
Nameciscoconfparse JSON
Version 1.9.52 PyPI version JSON
SummaryParse, Audit, Query, Build, and Modify Cisco IOS-style and JunOS-style configs
upload_time2024-11-22 10:29:36
maintainerMike Pennington
authorMike Pennington
keywords parse audit query modify cisco ios cisco nxos asa juniper
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            # ciscoconfparse

[![git commits][41]][42] [![Version][2]][3] [![Downloads][6]][7] [![License][8]][9]

[![SonarCloud][51]][52] [![SonarCloud Maintainability Rating][53]][54] [![SonarCloud Lines of Code][55]][56] [![SonarCloud Bugs][59]][60] [![SonarCloud Code Smells][57]][58] [![SonarCloud Tech Debt][61]][62]

[![Snyk Package Health][37]][38]

# Important: ciscoconfparse2

**ciscoconfparse is End of Life**

As of December 14, 2023 [ciscoconfparse2][64] is released; this is equivalent to version 2.0 of [ciscoconfparse][17], but [ciscoconfparse2][64] is a different PYPI project.

You should upgrade; here's why, [ciscoconfparse2][64]:

- It supports all major network vendor text configuration files (Arista, Cisco, F5, Juniper, Palo Alto)
- It supports searching across any number of configuration levels ([ciscoconfparse][17] only supports two config levels : a parent and child)
- It adds a [string methods]( so you don't need to use regex matching if you don't want to
- It adds a [CLI command](
- Revamped documentation
- It simplifies the user interface and fixes broken [ciscoconfparse][17] default parameters (this could require changing old scripts using the original API)
- It intentionally uses a new python import to minimize confusion between itself and the original

*NOTE [ciscoconfparse2][64] deprecates many legacy [ciscoconfparse][17] APIs; overall this is a good thing because [ciscoconfparse2][64] is easier to use.  As such, test your code before using [ciscoconfparse2][64] as a drop-in replacement.*

## Introduction: What is ciscoconfparse?

Short answer: ciscoconfparse is a [Python][10] library
that helps you quickly answer questions like these about your
Cisco configurations:

- What interfaces are shutdown?
- Which interfaces are in trunk mode?
- What address and subnet mask is assigned to each interface?
- Which interfaces are missing a critical command?
- Is this configuration missing a standard config line?

It can help you:

- Audit existing router / switch / firewall / wlc configurations
- Modify existing configurations
- Build new configurations

Speaking generally, the library examines an IOS-style config and breaks
it into a set of linked parent / child relationships. You can perform
complex queries about these relationships.

[![Cisco IOS config: Parent / child][11]][11]

## Generic Usage

The following code will parse a configuration stored in
`exampleswitch.conf` and select interfaces that are shutdown.

In this case, the parent is a line containing `interface` and
the child is a line containing the word `shutdown`.

from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse

parse = CiscoConfParse('exampleswitch.conf', syntax='ios')

for intf_obj in parse.find_parent_objects('^interface', '^\s+shutdown'):
    print("Shutdown: " + intf_obj.text)

The next example will find the IP address assigned to interfaces.

from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse

parse = CiscoConfParse('exampleswitch.conf', syntax='ios')

for ccp_obj in parse.find_objects('^interface'):

    intf_name = ccp_obj.re_match_typed('^interface\s+(\S.+?)$')

    # Search children of all interfaces for a regex match and return
    # the value matched in regex match group 1.  If there is no match,
    # return a default value: ''
    intf_ip_addr = ccp_obj.re_match_iter_typed(
        r'ip\saddress\s(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s', result_type=str,
        group=1, default='')
    print(f"{intf_name}: {intf_ip_addr}")

## Cisco IOS Factory Usage

CiscoConfParse has a special feature that abstracts common IOS / NXOS / ASA / IOSXR fields; at this time, it is only supported on those configuration types. You will see factory parsing in CiscoConfParse code as parsing the configuration with `factory=True`.  A fraction of these pre-parsed Cisco IOS fields follows; some variables are not used below, but simply called out for quick reference.

from ciscoconfparse import IPv4Obj, IPv6Obj
from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse

# Parse an example Cisco IOS HSRP configuration from:
#     tests/fixtures/configs/sample_08.ios
# !
# interface FastEthernet0/0
#  ip address
#  ipv6 dhcp server IPV6_2FL_NORTH_LAN
#  ipv6 address fd01:ab00::/64 eui-64
#  ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local
#  ipv6 enable
#  ipv6 ospf 11 area 0
#  standby 110 ip
#  standby 110 ipv6 autoconfig
#  standby 110 priority 150
#  standby 110 preempt delay minimum 15
#  standby 110 track Dialer1 75
#  standby 110 track FastEthernet 0/1
#  standby 110 track FastEthernet1/0 30
#  standby 111 ip
#  standby 111 priority 150
#  standby 111 preempt delay minimum 15
#  standby 111 track Dialer1 50
parse = CiscoConfParse('tests/fixtures/configs/sample_08.ios', syntax='ios', factory=True)
for ccp_obj in parse.find_objects('^interface'):

    # Skip if there are no HSRPInterfaceGroup() instances...
    if len(ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces) == 0:

