
Namebisos.gnome JSON
Version 0.21 PyPI version JSON
Summarybisos.facter: Adoption and adaptation of facter to Python and as Command-Services
upload_time2024-09-01 02:21:11
maintainerMohsen Banan
authorMohsen Banan
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

bisos.facter is a python package that uses the PyCS-Framework for
adoption and adaptation of **facter** to python and PyCS-Framework. It
is a BISOS-Capability and a Standalone-BISOS-Package.

*bisos.facter* provides access to facter information through python.

*bisos.facter* is based on the
`PyCS-Foundation <>`__ and can be used
both as a Command and as a Service (invoke/perform model of remote
operations) using RPYC for central management of multiple systems.

.. _table-of-contents:

Table of Contents TOC

-  `Overview <#overview>`__
-  `About facter <#about-facter>`__
-  `About BISOS — ByStar Internet Services Operating
   System <#about-bisos-----bystar-internet-services-operating-system>`__
-  `bisos.facter is a Command-Services PyCS
   Facility <#bisosfacter-is-a-command-services-pycs-facility>`__
-  `bisos.facter as a Standalone Piece of
   BISOS <#bisosfacter-as-a-standalone-piece-of-bisos>`__
-  `Installation <#installation>`__

   -  `With pip <#with-pip>`__
   -  `With pipx <#with-pipx>`__
   -  `Post Installation Basic
      Testing <#post-installation-basic-testing>`__

-  `Usage <#usage>`__

   -  `Locally (system command-line) <#locally-system-command-line>`__
   -  `Remotely (as a service –
      Performer+Invoker) <#remotely-as-a-service----performerinvoker>`__

      -  `Performer <#performer>`__
      -  `Invoker <#invoker>`__

   -  `Use by python script <#use-by-python-script>`__

-  `bisos.facter as an Example of Command Services (PyCS) – Code
   Walkthrough <#bisosfacter-as-an-example-of-command-services-pycs----code-walkthrough>`__

   -  `./py3/bin/facter.cs (./bin/roPerf-facter.cs
      ./bin/roInv-facter.cs) <#py3binfactercs--binroperf-factercs--binroinv-factercs>`__
   -  `./py3/bisos/facter/ (COMEEGA
      Python) <#py3bisosfacterfacterpy-comeega-python>`__
   -  `./py3/bisos/facter/facter\ (Conventional
      Python) <#py3bisosfacterfacter_convpy-conventional-python>`__
   -  `./py3/bisos/facter/facter\ <#py3bisosfacterfacter_csupy>`__
   -  `PyPi and Github Packaging <#pypi-and-github-packaging>`__

-  `Documentation and Blee-Panels <#documentation-and-blee-panels>`__

   -  `bisos.facter Blee-Panels <#bisosfacter-blee-panels>`__

-  `Support <#support>`__
-  `Planned Improvements <#planned-improvements>`__

About facter

`Facter <>`__ gathers
information about the system, which can be used as variables. Facter is
part of `puppet <>`__, but it can also be used
without puppet.

To install facter:

.. code:: bash

   sudo apt-get install -y facter

Facter is a ruby package. This bisos.facter python package provides
access to facter information through python both locally and remotely.

About BISOS — ByStar Internet Services Operating System

Layered on top of Debian, **BISOS**: (By\* Internet Services Operating
System) is a unified and universal framework for developing both
internet services and software-service continuums that use internet
services. See `Bootstrapping ByStar, BISOS and
Blee <>`__ for information about
getting started with BISOS.

Within BISOS, bisos.cmdb uses bisos.facter for Configuration Management
DataBase purposes.

