
Namedabest JSON
Version 2024.3.29 PyPI version JSON
SummaryData Analysis and Visualization using Bootstrap-Coupled Estimation.
upload_time2024-03-22 14:44:03
authorJoses W. Ho
licenseApache Software License 2.0
keywords nbdev jupyter notebook python
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # DABEST-Python


[![minimal Python

## Recent Version Update

On 22 March 2024, we officially released **DABEST Version Ondeh
(v2024.03.29)**. This new version provides several new features and
includes performance improvements.

1.  **New Paired Proportion Plot**: This feature builds upon the
    existing proportional analysis capabilities by introducing advanced
    aesthetics and clearer visualization of changes in proportions
    between different groups, inspired by the informative nature of
    Sankey Diagrams. It’s particularly useful for studies that require
    detailed examination of how proportions shift in paired

2.  **Customizable Swarm Plot**: Enhancements allow for tailored swarm
    plot aesthetics, notably the adjustment of swarm sides to produce
    asymmetric swarm plots. This customization enhances data
    representation, making visual distinctions more pronounced and
    interpretations clearer.

3.  **Standardized Delta-delta Effect Size**: We added a new metric akin
    to a Hedges’ g for delta-delta effect size, which allows comparisons
    between delta-delta effects generated from metrics with different

4.  **Miscellaneous Improvements**: This version also encompasses a
    broad range of miscellaneous enhancements, including bug fixes,
    Bootstrapping speed improvements, new templates for raising issues,
    and updated unit tests. These improvements are designed to
    streamline the user experience, increase the software’s stability,
    and expand its versatility. By addressing user feedback and
    identified issues, DABEST continues to refine its functionality and

## Contents

<!-- TOC depthFrom:1 depthTo:2 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 -->

- [About](#about)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [How to cite](#how-to-cite)
- [Bugs](#bugs)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [DABEST in other languages](#dabest-in-other-languages)

<!-- /TOC -->

## About

DABEST is a package for **D**ata **A**nalysis using
**B**ootstrap-Coupled **EST**imation.

statistics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimation_statistics) are a
[simple framework](https://thenewstatistics.com/itns/) that avoids the
[pitfalls](https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.3288) of significance
testing. It employs familiar statistical concepts such as means, mean
differences, and error bars. More importantly, it focuses on the effect
size of one’s experiment or intervention, rather than succumbing to a
false dichotomy engendered by *P* values.

An estimation plot comprises two key features.

1.  It presents all data points as a swarm plot, ordering each point to
    display the underlying distribution.

2.  It illustrates the effect size as a **bootstrap 95% confidence
    interval** on a **separate but aligned axis**.

![The five kinds of estimation
plots](showpiece.png "The five kinds of estimation plots.")

DABEST powers [estimationstats.com](https://www.estimationstats.com/),
allowing everyone access to high-quality estimation plots.

## Installation

This package is tested on Python 3.8 and onwards. It is highly
recommended to download the [Anaconda
distribution](https://www.continuum.io/downloads) of Python in order to
obtain the dependencies easily.

You can install this package via `pip`.

To install, at the command line run

``` shell
pip install dabest

You can also
[clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository) this repo

Then, navigate to the cloned repo in the command line and run

``` shell
pip install .

