
Namecouchformation JSON
Version 4.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCouchbase Cloud Automation
upload_time2024-12-04 06:32:02
authorMichael Minichino
keywords couchbase devops automation
requirements attrs boto3 botocore cryptography dnspython google-api-core google-api-python-client google-auth google-auth-httplib2 googleapis-common-protos google-cloud google-cloud-compute google-cloud-storage google-cloud-dns google-cloud-network-management Jinja2 passlib pycryptodome pytz pyvmomi requests urllib3 azure-common azure-core azure-mgmt-resource azure-identity azure-mgmt-network azure-mgmt-compute azure-mgmt-core azure-mgmt-dns azure-mgmt-privatedns ply pytest pytest-asyncio pytest-rerunfailures pytest-order sqlite-utils docker paramiko overrides bumpversion PyYAML rsa pywinrm aiohttp python-certifi-win32 certifi pyhostprep psutil six libcapella
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
# Couch Formation 4.0.2
Toolset for running and managing Couchbase assets in the cloud.

## Disclaimer

> This package is **NOT SUPPORTED BY COUCHBASE**. The toolset is under active development, therefore features and functionality can change.

## Prerequisites
- Python 3.8+
- Cloud CLI/SDKs
  - [AWS CLI](
  - [Google Cloud CLI](
  - [Azure CLI](
- Homebrew (for macOS)

## Quick Start
### Install (pip user local method):
pip install --user couchformation
export PATH=$(python -m site --user-base)/bin:$PATH
### Install (virtual environment method):
#### Linux
Create virtual environment:
python -m venv couchformation
Activate virtual environment:
. couchformation/bin/activate
Install Couch Formation into the virtual environment:
pip install couchformation
#### Activate Windows virtual environment using cmd
#### Active Windows virtual environment using PowerShell
### Install directly from GitHub repo:
pip install --user git+

## Basic example
### Configure and deploy a Couchbase Server cluster:
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud gcp --project test-gcp --name test-cluster --region us-central1 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 4x16
### Deploy the project:
cloudmgr deploy --project test-gcp

## MDS example
### Create the initial service group:
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name testdb01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32
### Add a second service group:
cloudmgr add --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name testdb01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 2 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32 --services analytics

## Multiservice project example
Configure a 3 node Couchbase Server cluster in US Ease, another 3 node Couchbase Server cluster in US West, plus a Linux generic node and a Windows generic node to run an application.
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name source01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name target01 --region us-west-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32
cloudmgr create --build generic --cloud aws --project dev01 --name app01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 1 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32
cloudmgr create --build generic --cloud aws --project dev01 --name app02 --region us-east-2 --quantity 1 --os_id windows --os_version 2022 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32

## Providing tags in AWS
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project test-db --name testdb --region us-east-1 --auth_mode sso --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --machine_type 8x32 --quantity 3 --tags

## Custom services example
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project eventing --name eventing01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32 --services data,index,query,eventing

## Sync Gateway example
### Create the Couchbase Server cluster:
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project sgw-dev01 --name devdb01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 4x16
### Create a Sync Gateway and connect to the cluster:
cloudmgr create --build sgw --cloud aws --project sgw-dev01 --name gateway --region us-east-2 --quantity 1 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 4x16 --connect devdb01

## Capella example
For Capella the Couch Formation project aligns with the Capella project.
cloudmgr create --build capella --cloud capella --project test-project --name test-cluster --profile pytest --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --provider aws --machine_type 4x16
Optionally create an app service (Sync Gateway in Capella) and attach it to a Capella database.
cloudmgr create --build capella --cloud capella --project test-project --name test-app-svc --profile pytest --quantity 2 --machine_type 4x8 --type mobile --connect test-cluster

## Columnar example
cloudmgr create --build columnar --cloud capella --project test-project --name test-cluster --profile pytest --provider aws --region us-east-1 --machine_type 4x32 --quantity 1

## Capella automatic peering
Use the `--peer_project` argument to provide a project for peering:
cloudmgr create --build capella --cloud capella --project test-capella --name testdb --profile test --provider aws --region us-east-1 --cidr --machine_type 8x32 --quantity 3 --peer_project test-node

Deploy the peer project (if not already deployed):
cloudmgr deploy --project test-node
Then deploy the Capella project:
cloudmgr deploy --project test-capella
NOTE: Automatic peering is only supported with AWS and GCP.