    # Interface name, such as 'FastEthernet0/0'
    intf_name =

    # Interface description
    intf_description = ccp_obj.description

    # IPv4Obj
    intf_v4obj = ccp_obj.ipv4_addr_object

    # IPv4 address object: ipaddress.IPv4Address()
    intf_v4addr = ccp_obj.ipv4_addr_object.ip

    # IPv4 netmask object: ipaddress.IPv4Address()
    intf_v4masklength = ccp_obj.ipv4_addr_object.masklength

    # set() of IPv4 secondary address/prefixlen strings
    intf_v4secondary_networks = ccp_obj.ip_secondary_networks

    # set() of IPv4 secondary address strings
    intf_v4secondary_addresses = ccp_obj.ip_secondary_addresses

    # List of HSRP IPv4 addrs from the ciscoconfpasre/ HSRPInterfaceGroup()
    intf_hsrp_addresses = [hsrp_grp.ip for hsrp_grp in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces]

    # A bool for using HSRP bia mac-address...
    intf_hsrp_usebia = any([ii.use_bia for ii in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces])

    # Print a simple interface summary
    print(f"Interface {}: {intf_v4addr}/{intf_v4masklength}")
    print(f"  Interface {intf_name} description: {intf_description}")

    # Print HSRP Group interface tracking information
    print(f"  HSRP tracking for {set([ii.interface_name for ii in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces])}")
    for hsrp_intf_group in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces:
        group = hsrp_intf_group.hsrp_group
        # hsrp_intf_group.interface_tracking is a list of dictionaries
        if len(hsrp_intf_group.interface_tracking) > 0:
            print(f"  --- HSRP Group {group} ---")
            for track_intf in hsrp_intf_group.interface_tracking:
                print(f"    --- Tracking {track_intf.interface} ---")
                print(f"    Tracking interface: {track_intf.interface}")
                print(f"    Tracking decrement: {track_intf.decrement}")
                print(f"    Tracking weighting: {track_intf.weighting}")

    # Break out inidividual interface name components
    #   Example: 'Serial3/4/5.6:7 multipoint'
    # The base ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() instance
    intf_cisco_interface = ccp_obj.interface_object
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() name, 'Serial3/4/5.6:7 multipoint'
    intf_name =
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() prefix, 'Serial'
    intf_prefix = ccp_obj.interface_object.prefix
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() digit separator, '/'
    digit_separator = ccp_obj.interface_object.digit_separator or ""
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() slot, 3
    intf_slot = ccp_obj.interface_object.slot or ""
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() card, 4
    intf_card = ccp_obj.interface_object.card or ""
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() card, 5
    intf_port = ccp_obj.interface_object.port
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() subinterface, 6
    intf_subinterface = ccp_obj.interface_object.subinterface or ""
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() channel, 7
    intf_channel = or ""
    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() interface_class, 'multipoint'
    intf_class = ccp_obj.interface_object.interface_class or ""

    # Extract all IPv4Obj() with re_match_iter_typed()
    _default = None
    for _obj in ccp_obj.children:
        # Get a dict() from re_match_iter_typed() by caling it with 'groupdict'
        intf_dict = _obj.re_match_iter_typed(
            # Add a regex match-group called 'v4addr'
            # Cast the v4addr regex match group as an IPv4Obj() type
            groupdict={"v4addr": IPv4Obj, "secondary": str},
            # Default to None if there is no regex match
        intf_ipv4obj = intf_dict["v4addr"]

    # Extract all IPv6Obj() with re_match_iter_typed()
    _default = None
    for _obj in ccp_obj.children:
        # Get a dict() from re_match_iter_typed() by caling it with 'groupdict'
        intf_dict = _obj.re_match_iter_typed(
            # Add regex match-groups called 'v6addr' and an optional 'ipv6type'
            # Cast the v6addr regex match group as an IPv6Obj() type
            groupdict={"v6addr": IPv6Obj, "v6type": str},
            # Default to None if there is no regex match
        intf_ipv6obj = intf_dict["v6addr"]
        intf_ipv6type = intf_dict["v6type"]
        # Skip this object if it has no IPv6 address
        if intf_ipv6obj is _default:

When that is run, you will see information similar to this...

Interface FastEthernet0/0:
  Interface FastEthernet0/0 description: [IPv4 and IPv6 desktop / laptop hosts on 2nd-floor North LAN]

  HSRP Group tracking for {'FastEthernet0/0'}
  --- HSRP Group 110 ---
    --- Tracking Dialer1 ---
    Tracking interface: Dialer1
    Tracking decrement: 75
    Tracking weighting: None
    --- Tracking FastEthernet 0/1 ---
    Tracking interface: FastEthernet 0/1
    Tracking decrement: 10
    Tracking weighting: None
    --- Tracking FastEthernet1/0 ---
    Tracking interface: FastEthernet1/0
    Tracking decrement: 30
    Tracking weighting: None
  --- HSRP Group 111 ---
    --- Tracking Dialer1 ---
    Tracking interface: Dialer1
    Tracking decrement: 50
    Tracking weighting: None
GRP {'addr': <IPv6Obj fd01:ab00::/64>}
RESULT <IOSIntfLine # 231 'FastEthernet0/0' primary_ipv4: ''> <IPv6Obj fd01:ab00::/64>

## Are there private copies of CiscoConfParse()?

Yes.  [Cisco Systems][27] maintains their own copy of `CiscoConfParse()`. The terms of the GPLv3
license allow this as long as they don't distribute their modified private copy in
binary form.  Also refer to this [GPLv3 License primer / GPLv3 101][45].  Officially, [modified
copies of CiscoConfParse source-code must also be licensed as GPLv3][45].

Dear [Cisco Systems][27]: please consider porting your improvements back into
the [`github ciscoconfparse repo`](

## Are you releasing licensing besides GPLv3?

[I will not](; however, you can take the solution Cisco does above as long as you comply with the GPLv3 terms.  If it's truly a problem for your company, there are commercial solutions available (to include purchasing the project, or hiring me).

