
Namecollective.taxonomy JSON
Version 3.1.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCreate, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone!
upload_time2024-11-05 10:14:47
authorBo Simonsen and Malthe Borch
keywords plone taxonomy dexterity
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            Taxonomy Vocabularies


.. |CI| image::

Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in `Plone`_.

This add-on provides support for hierarchical taxonomies in multiple
languages, letting users easily associate existing content with terms
from one or more taxonomies.

    `Taxonomy <>`_ is the
    "discipline of defining groups [...] on the basis of shared
    characteristics and giving names to those groups. Each group is
    given a rank and groups of a given rank can be aggregated to form
    a super group of higher rank and thus create a hierarchical

Here's an example of the "taxonomic kingdoms of life"::

    Living Organisms
    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic
    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Simple multicells or unicells
    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Multicellular
    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Multicellular -> Autotrophic
    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Multicellular -> ...
    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic
    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic -> Archaebacteria
    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic -> Eubacteria
    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic -> Eubacteria -> ...

Taxonomies can be quite large, sometimes in the tens of thousands
(10,000+). And in sites with multiple languages, each title – or
*caption* – must appear in translation.

Note that the selection of a term in the hierarchy implies the
selection of all its parents. In the example above this means that if
"Eubacteria" is selected, then also "Prokaryotic" and "Living
Organisms" will be.


The implementation tries to meet the following requirements:

#. Support many (10,000+) terms.

#. Terms can be organized in a hierarchical classification.

#. Easily import and export in a common format (VDEX).

#. Taxonomies will provide vocabularies that are translatable.

#. Use behaviors to provide a choice field for each taxonomy.

#. Manage taxonomies and assign to content types "through-the-web".

In the description below, we touch on each of these requirements.

Data structure

In order to limit both the memory and computation requirements, the
term data is contained in exactly one persistent index per language, a
mapping from the *materialized term path* to its *term identifier*.

The term::

    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Simple multicells or unicells

will be indexed under this path::

    "Living Organisms/Eukaryotic/Simple multicells or unicells"

The index allows us to provide an iterator over the sorted vocabulary
terms, virtually without cost (as well as containment queries).

At the same time, while the hierarchy is encoded, we can quickly look
up terms in a subtree.

Note: As ``collective.taxonomy`` uses slash as separator, you have to
monkey patch the ``PATH_SEPARATOR`` constant if you want to use '/' in
your terms.

Data exchange

While ``collective.taxonomy`` (this package) does make it possible to
create, manage and edit taxonomies from a browser-based interface, the
primary focus is to support the exchange of terms in the VDEX format:

    The `IMS Vocabulary Definition Exchange
    <>`_ (VDEX) specification defines a
    grammar for the exchange of value lists of various classes:
    collections often denoted "vocabulary".

This exchange is integrated with `GenericSetup
<>`_ which manages
imports and exports using setup profiles. It is also possible to
use the control panel for importing and exporting VDEX files.

The package comes with integration for the `Dexterity
<>`_ content type framework:
for each taxonomy, a *behavior* is available that adds a choice field
which pulls its vocabulary from the taxonomy. The behavior is
configurable in terms of field name, title and whether it allows the
selection of one or more multiple terms.  You should *first* install
dexterity and then ``collective.taxonomy``, otherwise the behaviors
for the existing taxonomies will be missing.

How does it work?

The main objective during this project has been to get a high rate
of through-the-Web administration. Therefore the use of the product
will not require any Python programming nor ``configure.zcml`` directives.

In the control panel (``/@@taxonomy-settings``), the user can:

#. Import taxonomies from VDEX files.

#. Export taxonomies existing to VDEX files.

#. Delete taxonomies

#. Add and delete behaviors for taxonomies

When a new behavior is created for a taxonomy, it can easily be added
to the desired content types using the content type control panel, provided
by Dexterity. After this is done, the taxonomy is available on add and edit
forms, and it is also available for collections, if ````
is used on the site. An index is also created, so the taxonomies can easily
be used for catalog queries.

Please read the detailed `Getting Started Tutorial <>`_

React/Redux app to edit taxonomies

The view ``@@taxonomy-edit-data`` that allow users to edit the taxonomy data
is a React/Redux app (the source code is in the ``javascripts`` directory.

Here's a preview of this view:

.. image::
    :alt: Edit taxonomy data preview

The languages allowed for the taxonomies are the languages defined in ``portal_languages``.


All JS development resources are in the directory ``resources/js``.

While making changes to these files you can:

  1. change to directory ``resources/``
  2. run ``make serve``

This starts a webpack development server at ``localhost:3000`` and
serves the JS files.

