
Namecopairs JSON
Version 0.4.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFind pairs and compute metrics between them
upload_time2024-09-05 22:03:08
authorJohn Arevalo
keywords pairwise replication
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
             # copairs

Find pairs and compute metrics between them.

## Installation

pip install git+

## Usage

### Data

Say you have a dataset with 20 samples taken in 3 plates `p1, p2, p3`,
each plate is composed of 5 wells `w1, w2, w3, w4, w5`, and each well 
has one or more labels (`t1, t2, t3, t4`) assigned.

import pandas as pd
import random

n_samples = 20
dframe = pd.DataFrame({
    'plate': [random.choice(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']) for _ in range(n_samples)],
    'well': [random.choice(['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4', 'w5']) for _ in range(n_samples)],
    'label': [random.choice(['t1', 't2', 't3', 't4']) for _ in range(n_samples)]
dframe = dframe.drop_duplicates()
dframe = dframe.sort_values(by=['plate', 'well', 'label'])
dframe = dframe.reset_index(drop=True)

|    | plate   | well   | label   |
|  0 | p1      | w2     | t4      |
|  1 | p1      | w3     | t2      |
|  2 | p1      | w3     | t4      |
|  3 | p1      | w4     | t1      |
|  4 | p1      | w4     | t3      |
|  5 | p2      | w1     | t1      |
|  6 | p2      | w2     | t1      |
|  7 | p2      | w3     | t1      |
|  8 | p2      | w3     | t2      |
|  9 | p2      | w3     | t3      |
| 10 | p2      | w4     | t2      |
| 11 | p2      | w5     | t1      |
| 12 | p2      | w5     | t3      |
| 13 | p3      | w1     | t3      |
| 14 | p3      | w1     | t4      |
| 15 | p3      | w4     | t2      |
| 16 | p3      | w5     | t2      |
| 17 | p3      | w5     | t4      |

### Getting valid pairs

To get pairs of samples that share the same `label` but comes from different
`plate`s at different `well` positions: 

from copairs import Matcher
matcher = Matcher(dframe, ['plate', 'well', 'label'], seed=0)
pairs_dict = matcher.get_all_pairs(sameby=['label'], diffby=['plate', 'well'])

`pairs_dict` is a `label_id: pairs` dictionary containing the list of valid
pairs for every unique value of `labels`

{'t4': [(0, 17), (0, 14), (17, 2), (2, 14)],
 't2': [(1, 16), (1, 10), (1, 15), (8, 16), (8, 15), (10, 16)],
 't1': [(3, 11), (3, 5), (3, 6), (3, 7)],
 't3': [(9, 4), (9, 13), (13, 4), (13, 12), (4, 12)]}

### Getting valid pairs from a multilabel column

For eficiency reasons, you may not want to have duplicated rows. You can
group all the labels in a single row and use `MatcherMultilabel` to find the
corresponding pairs:

dframe_multi = dframe.groupby(['plate', 'well'])['label'].unique().reset_index()

|    | plate   | well   | label              |
|  0 | p1      | w2     | ['t4']             |
|  1 | p1      | w3     | ['t2', 't4']       |
|  2 | p1      | w4     | ['t1', 't3']       |
|  3 | p2      | w1     | ['t1']             |
|  4 | p2      | w2     | ['t1']             |
|  5 | p2      | w3     | ['t1', 't2', 't3'] |
|  6 | p2      | w4     | ['t2']             |
|  7 | p2      | w5     | ['t1', 't3']       |
|  8 | p3      | w1     | ['t3', 't4']       |
|  9 | p3      | w4     | ['t2']             |
| 10 | p3      | w5     | ['t2', 't4']       |

from copairs import MatcherMultilabel
matcher_multi = MatcherMultilabel(dframe_multi,
                                  columns=['plate', 'well', 'label'],
pairs_multi = matcher_multi.get_all_pairs(sameby=['label'],
                                          diffby=['plate', 'well'])

`pairs_multi` is also a `label_id: pairs` dictionary with the same
structure discussed before:

{'t4': [(0, 10), (0, 8), (10, 1), (1, 8)],
 't2': [(1, 10), (1, 6), (1, 9), (5, 10), (5, 9), (6, 10)],
 't1': [(2, 7), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5)],
 't3': [(5, 2), (5, 8), (8, 2), (8, 7), (2, 7)]}


