
Namecmdy JSON
Version 0.5.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryShell language to run command in python
upload_time2023-06-27 03:20:24
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            # cmdy
"Shell language" to run command in python

[![pypi][1]][2] [![tag][3]][4] [![travis][5]][6] [![codacy quality][7]][8] [![codacy quality][9]][8] ![pyver][10]

## Installation
pip install cmdy

## Usage

See [Demo](./demo.ipynb)

### Basic usage
from cmdy import ls

for line in ls().iter():
    print('Got:', line, end='')

#### With non-keyword arguments
from cmdy import tar
print(tar("cvf", "/tmp/test.tar", "./cmdy"))

#### With keyword arguments
from cmdy import curl
curl("", o="/tmp/page.html", silent=True)
# curl -o /tmp/page.html --silent

#### Order keyword arguments
curl("", "-o", "/tmp/page.html", "--silent")
# or

from diot import OrderedDiot
kwargs = OrderedDiot()
kwargs.silent = True
kwargs.o = '/tmp/page.html'
curl("", kwargs)
# You can also use collections.OrderedDict

#### Prefix and separator for keyword arguments
from cmdy import bedtools, bcftools
bedtools.intersect(wa=True, wb=True,
                   a='query.bed', b=['d1.bed', 'd2.bed', 'd3.bed'],
                   names=['d1', 'd2', 'd3'], sorted=True,
# 'bedtools intersect -wa -wb -a query.bed \
# -b d1.bed d2.bed d3.bed -names d1 d2 d3 -sorted'

# default prefix is auto
bcftools.query(_=['a.vcf', 'b.vcf'], H=True,

# "bcftools query -H --format '%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\n' a.vcf b.vcf"

ls(l=True, block_size='KB', _sep='auto').h().cmd
['ls', '-l', '--block-size=KB']

#### Mixed combinations of prefices and separators in one command
from cmdy import java
# Note this is just an example for old verion picard.
# Picard is changing it's style

picard = java(jar='picard.jar', _prefix='', _sep='=', _sub=True)
c = picard.SortSam(I='input.bam', O='sorted.bam',
               _prefix='', _sep='=', _deform=None).h

# same as the above
java({'jar': 'picard.jar', '_prefix': '-', '_sep': ' '},
     'SortSam', I='input.bam', O='sorted.bam',
     SORTED_ORDER='coordinate', _prefix='', _sep='=', _deform=None).h().cmd

# _deform prevents SORTED_ORDER to be deformed to SORTED-ORDER

# ['java', 'jar=picard.jar',
#  'SortSam', 'I=input.bam', 'O=sorted.bam', 'SORTED_ORDER=coordinate']

#### Subcommands

from cmdy import git
# <CmdyResult: ['git', 'branch', '-v']>

# What if I have separate arguments for main and sub-command?
git(git_dir='.', _sub=True).branch(v=True).h
# <CmdyHolding: ['git', '--git-dir', '.', 'branch', '-v']>

#### Duplicated keys for list arguments:
from cmdy import sort
print(sort(k=['1,1', '2,2'], t='_', _='./.editorconfig', _dupkey=True))
# sort -k 1,1 -k 2,2 ./.editorconfig

### Return code and exception
from cmdy import x

```python console
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-16-092cc5b72e61>", line 2, in <module>
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 146, in __call__
    ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs, _will())
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 201, in __new__
    result =
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 854, in run
    return orig_run(self, wait)
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 717, in run
    return orig_run(self, wait)
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 327, in run
    ret = CmdyResult(self._run(), self)
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 271, in _run
    raise CmdyExecNotFoundError(str(fnfe)) from None
cmdy.cmdy_util.CmdyExecNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'x': 'x'

from cmdy import ls

```python console

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-17-132683fc2227>", line 2, in <module>
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 146, in __call__
    ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs, _will())
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 204, in __new__
    return result.wait()
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 407, in wait
    raise CmdyReturnCodeError(self)
cmdy.cmdy_util.CmdyReturnCodeError: Unexpected RETURN CODE 2, expecting: [0]