*bisos.facter* as a PyCS facility is a small piece of a much bigger
picture. **BISOS** is a foundation for **The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital
Ecosystem** which is described as a cure for losses of autonomy and
privacy that we are experiencing in a book titled: `Nature of
Polyexistentials <>`__

bisos.facter is a Command-Services PyCS Facility

bisos.facter can be used locally on command-line or remotely as a
service. bisos.facter is a PyCS multi-unit command-service. PyCS is a
framework that converges development of CLI and Services. PyCS is an
alternative to FastAPI, Typer and Click.

bisos.facter uses the PyCS-Framework to:

#. Provide access to facter facilities through native python.
#. Provide local access to facter facilities on CLI.
#. Provide remote access to facter facilities through remote invocation
   of python Expectation Complete Operations using
   `rpyc <>`__.
#. Provide remote access to facter facilities on CLI.

What is unique in the PyCS-Framework is that these four models are all a
single abstraction.

The core of PyCS-Framework is the *bisos.b* package (the
PyCS-Foundation). See for an overview.

bisos.facter as a Standalone Piece of BISOS

bisos.facter is a standalone piece of BISOS. It can be used as a
self-contained Python package separate from BISOS. Follow the
installation and usage instructions below for your own use.


The sources for the bisos.facter pip package is maintained at:

The bisos.facter pip package is available at PYPI as

You can install bisos.facter with pip or pipx.

With pip

If you need access to bisos.facter as a python module, you can install
it with pip:

.. code:: bash

   pip install bisos.facter

With pipx

If you only need access to bisos.facter on command-line, you can install
it with pipx:

.. code:: bash

   pipx install bisos.facter

The following commands are made available:

-  facter.cs
-  roInv-facter.cs
-  roPerf-facter.cs

These are all one file with 3 names. *roInv-facter.cs* and
*roPerf-facter.cs* are sym-links to *facter.cs*

Post Installation Basic Testing

After the installation, run some basic tests:

.. code:: bash

   facter networking.interfaces.lo.bindings


Locally (system command-line)

``facter.cs`` does the equivalent of facter.

.. code:: bash


Remotely (as a service – Performer+Invoker)

You can also run:


Invoke performer as:

.. code:: bash



.. code:: bash


Use by python script

bisos.facter Source Code is in written in COMEEGA (Collaborative
Org-Mode Enhanced Emacs Generalized Authorship) –

The primary API for bisos.facter is
`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__.
It is self documented in COMEEGA.

bisos.facter as an Example of Command Services (PyCS) – Code Walkthrough

An overview of the relevant files of the bisos.facter package is
provided below.

./py3/bin/facter.cs (./bin/roPerf-facter.cs ./bin/roInv-facter.cs)

The file `file:./py3/bin/facter.cs <./py3/bin/facter.cs>`__ is a CS-MU
(Command-Services Multi-Unit). It is fundamentally a boiler plate that
has the main framework org-mode Dynamic Block and which imports its
commands from bisos.facter.facter\ :sub:`csu` and
bisos.banna.bannaPortNu modules.

./py3/bisos/facter/ (COMEEGA Python)

The file
`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__
includes functions that run a sub-process with "facter –json", obtain
the json result as a collection of namedtuples. This can then be
subjected to caching and then retrieved based on string representations
mapping to namedtuples.

./py3/bisos/facter/facter\ :sub:`conv`.py (Conventional Python)

The file
`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__
is same as
`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__
without use of COMEEGA. Without Emacs, it is not easy to read the
COMEEGA files and some people prefer not to use or know about COMEEGA.
In such situations facter\ :sub:`conv`.py can be considered as
conventional sample code.

./py3/bisos/facter/facter\ :sub:`csu`.py

The file
`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__
is a CS-U (Command-Services Unit). It includes definitions of commands
and their CLI params and args.

Implementation of commands in facter\ :sub:`csu`.py rely on facilities
provided in

PyPi and Github Packaging

All bisos-pip repos in the github
organization follow the same structure. They all have
`file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__ files that are driven by
`file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__.

The `file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__ file is a series of
consistent org-mode Dynamic Block that automatically determine the
module name and the installed and pypi revisions.

The `file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__ uses and
pushes to pypi when desired and allows for isolated testing using pipx.

