
Namecsvpath JSON
Version 0.0.477 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA declarative language for data extraction and validation of CSV files
upload_time2024-10-14 20:33:16
authorDavid Kershaw
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
# <img src='https://www.csvpath.org/~gitbook/image?url=https%3A%2F%2F3739708663-files.gitbook.io%2F%7E%2Ffiles%2Fv0%2Fb%2Fgitbook-x-prod.appspot.com%2Fo%2Forganizations%252FMXTJeGvaEsqwNG39F37h%252Fsites%252Fsite_SPBqJ%252Ficon%252FMCSxo7k6rXWnqoPE204u%252Fcsvpath-icon.png%3Falt%3Dmedia%26token%3D28869fdd-d54e-400e-8917-b8097f935f42&width=32&dpr=2&quality=100&sign=71ca9f3e&sv=1'/> About CsvPath

CsvPath defines a declarative syntax for inspecting and validating CSV files.

CsvPath' goal is to make it easy to:
- Analyze the content and structure of a CSV
- Validate that the file matches expectations
- Report on the content or validity
- Create new derived CSV files

And do it all in an automation-friendly way.

Though much simpler, it is inspired by:
- XPath. CsvPath is to CSV files like XPath is to XML files.
- Validation of XML using <a href='https://schematron.com/'>Schematron rules</a>
- The way CSS selectors pick out HTML structures

CsvPath is intended to fit with other DataOps and data quality tools. Files are streamed. The interface is simple. New functions are easy to create.

Read more about CsvPath and see realistic CSV validation examples at <a href='https://www.csvpath.org'>https://www.csvpath.org</a>.

![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/csvpath?logoColor=green&color=green) ![GitHub commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/dk107dk/csvpath) ![PyPI - Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/csvpath)

# Contents

- [Motivation](#motivation)
- [High-level Description](#description)
- [Running CsvPath](#running)
   - [Validation](#validating)
   - [Creating new files](#newfiles)
- [Comments](#top-comments)
- [Scanning](#scanning)
- [Matching](#matching)
   - [Match Components](#components)
      - [Terms](#terms)
      - [Functions](#functions)
      - [Headers](#headers)
      - [Variables](#variables)
      - [Equalities](#equalities)
      - [References](#references)
   - [Comments Within Match](#comments)
   - [The When Operator](#when)
   - [Qualifiers](#qualifiers)
   - [Error Handling](#errors)
- [More Examples](#examples)
- [Grammar](#grammar)

# Motivation
<a name="motivation"></a>

CSV files are everywhere!

A surprisingly large number of companies depend on CSV processing for significant amounts of revenue. Research organizations are awash in CSV. And everyone's favorite issue tracker, database GUI, spreadsheet, APM platform, and most any other type of tool we use day to day uses CSV for sharing. CSV is the lowest of common dominators. Many CSVs are invalid or broken in some way. Often times a lot of manual effort goes into finding problems and fixing them.

CsvPath is first and foremost a validation language. It is intended to describe CSV files in simple declarative rules that indicate if a file is as expected. CsvPath can also extract data, create reports, and in other ways have useful side effects.

CsvPath's goal is to make simple validations almost trivial and more complex situations more manageable. It is a library, not a system, so it relies on being easy to integrate with other DataOps tools.

# Description
<a name="description"></a>

CsvPath paths have three parts:
- a "root" file name
- a scanning part
- a matching part

The root of a csvpath starts with `$`. The match and scan parts are enclosed by brackets. Newlines are ignored.

A very simple csvpath might look like this:


This csvpath says open the file named `filename`, scan all the lines, and match every line scanned.

A slightly more functional csvpath could look like this:

        @two_names = count(not(#middle_name))
        last() -> print("There are $.variables.two_names people with only two names")]

This csvpath reads `people.csv`, counting the people without a middle name and printing the result after the last row is read.

A csvpath doesn't have to point to a specific file. As shown above, it can point to a specific file or it can instead use a logical name associated with a physical file or have no specific file indicator.

        @two_names = count(not(#middle_name))
        last() -> print("There are $.variables.two_names people with only two names")]

This version of the example has its file chosen at runtime.

See [more examples here](#examples).

There is no limit to the amount of functionality you can include in a single csvpath. However, different functions run with their own performance characteristics. You should plan to test both the performance and functionality of your paths.

CsvPath was conceived as a data testing and extraction tool. Running it in production typically involves testing the paths in advance and automating the runs.

