A general purpose bidirectional packet stream connection.
*Latest release 20240630*:
* New ERQ_Packet to indicate end of client requests.
* PacketConnection.startup_shutdown: send ERQ_Packet at stream shutdown.
* New PacketConnection.end_requests() method to queue an ERQ_Packet to the send queue.
* PacketConnection: send the EOF_Packet from the send worker instead of from startup_shutdown.
* Rename PacketConnection.do to PacketConnection.__call__.
* PacketStream: BREAKING: replace the recv and send parameters with a singe recv_send parameter.
* PacketStream: do not close supplied connection handles - this allows reuse of an underlying binary connection.
* Many many logic fixes for clean and orderly shutdown.
* Rename PacketConnection.request to PacketConnection.submit.
* New BaseRequest and HasPacketConnection helper classes to make it easy to use a PacketConnection for a protocol.
## Class `BaseRequest(cs.binary.AbstractBinary)`
A base class for request classes to use with `HasPacketConnection`.
This is a mixin aimed at `*Binary` classes representing the
request payload and supplies an `__init__` method which saves
the optional `flags` parameter as `.flags` and passes all
other parameters to the superclass' `__init__`
(the `*Binary` superclass).
As such, it is important to define the subclass like this:
class AddRequest(
BinaryMultiValue('AddRequest', dict(hashenum=BSUInt, data=BSData)),
with `BaseRequest` _first_ if you wish to omit an `__init__` method.
Subclasses must implement the `fulfil` method to perform the
request operation.
Often a subclass will also implement the
`decode_response_payload(flags,payload)` method.
This provides the result of a request, returned by
`HasPacketConnection.conn_do_remote` or by the `Result`
returned from `HasPacketConnection.conn_submit`.
The default returns the response `flags` and `payload` directly.
This base class subclasses `AbstractBinary` to encode and
decode the request `payload` and has an additions `flags`
attribute for the `Packet.flags`. As such, subclasses have
two main routes for implemetation:
1: Subclass an existing `AbstractBinary` subclass. For example,
the `cs.vt.stream.ContainsRequest` looks up a hash code, and
subclasses the `cs.vt.hash.HashField` class.
2: Provide a `parse(bfr)` factory method and `transcribe()`
method to parse and transcribe the request `payload` like any
other `AbstractBinary` subclass.
Approach 1 does not necessarily need a distinct class;
a binary class can often be constructed in the class header.
For example, the `cs.vt.stream.AddRequest` payload is an `int`
representing the hash class and the data to add. The class
header looks like this:
class AddRequest(
BinaryMultiValue('AddRequest', dict(hashenum=BSUInt, data=BSData)),
much as one might subclass a `namedtuple` in other circumstances.
*Method `BaseRequest.decode_response_payload(self, flags: int, payload: bytes)`*:
Decode a _response_ `flags` and `payload`.
This default implementation returns the `flags` and `payload` unchanged.
*Method `BaseRequest.from_request_payload(flags: int, payload: bytes) -> 'BaseRequest'`*:
Decode a _request_ `flags` and `payload`, return a `BaseRequest` instance.
This is called with the correct `BaseRequest` subclass
derived from the received `Packet.rq_type`.
It decodes the
This default implementation assumes that `flags==0`
and calls `cls.from_bytes(payload)`.
*Method `BaseRequest.fulfil(self, context) -> Union[NoneType, int, bytes, str, Tuple[int, bytes]]`*:
Fulfil this request at the receiving end of the connection using
`context`, some outer object using the connection.
Raise an exception if the request cannot be fulfilled.
Return values suitable for the response:
* `None`: equivalent to `(0,b'')`
* `int`: returned in the flags with `b''` for the payload
* `bytes`: returned as the payload with `0` as the flags
* `str`: return `encode(s,'ascii')` as the payload with `0` as the flags
* `(int,bytes)`: the flags and payload
A typical implementation looks like this:
def fulfil(self, context):
return context.come_method(params...)
where `params` come from the request attributes.
## Class `HasPacketConnection`
This is a mixin class to aid writing classes which use a
`PacketConnection` to communicate with some service.