## What if we don\'t use Cisco IOS?

Don\'t let that stop you.

As of CiscoConfParse 1.2.4, you can parse [brace-delimited configurations][13] into a Cisco IOS style (see [Github Issue \#17][14]), which means that CiscoConfParse can parse these configurations:

- Juniper Networks Junos
- Palo Alto Networks Firewall configurations
- F5 Networks configurations

CiscoConfParse also handles anything that has a Cisco IOS style of configuration, which includes:

- Cisco IOS, Cisco Nexus, Cisco IOS-XR, Cisco IOS-XE, Aironet OS, Cisco ASA, Cisco CatOS
- Arista EOS
- Brocade
- HP Switches
- Force 10 Switches
- Dell PowerConnect Switches
- Extreme Networks
- Enterasys
- Screenos

## Docs

- Blogs
  - Kirk Byers published [a ciscoconfparse blog piece](
  - Henry Ölsner published [a ciscoconfparse blog piece](
- The latest copy of the docs are [archived on the web][15]
- There is also a [CiscoConfParse Tutorial][16]

## Installation and Downloads

-   Use `poetry` for Python3.x\... :

        python -m pip install ciscoconfparse

If you\'re interested in the source, you can always pull from the [github repo][17]:

- Download from [the github repo][17]: :

        git clone git://
        cd ciscoconfparse/
        python -m pip install .

## Github Star History

[![Github Star History Chart][40]][40]

## What is the pythonic way of handling script credentials?

1. Never hard-code credentials
2. Use [python-dotenv](

## Is this a tool, or is it artwork?

That depends on who you ask.  Many companies use CiscoConfParse as part of their
network engineering toolbox; others regard it as a form of artwork.

## Pre-requisites

[The ciscoconfparse python package][3] requires Python versions 3.7+ (note: Python version 3.7.0 has a bug - ref [Github issue \#117][18], but version 3.7.1 works); the OS should not matter.

## Other Resources

- [Dive into Python3]( is a good way to learn Python
- [Team CYMRU][30] has a [Secure IOS Template][29], which is especially useful for external-facing routers / switches
- [Cisco\'s Guide to hardening IOS devices][31]
- [Center for Internet Security Benchmarks][32] (An email address, cookies, and javascript are required)

## Bug Tracker and Support

- Please report any suggestions, bug reports, or annoyances with a [github bug report][24].
- If you\'re having problems with general python issues, consider searching for a solution on [Stack Overflow][33].  If you can\'t find a solution for your problem or need more help, you can [ask on Stack Overflow][34] or [reddit/r/Python][39].
- If you\'re having problems with your Cisco devices, you can contact:
  - [Cisco TAC][28]
  - [reddit/r/Cisco][35]
  - [reddit/r/networking][36]
  - [][23]

## Dependencies

- [Python 3](
- [passlib](
- [toml](
- [dnspython](
- [loguru](
- [deprecated](

## Unit-Tests and Development

- We are manually disabling some [SonarCloud]( alerts with:
  - `#pragma warning disable S1313`
  - `#pragma warning restore S1313`
  - Where `S1313` is a False-positive that [SonarCloud]( flags in [CiscoConfParse](
  - Those `#pragma warning` lines should be carefully-fenced to ensure that we don't disable a [SonarCloud]( alert that is useful.

### Semantic Versioning and Conventional Commits

- At this point, [CiscoConfParse][3] does NOT adhere to [Semantic Versioning][49]
- Although we added [commitizen][48] as a dev dependency, we are NOT enforcing commit rules (such as [Conventional Commits][50]) yet.

### Execute Unit tests

The project\'s [test workflow][1] checks ciscoconfparse on Python versions 3.7 and higher, as well as a [pypy JIT][22] executable.

If you already git cloned the repo and want to manually run tests either run with `make test` from the base directory, or manually run with [`pytest`][63] in a unix-like system...

$ cd tests
$ pytest -vvs ./test_*py

### Execute Miss Report

If you already have have `pytest` and `pytest-cov` installed, run a test line miss report as shown below.

$ cd tests
$ pytest --cov-report=term-missing --cov=ciscoconfparse ./

## Editing the Package

This uses the example of editing the package on a git branch called `develop`...

-   `git clone`
-   `cd ciscoconfparse`
-   `git branch develop`
-   `git checkout develop`
-   Add / modify / delete on the `develop` branch
-   `make test`
-   If tests run clean, `git commit` all the pending changes on the `develop` branch
-   If you plan to publish this as an official version rev, edit the version number in [pyproject.toml][12].  In the future, we want to integrate `commitizen` to manage versioning.
-   `git checkout main`
-   `git merge develop`
-   `make test`
-   `git push origin main`
-   `make pypi`

## Sphinx Documentation

Building the ciscoconfparse documentation tarball comes down to this one wierd trick:

- `cd sphinx-doc/`
- `pip install -r ./requirements.txt;  # install Sphinx dependencies`
- `pip install -r ../requirements.txt; # install ccp dependencies`
- `make html`

## License and Copyright

[ciscoconfparse][3] is licensed [GPLv3][21]

- Copyright (C) 2022-2023 David Michael Pennington
- Copyright (C) 2022 David Michael Pennington at WellSky
- Copyright (C) 2022 David Michael Pennington
- Copyright (C) 2019-2021 David Michael Pennington at Cisco Systems / ThousandEyes
- Copyright (C) 2012-2019 David Michael Pennington at Samsung Data Services
- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 David Michael Pennington at Dell Computer Corp
- Copyright (C) 2007-2011 David Michael Pennington

The word \"Cisco\" is a registered trademark of [Cisco Systems][27].

