
Namecria JSON
Version 1.6.6 PyPI version JSON
SummaryRun AI locally with as little friction as possible.
upload_time2024-08-21 02:31:44
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <p align="center">
  <a href=""><img src="" alt="cria"></a>
<p align="center">
    <em>Cria, use Python to run LLMs with as little friction as possible.</em>

Cria is a library for programmatically running Large Language Models through Python. Cria is built so you need as little configuration as possible — even with more advanced features.

- **Easy**: No configuration is required out of the box. Getting started takes just five lines of code.
- **Concise**: Write less code to save time and avoid duplication.
- **Local**: Free and unobstructed by rate limits, running LLMs requires no internet connection.
- **Efficient**: Use advanced features with your own `ollama` instance, or a subprocess.

<!-- <p align="center">
    Cria uses <a href="">ollama</a>.
</p> -->

## Guide

- [Quick Start](#quickstart)
- [Installation](#installation)
  - [Windows](#windows)
  - [Mac](#mac)
  - [Linux](#linux)
- [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
  - [Custom Models](#custom-models)
  - [Streams](#streams)
  - [Closing](#closing)
  - [Message History](#message-history)
    - [Follow-Up](#follow-up)
    - [Clear Message History](#clear-message-history)
    - [Passing In Custom Context](#passing-in-custom-context)
  - [Interrupting](#interrupting)
    - [With Message History](#with-message-history)
    - [Without Message History](#without-message-history)
  - [Multiple Models and Parallel Conversations](#multiple-models-and-parallel-conversations)
    - [Models](#models)
    - [With](#with-model)
    - [Standalone](#standalone-model)
  - [Running Standalone](#running-standalone)
  - [Formatting](#formatting)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)

## Quickstart

Running Cria is easy. After installation, you need just five lines of code — no configurations, no manual downloads, no API keys, and no servers to worry about.

import cria

ai = cria.Cria()

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
for chunk in
    print(chunk, end="")

>>> The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman!

or, you can run this more configurable example.

import cria

with cria.Model() as ai:
  prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
  response =, stream=False)

>>> The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman!

> If no model is configured, Cria automatically installs and runs the default model: `llama3.1:8b` (4.7GB).

## Installation

1. Cria uses [`ollama`](, to install it, run the following.

   ### Windows


   ### Mac


   ### Linux

   curl -fsSL | sh

2. Install Cria with `pip`.

   pip install cria

## Advanced Usage

### Custom Models

To run other LLMs, pass them into your `ai` variable.

import cria

ai = cria.Cria("llama2")

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
for chunk in
    print(chunk, end="") # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman. He co-founded OpenAI in 2015 with...

You can find available models [here](

### Streams

Streams are used by default in Cria, but you can turn them off by passing in a boolean for the `stream` parameter.

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman!

### Closing

By default, models are closed when you exit the Python program, but closing them manually is a best practice.


You can also use [`with`](#with-model) statements to close models automatically (recommended).

### Message History

#### Follow-Up

Message history is automatically saved in Cria, so asking follow-up questions is easy.

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.

prompt = "Tell me more about him."
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # Sam Altman is an American entrepreneur and technologist who serves as the CEO of OpenAI...

#### Clear Message History

You can reset message history by running the `clear` method.

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # Sam Altman is an American entrepreneur and technologist who serves as the CEO of OpenAI...


prompt = "Tell me more about him."
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # I apologize, but I don't have any information about "him" because the conversation just started...

#### Passing In Custom Context

You can also create a custom message history, and pass in your own context.

context = "Our AI system employed a hybrid approach combining reinforcement learning and generative adversarial networks (GANs) to optimize the decision-making..."
messages = [
    {"role": "system", "content": "You are a technical documentation writer"},
    {"role": "user", "content": context},

prompt = "Write some documentation using the text I gave you."
for chunk in, prompt=prompt):
    print(chunk, end="") # AI System Optimization: Hybrid Approach Combining Reinforcement Learning and...

In the example, instructions are given to the LLM as the `system`. Then, extra context is given as the `user`. Finally, the prompt is entered (as a `user`). You can use any mixture of roles to specify the LLM to your liking.

The available roles for messages are:

- `user` - Pass prompts as the user.
- `system` - Give instructions as the system.
- `assistant` - Act as the AI assistant yourself, and give the LLM lines.

The prompt parameter will always be appended to messages under the `user` role, to override this, you can choose to pass in nothing for `prompt`.