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "copairs",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<3.12,>=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "pairwise, replication",
    "author": "John Arevalo",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": " # copairs\n\nFind pairs and compute metrics between them.\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\npip install git+\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### Data\n\nSay you have a dataset with 20 samples taken in 3 plates `p1, p2, p3`,\neach plate is composed of 5 wells `w1, w2, w3, w4, w5`, and each well \nhas one or more labels (`t1, t2, t3, t4`) assigned.\n\n```python\nimport pandas as pd\nimport random\n\nrandom.seed(0)\nn_samples = 20\ndframe = pd.DataFrame({\n    'plate': [random.choice(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']) for _ in range(n_samples)],\n    'well': [random.choice(['w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4', 'w5']) for _ in range(n_samples)],\n    'label': [random.choice(['t1', 't2', 't3', 't4']) for _ in range(n_samples)]\n})\ndframe = dframe.drop_duplicates()\ndframe = dframe.sort_values(by=['plate', 'well', 'label'])\ndframe = dframe.reset_index(drop=True)\n```\n\n|    | plate   | well   | label   |\n|---:|:--------|:-------|:--------|\n|  0 | p1      | w2     | t4      |\n|  1 | p1      | w3     | t2      |\n|  2 | p1      | w3     | t4      |\n|  3 | p1      | w4     | t1      |\n|  4 | p1      | w4     | t3      |\n|  5 | p2      | w1     | t1      |\n|  6 | p2      | w2     | t1      |\n|  7 | p2      | w3     | t1      |\n|  8 | p2      | w3     | t2      |\n|  9 | p2      | w3     | t3      |\n| 10 | p2      | w4     | t2      |\n| 11 | p2      | w5     | t1      |\n| 12 | p2      | w5     | t3      |\n| 13 | p3      | w1     | t3      |\n| 14 | p3      | w1     | t4      |\n| 15 | p3      | w4     | t2      |\n| 16 | p3      | w5     | t2      |\n| 17 | p3      | w5     | t4      |\n\n### Getting valid pairs\n\nTo get pairs of samples that share the same `label` but comes from different\n`plate`s at different `well` positions: \n\n```python\nfrom copairs import Matcher\nmatcher = Matcher(dframe, ['plate', 'well', 'label'], seed=0)\npairs_dict = matcher.get_all_pairs(sameby=['label'], diffby=['plate', 'well'])\n```\n\n`pairs_dict` is a `label_id: pairs` dictionary containing the list of valid\npairs for every unique value of `labels`\n\n```\n{'t4': [(0, 17), (0, 14), (17, 2), (2, 14)],\n 't2': [(1, 16), (1, 10), (1, 15), (8, 16), (8, 15), (10, 16)],\n 't1': [(3, 11), (3, 5), (3, 6), (3, 7)],\n 't3': [(9, 4), (9, 13), (13, 4), (13, 12), (4, 12)]}\n```\n\n### Getting valid pairs from a multilabel column\n\nFor eficiency reasons, you may not want to have duplicated rows. You can\ngroup all the labels in a single row and use `MatcherMultilabel` to find the\ncorresponding pairs:\n\n```python\ndframe_multi = dframe.groupby(['plate', 'well'])['label'].unique().reset_index()\n```\n\n|    | plate   | well   | label              |\n|---:|:--------|:-------|:-------------------|\n|  0 | p1      | w2     | ['t4']             |\n|  1 | p1      | w3     | ['t2', 't4']       |\n|  2 | p1      | w4     | ['t1', 't3']       |\n|  3 | p2      | w1     | ['t1']             |\n|  4 | p2      | w2     | ['t1']             |\n|  5 | p2      | w3     | ['t1', 't2', 't3'] |\n|  6 | p2      | w4     | ['t2']             |\n|  7 | p2      | w5     | ['t1', 't3']       |\n|  8 | p3      | w1     | ['t3', 't4']       |\n|  9 | p3      | w4     | ['t2']             |\n| 10 | p3      | w5     | ['t2', 't4']       |\n\n```python\nfrom copairs import MatcherMultilabel\nmatcher_multi = MatcherMultilabel(dframe_multi,\n                                  columns=['plate', 'well', 'label'],\n                                  multilabel_col='label',\n                                  seed=0)\npairs_multi = matcher_multi.get_all_pairs(sameby=['label'],\n                                          diffby=['plate', 'well'])\n```\n\n`pairs_multi` is also a `label_id: pairs` dictionary with the same\nstructure discussed before:\n\n```\n{'t4': [(0, 10), (0, 8), (10, 1), (1, 8)],\n 't2': [(1, 10), (1, 6), (1, 9), (5, 10), (5, 9), (6, 10)],\n 't1': [(2, 7), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5)],\n 't3': [(5, 2), (5, 8), (8, 2), (8, 7), (2, 7)]}\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "LICENSE.txt",
    "summary": "Find pairs and compute metrics between them",
    "version": "0.4.1",
    "project_urls": null,
    "split_keywords": [
        " replication"
    "urls": [
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