
Namedaff JSON
Version 1.3.46 PyPI version JSON
SummaryDiff and patch tables
upload_time2020-08-05 11:21:28
authorPaul Fitzpatrick
keywords data diff patch
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/paulfitz/daff.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/paulfitz/daff)
[![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/daff)
[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/daff)
[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/py/daff)
[![PHP version](https://badge.fury.io/ph/paulfitz%2Fdaff-php.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/ph/paulfitz%2Fdaff-php)
[![Bower version](https://badge.fury.io/bo/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/bo/daff)
![Badge count](http://img.shields.io/:badges-7/7-33aa33.svg)

daff: data diff

This is a library for comparing tables, producing a summary of their
differences, and using such a summary as a patch file.  It is
optimized for comparing tables that share a common origin, in other
words multiple versions of the "same" table.

For a live demo, see:
> http://paulfitz.github.com/daff/

Install the library for your favorite language:
npm install daff -g  # node/javascript
pip install daff     # python
gem install daff     # ruby
composer require paulfitz/daff-php  # php
install.packages('daff') # R wrapper by Edwin de Jonge
bower install daff   # web/javascript

Other translations are available here:
> https://github.com/paulfitz/daff/releases

Or use the library to view csv diffs on github via a chrome extension:
> https://github.com/theodi/csvhub

The diff format used by `daff` is specified here:
> http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/spec.html

This library is a stripped down version of the coopy toolbox (see
http://share.find.coop).  To compare tables from different origins,
or with automatically generated IDs, or other complications, check out
the coopy toolbox.

The program

You can run `daff`/`daff.py`/`daff.rb` as a utility program:
$ daff
daff can produce and apply tabular diffs.
Call as:
  daff a.csv b.csv
  daff [--color] [--no-color] [--output OUTPUT.csv] a.csv b.csv
  daff [--output OUTPUT.html] a.csv b.csv
  daff [--www] a.csv b.csv
  daff parent.csv a.csv b.csv
  daff --input-format sqlite a.db b.db
  daff patch [--inplace] a.csv patch.csv
  daff merge [--inplace] parent.csv a.csv b.csv
  daff trim [--output OUTPUT.csv] source.csv
  daff render [--output OUTPUT.html] diff.csv
  daff copy in.csv out.tsv
  daff in.csv
  daff git
  daff version

The --inplace option to patch and merge will result in modification of a.csv.

If you need more control, here is the full list of flags:
  daff diff [--output OUTPUT.csv] [--context NUM] [--all] [--act ACT] a.csv b.csv
     --act ACT:     show only a certain kind of change (update, insert, delete, column)
     --all:         do not prune unchanged rows or columns
     --all-rows:    do not prune unchanged rows
     --all-columns: do not prune unchanged columns
     --color:       highlight changes with terminal colors (default in terminals)
     --context NUM: show NUM rows of context (0=none)
     --context-columns NUM: show NUM columns of context (0=none)
     --fail-if-diff: return status is 0 if equal, 1 if different, 2 if problem
     --id:          specify column to use as primary key (repeat for multi-column key)
     --ignore:      specify column to ignore completely (can repeat)
     --index:       include row/columns numbers from original tables
     --input-format [csv|tsv|ssv|psv|json|sqlite]: set format to expect for input
     --eol [crlf|lf|cr|auto]: separator between rows of csv output.
     --no-color:    make sure terminal colors are not used
     --ordered:     assume row order is meaningful (default for CSV)
     --output-format [csv|tsv|ssv|psv|json|copy|html]: set format for output
     --padding [dense|sparse|smart]: set padding method for aligning columns
     --table NAME:  compare the named table, used with SQL sources. If name changes, use 'n1:n2'
     --unordered:   assume row order is meaningless (default for json formats)
     -w / --ignore-whitespace: ignore changes in leading/trailing whitespace
     -i / --ignore-case: ignore differences in case

  daff render [--output OUTPUT.html] [--css CSS.css] [--fragment] [--plain] diff.csv
     --css CSS.css: generate a suitable css file to go with the html
     --fragment:    generate just a html fragment rather than a page
     --plain:       do not use fancy utf8 characters to make arrows prettier
     --unquote:     do not quote html characters in html diffs
     --www:         send output to a browser

Formats supported are CSV, TSV, Sqlite (with `--input-format sqlite` or
the `.sqlite` extension), and ndjson.

