
Namecaep JSON
Version 1.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryConfig Argument Env Parser (CAEP)
upload_time2023-08-24 19:13:45
authormnemonic AS
requires_python>=3.6, <4
keywords mnemonic
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # CAEP

Configuration library that supports loading configuration from ini, environment variables
and arguments into a [pydantic]( schema.

With the pydantic schema you will have a fully typed configuration object that is parsed
at load time.

# Change log

## 1.0.0

Support for pydantic 2.x. It is advised to migrate models with these changes:

### Use `min_length` instead of `min_size`

Pydantic has builtin support for size of list, dictionaries and sets using `min_length` so you should change
intlist: List[int] = Field(description="Space separated list of ints", min_size=1)


intlist: List[int] = Field(description="Space separated list of ints", min_length=1)

### Migrate `split` and `kv_split` to `json_schema_extra`

Do not use `split` and `kv_split` directly on the field, but put them in a dictionary `json_schema_extra`. E.g. change

intlist: List[int] = Field(description="Space separated list of ints", split=" ")


intlist: List[int] = Field(
    description="Space separated list of ints", json_schema_extra={"split": " "}

and change

dict_int: Dict[str, int] = Field(
    description="Int Dict split by slash and dash", split="-", kv_split="/"


dict_int: Dict[str, int] = Field(
    description="Int Dict split by slash and dash",
    json_schema_extra={"split": "-", "kv_split": "/"},

### Migrate `root_validator` to `model_validator`

`root_validator` are stil supported, but it is advised to migrate to `model_validator`. Example using helper function `raise_if_some_and_not_all`:

    @model_validator(mode="after")  # type: ignore
    def check_arguments(cls, m: "ExampleConfig") -> "ExampleConfig":
        """If one argument is set, they should all be set"""

            m.__dict__, ["username", "password", "parent_id"]

        return m

# Example

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

import caep

class Config(BaseModel):

    text: str = Field(description="Required String Argument")
    number: int = Field(default=1, description="Integer with default value")
    switch: bool = Field(description="Boolean with default value")
    intlist: List[int] = Field(description="Space separated list of ints", json_schema_extra={"split": " "})

# Config/section options below will only be used if loading configuration
# from ini file (under ~/.config)
config = caep.load(
    "CAEP Example",
    "caep",  # Find .ini file under ~/.config/caep
    "caep.ini",  # Find .ini file name caep.ini
    "section",  # Load settings from [section] (default to [DEFAULT]


Sample output with a `intlist` read from environment and `switch` from command line:

$ export INTLIST="1 2 3"
$ ./ --text "My value" --switch
text='My value' number=1 switch=True intlist=[1, 2, 3]

# Load config without ini support

Specifying configuration location, name and section is optional and can be skipped if you
do not want to support loading ini files from `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`:

# Only load arguments from environment and command line
config = caep.load(
    "CAEP Example",

With the code above you can still specify a ini file with `--config <ini-file>`, and use
environment variables and command line arguments.

# Pydantic field types

Pydantic fields should be defined using `Field` and include the `description` parameter
to specify help text for the commandline.

Unless the `Field` has a `default` value, it is a required field that needs to be
specified in the environment, configuration file or on the command line.

Many of the types described in [](
should be supported, but not all of them are tested. However,  nested schemas
are *not* supported.

Tested types:

### `str`

Standard string argument.

### `int`

Values parsed as integer.

### `float`

Value parsed as float.

### `pathlib.Path`

Value parsed as Path.

### `ipaddress.IPv4Address`

Values parsed and validated as IPv4Address.

### `ipaddress.IPv4Network`

Values parsed and validated as IPv4Network.

### `bool`

Value parsed as booleans. Booleans will default to False, if no default value is set.

| Field                                                      | Input     | Configuration |
| -                                                          | -         | -             |
| `enable: bool = Field(description="Enable")`               | <NOT SET> | False         |
| `enable: bool = Field(value=False, description="Enable")`  | `yes`     | True          |
| `enable: bool = Field(value=False, description="Enable")`  | `true`    | True          |
| `disable: bool = Field(value=True, description="Disable")` | <NOT SET> | True          |
| `disable: bool = Field(value=True, description="Disable")` | `yes`     | False         |
| `disable: bool = Field(value=True, description="Disable")` | `true`    | False         |

### `List[str]` (`list[str]` for python >= 3.9)

List of strings, split by specified character (default = comma, argument=`split`).