Documentation and Blee-Panels

bisos.facter is part of ByStar Digital Ecosystem

This module's primary documentation is in the form of Blee-Panels.
Additional information is also available in:

bisos.facter Blee-Panels

bisos.facter Blee-Panles are in ./panels directory. From within Blee and
BISOS these panles are accessible under the Blee "Panels" menu.

`file:./py3/panels/_nodeBase_/ <./py3/panels/_nodeBase_/>`__
for a starting point.


| For support, criticism, comments and questions; please contact the
| `Mohsen Banan <>`__ at:

Planned Improvements

One material use of bisos.facter is to facilitate developement of an
automated Configuration Management DataBase (CMDB) as a centralized
facility that organizes information about system, including the
relationships between hardware, software, and networks. On a per-system
base, bisos.facter can obtain much of that information and through PyCS
it can deliver that information remotely to centralized CMDBs. In this
context CMDBs generally function as invokers and we need to facilitate
ever present bisos.facter performers.

The CMDB invoker part is implemented as bisos.cmdb.

Each BISOS platform needs to run an instance under systemd. I have done
something similar to this for bisos.marmee. That piece need to be


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "bisos.gnome",
    "maintainer": "Mohsen Banan",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Mohsen Banan",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "Overview\n========\n\nbisos.facter is a python package that uses the PyCS-Framework for\nadoption and adaptation of **facter** to python and PyCS-Framework. It\nis a BISOS-Capability and a Standalone-BISOS-Package.\n\n*bisos.facter* provides access to facter information through python.\n\n*bisos.facter* is based on the\n`PyCS-Foundation <>`__ and can be used\nboth as a Command and as a Service (invoke/perform model of remote\noperations) using RPYC for central management of multiple systems.\n\n.. _table-of-contents:\n\nTable of Contents TOC\n=====================\n\n-  `Overview <#overview>`__\n-  `About facter <#about-facter>`__\n-  `About BISOS \u2014 ByStar Internet Services Operating\n   System <#about-bisos-----bystar-internet-services-operating-system>`__\n-  `bisos.facter is a Command-Services PyCS\n   Facility <#bisosfacter-is-a-command-services-pycs-facility>`__\n-  `bisos.facter as a Standalone Piece of\n   BISOS <#bisosfacter-as-a-standalone-piece-of-bisos>`__\n-  `Installation <#installation>`__\n\n   -  `With pip <#with-pip>`__\n   -  `With pipx <#with-pipx>`__\n   -  `Post Installation Basic\n      Testing <#post-installation-basic-testing>`__\n\n-  `Usage <#usage>`__\n\n   -  `Locally (system command-line) <#locally-system-command-line>`__\n   -  `Remotely (as a service \u2013\n      Performer+Invoker) <#remotely-as-a-service----performerinvoker>`__\n\n      -  `Performer <#performer>`__\n      -  `Invoker <#invoker>`__\n\n   -  `Use by python script <#use-by-python-script>`__\n\n-  `bisos.facter as an Example of Command Services (PyCS) \u2013 Code\n   Walkthrough <#bisosfacter-as-an-example-of-command-services-pycs----code-walkthrough>`__\n\n   -  `./py3/bin/facter.cs (./bin/roPerf-facter.cs\n      ./bin/roInv-facter.cs) <#py3binfactercs--binroperf-factercs--binroinv-factercs>`__\n   -  `./py3/bisos/facter/ (COMEEGA\n      Python) <#py3bisosfacterfacterpy-comeega-python>`__\n   -  `./py3/bisos/facter/facter\\ (Conventional\n      Python) <#py3bisosfacterfacter_convpy-conventional-python>`__\n   -  `./py3/bisos/facter/facter\\ <#py3bisosfacterfacter_csupy>`__\n   -  `PyPi and Github Packaging <#pypi-and-github-packaging>`__\n\n-  `Documentation and Blee-Panels <#documentation-and-blee-panels>`__\n\n   -  `bisos.facter Blee-Panels <#bisosfacter-blee-panels>`__\n\n-  `Support <#support>`__\n-  `Planned Improvements <#planned-improvements>`__\n\nAbout facter\n============\n\n`Facter <>`__ gathers\ninformation about the system, which can be used as variables. Facter is\npart of `puppet <>`__, but it can also be used\nwithout puppet.