
Nameborgctl JSON
Version 0.4.11 PyPI version JSON
upload_time2024-02-07 15:26:07
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            # borgctl - borgbackup without bash scripts

[borgbackup]( is cool and easy to use. But we all end up writing bash scripts for creating/listing/pruning/checking/... backups. borgctl is a borg wrapper that uses yaml configuration files to make life a bit easier.

# Motivation (my use cases)

I don't want to write a bash script on every server to make backups. I don't want to have an extra script for listing/pruning backups. I want to backup to multiple storage backends. I backup different things to different remote backends (money constraint). I don't want to store my borg passphrase on disk. I also don't want to enter it for every backend. I want to make backups in append-only-mode. To prune/compact backups, Yubikey authentication is mandatory. I want to see when my last backup was done (monitoring). I want usability and easy deployment.

Now, I make backups with

borgctl -c backend1-append.yml -c backend2-append.yml -c backend3-append.yml create

I prune/compact backups with (needs Yubikey)

borgctl -c backend1-full.yml -c backend2-full.yml -c backend3-full.yml --cron

My [i3]( status bar shows a red `B:7d` if my last backup is 7 days old. On some servers, I like to `create`, `prune` and `compact` backups by just using `borgctl --cron`. There is also [borgmagic](, but it does not handle all my use cases (to admit: I first reinvented the wheel and then stumbled across borgmatic. I also thought it just takes a day to write a small python script ...)

# Features

- Yaml configuration files: Specify what to backup and where to backup
- Usability: Just call `borgctl create`, `borgctl list`, `borgctl prune`, ...
- Flexibility: Run borgctl with multiple configuration files to handle different use cases (e. g. backup to multiple remote backends or run `borg create` in append-only-mode and `borg prune/compact` with a Yubikey)
- Ask the user for the borg passphrase (if you don't want to store it on disk, just specify `ask` as passphrase in the config file). Re-use the entered password for other remote storage backends (you don't have to re-enter it again)
- For semi-automated setups: There are some helpers to generate ssh keys and print the authorized_keys entry (restrict access to repository)
- Run multiple borg commands by running  `borgctl --cron` (like `create` + `prune` + `compact`, commands can be specified in the config file)
- Monitoring: Write a state file (text file with timestamp) after successfully executing borg commands
- Logging: Write everything to a log file that automatically rotates
- Easy to deploy and use

# Quickstart


# Usage

kmille@linbox:~ borgctl --help
usage: borgctl [-h] [-l [LIST]] [-d] [-s] [-a] [-c CONFIG] [--cron] [-p] [--version] {break-lock,check,compact,config,create,delete,diff,extract,export-tar,import-tar,info,init,key,list,mount,prune,rename,umount,upgrade,with-lock} ...

borgctl is a simple borgbackup wrapper. Running version 0.4.9.

The working directory is /etc/borgctl/ for root or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/borgctl or ~/.config/borgctl for non-root users.
The log directory is /var/log/borgctl/ for root or $XDG_STATE_HOME/borgctl or ~/.local/state/borgctl for non-root users.

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l [LIST], --list [LIST]
                        list existing borgctl config files in /home/kmille/.config/borgctl
  -d, --generate-default-config
                        write default config to /home/kmille/.config/borgctl/default.yml or prints it to stdout if the file already exists
  -s, --generate-ssh-key
                        write a new ed25519 ssh key to ~/.ssh/borg_$config and update the config file
  -a, --generate-authorized-keys
                        print the authorized_keys entry. It also shows the retricted entry
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        specify the config file to use. Defaults to default.yml. You can specify multiple config files with -c default.yml -c local-disk.yml. If the config file contains a /, then a relative/absolute path is asumed. If not, /home/kmille/.config/borgctl/$config will be used
  --cron                run multiple borg commands in a row. The commands to run are specified in the config file (cron_commands)
  -p, --generate-passphrase
                        generate a diceware like passphrase
  --version             show version and exit

# Installation

You can find the latest release on the [Github Release]( page. There are different ways to get borgctl up and running.

#### Use the [PyPi]( package with

pip install borgctl

The source and binary package can also be found on the Release page (*.whl and *.tar.gz)

#### Use the Debian package

Install the latest package with:

cd /tmp
export LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s | jq -r '.[0].name')
wget "$LATEST_RELEASE/borgctl_$LATEST_RELEASE-1_amd64.deb"
apt install ./borgctl*.deb
rm ./borgctl*.deb

The deb package should work on all Debian based distros. It is created by []( It requires `borgbackup` and `python3-ruamel.yaml` as dependencies.

#### Use the [Arch Linux/Manjaro package]( with

yay borgctl

You can also download borgctl-*any.pkg.tar.zst and install it with `pacman -U`.