## Usage

``` python3
import pandas as pd
import dabest

# Load the iris dataset. This step requires internet access.
iris = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data/raw/master/iris.csv")

# Load the above data into `dabest`.
iris_dabest = dabest.load(data=iris, x="species", y="petal_width",
                          idx=("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"))

# Produce a Cumming estimation plot.

![A Cumming estimation plot of petal width from the iris

Please refer to the official
[tutorial](https://acclab.github.io/DABEST-python/) for more useful code

## How to cite

**Moving beyond P values: Everyday data analysis with estimation plots**

*Joses Ho, Tayfun Tumkaya, Sameer Aryal, Hyungwon Choi, Adam

Nature Methods 2019, 1548-7105.

[Paywalled publisher
site](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-019-0470-3); [Free-to-view

## Bugs

Please report any bugs on the [issue

## Contributing

All contributions are welcome; please read the [Guidelines for
contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) first.

We also have a [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) to foster an
inclusive and productive space.

### A wish list for new features

If you have any specific comments and ideas for new features that you
would like to share with us, please read the [Guidelines for
contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md), create a new issue using Feature request
template or create a new post in [our Google

## Acknowledgements

We would like to thank alpha testers from the [Claridge-Chang
lab](https://www.claridgechang.net/): [Sangyu
Xu](https://github.com/sangyu), [Xianyuan
Zhang](https://github.com/XYZfar), [Farhan
Mohammad](https://github.com/farhan8igib), Jurga Mituzaitė, and
Stanislav Ott.

## Testing

To test DABEST, you need to install
[pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest) and

- Run `pytest` in the root directory of the source distribution. This
  runs the test suite in the folder `dabest/tests/mpl_image_tests`.
- Run `nbdev_test` in the root directory of the source distribution.
  This runs the value assertion tests in the folder `dabest/tests`

The test suite ensures that the bootstrapping functions and the plotting
functions perform as expected.

For detailed information, please refer to the [test

## DABEST in other languages

DABEST is also available in R
([dabestr](https://github.com/ACCLAB/dabestr)) and Matlab


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/acclab/DABEST-python",
    "name": "dabest",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "nbdev jupyter notebook python",
    "author": "Joses W. Ho",
    "author_email": "joseshowh@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/70/b2/02930f2ceb21351a7e608510cc598a03d5f78eb36aad48a0f731097b8949/dabest-2024.3.29.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# DABEST-Python\n\n<!-- WARNING: THIS FILE WAS AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! -->\n\n[![minimal Python\nversion](https://img.shields.io/badge/Python%3E%3D-3.8-6666ff.svg)](https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/)\n[![PyPI\nversion](https://badge.fury.io/py/dabest.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/dabest)\n[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pepy/dt/dabest.svg)](https://pepy.tech/project/dabest)\n[![Free-to-view\ncitation](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.1038/s41592-019-0470-3.svg)](https://rdcu.be/bHhJ4)\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%203--Clause--Clear-orange.svg)](https://spdx.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause-Clear.html)\n\n## Recent Version Update\n\nOn 22 March 2024, we officially released **DABEST Version Ondeh\n(v2024.03.29)**. This new version provides several new features and\nincludes performance improvements.\n\n1.  **New Paired Proportion Plot**: This feature builds upon the\n    existing proportional analysis capabilities by introducing advanced\n    aesthetics and clearer visualization of changes in proportions\n    between different groups, inspired by the informative nature of\n    Sankey Diagrams. It\u2019s particularly useful for studies that require\n    detailed examination of how proportions shift in paired\n    observations.\n\n2.  **Customizable Swarm Plot**: Enhancements allow for tailored swarm\n    plot aesthetics, notably the adjustment of swarm sides to produce\n    asymmetric swarm plots. This customization enhances data\n    representation, making visual distinctions more pronounced and\n    interpretations clearer.\n\n3.  **Standardized Delta-delta Effect Size**: We added a new metric akin\n    to a Hedges\u2019 g for delta-delta effect size, which allows comparisons\n    between delta-delta effects generated from metrics with different\n    units.\n\n4.  **Miscellaneous Improvements**: This version also encompasses a\n    broad range of miscellaneous enhancements, including bug fixes,\n    Bootstrapping speed improvements, new templates for raising issues,\n    and updated unit tests. These improvements are designed to\n    streamline the user experience, increase the software\u2019s stability,\n    and expand its versatility. By addressing user feedback and\n    identified issues, DABEST continues to refine its functionality and\n    reliability.