The supported request/response packet types are provided as
a mapping of `int` `Packet.rq_type` values to a class
implementing that request type, a subclass of `BaseRequest`.
For example, a `cs.vt.stream.StreamStore` subclasses `HasPacketConnection`
and initialises the mixin with this call:
{ 0: AddRequest, # add chunk, return hashcode
1: GetRequest, # get chunk from hashcode
See the `BaseRequest` class for details on how to implement
each request type.
*Method `HasPacketConnection.__init__(self, recv_send: Union[Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile]], Callable[[], Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile], Callable[[], NoneType]]]], name: str = None, *, rq_type_map: Mapping[int, cs.packetstream.BaseRequest], **packet_kw)`*:
Initialise `self.conn` as a `PacketConnection`.
* `recv_send`: as for `PacketConnection`
* `name`: an optional name for the connection
* `rq_type_map`: a mapping of request types to `BaseRequest` subclasses
Other keyword arguments are passed to `PacketConnection()`.
*Method `HasPacketConnection.conn_do_remote(self, rq: cs.packetstream.BaseRequest, **submit_kw)`*:
Run `rq` remotely.
Raises `ValueError` if the response is not ok.
Otherwise returns `rq.decode_response(flags, payload)`.
*Method `HasPacketConnection.conn_handle_request(self, rq_type: int, flags: int, payload: bytes)`*:
Handle receipt of a request packet.
Decode the packet into a request `rq` and return `rq.fulfil(self)`.
*Method `HasPacketConnection.conn_submit(self, rq: cs.packetstream.BaseRequest, *, channel=0, label=None) -> cs.result.Result`*:
Submit this request to the connection, return a `Result`.
## Class `Packet(cs.binary.SimpleBinary)`
A protocol packet.
*Method `Packet.__str__(self)`*:
pylint: disable=signature-differs
*Method `Packet.parse(bfr, log=None)`*:
Parse a `Packet` from a buffer.
*Method `Packet.transcribe(self)`*:
Transcribe this packet.
*Method `Packet.write(self, file, flush=False, log=None)`*:
Write the `Packet` to `file`.
## Class `PacketConnection(cs.resources.MultiOpenMixin)`
A bidirectional binary connection for exchanging requests and responses.
*Method `PacketConnection.__init__(self, recv_send: Union[Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile]], Callable[[], Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile], Callable[[], NoneType]]]], name=None, *, request_handler=None, packet_grace=None, trace_log: Optional[Callable] = None)`*:
Initialise the `PacketConnection`.
* `recv_send`: specify the receive and send streams
* `packet_grace`:
default pause in the packet sending worker
to allow another packet to be queued
before flushing the output stream.
A value of `0` will flush immediately if the queue is empty.
* `request_handler`: an optional callable accepting
(`rq_type`, `flags`, `payload`).
The request_handler may return one of 5 values on success:
* `None`: response will be 0 flags and an empty payload.
* `int`: flags only. Response will be the flags and an empty payload.
* `bytes`: payload only. Response will be 0 flags and the payload.
* `str`: payload only. Response will be 0 flags and the str
encoded as bytes using UTF-8.
* `(int, bytes)`: Specify flags and payload for response.
An unsuccessful request should raise an exception, which
will cause a failure response packet.
The `recv_send` parameter is used to prepare the connection.
It may take the following forms:
* a 2-tuple of `(recv,send)` specifying the receive and send streams
* an `int` specifying a single file descriptor used for
both receive and send
* a callable returning a 3-tuple of `(recv,send,close)` as
for `PacketConnection`'s callable mode
The `(recv,send)` pair indicate the inbound and outbound binary streams.
For preexisting streams such as pipes or sockets these can be:
* `recv`: anything acceptable to `CornuCopyBuffer.promote()`,
typically a file descriptor or a binary file with `.write`
and `.flush` methods.
* `send`: a file descriptor or a binary file with `.write`
and `.flush` methods.
For "on demand" use, `recv` may be a callable and `send` may be `None`.