# Configuration

borgctl uses config files. If you run `borgctl` without specifying a config file, it expects a default.yml in the config directory. You can specify one or more config files with `-c`/`--config`. If the config file contains a /, the config file is interpreted as relative/absolute path. There is also a logging configuration (logging.conf) stored, which is used by borg and borgctl itself.

- Default config location for root user: `/etc/borgctl`

- Default config location for non-root users: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/borgctl` or `~/.config/borgctl`

The output of borg and borgctl will be written to borg.log. The file gets logrotated automatically.

- Default log directory for root user: `/var/log/borgctl/`
- Default log directory for non-root users: `$XDG_STATE_HOME/borgctl` or `~/.local/state/borgctl`

The state files are also written to the log directory. You can use `borgctl --list` to list all config files.

For example:
kmille@linbox:~ sudo borgctl --list

kmille@linbox:~ sudo borgctl list
2024-01-09 10:37:17,967  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml

kmille@linbox:~ sudo borgctl -c backend1-append.yml list
2024-01-09 10:37:55,148  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/backend1-append.yml

kmille@linbox:/etc sudo borgctl -c borgctl/backend1-append.yml list
2024-01-09 10:38:47,498  INFO Using config file borgctl/backend1-append.yml

Default configuration file generated by `borgclt --generate-default-config`:

repository: ""
ssh_key: ""
prefix: ""
passphrase: ""
mount_point: "/mnt"

  - "/"

  - ".cache"

  - "--one-file-system"
  - "--compression=lz4"

  - "--keep-last 10"
  - "--dry-run"

- "create"
- "prune"
- "compact"

- "create"
- "prune"


borg_binary: "/usr/bin/borg"

# Walkthrough/How borgctl behaves

borgctl needs a configuration file. If you run it without specifying one, a default.yml in the default config location is expected to exist. If you run it and there is no default.yml, you can use `--generate-default-config` to create one:

root@linbox:~ borgctl list              
2023-12-26 10:58:31,564  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 10:58:31,564 ERROR Could not load config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
Please use --generate-default-config to create a default config

root@linbox:~ borgctl --generate-default-config
2023-12-26 10:59:28,107  INFO Please make a backup of the passphrase!
2023-12-26 10:59:28,112  INFO Successfully wrote config file to /etc/borgctl/default.yml

`/etc/borgctl/default.yml` is based on the [default config file]( and gets new diceware-like password for the borg passphrase . Also the hostname is set as borg prefix. It's crucial to make a backup of the passphrase! 

#### Generating ssh keys

root@linbox:~ borgctl --generate-ssh-key
2023-12-26 11:06:12,784  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:06:12,785  INFO Running ['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-N', '', '-q', '-f', '/root/.ssh/borg_default', '-C', 'kmille_borg_default@linbox']
2023-12-26 11:06:12,794  INFO Successfully created ssh key /root/.ssh/borg_default
2023-12-26 11:06:12,805  INFO Updated ssh_key in /etc/borgctl/default.yml
root@linbox:~ cat /root/.ssh/ 
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox

If you specify a ssh key in the config file, it will be used as output file (if it does not exist). If not, the default name for the ssh key is `$currentUsername_borg_$configPrefix`.

#### Generating authorized_keys entry

root@linbox:~ borgctl --generate-authorized_keys
2023-12-26 11:07:47,549  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:07:47,551  INFO Using ssh key /root/.ssh/ from config file
2023-12-26 11:07:47,551  INFO Add this line to authorized_keys:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox

2023-12-26 11:07:47,551  INFO Use this line for restricted access:
command="borg serve --restrict-to-path /opt/test-backup",restrict ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox

2023-12-26 11:07:47,553  INFO Or this all-in-one command:
echo -e 'command="borg serve --restrict-to-path /opt/test-backup",restrict ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox\n' | ssh backup-host1 'cat >> /home/backuper/.ssh/authorized_keys'

#### List all config files

root@linbox:~ borgctl --list

root@linbox:~ borgctl --list full

#### Running borg commands with borgctl

Please update the config file (what to backup (`borg_create_backup_dirs` and `borg_create_excludes` and where to backup (`repository`)). Then you can create your first backup:

root@linbox:~ borgctl create
2023-12-26 11:11:35,197  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:11:35,199  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose create --progress --stats --one-file-system --compression=lz4 --exclude=.cache ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35 /usr/bin
2023-12-26 11:11:35,718  INFO Creating archive at "/root/borg-repo::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35"
2023-12-26 11:12:07,934  INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                             
2023-12-26 11:12:07,935  INFO Repository: /root/borg-repo
2023-12-26 11:12:07,936  INFO Archive name: linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35
2023-12-26 11:12:07,937  INFO Archive fingerprint: 079e9c226455ff1b816be986bf49029c3cdf28ec04e9f6bf2d387ea9a4f24d87
2023-12-26 11:12:07,937  INFO Time (start): Tue, 2023-12-26 11:11:35
2023-12-26 11:12:07,938  INFO Time (end):   Tue, 2023-12-26 11:12:06
2023-12-26 11:12:07,938  INFO Duration: 31.04 seconds
2023-12-26 11:12:07,939  INFO Number of files: 3869
2023-12-26 11:12:07,940  INFO Utilization of max. archive size: 0%
2023-12-26 11:12:07,940  INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-12-26 11:12:07,941  INFO                        Original size      Compressed size    Deduplicated size
2023-12-26 11:12:07,942  INFO This archive:                1.55 GB            777.29 MB            777.13 MB
2023-12-26 11:12:07,942  INFO All archives:                1.55 GB            777.29 MB            777.43 MB
2023-12-26 11:12:07,943  INFO 
2023-12-26 11:12:07,943  INFO                        Unique chunks         Total chunks
2023-12-26 11:12:07,944  INFO Chunk index:                    4310                 4322
2023-12-26 11:12:07,945  INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-12-26 11:12:08,101  INFO Updated state file /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt
root@linbox:~ cat /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt
root@linbox:~ ls /var/log/borgctl/borg.log 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11K Dec 26 11:12 /var/log/borgctl/borg.log

The executed borg command is also printed to stderr. You can adjust the parameters borgctl uses. For example you can add `--json /usr/local/bin/`, which will be added to borg:

root@linbox:~ borgctl create --json /usr/local/bin 
2023-12-26 11:15:42,954  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:15:42,956  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCAT
ED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose create --progress --stats --one-file-system --compression=lz4 --exclude=.cache --json ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:15:42 /usr/bin --json /usr/local/bin
2023-12-26 11:15:43,518  INFO Creating archive at "/root/borg-repo::linbox_2023-12-26_11:15:42"
    "archive": {
        "command_line": [

#### Adjusting default arguments for single borg commands

For every borg command, you can add command line parameter/arguments in the config file by specifying `borg_$borgcommand_arguments`. They are used automatically. For example, here are default arguments for the create command:

- "--one-file-system"
- "--compression=lz4"

For convenient mounting, I like to use:

- "--strip-components=2"
- "--foreground"
- "--last 1"

#### Specifying an archive

If you want to specify an archive, you have to prepend ::

root@linbox:~ borgctl list                             
2023-12-26 11:18:38,323  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:18:38,325  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose list
linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35           Tue, 2023-12-26 11:11:35 [079e9c226455ff1b816be986bf49029c3cdf28ec04e9f6bf2d387ea9a4f24d87]
linbox_2023-12-26_11:15:42           Tue, 2023-12-26 11:15:43 [4599ac310b99703407600bc8bfa58ddb80da7be3d613b49fdf75691b99d293e0]

root@linbox:~ borgctl list linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35
2023-12-26 11:19:06,975  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:19:06,977  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose list linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35
Remote: ssh: Could not resolve hostname linbox_2023-12-26_11: Name or service not known
2023-12-26 11:19:07,436 ERROR Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
2023-12-26 11:19:07,518 ERROR borg failed with exit code: 2

root@linbox:~ borgctl list ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35
2023-12-26 11:18:33,787  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:18:33,789  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCAT
ED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose list ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35
drwxr-xr-x root   root          0 Tue, 2023-12-26 10:56:58 usr/bin      
-rwxr-xr-x root   root      21905 Fri, 2023-12-22 20:59:55 usr/bin/tzselect
-rwxr-xr-x root   root      51216 Fri, 2023-12-22 20:59:55 usr/bin/zdump
-rwxr-xr-x root   root      59448 Fri, 2023-12-22 20:59:55 usr/bin/zic  
-rwxr-xr-x root   root      27176 Sat, 2023-03-18 17:07:07 usr/bin/gdbm_dump

#### Running multiple borg commands with --cron

`--cron` is nice if you want to have a cronjob that creates, prunes and compacts backups. In the config file, you can specify which borg commands should be run if `--cron` is supplied:

- "create"
- "prune"
- "compact"

Example outupt:

root@linbox:~ borgctl --cron
2023-12-26 11:22:06,988  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml
2023-12-26 11:22:06,990  INFO Running 'borg create' in --cron mode
2023-12-26 11:22:06,990  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose create --progress --stats --one-file-system --compression=lz4 --exclude=.cache ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:22:06 /usr/bin
2023-12-26 11:22:07,532  INFO Creating archive at "/root/borg-repo::linbox_2023-12-26_11:22:06"
2023-12-26 11:22:08,338  INFO Updated state file /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt

2023-12-26 11:22:08,338  INFO Running 'borg prune' in --cron mode
2023-12-26 11:22:08,338  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose prune --list --keep-last 10
2023-12-26 11:22:08,898  INFO Keeping archive (rule: secondly #1):     linbox_2023-12-26_11:22:06           Tue, 2023-12-26 11:22:07 [9be95c7822b2e195fbcdfa63787d20ceb13ba04a7d560d627f2f92941e1dc23e]
2023-12-26 11:22:08,898  INFO Keeping archive (rule: secondly #2):     linbox_2023-12-26_11:21:35           Tue, 2023-12-26 
2023-12-26 11:22:08,969  INFO Updated state file /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_prune.txt

2023-12-26 11:22:08,970  INFO Running 'borg compact' in --cron mode
2023-12-26 11:22:08,970  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO="/root/borg-repo" BORG_LOGGING_CONF="/etc/borgctl/logging.conf" BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK="yes" /usr/bin/borg --verbose compact
2023-12-26 11:22:09,459  INFO compaction freed about 1.48 kB repository space.

#### Monitoring borg: state files

borgctl also writes state files, if a borg command runs successfully. It contains the current date. You can use it for monitoring. State files are written to the log directory. The format is `borg_state__$config_file_prefix_$borg_command.txt`. In the config file you can specify a list of commands for which a state file should be created.

- "create"
- "prune"

root@linbox:~ cat /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt 

### borg passphrase: ask and ask-always
If you don't want to keep your borg passphrase on your disk, you can use `ask` or `ask-always`. If you specify `ask` in your config file as passphrase, you will be ask during runtime for the passphrase. The difference between `ask` and `ask-always`: That's interesting if you run borgctl with multiple config files and different configurations. You always get asked for the password if you specify `ask-always`. If you run borgctl with three config files and every config file has `ask` specified, it only asks you for the first run. Then, it uses the previously entered password.

### Misc

In the config file, you can specify the borg binary (borg_binary) used for invocation. You can also add environment variables. If you need help for a borg command, you can just add `help` (like `borgctl list help`). You can change default arguments for specific borg commands by adding/modifying `borg_$command_arguments` in the config file (like `borg_prune_arguments`).

### Using the Yubikey for authentication
If you want to authenticate with a Yubikey without touching `~/.ssh/config`, you can keep `ssh_key` empty and add
"BORG_RSH": "ssh -I /usr/lib64/pkcs11/ -o ForwardAgent=no -o IdentityAgent=no"
as environment variable in the config file. But you can also stay with your `.ssh/config` if you like.

#### Logging

In the config directory you will find a file called logging.conf. It is used by borgctl and borg itself for logging. The borg output (stdout and stderr) is printed to stdout, the borgctl output is printed to stderr. Everything gets logged to borg.log, which can be found in the log directory. The log file gets rotated automatically after reaching 1 megabyte. Docs can be found [here]( and [here]( [Here]( are the docs from borgbackup about logging.

### Monitoring with py3status

I use []( with [py3status]( on my laptop. It shows `B:3d` when my last backup was 3 days ago. The color changes from green to red after 7 days. You can run `python3` to test it.

# Development

You need [poetry]( Get get started, use `poetry install`. Then you can run `poetry run borgctl --help`. The code can be found in the borgctl directory. Deployment/monitoring stuff is in the contrib directory. Tests can be run with `poetry run pytest tests -s -v -x`.  To run the mypy checks, run `poetry run mypy`. Mypy is configured in `pyproject.toml`. 