Interactive use of csvpaths can be valuable, too, of course. There is a trivial REPL (read–eval–print loop) script at the project's root (<a href='repl.py'>repl.py</a>) that you can use to explore and test csvpaths.

<a name="running"></a>
## Running CsvPath

CsvPath is <a href='https://pypi.org/project/csvpath/'>available on Pypi here</a>. The <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath'>git repo is here</a>.

Two classes provide the functionality: CsvPath and CsvPaths. Each has only a few external methods.

### CsvPath
(<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/csvpath/csvpath.py'>code</a>)
The CsvPath class is the basic entry point for running csvpaths.
|method                      |function                                                        |
| parse(csvpath)             | applies a csvpath                                              |
| next()                     | iterates over matched rows returning each matched row as a list|
| fast_forward()             | iterates over the file collecting variables and side effects   |
| advance(n)                 | skips forward n rows from within a `for row in path.next()` loop|
| collect(n)                 | processes n rows and collects the lines that matched as lists  |

### CsvPaths
(<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/csvpath/csvpaths.py'>code</a>)
The CsvPaths class helps you manage validations of multiple files and/or multiple csvpaths. It coordinates the work of multiple CsvPath instances.
|method                |function                                                         |
| csvpath()            | gets a CsvPath object that knows all the file names available   |
| collect_paths()      | Same as CsvPath.collect() but for all paths sequentially        |
| fast_forward_paths() | Same as CsvPath.fast_forward() but for all paths sequentially   |
| next_paths()         | Same as CsvPath.next() but for all paths sequentially           |
| collect_by_line()    | Same as CsvPath.collect() but for all paths breadth first       |
| fast_forward_by_line()| Same as CsvPath.fast_forward() but for all paths breadth first |
| next_by_line()       | Same as CsvPath.next() but for all paths breadth first          |

To be clear, the purpose of `CsvPaths` is to apply multiple csvpaths per CSV file. Its breadth-first versions of the `collect()`, `fast_forward()`, and `next()` methods attempt to match each csvpath to each row of a CSV file before continuing to the next row. As you can imagine, for very large files this approach is a must.

There are several ways to set up CSV file references. Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/files.md'>more about managing CSV files</a>.

You also have important options for managing csvpaths. Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/paths.md'>about named csvpaths here</a>.

This is a very basic programmatic use of CsvPath.

    path = CsvPath()
                #firstname == "Frog"
                @lastname.onmatch = "Bat"
                count() == 2

    for i, line in enumerate( path.next() ):
        print(f"{i}: {line}")
    print(f"The varibles collected are: {path.variables}")

The csvpath says:
- Open test.csv
- Scan lines 5 through 25
- Match the second time we see a line where the first header equals `Frog` and set the variable called  `lastname` to "Bat"

Another path that does the same thing a bit more simply might look like:

        #firstname == "Frog"
        @lastname.onmatch = "Bat"
        count()==2 -> print( "$.csvpath.match_count: $.csvpath.line")

In this case, we're using the "when" operator, `->`, to determine when to print.

For lots more ideas see the unit tests and [more examples here](#examples).

There are a small number of configuration options. Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/config.md'>more about those here</a>.

## The print function

Before we get into the details of scanning and matching, let's look at what CsvPath can print. The `print` function has several important uses, including:

- Validating CSV files
- Debugging csvpaths
- Creating new CSV files based on an existing file

You can <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/printing.md'>read more about the mechanics of printing here</a>.

<a name="validating"></a>
### Validating CSV

CsvPath paths can be used for rules based validation. Rules based validation checks a file against content and structure rules but does not validate the file's structure against a schema. This validation approach is similar to XML's Schematron validation, where XPath rules are applied to XML.

There is no "standard" way to do CsvPath validation. The simplest way is to create csvpaths that print a validation message when a rule fails. For example:

    $test.csv[*][@failed = equals(#firstname, "Frog")
                 @failed.asbool -> print("Error: Check line $.csvpath.line_count for a row with the name Frog")]

Several rules can exist in the same csvpath for convenience and/or performance. Alternatively, you can run separate csvpaths for each rule. You can read more <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/paths.md'>about managing csvpaths here</a>.

<a name="newfiles"></a>
### Creating new CSV files

Csvpaths can also use the `print` function to generate new file content on system out. Redirecting the output to a file is an easy way to create a new CSV file based on an existing file. For e.g.