### Interrupting

#### With Message History

If you are streaming messages with Cria, you can interrupt the prompt mid way.

response = ""
max_token_length = 5

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
for i, chunk in enumerate(
  if i >= max_token_length:
  response += chunk

print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is

response = ""
max_token_length = 5

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
for i, chunk in enumerate(ai.generate(prompt)):
  if i >= max_token_length:
  response += chunk

print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is

In the examples, after the AI generates five tokens (units of text that are usually a couple of characters long), text generation is stopped via the `stop` method. After `stop` is called, you can safely `break` out of the `for` loop.

#### Without Message History

By default, Cria automatically saves responses in message history, even if the stream is interrupted. To prevent this behaviour though, you can pass in the `allow_interruption` boolean.

ai = cria.Cria(allow_interruption=False)

response = ""
max_token_length = 5

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
for i, chunk in enumerate(

  if i >= max_token_length:

  print(chunk, end="") # The CEO of OpenAI is

prompt = "Tell me more about him."
for chunk in
  print(chunk, end="") # I apologize, but I don't have any information about "him" because the conversation just started...

### Multiple Models and Parallel Conversations

#### Models

If you are running multiple models or parallel conversations, the `Model` class is also available. This is recommended for most use cases.

import cria

ai = cria.Model()

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.

_All methods that apply to the `Cria` class also apply to `Model`._

#### With Model

Multiple models can be run through a `with` statement. This automatically closes them after use.

import cria

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"

with cria.Model("llama3") as ai:
  response =, stream=False)
  print(response) # OpenAI's CEO is Sam Altman, who also...

with cria.Model("llama2") as ai:
  response =, stream=False)
  print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.

#### Standalone Model

Or, models can be run traditionally.

import cria

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"

llama3 = cria.Model("llama3")
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # OpenAI's CEO is Sam Altman, who also...

llama2 = cria.Model("llama2")
response =, stream=False)
print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.

# Not required, but best practice.


### Generate

Cria also has a `generate` method.

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
for chunk in ai.generate(prompt):
    print(chunk, end="") # The CEO of OpenAI (Open-source Artificial Intelligence) is Sam Altman.

promt = "Tell me more about him."
response = ai.generate(prompt, stream=False)
print(response) # I apologize, but I think there may have been some confusion earlier. As this...

### Running Standalone

When you run `cria.Cria()`, an `ollama` instance will start up if one is not already running. When the program exits, this instance will terminate.

However, if you want to save resources by not exiting `ollama`, either run your own `ollama` instance in another terminal, or run a managed subprocess.

#### Running Your Own Ollama Instance

ollama serve

prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"
with cria.Model() as ai:
    response = ai.generate("Who is the CEO of OpenAI?", stream=False)

#### Running A Managed Subprocess (Reccomended)


# If it is the first time you start the program, ollama will start automatically
# If it is the second time (or subsequent times) you run the program, ollama will already be running

ai = cria.Cria(standalone=True, close_on_exit=False)
prompt = "Who is the CEO of OpenAI?"

with cria.Model("llama2") as llama2:
    response = llama2.generate("Who is the CEO of OpenAI?", stream=False)

with cria.Model("llama3") as llama3:
    response = llama3.generate("Who is the CEO of OpenAI?", stream=False)

# Despite exiting, olama will keep running, and be used the next time this program starts.

### Formatting

To format the output of the LLM, pass in the format keyword.

ai = cria.Cria()

prompt = "Return a JSON array of AI companies."
response =, stream=False, format="json")
print(response) # ["OpenAI", "Anthropic", "Meta", "Google", "Cohere", ...].

The current supported formats are:


## Contributing

If you have a feature request, feel free to make an issue!

Contributions are highly appreciated.