  [   PID] 167164

  [   CMD] ['ls non-existing-file']


  [STDERR] ls: cannot access non-existing-file: No such file or directory

#### Don't raise exception but store the return code
from cmdy import ls
result = ls('non-existing-file', _raise=False)
result.rc # 2

#### Tolerance on return code
from cmdy import ls
# or _okcode=[0,2]
ls('non-existing-file', _okcode='0,2').rc # 2

### Timeouts
from cmdy import sleep
sleep(3, _timeout=1)

```python console
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-20-47b0ec7af55f>", line 2, in <module>
    sleep(3, _timeout=1)
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 146, in __call__
    ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs, _will())
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 204, in __new__
    return result.wait()
/path/.../to/cmdy/", line 404, in wait
    ) from None
cmdy.cmdy_util.CmdyTimeoutError: Timeout after 1 seconds.

### Redirections
from cmdy import cat
cat('./pytest.ini').redirect > '/tmp/pytest.ini'

#### Appending
# r short for redirect
cat('./pytest.ini').r >> '/tmp/pytest.ini'
print(cat('/tmp/pytest.ini')) # content doubled

#### Redirecting to a file handler
with open('/tmp/pytest.ini', 'w') as f
    cat('./pytest.ini').r > f


#### STDIN, STDOUT and/or STDERR redirections

c = cat().r(STDIN) < '/tmp/pytest.ini'

# Mixed
c = cat().r(STDIN, STDOUT) ^ '/tmp/pytest.ini' > DEVNULL
# we can't fetch result from a redirected pipe

# Why not '<' for STDIN?
# Because the priority of the operator is not in sequential order.
# We can use < for STDIN, but we need to ensure it runs first
c = (cat().r(STDIN, STDOUT) < '/tmp/pytest.ini') > DEVNULL

# A simple rule for multiple redirections to always use ">" in the last place

# Redirect stderr to stdout
from cmdy import bash
c = bash(c="cat 1>&2").r(STDIN, STDERR) ^ '/tmp/pytest.ini' > STDOUT

# Redirect the world
c = bash(c="cat 1>&2").r(STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR) ^ '/tmp/pytest.ini' ^ DEVNULL > STDOUT
print(c.stdout) # None
print(c.stderr) # None

### Pipings
from cmdy import grep
c = ls().p | grep('README')
# README.rst

# p short for pipe
c = ls().p | grep('README').p | grep('md')
print(c) #
print(c.piped_strcmds) # ['ls', 'grep README', 'grep md']

from cmdy import _CMDY_EVENT
# !!! Pipings should be consumed immediately!
# !!! DO NOT do this
ls() # <- Will not run as expected
# All commands will be locked as holding until pipings are consumed
print(ls()) # runs

# See Advanced/Holdings if you want to hold a piping command for a while

### Running command in foreground

from cmdy import tail
tail('/tmp/pytest.ini', f=True, _timeout=3).fg
# This mimics the `tail -f` program
# You will see the content comes out one after another
# and then program hangs for 3s

You can also write an `echo-like` program easily. See '[](./'

### Iterating on output
for line in ls().iter():
    print(line, end='')

#### Iterating on stderr
for line in bash(c="cat /tmp/pytest.ini 1>&2").iter(STDERR):
    print(line, end='')

#### Getting live output
# Like we did for `tail -f` program
# This time, we can do something with each output line

# Let's use a thread to write content to a file
# And we try to get the live contents using cmdy
import time
from threading import Thread
def live_write(file, n):

    with open(file, 'w', buffering=1) as f:
        # Let's write something every half second
        for i in range(n):
            f.write(str(i) + '\n')

test_file = '/tmp/tail-f.txt'
Thread(target=live_write, args=(test_file, 10)).start()

from cmdy import tail

tail_iter = tail(f=True, _=test_file).iter()

for line in tail_iter:
    # Do whatever you want with the line
    print('We got:', line, end='')
    if line.strip() == '8':

# make sure thread ends

# What about timeout?

# Of course you can use a timer to check inside the loop
# You can also set a timeout for each fetch

# Terminate after 10 queries

Thread(target=live_write, args=(test_file, 10)).start()

from cmdy import tail

tail_iter = tail(f=True, _=test_file).iter()

for i in range(10):
    print('We got:',, end='')

### Advanced
#### Baking the `cmdy` object

Sometimes, you may want to run the same program a couple of times, with the same set of arguments or configurations, and you don't want to type those arguments every time, then you can bake the Cmdy object with that same arguments or configurations.

For example, if you want to run ls as ls -l all the time:

from cmdy import ls
ll = ls._(l=True)
print(ll().h.cmd) # ['ls', '-l']
print(ll(a=True).h.cmd) # ['ls', '-l', '-a']
# I don't want the l flag for some commands occasionally
print(ll(l=False).h.cmd) # ['ls']

# Bake a baked command
lla = ll._(a=True)
print(lla().h.cmd) # ['ls', '-l', '-a']

# I know git is always gonna run with subcommand
git = git._(_sub=True)
# don't bother to pass _sub=True every time
# <CmdyHolding: ['git', '--git-dir', '.', 'branch', '-v']>
# <CmdyHolding: ['git', 'status']>

# What if I have a subcommand call bake?
from cmdy import git, CmdyActionError

print(git.branch().h.cmd) # ['git', 'branch']
print(type(git._())) # <class 'cmdy.Cmdy'>

# run the git with _sub
print(git(_sub=True).bake().h.cmd) # ['git', 'bake']

#### Baking the whole module
import cmdy
# run version of the whole world
sh = cmdy(version=True)
# anything under sh directly will be supposed to have subcommand
from sh import git, gcc
# <CmdyHolding: ['git', '--version']>
# <CmdyHolding: ['gcc', '--version']>

Note that module baking is deep copying, except the exception classes and some utils. This means, you would expect following behavior:

import cmdy
from cmdy import CmdyHolding, CmdyExecNotFoundError

sh = cmdy()

c = sh.echo().h
print(type(c)) # <class 'cmdy.CmdyHolding'>
print(isinstance(c, CmdyHolding)) # False
print(isinstance(c, sh.CmdyHolding)) # True

except CmdyExecNotFoundError:
    # we can catch it, as CmdyExecNotFoundError is sh.CmdyExecNotFoundError

#### Holding objects

You may have noticed that we have a couple of examples above with a final call .h or .h(), which is holding the command from running.

You can do that, too, if you have multiple operations

print(ls().h) # <CmdyHolding: ['ls']>

# however, you cannot hold after some actions
# CmdyActionError: Should be called in the first place: .h() or .hold()

Once a command is on hold (by .h, .hold, .h() or .hold())

You have to explictly call run() to set the command running

from time import time
tic = time()
c = sleep(2).h
print(f'Time elapsed: {time() - tic:.3f} s')
# Time elapsed: 0.022 s

# not running even with fg
print(f'Time elapsed: {time() - tic:.3f} s')
# Time elapsed: 0.034 s
print(f'Time elapsed: {time() - tic:.3f} s')
# Time elapsed: 2.043 s

#### Reuse of command
# After you set a command running,
# you can retrieve the holding object,
# and reuse it
from cmdy import ls
c = ls().fg
# nothing will be produced
c.holding.reset().r > DEVNULL

#### Async mode
import curio
from cmdy import ls
a = ls().a # async command is never blocking!

async def main():
    async for line in a:
        print(line, end='')

#### Extending `cmdy`

All those actions for holding/result objects were implemented internally as plugins. You can right your own plugins, too.

A plugin has to be defined as a class and then instantiated.