Now start your Plone instance with


    NODE_ENV=development bin/instance fg

and the taxonomy controlpanel will use the files served from the webpack server.

When you have finished your changes run:


    make test
    make build

this will build the resources and save it in ``src/collective/taxonomy/static/js``.


The app uses `react-intl <>`_ to handle i18n.
To translate the app, add a new language in the translations directory. For example,
create a ``es`` file in the translations directory that contains:


    const es = {
        submitLabel: 'Enviar',

    export default es

Then, edit ``translations/index.js`` to add the language to the translations object:


    import es from './es'

    const translations = {

You'll have to rebuild the js bundle: ``npm run build``

That's it!

Restapi support

This package also supports endpoints for basic CRUD operations that can be consumend by any frontend service.

The API consumer can create, read, and delete taxonomies.

| Verb     | URL                 | Action                                 |
| `POST`   | `/@taxonomy`        | Add taxonomy with specific data        |
| `GET`    | `/@taxonomy`        | List all taxonomies                    |
| `GET`    | `/@taxonomy/{name}` | Get taxonomy data                      |
| `DELETE` | `/@taxonomy/{name}` | Remove one or more taxonomies          |
| `PATCH`  | `/@taxonomy/{name}` | Update taxonomy data                   |
| `GET`    | `/@taxonomySchema`  | Get current taxonomy schema            |


This product has been translated into

- Danish.

- German.

- French.

- Spanish.

You can contribute for any message missing or other new languages, join us at
`Plone Collective Team <>`_
into ** service with all world Plone translators community.

Plone Version Compatibility

collective.taxonomy version `3.x`

* Plone 6.1 (py3)
* Plone 6.0 (py3)

collective.taxonomy version `2.x`

* Plone 5.2 (py2/py3)
* Plone 5.1
* Plone 5.0

collective.taxonomy version `1.x`

* Plone 4.3
* or an older version using a recent version of `plone.dexterity <>`_/` <>`_

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I import an existing ``ATVocabularyManager`` vocabulary?

  Use the script provided in this `gist <>`_. Just
  remember to edit the vocabIdentifier and vocabName.


Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by `opening a ticket`_.

- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:



- Bo Simonsen <>


- Malthe Borch <>

- Thomas Clement Mogensen <>

- Thomas Desvenain <>

- Maurits van Rees <>

- Cédric Messiant <>

- Leonardo J. Caballero G. <>

- Peter Mathis <>

Existing work

In 2010, Rok Garbas <> reimplemented and extended prior
work by `Seantis <>`_ and released
<>`_. This
package allows you to configure and populate vocabulary components
from a VDEX-specification. The package supports flat vocabularies
only, and support for multiple languages takes a different approach
(vocabularies are returned in an already translated form). Note that
vocabularies are loaded in a read-only mode, although it's been
proposed that vocabularies might be edited through-the-web.

In 2005, Jens Klein <> released
<>`_. This package makes
it possible to create taxonomies using Plone's content management
interface with terms existing as regular site content. It's integrated
with the `Archetypes <>`_ content
type framework (now deprecated).

.. [#] Term relationships are currently not supported.


The project is licensed under the GPL v2 or later (GPLv2+).

.. _Plone:
.. _`opening a ticket`:


3.1.5 (2024-11-05)

- Add fake former_dotted_names attribute to do not broke versioning when there are some taxonomies behaviors.

3.1.4 (2024-10-24)

- Fix collectionfilter modifier when index names ended with the same string.

3.1.3 (2024-10-17)

- Fix wrong rendered boolean attribute "multiple" in orderedselect widget

- refactor JS resources and update README for better developer experience

3.1.2 (2024-07-21)

- Fix keywords comparison

- Added Italian translation

3.1.1 (2024-05-22)

- Fix missing zcml dependency for plone_displayviews menu

- Update JS dependencies.

- config with ``plone/meta``.

3.1 (2023-05-26)

- Integrate taxonomies into Collection tabular view, display values are now resolved
- Restapi endpoints support [cekk, nileshgulia1]

3.0.1 (2023-02-02)

- check for the field presence in `TaxonomyIndexerWrapper` more consistent.

- export/import of field_prefix value.

3.0.0 (2022-12-13)

- Fix deprecated `collections.Iterable` in `TaxonomyIndexerWrapper`. This got
  removed since python 3.10. Importing `` now.

- Add missing `fetch_vocabulary` record for IQueryField
  This was introduced in 1.5.0

- more markup updates to Bootstrap 5.