## License



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "cria",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "leftmove",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"cria\"></a>\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n    <em>Cria, use Python to run LLMs with as little friction as possible.</em>\n</p>\n\nCria is a library for programmatically running Large Language Models through Python. Cria is built so you need as little configuration as possible \u2014 even with more advanced features.\n\n- **Easy**: No configuration is required out of the box. Getting started takes just five lines of code.\n- **Concise**: Write less code to save time and avoid duplication.\n- **Local**: Free and unobstructed by rate limits, running LLMs requires no internet connection.\n- **Efficient**: Use advanced features with your own `ollama` instance, or a subprocess.\n\n<!-- <p align=\"center\">\n  <em>\n    Cria uses <a href=\"\">ollama</a>.\n  </em>\n</p> -->\n\n## Guide\n\n- [Quick Start](#quickstart)\n- [Installation](#installation)\n  - [Windows](#windows)\n  - [Mac](#mac)\n  - [Linux](#linux)\n- [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)\n  - [Custom Models](#custom-models)\n  - [Streams](#streams)\n  - [Closing](#closing)\n  - [Message History](#message-history)\n    - [Follow-Up](#follow-up)\n    - [Clear Message History](#clear-message-history)\n    - [Passing In Custom Context](#passing-in-custom-context)\n  - [Interrupting](#interrupting)\n    - [With Message History](#with-message-history)\n    - [Without Message History](#without-message-history)\n  - [Multiple Models and Parallel Conversations](#multiple-models-and-parallel-conversations)\n    - [Models](#models)\n    - [With](#with-model)\n    - [Standalone](#standalone-model)\n  - [Running Standalone](#running-standalone)\n  - [Formatting](#formatting)\n- [Contributing](#contributing)\n- [License](#license)\n\n## Quickstart\n\nRunning Cria is easy. After installation, you need just five lines of code \u2014 no configurations, no manual downloads, no API keys, and no servers to worry about.\n\n```python\nimport cria\n\nai = cria.Cria()\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nfor chunk in\n    print(chunk, end=\"\")\n```\n\n```\n>>> The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman!\n```\n\nor, you can run this more configurable example.\n\n```python\nimport cria\n\nwith cria.Model() as ai:\n  prompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\n  response =, stream=False)\n  print(response)\n```\n\n```\n>>> The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman!\n```\n\n> [!WARNING]\n> If no model is configured, Cria automatically installs and runs the default model: `llama3.1:8b` (4.7GB).\n\n## Installation\n\n1. Cria uses [`ollama`](, to install it, run the following.\n\n   ### Windows\n\n   [Download](\n\n   ### Mac\n\n   [Download](\n\n   ### Linux\n\n   ```\n   curl -fsSL | sh\n   ```\n\n2. Install Cria with `pip`.\n\n   ```\n   pip install cria\n   ```\n\n## Advanced Usage\n\n### Custom Models\n\nTo run other LLMs, pass them into your `ai` variable.\n\n```python\nimport cria\n\nai = cria.Cria(\"llama2\")\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nfor chunk in\n    print(chunk, end=\"\") # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman. He co-founded OpenAI in 2015 with...\n```\n\nYou can find available models [here](\n\n### Streams\n\nStreams are used by default in Cria, but you can turn them off by passing in a boolean for the `stream` parameter.\n\n```python\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman!\n```\n\n### Closing\n\nBy default, models are closed when you exit the Python program, but closing them manually is a best practice.\n\n```python\nai.close()\n```\n\nYou can also use [`with`](#with-model) statements to close models automatically (recommended).\n\n### Message History\n\n#### Follow-Up\n\nMessage history is automatically saved in Cria, so asking follow-up questions is easy.\n\n```python\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.\n\nprompt = \"Tell me more about him.\"\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # Sam Altman is an American entrepreneur and technologist who serves as the CEO of OpenAI...\n```\n\n#### Clear Message History\n\nYou can reset message history by running the `clear` method.\n\n```python\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # Sam Altman is an American entrepreneur and technologist who serves as the CEO of OpenAI...\n\nai.clear()\n\nprompt = \"Tell me more about him.\"\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # I apologize, but I don't have any information about \"him\" because the conversation just started...\n```\n\n#### Passing In Custom Context\n\nYou can also create a custom message history, and pass in your own context.\n\n```python\ncontext = \"Our AI system employed a hybrid approach combining reinforcement learning and generative adversarial networks (GANs) to optimize the decision-making...\"\nmessages = [\n    {\"role\": \"system\", \"content\": \"You are a technical documentation writer\"},\n    {\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": context},\n]\n\nprompt = \"Write some documentation using the text I gave you.\"\nfor chunk in, prompt=prompt):\n    print(chunk, end=\"\") # AI System Optimization: Hybrid Approach Combining Reinforcement Learning and...\n```\n\nIn the example, instructions are given to the LLM as the `system`. Then, extra context is given as the `user`. Finally, the prompt is entered (as a `user`). You can use any mixture of roles to specify the LLM to your liking.