## Author

[ciscoconfparse][3] was written by [David Michael Pennington][25] (mike \[\~at\~\] pennington \[.dot.\] net).

## Interesting Users (and some downstream projects)

The following are featured [CiscoConfParse]( users / projects:

- [salt](
- [suzieq](  SuzieQ collects, normalizes, and stores timestamped data that is otherwise only available to engineers by logging into each device, providing a rich data lake that can be queried and leveraged for next generation monitoring and alerting
- [netwalk]( Python library to discover, parse, analyze and change Cisco switched networks
- [netlint](
- [cisco_switchport_auditor]( Parses Cisco switch configuration into Switch & Interface objects to access configuration details of the aforementioned in a programatic manner. Works with SSH, RESTCONF, or with running/start-up config files.
- [nipper-ng]( a network security analyzer
- [pynipper-ng]( a network security analyzer
- [build_fabric]( Build a declarative Cisco NXOS leaf and spine fabric using Ansible
- [junos-ansible](
- [faddr](
- [NetOpsNornir](
- [adala]( Extract useful information about your Cisco network
- [xlina](
  - Extract and organize access-list configurations and organizes associated objects and object-groups.
  - Extract and organize Anyconnect profiles and associated group policies, auth servers, access-lists, etc
  - Extract and organize static nat configurations and associated objects and object-groups
  - Extract and organize auto nat configurations with associated objects
  - Extract and organize crypto map configurations and associated access-lists, transform-sets, tunnel-groups, etc
- [Catalyst_2_Meraki_Config_Checker]( Check the Cisco Catalyst configuration text file and verify if they are supported by the Meraki MS platform.
- [parse_nxos_config]( Generates an Excel file with the information gathered from running-config file from Cisco NXOS
- [Nornir3_CDP_map]( Set interface descriptions by looking at the hostname of its CDP neighbor
- [devicebanner]( Update the banner message of the day on network devices
- [iosconfigslicer]( Simple script to slice Cisco configuration file, and replicate sections of the config via SSH to another device
- [ciscocfg]( a simple RPCd for ciscoconfparse
- [confParser]( SSH with paramiko, and dump information about your configs into sqllite3 / Excel
- [parse_config]( Dump information about your Vlans / VRFs to excel
- Finally, _[Cisco Systems]( Product Engineering and Advanced Services_

## Other Useful Network Management Projects

- [netbox]( NetBox is the source of truth for everything on your network, from physical components like power systems and cabling to virtual assets like IP addresses and VLANs
  - [ntc-netbox-plugin-onboarding]( A plugin for NetBox to easily onboard new devices.
- [nautobot]( Network Source of Truth & Network Automation Platform.
- [nornir]( Network Automation via Plugins - A pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management to help operate collections of devices
- [network-importer]( The network importer is a tool/library to analyze and/or synchronize an existing network with a Network Source of Truth (SOT), it's designed to be idempotent and by default it's only showing the difference between the running network and the remote SOT.
- [nuts]( NUTS defines a desired network state and checks it against a real network using pytest and nornir.
- [jerikan](
- [nettowel]( Collection of useful network automation functions
- [napalm-panos](
- [Tacquito]( A go TACACS+ implementation
- [assessment-cmds]( Useful show commands to check your Cisco router's health
- [learn-to-cloud]( Primer for Cloud-computing fundamentals