In this case, `recv()` must return a 3-tuple of
`(recv,send,shutdown)` being values for `recv` and `send`
as above, and a shutdown function to do the necessary "close"
of the new `recv` and `send`. `shutdown` may be `None` if there is
no meaningful close operation.
The `PacketConnection`'s `startup_shutdown` method will
call `recv()` to obtain the binary streams and call the
`shutdown` on completion.
This supports use for on demand connections, eg:
P = PacketConnection(connect_to_server)
with P:
... use P to to work ...
where `connect_to_server()` might connect to some remote service.
*Method `PacketConnection.__call__(self, rq_type, payload=b'', flags=0, *, decode_response=None, channel=0, label=None)`*:
Calling the `PacketConnection` performs a synchronous request.
Submits the request, then calls the `Result` returned from the request.
*Method `PacketConnection.join(self)`*:
Wait for the send and receive workers to terminate.
*Method `PacketConnection.join_recv(self)`*:
Wait for the end of the receive worker.
Servers should call this.
*Method `PacketConnection.send_eof(self)`*:
Queue the magic EOF `Packet`.
*Method `PacketConnection.send_erq(self)`*:
Queue the magic end-of-requests `Packet`.
*Method `PacketConnection.submit(self, rq_type: int, flags: int = 0, payload: bytes = b'', *, decode_response=None, channel=0, label=None) -> cs.result.Result`*:
Compose and dispatch a new request, returns a `Result`.
Allocates a new tag, a `Result` to deliver the response, and
records the response decode function for use when the
response arrives.
* `rq_type`: request type code, an `int`
* `flags`: optional flags to accompany the request, an int;
default `0`.
* `payload`: optional bytes-like object to accompany the request;
default `b''`
* `decode_response`: optional callable accepting (response_flags,
response_payload_bytes) and returning the decoded response payload
value; if unspecified, the response payload bytes are used
* `label`: optional label for this request to aid debugging
The `Result` will yield an `(ok, flags, payload)` tuple, where:
* `ok`: whether the request was successful
* `flags`: the response flags
* `payload`: the response payload, decoded by decode_response
if specified
## Class `ReadableFile(typing.Protocol)`
The requirements for a file used to receive.
*Method `ReadableFile.__subclasshook__(other)`*:
Set (or override) the protocol subclass hook.
*Method `ReadableFile.read(self, size: int) -> bytes`*:
Read up to `size` bytes.
## Class `RequestState(RequestState)`
A state object tracking a particular request.
*Method `RequestState.cancel(self)`*:
Cancel this request.
*Method `RequestState.complete(self, flags, payload)`*:
Complete the request from an "ok" `flags` and `payload`.
*Method `RequestState.fail(self, flags, payload)`*:
Fail the request from a "not ok" `flags` and `payload`.
## Class `SendableFile(typing.Protocol)`
The requirements for a file used to send.
*Method `SendableFile.__subclasshook__(other)`*:
Set (or override) the protocol subclass hook.
*Method `SendableFile.flush(self) -> None`*:
Flush any buffer of written bytes.
*Method `SendableFile.write(self, bs: bytes) -> int`*:
Write bytes, return the number of bytes written.
# Release Log
*Release 20240630*:
* New ERQ_Packet to indicate end of client requests.
* PacketConnection.startup_shutdown: send ERQ_Packet at stream shutdown.
* New PacketConnection.end_requests() method to queue an ERQ_Packet to the send queue.
* PacketConnection: send the EOF_Packet from the send worker instead of from startup_shutdown.
* Rename PacketConnection.do to PacketConnection.__call__.
* PacketStream: BREAKING: replace the recv and send parameters with a singe recv_send parameter.
* PacketStream: do not close supplied connection handles - this allows reuse of an underlying binary connection.
* Many many logic fixes for clean and orderly shutdown.
* Rename PacketConnection.request to PacketConnection.submit.
* New BaseRequest and HasPacketConnection helper classes to make it easy to use a PacketConnection for a protocol.
*Release 20240412*:
* PacketConnection: now subclasses MultiOpenMixin, big refactor.
