
Namecleverdict JSON
Version 1.9.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA JSON-friendly data structure which allows both object attributes and dictionary keys and values to be used simultaneously and interchangeably.
upload_time2022-02-15 06:59:08
authorPeter Fison
licenseMIT License
keywords cleverdict data attribute key json autosave autodelete to_json from_json to_lines from_lines to_list from_list value attributes keys values database utility tool clever dictionary att __getattr__ __setattr__ getattr setattr
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # `CleverDict`
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1. [OVERVIEW](#1-overview)
2. [INSTALLATION](#2-installation)
3. [IMPORTING INTO CLEVERDICT](#3-importing-to-cleverdict)
4. [EXPORTING FROM CLEVERDICT](#4-exporting-from-cleverdict)
5. [ATTRIBUTE NAMES AND ALIASES](#5-attribute-names-and-aliases)
6. [DEEPER DIVE INTO ATTRIBUTE NAMES](#6-deeper-dive-into-attribute-names)
7. [SETTING AN ATTRIBUTE WITHOUT CREATING A DICTIONARY ITEM](#7-setting-an-attribute-without-creating-a-dictionary-item)
8. [THE AUTO-SAVE FEATURE](#8-the-auto-save-feature)
9. [CREATING YOUR OWN AUTO-SAVE FUNCTION](#9-creating-your-own-auto-save-function)
10. [CONTRIBUTING](#10-contributing)
11. [CREDITS](#11-credits)


`CleverDict` is a hybrid Python data class which allows both `object.attribute` and `dictionary['key']` notation to be used simultaneously and interchangeably.  It's particularly handy when your code is mainly object-orientated but you want a 'DRY' and extensible way to import data in json/dictionary/list format into your objects... or vice versa... without having to write extra code just to handle the translation.

Python dictionaries are simple yet powerful, but many people find `object.attribute` syntax easier to type and more intuitive to read, so why not have the best of both worlds?

    >>> from cleverdict import CleverDict
    >>> x = CleverDict({'total':6, 'usergroup': "Knights of Ni"})

    >>> x['total']

    >>> x.usergroup
    'Knights of Ni'
    >>> x['usergroup']
    'Knights of Ni'

    >>> x['life'] = 42
    >>> += 1
    >>> x['life']

    >>> del x['life']
    AttributeError: 'life'

`CleverDict` automatically generates **Aliases** which map to your original dictionary keys, handling various edge cases we've unearthed along the way so you don't have to.  You can add and delete your own custom **Aliases** too, which is really handy for adding shortcuts, mapping API responses to existing data structures, local language variants, and more.

`CleverDict` plays nicely with JSON and also includes some great convenience functions for importing/export lists, dicts, and lines.  It even offers two built-in `.autosave()` options and you can specify your own autosave/autodelete functions to be called automatically whenever an attribute changes.  No more explicitly writing lines to save your data or prompt for confirmation etc. every... single... time... a value changes (or *worse*, forgetting to...).


Very lightweight - no dependencies:

    pip install cleverdict

or to cover all bases...

    python -m pip install cleverdict --upgrade


You can create a `CleverDict` instance using keyword arguments:

    >>> x = CleverDict(created = "today", review = "tomorrow")

    >>> x.created
    >>> x['review']

Or use a list of tuple pairs and/or list pairs:

    >>> x = CleverDict([("value1", "one"), ["value2", "two"], ("value3", "three")])

    >>> x.value1
    >>> x['value2']
    >>> getattr(x, "value3")

Or use an existing `CleverDict` object as input:

    >>> x = CleverDict({1: "one", 2: "two"})
    >>> y = CleverDict(x)

    >>> y
    CleverDict({1: 'one', 2: 'two'}, _aliases={'_1': 1, '_True': 1, '_2': 2}, _vars={})

    >>> y.items()
    dict_items([(1, 'one'), (2, 'two')])

> *(\*) See Sections 5 and 7 to understand `_aliases={}` and `_vars={}` shown in the output above...*

A really nice feature is the ability to import JSON strings or files using `.from_json()` `:

    >>> json_data = '{"None": null}'
    >>> x = CleverDict.from_json(json_data)
    >>> x
    CleverDict({'None': None}, _aliases={'_None': 'None'}, _vars={})

    >>> y = CleverDict.from_json(file_path="mydata.json")

And the built-in dictionary method `.fromkeys()` works as normal, like this:

    >>> x = CleverDict.fromkeys(["Abigail", "Tino", "Isaac"], "Year 9")

    >>> x
    CleverDict({'Abigail': 'Year 9', 'Tino': 'Year 9', 'Isaac': 'Year 9'}, _aliases={}, _vars={})

You can also use `vars()` to import another object's data (but not its methods):

    >>> class X: pass
    >>> a = X(); = "Percival"
    >>> x = CleverDict(vars(a))

    >>> x
    CleverDict({'name': 'Percival'}, _aliases={}, _vars={})


To return a regular Python `dict` from `CleverDict`'s main data dictionary:

    >>> x.to_dict()
    {'name': 'Percival'}

You can export to JSON with `.to_json()` but be aware that your nested values/objects will not be touched, and must therefore be capable of being serialised to JSON individually.  If they're not essential to your output, you can simply add the  `ignore=` (or `exclude=`) argument to exclude them entirely:

    >>> x.to_json()
    '{\n    "name": "Percival"\n}'

    >>> =
    >>> x.to_json()
    TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable

    >>> x.to_json(ignore=["now"])
    '{\n    "name": "Percival"\n}'

    # Or output to a file:
    >>> x.to_json(file_path="mydata.json")

You can also use the `.to_list()` method to generate a list of key/value pairs:

    >>> x = CleverDict({1: "one", 2: "two"})

    >>> x.to_list()
    [(1, 'one'), (2, 'two')]

And you can import/export text files using `.from_lines()` and `.to_lines()` which is useful for things like subtitles, README files, code, and to-do lists:

    >>> lines ="This is my first line\nMy second...\n\n\n\n\nMy LAST\n"
    >>> x = CleverDict.from_lines(lines)

    >>> from pprint import pprint
    >>> pprint(x)
    {1: 'This is my first line',
     2: 'My second...',
     3: '',
     4: '',
     5: '',
     6: '',
     7: 'My LAST',
     8: ''}

     >>> x.to_lines(file_path="lines.txt")

By default `.from_lines()` uses 'human' numbering starting with key 1 (integer) but you can specify another starting number with `start_from_key=`:

    >>> x = CleverDict.from_lines(lines, start_from_key=0)
    >>> pprint(x)

    {0: 'This is my first line',
     1: 'My second...',
     2: '',
     3: '',
     4: '',
     5: '',
     6: 'My LAST',
     7: ''}

If you want to start your output from a specific line you can again use `start_from_key=`, this time with `.to_lines()`:

    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key=6)
    'My LAST\n'

> That '`\n`' at the end of the output is actually Line 7 which is empty.