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "borgctl",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11,<4.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "kmille",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# borgctl - borgbackup without bash scripts\n\n[borgbackup]( is cool and easy to use. But we all end up writing bash scripts for creating/listing/pruning/checking/... backups. borgctl is a borg wrapper that uses yaml configuration files to make life a bit easier.\n\n# Motivation (my use cases)\n\nI don't want to write a bash script on every server to make backups. I don't want to have an extra script for listing/pruning backups. I want to backup to multiple storage backends. I backup different things to different remote backends (money constraint). I don't want to store my borg passphrase on disk. I also don't want to enter it for every backend. I want to make backups in append-only-mode. To prune/compact backups, Yubikey authentication is mandatory. I want to see when my last backup was done (monitoring). I want usability and easy deployment.\n\nNow, I make backups with\n\n```bash\nborgctl -c backend1-append.yml -c backend2-append.yml -c backend3-append.yml create\n```\n\nI prune/compact backups with (needs Yubikey)\n\n```bash\nborgctl -c backend1-full.yml -c backend2-full.yml -c backend3-full.yml --cron\n```\n\nMy [i3]( status bar shows a red `B:7d` if my last backup is 7 days old. On some servers, I like to `create`, `prune` and `compact` backups by just using `borgctl --cron`. There is also [borgmagic](, but it does not handle all my use cases (to admit: I first reinvented the wheel and then stumbled across borgmatic. I also thought it just takes a day to write a small python script ...)\n\n# Features\n\n- Yaml configuration files: Specify what to backup and where to backup\n- Usability: Just call `borgctl create`, `borgctl list`, `borgctl prune`, ...\n- Flexibility: Run borgctl with multiple configuration files to handle different use cases (e. g. backup to multiple remote backends or run `borg create` in append-only-mode and `borg prune/compact` with a Yubikey)\n- Ask the user for the borg passphrase (if you don't want to store it on disk, just specify `ask` as passphrase in the config file). Re-use the entered password for other remote storage backends (you don't have to re-enter it again)\n- For semi-automated setups: There are some helpers to generate ssh keys and print the authorized_keys entry (restrict access to repository)\n- Run multiple borg commands by running  `borgctl --cron` (like `create` + `prune` + `compact`, commands can be specified in the config file)\n- Monitoring: Write a state file (text file with timestamp) after successfully executing borg commands\n- Logging: Write everything to a log file that automatically rotates\n- Easy to deploy and use\n\n# Quickstart\n\n[![asciicast](](\n\n# Usage\n\n```bash\nkmille@linbox:~ borgctl --help\nusage: borgctl [-h] [-l [LIST]] [-d] [-s] [-a] [-c CONFIG] [--cron] [-p] [--version] {break-lock,check,compact,config,create,delete,diff,extract,export-tar,import-tar,info,init,key,list,mount,prune,rename,umount,upgrade,with-lock} ...\n\nborgctl is a simple borgbackup wrapper. Running version 0.4.9.\n\nThe working directory is /etc/borgctl/ for root or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/borgctl or ~/.config/borgctl for non-root users.\nThe log directory is /var/log/borgctl/ for root or $XDG_STATE_HOME/borgctl or ~/.local/state/borgctl for non-root users.\n\npositional arguments:\n  {break-lock,check,compact,config,create,delete,diff,extract,export-tar,import-tar,info,init,key,list,mount,prune,rename,umount,upgrade,with-lock}\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  -l [LIST], --list [LIST]\n                        list existing borgctl config files in /home/kmille/.config/borgctl\n  -d, --generate-default-config\n                        write default config to /home/kmille/.config/borgctl/default.yml or prints it to stdout if the file already exists\n  -s, --generate-ssh-key\n                        write a new ed25519 ssh key to ~/.ssh/borg_$config and update the config file\n  -a, --generate-authorized-keys\n                        print the authorized_keys entry. It also shows the retricted entry\n  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG\n                        specify the config file to use. Defaults to default.yml. You can specify multiple config files with -c default.yml -c local-disk.yml. If the config file contains a /, then a relative/absolute path is asumed. If not, /home/kmille/.config/borgctl/$config will be used\n  --cron                run multiple borg commands in a row. The commands to run are specified in the config file (cron_commands)\n  -p, --generate-passphrase\n                        generate a diceware like passphrase\n  --version             show version and exit\n```\n\n# Installation\n\nYou can find the latest release on the [Github Release]( page. There are different ways to get borgctl up and running.\n\n#### Use the [PyPi]( package with\n\n```bash\npip install borgctl\n```\n\nThe source and binary package can also be found on the Release page (*.whl and *.tar.gz)\n\n#### Use the Debian package\n\nInstall the latest package with:\n\n```bash\ncd /tmp\nexport LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s | jq -r '.[0].name')\nwget \"$LATEST_RELEASE/borgctl_$LATEST_RELEASE-1_amd64.deb\"\napt install ./borgctl*.deb\nrm ./borgctl*.deb\n```\n\nThe deb package should work on all Debian based distros. It is created by []( It requires `borgbackup` and `python3-ruamel.yaml` as dependencies.