3.0.0a1 (2022-07-13)

- Fix configlet icon for Plone 6 (#135)

- update markup in `edittaxonomydata.js` to Bootstrap 5

2.2.2 (2022-07-12)

- Use new 'Manage taxonomies' permission for taxonomies configlet (#134)
  Permission is by default assigned to Manager and Site Administrator roles.

- Fixed 'Required' and 'Single select' option being compulsory [JeffersonBledsoe] (#131)

2.2.1 (2022-03-30)

- Fix taxonomy data edition when using Gunicorn WSGI (#123)
- Implemented possibility to change the IDs. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)
- Added constraints to not allow duplicate IDs. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)
- Improved the editing interface. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)
- Updated the documentation and tutorial. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)

2.2.0 (2021-12-13)

- Refactor import of synchronized decorator [1letter] (#120)

2.1.1 (2021-11-23)

- Wrap strings in list while indexing to correctly index single-select taxonomies. [adrianschulz] (#108)
- Plone 6 / pip install ready [avoinea] (#114)

2.1.0 (2021-05-27)

- Fix GenericSetup export in python2

- Integrate taxonomies into collective.collectionfilter

2.0.1 (2020-07-04)

- Add a tutorial

- Add Cypress test

- Fix translating msgid when portal language is not found in taxonomy
  [petschki, rodfersou]

- Fix JavaScript in ```` which had python comments

- Add service integration to manage the translation process

- Added Spanish translation

- Updated the i18n support

- Added license documentation of package

2.0.0 (2019-11-25)

- add uninstall handler to cleanup persistent utilities and generated behaviors

- Fix GenericSetup import/export in python3

- Use taxonomy default language for indexing if current language is not available

- Make generated behaviors language independent

- export selected taxonomies as zipped folder with XML files

- Python 3 compatibility
  [petschki, agitator]

1.5.1 (2018-10-25)

- Fix bug in cachekey generator

1.5.0 (2018-10-18)

- Fix controlpanel to show settings navigation

- Memoize vocabulary lookup
  [tomgross, petschki]

- Fix #53 when editing taxonomy data the first time

- Update german translations

- Add uninstall profile

- When using "delete" option on import, clear any previous ordering.

- Add support for specifying behavior field prefix.

- The `getTermByToken` method now accepts an optional argument
  `tail_only` which if set, returns a message object where the title
  translates to the last path segment (the "tail" node).

- Added new method `makeTree` on taxonomy vocabulary class which
  returns a term tree.

- Support "slash" character in term title (issue #34).

- When uploading a taxonomy there is now an option to purge the
  existing entries prior to processing.

- Taxonomies are now assigned a persistent order. Taxonomies imported
  from VDEX now preserve the ordering of the input document.

- Add new method `iterEntries` on taxonomy vocabulary class that
  provides a safe way to iterate over the path to identifier mapping
  (in order).

- Vocabulary is a IVocabularyTokenized implementer.

- updateBehavior method can now modify other attributes (and not only `field_title`).

- Add explicit dependency on plone.api >= 1.5 which
  the api.portal.get_current_language api was introduced.

- Add german translation

- Mention Plone 5.0 and 5.1 compatibility

- Enable choosing what fieldset to use for the behavior fields. Fallback to categorization,
  keeping backwards compatibility.

- Change to no longer register example *Test*-taxonomy on install

- Fix issue where taxonomy indexer adapter was not properly unregistered from
  the persistent local registry on taxonomy removal

- Fix issue where public ++taxonomy++short_name -traverser for returning
  generator of (key, label) tuples for given taxonomy was broken

1.4.4 (2016-11-29)

- Fix taxonomy export that was broken since 1.4.0.

1.4.3 (2016-11-29)

- Fix save action to work on Plone 5 (by reading portal url from
  body[data-portal-url] and adding X-CSRF-TOKEN for post requests

- Fix BehaviorRegistrationNotFound error with Plone 5.0.6

- Use lxml instead of elementtree

- Rename fontello font to taxonomy to avoid clash with Plone 5 theme

1.4.2 (2016-11-08)

- Fix save action in edit-taxonomy-data. This was a regression in 1.4.0, the
  get parameter should be taxonomy, not form.widgets.taxonomy.

1.4.1 (2016-11-03)

- Remove Save and Cancel buttons in controlpanel introduced 1.4.0.

- Add missing upgrade step to create records in registry.

1.4.0 (2016-11-03)

- Getting language by acquisition, indeed some Dexterity content has no language or empty language.

- Fix empty context.REQUEST.get('form.widgets.taxonomy'). It add it into POST form.

- Plone 5 compatibility

- Use context language to find index.

1.3.0 (2016-07-07)

- Fix index when taxonomy is added as field.

