
Namecontentful JSON
Version 2.3.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryContentful Delivery API Client
upload_time2025-01-27 16:41:27
keywords contentful cms content
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            .. image::
   :alt: Contentful Python Delivery Library

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   :alt: Join Contentful Community Forum
   :target: - Contentful Python Delivery Library

|Status| |License| |Build Status|

.. |Status| image::
   :alt: This repository is actively maintained

.. |License| image::
   :alt: MIT License
   :target: LICENSE.txt

.. |Build Status| image::
   :alt: Build Status

**What is Contentful?**

`Contentful <>`_ provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.

    This library is intended to replace the former unofficial Python CDA library. The old library can still be found at:

.. contents:: Table of Contents
   :depth: 2

Core Features

- `Content Delivery API <>`_ and `Content Preview API <>`_
- `Synchronization <>`_
- `Localization support <>`_
- `Link resolution <>`_
- Built in rate limiting recovery procedures.
- Supports `Environments <>`_ (**since v1.7.0 - 16. April 2018**).

Getting Started

In order to get started with the Contentful Python library you'll need not only to install it, but also to get credentials which will allow you to have access to your content in Contentful.

* `Installation`_
* `Your first request`_
* `Using this library with the Preview API`_
* `Authentication`_


Install Contentful from the Python Package Index::

    pip install contentful

Your first request

The following code snippet is the most basic one you can use to get some content from Contentful with this library::

    import contentful

    client = contentful.Client(
      'cfexampleapi',  # This is the space ID. A space is like a project folder in Contentful terms
      'b4c0n73n7fu1'  # This is the access token for this space. Normally you get both ID and the token in the Contentful web app

    # This API call will request an entry with the specified ID from the space defined at the top, using a space-specific access token.
    entry = client.entry('nyancat')

Using this library with the Preview API

This library can also be used with the Preview API. In order to do so, you need to use the Preview API Access token, available on the same page where you get the Delivery API token, and specify the host of the preview API, such as::

    client = contentful.Client('cfexampleapi', 'b4c0n73n7fu1', api_url='')

You can query for entries, assets, etc. very similar as described in the `Delivery API Documentation <>`_.
Please note, that all methods of the Python client library are ``snake_cased``, instead of JavaScript's ``camelCase``.


To get your own content from Contentful, an app should authenticate with an OAuth bearer token.

You can create API keys using the `Contentful web interface <>`_. Go to the app, open the space that you want to access (top left corner lists all the spaces), and navigate to the APIs area. Open the API Keys section and create your first token. Done.

Don't forget to also get your Space ID.

For more information, check the
`Contentful REST API reference on Authentication <>`_.

Documentation & References

* `Configuration`_
* `Reference documentation`_
* `Tutorials & other resources`_
* `Advanced Concepts`_

To help you get the most out of this library, we've prepared all available client configuration options, reference documentation, tutorials and other examples that will help you learn and understand how to use this library.


The client constructor supports several options you may set to achieve the expected behavior::

    client = contentful.Client(
        # ... your options here ...

.. list-table::
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Name
     - Default
     - Description
   * - ``space_id``
     - **Required**. Your space ID.
   * - ``access_token``
     - **Required**. Your access token.
   * - ``environment``
     - 'master'
     - Your environment ID.
   * - ``api_url``
     - ``''``
     - Set the host used to build the request URIs.
   * - ``default_locale``
     - ``'en-US'``
     - Defines default locale for the client.
   * - ``secure``
     - ``True``
     - Defines whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. By default we use HTTPS.
   * - ``authorization_as_header``
     - ``True``
     - Sets the authentication mechanisms, if ``False`` will send authentication via query string.
   * - ``raise_errors``
     - ``True``
     - Determines whether errors are raised or returned.
   * - ``content_type_cache``
     - ``True``
     - Determines if content type caching is enabled automatically or not, allowing for accessing of fields even when they are not present on the response.
   * - ``raw_mode``
     - ``False``
     - If enabled, API responses are not parsed and the raw response object is returned instead.
   * - ``gzip_encoded``
     - ``True``
     - Defines whether to use gzip compression for requests.