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "ciscoconfparse",
    "maintainer": "Mike Pennington",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "Parse, audit, query, modify, Cisco IOS, Cisco, NXOS, ASA, Juniper",
    "author": "Mike Pennington",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# ciscoconfparse\n\n[![git commits][41]][42] [![Version][2]][3] [![Downloads][6]][7] [![License][8]][9]\n\n[![SonarCloud][51]][52] [![SonarCloud Maintainability Rating][53]][54] [![SonarCloud Lines of Code][55]][56] [![SonarCloud Bugs][59]][60] [![SonarCloud Code Smells][57]][58] [![SonarCloud Tech Debt][61]][62]\n\n[![Snyk Package Health][37]][38]\n\n# Important: ciscoconfparse2\n\n**ciscoconfparse is End of Life**\n\nAs of December 14, 2023 [ciscoconfparse2][64] is released; this is equivalent to version 2.0 of [ciscoconfparse][17], but [ciscoconfparse2][64] is a different PYPI project.\n\nYou should upgrade; here's why, [ciscoconfparse2][64]:\n\n- It supports all major network vendor text configuration files (Arista, Cisco, F5, Juniper, Palo Alto)\n- It supports searching across any number of configuration levels ([ciscoconfparse][17] only supports two config levels : a parent and child)\n- It adds a [string methods]( so you don't need to use regex matching if you don't want to\n- It adds a [CLI command](\n- Revamped documentation\n- It simplifies the user interface and fixes broken [ciscoconfparse][17] default parameters (this could require changing old scripts using the original API)\n- It intentionally uses a new python import to minimize confusion between itself and the original\n\n*NOTE [ciscoconfparse2][64] deprecates many legacy [ciscoconfparse][17] APIs; overall this is a good thing because [ciscoconfparse2][64] is easier to use.  As such, test your code before using [ciscoconfparse2][64] as a drop-in replacement.*\n\n\n## Introduction: What is ciscoconfparse?\n\nShort answer: ciscoconfparse is a [Python][10] library\nthat helps you quickly answer questions like these about your\nCisco configurations:\n\n- What interfaces are shutdown?\n- Which interfaces are in trunk mode?\n- What address and subnet mask is assigned to each interface?\n- Which interfaces are missing a critical command?\n- Is this configuration missing a standard config line?\n\nIt can help you:\n\n- Audit existing router / switch / firewall / wlc configurations\n- Modify existing configurations\n- Build new configurations\n\nSpeaking generally, the library examines an IOS-style config and breaks\nit into a set of linked parent / child relationships. You can perform\ncomplex queries about these relationships.\n\n[![Cisco IOS config: Parent / child][11]][11]\n\n## Generic Usage\n\nThe following code will parse a configuration stored in\n`exampleswitch.conf` and select interfaces that are shutdown.\n\nIn this case, the parent is a line containing `interface` and\nthe child is a line containing the word `shutdown`.\n\n```python\nfrom ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse\n\nparse = CiscoConfParse('exampleswitch.conf', syntax='ios')\n\nfor intf_obj in parse.find_parent_objects('^interface', '^\\s+shutdown'):\n    print(\"Shutdown: \" + intf_obj.text)\n```\n\nThe next example will find the IP address assigned to interfaces.\n\n```python\nfrom ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse\n\nparse = CiscoConfParse('exampleswitch.conf', syntax='ios')\n\nfor ccp_obj in parse.find_objects('^interface'):\n\n    intf_name = ccp_obj.re_match_typed('^interface\\s+(\\S.+?)$')\n\n    # Search children of all interfaces for a regex match and return\n    # the value matched in regex match group 1.  If there is no match,\n    # return a default value: ''\n    intf_ip_addr = ccp_obj.re_match_iter_typed(\n        r'ip\\saddress\\s(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s', result_type=str,\n        group=1, default='')\n    print(f\"{intf_name}: {intf_ip_addr}\")\n```\n\n## Cisco IOS Factory Usage\n\nCiscoConfParse has a special feature that abstracts common IOS / NXOS / ASA / IOSXR fields; at this time, it is only supported on those configuration types. You will see factory parsing in CiscoConfParse code as parsing the configuration with `factory=True`.  A fraction of these pre-parsed Cisco IOS fields follows; some variables are not used below, but simply called out for quick reference.\n\n```python\nfrom ciscoconfparse import IPv4Obj, IPv6Obj\nfrom ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse\n\n##############################################################################\n# Parse an example Cisco IOS HSRP configuration from:\n#     tests/fixtures/configs/sample_08.ios\n#\n# !\n# interface FastEthernet0/0\n#  ip address\n#  ipv6 dhcp server IPV6_2FL_NORTH_LAN\n#  ipv6 address fd01:ab00::/64 eui-64\n#  ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local\n#  ipv6 enable\n#  ipv6 ospf 11 area 0\n#  standby 110 ip\n#  standby 110 ipv6 autoconfig\n#  standby 110 priority 150\n#  standby 110 preempt delay minimum 15\n#  standby 110 track Dialer1 75\n#  standby 110 track FastEthernet 0/1\n#  standby 110 track FastEthernet1/0 30\n#  standby 111 ip\n#  standby 111 priority 150\n#  standby 111 preempt delay minimum 15\n#  standby 111 track Dialer1 50\n#\n##############################################################################\nparse = CiscoConfParse('tests/fixtures/configs/sample_08.ios', syntax='ios', factory=True)\nfor ccp_obj in parse.find_objects('^interface'):\n\n    # Skip if there are no HSRPInterfaceGroup() instances...