- Now uses a React/Redux app to edit taxonomy data. It is now possible to edit
  the data in multiple languages and to compare between languages.

- Fix index when taxonomy is added as field.

- Now uses a React/Redux app to edit taxonomy data. It is now possible to edit
  the data in multiple languages and to compare between languages.

- Add PATH_SEPARATOR constant to be able to use '/' character in terms.

- Add ++taxonomy++[shortname] -traverser to be usable with PloneFormGen
  dynamic field vocabulary overrides

- prevent taxonomy reset on reinstall if you've defined a vdex xml file
  in your profile

- Plone 5 compatibility

1.2.3 (2014-02-07)

- ConfigParser supports allow_no_value on Python 2.6, so we cannot allow empty values,
  only on 2.7 or newer.

1.2.2 (2014-01-03)

Bugfix release

- Fixed problem with registration of search criteria in collections, the previous
  registration broke export feature of Upgrade step has been
  added so please upgrade.

1.2.1 (2013-11-12)

Bugfix release, please upgrade

- Using Schema from plone.supermodel. Fixes issue #6

- Rewrote behavior creation routine. Fixes issue #5

1.2 (2013-11-12)

- Add collective.js.jqueryui as dependency.  Install it automatically.

- i18n fixes,
  messages extraction script,
  french translation.

- Fixed error in vdex import.

- Avoid failure at export when no default language was selected.

- Remove dependency form plone.directives

- Added elementtree in dependencies

1.1 (2013-07-16)

- Taxonomies can now be added without uploading a VDEX file.

- Taxonomies can be exported/imported via GenericSetup again.

- Single select fields are now possible again.

1.0 (2013-05-07)