Reference documentation

Basic queries


    content_types = client.content_types()
    cat_content_type = client.content_type('cat')
    nyancat = client.entry('nyancat')
    entries = client.entries()
    assets = client.assets()
    nyancat_asset = client.asset('nyancat')

Filtering options

You can pass the usual filter options to the query::

    client.entries({'content_type': 'cat'}) # query for a content-type by its ID (not name)
    client.entries({'[ne]': 'nyancat'}) # query for all entries except 'nyancat'
    client.entries({'include': 1}) # include one level of linked resources
    client.entries({'content_type': 'cat', 'include': 1}) # you can also combine multiple parameters

To read more about filtering options you can check our `search parameters documentation <>`_.

The results are returned as `contentful.resource.Resource <contentful.resource.Resource>` objects. Multiple results will be returned as `list`.

Accessing fields and sys properties


    content_type = client.content_type('cat')
    content_type.description # "Meow."

System Properties behave the same and can be accessed via the ``#sys`` method.

:: # => 'cat'
    entry.type # => 'Entry'
    asset.sys # { 'id': '...', 'type': '...' }

Entry fields also have direct accessors and will be coerced to the type defined in it's content type.


    entry = client.entry('nyancat')
    entry.lives # 1337
    entry.fields() # { 'name': '...', 'lives': '...', ... }

Accessing tags


    nyancat = client.entry('nyancat')
    nyancat._metadata['tags'] # => [<Link[Tag] id='nyCampaign'>]

Tags can be accessed via the ``#_metadata`` method.

Using different locales

Entries can have multiple locales, by default, the client only fetches the entry with only its default locale.
If you want to fetch a different locale you can do the following::

    entries = client.entries({'locale': 'de-DE'})

Then all the fields will be fetched for the requested locale.

Contentful Delivery API also allows to fetch all locales, you can do so by doing::

    entries = client.entries({'content_type': 'cat', 'locale': '*'})

    # assuming the entry has a field called name
    my_spanish_name = entries.first.fields('es-AR')['name']

When requesting multiple locales, the object accessor shortcuts only work for the default locale.


You can easily request a resource that is represented by a link by calling ``#resolve``::

    happycat = client.entry('happycat')
    # <Link[Space] id='cfexampleapi'>
    # <Space[Contentful Example API] id='cfexampleapi'>

This works for any kind of Resource.

Links to other spaces

``entries`` endpoints can now resolve links to entries from other spaces as they do for regular links
To use this functionality provide ``additional_tokens`` when creating the Contentful client::

    client = contentful.Client(
            spaces: {
                "<space-id>": "<space-access-token>"

    entries = client.entries()

If any of the ``additionalTokens`` is missing or invalid, the links to the respective space will remain unresolved.

By default, entries from other spaces will be resolved using the default locale of each space. If you specify the ``locale`` parameter (``client.entries({locale: <value>})``), this locale will be used for all spaces. If any of the spaces doesn't have this locale, the links to that space will remain unresolved.


There is a helpful method to add image resize options for an asset image::

    # => "//
    #     382a48dfa2cb16c47aa2c72f7b23bf09/happycatw.jpg"

    client.asset('happycat').url(w=300, h=200, fm='jpg', q=100)
    # => "//
    #     382a48dfa2cb16c47aa2c72f7b23bf09/happycatw.jpg?w=300&h=200&fm=jpg&q=100"


Entries can have fields in it's default locale accessible with accessor methods::

    nyancat = client.entry('nyancat')
    # 'Nyan Cat'

Property Accessors

This library provides a simple API to interact with resources that come from the API,
by abstracting the underlying JSON structure of the objects, and exposing all the relevant fields as
object properties.