## Additional commands
### Destroy a project:
cloudmgr destroy --project dev01

### List node details (including IP addresses and generated passwords):
cloudmgr list --project dev01

### Operate on only one service in a project:
cloudmgr deploy --project dev01 --name source01

### List all projects and services:
cloudmgr list

### Display detailed information about configured services in a project:
cloudmgr show --project dev01

### Recall the CLI commands that were used to add services to a project (you can use this to copy and paste to create a new project):
cloudmgr cli --project dev01

### Change the values for parameters in a previously created service:
cloudmgr update --project dev01 --name node --machine_type 8x32

### Change the values for parameters for a service node group:
cloudmgr update --project dev01 --name testdb --group 2 --machine_type 4x16

### Remove a service from a project:
cloudmgr remove --project dev01 --name testdb

### Remove an entire project:
cloudmgr clean --project dev01

### Create a SSH key to use with Couch Formation:
cloudmgr ssh create

### Set configuration parameters (see table below for all supported parameters):
cloudmgr config set ssh.key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem

## AWS SSO Support
### Setup AWS CLI SSO:
aws configure sso
### SSO Integration:
Use the auth_mode option to enable SSO integration. Couch Formation will open a browser for you to complete the SSO process, or you will have to paste the link provided into a browser to continue.
cloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name testdb01 --auth_mode sso --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32

## AWS Default Authentication
Configure the AWS CLI via an appropriate method based on your IAM settings. For example use ```aws configure``` to configure long term credentials, or manually set the access parameters in ```.aws/credentials``` or with environment variables. Couch Formation accepts an optional ```--profile``` service configuration parameter to use a specific auth profile. Check [here]( for more information.

## GCP Default Authentication
For Google Cloud use ```gcloud auth application-default login``` to configure CLI access.  Check [here]( for more information.

## Azure Default Authentication
For Azure use ```az login``` to configure CLI access. Check [here]( for more information.

## Capella Support
The automation for Capella uses the v4 public API. To use the automation, set the `capella.token` and `capella.user` configuration parameters.
cloudmgr config set capella.token dGhpcyBpcyBhIHNhbXBsZSBzdHJpbmcgZm9yIFJFQURNRS5tZC4uCg==
cloudmgr config set capella.user
By default, the Couch Formation project is used as the Capella project. To use a different Capella project, set the `capella.project` parameter.
cloudmgr config set capella.project my-project
## Windows
Download and install a 64-bit version of Python 3.8+ from [here]( Use the ```Run as Administrator``` option to start PowerShell and then install Couch Formation with ```pip```. Once the installation is complete, it will be available for all users (launch a PowerShell window as your login user to use Couch Formation). You should install the ```wheel``` pacakge before you install Couch Formation.
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install couchformation
## Configuration Parameters
| Parameter       | Description                      |
| aws.tags        | Default tags for AWS deployments |
| capella.token   | Capella API token                |
| capella.user    | Capella user email address       |
| | Capella user ID                  |
| capella.project | Capella project                  |
| ssh.key         | Default SSH key                  |
## Operating System Information

| ID            | Operating System         | Versions     | AWS User      | GCP User  | Azure User |
| amzn          | Amazon Linux             | 2, 2023      | ec2-user      | N/A       | N/A        |
| rhel          | Red Hat Enterprise Linux | 8, 9         | ec2-user      | admin     | rhel       |
| centos        | CentOS                   | 8            | centos        | centos    | centos     |
| ol            | Oracle Linux             | 8, 9         | ec2-user      | N/A       | N/A        |
| rocky         | Rocky Linux              | 8, 9         | rocky         | rocky     | N/A        |
| fedora        | Fedora                   | 34           | core          | fedora    | N/A        |
| sles          | SUSE Linux               | 12, 15       | ec2-user      | admin     | sles       |
| opensuse-leap | openSUSE                 | 15           | ec2-user      | admin     | sles       |
| ubuntu        | Ubuntu Linux             | 20.04, 22.04 | ubuntu        | ubuntu    | ubuntu     |
| debian        | Debian Linux             | 10, 11       | admin         | admin     | debian     |
| windows       | Windows Server           | 2019, 2022   | Administrator | adminuser | adminuser  |
| macos         | macOS                    | 13, 14       | ec2-user      | N/A       | N/A        |

