# Democritus Strings
[![The Democritus Project uses semver version 2.0.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/-semver%20v2.0.0-22bfda)](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html)
[![The Democritus Project uses black to format code](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)
[![License: LGPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-LGPL%20v3-blue.svg)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/lgpl-3.0/)
Democritus functions<sup>[1]</sup> for working with Python strings.
[1] Democritus functions are <i>simple, effective, modular, well-tested, and well-documented</i> Python functions.
We use `d8s` (pronounced "dee-eights") as an abbreviation for `democritus` (you can read more about this [here](https://github.com/democritus-project/roadmap#what-is-d8s)).
## Installation
pip install d8s-strings
## Usage
You import the library like:
from d8s_strings import *
Once imported, you can use any of the functions listed below.
## Functions
- ```python
def string_chars_at_start(string: str, chars: Iterable) -> Iterable[str]:
- ```python
def string_chars_at_start_len(string: str, chars: Iterable) -> int:
- ```python
def a10n(string: str) -> str:
- ```python
def string_remove_index(string: str, index: int) -> str:
"""Remove the item from the string at the given index."""
- ```python
def string_replace_index(string: str, index: int, replacement: str) -> str:
"""Replace the character in the string at the given index with the replacement."""
- ```python
def string_remove_before(string: str, stop_string: str):
"""Remove everything from the start of the given string until the stop_string."""
- ```python
def string_remove_after(string: str, start_string: str):
"""Remove everything after the start_string to the end of the given string."""
- ```python
def string_is_palindrome(string: str) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the given string is a palindrome."""
- ```python
def string_reverse(string: str) -> str:
"""Reverse the given string."""
- ```python
def indefinite_article(word):
"""Return the word with the appropriate indefinite article."""
- ```python
def is_plural(possible_plural: str) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the possible_plural is plural."""
- ```python
def pluralize(word: str) -> str:
"""Make the word plural."""
- ```python
def is_singular(possible_singular: str) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the possible_singular is singular."""
- ```python
def singularize(word: str) -> str:
"""Make the word singular."""
- ```python
def cardinalize(word: str, count: int) -> str:
"""Return the appropriate form of the given word for the count."""
- ```python
def ordinalize(number: int) -> str:
"""Return the appropriate form for the ordinal form of the given number."""
- ```python
def string_forms(text):
"""Return multiple forms for the given text."""
- ```python
def string_left_pad(string, length: int, *, padding_characters=' '):
"""Pad the given string with the given padding_characters such that the length of the resulting string is equal to the `length` argument. Adapted from the javascript code here: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/03/23/npm_left_pad_chaos/."""
- ```python
def string_to_bool(string: str) -> bool:
- ```python
def text_examples(n=10):
"""Create n example texts."""
- ```python
def string_has_multiple_consecutive_spaces(string):
"""Return True if the given string has multiple, consecutive spaces."""
- ```python
def character_examples(n=10):
"""Create n example characters."""
- ```python
def text_abbreviate(text):
"""Abbreviate the given text."""
- ```python
def text_input_is_yes(message):
"""Get yes/no input from the user and return `True` if the input is yes and `False` if the input is no."""
- ```python
def text_input_is_no(message):
"""Get yes/no input from the user and return `True` if the input is no and `False` if the input is yes."""
- ```python
def string_is_yes(string):
"""Check if a string is some form of `y` or `yes`."""
- ```python
def string_is_no(string):
"""Check if a string is some form of `n` or `no`."""
- ```python
def xor(message, key):
- ```python
def text_join(join_character, *args):
"""Join all of the arguments around the given join_character."""
- ```python
def string_insert(existing_string, new_string, index):
"""Insert the new_string into the existing_string at the given index."""
- ```python
def base64_encode(input_string):
"""Base64 encode the string."""
- ```python
def base64_decode(input_string):
"""Base64 decode the string."""