\n\nTo install facter:\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   sudo apt-get install -y facter\n\nFacter is a ruby package. This bisos.facter python package provides\naccess to facter information through python both locally and remotely.\n\nAbout BISOS \u2014 ByStar Internet Services Operating System\n=======================================================\n\nLayered on top of Debian, **BISOS**: (By\\* Internet Services Operating\nSystem) is a unified and universal framework for developing both\ninternet services and software-service continuums that use internet\nservices. See `Bootstrapping ByStar, BISOS and\nBlee <>`__ for information about\ngetting started with BISOS.\n\nWithin BISOS, bisos.cmdb uses bisos.facter for Configuration Management\nDataBase purposes.\n\n*bisos.facter* as a PyCS facility is a small piece of a much bigger\npicture. **BISOS** is a foundation for **The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital\nEcosystem** which is described as a cure for losses of autonomy and\nprivacy that we are experiencing in a book titled: `Nature of\nPolyexistentials <>`__\n\nbisos.facter is a Command-Services PyCS Facility\n================================================\n\nbisos.facter can be used locally on command-line or remotely as a\nservice. bisos.facter is a PyCS multi-unit command-service. PyCS is a\nframework that converges development of CLI and Services. PyCS is an\nalternative to FastAPI, Typer and Click.\n\nbisos.facter uses the PyCS-Framework to:\n\n#. Provide access to facter facilities through native python.\n#. Provide local access to facter facilities on CLI.\n#. Provide remote access to facter facilities through remote invocation\n   of python Expectation Complete Operations using\n   `rpyc <>`__.\n#. Provide remote access to facter facilities on CLI.\n\nWhat is unique in the PyCS-Framework is that these four models are all a\nsingle abstraction.\n\nThe core of PyCS-Framework is the *bisos.b* package (the\nPyCS-Foundation). See for an overview.\n\nbisos.facter as a Standalone Piece of BISOS\n===========================================\n\nbisos.facter is a standalone piece of BISOS. It can be used as a\nself-contained Python package separate from BISOS. Follow the\ninstallation and usage instructions below for your own use.\n\nInstallation\n============\n\nThe sources for the bisos.facter pip package is maintained at:\n\n\nThe bisos.facter pip package is available at PYPI as\n\n\nYou can install bisos.facter with pip or pipx.\n\nWith pip\n--------\n\nIf you need access to bisos.facter as a python module, you can install\nit with pip:\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   pip install bisos.facter\n\nWith pipx\n---------\n\nIf you only need access to bisos.facter on command-line, you can install\nit with pipx:\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   pipx install bisos.facter\n\nThe following commands are made available:\n\n-  facter.cs\n-  roInv-facter.cs\n-  roPerf-facter.cs\n\nThese are all one file with 3 names. *roInv-facter.cs* and\n*roPerf-facter.cs* are sym-links to *facter.cs*\n\nPost Installation Basic Testing\n-------------------------------\n\nAfter the installation, run some basic tests:\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   facter.cs\n   facter networking.interfaces.lo.bindings\n\nUsage\n=====\n\nLocally (system command-line)\n-----------------------------\n\n``facter.cs`` does the equivalent of facter.\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   bin/facter.cs\n\nRemotely (as a service \u2013 Performer+Invoker)\n-------------------------------------------\n\nYou can also run:\n\nPerformer\n~~~~~~~~~\n\nInvoke performer as:\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   bin/roPerf-facter.cs\n\nInvoker\n~~~~~~~\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   bin/roInv-facter.cs\n\nUse by python script\n--------------------\n\nbisos.facter Source Code is in written in COMEEGA (Collaborative\nOrg-Mode Enhanced Emacs Generalized Authorship) \u2013\n\n\nThe primary API for bisos.facter is\n`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__.\nIt is self documented in COMEEGA.