
Namebuildpg JSON
Version 0.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryQuery building for the postgresql prepared statements and asyncpg.
upload_time2022-03-01 17:00:53
authorSamuel Colvin
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # buildpg


Query building for the postgresql prepared statements and asyncpg.

Lots of more powerful features, including full clause construction, multiple values, logic functions,
query pretty-printing and different variable substitution - below is just a very quick summary.
Please check the code and tests for examples.

## Building Queries

Simple variable substitution:

from buildpg import render

render('select * from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')
>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1 and y=$2', [123, 'whatever']

Use of `V` to substitute constants:

from buildpg import V, render

render('select * from mytable where :col=:foo', col=V('x'), foo=456)
>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1', [456]

Complex logic:

from buildpg import V, funcs, render

where_logic = V('') == 123
if spam_value:
   where_logic &= V('foo.spam') <= spam_value

if exclude_cake:
   where_logic &= funcs.not_(V('foo.cake').in_([1, 2, 3]))

render('select * from foo :where', where=where_logic)
>> 'select * from foo = $1 AND foo.spam <= $2 AND not(foo.cake in $3)', [123, 123, ['x', 'y']]

Values usage:

from buildpg import Values, render

render('insert into the_table (:values__names) values :values', values=Values(a=123, b=456, c='hello'))
>> 'insert into the_table (a, b, c) values ($1, $2, $3)', [123, 456, 'hello']

## With asyncpg

As a wrapper around *asyncpg*:

import asyncio
from buildpg import asyncpg

async def main():
   async with asyncpg.create_pool_b('postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/db') as pool:
       await pool.fetchval_b('select spam from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')
       >> 42

Both the pool and connections have `*_b` variants of all common query methods:

- `execute_b`
- `executemany_b`
- `fetch_b`
- `fetchval_b`
- `fetchrow_b`
- `cursor_b`

## Operators

| Python operator/function | SQL operator |
| ------------------------ | ------------ |
| `&`                      | `AND` |
| `|`                      | `OR` |
| `=`                      | `=` |
| `!=`                     | `!=` |
| `<`                      | `<` |
| `<=`                     | `<=` |
| `>`                      | `>` |
| `>=`                     | `>=` |
| `+`                      | `+` |
| `-`                      | `-` |
| `*`                      | `*` |
| `/`                      | `/` |
| `%`                      | `%` |
| `**`                     | `^` |
| `-`                      | `-` |
| `~`                      | `not(...)` |
| `sqrt`                   | `|/` |
| `abs`                    | `@` |
| `contains`               | `@>` |
| `contained_by`           | `<@` |
| `overlap`                | `&&` |
| `like`                   | `LIKE` |
| `ilike`                  | `ILIKE` |
| `cat`                    | `||` |
| `in_`                    | `in` |
| `from_`                  | `from` |
| `at_time_zone`           | `AT TIME ZONE` |
| `matches`                | `@@` |
| `is_`                    | `is` |
| `is_not`                 | `is not` |
| `for_`                   | `for` |
| `factorial`              | `!` |
| `cast`                   | `::` |
| `asc`                    | `ASC` |
| `desc`                   | `DESC` |
| `comma`                  | `,` |
| `on`                     | `ON` |
| `as_`                    | `AS` |
| `nulls_first`            | `NULLS FIRST` |
| `nulls_last`             | `NULLS LAST` |


from buildpg import V, S, render

def show(component):
   sql, params = render(':c', c=component)
   print(f'sql="{sql}" params={params}')

show(V('foobar').contains([1, 2, 3]))
#> sql="foobar @> $1" params=[[1, 2, 3]]
show(V('foobar') == 4)
#> sql="foobar = $1" params=[4]
#> sql="not(foobar)" params=[]
#> sql="|/ $1" params=[625]
#> sql="foo is not true" params=[]