    $test.csv[*][ line_count()==0 -> print("lastname, firstname, say")
                  above(line_count(), 0) -> print("$.headers.lastname, $.headers.firstname, $.headers.say")]

This csvpath reorders the headers of the test file at `tests/test_resources/test.csv`. The output file will have a header row.

<a name="top-comments"></a>
# Comments
CsvPaths have file scanning instructions, match components, and comments. Comments exist at the top level, outside the CsvPath's brackets, as well as in the matching part of the path. Comments within the match part are covered below.

As well as documentation, comments outside the csvpath can:
- Contribute to a collection of metadata fields associated with a csvpath
- Switch on/off certain validation settings
- Set the identity of a csvpath within a group of csvpaths

A comment starts and ends with a `~` character. Within the comment, any word that has a colon after it is considered a metadata key. The metadata value is anything following the key up till a new metadata key word is seen or the comment ends.

For example, this comment says that the csvpath has the name `Order Validation`:

    ~ name: Order Validation
      developer: Abe Sheng
    $[*][ count(#order) == 10 ]

The name `Order Validation` is available in CsvPath's `metadata` property along with the developer's name. You can use any metadata keys you like. All the metadata is available during and after a run, giving you an easy way to name, describe, attribute, etc. your csvpaths.

You can <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/comments.md'>read more about comments and metadata here</a>.

<a name="scanning"></a>
# Scanning

The scanning part of a csvpath enumerates selected lines. For each line returned, the line number, the scanned line count, and the match count are available. The set of line numbers scanned is also available.

The scan part of the path starts with a dollar sign to indicate the root, meaning the file from the top. After the dollar sign comes the file path. The scanning instructions are in a bracket. The rules are:
- `[*]` means all
- `[3*]` means starting from line 3 and going to the end of the file
- `[3]` by itself means just line 3
- `[1-3]` means lines 1 through 3
- `[1+3]` means lines 1 and line 3
- `[1+3-8]` means line 1 and lines 3 through eight

<a name="matching"></a>
# Matching

The match part is also bracketed. Matches have space separated components or "values" that are ANDed together. The components' order is important. A match component is one of several types:

- Term
- Function
- Variable
- Header
- Equality
- Reference

<a name="Components"></a>
<a name="terms"></a>
## Term
A string, number, or regular expression value.

|Returns | Matches | Examples      |
|A value | Always true | `"a value"` |

<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/terms.md'>Read about terms here</a>.

<a name="functions"></a>
## Function
A composable unit of functionality called once for every row scanned.

|Returns | Matches | Examples      |
|Calculated | Calculated | `count()` |

<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/functions.md'>Read about functions here</a>.

<a name="variables"></a>
## Variable
A stored value that is set or retrieved once per row scanned.

|Returns | Matches | Examples      |
|A value | True when set. (Unless the `onchange` qualifier is used). Alone it is an existence test. | `@firstname` |

<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/variables.md'>Read about variables here</a>.

<a name="headers"></a>
## Header
A named header or a header identified by 0-based index.
_(CsvPath avoids the word "column" for reasons we'll go into later in the docs)._

|Returns | Matches | Examples      |
|A value | Calculated. Used alone it is an existence test. | `#area_code` |

<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/headers.md'>Read about headers here</a>.

<a name="equalities"></a>
## Equality
Two of the other types joined with an "=" or "==".

|Returns | Matches | Examples      |
|Calculated | True at assignment, otherwise calculated. | `#area_code == 617` |

<a name="references"></a>
## Reference
References are a way of pointing to data generated by other csvpaths. Referenced data is held by a CvsPaths instance. It is stored in its named-results. The name is the one that identified the paths that generated it.

References can point to:
- Variables
- Headers

The form of a reference is:


This reference looks in the results named for its CSV file. The qualifier `variables` indicates the value is a variable named `firstname`.

|Returns    | Matches                                   | Examples               |
|Calculated | True at assignment, otherwise calculated. | `@q = $orders.variables.quarter` |

Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/references.md'>more about references here</a>.

<a name="comments"></a>
## Comments

You can comment out match components by wrapping them in `~`. Comments can be multi-line. At the moment the only limitations are:

- Comments cannot include the `~` (tilde) and `]` (right bracket) characters
- Comments cannot go within match components, only between them


    [ count() ~this is a comment~ ]

    [    ~this csvpath is
          just for testing.
          use at own risk~

<a name="when"></a>
## The when operator

`->`, the "when" operator, is used to act on a condition. `->` can take an equality, header, variable, or function on the left and trigger an assignment or function on the right. For e.g.

