
Nameborgapi JSON
Version 0.6.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryWrapper for borgbackup to easily use in code
upload_time2023-03-27 05:36:35
authorSean Slater
licenseMIT License
keywords borgbackup backup api
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # BorgAPI

A helpful wrapper for `borgbackup` to be able to easily use it in python scripts.

**This is not supported use case by the `borg` developers. They only intend for it's use via a CLI.**
Keeping parity with `borg` is the main goal of this api.

## Installation
pip install borgapi

* `borgbackup`: 1.2.4
* `python-dotenv`: 1.0.0

Supports Python 3.8 to 3.11

## Usage
import borgapi

api = borgapi.BorgAPI(defaults={}, options={})

# Initalize new repository
api.init("/foo/bar", make_parent_dirs=True)

# Create backup 
result = api.create("/foo/bar::backup", "/home", "/mnt/baz", json=True)
print(result['archive']["name"]) # backup
print(result["repository"]["location"]) # /foo/bar

### BorgAPI Init arguments
class BorgAPI(
    defaults: dict = None,
    options: dict = None,
    log_level: str = "warning",
    log_json: bool = False
* __defaults__: dictionary that has command names as keys and value that is a dict of
  command specific optional arguments
    "init": {
        "encryption": "repokey-blake2",
        "make_parent_dirs": True,
    "create": {
        "json": True,
* __options__: dictionary that contain the optional arguments (common, exclusion, filesystem, and
  archive) used for every command (when valid). Options that aren't valid for a command will get
  filterd out. For example, `strip_components` will be passed into the `extract` command but not
  the `diff` command.
    "debug": True,
    "log_json": True,
    "exclue_from": "baz/spam.txt",
    "strip_components": 2,
    "sort": True,
    "json_lines": True,
* __log_level__: default log level, can be overriden for a specific comand by passing in another
  level as and keyword argument
* __log_json__: log lines written by logger are formatted as json lines, passed into the
  logging setup

### Setting Environment Variables
You are able to manage the environment variables used by borg to be able to use different settings
for different repositories.

There are 3 ways you can set the variables:
1. `filename`: Path to a file that contains the variables and their values. See the
   [python-dotenv README](
   for more information.
2. `dictionary`: Dictionary that contains the variable names as keys with their corresponding
   values set.
3. `**kwargs`: Argument names are the variable names and the values are what will be set.

api.set_environ(dictionary={"FOO":"BAR", "SPAM":False})
api.set_environ(FOO="BAR", SPAM=False)
Only one value will be used if multiple set, `filename` has highest precedence,
followed by `dictionary`, and fallback to `**kwargs`.

If no values are given for any of the three things (ie. calling with no arguments), then the
default behavior for `load_dotenv` from [python-dotenv](
will be used, which is searching for a ".env" file somewhere above in the current file path.

[Environment Variables](
used by `borgbackup`.

For commands that borg requires a confirmation on if no environment variable is given, the api will
become stuck as it waits for a `yes` or `no` answer.

### Removing Environment Variables
If you want to unset a variable so it doesn't get used for another command you can use the
`unset_environ` method. It'll remove any variables passed in from the current environment.
If no variables are passed in, it'll remove the variables set from the last call to `set_environ`.

# Enironment = {}
api.set_environ(dictionary={"FOO":"BAR", "SPAM":False})
# Enironment = {"FOO": "BAR", "SPAM": "False"}
# Enironment = {"SPAM": "False"}
# Enironment = {"SPAM": "False", "BAZ": "HAM"}
# Enironment = {"SPAM": "False", "BAZ": "HAM"}
# Enironment = {"SPAM": "False"}

## Borg Commands
When using a borg command any of the arguments can be set as keyword arguments.
The argument names are the long option names with dashes turned into underscores.
So the `--storage-quota` argument in `init` gets turned into the keyword argument `storage_quota`.


diff_args = {
    sort: True,
    json_lines: True,
    debug: True,
    exclude_from: "./exclude_patterns.txt",


### Available Borg Commands
* init
* create
* extract
* check
* rename
* list
* diff
* delete
* prune
* compact
* info
* mount
* umount
* key_change_passphrase (key change-passphrase)
* key_export (key export)
* key_import (key import)
* upgrade
* export_tar
* serve
* config
* with-lock
* break-lock
* benchmark crud

### Unavailable Borg Commands
* recreate
  * Since this is an experimental feature there are no current plans to implament this.

### Command Quirks
Things that were changed from the way the default borg commands work to make things a bit
more manageable.

* __init__
  * `encryption` is an optional argument that defaults to `repokey`
* __config__
  * `borg config` can only change one key at a time
  * `*changes` can either be:
    * `NAME` to get the current value of the key
    * `(NAME, VALUE)` which will change they key
  * Any single string `NAME` values passed to `*change` will be returned as a list with their
    values in the order they were passed, tuple changes will not appear in that list

### Capturing Output
`borg` commands display information different depending on what is asked for.
For example, `create` with the `--list` option writes the file list to the logger.
When the `--log-json` common flag is included it writes it to stderr. The `--stats`
option writes to the logger, like the `--list` option does, but when `--json` is used,
which outputs the stats info as a json object, it gets written to stdout.