- Initial release


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "collective.taxonomy",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "plone taxonomy dexterity",
    "author": "Bo Simonsen and Malthe Borch",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "Taxonomy Vocabularies\n=====================\n\n|CI|\n\n.. |CI| image::\n   :target:\n\n\nCreate, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in `Plone`_.\n\nThis add-on provides support for hierarchical taxonomies in multiple\nlanguages, letting users easily associate existing content with terms\nfrom one or more taxonomies.\n\n    `Taxonomy <>`_ is the\n    \"discipline of defining groups [...] on the basis of shared\n    characteristics and giving names to those groups. Each group is\n    given a rank and groups of a given rank can be aggregated to form\n    a super group of higher rank and thus create a hierarchical\n    classification\".\n\nHere's an example of the \"taxonomic kingdoms of life\"::\n\n    Living Organisms\n    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic\n    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Simple multicells or unicells\n    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Multicellular\n    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Multicellular -> Autotrophic\n    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Multicellular -> ...\n    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic\n    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic -> Archaebacteria\n    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic -> Eubacteria\n    Living Organisms -> Prokaryotic -> Eubacteria -> ...\n\nTaxonomies can be quite large, sometimes in the tens of thousands\n(10,000+). And in sites with multiple languages, each title \u2013 or\n*caption* \u2013 must appear in translation.\n\nNote that the selection of a term in the hierarchy implies the\nselection of all its parents. In the example above this means that if\n\"Eubacteria\" is selected, then also \"Prokaryotic\" and \"Living\nOrganisms\" will be.\n\n\nOverview\n========\n\nThe implementation tries to meet the following requirements:\n\n#. Support many (10,000+) terms.\n\n#. Terms can be organized in a hierarchical classification.\n\n#. Easily import and export in a common format (VDEX).\n\n#. Taxonomies will provide vocabularies that are translatable.\n\n#. Use behaviors to provide a choice field for each taxonomy.\n\n#. Manage taxonomies and assign to content types \"through-the-web\".\n\nIn the description below, we touch on each of these requirements.\n\n\nData structure\n--------------\n\nIn order to limit both the memory and computation requirements, the\nterm data is contained in exactly one persistent index per language, a\nmapping from the *materialized term path* to its *term identifier*.\n\nThe term::\n\n    Living Organisms -> Eukaryotic -> Simple multicells or unicells\n\nwill be indexed under this path::\n\n    \"Living Organisms/Eukaryotic/Simple multicells or unicells\"\n\nThe index allows us to provide an iterator over the sorted vocabulary\nterms, virtually without cost (as well as containment queries).\n\nAt the same time, while the hierarchy is encoded, we can quickly look\nup terms in a subtree.\n\nNote: As ``collective.taxonomy`` uses slash as separator, you have to\nmonkey patch the ``PATH_SEPARATOR`` constant if you want to use '/' in\nyour terms.\n\n\nData exchange\n-------------\n\nWhile ``collective.taxonomy`` (this package) does make it possible to\ncreate, manage and edit taxonomies from a browser-based interface, the\nprimary focus is to support the exchange of terms in the VDEX format:\n\n    The `IMS Vocabulary Definition Exchange\n    <>`_ (VDEX) specification defines a\n    grammar for the exchange of value lists of various classes:\n    collections often denoted \"vocabulary\".\n\nThis exchange is integrated with `GenericSetup\n<>`_ which manages\nimports and exports using setup profiles. It is also possible to\nuse the control panel for importing and exporting VDEX files.\n\nThe package comes with integration for the `Dexterity\n<>`_ content type framework:\nfor each taxonomy, a *behavior* is available that adds a choice field\nwhich pulls its vocabulary from the taxonomy. The behavior is\nconfigurable in terms of field name, title and whether it allows the\nselection of one or more multiple terms.  You should *first* install\ndexterity and then ``collective.taxonomy``, otherwise the behaviors\nfor the existing taxonomies will be missing.\n\n\nHow does it work?\n-----------------\n\nThe main objective during this project has been to get a high rate\nof through-the-Web administration. Therefore the use of the product\nwill not require any Python programming nor ``configure.zcml`` directives.\n\nIn the control panel (``/@@taxonomy-settings``), the user can:\n\n#. Import taxonomies from VDEX files.\n\n#. Export taxonomies existing to VDEX files.\n\n#. Delete taxonomies\n\n#. Add and delete behaviors for taxonomies\n\nWhen a new behavior is created for a taxonomy, it can easily be added\nto the desired content types using the content type control panel, provided\nby Dexterity. After this is done, the taxonomy is available on add and edit\nforms, and it is also available for collections, if ````\nis used on the site. An index is also created, so the taxonomies can easily\nbe used for catalog queries.