\n\n#### Use the [Arch Linux/Manjaro package]( with\n\n```bash\nyay borgctl\n```\n\nYou can also download borgctl-*any.pkg.tar.zst and install it with `pacman -U`.\n\n# Configuration\n\nborgctl uses config files. If you run `borgctl` without specifying a config file, it expects a default.yml in the config directory. You can specify one or more config files with `-c`/`--config`. If the config file contains a /, the config file is interpreted as relative/absolute path. There is also a logging configuration (logging.conf) stored, which is used by borg and borgctl itself.\n\n- Default config location for root user: `/etc/borgctl`\n\n- Default config location for non-root users: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/borgctl` or `~/.config/borgctl`\n\nThe output of borg and borgctl will be written to borg.log. The file gets logrotated automatically.\n\n- Default log directory for root user: `/var/log/borgctl/`\n- Default log directory for non-root users: `$XDG_STATE_HOME/borgctl` or `~/.local/state/borgctl`\n\nThe state files are also written to the log directory. You can use `borgctl --list` to list all config files.\n\nFor example:\n```bash\nkmille@linbox:~ sudo borgctl --list\nbackend1-append.yml\n...\n\nkmille@linbox:~ sudo borgctl list\n2024-01-09 10:37:17,967  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n\nkmille@linbox:~ sudo borgctl -c backend1-append.yml list\n2024-01-09 10:37:55,148  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/backend1-append.yml\n\nkmille@linbox:/etc sudo borgctl -c borgctl/backend1-append.yml list\n2024-01-09 10:38:47,498  INFO Using config file borgctl/backend1-append.yml\n```\n\nDefault configuration file generated by `borgclt --generate-default-config`:\n\n```yaml\n---\nrepository: \"\"\nssh_key: \"\"\nprefix: \"\"\npassphrase: \"\"\nmount_point: \"/mnt\"\n\nborg_create_backup_dirs:\n  - \"/\"\n\nborg_create_excludes:\n  - \".cache\"\n\nborg_create_arguments:\n  - \"--one-file-system\"\n  - \"--compression=lz4\"\n\nborg_prune_arguments:\n  - \"--keep-last 10\"\n  - \"--dry-run\"\n\ncron_commands:\n- \"create\"\n- \"prune\"\n- \"compact\"\n\nstate_commands:\n- \"create\"\n- \"prune\"\n\n#\nenvs:\n  \"BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK\": \"yes\"\n\nborg_binary: \"/usr/bin/borg\"\n```\n\n# Walkthrough/How borgctl behaves\n\nborgctl needs a configuration file. If you run it without specifying one, a default.yml in the default config location is expected to exist. If you run it and there is no default.yml, you can use `--generate-default-config` to create one:\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl list              \n2023-12-26 10:58:31,564  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 10:58:31,564 ERROR Could not load config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\nPlease use --generate-default-config to create a default config\n\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl --generate-default-config\n2023-12-26 10:59:28,107  INFO Please make a backup of the passphrase!\n2023-12-26 10:59:28,112  INFO Successfully wrote config file to /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n```\n\n`/etc/borgctl/default.yml` is based on the [default config file]( and gets new diceware-like password for the borg passphrase . Also the hostname is set as borg prefix. It's crucial to make a backup of the passphrase! \n\n#### Generating ssh keys\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl --generate-ssh-key\n2023-12-26 11:06:12,784  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:06:12,785  INFO Running ['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-N', '', '-q', '-f', '/root/.ssh/borg_default', '-C', 'kmille_borg_default@linbox']\n2023-12-26 11:06:12,794  INFO Successfully created ssh key /root/.ssh/borg_default\n2023-12-26 11:06:12,805  INFO Updated ssh_key in /etc/borgctl/default.yml\nroot@linbox:~ cat /root/.ssh/ \nssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox\n```\n\nIf you specify a ssh key in the config file, it will be used as output file (if it does not exist). If not, the default name for the ssh key is `$currentUsername_borg_$configPrefix`.\n\n#### Generating authorized_keys entry\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl --generate-authorized_keys\n2023-12-26 11:07:47,549  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:07:47,551  INFO Using ssh key /root/.ssh/ from config file\n2023-12-26 11:07:47,551  INFO Add this line to authorized_keys:\nssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox\n\n2023-12-26 11:07:47,551  INFO Use this line for restricted access:\ncommand=\"borg serve --restrict-to-path /opt/test-backup\",restrict ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox\n\n2023-12-26 11:07:47,553  INFO Or this all-in-one command:\necho -e 'command=\"borg serve --restrict-to-path /opt/test-backup\",restrict ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINpVZZjIAzeyGq0oLKVeLzEECoe7RXg6YpAcPIsakboF kmille_borg_default@linbox\\n' | ssh backup-host1 'cat >> /home/backuper/.ssh/authorized_keys'\n```\n\n#### List all config files\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl --list\nbackend1-append.yml\nbackend2-append.yml\nbackend1-full.yml\nbackend2-full.yml\n\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl --list full\nbackend1-full.yml\nbackend2-full.yml\n```\n\n#### Running borg commands with borgctl\n\nPlease update the config file (what to backup (`borg_create_backup_dirs` and `borg_create_excludes` and where to backup (`repository`)). Then you can create your first