstacles can be imported from top-level module, `visualize` module must be imported manually (better if the visualize feature is not wanted)
- Add pre-commit and automatically apply code formatting and linting on every commit

- Add basic obstacles (disk and infinite wall)
- Add interaction with simulations via pyglet
- Add examples

- Add visualizations with matplotlib (plot and animate)

- Implement time of impact calculation and collision handling

- Setup package files, configure tools and add basic functionality


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "billiards",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "python3,physics-engine,physics-2d",
    "author": "Markus Ebke",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "any",
    "description": "# billiards\n\n> A 2D physics engine for simulating dynamical billiards\n\n**billiards** is a python library that implements a very simple physics engine:\nIt simulates the movement and elastic collisions of hard, disk-shaped particles in a two-dimensional world.\n\n\n\n## Features\n\n- Collisions are found and resolved *exactly*. No reliance on time steps, no tunneling of high-speed bullets!\n- Quick state updates thanks to [numpy](, especially if there are no collisions between the given start and end times.\n- Static obstacles to construct a proper billiard table.\n- Balls with zero radii behave like point particles, useful for simulating [dynamical billiards]( (although this library is not optimized for point particles).\n- Optional features: plotting and animation with [matplotlib](, interaction with [pyglet](\n- Free software: GPLv3+ license.\n\n\n\n## Installation\n\n**billiards** depends on [numpy](\nAdditionally, billiard systems can be visualized with [matplotlib]( and [pyglet]( (and [tqdm]( to display progress in `visualize.animate`).\nBut this feature is optional.\n\nClone the repository from GitHub and install the package:\n\n```shell\ngit clone\npip install .[visualize]\n```\n\n\n\n## Usage\n\nAll important classes (the billiard simulation and obstacles) are accessible from the top-level module.\nThe visualization module must be imported separately and tries to load *matplotlib*, *tqdm* and *pyglet*.\n\n```pycon\n>>> import billiards  # access to Billiard, Disk and InfiniteWall\n>>> from billiards import visualize  # for plot, animate and interact\n>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # for\n```\n\nLet's compute the first few digits of \u03c0 using a billiard simulation following the setup of Gregory Galperin.\nWe need a billiard table with a vertical wall and two balls:\n\n```pycon\n>>> obstacles = [billiards.obstacles.InfiniteWall((0, -1), (0, 1), inside=\"right\")]\n>>> bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles)\n>>> bld.add_ball((3, 0), (0, 0), radius=0.2, mass=1)  # returns index of new ball\n0\n>>> bld.add_ball((6, 0), (-1, 0), radius=1, mass=100 ** 5)\n1\n```\n\nUsing the _visualize_ module, let's see how this initial state looks:\n\n```pycon\n>>> visualize.plot(bld)\n<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>\n>>>\n```\n\n![Initial state of Galperin's billiard](docs/_images/quickstart_1.svg)\n\n\nThe _Billiard.evolve_ method simulates our billiard system from _bld.time_ until a given end time.\nIt returns a list of collisions (ball-ball and ball-obstacle collisions).\n\n```pycon\n>>> bld.toi_next  # next ball-ball collision, its a (time, index, index)-triplet\n(1.8000000000000005, 0, 1)\n>>> total_collisions = 0\n>>> for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:\n...     total_collisions += len(bld.evolve(i))\n...     print(f\"Until t = {bld.time}: {total_collisions} collisions\")\nUntil t = 1: 0 collisions\nUntil t = 2: 1 collisions\nUntil t = 3: 1 collisions\nUntil t = 4: 4 collisions\nUntil t = 5: 314152 collisions\n```\n\nThe first collision happened at time t = 1.8.\nUntil t = 4 there were only 4 collisions, but then between t = 4 and t = 5 there were several thousands.\nLet's see how the situation looks now:\n\n```pycon\n>>> bld.time  # current time\n5\n>>> visualize.plot(bld)\n<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>\n>>>\n```\n\n![State at time t = 5](docs/_images/quickstart_2.svg)\n\n\nLet's advance the simulation to t = 16.\nAs we can check, there won't be any other collisions after this time:\n\n```pycon\n>>> total_collisions += len(bld.evolve(16))\n>>> bld.balls_velocity  # nx2 numpy array where n is the number of balls\narray([[0.73463055, 0.        ],\n       [1.        , 0.        ]])\n>>> bld.toi_next  # next ball-ball collision\n(inf, -1, 0)\n>>> bld.obstacles_next  # next ball-obstacle collision\n(inf, 0, None)\n>>> visualize.plot(bld)\n<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>\n>>>\n```\n\n![State at time t = 16](docs/_images/quickstart_3.svg)\n\n\nBoth balls are moving towards infinity, the smaller ball to slow to catch the larger one.\nWhat is the total number of collisions?\n\n```pycon\n>>> total_collisions\n314159\n>>> import math\n>>> math.pi\n3.141592653589793\n```\n\nThe first six digits match!