* PacketConnection.__init__: use @promote to turn the recv parameter into a CornuCopyBuffer.
* Fix a deadlock.
*Release 20211208*:
* Packet.__eq__: only test .rq_type if .is_request.
* Update tests for changes.
*Release 20210306*:
* Port to new cs.binary.Binary* classes.
* Some refactors and small fixes.
*Release 20191004*:
* PacketConnection: new optional parameter `packet_grace` to tune the send delay for additional packets before a flush, default DEFAULT_PACKET_GRACE (0.01s), 0 for no delay.
* Add a crude packet level activity ticker.
*Release 20190221*:
DISTINFO requirement updates.
*Release 20181228*:
Initial PyPI release.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": null,
"name": "cs.packetstream",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "python2, python3",
"author": null,
"author_email": "Cameron Simpson <cs@cskk.id.au>",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/31/da/6252b713fa3efa66539e259d7e9df3a886c21bd10709808d14736dbca236/cs.packetstream-20240630.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "A general purpose bidirectional packet stream connection.\n\n*Latest release 20240630*:\n* New ERQ_Packet to indicate end of client requests.\n* PacketConnection.startup_shutdown: send ERQ_Packet at stream shutdown.\n* New PacketConnection.end_requests() method to queue an ERQ_Packet to the send queue.\n* PacketConnection: send the EOF_Packet from the send worker instead of from startup_shutdown.\n* Rename PacketConnection.do to PacketConnection.__call__.\n* PacketStream: BREAKING: replace the recv and send parameters with a singe recv_send parameter.\n* PacketStream: do not close supplied connection handles - this allows reuse of an underlying binary connection.\n* Many many logic fixes for clean and orderly shutdown.\n* Rename PacketConnection.request to PacketConnection.submit.\n* New BaseRequest and HasPacketConnection helper classes to make it easy to use a PacketConnection for a protocol.\n\n## Class `BaseRequest(cs.binary.AbstractBinary)`\n\nA base class for request classes to use with `HasPacketConnection`.\n\nThis is a mixin aimed at `*Binary` classes representing the\nrequest payload and supplies an `__init__` method which saves\nthe optional `flags` parameter as `.flags` and passes all\nother parameters to the superclass' `__init__`\n(the `*Binary` superclass).\n\nAs such, it is important to define the subclass like this:\n\n class AddRequest(\n BaseRequest,\n BinaryMultiValue('AddRequest', dict(hashenum=BSUInt, data=BSData)),\n ):\n\nwith `BaseRequest` _first_ if you wish to omit an `__init__` method.\n\nSubclasses must implement the `fulfil` method to perform the\nrequest operation.\n\nOften a subclass will also implement the\n`decode_response_payload(flags,payload)` method.\nThis provides the result of a request, returned by\n`HasPacketConnection.conn_do_remote` or by the `Result`\nreturned from `HasPacketConnection.conn_submit`.\nThe default returns the response `flags` and `payload` directly.\n\nThis base class subclasses `AbstractBinary` to encode and\ndecode the request `payload` and has an additions `flags`\nattribute for the `Packet.flags`. As such, subclasses have\ntwo main routes for implemetation:\n\n1: Subclass an existing `AbstractBinary` subclass. For example,\n the `cs.vt.stream.ContainsRequest` looks up a hash code, and\n subclasses the `cs.vt.hash.HashField` class.\n\n2: Provide a `parse(bfr)` factory method and `transcribe()`\n method to parse and transcribe the request `payload` like any\n other `AbstractBinary` subclass.\n\nApproach 1 does not necessarily need a distinct class;\na binary class can often be constructed in the class header.\nFor example, the `cs.vt.stream.AddRequest` payload is an `int`\nrepresenting the hash class and the data to add. The class\nheader looks like this:\n\n class AddRequest(\n BaseRequest,\n BinaryMultiValue('AddRequest', dict(hashenum=BSUInt, data=BSData)),\n ):\n\nmuch as one might subclass a `namedtuple` in other circumstances.