Using with git

Run `daff git csv` to install daff as a diff and merge handler
for `*.csv` files in your repository.  Run `daff git` for instructions
on doing this manually. Your CSV diffs and merges will get smarter,
since git will suddenly understand about rows and columns, not just lines:

![Example CSV diff](http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/images/daff_vs_diff.png)

The library

You can use `daff` as a library from any supported language.  We take
here the example of Javascript.  To use `daff` on a webpage,
first include `daff.js`:
<script src="daff.js"></script>
Or if using node outside the browser:
var daff = require('daff');

For concreteness, assume we have two versions of a table,
`data1` and `data2`:
var data1 = [
var data2 = [

To make those tables accessible to the library, we wrap them
in `daff.TableView`:
var table1 = new daff.TableView(data1);
var table2 = new daff.TableView(data2);

We can now compute the alignment between the rows and columns
in the two tables:
var alignment = daff.compareTables(table1,table2).align();

To produce a diff from the alignment, we first need a table
for the output:
var data_diff = [];
var table_diff = new daff.TableView(data_diff);

Using default options for the diff:
var flags = new daff.CompareFlags();
var highlighter = new daff.TableDiff(alignment,flags);

The diff is now in `data_diff` in highlighter format, see
specification here:
> http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/spec.html

[ [ '!', '', '+++', '' ],
  [ '@@', 'Country', 'Code', 'Capital' ],
  [ '+', 'Ireland', 'ie', 'Dublin' ],
  [ '+', 'France', 'fr', 'Paris' ],
  [ '->', 'Spain', 'es', 'Barcelona->Madrid' ],
  [ '+++', 'Germany', 'de', 'Berlin' ] ]

For visualization, you may want to convert this to a HTML table
with appropriate classes on cells so you can color-code inserts,
deletes, updates, etc.  You can do this with:
var diff2html = new daff.DiffRender();
var table_diff_html = diff2html.html();

For 3-way differences (that is, comparing two tables given knowledge
of a common ancestor) use `daff.compareTables3` (give ancestor
table as the first argument).

Here is how to apply that difference as a patch:
var patcher = new daff.HighlightPatch(table1,table_diff);
// table1 should now equal table2

For other languages, you should find sample code in
the packages on the [Releases](https://github.com/paulfitz/daff/releases) page.

Supported languages

The `daff` library is written in [Haxe](http://haxe.org/), which
can be translated reasonably well into at least the following languages:

 * Javascript
 * Python
 * Java
 * C#
 * C++
 * Ruby (using an [unofficial haxe target](https://github.com/paulfitz/haxe) developed for `daff`)
 * PHP

Some translations are done for you on the
[Releases](https://github.com/paulfitz/daff/releases) page.
To make another translation, or to compile from source
first follow the [Haxe language introduction](https://haxe.org/documentation/introduction/language-introduction.html) for the
language you care about.  At the time of writing, if you are on OSX, you should
install haxe using `brew install haxe`.  Then do one of:

make js
make php
make py
make java
make cs
make cpp

For each language, the `daff` library expects to be handed an interface to tables you create, rather than creating them
itself.  This is to avoid inefficient copies from one format to another.  You'll find a `SimpleTable` class you can use if
you find this awkward.

Other possibilities:

 * There's a daff wrapper for R written by [Edwin de Jonge](https://github.com/edwindj), see https://github.com/edwindj/daff and http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/daff
 * There's a hand-written ruby port by [James Smith](https://github.com/Floppy), see https://github.com/theodi/coopy-ruby

API documentation

 * You can browse the `daff` classes at http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/


<img src="http://datacommons.coop/images/the_zen_of_venn.png" alt="the zen of venn" height="100">
The <a href="https://datacommons.coop">Data Commons Co-op</a>,  "perhaps the geekiest of all cooperative organizations on the planet," has given great moral support during the development of `daff`.
Donate a multiple of `42.42` in your currency to let them know you care: <a href="https://datacommons.coop/donate/">https://datacommons.coop/donate/</a>.