\n    if len(ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces) == 0:\n        continue\n\n    # Interface name, such as 'FastEthernet0/0'\n    intf_name =\n\n    # Interface description\n    intf_description = ccp_obj.description\n\n    # IPv4Obj\n    intf_v4obj = ccp_obj.ipv4_addr_object\n\n    # IPv4 address object: ipaddress.IPv4Address()\n    intf_v4addr = ccp_obj.ipv4_addr_object.ip\n\n    # IPv4 netmask object: ipaddress.IPv4Address()\n    intf_v4masklength = ccp_obj.ipv4_addr_object.masklength\n\n    # set() of IPv4 secondary address/prefixlen strings\n    intf_v4secondary_networks = ccp_obj.ip_secondary_networks\n\n    # set() of IPv4 secondary address strings\n    intf_v4secondary_addresses = ccp_obj.ip_secondary_addresses\n\n    # List of HSRP IPv4 addrs from the ciscoconfpasre/ HSRPInterfaceGroup()\n    intf_hsrp_addresses = [hsrp_grp.ip for hsrp_grp in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces]\n\n    # A bool for using HSRP bia mac-address...\n    intf_hsrp_usebia = any([ii.use_bia for ii in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces])\n\n    ##########################################################################\n    # Print a simple interface summary\n    ##########################################################################\n    print(\"----\")\n    print(f\"Interface {}: {intf_v4addr}/{intf_v4masklength}\")\n    print(f\"  Interface {intf_name} description: {intf_description}\")\n\n    ##########################################################################\n    # Print HSRP Group interface tracking information\n    ##########################################################################\n    print(\"\")\n    print(f\"  HSRP tracking for {set([ii.interface_name for ii in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces])}\")\n    for hsrp_intf_group in ccp_obj.hsrp_interfaces:\n        group = hsrp_intf_group.hsrp_group\n        # hsrp_intf_group.interface_tracking is a list of dictionaries\n        if len(hsrp_intf_group.interface_tracking) > 0:\n            print(f\"  --- HSRP Group {group} ---\")\n            for track_intf in hsrp_intf_group.interface_tracking:\n                print(f\"    --- Tracking {track_intf.interface} ---\")\n                print(f\"    Tracking interface: {track_intf.interface}\")\n                print(f\"    Tracking decrement: {track_intf.decrement}\")\n                print(f\"    Tracking weighting: {track_intf.weighting}\")\n\n\n    ##########################################################################\n    # Break out inidividual interface name components\n    #   Example: 'Serial3/4/5.6:7 multipoint'\n    ##########################################################################\n    # The base ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() instance\n    intf_cisco_interface = ccp_obj.interface_object\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() name, 'Serial3/4/5.6:7 multipoint'\n    intf_name =\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() prefix, 'Serial'\n    intf_prefix = ccp_obj.interface_object.prefix\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() digit separator, '/'\n    digit_separator = ccp_obj.interface_object.digit_separator or \"\"\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() slot, 3\n    intf_slot = ccp_obj.interface_object.slot or \"\"\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() card, 4\n    intf_card = ccp_obj.interface_object.card or \"\"\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() card, 5\n    intf_port = ccp_obj.interface_object.port\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() subinterface, 6\n    intf_subinterface = ccp_obj.interface_object.subinterface or \"\"\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() channel, 7\n    intf_channel = or \"\"\n    # The ciscoconfparse/ CiscoInterface() interface_class, 'multipoint'\n    intf_class = ccp_obj.interface_object.interface_class or \"\"\n\n    ##########################################################################\n    # Extract all IPv4Obj() with re_match_iter_typed()\n    ##########################################################################\n    _default = None\n    for _obj in ccp_obj.children:\n        # Get a dict() from re_match_iter_typed() by caling it with 'groupdict'\n        intf_dict = _obj.re_match_iter_typed(\n            # Add a regex match-group called 'v4addr'\n            r\"ip\\s+address\\s+(?P<v4addr>\\S.+?\\d)\\s*(?P<secondary>secondary)*$\",\n            # Cast the v4addr regex match group as an IPv4Obj() type\n            groupdict={\"v4addr\": IPv4Obj, \"secondary\": str},\n            # Default to None if there is no regex match\n            default=_default,\n        )\n        intf_ipv4obj = intf_dict[\"v4addr\"]\n\n    ##########################################################################\n    # Extract all IPv6Obj() with re_match_iter_typed()\n    ##########################################################################\n    _default = None\n    for _obj in ccp_obj.children:\n        # Get a dict() from re_match_iter_typed() by caling it with 'groupdict'\n        intf_dict = _obj.re_match_iter_typed(\n            # Add regex match-groups called 'v6addr' and an optional 'ipv6type'\n            r\"ipv6\\s+address\\s+(?P<v6addr>\\S.+?\\d)\\s*(?P<v6type>eui.64|link.local)*$\",\n            # Cast the v6addr regex match group as an IPv6Obj() type\n            groupdict={\"v6addr\": IPv6Obj, \"v6type\": str},\n            # Default to None if there is no regex match\n            default=_default,\n        )\n        intf_ipv6obj = intf_dict[\"v6addr\"]\n        intf_ipv6type = intf_dict[\"v6type\"]\n        # Skip this object if it has no IPv6 address\n        if intf_ipv6obj is _default:\n            continue\n```\n\nWhen that is run, you will see information similar to this...