If either `json` or `log_json` is set, it'll try to convert the tuple output to json.
If it is unable and there is output that is captured it'll return the plaintext value.
If no output is captured, it returns `None`.

If multiple outputs are requested at the same time (like `--stats` and `--list`) the command
will return a dictionary with aptly named keys (`--list` key is "list"). If only one output
is requested than the bare value will be returned, not in a dictionary.

#### Command Returns
Commands not listed return no output (None)
- create
  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`
  - stats: `--stats`, `--json`
- extract
  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`
  - extract: `--stdout`
- list:
  - list: always returns bare value
  - `--log-json`, `--json`, `--json-lines`
- diff:
  - diff: always returns bare value
  - `--log-json`, `--json-lines`
- delete:
  - stats: always returns bare value
  - `--stats`
- prune:
  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`
  - stats: `--stats`, `--log-json`
- compact:
  - returns bare value, when verbose or info is set
  - verbose: `--verbose`, `-v`
  - info: `--info`
- info
  - always returns bare value
- export tar
  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`
  - tar: filename == "-"
- config
  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`
  - changes: single values passed into `*changes`
- benchmark crud
  - always returns bare value

## Roadmap
- Start work on Borg's beta branch chagnes and keeping up with those

## Links
* [PyPi Project](
* [Github](

## Contributing
Help is greatly appreciated. First check if there are any issues open that relate to what you want
to help with. Also feel free to make a pull request with changes / fixes you make.