Although primarily intended for numerical indexing, you can also use *strings* with `.to_lines()`, which is handy for setting 'bookmarks' for example.  You can choose between creating an **alias** (recommended - see next Section) or actually creating/overwriting with a new **key**:

    >>> x.add_alias(6, "The End")
    >>> new_lines = x.to_lines(start_from_key="The End")
    >>> new_lines
    'My LAST\n'

    >>> x.footnote1 = "Source: Wikipedia"
    >>> x.update({8:"All references to living persons are accidental"})
    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key="footnote1")
    'Source: Wikipedia\nAll references to living persons are accidental'

> NB:  Like regular dictionaries from Python 3.6 onwards, `CleverDict`,  stores values **in the order you create them**.  By default though `pprint` will helpfully (!) **sort** the keys, so don't panic if they seem out of order... Just use `repr()` to confirm the actual order, or `.info()` which is explained more fully in Section 6.

![Keep Calm](

If you want to *only* include particular keys in the output of `.to_json()`, `.to_list()`, `.to_dict`, `.to_lines()`, `.info()` and even `__repr__()`, you can use the `only=` argument followed by a list of attribute/key names:

    >>> x = CleverDict({"Apple": "Green", "Banana": "Yellow", "Orange": "Blue"})
    >>> x.to_dict(only=["Apple", "Orange"])
    {'Apple': 'Green', 'Orange': 'Blue'}

And finally, if you want to **exclude** (perhaps sensitive) attributes such as `.password`, just add the argument `ignore=` (or `exclude=`)  to ignore:

    >>> x.password = "Top Secret - don't ever save to file!"

    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key=6)
    "My LAST\n\nTop Secret - don't ever save to file!"

    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key=6, ignore=["password"])
    'My LAST\n'

You can add common exceptions at a *class* level too:

    >>> CleverDict.ignore
    {"_aliases", "save_path", "save", "delete"}

     >>> CleverDict.ignore.add("password")


Python dictionaries accept keywords, null strings, strings incorporating punctuation marks, and integers as their keys, but these *aren't* valid names for object attributes.  `CleverDict` helps by generating valid names where a straight copy of the dictionary keys would otherwise fail.    So for example `CleverDict` will automatically create the attribute name`"_7"` (string) to map to a dictionary key of `7` (integer):

    >>> x = CleverDict({7: "Seven"})