**There are 5 APIs for developing a plugin for `cmdy`**

- `cmdy._plugin_factory.register`: A decorator for the plugin class
- `cmdy._plugin_factory.hold_then`: A decorator to decorate methods in the plugin class, which define actions after a holding object. Arguments:
  - `alias`: The alias of this action (e.g. `r/redir` for `redirect`)
  - `final`: Whether this is a final action, meaning no other actions should be followed
  - `prop`: Whether this action can be called as a property
  - `hold_right`: Should I put right following action on hold? This is useful when we have connectors which then can set the command running. (e.g `>` for redirect and `|` for pipe)
- `cmdy._plugin_factory.run_then`: A decorator to decorate methods in the plugin class, which define actions after a sync result object. Arguments are similar as `cmdy._plugin_factory.hold_then` except that `prop` and `hold_right` are not avaialbe.
- `async_run_then.add_method`: A decorator to decorate methods in the plugin class, which add methods to the `CmdyHolding`, `CmdyResult` or `CmdyAsyncResult` class. `cls` is the only argument that specifies which class we are hacking.
- `async_run_then.add_property`: Property version of `cmdy_plugin_add_method`

**Notes on name conflicts:**

If we need to add the methods to multiple classes in the plugin with the same name, you can define a different name with extra underscore suffix(es).

**Notes on module baking:**

- Always use the baked module to get those classes
    import cmdy
    cmdy2 = cmdy()

    class MyPlugin:
- Plugin enable and disable only take effect within the same module. For example:

    import cmdy
    sh = cmdy()
    # only affects cmdy not sh
    # to disable this plugin for sh as well:

# An example to define a plugin
import cmdy

class MyPlugin:
    def say_hello(self):
        return 'Hello world!'

    def helloworld(self):
        # keep chaining
        return self

myplugin = MyPlugin()

# command will never run,
# because we didn't do in helloworld(self)
ls().helloworld()  # prints Hello world!
# property calls enabled by default
ls().helloworld  # prints Hello world!
# we have alias
ls().hello  # prints Hello world!




Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "cmdy",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7,<4.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "pwwang",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# cmdy\n\"Shell language\" to run command in python\n\n[![pypi][1]][2] [![tag][3]][4] [![travis][5]][6] [![codacy quality][7]][8] [![codacy quality][9]][8] ![pyver][10]\n\n## Installation\n```shell\npip install cmdy\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nSee [Demo](./demo.ipynb)\n\n### Basic usage\n```python\nfrom cmdy import ls\nprint(ls())\n```\n\n```python\nfor line in ls().iter():\n    print('Got:', line, end='')\n```\n\n#### With non-keyword arguments\n```python\nfrom cmdy import tar\nprint(tar(\"cvf\", \"/tmp/test.tar\", \"./cmdy\"))\n```\n\n#### With keyword arguments\n```python\nfrom cmdy import curl\ncurl(\"\", o=\"/tmp/page.html\", silent=True)\n# curl -o /tmp/page.html --silent\n```\n\n#### Order keyword arguments\n```python\ncurl(\"\", \"-o\", \"/tmp/page.html\", \"--silent\")\n# or\n\nfrom diot import OrderedDiot\nkwargs = OrderedDiot()\nkwargs.silent = True\nkwargs.o = '/tmp/page.html'\ncurl(\"\", kwargs)\n# You can also use collections.OrderedDict\n```\n\n#### Prefix and separator for keyword arguments\n```python\nfrom cmdy import bedtools, bcftools\nbedtools.intersect(wa=True, wb=True,\n                   a='query.bed', b=['d1.bed', 'd2.bed', 'd3.bed'],\n                   names=['d1', 'd2', 