## Build Types

| Build Type | Description                     |
| cbs        | Couchbase Server                |
| cbscert    | Couchbase Server with cert auth |
| cbsc       | Couchbase Community Edition     |
| sgw        | Sync Gateway                    |
| capella    | Capella Database                |
| columnar   | Capella Columnar                |
| generic    | Base configured node from image |
| database   | Generic database node           |
| windev     | Windows development host        |

## Troubleshooting
Log files are written to ```.config/couch-formation/log```.
To create a support bundle with diagnostic information, use the ```dump``` command.
cloudmgr dump


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "couchformation",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "couchbase, devops, automation",
    "author": "Michael Minichino",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "![](doc/couch-formation-1.png)\n# Couch Formation 4.0.2\nToolset for running and managing Couchbase assets in the cloud.\n\n## Disclaimer\n\n> This package is **NOT SUPPORTED BY COUCHBASE**. The toolset is under active development, therefore features and functionality can change.\n\n## Prerequisites\n- Python 3.8+\n- Cloud CLI/SDKs\n  - [AWS CLI](\n  - [Google Cloud CLI](\n  - [Azure CLI](\n- Homebrew (for macOS)\n\n## Quick Start\n### Install (pip user local method):\n````\npip install --user couchformation\n````\n````\nexport PATH=$(python -m site --user-base)/bin:$PATH\n````\n### Install (virtual environment method):\n#### Linux\nCreate virtual environment:\n````\npython -m venv couchformation\n````\nActivate virtual environment:\n````\n. couchformation/bin/activate\n````\nInstall Couch Formation into the virtual environment:\n````\npip install couchformation\n````\n#### Activate Windows virtual environment using cmd\n````\ncouchformation\\Scripts\\activate.bat\n````\n#### Active Windows virtual environment using PowerShell\n````\ncouchformation\\Scripts\\Activate.ps1\n````\n### Install directly from GitHub repo:\n````\npip install --user git+\n````\n\n## Basic example\n### Configure and deploy a Couchbase Server cluster:\n````\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud gcp --project test-gcp --name test-cluster --region us-central1 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 4x16\n````\n### Deploy the project:\n````\ncloudmgr deploy --project test-gcp\n````\n\n## MDS example\n### Create the initial service group:\n```\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name testdb01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32\n```\n### Add a second service group:\n```\ncloudmgr add --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name testdb01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 2 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32 --services analytics\n```\n\n## Multiservice project example\nConfigure a 3 node Couchbase Server cluster in US Ease, another 3 node Couchbase Server cluster in US West, plus a Linux generic node and a Windows generic node to run an application.\n```\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name source01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32\n```\n```\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name target01 --region us-west-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32\n```\n```\ncloudmgr create --build generic --cloud aws --project dev01 --name app01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 1 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32\n```\n```\ncloudmgr create --build generic --cloud aws --project dev01 --name app02 --region us-east-2 --quantity 1 --os_id windows --os_version 2022 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32\n```\n\n## Providing tags in AWS\n```\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project test-db --name testdb --region us-east-1 --auth_mode sso --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --machine_type 8x32 --quantity 3 --tags\n```\n\n## Custom services example\n```\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project eventing --name eventing01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32 --services data,index,query,eventing\n```\n\n## Sync Gateway example\n### Create the Couchbase Server cluster:\n```\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project sgw-dev01 --name devdb01 --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 4x16\n```\n### Create a Sync Gateway and connect to the cluster:\n```\ncloudmgr create --build sgw --cloud aws --project sgw-dev01 --name gateway --region us-east-2 --quantity 1 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 4x16 --connect devdb01\n```\n\n## Capella example\nFor Capella the Couch Formation project aligns with the Capella project.\n```\ncloudmgr create --build capella --cloud capella --project test-project --name test-cluster --profile pytest --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --provider aws --machine_type 4x16\n```\nOptionally create an app service (Sync Gateway in Capella) and attach it to a Capella database.