    >>> x._7
    >>> x
    CleverDict({7: 'Seven'}, _aliases={'_7': 7}, _vars={})

```CleverDict``` keeps the original dictionary keys and values unchanged and remembers any normalised attribute names as aliases in ```._aliases```.  You can add or delete further aliases with ```.add_alias``` and ```.delete_alias```, but the original dictionary key will never be deleted, even if all aliases and attributes are removed:

    >>> x.add_alias(7, "NumberSeven")
    >>> x.add_alias(7, "zeven")

    >>> x
    CleverDict({7: 'Seven'}, _aliases={'_7': 7, 'NumberSeven': 7, 'zeven': 7}, _vars={})

    >>> x.get_aliases()
    [7, '_7', 'NumberSeven', 'zeven']

`CleverDict` objects continue to work as dictionaries even if you accidentally use any of the built-in method names for dictionary keys or aliases.  As you'd expect and hope, it won't overwrite those methods, and the dictionary will remain intact:

    >>> 'to_list' in dir(CleverDict)

    >>> y = CleverDict({'to_list': "Some information"})

    >>> y['to_list']
    'Some information'

    >>> type(y.to_list)
    <class 'method'>

Back to our **alias** example, if you specify `ignore=` (or `exclude=`) when using `.to_json()`, `.to_list()`, `.info()`, `to_lines()`, `.to_dict`, or `__repr__()`, you can rest easy knowing that all aliases *and* the primary key(s) you've specified will be excluded too:


    >>> x.to_dict(ignore=["zeven"])

    >>> x.to_list(ignore=["NumberSeven"])

As you probably guessed, you can safely delete an alias with `.delete_alias()`, and the original dictionary key will be retained until/unless you use `del`:

    >>> x.delete_alias(["_7","NumberSeven"])

    >>> x
    "CleverDict({7: 'Seven'}, _aliases={'zeven': 7}, _vars={})"

    >>> x._7
    AttributeError: '_7'

    >>> x.delete_alias([7])
    KeyError: "primary key 7 can't be deleted"

    >>> del x[7]
    >>> x
    CleverDict({}, _aliases={}, _vars={})


**QUIZ QUESTION:** Did you know that since [PEP3131]( many (but not all) unicode characters are valid in attribute names?

    >>> x = CleverDict(значение = "znacheniyeh: Russian word for 'value'")
    >>> x.значение
    "znacheniyeh: Russian word for 'value'"

`CleverDict` replaces all *invalid* characters such as (most) punctuation marks with "`_`" on a *first come, first served* basis.  To avoid duplicates or over-writing, a `KeyError` is raised in the event of a 'clash', which is your **strong hint** to rename one of the offending dictionary keys to something that won't result in a duplicate alias.  For example:

    >>> x = CleverDict({"one-two": "hypen",
                        "one/two": "forward slash"})
    KeyError: "'one_two' already an alias for 'one-two'"

    >>> x = CleverDict({"one-two": "hypen",
                        "one_or_two": "forward slash"})

**BONUS QUESTION:** Did you also know that the dictionary keys `0`, `0.0`, and `False` are considered the same in Python?  Likewise `1`, `1.0`, and `True`, and `1234` and `1234.0`?  If you create a regular dictionary using more than one of these different identities, they'll appear to 'overwrite' each other, keeping the **first Key** specified but the **last Value** specified, reading left to right:

    >>> x = {1: "one", True: "the truth"}

    >>> x
    {1: 'the truth'}

You'll be relieved to know `CleverDict` handles these cases but we thought it was worth mentioning in case you came across them first and wondered what the heck was going on!  *"Explicit is better than implicit"*, right?  If in doubt, you can inspect all the keys, `.attributes`, and aliases using the `.info()` method, as well as any aliases linking to the object itself:

    >>> x = y = z = CleverDict({1: "one", True: "the truth"})

    x is y is z
    x[1] == x['_1'] == x['_True'] == x._1 == x._True == 'the truth'

And if you use `info(as_str=True)` you'll get the results as a printable string:


    "CleverDict:\n    x is y is z\n    x[1] == x['_1'] == x['_True'] == x._1 == x._True == 'the truth'"

We've included the `.setattr_direct()` method in case you want to set an attribute *without* creating the corresponding dictionary key/value.  This could be useful for storing 'internal' data, objects and methods for example, and is used by `CleverDict` itself to store aliases in `._aliases` and the location of the autosave file in `save_path`.  Any variables which are set directly with `.setattr_direct()` are stored in `_vars`:

    >>> x = CleverDict()
    >>> x.setattr_direct("direct", True)

    >>> x
    CleverDict({}, _aliases={}, _vars={'direct': True})

Neither `._vars`, nor `_aliases`, nor any of `CleverDict`'s own functions/methods/variables are included in the output of `.to_json()`, `.to_lines()`, and `.to_list()` etc. ***unless*** you specify `(fullcopy=True)`.  Otherwise the output will simply be your basic data dictionary, since `CleverDict` is a *dictionary* first and foremost.

Subject to normal JSON limitations, you can *completely reconstruct* your original `CleverDict` using one created with `.from_json(fullcopy=True)`:

    >>> x = CleverDict({"total":6, "usergroup": "Knights of Ni"})
    >>> x.add_alias("usergroup", "knights")
    >>> x.setattr_direct("Quest", "The Holy Grail")
    >>> x.to_json(file_path="mydata.json", fullcopy=True)

    >>> y = CleverDict.from_json(file_path="mydata.json")
    >>> y == x

    >>> y
    CleverDict({'total': 6, 'usergroup': 'Knights of Ni'}, _aliases={'knights': 'usergroup'}, _vars={'Quest': 'The Holy Grail'})

This even solves the pesky problem of `json.dumps()` converting numeric keys to strings e.g. `{1: "one"}` to `{"1": "one"}`.  By recording the mappings as part of the JSON, `CleverDict` is able to remember whether your initial key was numeric or a string.  Niiiiice.


Following the "*batteries included*" philosophy, we've included not one but **two** powerful autosave/autodelete options which, when activated, will save your `CleverDict` data to the recommended 'Settings' folder of whichever Operating System you're using.



    >>> x = CleverDict({"Patient Name": "Wobbly Joe", "Test Result": "Positive"})
    >>> x.autosave()

    âš  Autosaving to:

    >>> x.Prognosis = "Not good"

If you browse the json file, you should see `.Prognosis` has been saved along with any other new/changed values.  Any values you delete will be automatically removed.


In **Section 7** you saw how to use `.to_json(fullcopy=True)` to create a complete image of your `CleverDict` as a JSON string or file.  You can set this as the autosave/autodelete method using the same simple syntax:

    >>> x.autosave(fullcopy=True)

With this autosave option, **all dictionary data**, **all aliases** (in `_aliases`), and **all attributes** (including `_vars`) will be saved whenever they're created, changed, or deleted.


In both `.autosave()` options above, the file location is stored as `.save_path` using `.setattr_direct()` which you read about above (unless you skipped or fell asleep!).

    >>> x.save_path

To disable autosaving/autodeletion  just enter:

    >>> x.autosave("off")

    âš  Autosave disabled.

    ⓘ Previous updates saved to:

To deactivate `.save()` or `.delete()` separately:

    >>> x.set_autosave()
    >>> x.set_autodelete()

> If you want to periodically open the `CleverDict` save folder to check for orphaned `.json` files from time to time, a handy shortcut is:

    >>> import webbrowser


As well as autosave/autodelete options baked in to `CleverDict`, you can set pretty much any custom function to run **automatically** when a `CleverDict` value is *created, changed, or deleted*, for example to update a database, save to a file, or synchronise with cloud storage etc.  Less code for you, and less chance you'll forget to explicitly call that crucial update function...

This can be enabled at a *class* level, or by creating subclasses of `CleverDict` with different options, or an *object/instance* level.  We strongly recommend the *object/instance* approach wherever possible, but you have the choice.

### **Autosaving a particular object/instance:**

You can either overwrite the `.save()` / `.delete()` methods when you create your object, or use `.set_autosave()` / `.set_autodelete()` after the event:

    >>> x = CleverDict({"Patient Name": "Wobbly Joe", "Test Result": "Positive"},

    # Or for an existing object:
    >>> x.set_autosave(your_save_function)

    >>> x = CleverDict({"Patient Name": "Wobbly Joe", "Test Result": "Positive"},

    # Or for an existing object:
    >>> x.set_autodelete(your_delete_function)

### **Autosaving at a class level:**

Simple to do, but beware this could change all existing `CleverDict` instances as well as all future ones:

    >>> = your_save_function
    >>> CleverDict.delete = your_delete_function

### **Creating Subclasses:**

If you create a subclass of `CleverDict` remember to call `super().__init__()` *before* trying to set any further class or object attributes, otherwise you'll run into trouble:

    class AutoStore(CleverDict):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.setattr_direct('index', [])
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def save(self, name, value):
            """ Keep a separate 'store' for data in .index """
            self.index.append((name, value))

    class AutoConfirm(CleverDict): pass
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def save(self, name, value):
            """ Print confirmation of the latest change """
            print(f"{name.title()}: {value.upper()}")

> NB: The `.append()` method  in `` above doesn't trigger the `.save()` method again itself (thankfully) otherwise we'd in a whole world of recursion pain...  If we'd used `self.index +=`, the `.save()` method *would* have been called recursively.

### **Writing Your Own Function:**

When writing your own `.save()` function, you'll need to accept three arguments as shown in the following example:

    >>> def your_save_function(self, name, value):
            """ Custom save function by you """
            print(f" ⓘ  .{name} (object type: {self.__class__.__name__}) = {value} {type(value)}")

    >>> CleverDict.delete = your_delete_function
    >>> x=CleverDict()
    >>> = "Novelty"
    ⓘ  .new (object type: CleverDict) = Novelty <class 'str'>

    ' Custom save function by you '

* **self**: because we're dealing with objects and classes...
* **key**: a valid Python `.attribute` or *key* name preferably, otherwise you'll only be able to access it using `dictionary['key']` notation later on.
* **value**: anything

When writing your own `.delete()` function, the same applies, except there is no `value` parameter supplied.


We'd love to see Pull Requests (and relevant tests) from other contributors, particularly if you can help:

* Evolve `CleverDict` to make it play nicely with other classes and formats.  [For example: `datetime`](
* Put the finishing touches on the **docstrings** to enable autocompletion in modern IDEs (this is neither the author's strong suit nor his passion!).
* Improve the structure and coverage of ``.

For a list of all outstanding **Feature Requests** and (heaven forbid!) actual *Issues* please have a look here and maybe you can help out?

## 11. CREDITS
`CleverDict` was developed jointly by Ruud van der Ham, Peter Fison, Loic Domaigne, and Rik Huygen who met on the friendly and excellent Pythonista Cafe forum (  Peter got the ball rolling after noticing a super-convenient, but not fully-fledged feature in Pandas that allows you to (mostly) use `object.attribute` syntax or `dictionary['key']` syntax interchangeably. Ruud, Loic and Rik then started swapping ideas for a hybrid  dictionary/data class, originally based on `UserDict` and the magic of `__getattr__` and `__setattr__`.

> **Fun Fact:** `CleverDict` was originally called `attr_dict` but several confusing flavours of this and `AttrDict` exist on PyPi and Github already.  Hopefully this new tongue-in-cheek name is more memorable and raises a smile ;)

If you find `cleverdict` helpful, please feel free to:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" width="217px" ></a>


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "cleverdict",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "cleverdict,data,attribute,key,JSON,autosave,autodelete,to_json,from_json,to_lines,from_lines,to_list,from_list,value,attributes,keys,values,database,utility,tool,clever,dictionary,att,__getattr__,__setattr__,getattr,setattr",
    "author": "Peter Fison",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "",