- ```python
def string_sequence_matcher(string_a, string_b):
"""Create a difflib.SequenceMatcher for the given string."""
- ```python
def strings_diff(string_a, string_b):
"""Return the diff of the two strings."""
- ```python
def string_add_to_start_of_each_line(string: str, string_to_add_to_each_line: str):
"""Add the given string_to_add_to_each_line to the beginning of each line in the string."""
- ```python
def string_get_closes_matches(word, possible_matches, maximum_matches=3, cutoff=0.6):
"""Return the words from the list of possible matches that are closest to the given word."""
- ```python
def strings_similarity(a: str, b: str):
"""Return the ratio of similarity between the two strings."""
- ```python
def strings_matching_blocks(a: str, b: str):
"""Return the matching blocks in the given strings."""
- ```python
def strings_longest_matching_block(a: str, b: str):
"""Return the longest matching block in the string."""
- ```python
def strings_diff_opcodes(a: str, b: str):
"""Return the opcodes representing the differences/similarities between two strings."""
- ```python
def string_common_prefix(a: str, b: str) -> str:
"""Returns the common prefix string from left to right between a and b."""
- ```python
def string_common_suffix(a: str, b: str):
"""Returns the common suffix string from left to right between a and b."""
- ```python
def characters(input_string):
"""Return all of the characters in the given string."""
- ```python
def hex_to_string(hex_string):
"""Convert the given hex string to ascii."""
- ```python
def string_to_hex(ascii_string: str, seperator='') -> str:
"""Convert the given ascii string to hex."""
- ```python
def character_to_unicode_number(character):
"""Convert the given character to its Unicode number. This is the same as the `ord` function in python."""
- ```python
def unicode_number_to_character(unicode_number):
"""Convert the given unicode_number to it's unicode character form. This is the same as the `chr` function in python."""
- ```python
def hamming_distance(string_1, string_2, as_percent=False):
"""Return the number of positions at which corresponding symbols in string_1 and string_2 are different (this is known as the Hamming Distance). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance."""
- ```python
def from_char_code(integer_list):
- ```python
def text_ascii_characters(text: str) -> Tuple[str]:
- ```python
def text_non_ascii_characters(text: str) -> Tuple[str]:
- ```python
def letter_as_number(letter):
- ```python
def letter_frequency(letter, text):
"""Find the frequency of the given letter in the given text."""
- ```python
def string_entropy(text, ignore_case=False):
"""Find the shannon entropy of the text. Inspired by the algorithm here https://web.archive.org/web/20160320142455/https://deadhacker.com/2007/05/13/finding-entropy-in-binary-files/. You can see more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)"""
- ```python
def substrings(iterable):
"""Find all substrings in the given string."""
- ```python
def string_remove_non_alphabetic_characters(string: str):
- ```python
def string_remove_non_numeric_characters(string: str):
- ```python
def string_remove_non_alpha_numeric_characters(string: str):
- ```python
def string_remove(regex_pattern, input_string, **kwargs):
"""Remove the regex_pattern from the input_string."""
- ```python
def string_remove_unicode(string: str):
"""Remove all Unicode characters from the given string."""
- ```python
def string_remove_numbers(input_string: str, replacement: str = ' '):
"""Remove all numbers from the input_strings."""
- ```python
def string_remove_from_start(input_string, string_to_remove):
"""Remove the string_to_remove from the start of the input_string."""
- ```python
def string_remove_from_end(input_string, string_to_remove):
"""Remove the string_to_remove from the end of the input_string."""
- ```python
def string_as_numbers(input_string: str):
- ```python
def string_in_iterable_fuzzy(input_string, iterable):
"""Find if the given input_string is in one of the strings in an iterable."""
- ```python
def string_find_between(input_string: str, start_string: str, end_string: str, *args):
"""Find the string in the input_string that is between the start_string and the end_string."""
- ```python
def switch(a, b, text):
"""Switch a and b in the text."""