Some examples:

| Field                                                                     | Input   | Configuration |
| -                                                                         | -       | -             |
| `List[int] = Field(description="Ints", json_schema_extra={"split": " "})` | `1 2`   | [1, 2]        |
| `List[str] = Field(description="Strs")`                                   | `ab,bc` | ["ab", "bc"]  |

The argument `min_length` (pydantic builtin) can be used to specify the minimum size of the list:

| Field                                                 | Input | Configuration          |
| -                                                     | -     | -                      |
| `List[str] = Field(description="Strs", min_length=1)` | ``    | Raises ValidationError |

### `Set[str]` (`set[str]` for python >= 3.9)

Set, split by specified character (default = comma, argument=`split`).

Some examples:

| Field                                                                    | Input      | Configuration |
| -                                                                        | -          | -             |
| `Set[int] = Field(description="Ints", json_schema_extra={"split": " "})` | `1 2 2`    | {1, 2}        |
| `Set[str] = Field(description="Strs")`                                   | `ab,ab,xy` | {"ab", "xy"}  |

The argument `min_length` can be used to specify the minimum size of the set:

| Field                                                | Input | Configuration          |
| -                                                    | -     | -                      |
| `Set[str] = Field(description="Strs", min_length=1)` | ``    | Raises ValidationError |

### `Dict[str, <TYPE>]` (`dict[str, <TYPE>]` for python >= 3.9)

Dictioray of strings, split by specified character (default = comma, argument=`split` for
splitting items and colon for splitting key/value).

Some examples:

| Field                                                | Input                | Configuration            |
| -                                                    | -                    | -                        |
| `Dict[str, str] = Field(description="Dict")`         | `x:a,y:b`            | {"x": "a", "y": "b"}     |
| `Dict[str, int] = Field(description="Dict of ints")` | `a b c:1, d e f:2`   | {"a b c": 1, "d e f": 2} |

The argument `min_length` can be used to specify the minimum numer of keys in the dictionary:

| Field                                                      | Input | Configuration          |
| -                                                          | -     | -                      |
| `Dict[str, str] = Field(description="Strs", min_length=1)` | ``    | Raises ValidationError |

# Configuration

Arguments are parsed in two phases. First, it will look for the optional argument `--config`
which can be used to specify an alternative location for the ini file. If not `--config` argument
is given it will look for an optional ini file in the following locations
(`~/.config has presedence`) *if* `config_id` and `config_name` is specified:

- `~/.config/<CONFIG_ID>/<CONFIG_FILE_NAME>` (or directory specified by `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`)

The ini file can contain a `[DEFAULT]` section that will be used for all configurations.
In addition it can have a section that corresponds with `<SECTION_NAME>` (if specified) that for
specific configuration, that will over override config from `[DEFAULT]`

# Environment variables

The configuration step will also look for environment variables in uppercase and
with `-` replaced with `_`. For the example below it will lookup the following environment


The configuration presedence are (from lowest to highest):
* argparse default
* ini file
* environment variable
* command line argument

## Validation

## XDG

Helper functions to use [XDG Base Directories]( are included in `caep.xdg`:

It will look up `XDG` environment variables like `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` and use
defaults if not specified.

### `get_xdg_dir`

Generic function to get a `XDG` directory.

The following example with will return a path object to ~/.config/myprog
(if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set) and create the directoy if it does not

get_xdg_dir("myprog", "XDG_CONFIG_HOME", ".config", True)

### `get_config_dir`

Shortcut for `get_xdg_dir("CONFIG")`.

### `get_cache_dir`

Shortcut for `get_xdg_dir("CACHE")`.