For all resources, ``sys`` properties will be available as top level properties, for example::

    space =
    # will return the value of space.sys['id']

In the case of ``Entries`` and ``Assets``, as well as having ``sys`` available as properties,
also all the fields on present on ``fields`` will be available as properties, for example::

    entry = client.entry('nyancat')
    # 'Nyan Cat'
    # this is equivalent to entry.fields()['name']

    asset = client.assets()[0]
    # will return the size of the image
    # this is equivalent to asset.fields()['file']['details']['size']

Other resources, which contain top level properties other than ``sys`` or ``fields``,
have those available as object properties, for example::

    locale = client.locales()[0]
    # True

Advanced Concepts


To use the logger, use the standard library ``logging`` module::

    import logging

    # INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
    # DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /spaces/cfexampleapi/entries HTTP/1.1" 200 1994

Proxy example


    client = contentful.Client(


The client also includes a wrapper for the synchronization endpoint.
You can call it either with ``initial=True`` or with a previous ``sync_token``,
additional options are described in the `API Documentation <>`_::

    sync = client.sync({'initial': True}) # Returns all content currently in space
    # <SyncPage next_sync_token='w5ZGw6JFwqZmVcKsE8Kow4grw45QdybCnV_Cg8OASMKpwo1UY8K8bsKFwqJrw7DDhcKnM2RDOVbDt1E-wo7CnDjChMKKGsK1w5zCrA3CnU7CgEvDtsK6w7B2wrRZwrwPIgDCjVo8PMOoUcK2wqTCl8O1wpY8wpjCkGM'>

    # [<Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='5ETMRzkl9KM4omyMwKAOki'>,
    #   <Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='7qVBlCjpWE86Oseo40gAEY'>,
    #   <Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='ge1xHyH3QOWucKWCCAgIG'>,
    #   <Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='4MU1s3potiUEM2G4okYOqw'>,
    #   <Asset id='1x0xpXu4pSGS4OukSyWGUK' url='//'>,
    #   <Entry[dog] id='jake'>,
    #   <Entry[cat] id='happycat'>,
    #   <Entry[dog] id='6KntaYXaHSyIw8M6eo26OK'>,
    #   <Entry[human] id='finn'>,
    #   <Entry[cat] id='nyancat'>,
    #   <Asset id='jake' url='//'>,
    #   <Asset id='happycat' url='//'>,
    #   <Asset id='nyancat' url='//'>,
    #   <Entry[cat] id='garfield'>]

    sync = client.sync({'initial': True, 'type': 'Deletion'}) # Only returns deleted entries and assets
    # <SyncPage next_sync_token='w5ZGw6JFwqZmVcKsE8Kow4grw45QdybCnV_Cg8OASMKpwo1UY8K8bsKFwqJrw7DDhcKnM2RDOVbDt1E-wo7CnDjChMKKGsK1w5zCrA3CnU7CgEvDtsK6w7B2wrRZwrwPIgDCjVo8PMOoUcK2wqTCl8O1wpY8wpjCkGM'>

    # [<DeletedEntry id='4rPdazIwWkuuKEAQgemSmO'>,
    #    <DeletedAsset id='5c6VY0gWg0gwaIeYkUUiqG'>,
    #    <DeletedAsset id='finn'>,
    #    <DeletedAsset id='3MZPnjZTIskAIIkuuosCss'>,
    #    <DeletedAsset id='4gp6taAwW4CmSgumq2ekUm'>,
    #    <DeletedAsset id='1uf1qqyZuEuiwmigoUYkeu'>,
    #    <DeletedAsset id='4hlteQAXS8iS0YCMU6QMWg'>,
    #    <DeletedEntry id='CVebBDcQsSsu6yKKIayy'>]

    sync = # equivalent to client.sync(sync_token=sync.next_sync_token)

Tutorials & other resources

* This library is a wrapper around our Contentful Delivery REST API. Some more specific details such as search parameters and pagination are better explained on the `REST API reference <>`_, and you can also get a better understanding of how the requests look under the hood.
* Check the `Contentful for Python <>`_ page for Tutorials, Demo Apps, and more information on other ways of using Python with Contentful

Reach out to us

`Join our Community Forum <>`_ |Community Forum|

   :alt: Join Community Forum

`Join our Community Slack <>`_ |Community Slack|

.. |Community Slack| image::
   :alt: Join Community Slack

You found a bug or want to propose a feature?

`Create an issue <>`_ |Create Issue|

.. |Create Issue| image::
   :alt: Create Issue

You need to share confidential information or have other questions?