    [ last() -> print("this is the last line") ]

Prints `this is the last line` just before the scan ends.

    [ exists(#0) -> @firstname = #0 ]

Says to set the `firstname` variable to the value of the first column when the first column has a value. (Note that this could be achieved other simpler ways, including using the `notnone` qualifier on the variable.)

<a name="qualifiers"></a>
## Qualifiers

Qualifiers are tokens added to variable, header, and function names. They are separated from the names and each other with `.` characters. Each qualifier causes the qualified match component to behave in a different way than it otherwise would.

Qualifiers are quite powerful and deserve a close look. <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/qualifiers.md'>Read about qualifiers here.</a>

<a name="errors"></a>
## Error Handling

The CsvPath library handles errors according to policies set for the CsvPath and CsvPaths classes. Each class can have multiple approaches to errors configured together. The options are:
- Collect - an error collector collects errors for later inspection
- Raise - an exception is (re)raised that may halt the CsvPath process
- Stop - the CsvPath instance containing the offending problem is stopped; any others continue
- Fail - the CsvPath instance containing the offending problem is failed; processing continues
- Quiet - minimal error information is logged but otherwise handling is quiet

Raise and quiet are not useful together, but the others combine well. You can set the error policy in the config.ini that lives by default in the ./config directory.

Because of this nuanced approach to errors, the library will tend to raise data exceptions rather than handle them internally at the point of error. This is particularly true of matching, and especially the functions. When a function sees a problem, or fails to anticipate a problem, the exception is bubbled up to the top Expression within the list of Expressions held by the Matcher. From there it is routed to an error handler to be kept with other results of the run, or an exception is re-raised, or other actions are taken.

<a name="examples"></a>
## More Examples

    [ exists(#common_name) #0=="field" @tail.onmatch=end() not(in(@tail, 'short|medium')) ]

In the path above, the rules applied are:
- The exists test of `#common_name` checks if the column with the header "common_name" has a value. Headers are named for whatever values are found in the 0th row. They indicate a column in the row being checked for match.
- `#2` means the 3rd column, counting from 0
- Functions and column references are ANDed together
- `@tail` creates a variable named "tail" and sets it to the value of the last column if all else matches
- Functions can contain functions, equality tests, and/or terms.

There are more examples scattered throughout the documentation. Good places to look include:

- The individual <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/functions.md'>function descriptions</a>
- The <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/tree/main/tests'>unit tests</a> _(not realistic, but a good source of ideas)_
- A few <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/examples.md'>more real-looking examples</a>
- The Getting Started examples on <a href="https://www.csvpath.org">https://www.csvpath.org</a>

<a name="grammar"></a>
## Grammar

Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/grammar.md'>more about the CsvPath grammar definition here</a>.

# More Info

Visit <a href="https://www.csvpath.org">https://www.csvpath.org</a>

# Sponsors

<a href='https://www.atestaanalytics.com/' ><img width="25%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dk107dk/csvpath/main/docs/images/logo-wordmark-white-on-black-trimmed-padded.png" alt="Atesta Analytics"/></a>