'd3'], sorted=True,\n                   _prefix='-').h().strcmd\n# 'bedtools intersect -wa -wb -a query.bed \\\n# -b d1.bed d2.bed d3.bed -names d1 d2 d3 -sorted'\n```\n\n```python\n# default prefix is auto\nbcftools.query(_=['a.vcf', 'b.vcf'], H=True,\n               format='%CHROM\\t%POS\\t%REF\\t%ALT\\n').h().strcmd\n\n# \"bcftools query -H --format '%CHROM\\t%POS\\t%REF\\t%ALT\\n' a.vcf b.vcf\"\n\nls(l=True, block_size='KB', _sep='auto').h().cmd\n['ls', '-l', '--block-size=KB']\n```\n\n#### Mixed combinations of prefices and separators in one command\n```python\nfrom cmdy import java\n# Note this is just an example for old verion picard.\n# Picard is changing it's style\n\npicard = java(jar='picard.jar', _prefix='', _sep='=', _sub=True)\nc = picard.SortSam(I='input.bam', O='sorted.bam',\n               SORTED_ORDER='coordinate',\n               _prefix='', _sep='=', _deform=None).h\nprint(c.cmd)\n\n# same as the above\njava({'jar': 'picard.jar', '_prefix': '-', '_sep': ' '},\n     'SortSam', I='input.bam', O='sorted.bam',\n     SORTED_ORDER='coordinate', _prefix='', _sep='=', _deform=None).h().cmd\n\n# _deform prevents SORTED_ORDER to be deformed to SORTED-ORDER\n\n# ['java', 'jar=picard.jar',\n#  'SortSam', 'I=input.bam', 'O=sorted.bam', 'SORTED_ORDER=coordinate']\n```\n\n#### Subcommands\n\n```python\nfrom cmdy import git\ngit.branch(v=True).fg\n# <CmdyResult: ['git', 'branch', '-v']>\n```\n\n```python\n# What if I have separate arguments for main and sub-command?\ngit(git_dir='.', _sub=True).branch(v=True).h\n# <CmdyHolding: ['git', '--git-dir', '.', 'branch', '-v']>\n```\n\n#### Duplicated keys for list arguments:\n```python\nfrom cmdy import sort\nprint(sort(k=['1,1', '2,2'], t='_', _='./.editorconfig', _dupkey=True))\n# sort -k 1,1 -k 2,2 ./.editorconfig\n```\n\n### Return code and exception\n```python\nfrom cmdy import x\nx()\n```\n\n```python console\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"<ipython-input-16-092cc5b72e61>\", line 2, in <module>\n    x()\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 146, in __call__\n    ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs, _will())\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 201, in __new__\n    result =\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 854, in run\n    return orig_run(self, wait)\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 717, in run\n    return orig_run(self, wait)\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 327, in run\n    ret = CmdyResult(self._run(), self)\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 271, in _run\n    raise CmdyExecNotFoundError(str(fnfe)) from None\ncmdy.cmdy_util.CmdyExecNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'x': 'x'\n```\n\n```python\nfrom cmdy import ls\nls('non-existing-file')\n```\n\n```python console\n\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"<ipython-input-17-132683fc2227>\", line 2, in <module>\n    ls('non-existing-file')\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 146, in __call__\n    ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs, _will())\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 204, in __new__\n    return result.wait()\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 407, in wait\n    raise CmdyReturnCodeError(self)\ncmdy.cmdy_util.CmdyReturnCodeError: Unexpected RETURN CODE 2, expecting: [0]\n\n  [   PID] 167164\n\n  [   CMD] ['ls non-existing-file']\n\n  [STDOUT]\n\n  [STDERR] ls: cannot access non-existing-file: No such file or directory\n```\n\n#### Don't raise exception but store the return code\n```python\nfrom cmdy import ls\nresult = ls('non-existing-file', _raise=False)\nresult.rc # 2\n```\n\n#### Tolerance on return code\n```python\nfrom cmdy import ls\n# or _okcode=[0,2]\nls('non-existing-file', _okcode='0,2').rc # 2\n```\n\n### Timeouts\n```python\nfrom cmdy import sleep\nsleep(3, _timeout=1)\n```\n\n```python console\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"<ipython-input-20-47b0ec7af55f>\", line 2, in <module>\n    sleep(3, _timeout=1)\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 146, in __call__\n    ready_cfgargs, ready_popenargs, _will())\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 204, in __new__\n    return result.wait()\n/path/.../to/cmdy/\", line 404, in wait\n    ) from None\ncmdy.cmdy_util.CmdyTimeoutError: Timeout after 1 seconds.\n```\n\n### Redirections\n```python\nfrom cmdy import cat\ncat('./pytest.ini').redirect > '/tmp/pytest.ini'\nprint(cat('/tmp/pytest.ini'))\n```\n\n#### Appending\n```python\n# r short for redirect\ncat('./pytest.ini').r >> '/tmp/pytest.ini'\nprint(cat('/tmp/pytest.ini')) # content doubled\n```\n\n#### Redirecting to a file handler\n```python\nwith open('/tmp/pytest.ini', 'w') as f\n    cat('./pytest.ini').r > f\n\nprint(cat('/tmp/pytest.ini'))\n```\n\n#### STDIN, STDOUT and/or STDERR redirections\n```python\nfrom cmdy import STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, DEVNULL\n\nc = cat().r(STDIN) < '/tmp/pytest.ini'\nprint(c)\n```\n\n```python\n# Mixed\nc = cat().r(STDIN, STDOUT) ^ '/tmp/pytest.ini' > DEVNULL\n# we can't fetch result from a redirected pipe\nprint(c.stdout)\n\n# Why not '<' for STDIN?\n# Because the priority of the operator is not in sequential order.\n# We can use < for STDIN, but we need to ensure it runs first\nc = (cat().r(STDIN, STDOUT) < '/tmp/pytest.ini') > DEVNULL\nprint(c.stdout)\n\n# A simple rule for multiple redirections to always use \">\" in the last place\n```\n\n```python\n# Redirect stderr to stdout\nfrom cmdy import bash\nc = bash(c=\"cat 1>&2\").r(STDIN, STDERR) ^ '/tmp/pytest.ini' > STDOUT\nprint(c.stdout)\n```\n\n```python\n# Redirect the world\nc = bash(c=\"cat 1>&2\").r(STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR) ^ '/tmp/pytest.ini' ^ DEVNULL > STDOUT\nprint(c.stdout) # None\nprint(c.stderr) # None\n```\n\n### Pipings\n```python\nfrom cmdy import grep\nc = ls().p | grep('README')\nprint(c)\n#\n# README.rst\n```\n\n```python\n# p short for pipe\nc = ls().p | grep('README').p | grep('md')\nprint(c) #\nprint(c.piped_strcmds) # ['ls', 'grep README', 'grep md']\n```\n\n```python\nfrom cmdy import _CMDY_EVENT\n# !!! Pipings should be consumed immediately!\n# !!! DO NOT do this\nls().p\nls() # <- Will not run as expected\n# All commands will be locked as holding until pipings are consumed\n_CMDY_EVENT.clear()\nprint(ls()) # runs\n\n# See Advanced/Holdings if you want to hold a piping command for a while\n```\n\n### Running command in foreground\n```python\nls().fg\n```\n\n```python\nfrom cmdy import tail\ntail('/tmp/pytest.ini', f=True, _timeout=3).fg\n# This mimics the `tail -f` program\n# You will see the content comes out one after another\n# and then program hangs for 3s\n```\n\nYou can also write an `echo-like` program easily. See '[](./'\n\n### Iterating on output\n```python\nfor line in ls().iter():\n    print(line, end='')\n```\n\n#### Iterating on stderr\n```python\nfor line in bash(c=\"cat /tmp/pytest.ini 1>&2\").iter(STDERR):\n    print(line, end='')\n```\n\n#### Getting live output\n```python\n# Like we did for `tail -f` program\n# This time, we can do something with each output line\n\n# Let's use a thread to write content to a file\n# And we try to get the live contents