## Functions

| Python function                             | SQL function  |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `AND(*args)`                                | `<arg1> and <arg2> ...` |
| `OR(*args)`                                 | `<arg1> or <arg2> ...` |
| `NOT(arg)`                                  | `not(<arg>)` |
| `comma_sep(*args)`                          | `<arg1>, <arg2>, ...` |
| `count(expr)`                               | `count(expr)` |
| `any(arg)`                                  | `any(<arg1>)` |
| `now()`                                     | `now()` |
| `cast(v, cast_type)`                        | `<v>::<cast_type>` |
| `upper(string)`                             | `upper(<string>)` |
| `lower(string)`                             | `lower(<string>)` |
| `length(string)`                            | `length(<string>)` |
| `left(string, n)`                           | `left(<string>, <n>)` |
| `right(string, n)`                          | `right(<string>, <n>)` |
| `extract(expr)`                             | `extract(<expr>)` |
| `sqrt(n)`                                   | `|/<n>` |
| `abs(n)`                                    | `@<n>` |
| `factorial(n)`                              | `!<n>` |
| `position(substring, string)`               | `position(<substring> in <st`... |
| `substring(string, pattern, escape-None)`   | `substring(<string> from <pa`... |
| `to_tsvector(arg1, document-None)`          | `to_tsvector(<arg1>)` |
| `to_tsquery(arg1, text-None)`               | `to_tsquery(<arg1>)` |


from buildpg import V, render, funcs

def show(component):
  sql, params = render(':c', c=component)
  print(f'sql="{sql}" params={params}')

show(funcs.AND(V('x') == 4, V('y') > 6))
#> sql="x = $1 AND y > $2" params=[4, 6]
show(funcs.position('foo', 'this has foo in it'))
#> sql="position($1 in $2)" params=['foo', 'this has foo in it']