\n\nPlease read the detailed `Getting Started Tutorial <>`_\n\n\nReact/Redux app to edit taxonomies\n----------------------------------\n\nThe view ``@@taxonomy-edit-data`` that allow users to edit the taxonomy data\nis a React/Redux app (the source code is in the ``javascripts`` directory.\n\nHere's a preview of this view:\n\n.. image::\n    :alt: Edit taxonomy data preview\n\nThe languages allowed for the taxonomies are the languages defined in ``portal_languages``.\n\n\nDevelopment\n===========\n\nAll JS development resources are in the directory ``resources/js``.\n\nWhile making changes to these files you can:\n\n  1. change to directory ``resources/``\n  2. run ``make serve``\n\nThis starts a webpack development server at ``localhost:3000`` and\nserves the JS files.\n\nNow start your Plone instance with\n\n::\n\n    NODE_ENV=development bin/instance fg\n\nand the taxonomy controlpanel will use the files served from the webpack server.\n\nWhen you have finished your changes run:\n\n::\n\n    make test\n    make build\n\nthis will build the resources and save it in ``src/collective/taxonomy/static/js``.\n\n\n\ni18n\n----\n\nThe app uses `react-intl <>`_ to handle i18n.\nTo translate the app, add a new language in the translations directory. For example,\ncreate a ``es`` file in the translations directory that contains:\n\n::\n\n    const es = {\n        submitLabel: 'Enviar',\n    }\n\n    export default es\n\nThen, edit ``translations/index.js`` to add the language to the translations object:\n\n::\n\n    import es from './es'\n\n    const translations = {\n        es,\n        fr\n    }\n\nYou'll have to rebuild the js bundle: ``npm run build``\n\nThat's it!\n\nRestapi support\n---------------\n\nThis package also supports endpoints for basic CRUD operations that can be consumend by any frontend service.\n\nThe API consumer can create, read, and delete taxonomies.\n\n+----------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+\n| Verb     | URL                 | Action                                 |\n+==========+=====================+========================================+\n| `POST`   | `/@taxonomy`        | Add taxonomy with specific data        |\n+----------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+\n| `GET`    | `/@taxonomy`        | List all taxonomies                    |\n+----------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+\n| `GET`    | `/@taxonomy/{name}` | Get taxonomy data                      |\n+----------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+\n| `DELETE` | `/@taxonomy/{name}` | Remove one or more taxonomies          |\n+----------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+\n| `PATCH`  | `/@taxonomy/{name}` | Update taxonomy data                   |\n+----------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+\n| `GET`    | `/@taxonomySchema`  | Get current taxonomy schema            |\n+----------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+\n\nTranslations\n------------\n\nThis product has been translated into\n\n- Danish.\n\n- German.\n\n- French.\n\n- Spanish.\n\nYou can contribute for any message missing or other new languages, join us at\n`Plone Collective Team <>`_\ninto ** service with all world Plone translators community.\n\n\nPlone Version Compatibility\n===========================\n\ncollective.taxonomy version `3.x`\n\n* Plone 6.1 (py3)\n* Plone 6.0 (py3)\n\ncollective.taxonomy version `2.x`\n\n* Plone 5.2 (py2/py3)\n* Plone 5.1\n* Plone 5.0\n\ncollective.taxonomy version `1.x`\n\n* Plone 4.3\n* or an older version using a recent version of `plone.dexterity <>`_/` <>`_\n\n\nFrequently Asked Questions\n==========================\n\nHow can I import an existing ``ATVocabularyManager`` vocabulary?\n\n  Use the script provided in this `gist <>`_. Just\n  remember to edit the vocabIdentifier and vocabName.\n\n\nContribute\n==========\n\nHave an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by `opening a ticket`_.\n\n- Issue Tracker:\n- Source Code:\n\n\nContributors\n============\n\nAuthor\n------\n\n- Bo Simonsen <>\n\n\nContributors\n------------\n\n- Malthe Borch <>\n\n- Thomas Clement Mogensen <>\n\n- Thomas Desvenain <>\n\n- Maurits van Rees <>\n\n- C\u00e9dric Messiant <>\n\n- Leonardo J. Caballero G. <>\n\n- Peter Mathis <>\n\n\nExisting work\n=============\n\nIn 2010, Rok Garbas <> reimplemented and extended prior\nwork by `Seantis <>`_ and released\n`collective.vdexvocabulary\n<>`_. This\npackage allows you to configure and populate vocabulary components\nfrom a VDEX-specification. The package supports flat vocabularies\nonly, and support for multiple languages takes a different approach\n(vocabularies are returned in an already translated form). Note that\nvocabularies are loaded in a read-only mode, although it's been\nproposed that vocabularies might be edited through-the-web.\n\nIn 2005, Jens Klein <> released\n`ATVocabularyManager\n<>`_. This package makes\nit possible to create taxonomies using Plone's content management\ninterface with terms existing as regular site content. It's integrated\nwith the `Archetypes <>`_ content\ntype framework (now deprecated).