
Namecythonflatiter JSON
Version 0.10 PyPI version JSON
SummaryLocates values in NumPy Arrays with Cython
upload_time2023-12-09 00:27:14
authorJohannes Fischer
keywords cython arrays
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
# Locates values in NumPy Arrays with Cython

## pip install cythonflatiter

### Tested against Windows / Python 3.11 / Anaconda

## Cython (and a C/C++ compiler) must be installed

FlatIterArray is a utility class for efficiently searching multi-dimensional array data.

 |  __init__(self, a, dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, unordered=True)
 |      Initializes a FlatIterArray instance.
 |      Parameters:
 |      - a (numpy.ndarray): The input array.
 |      - dtype (numpy.dtype, optional): The data type of the index array that will be created. Defaults to np.int64. (It's better not to change that, because it corresponds to cython.Py_ssize_t)
 |      - unordered (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to use unordered iterations. Defaults to True. (index array will be created using multiprocessing)
 |  get_flat_pointer_array_from_orig_data(self)
 |      Returns a flat pointer array from the original data.
 |      If you change data here, it changes also in the original array
 |      Returns:
 |      - numpy.ndarray: Flat pointer array.
 |  search_multiple_values_in_array(self, values)
 |      Searches for multiple values in the array and returns indices and values.
 |      Parameters:
 |      - values (list or numpy.ndarray): List of values to search for.
 |      Returns:
 |      - tuple: Array of indices and array of found values.
 |  search_single_value_in_array(self, value)
 |      Searches for a single value in the array and returns indices.
 |      Parameters:
 |      - value: The value to search for.
 |      Returns:
 |      - numpy.ndarray: Array of indices.
 |  sequence_is_in_dimension(self, seq, last_dim)
 |      Checks if a sequence is in a dimension
 |      Parameters:
 |      - seq (list or numpy.ndarray): List of values representing the sequence.
 |      - last_dim: The dimension to search in.
 |      Returns:
 |      - numpy.ndarray: Array of indices.
 |  update_iterarray(self, dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, unordered=True)
 |      Updates the iterray attribute with new parameters.
 |      Parameters:
 |      - dtype (numpy.dtype, optional): The data type of the index array that will be created. Defaults to np.int64.
 |      - unordered (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to use unordered iterations. Defaults to True. (index array will be created using multiprocessing)
 |  value_is_in_dimension(self, value, last_dim)
 |      Checks if a value is in a dimension
 |      Parameters:
 |      - value: The value to search for.
 |      - last_dim: The dimension to search in.
 |      Returns:
 |      - numpy.ndarray: Array of indices.
 import numpy as np
import cv2
from cythonflatiter import FlatIterArray

data = cv2.imread(r"C:\Users\hansc\Desktop\2023-08-29xx16_07_30-Window.png")
f = FlatIterArray(data, dtype=np.int64, unordered=True)
results255inarray = f.search_single_value_in_array(255)
# results255inarray
# Out[6]:
# array([[195330,     34,      0,      0],
#        [201075,     35,      0,      0],
#        [206820,     36,      0,      0],
#        ...,
#        [488324,     84,   1914,      2],
#        [494069,     85,   1914,      2],
#        [499814,     86,   1914,      2]], dtype=int64)
# print(data[84,1914,2])
# print(data[34,0,0])
# 255
# 255
indices, found_values = f.search_multiple_values_in_array(values=[255, 11, 0])
# indices,found_values
# Out[12]:
# (array([[195330,     34,      0,      0],
#         [201075,     35,      0,      0],
#         [206820,     36,      0,      0],
#         ...,
#         [488324,     84,   1914,      2],
#         [494069,     85,   1914,      2],
#         [499814,     86,   1914,      2]], dtype=int64),
#  array([255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255], dtype=uint8))
concat_values = np.hstack([indices, found_values.reshape((-1, 1))])
# print(concat_values)
# [[195330     34      0      0    255]
#  [201075     35      0      0    255]
#  [206820     36      0      0    255]
#  ...
#  [488324     84   1914      2    255]
#  [494069     85   1914      2    255]
#  [499814     86   1914      2    255]]
# print(data[85,1914,2])
# print(data[36,0,0])
lastdimwith255 = f.value_is_in_dimension(255, 3)
# lastdimwith255
# Out[31]:
# array([[195330,     34,      0],
#        [201075,     35,      0],
#        [206820,     36,      0],
#        ...,
#        [488322,     84,   1914],
#        [494067,     85,   1914],
#        [499812,     86,   1914]], dtype=int64)
# print(data[86,1914])
# print(data[34,0])
# [255 255 255]
# [255 255 255]
penultimatedimwith255255 = f.sequence_is_in_dimension([255, 255, 255], 2)
# penultimatedimwith255255
# Out[38]:
# array([[      0,       0],
#        [   5745,       1],
#        [  11490,       2],
#        ...,
#        [5538180,     964],
#        [5543925,     965],
#        [5549670,     966]], dtype=int64)
# data[964]
# Out[40]:
# array([[255, 255, 255],
#        [255, 255, 255],
#        [255, 255, 255],
#        ...,
#        [ 43,  43,  43],
#        [ 43,  43,  43],
#        [ 43,  43,  43]], dtype=uint8)