\n\n*Method `BaseRequest.decode_response_payload(self, flags: int, payload: bytes)`*:\nDecode a _response_ `flags` and `payload`.\n\nThis default implementation returns the `flags` and `payload` unchanged.\n\n*Method `BaseRequest.from_request_payload(flags: int, payload: bytes) -> 'BaseRequest'`*:\nDecode a _request_ `flags` and `payload`, return a `BaseRequest` instance.\n\nThis is called with the correct `BaseRequest` subclass\nderived from the received `Packet.rq_type`.\nIt decodes the \n\nThis default implementation assumes that `flags==0`\nand calls `cls.from_bytes(payload)`.\n\n*Method `BaseRequest.fulfil(self, context) -> Union[NoneType, int, bytes, str, Tuple[int, bytes]]`*:\nFulfil this request at the receiving end of the connection using\n`context`, some outer object using the connection.\nRaise an exception if the request cannot be fulfilled.\n\nReturn values suitable for the response:\n* `None`: equivalent to `(0,b'')`\n* `int`: returned in the flags with `b''` for the payload\n* `bytes`: returned as the payload with `0` as the flags\n* `str`: return `encode(s,'ascii')` as the payload with `0` as the flags\n* `(int,bytes)`: the flags and payload\n\nA typical implementation looks like this:\n\n def fulfil(self, context):\n return context.come_method(params...)\n\nwhere `params` come from the request attributes.\n\n## Class `HasPacketConnection`\n\nThis is a mixin class to aid writing classes which use a\n`PacketConnection` to communicate with some service.\n\nThe supported request/response packet types are provided as\na mapping of `int` `Packet.rq_type` values to a class\nimplementing that request type, a subclass of `BaseRequest`.\n\nFor example, a `cs.vt.stream.StreamStore` subclasses `HasPacketConnection`\nand initialises the mixin with this call:\n\n HasPacketConnection.__init__(\n self,\n recv_send,\n name,\n { 0: AddRequest, # add chunk, return hashcode\n 1: GetRequest, # get chunk from hashcode\n .......\n },\n )\n\nSee the `BaseRequest` class for details on how to implement\neach request type.\n\n*Method `HasPacketConnection.__init__(self, recv_send: Union[Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile]], Callable[[], Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile], Callable[[], NoneType]]]], name: str = None, *, rq_type_map: Mapping[int, cs.packetstream.BaseRequest], **packet_kw)`*:\nInitialise `self.conn` as a `PacketConnection`.\n\nParameters:\n* `recv_send`: as for `PacketConnection`\n* `name`: an optional name for the connection\n* `rq_type_map`: a mapping of request types to `BaseRequest` subclasses\n\nOther keyword arguments are passed to `PacketConnection()`.\n\n*Method `HasPacketConnection.conn_do_remote(self, rq: cs.packetstream.BaseRequest, **submit_kw)`*:\nRun `rq` remotely.\nRaises `ValueError` if the response is not ok.\nOtherwise returns `rq.decode_response(flags, payload)`.\n\n*Method `HasPacketConnection.conn_handle_request(self, rq_type: int, flags: int, payload: bytes)`*:\nHandle receipt of a request packet.\nDecode the packet into a request `rq` and return `rq.fulfil(self)`.\n\n*Method `HasPacketConnection.conn_submit(self, rq: cs.packetstream.BaseRequest, *, channel=0, label=None) -> cs.result.Result`*:\nSubmit this request to the connection, return a `Result`.\n\n## Class `Packet(cs.binary.SimpleBinary)`\n\nA protocol packet.\n\n*Method `Packet.__str__(self)`*:\npylint: disable=signature-differs\n\n*Method `Packet.parse(bfr, log=None)`*:\nParse a `Packet` from a buffer.\n\n*Method `Packet.transcribe(self)`*:\nTranscribe this packet.\n\n*Method `Packet.write(self, file, flush=False, log=None)`*:\nWrite the `Packet` to `file`.\n\n## Class `PacketConnection(cs.resources.MultiOpenMixin)`\n\nA bidirectional binary connection for exchanging requests and responses.\n\n*Method `PacketConnection.