\n\nThe available roles for messages are:\n\n- `user` - Pass prompts as the user.\n- `system` - Give instructions as the system.\n- `assistant` - Act as the AI assistant yourself, and give the LLM lines.\n\nThe prompt parameter will always be appended to messages under the `user` role, to override this, you can choose to pass in nothing for `prompt`.\n\n### Interrupting\n\n#### With Message History\n\nIf you are streaming messages with Cria, you can interrupt the prompt mid way.\n\n```python\nresponse = \"\"\nmax_token_length = 5\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nfor i, chunk in enumerate(\n  if i >= max_token_length:\n    ai.stop()\n  response += chunk\n\nprint(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is\n```\n\n```python\nresponse = \"\"\nmax_token_length = 5\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nfor i, chunk in enumerate(ai.generate(prompt)):\n  if i >= max_token_length:\n    ai.stop()\n  response += chunk\n\nprint(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is\n```\n\nIn the examples, after the AI generates five tokens (units of text that are usually a couple of characters long), text generation is stopped via the `stop` method. After `stop` is called, you can safely `break` out of the `for` loop.\n\n#### Without Message History\n\nBy default, Cria automatically saves responses in message history, even if the stream is interrupted. To prevent this behaviour though, you can pass in the `allow_interruption` boolean.\n\n```python\nai = cria.Cria(allow_interruption=False)\n\nresponse = \"\"\nmax_token_length = 5\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nfor i, chunk in enumerate(\n\n  if i >= max_token_length:\n    ai.stop()\n    break\n\n  print(chunk, end=\"\") # The CEO of OpenAI is\n\nprompt = \"Tell me more about him.\"\nfor chunk in\n  print(chunk, end=\"\") # I apologize, but I don't have any information about \"him\" because the conversation just started...\n```\n\n### Multiple Models and Parallel Conversations\n\n#### Models\n\nIf you are running multiple models or parallel conversations, the `Model` class is also available. This is recommended for most use cases.\n\n```python\nimport cria\n\nai = cria.Model()\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.\n```\n\n_All methods that apply to the `Cria` class also apply to `Model`._\n\n#### With Model\n\nMultiple models can be run through a `with` statement. This automatically closes them after use.\n\n```python\nimport cria\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\n\nwith cria.Model(\"llama3\") as ai:\n  response =, stream=False)\n  print(response) # OpenAI's CEO is Sam Altman, who also...\n\nwith cria.Model(\"llama2\") as ai:\n  response =, stream=False)\n  print(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.\n```\n\n#### Standalone Model\n\nOr, models can be run traditionally.\n\n```python\nimport cria\n\n\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\n\nllama3 = cria.Model(\"llama3\")\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # OpenAI's CEO is Sam Altman, who also...\n\nllama2 = cria.Model(\"llama2\")\nresponse =, stream=False)\nprint(response) # The CEO of OpenAI is Sam Altman.\n\n# Not required, but best practice.\nllama3.close()\nllama2.close()\n\n```\n\n### Generate\n\nCria also has a `generate` method.\n\n```python\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nfor chunk in ai.generate(prompt):\n    print(chunk, end=\"\") # The CEO of OpenAI (Open-source Artificial Intelligence) is Sam Altman.\n\npromt = \"Tell me more about him.\"\nresponse = ai.generate(prompt, stream=False)\nprint(response) # I apologize, but I think there may have been some confusion earlier. As this...\n```\n\n### Running Standalone\n\nWhen you run `cria.Cria()`, an `ollama` instance will start up if one is not already running. When the program exits, this instance will terminate.\n\nHowever, if you want to save resources by not exiting `ollama`, either run your own `ollama` instance in another terminal, or run a managed subprocess.\n\n#### Running Your Own Ollama Instance\n\n```bash\nollama serve\n```\n\n```python\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\nwith cria.Model() as ai:\n    response = ai.generate(\"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\", stream=False)\n    print(response)\n```\n\n#### Running A Managed Subprocess (Reccomended)\n\n```python\n\n# If it is the first time you start the program, ollama will start automatically\n# If it is the second time (or subsequent times) you run the program, ollama will already be running\n\nai = cria.Cria(standalone=True, close_on_exit=False)\nprompt = \"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\"\n\nwith cria.Model(\"llama2\") as llama2:\n    response = llama2.generate(\"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\", stream=False)\n    print(response)\n\nwith cria.Model(\"llama3\") as llama3:\n    response = llama3.generate(\"Who is the CEO of OpenAI?\", stream=False)\n    print(response)\n\nquit()\n# Despite exiting, olama will keep running, and be used the next time this program starts.\n```\n\n### Formatting\n\nTo format the output of the LLM, pass in the format keyword.\n\n```python\nai = cria.Cria()\n\nprompt = \"Return a JSON array of AI companies.\"\nresponse =, stream=False, format=\"json\")\nprint(response) # [\"OpenAI\", \"Anthropic\", \"Meta\", \"Google\", \"Cohere\", ...].\n```\n\nThe current supported formats are:\n\n* JSON \n\n## Contributing\n\nIf you have a feature request, feel free to make an issue!\n\nContributions are highly appreciated.\n\n## License\n\n[MIT](./\n\n",
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