- ```python
def string_encode_as_bytes(input_string, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):
- ```python
def bytes_decode_as_string(bytes_text, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):
- ```python
def string_shorten(input_string, length, suffix='...'):
"""Shorten the given input_string to the given length."""
- ```python
def string_split_without_empty(input_string, split_char):
"""Split a input_string on split_char and remove empty entries."""
- ```python
def string_has_index(string: str, index: Union[str, int]) -> bool:
- ```python
def string_split_on_uppercase(input_string: str, include_uppercase_characters=False, split_acronyms=True):
"""Split the input_string on uppercase characters. If split_acronyms is False, the function will not split consecutive uppercase letters."""
- ```python
def string_split_on_lowercase(input_string, include_lowercase_characters=False):
"""Split the string on lowercase characters."""
- ```python
def string_split_multiple(string, *splitting_characters):
"""Split a string up based on multiple splitting_characters."""
- ```python
def string_reverse_case(input_string):
"""Make lowercase characters uppercased and visa-versa."""
- ```python
def text_vowels(text):
"""Return all of the vowels in the text."""
- ```python
def text_vowel_count(text):
"""Count the number of vowels in the text."""
- ```python
def text_consonants(text):
"""Return all of the consonants in the text."""
- ```python
def text_consonant_count(text):
"""Count the number of consonants in the text."""
- ```python
def text_input(message='Enter/Paste your content.'):
- ```python
def text_ensure_starts_with(text: str, prefix: str):
"""Make sure the given text starts with the given prefix."""
- ```python
def text_ensure_ends_with(text: str, suffix: str):
"""Make sure the given text ends with the given suffix."""
- ```python
def titlecase(item):
- ```python
def uppercase(item):
- ```python
def uppercase_first_letter(text):
"""Make the first letter of the text uppercase."""
- ```python
def lowercase_first_letter(text):
"""Make the first letter of the text lowercase."""
- ```python
def crazycase(text):
"""Make the case of the characters in the given text pseudo-random"""
- ```python
def kebab_case(text):
"""Return the text with a "-" in place of every space."""
- ```python
def snake_case(text):
"""Return the text with a "_" in place of every space."""
- ```python
def camel_case(text: str):
"""Return the text with no spaces and every word (except the first one) capitalized."""
- ```python
def pascal_case(text: str):
"""Return the text with no spaces and every word capitalized."""
- ```python
def sentence_case(text: str):
- ```python
def uppercase_count(text):
"""Count the number of uppercase letters in the given text."""
- ```python
def lowercase_count(text):
"""Count the number of lowercase letters in the given text."""
- ```python
def lowercase(item):
- ```python
def string_rotate(text, rot=13):
"""Return the text converted using a Caesar cipher (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher) in which the text is rotated by the given amount (using the `rot` argument)."""
- ```python
def text_is_english_sentence(text: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether or not the sentence is likely English."""
- ```python
def leet_speak_to_text(leet_speak_text):
- ```python
def text_to_leet_speak(text):
- ```python
def unicode_to_ascii(text: str):
"""Convert the text to ascii."""
## Development
๐ If you want to get involved in this project, we have some short, helpful guides below:
- [contribute to this project ๐ฅ][contributing]
- [test it ๐งช][local-dev]
- [lint it ๐งน][local-dev]
- [explore it ๐ญ][local-dev]
If you have any questions or there is anything we did not cover, please raise an issue and we'll be happy to help.
## Credits
This package was created with [Cookiecutter](https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter) and Floyd Hightower's [Python project template](https://github.com/fhightower-templates/python-project-template).