\n\n\n.. [#] Term relationships are currently not supported.\n\n\nLicense\n=======\n\nThe project is licensed under the GPL v2 or later (GPLv2+).\n\n.. _Plone:\n.. _`opening a ticket`:\n\nChanges\n=======\n\n3.1.5 (2024-11-05)\n------------------\n\n- Add fake former_dotted_names attribute to do not broke versioning when there are some taxonomies behaviors.\n  [cekk]\n\n\n3.1.4 (2024-10-24)\n------------------\n\n- Fix collectionfilter modifier when index names ended with the same string.\n  [petschki]\n\n\n3.1.3 (2024-10-17)\n------------------\n\n- Fix wrong rendered boolean attribute \"multiple\" in orderedselect widget\n  [1letter]\n\n- refactor JS resources and update README for better developer experience\n  [petschki]\n\n3.1.2 (2024-07-21)\n------------------\n\n- Fix keywords comparison\n  [mamico]\n\n- Added Italian translation\n  [mamico]\n\n3.1.1 (2024-05-22)\n------------------\n\n- Fix missing zcml dependency for plone_displayviews menu\n  [laulaz]\n\n- Update JS dependencies.\n  [petschki]\n\n- config with ``plone/meta``.\n  [petschki]\n\n3.1 (2023-05-26)\n----------------\n\n- Integrate taxonomies into Collection tabular view, display values are now resolved\n  [MrTango]\n- Restapi endpoints support [cekk, nileshgulia1]\n\n\n3.0.1 (2023-02-02)\n------------------\n\n- check for the field presence in `TaxonomyIndexerWrapper` more consistent.\n  [mamico]\n\n- export/import of field_prefix value.\n  [eikichi18]\n\n\n3.0.0 (2022-12-13)\n------------------\n\n- Fix deprecated `collections.Iterable` in `TaxonomyIndexerWrapper`. This got\n  removed since python 3.10. Importing `` now.\n  [petschki]\n\n- Add missing `fetch_vocabulary` record for IQueryField\n  This was introduced in 1.5.0\n  [laulaz]\n\n- more markup updates to Bootstrap 5.\n  [petschki]\n\n3.0.0a1 (2022-07-13)\n--------------------\n\n- Fix configlet icon for Plone 6 (#135)\n  [laulaz]\n\n- update markup in `edittaxonomydata.js` to Bootstrap 5\n  [petschki]\n\n2.2.2 (2022-07-12)\n------------------\n\n- Use new 'Manage taxonomies' permission for taxonomies configlet (#134)\n  Permission is by default assigned to Manager and Site Administrator roles.\n  [laulaz]\n\n- Fixed 'Required' and 'Single select' option being compulsory [JeffersonBledsoe] (#131)\n\n\n2.2.1 (2022-03-30)\n------------------\n\n- Fix taxonomy data edition when using Gunicorn WSGI (#123)\n  [laulaz]\n- Implemented possibility to change the IDs. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)\n- Added constraints to not allow duplicate IDs. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)\n- Improved the editing interface. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)\n- Updated the documentation and tutorial. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)\n\n2.2.0 (2021-12-13)\n------------------\n\n- Refactor import of synchronized decorator [1letter] (#120)\n\n\n2.1.1 (2021-11-23)\n------------------\n\n- Wrap strings in list while indexing to correctly index single-select taxonomies. [adrianschulz] (#108)\n- Plone 6 / pip install ready [avoinea] (#114)\n\n\n2.1.0 (2021-05-27)\n------------------\n\n- Fix GenericSetup export in python2\n  [gotcha]\n\n- Integrate taxonomies into collective.collectionfilter\n  [MrTango]\n\n\n2.0.1 (2020-07-04)\n------------------\n\n- Add a tutorial\n  [rodfersou]\n\n- Add Cypress test\n  [rodfersou]\n\n- Fix translating msgid when portal language is not found in taxonomy\n  [petschki, rodfersou]\n\n- Fix JavaScript in ```` which had python comments\n  [petschki]\n\n- Add service integration to manage the translation process\n  [macagua]\n\n- Added Spanish translation\n  [macagua]\n\n- Updated the i18n support\n  [macagua]\n\n- Added license documentation of package\n  [macagua]\n\n\n2.0.0 (2019-11-25)\n------------------\n\n- add uninstall handler to cleanup persistent utilities and generated behaviors\n  [petschki]\n\n- Fix GenericSetup import/export in python3\n  [erral]\n\n- Use taxonomy default language for indexing if current language is not available\n  [agitator]\n\n- Make generated behaviors language independent\n  [agitator]\n\n- export selected taxonomies as zipped folder with XML files\n  [petschki]\n\n- Python 3 compatibility\n  [petschki, agitator]\n\n\n1.5.1 (2018-10-25)\n------------------\n\n- Fix bug in cachekey generator\n  [petschki]\n\n\n1.5.0 (2018-10-18)\n------------------\n\n- Fix controlpanel to show settings navigation\n  [petschki]\n\n- Memoize vocabulary lookup\n  [tomgross, petschki]\n\n- Fix #53 when editing taxonomy data the first time\n  [petschki]\n\n- Update german translations\n  [petschki]\n\n- Add uninstall profile\n  [petschki]\n\n- When using \"delete\" option on import, clear any previous ordering.\n  [malthe]\n\n- Add support for specifying behavior field prefix.\n  [malthe]\n\n- The `getTermByToken` method now accepts an optional argument\n  `tail_only` which if set, returns a message object where the title\n  translates to the last path segment (the \"tail\" node).\n  [malthe]\n\n- Added new method `makeTree` on taxonomy vocabulary class which\n  returns a term tree.\n  [malthe]\n\n- Support \"slash\" character in term title (issue #34).