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "csvpath",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "David Kershaw",
    "author_email": "dk107dk@hotmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/6b/06/4581bbaba0bfe14306f75bcfb5789688b1ced541bfcbd3479cf5ac30bc82/csvpath-0.0.477.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "\n# <img src='https://www.csvpath.org/~gitbook/image?url=https%3A%2F%2F3739708663-files.gitbook.io%2F%7E%2Ffiles%2Fv0%2Fb%2Fgitbook-x-prod.appspot.com%2Fo%2Forganizations%252FMXTJeGvaEsqwNG39F37h%252Fsites%252Fsite_SPBqJ%252Ficon%252FMCSxo7k6rXWnqoPE204u%252Fcsvpath-icon.png%3Falt%3Dmedia%26token%3D28869fdd-d54e-400e-8917-b8097f935f42&width=32&dpr=2&quality=100&sign=71ca9f3e&sv=1'/> About CsvPath\n\nCsvPath defines a declarative syntax for inspecting and validating CSV files.\n\nCsvPath' goal is to make it easy to:\n- Analyze the content and structure of a CSV\n- Validate that the file matches expectations\n- Report on the content or validity\n- Create new derived CSV files\n\nAnd do it all in an automation-friendly way.\n\nThough much simpler, it is inspired by:\n- XPath. CsvPath is to CSV files like XPath is to XML files.\n- Validation of XML using <a href='https://schematron.com/'>Schematron rules</a>\n- The way CSS selectors pick out HTML structures\n\nCsvPath is intended to fit with other DataOps and data quality tools. Files are streamed. The interface is simple. New functions are easy to create.\n\nRead more about CsvPath and see realistic CSV validation examples at <a href='https://www.csvpath.org'>https://www.csvpath.org</a>.\n\n![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/csvpath?logoColor=green&color=green) ![GitHub commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/dk107dk/csvpath) ![PyPI - Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/csvpath)\n\n\n# Contents\n\n- [Motivation](#motivation)\n- [High-level Description](#description)\n- [Running CsvPath](#running)\n   - [Validation](#validating)\n   - [Creating new files](#newfiles)\n- [Comments](#top-comments)\n- [Scanning](#scanning)\n- [Matching](#matching)\n   - [Match Components](#components)\n      - [Terms](#terms)\n      - [Functions](#functions)\n      - [Headers](#headers)\n      - [Variables](#variables)\n      - [Equalities](#equalities)\n      - [References](#references)\n   - [Comments Within Match](#comments)\n   - [The When Operator](#when)\n   - [Qualifiers](#qualifiers)\n   - [Error Handling](#errors)\n- [More Examples](#examples)\n- [Grammar](#grammar)\n\n# Motivation\n<a name=\"motivation\"></a>\n\nCSV files are everywhere!\n\nA surprisingly large number of companies depend on CSV processing for significant amounts of revenue. Research organizations are awash in CSV. And everyone's favorite issue tracker, database GUI, spreadsheet, APM platform, and most any other type of tool we use day to day uses CSV for sharing. CSV is the lowest of common dominators. Many CSVs are invalid or broken in some way. Often times a lot of manual effort goes into finding problems and fixing them.\n\nCsvPath is first and foremost a validation language. It is intended to describe CSV files in simple declarative rules that indicate if a file is as expected. CsvPath can also extract data, create reports, and in other ways have useful side effects.\n\nCsvPath's goal is to make simple validations almost trivial and more complex situations more manageable. It is a library, not a system, so it relies on being easy to integrate with other DataOps tools.\n\n# Description\n<a name=\"description\"></a>\n\nCsvPath paths have three parts:\n- a \"root\" file name\n- a scanning part\n- a matching part\n\nThe root of a csvpath starts with `$`. The match and scan parts are enclosed by brackets. Newlines are ignored.\n\nA very simple csvpath might look like this:\n\n```bash\n    $filename[*][yes()]\n```\n\nThis csvpath says open the file named `filename`, scan all the lines, and match every line scanned.\n\nA slightly more functional csvpath could look like this:\n\n```bash\n    $people.csv[*][\n        @two_names = count(not(#middle_name))\n        last() -> print(\"There are $.variables.two_names people with only two names\")]\n```\n\nThis csvpath reads `people.csv`, counting the people without a middle name and printing the result after the last row is read.\n\nA csvpath doesn't have to point to a specific file. As shown above, it can point to a specific file or it can instead use a logical name associated with a physical file or have no specific file indicator.\n\n```bash\n    $[*][\n        @two_names = count(not(#middle_name))\n        last() -> print(\"There are $.variables.two_names people with only two names\")]\n```\n\nThis version of the example has its file chosen at runtime.\n\nSee [more examples here](#examples).\n\nThere is no limit to the amount of functionality you can include in a single csvpath. However, different functions run with their own performance characteristics. You should plan to test both the performance and functionality of your paths.\n\nCsvPath was conceived as a data testing and extraction tool. Running it in production typically involves testing the paths in advance and automating the runs.