[contributing]: https://github.com/democritus-project/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-a-pr-
[local-dev]: https://github.com/democritus-project/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#local-development-
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/democritus-project/d8s-strings",
"name": "d8s-strings",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "democritus,utility,python,python-strings,python-strings-utility,python-strings",
"author": "Floyd Hightower",
"author_email": "floyd.hightower27@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9f/d4/57949627e245ad733cbf7f753cad9f8bd43d79b91c9720fa279dcb2690d4/d8s_strings-0.5.0.tar.gz",
"platform": "",
"description": "# Democritus Strings\n\n[![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/d8s-strings.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/d8s-strings)\n[![CI](https://github.com/democritus-project/d8s-strings/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/democritus-project/d8s-strings/actions)\n[![Lint](https://github.com/democritus-project/d8s-strings/workflows/Lint/badge.svg)](https://github.com/democritus-project/d8s-strings/actions)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/democritus-project/d8s-strings/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=V0WOIXRGMM)](https://codecov.io/gh/democritus-project/d8s-strings)\n[![The Democritus Project uses semver version 2.0.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/-semver%20v2.0.0-22bfda)](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html)\n[![The Democritus Project uses black to format code](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)\n[![License: LGPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-LGPL%20v3-blue.svg)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/lgpl-3.0/)\n\nDemocritus functions<sup>[1]</sup> for working with Python strings.\n\n[1] Democritus functions are <i>simple, effective, modular, well-tested, and well-documented</i> Python functions.\n\nWe use `d8s` (pronounced \"dee-eights\") as an abbreviation for `democritus` (you can read more about this [here](https://github.com/democritus-project/roadmap#what-is-d8s)).\n\n## Installation\n\n```\npip install d8s-strings\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nYou import the library like:\n\n```python\nfrom d8s_strings import *\n```\n\nOnce imported, you can use any of the functions listed below.\n\n## Functions\n\n - ```python\n def string_chars_at_start(string: str, chars: Iterable) -> Iterable[str]:\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_chars_at_start_len(string: str, chars: Iterable) -> int:\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def a10n(string: str) -> str:\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_index(string: str, index: int) -> str:\n \"\"\"Remove the item from the string at the given index.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_replace_index(string: str, index: int, replacement: str) -> str:\n \"\"\"Replace the character in the string at the given index with the replacement.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_before(string: str, stop_string: str):\n \"\"\"Remove everything from the start of the given string until the stop_string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_after(string: str, start_string: str):\n \"\"\"Remove everything after the start_string to the end of the given string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_is_palindrome(string: str) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Return whether or not the given string is a palindrome.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_reverse(string: str) -> str:\n \"\"\"Reverse the given string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def indefinite_article(word):\n \"\"\"Return the word with the appropriate indefinite article.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def is_plural(possible_plural: str) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Return whether or not the possible_plural is plural.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def pluralize(word: str) -> str:\n \"\"\"Make the word plural.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def is_singular(possible_singular: str) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Return whether or not the possible_singular is singular.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def singularize(word: str) -> str:\n \"\"\"Make the word singular.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def cardinalize(word: str, count: int) -> str:\n \"\"\"Return the appropriate form of the given word for the count.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def ordinalize(number: int) -> str:\n \"\"\"Return the appropriate form for the ordinal form of the given number.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_forms(text):\n \"\"\"Return multiple forms for the given text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_left_pad(string, length: int, *, padding_characters=' '):\n \"\"\"Pad the given string with the given padding_characters such that the length of the resulting string is equal to the `length` argument. Adapted from the javascript code here: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/03/23/npm_left_pad_chaos/.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_to_bool(string: str) -> bool:\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_examples(n=10):\n \"\"\"Create n example texts.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_has_multiple_consecutive_spaces(string):\n \"\"\"Return True if the given string has multiple, consecutive spaces.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def character_examples(n=10):\n \"\"\"Create n example characters.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_abbreviate(text):\n \"\"\"Abbreviate the given text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_input_is_yes(message):\n \"\"\"Get yes/no input from the user and return `True` if the input is yes and `False` if the input is no.