## CAEP Legacy usage

Prior to version `0.1.0` the recommend usage was to add parser objects manually. This is
still supported, but with this approach you will not get the validation from pydantic:

>>> import caep
>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("test argparse")
>>> parser.add_argument('--number', type=int, default=1)
>>> parser.add_argument('--bool', action='store_true')
>>> parser.add_argument('--str-arg')
>>> args = caep.config.handle_args(parser, <CONFIG_ID>, <CONFIG_FILE_NAME>, <SECTION_NAME>)

# Helper Functions

## raise_if_some_and_not_all
Raise ArgumentError if some of the specified entries in the dictionary has non
false values but not all

class ExampleConfig(BaseModel):
    username: Optional[str] = Field(description="Username")
    password: Optional[str] = Field(description="Password")
    parent_id: Optional[str] = Field(description="Parent ID")

    @model_validator(mode="after")  # type: ignore
    def check_arguments(cls, m: "ExampleConfig") -> "ExampleConfig":
        """If one argument is set, they should all be set"""

            m.__dict__, ["username", "password", "parent_id"]

        return m

## script_name
   Return first external module that called this function, directly, or indirectly


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "caep",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6, <4",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "mnemonic",
    "author": "mnemonic AS",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# CAEP\n\nConfiguration library that supports loading configuration from ini, environment variables\nand arguments into a [pydantic]( schema.\n\nWith the pydantic schema you will have a fully typed configuration object that is parsed\nat load time.\n\n# Change log\n\n## 1.0.0\n\nSupport for pydantic 2.x. It is advised to migrate models with these changes:\n\n### Use `min_length` instead of `min_size`\n\nPydantic has builtin support for size of list, dictionaries and sets using `min_length` so you should change\n```python\nintlist: List[int] = Field(description=\"Space separated list of ints\", min_size=1)\n```\n\nto\n\n```python\nintlist: List[int] = Field(description=\"Space separated list of ints\", min_length=1)\n```\n\n### Migrate `split` and `kv_split` to `json_schema_extra`\n\nDo not use `split` and `kv_split` directly on the field, but put them in a dictionary `json_schema_extra`. E.g. change\n\n```python\nintlist: List[int] = Field(description=\"Space separated list of ints\", split=\" \")\n```\n\nto\n\n```python\nintlist: List[int] = Field(\n    description=\"Space separated list of ints\", json_schema_extra={\"split\": \" \"}\n)\n```\n\nand change\n\n```python\ndict_int: Dict[str, int] = Field(\n    description=\"Int Dict split by slash and dash\", split=\"-\", kv_split=\"/\"\n)\n```\n\nto\n\n```python\ndict_int: Dict[str, int] = Field(\n    description=\"Int Dict split by slash and dash\",\n    json_schema_extra={\"split\": \"-\", \"kv_split\": \"/\"},\n)\n```\n\n### Migrate `root_validator` to `model_validator`\n\n`root_validator` are stil supported, but it is advised to migrate to `model_validator`. Example using helper function `raise_if_some_and_not_all`:\n\n\n```python\n    @model_validator(mode=\"after\")  # type: ignore\n    def check_arguments(cls, m: \"ExampleConfig\") -> \"ExampleConfig\":\n        \"\"\"If one argument is set, they should all be set\"\"\"\n\n        caep.raise_if_some_and_not_all(\n            m.__dict__, [\"username\", \"password\", \"parent_id\"]\n        )\n\n        return m\n```\n\n# Example\n\n```python\n#!/usr/bin/env python3\nfrom typing import List\n\nfrom pydantic import BaseModel, Field\n\nimport caep\n\n\nclass Config(BaseModel):\n\n    text: str = Field(description=\"Required String Argument\")\n    number: int = Field(default=1, description=\"Integer with default value\")\n    switch: bool = Field(description=\"Boolean with default value\")\n    intlist: List[int] = Field(description=\"Space separated list of ints\", json_schema_extra={\"split\": \" \"})\n\n\n# Config/section options below will only be used if loading configuration\n# from ini file (under ~/.config)\nconfig = caep.load(\n    Config,\n    \"CAEP Example\",\n    \"caep\",  # Find .ini file under ~/.config/caep\n    \"caep.ini\",  # Find .ini file name caep.ini\n    \"section\",  # Load settings from [section] (default to [DEFAULT]\n)\n\nprint(config)\n```\n\nSample output with a `intlist` read from environment and `switch` from command line:\n\n```bash\n$ export INTLIST=\"1 2 3\"\n$ ./ --text \"My value\" --switch\ntext='My value' number=1 switch=True intlist=[1, 2, 3]\n```\n\n# Load config without ini support\n\nSpecifying configuration location, name and section is optional and can be skipped if you\ndo not want to support loading ini files from `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`:\n\n```python\n# Only load arguments from environment and command line\nconfig = caep.load(\n    Config,\n    \"CAEP Example\",\n)\n```\n\nWith the code above you can still specify a ini file with `--config <ini-file>`, and use\nenvironment variables and command line arguments.\n\n# Pydantic field types\n\nPydantic fields should be defined using `Field` and include the `description` parameter\nto specify help text for the commandline.\n\nUnless the `Field` has a `default` value, it is a required field that needs to be\nspecified in the environment, configuration file or on the command line.\n\nMany of the types described in [](\nshould be supported, but not all of them are tested. However,  nested schemas\nare *not* supported.\n\nTested types:\n\n### `str`\n\nStandard string argument.\n\n### `int`\n\nValues parsed as integer.\n\n### `float`\n\nValue parsed as float.\n\n### `pathlib.Path`\n\nValue parsed as Path.\n\n### `ipaddress.IPv4Address`\n\nValues parsed and validated as IPv4Address.\n\n### `ipaddress.IPv4Network`\n\nValues parsed and validated as IPv4Network.\n\n### `bool`\n\nValue parsed as booleans. Booleans will default to False, if no default value is set.\nExamples:\n\n\n| Field                                                      | Input     | Configuration |\n| -                                                          | -         | -             |\n| `enable: bool = Field(description=\"Enable\")`               | <NOT SET> | False         |\n| `enable: bool = Field(value=False, description=\"Enable\")`  | `yes`     | True          |\n| `enable: bool = Field(value=False, description=\"Enable\")`  | `true`    | True          |\n| `disable: bool = Field(value=True, description=\"Disable\")` | <NOT SET> | True          |\n| `disable: bool = Field(value=True, description=\"Disable\")` | `yes`     | False         |\n| `disable: bool = Field(value=True, description=\"Disable\")` | `true`    | False         |\n\n### `List[str]` (`list[str]` for python >= 3.9)\n\nList of strings, split by specified character (default = comma, argument=`split`).\n\nSome examples:\n\n| Field                                                                     | Input   | Configuration |\n| -                                                                         | -       | -             |\n| `List[int] = Field(description=\"Ints\", json_schema_extra={\"split\": \" \"})` | `1 2`   | [1, 2]        |\n| `List[str] = Field(description=\"Strs\")`                                   | `ab,bc` | [\"ab\", \"bc\"]  |\n\nThe argument `min_length` (pydantic builtin) can be used to specify the minimum size of the list:\n\n| Field                                                 | Input | Configuration          |\n| -                                                     | -     | -                      |\n| `List[str] = Field(description=\"Strs\", min_length=1)` | ``    | Raises ValidationError |\n\n### `Set[str]` (`set[str]` for python >= 3.9)\n\nSet, split by specified character (default = comma, argument=`split`).\n\nSome examples:\n\n| Field                                                                    | Input      | Configuration |\n| -                                                                        | -          | -             |\n| `Set[int] = Field(description=\"Ints\", json_schema_extra={\"split\": \" \"})` | `1 2 2`    | {1, 2}        |\n| `Set[str] = Field(description=\"Strs\")`                                   | `ab,ab,xy` | {\"ab\", \"xy\"}  |\n\nThe argument `min_length` can be used to specify the minimum size of the set:\n\n| Field                                                | Input | Configuration          |\n| -                                                    | -     | -                      |\n| `Set[str] = Field(description=\"Strs\", min_length=1)` | ``    | Raises ValidationError |\n\n\n### `Dict[str, <TYPE>]` (`dict[str, <TYPE>]` for python >= 3.9)\n\nDictioray of strings, split by specified character (default = comma, argument=`split` for\nsplitting items and colon for splitting key/value).