    "description": "# `CleverDict`\r\n<p align=\"center\">\r\n    <a href=\"\"><img alt=\"PyPI\" src=\"\"></a>\r\n\t<a href=\"\"><img alt=\"PyPI - Python Version\" src=\"\"></a>\r\n    <a href=\"\"><img alt=\"Downloads\" src=\"\"></a>\r\n    <a href=\"#Contribution\" title=\"Contributions are welcome\"><img src=\"\"></a>\r\n    <a href=\"\" title=\"CleverDict\"><img src=\"\"></a>\r\n    <img alt=\"PyPI - License\" src=\"\">\r\n    <img alt=\"PyPI - Status\" src=\"\">\r\n    <img alt=\"GitHub Repo stars\" src=\"\">\r\n    <a href=\"\" title=\"Follow us on Twitter\"><img src=\"\"></a>\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n![cleverdict cartoon](\r\n\r\n## >CONTENTS\r\n\r\n1. [OVERVIEW](#1-overview)\r\n2. [INSTALLATION](#2-installation)\r\n3. [IMPORTING INTO CLEVERDICT](#3-importing-to-cleverdict)\r\n4. [EXPORTING FROM CLEVERDICT](#4-exporting-from-cleverdict)\r\n5. [ATTRIBUTE NAMES AND ALIASES](#5-attribute-names-and-aliases)\r\n6. [DEEPER DIVE INTO ATTRIBUTE NAMES](#6-deeper-dive-into-attribute-names)\r\n7. [SETTING AN ATTRIBUTE WITHOUT CREATING A DICTIONARY ITEM](#7-setting-an-attribute-without-creating-a-dictionary-item)\r\n8. [THE AUTO-SAVE FEATURE](#8-the-auto-save-feature)\r\n9. [CREATING YOUR OWN AUTO-SAVE FUNCTION](#9-creating-your-own-auto-save-function)\r\n10. [CONTRIBUTING](#10-contributing)\r\n11. [CREDITS](#11-credits)\r\n\r\n\r\n## 1. OVERVIEW\r\n\r\n`CleverDict` is a hybrid Python data class which allows both `object.attribute` and `dictionary['key']` notation to be used simultaneously and interchangeably.  It's particularly handy when your code is mainly object-orientated but you want a 'DRY' and extensible way to import data in json/dictionary/list format into your objects... or vice versa... without having to write extra code just to handle the translation.\r\n\r\nPython dictionaries are simple yet powerful, but many people find `object.attribute` syntax easier to type and more intuitive to read, so why not have the best of both worlds?\r\n\r\n    >>> from cleverdict import CleverDict\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({'total':6, 'usergroup': \"Knights of Ni\"})\r\n\r\n    >>>\r\n    6\r\n    >>> x['total']\r\n    6\r\n\r\n    >>> x.usergroup\r\n    'Knights of Ni'\r\n    >>> x['usergroup']\r\n    'Knights of Ni'\r\n\r\n    >>> x['life'] = 42\r\n    >>> += 1\r\n    >>> x['life']\r\n    43\r\n\r\n    >>> del x['life']\r\n    >>>\r\n    AttributeError: 'life'\r\n\r\n`CleverDict` automatically generates **Aliases** which map to your original dictionary keys, handling various edge cases we've unearthed along the way so you don't have to.  You can add and delete your own custom **Aliases** too, which is really handy for adding shortcuts, mapping API responses to existing data structures, local language variants, and more.\r\n\r\n`CleverDict` plays nicely with JSON and also includes some great convenience functions for importing/export lists, dicts, and lines.  It even offers two built-in `.autosave()` options and you can specify your own autosave/autodelete functions to be called automatically whenever an attribute changes.  No more explicitly writing lines to save your data or prompt for confirmation etc. every... single... time... a value changes (or *worse*, forgetting to...).\r\n\r\n## 2. INSTALLATION\r\n\r\nVery lightweight - no dependencies:\r\n\r\n    pip install cleverdict\r\n\r\nor to cover all bases...\r\n\r\n    python -m pip install cleverdict --upgrade\r\n\r\n\r\n## 3. IMPORTING TO CLEVERDICT\r\n\r\nYou can create a `CleverDict` instance using keyword arguments:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict(created = \"today\", review = \"tomorrow\")\r\n\r\n    >>> x.created\r\n    'today'\r\n    >>> x['review']\r\n    'tomorrow'\r\n\r\nOr use a list of tuple pairs and/or list pairs:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict([(\"value1\", \"one\"), [\"value2\", \"two\"], (\"value3\", \"three\")])\r\n\r\n    >>> x.value1\r\n    'one'\r\n    >>> x['value2']\r\n    'two'\r\n    >>> getattr(x, \"value3\")\r\n    'three'\r\n\r\nOr use an existing `CleverDict` object as input:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({1: \"one\", 2: \"two\"})\r\n    >>> y = CleverDict(x)\r\n\r\n    >>> y\r\n    CleverDict({1: 'one', 2: 'two'}, _aliases={'_1': 1, '_True': 1, '_2': 2}, _vars={})\r\n\r\n    >>> y.items()\r\n    dict_items([(1, 'one'), (2, 'two')])\r\n\r\n> *(\\*) See Sections 5 and 7 to understand `_aliases={}` and `_vars={}` shown in the output above...*\r\n\r\nA really nice feature is the ability to import JSON strings or files using `.from_json()` `:\r\n\r\n    >>> json_data = '{\"None\": null}'\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict.from_json(json_data)\r\n    >>> x\r\n    CleverDict({'None': None}, _aliases={'_None': 'None'}, _vars={})\r\n\r\n    >>> y = CleverDict.from_json(file_path=\"mydata.json\")\r\n\r\nAnd the built-in dictionary method `.fromkeys()` works as normal, like this:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict.fromkeys([\"Abigail\", \"Tino\", \"Isaac\"], \"Year 9\")\r\n\r\n    >>> x\r\n    CleverDict({'Abigail': 'Year 9', 'Tino': 'Year 9', 'Isaac': 'Year 9'}, _aliases={}, _vars={})\r\n\r\nYou can also use `vars()` to import another object's data (but not its methods):\r\n\r\n    >>> class X: pass\r\n    >>> a = X(); = \"Percival\"\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict(vars(a))\r\n\r\n    >>> x\r\n    CleverDict({'name': 'Percival'}, _aliases={}, _vars={})\r\n\r\n## 4. EXPORTING FROM CLEVERDICT\r\n\r\nTo return a regular Python `dict` from `CleverDict`'s main data dictionary:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_dict()\r\n    {'name': 'Percival'}\r\n\r\nYou can export to JSON with `.to_json()` but be aware that your nested values/objects will not be touched, and must therefore be capable of being serialised to JSON individually.  If they're not essential to your output, you can simply add the  `ignore=` (or `exclude=`) argument to exclude them entirely:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_json()\r\n    '{\\n    \"name\": \"Percival\"\\n}'\r\n\r\n    >>> =\r\n    >>> x.to_json()\r\n    TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_json(ignore=[\"now\"])\r\n    '{\\n    \"name\": \"Percival\"\\n}'\r\n\r\n    # Or output to a file:\r\n    >>> x.to_json(file_path=\"mydata.json\")\r\n\r\nYou can also use the `.to_list()` method to generate a list of key/value pairs:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({1: \"one\", 2: \"two\"})\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_list()\r\n    [(1, 'one'), (2, 'two')]\r\n\r\nAnd you can import/export text files using `.from_lines()` and `.to_lines()` which is useful for things like subtitles, README files, code, and to-do lists:\r\n\r\n    >>> lines =\"This is my first line\\nMy second...