\n\n## Contents\n\n<!-- TOC depthFrom:1 depthTo:2 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 -->\n\n- [About](#about)\n- [Installation](#installation)\n- [Usage](#usage)\n- [How to cite](#how-to-cite)\n- [Bugs](#bugs)\n- [Contributing](#contributing)\n- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)\n- [Testing](#testing)\n- [DABEST in other languages](#dabest-in-other-languages)\n\n<!-- /TOC -->\n\n## About\n\nDABEST is a package for **D**ata **A**nalysis using\n**B**ootstrap-Coupled **EST**imation.\n\n[Estimation\nstatistics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimation_statistics) are a\n[simple framework](https://thenewstatistics.com/itns/) that avoids the\n[pitfalls](https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.3288) of significance\ntesting. It employs familiar statistical concepts such as means, mean\ndifferences, and error bars. More importantly, it focuses on the effect\nsize of one\u2019s experiment or intervention, rather than succumbing to a\nfalse dichotomy engendered by *P* values.\n\nAn estimation plot comprises two key features.\n\n1.  It presents all data points as a swarm plot, ordering each point to\n    display the underlying distribution.\n\n2.  It illustrates the effect size as a **bootstrap 95% confidence\n    interval** on a **separate but aligned axis**.\n\n![The five kinds of estimation\nplots](showpiece.png \"The five kinds of estimation plots.\")\n\nDABEST powers [estimationstats.com](https://www.estimationstats.com/),\nallowing everyone access to high-quality estimation plots.\n\n## Installation\n\nThis package is tested on Python 3.8 and onwards. It is highly\nrecommended to download the [Anaconda\ndistribution](https://www.continuum.io/downloads) of Python in order to\nobtain the dependencies easily.\n\nYou can install this package via `pip`.\n\nTo install, at the command line run\n\n``` shell\npip install dabest\n```\n\nYou can also\n[clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository) this repo\nlocally.\n\nThen, navigate to the cloned repo in the command line and run\n\n``` shell\npip install .\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n``` python3\nimport pandas as pd\nimport dabest\n\n# Load the iris dataset. This step requires internet access.\niris = pd.read_csv(\"https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data/raw/master/iris.csv\")\n\n# Load the above data into `dabest`.\niris_dabest = dabest.load(data=iris, x=\"species\", y=\"petal_width\",\n                          idx=(\"setosa\", \"versicolor\", \"virginica\"))\n\n# Produce a Cumming estimation plot.\niris_dabest.mean_diff.plot();\n```\n\n![A Cumming estimation plot of petal width from the iris\ndataset](iris.png)\n\nPlease refer to the official\n[tutorial](https://acclab.github.io/DABEST-python/) for more useful code\nsnippets.\n\n## How to cite\n\n**Moving beyond P values: Everyday data analysis with estimation plots**\n\n*Joses Ho, Tayfun Tumkaya, Sameer Aryal, Hyungwon Choi, Adam\nClaridge-Chang*\n\nNature Methods 2019, 1548-7105.\n[10.1038/s41592-019-0470-3](http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41592-019-0470-3)\n\n[Paywalled publisher\nsite](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-019-0470-3); [Free-to-view\nPDF](https://rdcu.be/bHhJ4)\n\n## Bugs\n\nPlease report any bugs on the [issue\npage](https://github.com/ACCLAB/DABEST-python/issues/new).\n\n## Contributing\n\nAll contributions are welcome; please read the [Guidelines for\ncontributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) first.\n\nWe also have a [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) to foster an\ninclusive and productive space.\n\n### A wish list for new features\n\nIf you have any specific comments and ideas for new features that you\nwould like to share with us, please read the [Guidelines for\ncontributing](CONTRIBUTING.md), create a new issue using Feature request\ntemplate or create a new post in [our Google\nGroup](https://groups.google.com/g/estimationstats).\n\n## Acknowledgements\n\nWe would like to thank alpha testers from the [Claridge-Chang\nlab](https://www.claridgechang.net/): [Sangyu\nXu](https://github.com/sangyu), [Xianyuan\nZhang](https://github.com/XYZfar), [Farhan\nMohammad](https://github.com/farhan8igib), Jurga Mituzait\u0117, and\nStanislav Ott.\n\n## Testing\n\nTo test DABEST, you need to install\n[pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest) and\n[nbdev](https://nbdev.fast.ai/).\n\n- Run `pytest` in the root directory of the source distribution. This\n  runs the test suite in the folder `dabest/tests/mpl_image_tests`.\n- Run `nbdev_test` in the root directory of the source distribution.\n  This runs the value assertion tests in the folder `dabest/tests`\n\nThe test suite ensures that the bootstrapping functions and the plotting\nfunctions perform as expected.\n\nFor detailed information, please refer to the [test\nfolder](nbs/tests/README.md)\n\n## DABEST in other languages\n\nDABEST is also available in R\n([dabestr](https://github.com/ACCLAB/dabestr)) and Matlab\n([DABEST-Matlab](https://github.com/ACCLAB/DABEST-Matlab)).\n",
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