\n\n```\n----\nInterface FastEthernet0/0:\n  Interface FastEthernet0/0 description: [IPv4 and IPv6 desktop / laptop hosts on 2nd-floor North LAN]\n\n  HSRP Group tracking for {'FastEthernet0/0'}\n  --- HSRP Group 110 ---\n    --- Tracking Dialer1 ---\n    Tracking interface: Dialer1\n    Tracking decrement: 75\n    Tracking weighting: None\n    --- Tracking FastEthernet 0/1 ---\n    Tracking interface: FastEthernet 0/1\n    Tracking decrement: 10\n    Tracking weighting: None\n    --- Tracking FastEthernet1/0 ---\n    Tracking interface: FastEthernet1/0\n    Tracking decrement: 30\n    Tracking weighting: None\n  --- HSRP Group 111 ---\n    --- Tracking Dialer1 ---\n    Tracking interface: Dialer1\n    Tracking decrement: 50\n    Tracking weighting: None\nGRP {'addr': <IPv6Obj fd01:ab00::/64>}\nRESULT <IOSIntfLine # 231 'FastEthernet0/0' primary_ipv4: ''> <IPv6Obj fd01:ab00::/64>\n```\n\n\n## Are there private copies of CiscoConfParse()?\n\nYes.  [Cisco Systems][27] maintains their own copy of `CiscoConfParse()`. The terms of the GPLv3\nlicense allow this as long as they don't distribute their modified private copy in\nbinary form.  Also refer to this [GPLv3 License primer / GPLv3 101][45].  Officially, [modified\ncopies of CiscoConfParse source-code must also be licensed as GPLv3][45].\n\nDear [Cisco Systems][27]: please consider porting your improvements back into\nthe [`github ciscoconfparse repo`](\n\n## Are you releasing licensing besides GPLv3?\n\n[I will not](; however, you can take the solution Cisco does above as long as you comply with the GPLv3 terms.  If it's truly a problem for your company, there are commercial solutions available (to include purchasing the project, or hiring me).\n\n## What if we don\\'t use Cisco IOS?\n\nDon\\'t let that stop you.\n\nAs of CiscoConfParse 1.2.4, you can parse [brace-delimited configurations][13] into a Cisco IOS style (see [Github Issue \\#17][14]), which means that CiscoConfParse can parse these configurations:\n\n- Juniper Networks Junos\n- Palo Alto Networks Firewall configurations\n- F5 Networks configurations\n\nCiscoConfParse also handles anything that has a Cisco IOS style of configuration, which includes:\n\n- Cisco IOS, Cisco Nexus, Cisco IOS-XR, Cisco IOS-XE, Aironet OS, Cisco ASA, Cisco CatOS\n- Arista EOS\n- Brocade\n- HP Switches\n- Force 10 Switches\n- Dell PowerConnect Switches\n- Extreme Networks\n- Enterasys\n- Screenos\n\n## Docs\n\n- Blogs\n  - Kirk Byers published [a ciscoconfparse blog piece](\n  - Henry \u00d6lsner published [a ciscoconfparse blog piece](\n- The latest copy of the docs are [archived on the web][15]\n- There is also a [CiscoConfParse Tutorial][16]\n\n## Installation and Downloads\n\n-   Use `poetry` for Python3.x\\... :\n\n        python -m pip install ciscoconfparse\n\nIf you\\'re interested in the source, you can always pull from the [github repo][17]:\n\n- Download from [the github repo][17]: :\n\n        git clone git://\n        cd ciscoconfparse/\n        python -m pip install .\n\n## Github Star History\n\n[![Github Star History Chart][40]][40]\n\n## What is the pythonic way of handling script credentials?\n\n1. Never hard-code credentials\n2. Use [python-dotenv](\n\n\n## Is this a tool, or is it artwork?\n\nThat depends on who you ask.  Many companies use CiscoConfParse as part of their\nnetwork engineering toolbox; others regard it as a form of artwork.\n\n## Pre-requisites\n\n[The ciscoconfparse python package][3] requires Python versions 3.7+ (note: Python version 3.7.0 has a bug - ref [Github issue \\#117][18], but version 3.7.1 works); the OS should not matter.\n\n\n## Other Resources\n\n- [Dive into Python3]( is a good way to learn Python\n- [Team CYMRU][30] has a [Secure IOS Template][29], which is especially useful for external-facing routers / switches\n- [Cisco\\'s Guide to hardening IOS devices][31]\n- [Center for Internet Security Benchmarks][32] (An email address, cookies, and javascript are required)\n\n## Bug Tracker and Support\n\n- Please report any suggestions, bug reports, or annoyances with a [github bug report][24].\n- If you\\'re having problems with general python issues, consider searching for a solution on [Stack Overflow][33].  If you can\\'t find a solution for your problem or need more help, you can [ask on Stack Overflow][34] or [reddit/r/Python][39].\n- If you\\'re having problems with your Cisco devices, you can contact:\n  - [Cisco TAC][28]\n  - [reddit/r/Cisco][35]\n  - [reddit/r/networking][36]\n  - [][23]\n\n## Dependencies\n\n- [Python 3](\n- [passlib](\n- [toml](\n- [dnspython](\n- [loguru](\n- [deprecated](\n\n\n## Unit-Tests and Development\n\n- We are manually disabling some [SonarCloud]( alerts with:\n  - `#pragma warning disable S1313`\n  - `#pragma warning restore S1313`\n  - Where `S1313` is a False-positive that [SonarCloud]( flags in [CiscoConfParse](\n  - Those `#pragma warning` lines should be carefully-fenced to ensure that we don't disable a [SonarCloud]( alert that is useful.\n\n### Semantic Versioning and Conventional Commits\n\n- At this point, [CiscoConfParse][3] does NOT adhere to [Semantic Versioning][49]\n- Although we added [commitizen][48] as a dev dependency, we are NOT enforcing commit rules (such as [Conventional Commits][50]) yet.\n\n### Execute Unit tests\n\nThe project\\'s [test workflow][1] checks ciscoconfparse on Python versions 3.7 and higher, as well as a [pypy JIT][22] executable.\n\nIf you already git cloned the repo and want to manually run tests either run with `make test` from the base directory, or manually run with [`pytest`][63] in a unix-like system...\n\n```shell\n$ cd tests\n$ pytest -vvs ./test_*py\n...\n```\n\n### Execute Miss Report\n\nIf you already have have `pytest` and `pytest-cov` installed, run a test line miss report as shown below.\n\n```shell\n$ cd tests\n$ pytest --cov-report=term-missing --cov=ciscoconfparse ./\n...\n```\n\n\n## Editing the Package\n\nThis uses the example of editing the package on a git branch called `develop`...\n\n-   `git clone`\n-   `cd ciscoconfparse`\n-   `git branch develop`\n-   `git checkout develop`\n-   Add / modify / delete on the `develop` branch\n-   `make test`\n-   If tests run clean, `git commit` all the pending changes on the `develop` branch\n-   If you plan to publish this as an official version rev, edit the version number in [pyproject.toml][12].  