\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nMy LAST\\n\"\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict.from_lines(lines)\r\n\r\n    >>> from pprint import pprint\r\n    >>> pprint(x)\r\n    {1: 'This is my first line',\r\n     2: 'My second...',\r\n     3: '',\r\n     4: '',\r\n     5: '',\r\n     6: '',\r\n     7: 'My LAST',\r\n     8: ''}\r\n\r\n     >>> x.to_lines(file_path=\"lines.txt\")\r\n\r\nBy default `.from_lines()` uses 'human' numbering starting with key 1 (integer) but you can specify another starting number with `start_from_key=`:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict.from_lines(lines, start_from_key=0)\r\n    >>> pprint(x)\r\n\r\n    {0: 'This is my first line',\r\n     1: 'My second...',\r\n     2: '',\r\n     3: '',\r\n     4: '',\r\n     5: '',\r\n     6: 'My LAST',\r\n     7: ''}\r\n\r\nIf you want to start your output from a specific line you can again use `start_from_key=`, this time with `.to_lines()`:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key=6)\r\n    'My LAST\\n'\r\n\r\n> That '`\\n`' at the end of the output is actually Line 7 which is empty.\r\n\r\n\r\nAlthough primarily intended for numerical indexing, you can also use *strings* with `.to_lines()`, which is handy for setting 'bookmarks' for example.  You can choose between creating an **alias** (recommended - see next Section) or actually creating/overwriting with a new **key**:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.add_alias(6, \"The End\")\r\n    >>> new_lines = x.to_lines(start_from_key=\"The End\")\r\n    >>> new_lines\r\n    'My LAST\\n'\r\n\r\n    >>> x.footnote1 = \"Source: Wikipedia\"\r\n    >>> x.update({8:\"All references to living persons are accidental\"})\r\n    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key=\"footnote1\")\r\n    'Source: Wikipedia\\nAll references to living persons are accidental'\r\n\r\n> NB:  Like regular dictionaries from Python 3.6 onwards, `CleverDict`,  stores values **in the order you create them**.  By default though `pprint` will helpfully (!) **sort** the keys, so don't panic if they seem out of order... Just use `repr()` to confirm the actual order, or `.info()` which is explained more fully in Section 6.\r\n\r\n![Keep Calm](\r\n\r\nIf you want to *only* include particular keys in the output of `.to_json()`, `.to_list()`, `.to_dict`, `.to_lines()`, `.info()` and even `__repr__()`, you can use the `only=` argument followed by a list of attribute/key names:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({\"Apple\": \"Green\", \"Banana\": \"Yellow\", \"Orange\": \"Blue\"})\r\n    >>> x.to_dict(only=[\"Apple\", \"Orange\"])\r\n    {'Apple': 'Green', 'Orange': 'Blue'}\r\n\r\nAnd finally, if you want to **exclude** (perhaps sensitive) attributes such as `.password`, just add the argument `ignore=` (or `exclude=`)  to ignore:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.password = \"Top Secret - don't ever save to file!\"\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key=6)\r\n    \"My LAST\\n\\nTop Secret - don't ever save to file!\"\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_lines(start_from_key=6, ignore=[\"password\"])\r\n    'My LAST\\n'\r\n\r\nYou can add common exceptions at a *class* level too:\r\n\r\n    >>> CleverDict.ignore\r\n    {\"_aliases\", \"save_path\", \"save\", \"delete\"}\r\n\r\n     >>> CleverDict.ignore.add(\"password\")\r\n\r\n## 5. ATTRIBUTE NAMES AND ALIASES\r\n\r\nPython dictionaries accept keywords, null strings, strings incorporating punctuation marks, and integers as their keys, but these *aren't* valid names for object attributes.  `CleverDict` helps by generating valid names where a straight copy of the dictionary keys would otherwise fail.    So for example `CleverDict` will automatically create the attribute name`\"_7\"` (string) to map to a dictionary key of `7` (integer):\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({7: \"Seven\"})\r\n\r\n    >>> x._7\r\n    'Seven'\r\n    >>> x\r\n    CleverDict({7: 'Seven'}, _aliases={'_7': 7}, _vars={})\r\n\r\n```CleverDict``` keeps the original dictionary keys and values unchanged and remembers any normalised attribute names as aliases in ```._aliases```.  You can add or delete further aliases with ```.add_alias``` and ```.delete_alias```, but the original dictionary key will never be deleted, even if all aliases and attributes are removed:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.add_alias(7, \"NumberSeven\")\r\n    >>> x.add_alias(7, \"zeven\")\r\n\r\n    >>> x\r\n    CleverDict({7: 'Seven'}, _aliases={'_7': 7, 'NumberSeven': 7, 'zeven': 7}, _vars={})\r\n\r\n    >>> x.get_aliases()\r\n    [7, '_7', 'NumberSeven', 'zeven']\r\n\r\n`CleverDict` objects continue to work as dictionaries even if you accidentally use any of the built-in method names for dictionary keys or aliases.  As you'd expect and hope, it won't overwrite those methods, and the dictionary will remain intact:\r\n\r\n    >>> 'to_list' in dir(CleverDict)\r\n    True\r\n\r\n    >>> y = CleverDict({'to_list': \"Some information\"})\r\n\r\n    >>> y['to_list']\r\n    'Some information'\r\n\r\n    >>> type(y.to_list)\r\n    <class 'method'>\r\n\r\nBack to our **alias** example, if you specify `ignore=` (or `exclude=`) when using `.to_json()`, `.to_list()`, `.info()`, `to_lines()`, `.to_dict`, or `__repr__()`, you can rest easy knowing that all aliases *and* the primary key(s) you've specified will be excluded too:\r\n\r\n    >>>[7])\r\n    CleverDict:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_dict(ignore=[\"zeven\"])\r\n    {}\r\n\r\n    >>> x.to_list(ignore=[\"NumberSeven\"])\r\n    []\r\n\r\nAs you probably guessed, you can safely delete an alias with `.delete_alias()`, and the original dictionary key will be retained until/unless you use `del`:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.delete_alias([\"_7\",\"NumberSeven\"])\r\n\r\n    >>> x\r\n    \"CleverDict({7: 'Seven'}, _aliases={'zeven': 7}, _vars={})\"\r\n\r\n    >>> x._7\r\n    AttributeError: '_7'\r\n\r\n    >>> x.delete_alias([7])\r\n    KeyError: \"primary key 7 can't be deleted\"\r\n\r\n    >>> del x[7]\r\n    >>> x\r\n    CleverDict({}, _aliases={}, _vars={})\r\n\r\n\r\n## 6. DEEPER DIVE INTO ATTRIBUTE NAMES\r\n\r\n\r\n**QUIZ QUESTION:** Did you know that since [PEP3131]( many (but not all) unicode characters are valid in attribute names?