\n\nInteractive use of csvpaths can be valuable, too, of course. There is a trivial REPL (read\u2013eval\u2013print loop) script at the project's root (<a href='repl.py'>repl.py</a>) that you can use to explore and test csvpaths.\n\n<a name=\"running\"></a>\n## Running CsvPath\n\nCsvPath is <a href='https://pypi.org/project/csvpath/'>available on Pypi here</a>. The <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath'>git repo is here</a>.\n\nTwo classes provide the functionality: CsvPath and CsvPaths. Each has only a few external methods.\n\n### CsvPath\n(<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/csvpath/csvpath.py'>code</a>)\nThe CsvPath class is the basic entry point for running csvpaths.\n|method                      |function                                                        |\n|----------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|\n| parse(csvpath)             | applies a csvpath                                              |\n| next()                     | iterates over matched rows returning each matched row as a list|\n| fast_forward()             | iterates over the file collecting variables and side effects   |\n| advance(n)                 | skips forward n rows from within a `for row in path.next()` loop|\n| collect(n)                 | processes n rows and collects the lines that matched as lists  |\n\n### CsvPaths\n(<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/csvpath/csvpaths.py'>code</a>)\nThe CsvPaths class helps you manage validations of multiple files and/or multiple csvpaths. It coordinates the work of multiple CsvPath instances.\n|method                |function                                                         |\n|----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|\n| csvpath()            | gets a CsvPath object that knows all the file names available   |\n| collect_paths()      | Same as CsvPath.collect() but for all paths sequentially        |\n| fast_forward_paths() | Same as CsvPath.fast_forward() but for all paths sequentially   |\n| next_paths()         | Same as CsvPath.next() but for all paths sequentially           |\n| collect_by_line()    | Same as CsvPath.collect() but for all paths breadth first       |\n| fast_forward_by_line()| Same as CsvPath.fast_forward() but for all paths breadth first |\n| next_by_line()       | Same as CsvPath.next() but for all paths breadth first          |\n\nTo be clear, the purpose of `CsvPaths` is to apply multiple csvpaths per CSV file. Its breadth-first versions of the `collect()`, `fast_forward()`, and `next()` methods attempt to match each csvpath to each row of a CSV file before continuing to the next row. As you can imagine, for very large files this approach is a must.\n\nThere are several ways to set up CSV file references. Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/files.md'>more about managing CSV files</a>.\n\nYou also have important options for managing csvpaths. Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/paths.md'>about named csvpaths here</a>.\n\nThis is a very basic programmatic use of CsvPath.\n\n```python\n    path = CsvPath()\n    path.parse(\"\"\"\n            $test.csv[5-25][\n                #firstname == \"Frog\"\n                @lastname.onmatch = \"Bat\"\n                count() == 2\n            ]\n    \"\"\")\n\n    for i, line in enumerate( path.next() ):\n        print(f\"{i}: {line}\")\n    print(f\"The varibles collected are: {path.variables}\")\n```\n\nThe csvpath says:\n- Open test.csv\n- Scan lines 5 through 25\n- Match the second time we see a line where the first header equals `Frog` and set the variable called  `lastname` to \"Bat\"\n\nAnother path that does the same thing a bit more simply might look like:\n\n```bash\n    $test[5-25][\n        #firstname == \"Frog\"\n        @lastname.onmatch = \"Bat\"\n        count()==2 -> print( \"$.csvpath.match_count: $.csvpath.line\")\n    ]\n```\n\nIn this case, we're using the \"when\" operator, `->`, to determine when to print.\n\nFor lots more ideas see the unit tests and [more examples here](#examples).\n\nThere are a small number of configuration options. Read <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/config.md'>more about those here</a>.\n\n## The print function\n\nBefore we get into the details of scanning and matching, let's look at what CsvPath can print. The `print` function has several important uses, including:\n\n- Validating CSV files\n- Debugging csvpaths\n- Creating new CSV files based on an existing file\n\nYou can <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/printing.md'>read more about the mechanics of printing here</a>.\n\n<a name=\"validating\"></a>\n### Validating CSV\n\nCsvPath paths can be used for rules based validation. Rules based validation checks a file against content and structure rules but does not validate the file's structure against a schema. This validation approach is similar to XML's Schematron validation, where XPath rules are applied to XML.\n\nThere is no \"standard\" way to do CsvPath validation. The simplest way is to create csvpaths that print a validation message when a rule fails. For example:\n\n```bash\n    $test.csv[*][@failed = equals(#firstname, \"Frog\")\n                 @failed.asbool -> print(\"Error: Check line $.csvpath.line_count for a row with the name Frog\")]\n```\n\nSeveral rules can exist in the same csvpath for convenience and/or performance. Alternatively, you can run separate csvpaths for each rule. You can read more <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/paths.md'>about managing csvpaths here</a>.