\n```\ncloudmgr create --build capella --cloud capella --project test-project --name test-app-svc --profile pytest --quantity 2 --machine_type 4x8 --type mobile --connect test-cluster\n```\n\n## Columnar example\n```\ncloudmgr create --build columnar --cloud capella --project test-project --name test-cluster --profile pytest --provider aws --region us-east-1 --machine_type 4x32 --quantity 1\n```\n\n## Capella automatic peering\nUse the `--peer_project` argument to provide a project for peering:\n```\ncloudmgr create --build capella --cloud capella --project test-capella --name testdb --profile test --provider aws --region us-east-1 --cidr --machine_type 8x32 --quantity 3 --peer_project test-node\n```\n\nDeploy the peer project (if not already deployed):\n```\ncloudmgr deploy --project test-node\n```\nThen deploy the Capella project:\n```\ncloudmgr deploy --project test-capella\n```\nNOTE: Automatic peering is only supported with AWS and GCP.\n\n## Additional commands\n### Destroy a project:\n```\ncloudmgr destroy --project dev01\n```\n\n### List node details (including IP addresses and generated passwords):\n```\ncloudmgr list --project dev01\n```\n\n### Operate on only one service in a project:\n```\ncloudmgr deploy --project dev01 --name source01\n```\n\n### List all projects and services:\n```\ncloudmgr list\n```\n\n### Display detailed information about configured services in a project:\n```\ncloudmgr show --project dev01\n```\n\n### Recall the CLI commands that were used to add services to a project (you can use this to copy and paste to create a new project):\n```\ncloudmgr cli --project dev01\n```\n\n### Change the values for parameters in a previously created service:\n```\ncloudmgr update --project dev01 --name node --machine_type 8x32\n```\n\n### Change the values for parameters for a service node group:\n```\ncloudmgr update --project dev01 --name testdb --group 2 --machine_type 4x16\n```\n\n### Remove a service from a project:\n```\ncloudmgr remove --project dev01 --name testdb\n```\n\n### Remove an entire project:\n```\ncloudmgr clean --project dev01\n```\n\n### Create a SSH key to use with Couch Formation:\n```\ncloudmgr ssh create\n```\n\n### Set configuration parameters (see table below for all supported parameters):\n```\ncloudmgr config set ssh.key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem\n```\n\n## AWS SSO Support\n### Setup AWS CLI SSO:\n```\naws configure sso\n```\n### SSO Integration:\nUse the auth_mode option to enable SSO integration. Couch Formation will open a browser for you to complete the SSO process, or you will have to paste the link provided into a browser to continue.\n```\ncloudmgr create --build cbs --cloud aws --project dev01 --name testdb01 --auth_mode sso --region us-east-2 --quantity 3 --os_id ubuntu --os_version 22.04 --ssh_key /Users/jdoe/.ssh/jdoe-default-key-pair.pem --machine_type 8x32\n```\n\n## AWS Default Authentication\nConfigure the AWS CLI via an appropriate method based on your IAM settings. For example use ```aws configure``` to configure long term credentials, or manually set the access parameters in ```.aws/credentials``` or with environment variables. Couch Formation accepts an optional ```--profile``` service configuration parameter to use a specific auth profile. Check [here]( for more information.\n\n## GCP Default Authentication\nFor Google Cloud use ```gcloud auth application-default login``` to configure CLI access.  Check [here]( for more information.\n\n## Azure Default Authentication\nFor Azure use ```az login``` to configure CLI access. Check [here]( for more information.\n\n## Capella Support\nThe automation for Capella uses the v4 public API. To use the automation, set the `capella.token` and `capella.user` configuration parameters.\n```\ncloudmgr config set capella.token dGhpcyBpcyBhIHNhbXBsZSBzdHJpbmcgZm9yIFJFQURNRS5tZC4uCg==\ncloudmgr config set capella.user\n```\nBy default, the Couch Formation project is used as the Capella project. To use a different Capella project, set the `capella.project` parameter.\n```\ncloudmgr config set capella.project my-project\n```\n## Windows\nDownload and install a 64-bit version of Python 3.8+ from [here]( Use the ```Run as Administrator``` option to start PowerShell and then install Couch Formation with ```pip```. Once the installation is complete, it will be available for all users (launch a PowerShell window as your login user to use Couch Formation). You should install the ```wheel``` pacakge before you install Couch Formation.