\n  [malthe]\n\n- When uploading a taxonomy there is now an option to purge the\n  existing entries prior to processing.\n  [malthe]\n\n- Taxonomies are now assigned a persistent order. Taxonomies imported\n  from VDEX now preserve the ordering of the input document.\n  [malthe]\n\n- Add new method `iterEntries` on taxonomy vocabulary class that\n  provides a safe way to iterate over the path to identifier mapping\n  (in order).\n  [malthe]\n\n- Vocabulary is a IVocabularyTokenized implementer.\n  [cedricmessiant]\n\n- updateBehavior method can now modify other attributes (and not only `field_title`).\n  [cedricmessiant]\n\n- Add explicit dependency on plone.api >= 1.5 which\n  the api.portal.get_current_language api was introduced.\n  [vincentfretin]\n\n- Add german translation\n  [tomgross]\n\n- Mention Plone 5.0 and 5.1 compatibility\n  [tkimnguyen]\n\n- Enable choosing what fieldset to use for the behavior fields. Fallback to categorization,\n  keeping backwards compatibility.\n  [sunew]\n\n- Change to no longer register example *Test*-taxonomy on install\n  [datakurre]\n\n- Fix issue where taxonomy indexer adapter was not properly unregistered from\n  the persistent local registry on taxonomy removal\n  [datakurre]\n\n- Fix issue where public ++taxonomy++short_name -traverser for returning\n  generator of (key, label) tuples for given taxonomy was broken\n  [datakurre]\n\n\n1.4.4 (2016-11-29)\n------------------\n\n- Fix taxonomy export that was broken since 1.4.0.\n  [vincentfretin]\n\n\n1.4.3 (2016-11-29)\n------------------\n\n- Fix save action to work on Plone 5 (by reading portal url from\n  body[data-portal-url] and adding X-CSRF-TOKEN for post requests\n  [datakurre]\n\n- Fix BehaviorRegistrationNotFound error with Plone 5.0.6\n  [tomgross]\n\n- Use lxml instead of elementtree\n  [tomgross]\n\n- Rename fontello font to taxonomy to avoid clash with Plone 5 theme\n  [vincentfretin]\n\n\n1.4.2 (2016-11-08)\n------------------\n\n- Fix save action in edit-taxonomy-data. This was a regression in 1.4.0, the\n  get parameter should be taxonomy, not form.widgets.taxonomy.\n  [cedricmessiant]\n\n\n1.4.1 (2016-11-03)\n------------------\n\n- Remove Save and Cancel buttons in controlpanel introduced 1.4.0.\n  [vincentfretin]\n\n- Add missing upgrade step to create records in registry.\n  [vincentfretin]\n\n\n1.4.0 (2016-11-03)\n------------------\n\n- Getting language by acquisition, indeed some Dexterity content has no language or empty language.\n  [bsuttor]\n\n- Fix empty context.REQUEST.get('form.widgets.taxonomy'). It add it into POST form.\n  [bsuttor]\n\n- Plone 5 compatibility\n  [tomgross]\n\n- Use context language to find index.\n  [bsuttor]\n\n\n1.3.0 (2016-07-07)\n------------------\n\n- Fix index when taxonomy is added as field.\n  [bsuttor]\n\n- Now uses a React/Redux app to edit taxonomy data. It is now possible to edit\n  the data in multiple languages and to compare between languages.\n  [cedricmessiant]\n\n- Fix index when taxonomy is added as field.\n  [bsuttor]\n\n- Now uses a React/Redux app to edit taxonomy data. It is now possible to edit\n  the data in multiple languages and to compare between languages.\n  [cedricmessiant]\n\n- Add PATH_SEPARATOR constant to be able to use '/' character in terms.\n  [cedricmessiant]\n\n- Add ++taxonomy++[shortname] -traverser to be usable with PloneFormGen\n  dynamic field vocabulary overrides\n  [datakurre]\n\n- prevent taxonomy reset on reinstall if you've defined a vdex xml file\n  in your profile\n  [petschki]\n\n- Plone 5 compatibility\n  [tomgross]\n\n1.2.3 (2014-02-07)\n------------------\n\n- ConfigParser supports allow_no_value on Python 2.6, so we cannot allow empty values,\n  only on 2.7 or newer.\n  [bosim]\n\n1.2.2 (2014-01-03)\n------------------\n\nBugfix release\n\n- Fixed problem with registration of search criteria in collections, the previous\n  registration broke export feature of Upgrade step has been\n  added so please upgrade.\n  [bosim]\n\n1.2.1 (2013-11-12)\n------------------\n\nBugfix release, please upgrade\n\n- Using Schema from plone.supermodel. Fixes issue #6\n  [bosim]\n\n- Rewrote behavior creation routine. Fixes issue #5\n  [bosim]\n\n1.2 (2013-11-12)\n----------------\n\n- Add collective.js.jqueryui as dependency.  Install it automatically.\n  [maurits]\n\n- i18n fixes,\n  messages extraction script,\n  french translation.\n  [thomasdesvenain]\n\n- Fixed error in vdex import.\n  [thomasdesvenain]\n\n- Avoid failure at export when no default language was selected.\n  [thomasdesvenain]\n\n- Remove dependency form plone.directives\n  [thomasdesvenain]\n\n- Added elementtree in dependencies\n  [thomasdesvenain]\n\n1.1 (2013-07-16)\n----------------\n\n- Taxonomies can now be added without uploading a VDEX file.\n  [bosim]\n\n- Taxonomies can be exported/imported via GenericSetup again.\n  [bosim]\n\n- Single select fields are now possible again.\n  [bosim]\n\n1.0 (2013-05-07)\n----------------\n\n- Initial release\n  [bosim]\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPLv2+",
    "summary": "Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone!",
    "version": "3.1.5",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
    "urls": [
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