ultimatedimwith255255255 = f.sequence_is_in_dimension([255, 255, 255], 3)
# ultimatedimwith255255255
# Out[42]:
# array([[195330,     34,      0],
#        [201075,     35,      0],
#        [206820,     36,      0],
#        ...,
#        [488322,     84,   1914],
#        [494067,     85,   1914],
#        [499812,     86,   1914]], dtype=int64)

# [750 433   0]
# [751 433   0]
# [752 433   0]
# [753 433   0]
# [754 433   0]
# [755 433   0]
# [756 433   0]
# [757 433   0]
# [758 433   0]



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "cythonflatiter",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "cython,arrays",
    "author": "Johannes Fischer",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "\r\n# Locates values in NumPy Arrays with Cython\r\n\r\n\r\n## pip install cythonflatiter\r\n\r\n### Tested against Windows / Python 3.11 / Anaconda\r\n\r\n\r\n## Cython (and a C/C++ compiler) must be installed\r\n\r\nFlatIterArray is a utility class for efficiently searching multi-dimensional array data.\r\n\r\n```python\r\n |  __init__(self, a, dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, unordered=True)\r\n |      Initializes a FlatIterArray instance.\r\n |      \r\n |      Parameters:\r\n |      - a (numpy.ndarray): The input array.\r\n |      - dtype (numpy.dtype, optional): The data type of the index array that will be created. Defaults to np.int64. (It's better not to change that, because it corresponds to cython.Py_ssize_t)\r\n |      - unordered (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to use unordered iterations. Defaults to True. (index array will be created using multiprocessing)\r\n |  \r\n |  get_flat_pointer_array_from_orig_data(self)\r\n |      Returns a flat pointer array from the original data.\r\n |      If you change data here, it changes also in the original array\r\n |      \r\n |      Returns:\r\n |      - numpy.ndarray: Flat pointer array.\r\n |  \r\n |  search_multiple_values_in_array(self, values)\r\n |      Searches for multiple values in the array and returns indices and values.\r\n |      \r\n |      Parameters:\r\n |      - values (list or numpy.ndarray): List of values to search for.\r\n |      \r\n |      Returns:\r\n |      - tuple: Array of indices and array of found values.\r\n |  \r\n |  search_single_value_in_array(self, value)\r\n |      Searches for a single value in the array and returns indices.\r\n |      \r\n |      Parameters:\r\n |      - value: The value to search for.\r\n |      \r\n |      Returns:\r\n |      - numpy.ndarray: Array of indices.\r\n |  \r\n |  sequence_is_in_dimension(self, seq, last_dim)\r\n |      Checks if a sequence is in a dimension\r\n |      \r\n |      Parameters:\r\n |      - seq (list or numpy.ndarray): List of values representing the sequence.\r\n |      - last_dim: The dimension to search in.\r\n |      \r\n |      Returns:\r\n |      - numpy.ndarray: Array of indices.\r\n |  \r\n |  update_iterarray(self, dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, unordered=True)\r\n |      Updates the iterray attribute with new parameters.\r\n |      \r\n |      Parameters:\r\n |      - dtype (numpy.dtype, optional): The data type of the index array that will be created. Defaults to np.int64.\r\n |      - unordered (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to use unordered iterations. Defaults to True. (index array will be created using multiprocessing)\r\n |  \r\n |  value_is_in_dimension(self, value, last_dim)\r\n |      Checks if a value is in a dimension\r\n |      \r\n |      Parameters:\r\n |      - value: The value to search for.