In the future, we want to integrate `commitizen` to manage versioning.\n-   `git checkout main`\n-   `git merge develop`\n-   `make test`\n-   `git push origin main`\n-   `make pypi`\n\n## Sphinx Documentation\n\nBuilding the ciscoconfparse documentation tarball comes down to this one wierd trick:\n\n- `cd sphinx-doc/`\n- `pip install -r ./requirements.txt;  # install Sphinx dependencies`\n- `pip install -r ../requirements.txt; # install ccp dependencies`\n- `make html`\n\n## License and Copyright\n\n[ciscoconfparse][3] is licensed [GPLv3][21]\n\n- Copyright (C) 2022-2023 David Michael Pennington\n- Copyright (C) 2022 David Michael Pennington at WellSky\n- Copyright (C) 2022 David Michael Pennington\n- Copyright (C) 2019-2021 David Michael Pennington at Cisco Systems / ThousandEyes\n- Copyright (C) 2012-2019 David Michael Pennington at Samsung Data Services\n- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 David Michael Pennington at Dell Computer Corp\n- Copyright (C) 2007-2011 David Michael Pennington\n\nThe word \\\"Cisco\\\" is a registered trademark of [Cisco Systems][27].\n\n## Author\n\n[ciscoconfparse][3] was written by [David Michael Pennington][25] (mike \\[\\~at\\~\\] pennington \\[.dot.\\] net).\n\n## Interesting Users (and some downstream projects)\n\nThe following are featured [CiscoConfParse]( users / projects:\n\n- [salt](\n- [suzieq](  SuzieQ collects, normalizes, and stores timestamped data that is otherwise only available to engineers by logging into each device, providing a rich data lake that can be queried and leveraged for next generation monitoring and alerting\n- [netwalk]( Python library to discover, parse, analyze and change Cisco switched networks\n- [netlint](\n- [cisco_switchport_auditor]( Parses Cisco switch configuration into Switch & Interface objects to access configuration details of the aforementioned in a programatic manner. Works with SSH, RESTCONF, or with running/start-up config files.\n- [nipper-ng]( a network security analyzer\n- [pynipper-ng]( a network security analyzer\n- [build_fabric]( Build a declarative Cisco NXOS leaf and spine fabric using Ansible\n- [junos-ansible](\n- [faddr](\n- [NetOpsNornir](\n- [adala]( Extract useful information about your Cisco network\n- [xlina](\n  - Extract and organize access-list configurations and organizes associated objects and object-groups.\n  - Extract and organize Anyconnect profiles and associated group policies, auth servers, access-lists, etc\n  - Extract and organize static nat configurations and associated objects and object-groups\n  - Extract and organize auto nat configurations with associated objects\n  - Extract and organize crypto map configurations and associated access-lists, transform-sets, tunnel-groups, etc\n- [Catalyst_2_Meraki_Config_Checker]( Check the Cisco Catalyst configuration text file and verify if they are supported by the Meraki MS platform.\n- [parse_nxos_config]( Generates an Excel file with the information gathered from running-config file from Cisco NXOS\n- [Nornir3_CDP_map]( Set interface descriptions by looking at the hostname of its CDP neighbor\n- [devicebanner]( Update the banner message of the day on network devices\n- [iosconfigslicer]( Simple script to slice Cisco configuration file, and replicate sections of the config via SSH to another device\n- [ciscocfg]( a simple RPCd for ciscoconfparse\n- [confParser]( SSH with paramiko, and dump information about your configs into sqllite3 / Excel\n- [parse_config]( Dump information about your Vlans / VRFs to excel\n- Finally, _[Cisco Systems]( Product Engineering and Advanced Services_\n\n## Other Useful Network Management Projects\n\n- [netbox]( NetBox is the source of truth for everything on your network, from physical components like power systems and cabling to virtual assets like IP addresses and VLANs\n  - [ntc-netbox-plugin-onboarding]( A plugin for NetBox to easily onboard new devices.\n- [nautobot]( Network Source of Truth & Network Automation Platform.\n- [nornir]( Network Automation via Plugins - A pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management to help operate collections of devices\n- [network-importer]( The network importer is a tool/library to analyze and/or synchronize an existing network with a Network Source of Truth (SOT), it's designed to be idempotent and by default it's only showing the difference between the running network and the remote SOT.\n- [nuts]( NUTS defines a desired network state and checks it against a real network using pytest and nornir.\n- [jerikan](\n- [nettowel]( Collection of useful network automation functions\n- [napalm-panos](\n- [Tacquito]( A go TACACS+ implementation\n- [assessment-cmds]( Useful show commands to check your Cisco router's health\n- [learn-to-cloud]( Primer for Cloud-computing fundamentals\n\n\n\n  [1]:\n  [2]:\n  [3]:\n  [4]:\n  [5]:\n  [6]:\n  [7]:\n  [8]:\n  [9]:\n  [10]:\n  [11]:\n  [12]:\n  [13]:\n  [14]:\n  [15]:\n  [16]:\n  [17]:\n  [18]:\n  [19]:\n  [20]:\n  [21]:\n  [22]:\n  [23]:\n  [24]:\n  [25]:\n  [26]:\n  [27]:\n  [28]:\n  [29]:\n  [30]:\n  [31]:\n  [32]:\n  [33]:\n  [34]:\n  [35]:\n  [36]:\n  [37]:\n  [38]:\n  [39]:\n  [40]:\n  [41]:\n  [42]:\n  [43]:\n  [44]:\n  [45]:\n  [46]:\n  [47]:\n  [48]:\n  [49]:\n  [50]:\n  [51]:\n  [52]:\n  [53]:\n  [54]:\n  [55]:\n  [56]:\n  [57]:\n  [58]:\n  [59]:\n  [60]:\n  [61]:\n  [62]:\n  [63]:\n  [64]:\n\n",
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    "summary": "Parse, Audit, Query, Build, and Modify Cisco IOS-style and JunOS-style configs",
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        " nxos",
        " asa",
        " juniper"
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