using cmdy\nimport time\nfrom threading import Thread\ndef live_write(file, n):\n\n    with open(file, 'w', buffering=1) as f:\n        # Let's write something every half second\n        for i in range(n):\n            f.write(str(i) + '\\n')\n            time.sleep(.5)\n\ntest_file = '/tmp/tail-f.txt'\nThread(target=live_write, args=(test_file, 10)).start()\n\nfrom cmdy import tail\n\ntail_iter = tail(f=True, _=test_file).iter()\n\nfor line in tail_iter:\n    # Do whatever you want with the line\n    print('We got:', line, end='')\n    if line.strip() == '8':\n        break\n\n# make sure thread ends\ntime.sleep(2)\n```\n\n```python\n# What about timeout?\n\n# Of course you can use a timer to check inside the loop\n# You can also set a timeout for each fetch\n\n# Terminate after 10 queries\n\nThread(target=live_write, args=(test_file, 10)).start()\n\nfrom cmdy import tail\n\ntail_iter = tail(f=True, _=test_file).iter()\n\nfor i in range(10):\n    print('We got:',, end='')\n```\n\n### Advanced\n#### Baking the `cmdy` object\n\nSometimes, you may want to run the same program a couple of times, with the same set of arguments or configurations, and you don't want to type those arguments every time, then you can bake the Cmdy object with that same arguments or configurations.\n\nFor example, if you want to run ls as ls -l all the time:\n\n```python\nfrom cmdy import ls\nll = ls._(l=True)\nprint(ll().h.cmd) # ['ls', '-l']\nprint(ll(a=True).h.cmd) # ['ls', '-l', '-a']\n# I don't want the l flag for some commands occasionally\nprint(ll(l=False).h.cmd) # ['ls']\n\n# Bake a baked command\nlla = ll._(a=True)\nprint(lla().h.cmd) # ['ls', '-l', '-a']\n```\n\n```python\n# I know git is always gonna run with subcommand\ngit = git._(_sub=True)\n# don't bother to pass _sub=True every time\nprint(git(git_dir='.').branch(v=True).h)\n# <CmdyHolding: ['git', '--git-dir', '.', 'branch', '-v']>\nprint(git().status().h)\n# <CmdyHolding: ['git', 'status']>\n```\n\n```python\n# What if I have a subcommand call bake?\nfrom cmdy import git, CmdyActionError\n\nprint(git.branch().h.cmd) # ['git', 'branch']\nprint(type(git._())) # <class 'cmdy.Cmdy'>\n\n# run the git with _sub\nprint(git(_sub=True).bake().h.cmd) # ['git', 'bake']\n```\n\n#### Baking the whole module\n```python\nimport cmdy\n# run version of the whole world\nsh = cmdy(version=True)\n# anything under sh directly will be supposed to have subcommand\nfrom sh import git, gcc\nprint(git().h)\n# <CmdyHolding: ['git', '--version']>\nprint(gcc().h)\n# <CmdyHolding: ['gcc', '--version']>\n```\n\nNote that module baking is deep copying, except the exception classes and some utils. This means, you would expect following behavior:\n\n```python\nimport cmdy\nfrom cmdy import CmdyHolding, CmdyExecNotFoundError\n\nsh = cmdy()\n\nc = sh.echo().h\nprint(type(c)) # <class 'cmdy.CmdyHolding'>\nprint(isinstance(c, CmdyHolding)) # False\nprint(isinstance(c, sh.CmdyHolding)) # True\n\ntry:\n    sh.notexisting()\nexcept CmdyExecNotFoundError:\n    # we can catch it, as CmdyExecNotFoundError is sh.CmdyExecNotFoundError\n    print('Catched!')\n```\n\n#### Holding objects\n\nYou may have noticed that we have a couple of examples above with a final call .h or .h(), which is holding the command from running.