## License
[MIT License](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "borgapi",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "borgbackup backup api",
    "author": "Sean Slater",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# BorgAPI\n\nA helpful wrapper for `borgbackup` to be able to easily use it in python scripts.\n\n**This is not supported use case by the `borg` developers. They only intend for it's use via a CLI.**\nKeeping parity with `borg` is the main goal of this api.\n\n## Installation\n```\npip install borgapi\n```\n\nRequires:\n* `borgbackup`: 1.2.4\n* `python-dotenv`: 1.0.0\n\nSupports Python 3.8 to 3.11\n\n## Usage\n```python\nimport borgapi\n\napi = borgapi.BorgAPI(defaults={}, options={})\n\n# Initalize new repository\napi.init(\"/foo/bar\", make_parent_dirs=True)\n\n# Create backup \nresult = api.create(\"/foo/bar::backup\", \"/home\", \"/mnt/baz\", json=True)\nprint(result['archive'][\"name\"]) # backup\nprint(result[\"repository\"][\"location\"]) # /foo/bar\n```\n\n### BorgAPI Init arguments\n```python\nclass BorgAPI(\n    defaults: dict = None,\n    options: dict = None,\n    log_level: str = \"warning\",\n    log_json: bool = False\n)\n```\n* __defaults__: dictionary that has command names as keys and value that is a dict of\n  command specific optional arguments\n```python\n{\n    \"init\": {\n        \"encryption\": \"repokey-blake2\",\n        \"make_parent_dirs\": True,\n    },\n    \"create\": {\n        \"json\": True,\n    },\n}\n```\n* __options__: dictionary that contain the optional arguments (common, exclusion, filesystem, and\n  archive) used for every command (when valid). Options that aren't valid for a command will get\n  filterd out. For example, `strip_components` will be passed into the `extract` command but not\n  the `diff` command.\n```python\n{\n    \"debug\": True,\n    \"log_json\": True,\n    \"exclue_from\": \"baz/spam.txt\",\n    \"strip_components\": 2,\n    \"sort\": True,\n    \"json_lines\": True,\n}\n```\n* __log_level__: default log level, can be overriden for a specific comand by passing in another\n  level as and keyword argument\n* __log_json__: log lines written by logger are formatted as json lines, passed into the\n  logging setup\n\n### Setting Environment Variables\nYou are able to manage the environment variables used by borg to be able to use different settings\nfor different repositories.\n\nThere are 3 ways you can set the variables:\n1. `filename`: Path to a file that contains the variables and their values. See the\n   [python-dotenv README](\n   for more information.\n2. `dictionary`: Dictionary that contains the variable names as keys with their corresponding\n   values set.\n3. `**kwargs`: Argument names are the variable names and the values are what will be set.\n\n```python\napi.set_environ(filename=\"foo/bar/.env\")\napi.set_environ(dictionary={\"FOO\":\"BAR\", \"SPAM\":False})\napi.set_environ(FOO=\"BAR\", SPAM=False)\n```\nOnly one value will be used if multiple set, `filename` has highest precedence,\nfollowed by `dictionary`, and fallback to `**kwargs`.\n\nIf no values are given for any of the three things (ie. calling with no arguments), then the\ndefault behavior for `load_dotenv` from [python-dotenv](\nwill be used, which is searching for a \".env\" file somewhere above in the current file path.\n\n[Environment Variables](\nused by `borgbackup`.\n\n#### IMPORTANT\nFor commands that borg requires a confirmation on if no environment variable is given, the api will\nbecome stuck as it waits for a `yes` or `no` answer.\n* BORG_UNKNOWN_UNENCRYPTED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK\n* BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK\n* BORG_CHECK_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING\n* BORG_DELETE_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING\n\n### Removing Environment Variables\nIf you want to unset a variable so it doesn't get used for another command you can use the\n`unset_environ` method. It'll remove any variables passed in from the current environment.\nIf no variables are passed in, it'll remove the variables set from the last call to `set_environ`.\n\n```python\n# Enironment = {}\napi.set_environ(dictionary={\"FOO\":\"BAR\", \"SPAM\":False})\n# Enironment = {\"FOO\": \"BAR\", \"SPAM\": \"False\"}\napi.unset_environ(\"FOO\")\n# Enironment = {\"SPAM\": \"False\"}\napi.set_environ(BAZ=\"HAM\")\n# Enironment = {\"SPAM\": \"False\", \"BAZ\": \"HAM\"}\napi.unset_environ(\"OTHER\")\n# Enironment = {\"SPAM\": \"False\", \"BAZ\": \"HAM\"}\napi.unset_environ()\n# Enironment = {\"SPAM\": \"False\"}\n```\n\n## Borg Commands\nWhen using a borg command any of the arguments can be set as keyword arguments.\nThe argument names are the long option names with dashes turned into underscores.\nSo the `--storage-quota` argument in `init` gets turned into the keyword argument `storage_quota`.\n\n```python\napi.init(\n    repository=\"/foor/bar\",\n    encryption=\"repokey\",\n    append_only=True,\n    storage_quota=\"5G\",\n    make_parent_dirs=True,\n    debug=True,\n    log_json=True,\n)\n\ndiff_args = {\n    sort: True,\n    json_lines: True,\n    debug: True,\n    exclude_from: \"./exclude_patterns.txt\",\n}\n\napi.diff(\n    \"/foo/bar::tuesday\",\n    \"friday\",\n    \"/foo/bar\",\n    \"/baz\",\n    **diff_args,\n)\n```\n\n### Available Borg Commands\n* init\n* create\n* extract\n* check\n* rename\n* list\n* diff\n* delete\n* prune\n* compact\n* info\n* mount\n* umount\n* key_change_passphrase (key change-passphrase)\n* key_export (key export)\n* key_import (key import)\n* upgrade\n* export_tar\n* serve\n* config\n* with-lock\n* break-lock\n* benchmark crud\n\n### Unavailable Borg Commands\n* recreate\n  * Since this is an experimental feature there are no current plans to implament this.\n\n### Command Quirks\nThings that were changed from the way the default borg commands work to make things a bit\nmore manageable.\n\n* __init__\n  * `encryption` is an optional argument that defaults to `repokey`\n* __config__\n  * `borg config` can only change one key at a time\n  * `*changes` can either be:\n    * `NAME` to get the current value of the key\n    * `(NAME, VALUE)` which will change they key\n  * Any single string `NAME` values passed to `*change` will be returned as a list with their\n    values in the order they were passed, tuple changes will not appear in that list\n\n### Capturing Output\n`borg` commands display information different depending on what is asked for.\nFor example, `create` with the `--list` option writes the file list to the logger.\nWhen the `--log-json` common flag is included it writes it to stderr. The `--stats`\noption writes to the logger, like the `--list` option does, but when `--json` is used,\nwhich outputs the stats info as a json object, it gets written to stdout.\n\nIf either `json` or `log_json` is set, it'll try to convert the tuple output to json.\nIf it is unable and there is output that is captured it'll return the plaintext value.\nIf no output is captured, it returns `None`.\n\nIf multiple outputs are requested at the same time (like `--stats` and `--list`) the command\nwill return a dictionary with aptly named keys (`--list` key is \"list\"). If only one output\nis requested than the bare value will be returned, not in a dictionary.\n\n#### Command Returns\nCommands not listed return no output (None)\n- create\n  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`\n  - stats: `--stats`, `--json`\n- extract\n  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`\n  - extract: `--stdout`\n- list:\n  - list: always returns bare value\n  - `--log-json`, `--json`, `--json-lines`\n- diff:\n  - diff: always returns bare value\n  - `--log-json`, `--json-lines`\n- delete:\n  - stats: always returns bare value\n  - `--stats`\n- prune:\n  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`\n  - stats: `--stats`, `--log-json`\n- compact:\n  - returns bare value, when verbose or info is set\n  - verbose: `--verbose`, `-v`\n  - info: `--info`\n- info\n  - always returns bare value\n- export tar\n  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`\n  - tar: filename == \"-\"\n- config\n  - list: `--list`, `--log-json`\n  - changes: single values passed into `*changes`\n- benchmark crud\n  - always returns bare value\n\n## Roadmap\n- Start work on Borg's beta branch chagnes and keeping up with those\n\n## Links\n* [PyPi Project](\n* [Github](\n\n## Contributing\nHelp is greatly appreciated. First check if there are any issues open that relate to what you want\nto help with. Also feel free to make a pull request with changes / fixes you make.\n\n## License\n[MIT License](\n",
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