`Submit a support ticket <>`_ |Submit Support Ticket|

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Get involved

`Make a pull request <>`_ |PRs Welcome|

.. |PRs Welcome| image::
   :alt: PRs Welcome

We appreciate any help on our repositories. For more details about how to contribute see our ` <./>`_ document.


Copyright (c) 2016 Contentful GmbH. See `LICENSE <./LICENSE>`_ for further details.

Code of Conduct

We want to provide a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free space and experience for all participants, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, body size, ethnicity, nationality, level of experience, age, religion (or lack thereof), or other identity markers.

`Read our full Code of Conduct <>`_


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "contentful",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "contentful, cms, content",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Contentful GmbH <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": ".. image::\n   :alt: Contentful Python Delivery Library\n   :target:\n\n|Join Community Slack| |Join Community Forum|\n\n.. |Join Community Slack| image::\n   :alt: Join Contentful Community Slack\n   :target:\n\n.. |Join Community Forum| image::;base64,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&maxAge=31557600\n   :alt: Join Contentful Community Forum\n   :target:\n\ - Contentful Python Delivery Library\n==================================================\n\n|Status| |License| |Build Status|\n\n.. |Status| image::\n   :alt: This repository is actively maintained\n\n.. |License| image::\n   :alt: MIT License\n   :target: LICENSE.txt\n\n.. |Build Status| image::\n   :alt: Build Status\n   :target:\n\n**What is Contentful?**\n\n`Contentful <>`_ provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.\n\n    This library is intended to replace the former unofficial Python CDA library. The old library can still be found at:\n\n.. contents:: Table of Contents\n   :local:\n   :depth: 2\n\nCore Features\n-------------\n\n- `Content Delivery API <>`_ and `Content Preview API <>`_\n- `Synchronization <>`_\n- `Localization support <>`_\n- `Link resolution <>`_\n- Built in rate limiting recovery procedures.\n- Supports `Environments <>`_ (**since v1.7.0 - 16. April 2018**).\n\nGetting Started\n---------------\n\nIn order to get started with the Contentful Python library you'll need not only to install it, but also to get credentials which will allow you to have access to your content in Contentful.\n\n* `Installation`_\n* `Your first request`_\n* `Using this library with the Preview API`_\n* `Authentication`_\n\nInstallation\n~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nInstall Contentful from the Python Package Index::\n\n    pip install contentful\n\nYour first request\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nThe following code snippet is the most basic one you can use to get some content from Contentful with this library::\n\n    import contentful\n\n    client = contentful.Client(\n      'cfexampleapi',  # This is the space ID. A space is like a project folder in Contentful terms\n      'b4c0n73n7fu1'  # This is the access token for this space. Normally you get both ID and the token in the Contentful web app\n    )\n\n    # This API call will request an entry with the specified ID from the space defined at the top, using a space-specific access token.\n    entry = client.entry('nyancat')\n\nUsing this library with the Preview API\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nThis library can also be used with the Preview API. In order to do so, you need to use the Preview API Access token, available on the same page where you get the Delivery API token, and specify the host of the preview API, such as::\n\n    client = contentful.Client('cfexampleapi', 'b4c0n73n7fu1', api_url='')\n\nYou can query for entries, assets, etc. very similar as described in the `Delivery API Documentation <>`_.\nPlease note, that all methods of the Python client library are ``snake_cased``, instead of JavaScript's ``camelCase``.\n\nAuthentication\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nTo get your own content from Contentful, an app should authenticate with an OAuth bearer token.