\n\n<a name=\"newfiles\"></a>\n### Creating new CSV files\n\nCsvpaths can also use the `print` function to generate new file content on system out. Redirecting the output to a file is an easy way to create a new CSV file based on an existing file. For e.g.\n\n```bash\n    $test.csv[*][ line_count()==0 -> print(\"lastname, firstname, say\")\n                  above(line_count(), 0) -> print(\"$.headers.lastname, $.headers.firstname, $.headers.say\")]\n```\n\nThis csvpath reorders the headers of the test file at `tests/test_resources/test.csv`. The output file will have a header row.\n\n<a name=\"top-comments\"></a>\n# Comments\nCsvPaths have file scanning instructions, match components, and comments. Comments exist at the top level, outside the CsvPath's brackets, as well as in the matching part of the path. Comments within the match part are covered below.\n\nAs well as documentation, comments outside the csvpath can:\n- Contribute to a collection of metadata fields associated with a csvpath\n- Switch on/off certain validation settings\n- Set the identity of a csvpath within a group of csvpaths\n\nA comment starts and ends with a `~` character. Within the comment, any word that has a colon after it is considered a metadata key. The metadata value is anything following the key up till a new metadata key word is seen or the comment ends.\n\nFor example, this comment says that the csvpath has the name `Order Validation`:\n\n```bash\n    ~ name: Order Validation\n      developer: Abe Sheng\n    ~\n    $[*][ count(#order) == 10 ]\n```\n\nThe name `Order Validation` is available in CsvPath's `metadata` property along with the developer's name. You can use any metadata keys you like. All the metadata is available during and after a run, giving you an easy way to name, describe, attribute, etc. your csvpaths.\n\nYou can <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/comments.md'>read more about comments and metadata here</a>.\n\n<a name=\"scanning\"></a>\n# Scanning\n\nThe scanning part of a csvpath enumerates selected lines. For each line returned, the line number, the scanned line count, and the match count are available. The set of line numbers scanned is also available.\n\nThe scan part of the path starts with a dollar sign to indicate the root, meaning the file from the top. After the dollar sign comes the file path. The scanning instructions are in a bracket. The rules are:\n- `[*]` means all\n- `[3*]` means starting from line 3 and going to the end of the file\n- `[3]` by itself means just line 3\n- `[1-3]` means lines 1 through 3\n- `[1+3]` means lines 1 and line 3\n- `[1+3-8]` means line 1 and lines 3 through eight\n\n<a name=\"matching\"></a>\n# Matching\n\nThe match part is also bracketed. Matches have space separated components or \"values\" that are ANDed together. The components' order is important. A match component is one of several types:\n\n- Term\n- Function\n- Variable\n- Header\n- Equality\n- Reference\n\n<a name=\"Components\"></a>\n<a name=\"terms\"></a>\n## Term\nA string, number, or regular expression value.\n\n|Returns | Matches | Examples      |\n|--------|---------|---------------|\n|A value | Always true | `\"a value\"` |\n\n<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/terms.md'>Read about terms here</a>.\n\n<a name=\"functions\"></a>\n## Function\nA composable unit of functionality called once for every row scanned.\n\n|Returns | Matches | Examples      |\n|--------|---------|---------------|\n|Calculated | Calculated | `count()` |\n\n<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/functions.md'>Read about functions here</a>.\n\n<a name=\"variables\"></a>\n## Variable\nA stored value that is set or retrieved once per row scanned.\n\n|Returns | Matches | Examples      |\n|--------|---------|---------------|\n|A value | True when set. (Unless the `onchange` qualifier is used). Alone it is an existence test. | `@firstname` |\n\n<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/variables.md'>Read about variables here</a>.\n\n<a name=\"headers\"></a>\n## Header\nA named header or a header identified by 0-based index.\n_(CsvPath avoids the word \"column\" for reasons we'll go into later in the docs)._\n\n|Returns | Matches | Examples      |\n|--------|---------|---------------|\n|A value | Calculated. Used alone it is an existence test. | `#area_code` |\n\n<a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/headers.md'>Read about headers here</a>.\n\n<a name=\"equalities\"></a>\n## Equality\nTwo of the other types joined with an \"=\" or \"==\".\n\n|Returns | Matches | Examples      |\n|--------|---------|---------------|\n|Calculated | True at assignment, otherwise calculated. | `#area_code == 617` |\n\n<a name=\"references\"></a>\n## Reference\nReferences are a way of pointing to data generated by other csvpaths. Referenced data is held by a CvsPaths instance. It is stored in its named-results. The name is the one that identified the paths that generated it.\n\nReferences can point to:\n- Variables\n- Headers\n\nThe form of a reference is:\n\n```bash\n    $named_path.variables.firstname\n```\n\nThis reference looks in the results named for its CSV file. The qualifier `variables` indicates the value is a variable named `firstname`.