Reading material

 * https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/tabular-diff : a specification of the diff format we use.
 * http://theodi.org/blog/csvhub-github-diffs-for-csv-files : using this library with github.
 * https://github.com/ropensci/unconf/issues/19 : a thread about diffing data in which daff shows up in at least four guises (see if you can spot them all).
 * http://theodi.org/blog/adapting-git-simple-data : using this library with gitlab.
 * http://okfnlabs.org/blog/2013/08/08/diffing-and-patching-data.html : a summary of where the library came from.
 * http://blog.okfn.org/2013/07/02/git-and-github-for-data/ : a post about storing small data in git/github.
 * http://blog.ouseful.info/2013/08/27/diff-or-chop-github-csv-data-files-and-openrefine/ : counterpoint - a post discussing tracked-changes rather than diffs.
 * http://blog.byronjsmith.com/makefile-shortcuts.html : a tutorial on using `make` for data, with daff in the mix. "Since git considers changes on a per-line basis,
   looking at diffs of comma-delimited and tab-delimited files can get obnoxious. The program daff fixes this problem."

## License

daff is distributed under the MIT License.

Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/paulfitz/daff",
    "name": "daff",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "data diff patch",
    "author": "Paul Fitzpatrick",
    "author_email": "paul@robotrebuilt.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0e/fc/82796c10545f3df9882566c79debac28b664e3a3a08fdb493ac3cc418709/daff-1.3.46.tar.gz",
    "platform": "",
    "description": "[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/paulfitz/daff.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/paulfitz/daff)\n[![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/daff)\n[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/daff)\n[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/py/daff)\n[![PHP version](https://badge.fury.io/ph/paulfitz%2Fdaff-php.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/ph/paulfitz%2Fdaff-php)\n[![Bower version](https://badge.fury.io/bo/daff.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/bo/daff)\n![Badge count](http://img.shields.io/:badges-7/7-33aa33.svg)\n\ndaff: data diff\n===============\n\nThis is a library for comparing tables, producing a summary of their\ndifferences, and using such a summary as a patch file.  It is\noptimized for comparing tables that share a common origin, in other\nwords multiple versions of the \"same\" table.\n\nFor a live demo, see:\n> http://paulfitz.github.com/daff/\n\nInstall the library for your favorite language:\n````sh\nnpm install daff -g  # node/javascript\npip install daff     # python\ngem install daff     # ruby\ncomposer require paulfitz/daff-php  # php\ninstall.packages('daff') # R wrapper by Edwin de Jonge\nbower install daff   # web/javascript\n````\n\nOther translations are available here:\n> https://github.com/paulfitz/daff/releases\n\nOr use the library to view csv diffs on github via a chrome extension:\n> https://github.com/theodi/csvhub\n\nThe diff format used by `daff` is specified here:\n> http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/spec.html\n\nThis library is a stripped down version of the coopy toolbox (see\nhttp://share.find.coop).  To compare tables from different origins,\nor with automatically generated IDs, or other complications, check out\nthe coopy toolbox.\n\nThe program\n-----------\n\nYou can run `daff`/`daff.py`/`daff.rb` as a utility program:\n````\n$ daff\ndaff can produce and apply tabular diffs.\nCall as:\n  daff a.csv b.csv\n  daff [--color] [--no-color] [--output OUTPUT.csv] a.csv b.csv\n  daff [--output OUTPUT.html] a.csv b.csv\n  daff [--www] a.csv b.csv\n  daff parent.csv a.csv b.csv\n  daff --input-format sqlite a.db b.db\n  daff patch [--inplace] a.csv patch.csv\n  daff merge [--inplace] parent.csv a.csv b.csv\n  daff trim [--output OUTPUT.csv] source.csv\n  daff render [--output OUTPUT.html] diff.csv\n  daff copy in.csv out.tsv\n  daff in.csv\n  daff git\n  daff version\n\nThe --inplace option to patch and merge will result in modification of a.csv.