\n\nYou can create API keys using the `Contentful web interface <>`_. Go to the app, open the space that you want to access (top left corner lists all the spaces), and navigate to the APIs area. Open the API Keys section and create your first token. Done.\n\nDon't forget to also get your Space ID.\n\nFor more information, check the\n`Contentful REST API reference on Authentication <>`_.\n\nDocumentation & References\n--------------------------\n\n* `Configuration`_\n* `Reference documentation`_\n* `Tutorials & other resources`_\n* `Advanced Concepts`_\n\nTo help you get the most out of this library, we've prepared all available client configuration options, reference documentation, tutorials and other examples that will help you learn and understand how to use this library.\n\nConfiguration\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nThe client constructor supports several options you may set to achieve the expected behavior::\n\n    client = contentful.Client(\n        SPACE_ID,\n        ACCESS_TOKEN,\n        # ... your options here ...\n    )\n\n.. list-table::\n   :header-rows: 1\n\n   * - Name\n     - Default\n     - Description\n   * - ``space_id``\n     - \n     - **Required**. Your space ID.\n   * - ``access_token``\n     - \n     - **Required**. Your access token.\n   * - ``environment``\n     - 'master'\n     - Your environment ID.\n   * - ``api_url``\n     - ``''``\n     - Set the host used to build the request URIs.\n   * - ``default_locale``\n     - ``'en-US'``\n     - Defines default locale for the client.\n   * - ``secure``\n     - ``True``\n     - Defines whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. By default we use HTTPS.\n   * - ``authorization_as_header``\n     - ``True``\n     - Sets the authentication mechanisms, if ``False`` will send authentication via query string.\n   * - ``raise_errors``\n     - ``True``\n     - Determines whether errors are raised or returned.\n   * - ``content_type_cache``\n     - ``True``\n     - Determines if content type caching is enabled automatically or not, allowing for accessing of fields even when they are not present on the response.\n   * - ``raw_mode``\n     - ``False``\n     - If enabled, API responses are not parsed and the raw response object is returned instead.\n   * - ``gzip_encoded``\n     - ``True``\n     - Defines whether to use gzip compression for requests.\n\nReference documentation\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nBasic queries\n.............\n\n::\n\n    content_types = client.content_types()\n    cat_content_type = client.content_type('cat')\n    nyancat = client.entry('nyancat')\n    entries = client.entries()\n    assets = client.assets()\n    nyancat_asset = client.asset('nyancat')\n\nFiltering options\n.................\n\nYou can pass the usual filter options to the query::\n\n    client.entries({'content_type': 'cat'}) # query for a content-type by its ID (not name)\n    client.entries({'[ne]': 'nyancat'}) # query for all entries except 'nyancat'\n    client.entries({'include': 1}) # include one level of linked resources\n    client.entries({'content_type': 'cat', 'include': 1}) # you can also combine multiple parameters\n\nTo read more about filtering options you can check our `search parameters documentation <>`_.\n\nThe results are returned as `contentful.resource.Resource <contentful.resource.Resource>` objects. Multiple results will be returned as `list`.\n\nAccessing fields and sys properties\n...................................\n\n::\n\n    content_type = client.content_type('cat')\n    content_type.description # \"Meow.\"\n\nSystem Properties behave the same and can be accessed via the ``#sys`` method.\n\n::\n\n # => 'cat'\n    entry.type # => 'Entry'\n    asset.sys # { 'id': '...', 'type': '...' }\n\nEntry fields also have direct accessors and will be coerced to the type defined in it's content type.\n\n::\n\n    entry = client.entry('nyancat')\n    entry.lives # 1337\n    entry.fields() # { 'name': '...', 'lives': '...', ... }\n\nAccessing tags\n...................................\n\n::\n\n    nyancat = client.entry('nyancat')\n    nyancat._metadata['tags'] # => [<Link[Tag] id='nyCampaign'>]\n\nTags can be accessed via the ``#_metadata`` method.\n\n\nUsing different locales\n.......................