\nFor an explanation why this happens, see Galperin's paper [Playing pool with \u03c0 (the number \u03c0 from a billiard point of view)]( or the series of youtube videos by [3Blue1Brown]( starting with [The most unexpected answer to a counting puzzle](\n\nLastly, I want to point out that all collisions were elastic, i.e. they conserved the kinetic energy (within floating point accuracy):\n\n```pycon\n>>> 100 ** 5 * (-1) ** 2 / 2  # kinetic energy = m v^2 / 2 at the beginning\n5000000000.0\n>>> v_squared = (bld.balls_velocity ** 2).sum(axis=1)\n>>> (bld.balls_mass * v_squared).sum() / 2  # kinetic energy now\n4999999999.990375\n```\n\nThe video [examples/pi_with_pool.mp4](examples/pi_with_pool.mp4) replays the whole billiard simulation (it was created using `visualize.animate`).\n\n\n\n## More Examples\n\nSetup:\n\n```pycon\n>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n>>> import billiards\n>>> from billiards import visualize\n```\n\n\n\n### First shot in Pool (no friction)\n\nConstruct the billiard table:\n\n```pycon\n>>> width, length = 112, 224\nbounds = [\n    billiards.InfiniteWall((0, 0), (length, 0)),  # bottom side\n    billiards.InfiniteWall((length, 0), (length, width)),  # right side\n    billiards.InfiniteWall((length, width), (0, width)),  # top side\n    billiards.InfiniteWall((0, width), (0, 0))  # left side\n]\nbld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles=bounds)\n```\n\nArrange the balls in a pyramid shape:\n\n```pycon\n>>> from math import sqrt\n>>> radius = 2.85\n>>> for i in range(5):\n>>>     for j in range(i + 1):\n>>>         x = 0.75 * length + radius * sqrt(3) * i\n>>>         y = width / 2 + radius * (2 * j - i)\n>>>         bld.add_ball((x, y), (0, 0), radius)\n```\n\nAdd the white ball and give it a push, then view the animation:\n\n```pycon\n>>> bld.add_ball((0.25 * length, width / 2), (length / 3, 0), radius)\n>>> anim = visualize.animate(bld, end_time=10)\n>>> anim._fig.set_size_inches((10, 5.5))\n>>>\n```\n\nSee [pool.mp4](./examples/pool.mp4)\n\n\n\n### Brownian motion\n\nThe billiard table is a square box:\n\n```pycon\n>>> obs = [\n>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((-1, -1), (1, -1)),  # bottom side\n>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((1, -1), (1, 1)),  # right side\n>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((1, 1), (-1, 1)),  # top side\n>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((-1, 1), (-1, -1)),  # left side\n>>>     billiards.Disk((0, 0), radius=0.5)  # disk in the middle\n>>> ]\n>>> bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles=obs)\n```\n\nDistribute small particles (atoms) uniformly in the square, moving in random directions but with the same speed:\n\n```pycon\n>>> from math import cos, pi, sin\n>>> from random import uniform\n>>> for i in range(250):\n>>>     pos = [uniform(-1, 1), uniform(-1, 1)]\n>>>     angle = uniform(0, 2 * pi)\n>>>     vel = [cos(angle), sin(angle)]\n>>>     bld.add_ball(pos, vel, radius=0.01, mass=1)\n```\n\nAdd a bigger ball (like a dust particle)\n\n```pycon\nbld.add_ball((0, 0), (0, 0), radius=0.1, mass=10)\n```\n\nand simulate until t = 50, recording the position of the bigger ball at each collision (this will take some time)\n\n```pycon\n>>> poslist = []\n>>> t_next = 0\n>>> while t_next < 50:\n>>>     bld.evolve(t_next)\n>>>     poslist.append(bld.balls_position[-1].copy())\n>>>     t_next = min(bld.toi_min[-1][0], bld.obstacles_toi[-1][0])\n>>> bld.evolve(50)\n>>> poslist.append(bld.balls_position[-1])\n```\n\nPlot the billiard and overlay the path of the particle\n\n```pycon\n>>> fig = visualize.plot(bld, velocity_arrow_factor=0)\n>>> fig.set_size_inches((7, 7))\n>>> ax = fig.gca()\n>>> poslist = np.asarray(poslist)\n>>> ax.plot(poslist[:, 0], poslist[:, 1], marker=\".\", color=\"red\")\n>>>\n```\n\n![Brownian motion](docs/_images/brownian_motion.svg)\n\n\n\n## Authors\n\n- Markus Ebke - <>\n\n# Changelog\n\n**v0.5.0**\n- Use numpy's `argmin`-function for finding next collision, billiards with many ball-ball collisions are now up to 3x faster!\n- Visualization improvements: Use progress bar in `animate`, scale/disable velocity indicators in `plot` and `animate`, plot `InfiniteWall` as an infinite line (duh! \ud83e\udd26)\n- Rework documentation and include more examples: ideal gas in a box, compute pi from pool (now the standard example in\n- Change imports: Obstacles can be imported from top-level module, `visualize` module must be imported manually (better if the visualize feature is not wanted)\n- Add pre-commit and automatically apply code formatting and linting on every commit\n\n**v0.4.0**\n- Add basic obstacles (disk and infinite wall)\n- Add interaction with simulations via pyglet\n- Add examples\n\n**v0.3.0**\n- Add visualizations with matplotlib (plot and animate)\n\n**v0.2.0**\n- Implement time of impact calculation and collision handling\n\n**v0.1.0**\n- Setup package files, configure tools and add basic functionality\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)",
    "summary": "A 2D physics engine for simulating dynamical billiards",
    "version": "0.5.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Bug Reports": "",
        "Homepage": "",
        "Source Code": ""
    "split_keywords": [
    "urls": [
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