\n\nbisos.facter as an Example of Command Services (PyCS) \u2013 Code Walkthrough\n========================================================================\n\nAn overview of the relevant files of the bisos.facter package is\nprovided below.\n\n./py3/bin/facter.cs (./bin/roPerf-facter.cs ./bin/roInv-facter.cs)\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe file `file:./py3/bin/facter.cs <./py3/bin/facter.cs>`__ is a CS-MU\n(Command-Services Multi-Unit). It is fundamentally a boiler plate that\nhas the main framework org-mode Dynamic Block and which imports its\ncommands from bisos.facter.facter\\ :sub:`csu` and\nbisos.banna.bannaPortNu modules.\n\n./py3/bisos/facter/ (COMEEGA Python)\n---------------------------------------------\n\nThe file\n`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__\nincludes functions that run a sub-process with \"facter \u2013json\", obtain\nthe json result as a collection of namedtuples. This can then be\nsubjected to caching and then retrieved based on string representations\nmapping to namedtuples.\n\n./py3/bisos/facter/facter\\ :sub:`conv`.py (Conventional Python)\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe file\n`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__\nis same as\n`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__\nwithout use of COMEEGA. Without Emacs, it is not easy to read the\nCOMEEGA files and some people prefer not to use or know about COMEEGA.\nIn such situations facter\\ :sub:`conv`.py can be considered as\nconventional sample code.\n\n./py3/bisos/facter/facter\\ :sub:`csu`.py\n----------------------------------------\n\nThe file\n`file:./py3/bisos/facter/ <./py3/bisos/facter/>`__\nis a CS-U (Command-Services Unit). It includes definitions of commands\nand their CLI params and args.\n\nImplementation of commands in facter\\ :sub:`csu`.py rely on facilities\nprovided in\n\nPyPi and Github Packaging\n-------------------------\n\nAll bisos-pip repos in the github\norganization follow the same structure. They all have\n`file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__ files that are driven by\n`file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__.\n\nThe `file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__ file is a series of\nconsistent org-mode Dynamic Block that automatically determine the\nmodule name and the installed and pypi revisions.\n\nThe `file:./py3/ <./py3/>`__ uses and\npushes to pypi when desired and allows for isolated testing using pipx.\n\nDocumentation and Blee-Panels\n=============================\n\nbisos.facter is part of ByStar Digital Ecosystem\n\nThis module's primary documentation is in the form of Blee-Panels.\nAdditional information is also available in:\n\n\nbisos.facter Blee-Panels\n------------------------\n\nbisos.facter Blee-Panles are in ./panels directory. From within Blee and\nBISOS these panles are accessible under the Blee \"Panels\" menu.\n\nSee\n`file:./py3/panels/_nodeBase_/ <./py3/panels/_nodeBase_/>`__\nfor a starting point.\n\nSupport\n=======\n\n| For support, criticism, comments and questions; please contact the\n  author/maintainer\n| `Mohsen Banan <>`__ at:\n\n\nPlanned Improvements\n====================\n\nOne material use of bisos.facter is to facilitate developement of an\nautomated Configuration Management DataBase (CMDB) as a centralized\nfacility that organizes information about system, including the\nrelationships between hardware, software, and networks. On a per-system\nbase, bisos.facter can obtain much of that information and through PyCS\nit can deliver that information remotely to centralized CMDBs. In this\ncontext CMDBs generally function as invokers and we need to facilitate\never present bisos.facter performers.\n\nThe CMDB invoker part is implemented as bisos.cmdb.\n\nEach BISOS platform needs to run an instance under systemd. I have done\nsomething similar to this for bisos.marmee. That piece need to be\nabsorbed.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "AGPL",
    "summary": "bisos.facter:  Adoption and adaptation of facter to Python and as Command-Services",
    "version": "0.21",
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