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_input_is_no(message):\n \"\"\"Get yes/no input from the user and return `True` if the input is no and `False` if the input is yes.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_is_yes(string):\n \"\"\"Check if a string is some form of `y` or `yes`.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_is_no(string):\n \"\"\"Check if a string is some form of `n` or `no`.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def xor(message, key):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_join(join_character, *args):\n \"\"\"Join all of the arguments around the given join_character.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_insert(existing_string, new_string, index):\n \"\"\"Insert the new_string into the existing_string at the given index.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def base64_encode(input_string):\n \"\"\"Base64 encode the string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def base64_decode(input_string):\n \"\"\"Base64 decode the string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_sequence_matcher(string_a, string_b):\n \"\"\"Create a difflib.SequenceMatcher for the given string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def strings_diff(string_a, string_b):\n \"\"\"Return the diff of the two strings.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_add_to_start_of_each_line(string: str, string_to_add_to_each_line: str):\n \"\"\"Add the given string_to_add_to_each_line to the beginning of each line in the string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_get_closes_matches(word, possible_matches, maximum_matches=3, cutoff=0.6):\n \"\"\"Return the words from the list of possible matches that are closest to the given word.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def strings_similarity(a: str, b: str):\n \"\"\"Return the ratio of similarity between the two strings.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def strings_matching_blocks(a: str, b: str):\n \"\"\"Return the matching blocks in the given strings.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def strings_longest_matching_block(a: str, b: str):\n \"\"\"Return the longest matching block in the string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def strings_diff_opcodes(a: str, b: str):\n \"\"\"Return the opcodes representing the differences/similarities between two strings.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_common_prefix(a: str, b: str) -> str:\n \"\"\"Returns the common prefix string from left to right between a and b.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_common_suffix(a: str, b: str):\n \"\"\"Returns the common suffix string from left to right between a and b.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def characters(input_string):\n \"\"\"Return all of the characters in the given string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def hex_to_string(hex_string):\n \"\"\"Convert the given hex string to ascii.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_to_hex(ascii_string: str, seperator='') -> str:\n \"\"\"Convert the given ascii string to hex.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def character_to_unicode_number(character):\n \"\"\"Convert the given character to its Unicode number. This is the same as the `ord` function in python.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def unicode_number_to_character(unicode_number):\n \"\"\"Convert the given unicode_number to it's unicode character form. This is the same as the `chr` function in python.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def hamming_distance(string_1, string_2, as_percent=False):\n \"\"\"Return the number of positions at which corresponding symbols in string_1 and string_2 are different (this is known as the Hamming Distance). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def from_char_code(integer_list):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_ascii_characters(text: str) -> Tuple[str]:\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_non_ascii_characters(text: str) -> Tuple[str]:\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def letter_as_number(letter):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def letter_frequency(letter, text):\n \"\"\"Find the frequency of the given letter in the given text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_entropy(text, ignore_case=False):\n \"\"\"Find the shannon entropy of the text. Inspired by the algorithm here https://web.archive.org/web/20160320142455/https://deadhacker.com/2007/05/13/finding-entropy-in-binary-files/. You can see more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def substrings(iterable):\n \"\"\"Find all substrings in the given string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_non_alphabetic_characters(string: str):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_non_numeric_characters(string: str):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_non_alpha_numeric_characters(string: str):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove(regex_pattern, input_string, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Remove the regex_pattern from the input_string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_unicode(string: str):\n \"\"\"Remove all Unicode characters from the given string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_numbers(input_string: str, replacement: str = ' '):\n \"\"\"Remove all numbers from the input_strings.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_from_start(input_string, string_to_remove):\n \"\"\"Remove the string_to_remove from the start of the input_string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_remove_from_end(input_string, string_to_remove):\n \"\"\"Remove the string_to_remove from the end of the input_string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_as_numbers(input_string: str):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_in_iterable_fuzzy(input_string, iterable):\n \"\"\"Find if the given input_string is in one of the strings in an iterable.