backup:\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl create\n2023-12-26 11:11:35,197  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:11:35,199  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose create --progress --stats --one-file-system --compression=lz4 --exclude=.cache ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35 /usr/bin\n2023-12-26 11:11:35,718  INFO Creating archive at \"/root/borg-repo::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35\"\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,934  INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                             \n2023-12-26 11:12:07,935  INFO Repository: /root/borg-repo\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,936  INFO Archive name: linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,937  INFO Archive fingerprint: 079e9c226455ff1b816be986bf49029c3cdf28ec04e9f6bf2d387ea9a4f24d87\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,937  INFO Time (start): Tue, 2023-12-26 11:11:35\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,938  INFO Time (end):   Tue, 2023-12-26 11:12:06\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,938  INFO Duration: 31.04 seconds\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,939  INFO Number of files: 3869\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,940  INFO Utilization of max. archive size: 0%\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,940  INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,941  INFO                        Original size      Compressed size    Deduplicated size\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,942  INFO This archive:                1.55 GB            777.29 MB            777.13 MB\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,942  INFO All archives:                1.55 GB            777.29 MB            777.43 MB\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,943  INFO \n2023-12-26 11:12:07,943  INFO                        Unique chunks         Total chunks\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,944  INFO Chunk index:                    4310                 4322\n2023-12-26 11:12:07,945  INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n2023-12-26 11:12:08,101  INFO Updated state file /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt\nroot@linbox:~ \nroot@linbox:~ cat /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt\n2023-12-26_11:12:08#                                                                                                                                                     \nroot@linbox:~ \nroot@linbox:~ ls /var/log/borgctl/borg.log \n-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11K Dec 26 11:12 /var/log/borgctl/borg.log\n```\n\nThe executed borg command is also printed to stderr. You can adjust the parameters borgctl uses. For example you can add `--json /usr/local/bin/`, which will be added to borg:\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl create --json /usr/local/bin \n2023-12-26 11:15:42,954  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:15:42,956  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCAT\nED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose create --progress --stats --one-file-system --compression=lz4 --exclude=.cache --json ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:15:42 /usr/bin --json /usr/local/bin\n2023-12-26 11:15:43,518  INFO Creating archive at \"/root/borg-repo::linbox_2023-12-26_11:15:42\"\n{                                         \n    \"archive\": {\n        \"command_line\": [\n            \"/usr/bin/borg\",\n...\n```\n\n#### Adjusting default arguments for single borg commands\n\nFor every borg command, you can add command line parameter/arguments in the config file by specifying `borg_$borgcommand_arguments`. They are used automatically. For example, here are default arguments for the create command:\n\n```yaml\nborg_create_arguments:\n- \"--one-file-system\"\n- \"--compression=lz4\"\n```\n\nFor convenient mounting, I like to use:\n\n```yaml\nborg_mount_arguments:\n- \"--strip-components=2\"\n- \"--foreground\"\n- \"--last 1\"\n```\n\n#### Specifying an archive\n\nIf you want to specify an archive, you have to prepend ::\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl list                             \n2023-12-26 11:18:38,323  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:18:38,325  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose list\nlinbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35           Tue, 2023-12-26 11:11:35 [079e9c226455ff1b816be986bf49029c3cdf28ec04e9f6bf2d387ea9a4f24d87]\nlinbox_2023-12-26_11:15:42           Tue, 2023-12-26 11:15:43 [4599ac310b99703407600bc8bfa58ddb80da7be3d613b49fdf75691b99d293e0]\nroot@linbox:~ \n\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl list linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35\n2023-12-26 11:19:06,975  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:19:06,977  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose list linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35\nRemote: ssh: Could not resolve hostname linbox_2023-12-26_11: Name or service not known\n2023-12-26 11:19:07,436 ERROR Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?