__init__(self, recv_send: Union[Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile]], Callable[[], Tuple[Union[int, cs.packetstream.ReadableFile, cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer], Union[int, cs.packetstream.SendableFile], Callable[[], NoneType]]]], name=None, *, request_handler=None, packet_grace=None, trace_log: Optional[Callable] = None)`*:\nInitialise the `PacketConnection`.\n\nParameters:\n* `recv_send`: specify the receive and send streams\n* `packet_grace`:\n default pause in the packet sending worker\n to allow another packet to be queued\n before flushing the output stream.\n Default: `DEFAULT_PACKET_GRACE`s.\n A value of `0` will flush immediately if the queue is empty.\n* `request_handler`: an optional callable accepting\n (`rq_type`, `flags`, `payload`).\n The request_handler may return one of 5 values on success:\n * `None`: response will be 0 flags and an empty payload.\n * `int`: flags only. Response will be the flags and an empty payload.\n * `bytes`: payload only. Response will be 0 flags and the payload.\n * `str`: payload only. Response will be 0 flags and the str\n encoded as bytes using UTF-8.\n * `(int, bytes)`: Specify flags and payload for response.\n An unsuccessful request should raise an exception, which\n will cause a failure response packet.\n\nThe `recv_send` parameter is used to prepare the connection.\nIt may take the following forms:\n* a 2-tuple of `(recv,send)` specifying the receive and send streams\n* an `int` specifying a single file descriptor used for\n both receive and send\n* a callable returning a 3-tuple of `(recv,send,close)` as\n for `PacketConnection`'s callable mode\nThe `(recv,send)` pair indicate the inbound and outbound binary streams.\n\nFor preexisting streams such as pipes or sockets these can be:\n* `recv`: anything acceptable to `CornuCopyBuffer.promote()`,\n typically a file descriptor or a binary file with `.write`\n and `.flush` methods.\n* `send`: a file descriptor or a binary file with `.write`\n and `.flush` methods.\n\nFor \"on demand\" use, `recv` may be a callable and `send` may be `None`.\nIn this case, `recv()` must return a 3-tuple of\n`(recv,send,shutdown)` being values for `recv` and `send`\nas above, and a shutdown function to do the necessary \"close\"\nof the new `recv` and `send`. `shutdown` may be `None` if there is\nno meaningful close operation.\nThe `PacketConnection`'s `startup_shutdown` method will\ncall `recv()` to obtain the binary streams and call the\n`shutdown` on completion.\nThis supports use for on demand connections, eg:\n\n P = PacketConnection(connect_to_server)\n ......\n with P:\n ... use P to to work ...\n\nwhere `connect_to_server()` might connect to some remote service.\n\n*Method `PacketConnection.__call__(self, rq_type, payload=b'', flags=0, *, decode_response=None, channel=0, label=None)`*:\nCalling the `PacketConnection` performs a synchronous request.\nSubmits the request, then calls the `Result` returned from the request.\n\n*Method `PacketConnection.join(self)`*:\nWait for the send and receive workers to terminate.\n\n*Method `PacketConnection.join_recv(self)`*:\nWait for the end of the receive worker.\nServers should call this.\n\n*Method `PacketConnection.send_eof(self)`*:\nQueue the magic EOF `Packet`.\n\n*Method `PacketConnection.send_erq(self)`*:\nQueue the magic end-of-requests `Packet`.\n\n*Method `PacketConnection.submit(self, rq_type: int, flags: int = 0, payload: bytes = b'', *, decode_response=None, channel=0, label=None) -> cs.result.Result`*:\nCompose and dispatch a new request, returns a `Result`.\n\nAllocates a new tag, a `Result` to deliver the response, and\nrecords the response decode function for use when the\nresponse arrives.\n\nParameters:\n* `rq_type`: request type code, an `int`\n* `flags`: optional flags to accompany the request, an int;\n default `0`.