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_find_between(input_string: str, start_string: str, end_string: str, *args):\n \"\"\"Find the string in the input_string that is between the start_string and the end_string.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def switch(a, b, text):\n \"\"\"Switch a and b in the text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_encode_as_bytes(input_string, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def bytes_decode_as_string(bytes_text, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_shorten(input_string, length, suffix='...'):\n \"\"\"Shorten the given input_string to the given length.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_split_without_empty(input_string, split_char):\n \"\"\"Split a input_string on split_char and remove empty entries.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_has_index(string: str, index: Union[str, int]) -> bool:\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_split_on_uppercase(input_string: str, include_uppercase_characters=False, split_acronyms=True):\n \"\"\"Split the input_string on uppercase characters. If split_acronyms is False, the function will not split consecutive uppercase letters.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_split_on_lowercase(input_string, include_lowercase_characters=False):\n \"\"\"Split the string on lowercase characters.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_split_multiple(string, *splitting_characters):\n \"\"\"Split a string up based on multiple splitting_characters.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_reverse_case(input_string):\n \"\"\"Make lowercase characters uppercased and visa-versa.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_vowels(text):\n \"\"\"Return all of the vowels in the text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_vowel_count(text):\n \"\"\"Count the number of vowels in the text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_consonants(text):\n \"\"\"Return all of the consonants in the text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_consonant_count(text):\n \"\"\"Count the number of consonants in the text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_input(message='Enter/Paste your content.'):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_ensure_starts_with(text: str, prefix: str):\n \"\"\"Make sure the given text starts with the given prefix.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_ensure_ends_with(text: str, suffix: str):\n \"\"\"Make sure the given text ends with the given suffix.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def titlecase(item):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def uppercase(item):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def uppercase_first_letter(text):\n \"\"\"Make the first letter of the text uppercase.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def lowercase_first_letter(text):\n \"\"\"Make the first letter of the text lowercase.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def crazycase(text):\n \"\"\"Make the case of the characters in the given text pseudo-random\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def kebab_case(text):\n \"\"\"Return the text with a \"-\" in place of every space.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def snake_case(text):\n \"\"\"Return the text with a \"_\" in place of every space.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def camel_case(text: str):\n \"\"\"Return the text with no spaces and every word (except the first one) capitalized.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def pascal_case(text: str):\n \"\"\"Return the text with no spaces and every word capitalized.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def sentence_case(text: str):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def uppercase_count(text):\n \"\"\"Count the number of uppercase letters in the given text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def lowercase_count(text):\n \"\"\"Count the number of lowercase letters in the given text.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def lowercase(item):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def string_rotate(text, rot=13):\n \"\"\"Return the text converted using a Caesar cipher (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher) in which the text is rotated by the given amount (using the `rot` argument).\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_is_english_sentence(text: str) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Determine whether or not the sentence is likely English.\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def leet_speak_to_text(leet_speak_text):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def text_to_leet_speak(text):\n \"\"\".\"\"\"\n ```\n - ```python\n def unicode_to_ascii(text: str):\n \"\"\"Convert the text to ascii.\"\"\"\n ```\n\n## Development\n\n\ud83d\udc4b If you want to get involved in this project, we have some short, helpful guides below:\n\n- [contribute to this project \ud83e\udd47][contributing]\n- [test it \ud83e\uddea][local-dev]\n- [lint it \ud83e\uddf9][local-dev]\n- [explore it \ud83d\udd2d][local-dev]\n\nIf you have any questions or there is anything we did not cover, please raise an issue and we'll be happy to help.\n\n## Credits\n\nThis package was created with [Cookiecutter](https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter) and Floyd Hightower's [Python project template](https://github.com/fhightower-templates/python-project-template).\n\n[contributing]: https://github.com/democritus-project/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-a-pr-\n[local-dev]: https://github.com/democritus-project/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#local-development-\n\n\n",
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