\n```\npip3 install wheel\n```\n```\npip3 install couchformation\n```\n## Configuration Parameters\n| Parameter       | Description                      |\n|-----------------|----------------------------------|\n| aws.tags        | Default tags for AWS deployments |\n| capella.token   | Capella API token                |\n| capella.user    | Capella user email address       |\n| | Capella user ID                  |\n| capella.project | Capella project                  |\n| ssh.key         | Default SSH key                  |\n## Operating System Information\n\n| ID            | Operating System         | Versions     | AWS User      | GCP User  | Azure User |\n|---------------|--------------------------|--------------|---------------|-----------|------------|\n| amzn          | Amazon Linux             | 2, 2023      | ec2-user      | N/A       | N/A        |\n| rhel          | Red Hat Enterprise Linux | 8, 9         | ec2-user      | admin     | rhel       |\n| centos        | CentOS                   | 8            | centos        | centos    | centos     |\n| ol            | Oracle Linux             | 8, 9         | ec2-user      | N/A       | N/A        |\n| rocky         | Rocky Linux              | 8, 9         | rocky         | rocky     | N/A        |\n| fedora        | Fedora                   | 34           | core          | fedora    | N/A        |\n| sles          | SUSE Linux               | 12, 15       | ec2-user      | admin     | sles       |\n| opensuse-leap | openSUSE                 | 15           | ec2-user      | admin     | sles       |\n| ubuntu        | Ubuntu Linux             | 20.04, 22.04 | ubuntu        | ubuntu    | ubuntu     |\n| debian        | Debian Linux             | 10, 11       | admin         | admin     | debian     |\n| windows       | Windows Server           | 2019, 2022   | Administrator | adminuser | adminuser  |\n| macos         | macOS                    | 13, 14       | ec2-user      | N/A       | N/A        |\n\n## Build Types\n\n| Build Type | Description                     |\n|------------|---------------------------------|\n| cbs        | Couchbase Server                |\n| cbscert    | Couchbase Server with cert auth |\n| cbsc       | Couchbase Community Edition     |\n| sgw        | Sync Gateway                    |\n| capella    | Capella Database                |\n| columnar   | Capella Columnar                |\n| generic    | Base configured node from image |\n| database   | Generic database node           |\n| windev     | Windows development host        |\n\n## Troubleshooting\nLog files are written to ```.config/couch-formation/log```.\n<br><br>\nTo create a support bundle with diagnostic information, use the ```dump``` command.\n```\ncloudmgr dump\n```\n",
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            "name": "botocore",
            "specs": [
            "name": "cryptography",
            "specs": [
            "name": "dnspython",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-api-core",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-api-python-client",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-auth",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-auth-httplib2",
            "specs": [
            "name": "googleapis-common-protos",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-cloud",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-cloud-compute",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-cloud-storage",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-cloud-dns",
            "specs": [
            "name": "google-cloud-network-management",
            "specs": [
            "name": "Jinja2",
            "specs": [
            "name": "passlib",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pycryptodome",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pytz",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pyvmomi",
            "specs": [
            "name": "requests",
            "specs": [
            "name": "urllib3",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-common",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-core",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-mgmt-resource",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-identity",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-mgmt-network",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-mgmt-compute",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-mgmt-core",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-mgmt-dns",
            "specs": [
            "name": "azure-mgmt-privatedns",
            "specs": [
            "name": "ply",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pytest",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pytest-asyncio",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pytest-rerunfailures",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pytest-order",
            "specs": [
            "name": "sqlite-utils",
            "specs": [
            "name": "docker",
            "specs": [
            "name": "paramiko",
            "specs": [
            "name": "overrides",
            "specs": [
            "name": "bumpversion",
            "specs": [
            "name": "PyYAML",
            "specs": [
            "name": "rsa",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pywinrm",
            "specs": [
            "name": "aiohttp",
            "specs": [
            "name": "python-certifi-win32",
            "specs": [
            "name": "certifi",
            "specs": [
            "name": "pyhostprep",
            "specs": [
            "name": "psutil",
            "specs": [
            "name": "six",
            "specs": [
            "name": "libcapella",
            "specs": [
    "lcname": "couchformation"
Elapsed time: 2.40020s