\n\n|Returns    | Matches                                   | Examples               |\n|-----------|-------------------------------------------|------------------------|\n|Calculated | True at assignment, otherwise calculated. | `@q = $orders.variables.quarter` |\n\n\nRead <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/references.md'>more about references here</a>.\n\n\n<a name=\"comments\"></a>\n## Comments\n\nYou can comment out match components by wrapping them in `~`. Comments can be multi-line. At the moment the only limitations are:\n\n- Comments cannot include the `~` (tilde) and `]` (right bracket) characters\n- Comments cannot go within match components, only between them\n\nExamples:\n\n```bash\n    [ count() ~this is a comment~ ]\n```\n\n```bash\n    [    ~this csvpath is\n          just for testing.\n          use at own risk~\n       any()\n    ]\n```\n\n<a name=\"when\"></a>\n## The when operator\n\n`->`, the \"when\" operator, is used to act on a condition. `->` can take an equality, header, variable, or function on the left and trigger an assignment or function on the right. For e.g.\n\n```bash\n    [ last() -> print(\"this is the last line\") ]\n```\n\nPrints `this is the last line` just before the scan ends.\n\n```bash\n    [ exists(#0) -> @firstname = #0 ]\n```\n\nSays to set the `firstname` variable to the value of the first column when the first column has a value. (Note that this could be achieved other simpler ways, including using the `notnone` qualifier on the variable.)\n\n<a name=\"qualifiers\"></a>\n## Qualifiers\n\nQualifiers are tokens added to variable, header, and function names. They are separated from the names and each other with `.` characters. Each qualifier causes the qualified match component to behave in a different way than it otherwise would.\n\nQualifiers are quite powerful and deserve a close look. <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/qualifiers.md'>Read about qualifiers here.</a>\n\n<a name=\"errors\"></a>\n## Error Handling\n\nThe CsvPath library handles errors according to policies set for the CsvPath and CsvPaths classes. Each class can have multiple approaches to errors configured together. The options are:\n- Collect - an error collector collects errors for later inspection\n- Raise - an exception is (re)raised that may halt the CsvPath process\n- Stop - the CsvPath instance containing the offending problem is stopped; any others continue\n- Fail - the CsvPath instance containing the offending problem is failed; processing continues\n- Quiet - minimal error information is logged but otherwise handling is quiet\n\nRaise and quiet are not useful together, but the others combine well. You can set the error policy in the config.ini that lives by default in the ./config directory.\n\nBecause of this nuanced approach to errors, the library will tend to raise data exceptions rather than handle them internally at the point of error. This is particularly true of matching, and especially the functions. When a function sees a problem, or fails to anticipate a problem, the exception is bubbled up to the top Expression within the list of Expressions held by the Matcher. From there it is routed to an error handler to be kept with other results of the run, or an exception is re-raised, or other actions are taken.\n\n\n<a name=\"examples\"></a>\n## More Examples\n\n```bash\n    [ exists(#common_name) #0==\"field\" @tail.onmatch=end() not(in(@tail, 'short|medium')) ]\n```\n\nIn the path above, the rules applied are:\n- The exists test of `#common_name` checks if the column with the header \"common_name\" has a value. Headers are named for whatever values are found in the 0th row. They indicate a column in the row being checked for match.\n- `#2` means the 3rd column, counting from 0\n- Functions and column references are ANDed together\n- `@tail` creates a variable named \"tail\" and sets it to the value of the last column if all else matches\n- Functions can contain functions, equality tests, and/or terms.\n\nThere are more examples scattered throughout the documentation. Good places to look include:\n\n- The individual <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/functions.md'>function descriptions</a>\n- The <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/tree/main/tests'>unit tests</a> _(not realistic, but a good source of ideas)_\n- A few <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/examples.md'>more real-looking examples</a>\n- The Getting Started examples on <a href=\"https://www.csvpath.org\">https://www.csvpath.org</a>\n\n<a name=\"grammar\"></a>\n## Grammar\n\nRead <a href='https://github.com/dk107dk/csvpath/blob/main/docs/grammar.md'>more about the CsvPath grammar definition here</a>.\n\n\n# More Info\n\nVisit <a href=\"https://www.csvpath.org\">https://www.csvpath.org</a>\n\n# Sponsors\n\n<a href='https://www.atestaanalytics.com/' ><img width=\"25%\" src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dk107dk/csvpath/main/docs/images/logo-wordmark-white-on-black-trimmed-padded.png\" alt=\"Atesta Analytics\"/></a>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
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