\n\nYou can do that, too, if you have multiple operations\n\n```python\nprint(ls().h) # <CmdyHolding: ['ls']>\n\n# however, you cannot hold after some actions\nls().r.h\n# CmdyActionError: Should be called in the first place: .h() or .hold()\n```\n\nOnce a command is on hold (by .h, .hold, .h() or .hold())\n\nYou have to explictly call run() to set the command running\n\n```python\nfrom time import time\ntic = time()\nc = sleep(2).h\nprint(f'Time elapsed: {time() - tic:.3f} s')\n# Time elapsed: 0.022 s\n\n# not running even with fg\nc.fg\nprint(f'Time elapsed: {time() - tic:.3f} s')\n# Time elapsed: 0.034 s\\nprint(f'Time elapsed: {time() - tic:.3f} s')\n# Time elapsed: 2.043 s\n```\n\n#### Reuse of command\n```python\n# After you set a command running,\n# you can retrieve the holding object,\n# and reuse it\nfrom cmdy import ls\nc = ls().fg\n# nothing will be produced\nc.holding.reset().r > DEVNULL\n```\n\n#### Async mode\n```python\nimport curio\nfrom cmdy import ls\na = ls().a # async command is never blocking!\n\nasync def main():\n    async for line in a:\n        print(line, end='')\n\\n```\n\n#### Extending `cmdy`\n\nAll those actions for holding/result objects were implemented internally as plugins. You can right your own plugins, too.\n\nA plugin has to be defined as a class and then instantiated.\n\n**There are 5 APIs for developing a plugin for `cmdy`**\n\n- `cmdy._plugin_factory.register`: A decorator for the plugin class\n- `cmdy._plugin_factory.hold_then`: A decorator to decorate methods in the plugin class, which define actions after a holding object. Arguments:\n  - `alias`: The alias of this action (e.g. `r/redir` for `redirect`)\n  - `final`: Whether this is a final action, meaning no other actions should be followed\n  - `prop`: Whether this action can be called as a property\n  - `hold_right`: Should I put right following action on hold? This is useful when we have connectors which then can set the command running. (e.g `>` for redirect and `|` for pipe)\n- `cmdy._plugin_factory.run_then`: A decorator to decorate methods in the plugin class, which define actions after a sync result object. Arguments are similar as `cmdy._plugin_factory.hold_then` except that `prop` and `hold_right` are not avaialbe.\n- `async_run_then.add_method`: A decorator to decorate methods in the plugin class, which add methods to the `CmdyHolding`, `CmdyResult` or `CmdyAsyncResult` class. `cls` is the only argument that specifies which class we are hacking.\n- `async_run_then.add_property`: Property version of `cmdy_plugin_add_method`\n\n**Notes on name conflicts:**\n\nIf we need to add the methods to multiple classes in the plugin with the same name, you can define a different name with extra underscore suffix(es).\n\n**Notes on module baking:**\n\n- Always use the baked module to get those classes\n    ```pytho\n    import cmdy\n    cmdy2 = cmdy()\n\n    @cmdy2._plugin_factory.register\n    class MyPlugin:\n        ...\n    ```\n- Plugin enable and disable only take effect within the same module. For example:\n\n    ```python\n    import cmdy\n    sh = cmdy()\n    # only affects cmdy not sh\n    sh._plugins.fg.disable()\n    # to disable this plugin for sh as well:\n    sh._plugins.fg.disable()\n    ```\n\n```python\n# An example to define a plugin\nimport cmdy\n\n@cmdy._plugin_factory.register\nclass MyPlugin:\n    @cmdy._plugin_factory.add_method(cmdy.CmdyHolding)\n    def say_hello(self):\n        return 'Hello world!'\n\n    @cmdy._plugin_factory.hold_then('hello')\n    def helloworld(self):\n        print(self.say_hello())\n        # keep chaining\n        return self\n\nmyplugin = MyPlugin()\n\n# command will never run,\n# because we didn't do in helloworld(self)\nls().helloworld()  # prints Hello world!\n# property calls enabled by default\nls().helloworld  # prints Hello world!\n# we have alias\nls().hello  # prints Hello world!\n\n```\n\n[1]:\n[2]:\n[3]:\n[4]:\n[5]:\n[6]:\n[7]:\n[8]:\n[9]:\n[10]:\n",
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