\n2023-12-26 11:19:07,518 ERROR borg failed with exit code: 2\nroot@linbox:~ \n\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl list ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35\n2023-12-26 11:18:33,787  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:18:33,789  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCAT\nED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose list ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:11:35\ndrwxr-xr-x root   root          0 Tue, 2023-12-26 10:56:58 usr/bin      \n-rwxr-xr-x root   root      21905 Fri, 2023-12-22 20:59:55 usr/bin/tzselect\n-rwxr-xr-x root   root      51216 Fri, 2023-12-22 20:59:55 usr/bin/zdump\n-rwxr-xr-x root   root      59448 Fri, 2023-12-22 20:59:55 usr/bin/zic  \n-rwxr-xr-x root   root      27176 Sat, 2023-03-18 17:07:07 usr/bin/gdbm_dump\n...\n```\n\n#### Running multiple borg commands with --cron\n\n`--cron` is nice if you want to have a cronjob that creates, prunes and compacts backups. In the config file, you can specify which borg commands should be run if `--cron` is supplied:\n\n```yaml\ncron_commands:\n- \"create\"\n- \"prune\"\n- \"compact\"\n```\n\nExample outupt:\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ borgctl --cron\n2023-12-26 11:22:06,988  INFO Using config file /etc/borgctl/default.yml\n2023-12-26 11:22:06,990  INFO Running 'borg create' in --cron mode\n2023-12-26 11:22:06,990  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose create --progress --stats --one-file-system --compression=lz4 --exclude=.cache ::linbox_2023-12-26_11:22:06 /usr/bin\n2023-12-26 11:22:07,532  INFO Creating archive at \"/root/borg-repo::linbox_2023-12-26_11:22:06\"\n...\n2023-12-26 11:22:08,338  INFO Updated state file /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt\n\n2023-12-26 11:22:08,338  INFO Running 'borg prune' in --cron mode\n2023-12-26 11:22:08,338  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose prune --list --keep-last 10\n2023-12-26 11:22:08,898  INFO Keeping archive (rule: secondly #1):     linbox_2023-12-26_11:22:06           Tue, 2023-12-26 11:22:07 [9be95c7822b2e195fbcdfa63787d20ceb13ba04a7d560d627f2f92941e1dc23e]\n2023-12-26 11:22:08,898  INFO Keeping archive (rule: secondly #2):     linbox_2023-12-26_11:21:35           Tue, 2023-12-26 \n2023-12-26 11:22:08,969  INFO Updated state file /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_prune.txt\n\n2023-12-26 11:22:08,970  INFO Running 'borg compact' in --cron mode\n2023-12-26 11:22:08,970  INFO Executing: BORG_REPO=\"/root/borg-repo\" BORG_LOGGING_CONF=\"/etc/borgctl/logging.conf\" BORG_RSH=\"ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg_default\" BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=\"yes\" /usr/bin/borg --verbose compact\n2023-12-26 11:22:09,459  INFO compaction freed about 1.48 kB repository space.\nroot@linbox:~ \n```\n\n#### Monitoring borg: state files\n\nborgctl also writes state files, if a borg command runs successfully. It contains the current date. You can use it for monitoring. State files are written to the log directory. The format is `borg_state__$config_file_prefix_$borg_command.txt`. In the config file you can specify a list of commands for which a state file should be created.\n\n```yaml\nstate_commands:\n- \"create\"\n- \"prune\"\n```\n\n```bash\nroot@linbox:~ cat /var/log/borgctl/borg_state_default_create.txt \n2023-12-26_11:22:08\n```\n\n### borg passphrase: ask and ask-always\nIf you don't want to keep your borg passphrase on your disk, you can use `ask` or `ask-always`. If you specify `ask` in your config file as passphrase, you will be ask during runtime for the passphrase. The difference between `ask` and `ask-always`: That's interesting if you run borgctl with multiple config files and different configurations. You always get asked for the password if you specify `ask-always`. If you run borgctl with three config files and every config file has `ask` specified, it only asks you for the first run. Then, it uses the previously entered password.\n\n### Misc\n\nIn the config file, you can specify the borg binary (borg_binary) used for invocation. You can also add environment variables. If you need help for a borg command, you can just add `help` (like `borgctl list help`). You can change default arguments for specific borg commands by adding/modifying `borg_$command_arguments` in the config file (like `borg_prune_arguments`).\n\n### Using the Yubikey for authentication\nIf you want to authenticate with a Yubikey without touching `~/.ssh/config`, you can keep `ssh_key` empty and add\n```yaml\n\"BORG_RSH\": \"ssh -I /usr/lib64/pkcs11/ -o ForwardAgent=no -o IdentityAgent=no\"\n```\nas environment variable in the config file. But you can also stay with your `.ssh/config` if you like.\n\n#### Logging\n\nIn the config directory you will find a file called logging.conf. It is used by borgctl and borg itself for logging. The borg output (stdout and stderr) is printed to stdout, the borgctl output is printed to stderr. Everything gets logged to borg.log, which can be found in the log directory. The log file gets rotated automatically after reaching 1 megabyte. Docs can be found [here]( and [here]( [Here]( are the docs from borgbackup about logging.\n\n### Monitoring with py3status\n\nI use []( with [py3status]( on my laptop. It shows `B:3d` when my last backup was 3 days ago. The color changes from green to red after 7 days. You can run `python3` to test it.\n\n# Development\n\nYou need [poetry]( Get get started, use `poetry install`. Then you can run `poetry run borgctl --help`. The code can be found in the borgctl directory. Deployment/monitoring stuff is in the contrib directory. Tests can be run with `poetry run pytest tests -s -v -x`.  To run the mypy checks, run `poetry run mypy`. Mypy is configured in `pyproject.toml`. \n\n\n\n",
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