\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict(\u00d0\u00b7\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b0\u00d1\u2021\u00d0\u00b5\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b8\u00d0\u00b5 = \"znacheniyeh: Russian word for 'value'\")\r\n    >>> x.\u00d0\u00b7\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b0\u00d1\u2021\u00d0\u00b5\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b8\u00d0\u00b5\r\n    \"znacheniyeh: Russian word for 'value'\"\r\n\r\n`CleverDict` replaces all *invalid* characters such as (most) punctuation marks with \"`_`\" on a *first come, first served* basis.  To avoid duplicates or over-writing, a `KeyError` is raised in the event of a 'clash', which is your **strong hint** to rename one of the offending dictionary keys to something that won't result in a duplicate alias.  For example:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({\"one-two\": \"hypen\",\r\n                        \"one/two\": \"forward slash\"})\r\n    KeyError: \"'one_two' already an alias for 'one-two'\"\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({\"one-two\": \"hypen\",\r\n                        \"one_or_two\": \"forward slash\"})\r\n\r\n**BONUS QUESTION:** Did you also know that the dictionary keys `0`, `0.0`, and `False` are considered the same in Python?  Likewise `1`, `1.0`, and `True`, and `1234` and `1234.0`?  If you create a regular dictionary using more than one of these different identities, they'll appear to 'overwrite' each other, keeping the **first Key** specified but the **last Value** specified, reading left to right:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = {1: \"one\", True: \"the truth\"}\r\n\r\n    >>> x\r\n    {1: 'the truth'}\r\n\r\nYou'll be relieved to know `CleverDict` handles these cases but we thought it was worth mentioning in case you came across them first and wondered what the heck was going on!  *\"Explicit is better than implicit\"*, right?  If in doubt, you can inspect all the keys, `.attributes`, and aliases using the `.info()` method, as well as any aliases linking to the object itself:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = y = z = CleverDict({1: \"one\", True: \"the truth\"})\r\n    >>>\r\n\r\n    CleverDict:\r\n    x is y is z\r\n    x[1] == x['_1'] == x['_True'] == x._1 == x._True == 'the truth'\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd if you use `info(as_str=True)` you'll get the results as a printable string:\r\n\r\n    >>>\r\n\r\n    \"CleverDict:\\n    x is y is z\\n    x[1] == x['_1'] == x['_True'] == x._1 == x._True == 'the truth'\"\r\n\r\n\r\n## 7. SETTING AN ATTRIBUTE WITHOUT CREATING A DICTIONARY ITEM\r\nWe've included the `.setattr_direct()` method in case you want to set an attribute *without* creating the corresponding dictionary key/value.  This could be useful for storing 'internal' data, objects and methods for example, and is used by `CleverDict` itself to store aliases in `._aliases` and the location of the autosave file in `save_path`.  Any variables which are set directly with `.setattr_direct()` are stored in `_vars`:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict()\r\n    >>> x.setattr_direct(\"direct\", True)\r\n\r\n    >>> x\r\n    CleverDict({}, _aliases={}, _vars={'direct': True})\r\n\r\nNeither `._vars`, nor `_aliases`, nor any of `CleverDict`'s own functions/methods/variables are included in the output of `.to_json()`, `.to_lines()`, and `.to_list()` etc. ***unless*** you specify `(fullcopy=True)`.  Otherwise the output will simply be your basic data dictionary, since `CleverDict` is a *dictionary* first and foremost.\r\n\r\nSubject to normal JSON limitations, you can *completely reconstruct* your original `CleverDict` using one created with `.from_json(fullcopy=True)`:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({\"total\":6, \"usergroup\": \"Knights of Ni\"})\r\n    >>> x.add_alias(\"usergroup\", \"knights\")\r\n    >>> x.setattr_direct(\"Quest\", \"The Holy Grail\")\r\n    >>> x.to_json(file_path=\"mydata.json\", fullcopy=True)\r\n\r\n    >>> y = CleverDict.from_json(file_path=\"mydata.json\")\r\n    >>> y == x\r\n    True\r\n\r\n    >>> y\r\n    CleverDict({'total': 6, 'usergroup': 'Knights of Ni'}, _aliases={'knights': 'usergroup'}, _vars={'Quest': 'The Holy Grail'})\r\n\r\nThis even solves the pesky problem of `json.dumps()` converting numeric keys to strings e.g. `{1: \"one\"}` to `{\"1\": \"one\"}`.  By recording the mappings as part of the JSON, `CleverDict` is able to remember whether your initial key was numeric or a string.  Niiiiice.\r\n\r\n\r\n## 8. THE AUTO-SAVE FEATURE\r\n\r\n\r\nFollowing the \"*batteries included*\" philosophy, we've included not one but **two** powerful autosave/autodelete options which, when activated, will save your `CleverDict` data to the recommended 'Settings' folder of whichever Operating System you're using.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n**AUTOSAVE OPTION #1: DICTIONARY DATA ONLY**\r\n\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({\"Patient Name\": \"Wobbly Joe\", \"Test Result\": \"Positive\"})\r\n    >>> x.autosave()\r\n\r\n    \u00e2\u0161\u00a0 Autosaving to:\r\n    C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Roaming\\CleverDict\\2021-01-20-15-03-54-30.json\r\n\r\n    >>> x.Prognosis = \"Not good\"\r\n\r\nIf you browse the json file, you should see `.Prognosis` has been saved along with any other new/changed values.  Any values you delete will be automatically removed.\r\n\r\n---\r\n**AUTOSAVE OPTION #2: FULL COPY**\r\n\r\nIn **Section 7** you saw how to use `.to_json(fullcopy=True)` to create a complete image of your `CleverDict` as a JSON string or file.  You can set this as the autosave/autodelete method using the same simple syntax:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.autosave(fullcopy=True)\r\n\r\nWith this autosave option, **all dictionary data**, **all aliases** (in `_aliases`), and **all attributes** (including `_vars`) will be saved whenever they're created, changed, or deleted.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\r\nIn both `.autosave()` options above, the file location is stored as `.save_path` using `.setattr_direct()` which you read about above (unless you skipped or fell asleep!).