\n\nEntries can have multiple locales, by default, the client only fetches the entry with only its default locale.\nIf you want to fetch a different locale you can do the following::\n\n    entries = client.entries({'locale': 'de-DE'})\n\nThen all the fields will be fetched for the requested locale.\n\nContentful Delivery API also allows to fetch all locales, you can do so by doing::\n\n    entries = client.entries({'content_type': 'cat', 'locale': '*'})\n\n    # assuming the entry has a field called name\n    my_spanish_name = entries.first.fields('es-AR')['name']\n\nWhen requesting multiple locales, the object accessor shortcuts only work for the default locale.\n\nLinks\n.....\n\nYou can easily request a resource that is represented by a link by calling ``#resolve``::\n\n    happycat = client.entry('happycat')\n\n    # <Link[Space] id='cfexampleapi'>\n\n    # <Space[Contentful Example API] id='cfexampleapi'>\n\nThis works for any kind of Resource.\n\nLinks to other spaces\n.....................\n\n``entries`` endpoints can now resolve links to entries from other spaces as they do for regular links\nTo use this functionality provide ``additional_tokens`` when creating the Contentful client::\n\n\n    client = contentful.Client(\n        \"<current-space-access-token>\",\n        \"<current-space-id>\",\n        additional_tokens={\n            spaces: {\n                \"<space-id>\": \"<space-access-token>\"\n            }\n        }\n\n    entries = client.entries()\n\nIf any of the ``additionalTokens`` is missing or invalid, the links to the respective space will remain unresolved.\n\nBy default, entries from other spaces will be resolved using the default locale of each space. If you specify the ``locale`` parameter (``client.entries({locale: <value>})``), this locale will be used for all spaces. If any of the spaces doesn't have this locale, the links to that space will remain unresolved.\n\nAssets\n......\n\nThere is a helpful method to add image resize options for an asset image::\n\n    client.asset('happycat').url()\n    # => \"//\n    #     382a48dfa2cb16c47aa2c72f7b23bf09/happycatw.jpg\"\n\n    client.asset('happycat').url(w=300, h=200, fm='jpg', q=100)\n    # => \"//\n    #     382a48dfa2cb16c47aa2c72f7b23bf09/happycatw.jpg?w=300&h=200&fm=jpg&q=100\"\n\nEntries\n.......\n\nEntries can have fields in it's default locale accessible with accessor methods::\n\n    nyancat = client.entry('nyancat')\n\n    # 'Nyan Cat'\n\nProperty Accessors\n..................\n\nThis library provides a simple API to interact with resources that come from the API,\nby abstracting the underlying JSON structure of the objects, and exposing all the relevant fields as\nobject properties.\n\nFor all resources, ``sys`` properties will be available as top level properties, for example::\n\n    space =\n\n    # will return the value of space.sys['id']\n\nIn the case of ``Entries`` and ``Assets``, as well as having ``sys`` available as properties,\nalso all the fields on present on ``fields`` will be available as properties, for example::\n\n    entry = client.entry('nyancat')\n\n    # 'Nyan Cat'\n    # this is equivalent to entry.fields()['name']\n\n    asset = client.assets()[0]\n    asset.file['details']['size']\n    # will return the size of the image\n    # this is equivalent to asset.fields()['file']['details']['size']\n\nOther resources, which contain top level properties other than ``sys`` or ``fields``,\nhave those available as object properties, for example::\n\n    locale = client.locales()[0]\n    locale.default\n    # True\n\nAdvanced Concepts\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nLogging\n.......\n\nTo use the logger, use the standard library ``logging`` module::\n\n    import logging\n    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)\n\n    client.entries()\n    # INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):\n    # DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:\"GET /spaces/cfexampleapi/entries HTTP/1.1\" 200 1994\n\nProxy example\n.............\n\n::\n\n    client = contentful.Client(\n        'cfexampleapi',\n        'b4c0n7n37fu1',\n        proxy_host='',\n        proxy_port=8000,\n        proxy_username='username',\n        proxy_password='secrect_password'\n    )\n\nSynchronization\n...............