\n\nSome examples:\n\n| Field                                                | Input                | Configuration            |\n| -                                                    | -                    | -                        |\n| `Dict[str, str] = Field(description=\"Dict\")`         | `x:a,y:b`            | {\"x\": \"a\", \"y\": \"b\"}     |\n| `Dict[str, int] = Field(description=\"Dict of ints\")` | `a b c:1, d e f:2`   | {\"a b c\": 1, \"d e f\": 2} |\n\nThe argument `min_length` can be used to specify the minimum numer of keys in the dictionary:\n\n| Field                                                      | Input | Configuration          |\n| -                                                          | -     | -                      |\n| `Dict[str, str] = Field(description=\"Strs\", min_length=1)` | ``    | Raises ValidationError |\n\n\n# Configuration\n\nArguments are parsed in two phases. First, it will look for the optional argument `--config`\nwhich can be used to specify an alternative location for the ini file. If not `--config` argument\nis given it will look for an optional ini file in the following locations\n(`~/.config has presedence`) *if* `config_id` and `config_name` is specified:\n\n- `~/.config/<CONFIG_ID>/<CONFIG_FILE_NAME>` (or directory specified by `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`)\n- `/etc/<CONFIG_FILE_NAME>`\n\nThe ini file can contain a `[DEFAULT]` section that will be used for all configurations.\nIn addition it can have a section that corresponds with `<SECTION_NAME>` (if specified) that for\nspecific configuration, that will over override config from `[DEFAULT]`\n\n# Environment variables\n\nThe configuration step will also look for environment variables in uppercase and\nwith `-` replaced with `_`. For the example below it will lookup the following environment\nvariables:\n\n- $NUMBER\n- $BOOL\n- $STR_ARG\n\nThe configuration presedence are (from lowest to highest):\n* argparse default\n* ini file\n* environment variable\n* command line argument\n\n\n## Validation\n\n## XDG\n\nHelper functions to use [XDG Base Directories]( are included in `caep.xdg`:\n\nIt will look up `XDG` environment variables like `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` and use\ndefaults if not specified.\n\n### `get_xdg_dir`\n\nGeneric function to get a `XDG` directory.\n\nThe following example with will return a path object to ~/.config/myprog\n(if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set) and create the directoy if it does not\nexist.\n\n```python\nget_xdg_dir(\"myprog\", \"XDG_CONFIG_HOME\", \".config\", True)\n```\n\n### `get_config_dir`\n\nShortcut for `get_xdg_dir(\"CONFIG\")`.\n\n### `get_cache_dir`\n\nShortcut for `get_xdg_dir(\"CACHE\")`.\n\n## CAEP Legacy usage\n\nPrior to version `0.1.0` the recommend usage was to add parser objects manually. This is\nstill supported, but with this approach you will not get the validation from pydantic:\n\n```python\n>>> import caep\n>>> import argparse\n>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(\"test argparse\")\n>>> parser.add_argument('--number', type=int, default=1)\n>>> parser.add_argument('--bool', action='store_true')\n>>> parser.add_argument('--str-arg')\n>>> args = caep.config.handle_args(parser, <CONFIG_ID>, <CONFIG_FILE_NAME>, <SECTION_NAME>)\n```\n\n# Helper Functions\n\n## raise_if_some_and_not_all\nRaise ArgumentError if some of the specified entries in the dictionary has non\nfalse values but not all\n\n```python\nclass ExampleConfig(BaseModel):\n    username: Optional[str] = Field(description=\"Username\")\n    password: Optional[str] = Field(description=\"Password\")\n    parent_id: Optional[str] = Field(description=\"Parent ID\")\n\n    @model_validator(mode=\"after\")  # type: ignore\n    def check_arguments(cls, m: \"ExampleConfig\") -> \"ExampleConfig\":\n        \"\"\"If one argument is set, they should all be set\"\"\"\n\n        caep.raise_if_some_and_not_all(\n            m.__dict__, [\"username\", \"password\", \"parent_id\"]\n        )\n\n        return m\n```\n\n## script_name\n   Return first external module that called this function, directly, or indirectly\n",
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Elapsed time: 0.10335s