\n* `payload`: optional bytes-like object to accompany the request;\n default `b''`\n* `decode_response`: optional callable accepting (response_flags,\n response_payload_bytes) and returning the decoded response payload\n value; if unspecified, the response payload bytes are used\n* `label`: optional label for this request to aid debugging\n\nThe `Result` will yield an `(ok, flags, payload)` tuple, where:\n* `ok`: whether the request was successful\n* `flags`: the response flags\n* `payload`: the response payload, decoded by decode_response\n if specified\n\n## Class `ReadableFile(typing.Protocol)`\n\nThe requirements for a file used to receive.\n\n*Method `ReadableFile.__subclasshook__(other)`*:\nSet (or override) the protocol subclass hook.\n\n*Method `ReadableFile.read(self, size: int) -> bytes`*:\nRead up to `size` bytes.\n\n## Class `RequestState(RequestState)`\n\nA state object tracking a particular request.\n\n*Method `RequestState.cancel(self)`*:\nCancel this request.\n\n*Method `RequestState.complete(self, flags, payload)`*:\nComplete the request from an \"ok\" `flags` and `payload`.\n\n*Method `RequestState.fail(self, flags, payload)`*:\nFail the request from a \"not ok\" `flags` and `payload`.\n\n## Class `SendableFile(typing.Protocol)`\n\nThe requirements for a file used to send.\n\n*Method `SendableFile.__subclasshook__(other)`*:\nSet (or override) the protocol subclass hook.\n\n*Method `SendableFile.flush(self) -> None`*:\nFlush any buffer of written bytes.\n\n*Method `SendableFile.write(self, bs: bytes) -> int`*:\nWrite bytes, return the number of bytes written.\n\n# Release Log\n\n\n\n*Release 20240630*:\n* New ERQ_Packet to indicate end of client requests.\n* PacketConnection.startup_shutdown: send ERQ_Packet at stream shutdown.\n* New PacketConnection.end_requests() method to queue an ERQ_Packet to the send queue.\n* PacketConnection: send the EOF_Packet from the send worker instead of from startup_shutdown.\n* Rename PacketConnection.do to PacketConnection.__call__.\n* PacketStream: BREAKING: replace the recv and send parameters with a singe recv_send parameter.\n* PacketStream: do not close supplied connection handles - this allows reuse of an underlying binary connection.\n* Many many logic fixes for clean and orderly shutdown.\n* Rename PacketConnection.request to PacketConnection.submit.\n* New BaseRequest and HasPacketConnection helper classes to make it easy to use a PacketConnection for a protocol.\n\n*Release 20240412*:\n* PacketConnection: now subclasses MultiOpenMixin, big refactor.\n* PacketConnection.__init__: use @promote to turn the recv parameter into a CornuCopyBuffer.\n* Fix a deadlock.\n\n*Release 20211208*:\n* Packet.__eq__: only test .rq_type if .is_request.\n* Update tests for changes.\n\n*Release 20210306*:\n* Port to new cs.binary.Binary* classes.\n* Some refactors and small fixes.\n\n*Release 20191004*:\n* PacketConnection: new optional parameter `packet_grace` to tune the send delay for additional packets before a flush, default DEFAULT_PACKET_GRACE (0.01s), 0 for no delay.\n* Add a crude packet level activity ticker.\n\n*Release 20190221*:\nDISTINFO requirement updates.\n\n*Release 20181228*:\nInitial PyPI release.\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)",
"summary": "general purpose bidirectional packet stream connection",
"version": "20240630",
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"Monorepo Git Mirror": "https://github.com/cameron-simpson/css",
"Monorepo Hg/Mercurial Mirror": "https://hg.sr.ht/~cameron-simpson/css",
"Source": "https://github.com/cameron-simpson/css/blob/main/lib/python/cs/packetstream.py"
"split_keywords": [
" python3"
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"upload_time": "2024-06-30T02:06:09",
"upload_time_iso_8601": "2024-06-30T02:06:09.868483Z",
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"yanked": false,
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"upload_time": "2024-06-30 02:06:11",
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"github_user": "cameron-simpson",
"github_project": "css",
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"lcname": "cs.packetstream"