\r\n |      - last_dim: The dimension to search in.\r\n |      \r\n |      Returns:\r\n |      - numpy.ndarray: Array of indices.\r\n \r\n import numpy as np\r\nimport cv2\r\nfrom cythonflatiter import FlatIterArray\r\n\r\ndata = cv2.imread(r\"C:\\Users\\hansc\\Desktop\\2023-08-29xx16_07_30-Window.png\")\r\nf = FlatIterArray(data, dtype=np.int64, unordered=True)\r\nresults255inarray = f.search_single_value_in_array(255)\r\n# results255inarray\r\n# Out[6]:\r\n# array([[195330,     34,      0,      0],\r\n#        [201075,     35,      0,      0],\r\n#        [206820,     36,      0,      0],\r\n#        ...,\r\n#        [488324,     84,   1914,      2],\r\n#        [494069,     85,   1914,      2],\r\n#        [499814,     86,   1914,      2]], dtype=int64)\r\n# print(data[84,1914,2])\r\n# print(data[34,0,0])\r\n# 255\r\n# 255\r\nindices, found_values = f.search_multiple_values_in_array(values=[255, 11, 0])\r\n# indices,found_values\r\n# Out[12]:\r\n# (array([[195330,     34,      0,      0],\r\n#         [201075,     35,      0,      0],\r\n#         [206820,     36,      0,      0],\r\n#         ...,\r\n#         [488324,     84,   1914,      2],\r\n#         [494069,     85,   1914,      2],\r\n#         [499814,     86,   1914,      2]], dtype=int64),\r\n#  array([255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255], dtype=uint8))\r\nconcat_values = np.hstack([indices, found_values.reshape((-1, 1))])\r\n# print(concat_values)\r\n# [[195330     34      0      0    255]\r\n#  [201075     35      0      0    255]\r\n#  [206820     36      0      0    255]\r\n#  ...\r\n#  [488324     84   1914      2    255]\r\n#  [494069     85   1914      2    255]\r\n#  [499814     86   1914      2    255]]\r\n# print(data[85,1914,2])\r\n# print(data[36,0,0])\r\nlastdimwith255 = f.value_is_in_dimension(255, 3)\r\n# lastdimwith255\r\n# Out[31]:\r\n# array([[195330,     34,      0],\r\n#        [201075,     35,      0],\r\n#        [206820,     36,      0],\r\n#        ...,\r\n#        [488322,     84,   1914],\r\n#        [494067,     85,   1914],\r\n#        [499812,     86,   1914]], dtype=int64)\r\n# print(data[86,1914])\r\n# print(data[34,0])\r\n# [255 255 255]\r\n# [255 255 255]\r\npenultimatedimwith255255 = f.sequence_is_in_dimension([255, 255, 255], 2)\r\n# penultimatedimwith255255\r\n# Out[38]:\r\n# array([[      0,       0],\r\n#        [   5745,       1],\r\n#        [  11490,       2],\r\n#        ...,\r\n#        [5538180,     964],\r\n#        [5543925,     965],\r\n#        [5549670,     966]], dtype=int64)\r\n# data[964]\r\n# Out[40]:\r\n# array([[255, 255, 255],\r\n#        [255, 255, 255],\r\n#        [255, 255, 255],\r\n#        ...,\r\n#        [ 43,  43,  43],\r\n#        [ 43,  43,  43],\r\n#        [ 43,  43,  43]], dtype=uint8)\r\n\r\nultimatedimwith255255255 = f.sequence_is_in_dimension([255, 255, 255], 3)\r\n# ultimatedimwith255255255\r\n# Out[42]:\r\n# array([[195330,     34,      0],\r\n#        [201075,     35,      0],\r\n#        [206820,     36,      0],\r\n#        ...,\r\n#        [488322,     84,   1914],\r\n#        [494067,     85,   1914],\r\n#        [499812,     86,   1914]], dtype=int64)\r\n\r\n# [750 433   0]\r\n# [751 433   0]\r\n# [752 433   0]\r\n# [753 433   0]\r\n# [754 433   0]\r\n# [755 433   0]\r\n# [756 433   0]\r\n# [757 433   0]\r\n# [758 433   0]\r\n\r\n```\r\n",
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    "summary": "Locates values in NumPy Arrays with Cython",
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