\n\nThe client also includes a wrapper for the synchronization endpoint.\nYou can call it either with ``initial=True`` or with a previous ``sync_token``,\nadditional options are described in the `API Documentation <>`_::\n\n    sync = client.sync({'initial': True}) # Returns all content currently in space\n    # <SyncPage next_sync_token='w5ZGw6JFwqZmVcKsE8Kow4grw45QdybCnV_Cg8OASMKpwo1UY8K8bsKFwqJrw7DDhcKnM2RDOVbDt1E-wo7CnDjChMKKGsK1w5zCrA3CnU7CgEvDtsK6w7B2wrRZwrwPIgDCjVo8PMOoUcK2wqTCl8O1wpY8wpjCkGM'>\n\n    sync.items\n    # [<Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='5ETMRzkl9KM4omyMwKAOki'>,\n    #   <Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='7qVBlCjpWE86Oseo40gAEY'>,\n    #   <Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='ge1xHyH3QOWucKWCCAgIG'>,\n    #   <Entry[1t9IbcfdCk6m04uISSsaIK] id='4MU1s3potiUEM2G4okYOqw'>,\n    #   <Asset id='1x0xpXu4pSGS4OukSyWGUK' url='//'>,\n    #   <Entry[dog] id='jake'>,\n    #   <Entry[cat] id='happycat'>,\n    #   <Entry[dog] id='6KntaYXaHSyIw8M6eo26OK'>,\n    #   <Entry[human] id='finn'>,\n    #   <Entry[cat] id='nyancat'>,\n    #   <Asset id='jake' url='//'>,\n    #   <Asset id='happycat' url='//'>,\n    #   <Asset id='nyancat' url='//'>,\n    #   <Entry[cat] id='garfield'>]\n\n\n    sync = client.sync({'initial': True, 'type': 'Deletion'}) # Only returns deleted entries and assets\n    # <SyncPage next_sync_token='w5ZGw6JFwqZmVcKsE8Kow4grw45QdybCnV_Cg8OASMKpwo1UY8K8bsKFwqJrw7DDhcKnM2RDOVbDt1E-wo7CnDjChMKKGsK1w5zCrA3CnU7CgEvDtsK6w7B2wrRZwrwPIgDCjVo8PMOoUcK2wqTCl8O1wpY8wpjCkGM'>\n\n    sync.items\n    # [<DeletedEntry id='4rPdazIwWkuuKEAQgemSmO'>,\n    #    <DeletedAsset id='5c6VY0gWg0gwaIeYkUUiqG'>,\n    #    <DeletedAsset id='finn'>,\n    #    <DeletedAsset id='3MZPnjZTIskAIIkuuosCss'>,\n    #    <DeletedAsset id='4gp6taAwW4CmSgumq2ekUm'>,\n    #    <DeletedAsset id='1uf1qqyZuEuiwmigoUYkeu'>,\n    #    <DeletedAsset id='4hlteQAXS8iS0YCMU6QMWg'>,\n    #    <DeletedEntry id='CVebBDcQsSsu6yKKIayy'>]\n\n    sync = # equivalent to client.sync(sync_token=sync.next_sync_token)\n\nTutorials & other resources\n---------------------------\n\n* This library is a wrapper around our Contentful Delivery REST API. Some more specific details such as search parameters and pagination are better explained on the `REST API reference <>`_, and you can also get a better understanding of how the requests look under the hood.\n* Check the `Contentful for Python <>`_ page for Tutorials, Demo Apps, and more information on other ways of using Python with Contentful\n\nReach out to us\n---------------\n\n`Join our Community Forum <>`_ |Community Forum|\n\n.. |Community Forum| image::;base64,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&maxAge=31557600\n   :alt: Join Community Forum\n\n`Join our Community Slack <>`_ |Community Slack|\n\n.. |Community Slack| image::\n   :alt: Join Community Slack\n\nYou found a bug or want to propose a feature?\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n`Create an issue <>`_ |Create Issue|\n\n.. |Create Issue| image::\n   :alt: Create Issue\n\nYou need to share confidential information or have other questions?\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n`Submit a support ticket <>`_ |Submit Support Ticket|\n\n.. |Submit Support Ticket| image::;base64,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&maxAge=31557600\n   :alt: Submit Support Ticket\n\nGet involved\n------------\n\n`Make a pull request <>`_ |PRs Welcome|\n\n.. |PRs Welcome| image::\n   :alt: PRs Welcome\n\nWe appreciate any help on our repositories. For more details about how to contribute see our ` <./>`_ document.\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nCopyright (c) 2016 Contentful GmbH. See `LICENSE <./LICENSE>`_ for further details.\n\nCode of Conduct\n---------------\n\nWe want to provide a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free space and experience for all participants, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, body size, ethnicity, nationality, level of experience, age, religion (or lack thereof), or other identity markers.\n\n`Read our full Code of Conduct <>`_\n",
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