\r\n\r\n    >>> x.save_path\r\n    WindowsPath('C:/Users/Peter/AppData/Roaming/CleverDict/2021-01-20-15-03-54-30.json')\r\n\r\nTo disable autosaving/autodeletion  just enter:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.autosave(\"off\")\r\n\r\n    \u00e2\u0161\u00a0 Autosave disabled.\r\n\r\n    \u00e2\u201c\u02dc Previous updates saved to:\r\n       C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Roaming\\CleverDict\\2021-01-20-15-03-54-30.json\r\n\r\nTo deactivate `.save()` or `.delete()` separately:\r\n\r\n    >>> x.set_autosave()\r\n    >>> x.set_autodelete()\r\n\r\n> If you want to periodically open the `CleverDict` save folder to check for orphaned `.json` files from time to time, a handy shortcut is:\r\n\r\n    >>> import webbrowser\r\n    >>>\r\n\r\n## 9. CREATING YOUR OWN AUTO-SAVE/AUTO-DELETE FUNCTION\r\n\r\nAs well as autosave/autodelete options baked in to `CleverDict`, you can set pretty much any custom function to run **automatically** when a `CleverDict` value is *created, changed, or deleted*, for example to update a database, save to a file, or synchronise with cloud storage etc.  Less code for you, and less chance you'll forget to explicitly call that crucial update function...\r\n\r\nThis can be enabled at a *class* level, or by creating subclasses of `CleverDict` with different options, or an *object/instance* level.  We strongly recommend the *object/instance* approach wherever possible, but you have the choice.\r\n\r\n### **Autosaving a particular object/instance:**\r\n\r\nYou can either overwrite the `.save()` / `.delete()` methods when you create your object, or use `.set_autosave()` / `.set_autodelete()` after the event:\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({\"Patient Name\": \"Wobbly Joe\", \"Test Result\": \"Positive\"},\r\n        save=your_save_function)\r\n\r\n    # Or for an existing object:\r\n    >>> x.set_autosave(your_save_function)\r\n\r\n\r\n    >>> x = CleverDict({\"Patient Name\": \"Wobbly Joe\", \"Test Result\": \"Positive\"},\r\n        delete=your_delete_function)\r\n\r\n    # Or for an existing object:\r\n    >>> x.set_autodelete(your_delete_function)\r\n\r\n### **Autosaving at a class level:**\r\n\r\nSimple to do, but beware this could change all existing `CleverDict` instances as well as all future ones:\r\n\r\n    >>> = your_save_function\r\n    >>> CleverDict.delete = your_delete_function\r\n\r\n### **Creating Subclasses:**\r\n\r\nIf you create a subclass of `CleverDict` remember to call `super().__init__()` *before* trying to set any further class or object attributes, otherwise you'll run into trouble:\r\n\r\n    class AutoStore(CleverDict):\r\n        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):\r\n            self.setattr_direct('index', [])\r\n            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)\r\n\r\n        def save(self, name, value):\r\n            \"\"\" Keep a separate 'store' for data in .index \"\"\"\r\n            self.index.append((name, value))\r\n\r\n    class AutoConfirm(CleverDict): pass\r\n        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):\r\n            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)\r\n\r\n        def save(self, name, value):\r\n            \"\"\" Print confirmation of the latest change \"\"\"\r\n            print(f\"{name.title()}: {value.upper()}\")\r\n\r\n> NB: The `.append()` method  in `` above doesn't trigger the `.save()` method again itself (thankfully) otherwise we'd in a whole world of recursion pain...  If we'd used `self.index +=`, the `.save()` method *would* have been called recursively.\r\n\r\n### **Writing Your Own Function:**\r\n\r\nWhen writing your own `.save()` function, you'll need to accept three arguments as shown in the following example:\r\n\r\n    >>> def your_save_function(self, name, value):\r\n            \"\"\" Custom save function by you \"\"\"\r\n            print(f\" \u00e2\u201c\u02dc  .{name} (object type: {self.__class__.__name__}) = {value} {type(value)}\")\r\n\r\n    >>> CleverDict.delete = your_delete_function\r\n    >>> x=CleverDict()\r\n    >>> = \"Novelty\"\r\n    \u00e2\u201c\u02dc  .new (object type: CleverDict) = Novelty <class 'str'>\r\n\r\n    >>>\r\n    ' Custom save function by you '\r\n\r\n* **self**: because we're dealing with objects and classes...\r\n* **key**: a valid Python `.attribute` or *key* name preferably, otherwise you'll only be able to access it using `dictionary['key']` notation later on.\r\n* **value**: anything\r\n\r\nWhen writing your own `.delete()` function, the same applies, except there is no `value` parameter supplied.\r\n\r\n## 10. CONTRIBUTING\r\n\r\nWe'd love to see Pull Requests (and relevant tests) from other contributors, particularly if you can help:\r\n\r\n* Evolve `CleverDict` to make it play nicely with other classes and formats.  [For example: `datetime`](\r\n* Put the finishing touches on the **docstrings** to enable autocompletion in modern IDEs (this is neither the author's strong suit nor his passion!).\r\n* Improve the structure and coverage of ``.\r\n\r\nFor a list of all outstanding **Feature Requests** and (heaven forbid!) actual *Issues* please have a look here and maybe you can help out?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n## 11. CREDITS\r\n`CleverDict` was developed jointly by Ruud van der Ham, Peter Fison, Loic Domaigne, and Rik Huygen who met on the friendly and excellent Pythonista Cafe forum (  Peter got the ball rolling after noticing a super-convenient, but not fully-fledged feature in Pandas that allows you to (mostly) use `object.attribute` syntax or `dictionary['key']` syntax interchangeably. Ruud, Loic and Rik then started swapping ideas for a hybrid  dictionary/data class, originally based on `UserDict` and the magic of `__getattr__` and `__setattr__`.\r\n\r\n> **Fun Fact:** `CleverDict` was originally called `attr_dict` but several confusing flavours of this and `AttrDict` exist on PyPi and Github already.  Hopefully this new tongue-in-cheek name is more memorable and raises a smile ;)\r\n\r\nIf you find `cleverdict` helpful, please feel free to:\r\n\r\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Buy Me A Coffee\" width=\"217px\" ></a>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT License",
    "summary": "A JSON-friendly data structure which allows both object attributes and dictionary keys and values to be used simultaneously and interchangeably.",
    "version": "1.9.2",
    "split_keywords": [
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