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "buildpg",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Samuel Colvin",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "",
    "description": "# buildpg\n\n[![CI](](\n[![Coverage](](\n[![pypi](](\n[![versions](](\n[![license](](\n\nQuery building for the postgresql prepared statements and asyncpg.\n\nLots of more powerful features, including full clause construction, multiple values, logic functions,\nquery pretty-printing and different variable substitution - below is just a very quick summary.\nPlease check the code and tests for examples.\n\n## Building Queries\n\nSimple variable substitution:\n\n```py\nfrom buildpg import render\n\nrender('select * from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')\n>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1 and y=$2', [123, 'whatever']\n```\n\n\nUse of `V` to substitute constants:\n\n```py\nfrom buildpg import V, render\n\nrender('select * from mytable where :col=:foo', col=V('x'), foo=456)\n>> 'select * from mytable where x=$1', [456]\n```\n\nComplex logic:\n\n```py\nfrom buildpg import V, funcs, render\n\nwhere_logic = V('') == 123\nif spam_value:\n   where_logic &= V('foo.spam') <= spam_value\n\nif exclude_cake:\n   where_logic &= funcs.not_(V('foo.cake').in_([1, 2, 3]))\n\nrender('select * from foo :where', where=where_logic)\n>> 'select * from foo = $1 AND foo.spam <= $2 AND not(foo.cake in $3)', [123, 123, ['x', 'y']]\n```\n\nValues usage:\n\n```py\nfrom buildpg import Values, render\n\nrender('insert into the_table (:values__names) values :values', values=Values(a=123, b=456, c='hello'))\n>> 'insert into the_table (a, b, c) values ($1, $2, $3)', [123, 456, 'hello']\n```\n\n## With asyncpg\n\nAs a wrapper around *asyncpg*:\n\n```py\nimport asyncio\nfrom buildpg import asyncpg\n\nasync def main():\n   async with asyncpg.create_pool_b('postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/db') as pool:\n       await pool.fetchval_b('select spam from mytable where x=:foo and y=:bar', foo=123, bar='whatever')\n       >> 42\n\\n```\n\n\nBoth the pool and connections have `*_b` variants of all common query methods:\n\n- `execute_b`\n- `executemany_b`\n- `fetch_b`\n- `fetchval_b`\n- `fetchrow_b`\n- `cursor_b`\n\n\n## Operators\n\n| Python operator/function | SQL operator |\n| ------------------------ | ------------ |\n| `&`                      | `AND` |\n| `|`                      | `OR` |\n| `=`                      | `=` |\n| `!=`                     | `!=` |\n| `<`                      | `<` |\n| `<=`                     | `<=` |\n| `>`                      | `>` |\n| `>=`                     | `>=` |\n| `+`                      | `+` |\n| `-`                      | `-` |\n| `*`                      | `*` |\n| `/`                      | `/` |\n| `%`                      | `%` |\n| `**`                     | `^` |\n| `-`                      | `-` |\n| `~`                      | `not(...)` |\n| `sqrt`                   | `|/` |\n| `abs`                    | `@` |\n| `contains`               | `@>` |\n| `contained_by`           | `<@` |\n| `overlap`                | `&&` |\n| `like`                   | `LIKE` |\n| `ilike`                  | `ILIKE` |\n| `cat`                    | `||` |\n| `in_`                    | `in` |\n| `from_`                  | `from` |\n| `at_time_zone`           | `AT TIME ZONE` |\n| `matches`                | `@@` |\n| `is_`                    | `is` |\n| `is_not`                 | `is not` |\n| `for_`                   | `for` |\n| `factorial`              | `!` |\n| `cast`                   | `::` |\n| `asc`                    | `ASC` |\n| `desc`                   | `DESC` |\n| `comma`                  | `,` |\n| `on`                     | `ON` |\n| `as_`                    | `AS` |\n| `nulls_first`            | `NULLS FIRST` |\n| `nulls_last`             | `NULLS LAST` |\n\nUsage:\n\n```py\nfrom buildpg import V, S, render\n\ndef show(component):\n   sql, params = render(':c', c=component)\n   print(f'sql=\"{sql}\" params={params}')\n\nshow(V('foobar').contains([1, 2, 3]))\n#> sql=\"foobar @> $1\" params=[[1, 2, 3]]\nshow(V('foobar') == 4)\n#> sql=\"foobar = $1\" params=[4]\nshow(~V('foobar'))\n#> sql=\"not(foobar)\" params=[]\nshow(S(625).sqrt())\n#> sql=\"|/ $1\" params=[625]\nshow(V('foo').is_not('true'))\n#> sql=\"foo is not true\" params=[]\n```\n\n## Functions\n\n| Python function                             | SQL function  |\n| ------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n| `AND(*args)`                                | `<arg1> and <arg2> ...` |\n| `OR(*args)`                                 | `<arg1> or <arg2> ...` |\n| `NOT(arg)`                                  | `not(<arg>)` |\n| `comma_sep(*args)`                          | `<arg1>, <arg2>, ...` |\n| `count(expr)`                               | `count(expr)` |\n| `any(arg)`                                  | `any(<arg1>)` |\n| `now()`                                     | `now()` |\n| `cast(v, cast_type)`                        | `<v>::<cast_type>` |\n| `upper(string)`                             | `upper(<string>)` |\n| `lower(string)`                             | `lower(<string>)` |\n| `length(string)`                            | `length(<string>)` |\n| `left(string, n)`                           | `left(<string>, <n>)` |\n| `right(string, n)`                          | `right(<string>, <n>)` |\n| `extract(expr)`                             | `extract(<expr>)` |\n| `sqrt(n)`                                   | `|/<n>` |\n| `abs(n)`                                    | `@<n>` |\n| `factorial(n)`                              | `!<n>` |\n| `position(substring, string)`               | `position(<substring> in <st`... |\n| `substring(string, pattern, escape-None)`   | `substring(<string> from <pa`... |\n| `to_tsvector(arg1, document-None)`          | `to_tsvector(<arg1>)` |\n| `to_tsquery(arg1, text-None)`               | `to_tsquery(<arg1>)` |\n\nUsage:\n\n```py\nfrom buildpg import V, render, funcs\n\ndef show(component):\n  sql, params = render(':c', c=component)\n  print(f'sql=\"{sql}\" params={params}')\n\nshow(funcs.AND(V('x') == 4, V('y') > 6))\n#> sql=\"x = $1 AND y > $2\" params=[4, 6]\nshow(funcs.position('foo', 'this has foo in it'))\n#> sql=\"position($1 in $2)\" params=['foo', 'this has foo in it']\n```\n\n\n",
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    "summary": "Query building for the postgresql prepared statements and asyncpg.",
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