\n\nIf you need more control, here is the full list of flags:\n  daff diff [--output OUTPUT.csv] [--context NUM] [--all] [--act ACT] a.csv b.csv\n     --act ACT:     show only a certain kind of change (update, insert, delete, column)\n     --all:         do not prune unchanged rows or columns\n     --all-rows:    do not prune unchanged rows\n     --all-columns: do not prune unchanged columns\n     --color:       highlight changes with terminal colors (default in terminals)\n     --context NUM: show NUM rows of context (0=none)\n     --context-columns NUM: show NUM columns of context (0=none)\n     --fail-if-diff: return status is 0 if equal, 1 if different, 2 if problem\n     --id:          specify column to use as primary key (repeat for multi-column key)\n     --ignore:      specify column to ignore completely (can repeat)\n     --index:       include row/columns numbers from original tables\n     --input-format [csv|tsv|ssv|psv|json|sqlite]: set format to expect for input\n     --eol [crlf|lf|cr|auto]: separator between rows of csv output.\n     --no-color:    make sure terminal colors are not used\n     --ordered:     assume row order is meaningful (default for CSV)\n     --output-format [csv|tsv|ssv|psv|json|copy|html]: set format for output\n     --padding [dense|sparse|smart]: set padding method for aligning columns\n     --table NAME:  compare the named table, used with SQL sources. If name changes, use 'n1:n2'\n     --unordered:   assume row order is meaningless (default for json formats)\n     -w / --ignore-whitespace: ignore changes in leading/trailing whitespace\n     -i / --ignore-case: ignore differences in case\n\n  daff render [--output OUTPUT.html] [--css CSS.css] [--fragment] [--plain] diff.csv\n     --css CSS.css: generate a suitable css file to go with the html\n     --fragment:    generate just a html fragment rather than a page\n     --plain:       do not use fancy utf8 characters to make arrows prettier\n     --unquote:     do not quote html characters in html diffs\n     --www:         send output to a browser\n````\n\nFormats supported are CSV, TSV, Sqlite (with `--input-format sqlite` or\nthe `.sqlite` extension), and ndjson.\n\nUsing with git\n--------------\n\nRun `daff git csv` to install daff as a diff and merge handler\nfor `*.csv` files in your repository.  Run `daff git` for instructions\non doing this manually. Your CSV diffs and merges will get smarter,\nsince git will suddenly understand about rows and columns, not just lines:\n\n![Example CSV diff](http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/images/daff_vs_diff.png)\n\nThe library\n-----------\n\nYou can use `daff` as a library from any supported language.  We take\nhere the example of Javascript.  To use `daff` on a webpage,\nfirst include `daff.js`:\n```html\n<script src=\"daff.js\"></script>\n```\nOr if using node outside the browser:\n```js\nvar daff = require('daff');\n```\n\nFor concreteness, assume we have two versions of a table,\n`data1` and `data2`:\n```js\nvar data1 = [\n    ['Country','Capital'],\n    ['Ireland','Dublin'],\n    ['France','Paris'],\n    ['Spain','Barcelona']\n];\nvar data2 = [\n    ['Country','Code','Capital'],\n    ['Ireland','ie','Dublin'],\n    ['France','fr','Paris'],\n    ['Spain','es','Madrid'],\n    ['Germany','de','Berlin']\n];\n```\n\nTo make those tables accessible to the library, we wrap them\nin `daff.TableView`:\n```js\nvar table1 = new daff.TableView(data1);\nvar table2 = new daff.TableView(data2);\n```\n\nWe can now compute the alignment between the rows and columns\nin the two tables:\n```js\nvar alignment = daff.compareTables(table1,table2).align();\n```\n\nTo produce a diff from the alignment, we first need a table\nfor the output:\n```js\nvar data_diff = [];\nvar table_diff = new daff.TableView(data_diff);\n```\n\nUsing default options for the diff:\n```js\nvar flags = new daff.CompareFlags();\nvar highlighter = new daff.TableDiff(alignment,flags);\nhighlighter.hilite(table_diff);\n```\n\nThe diff is now in `data_diff` in highlighter format, see\nspecification here:\n> http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/spec.html\n\n```js\n[ [ '!', '', '+++', '' ],\n  [ '@@', 'Country', 'Code', 'Capital' ],\n  [ '+', 'Ireland', 'ie', 'Dublin' ],\n  [ '+', 'France', 'fr', 'Paris' ],\n  [ '->', 'Spain', 'es', 'Barcelona->Madrid' ],\n  [ '+++', 'Germany', 'de', 'Berlin' ] ]\n```\n\nFor visualization, you may want to convert this to a HTML table\nwith appropriate classes on cells so you can color-code inserts,\ndeletes, updates, etc.  You can do this with:\n```js\nvar diff2html = new daff.DiffRender();\ndiff2html.render(table_diff);\nvar table_diff_html = diff2html.html();\n```\n\nFor 3-way differences (that is, comparing two tables given knowledge\nof a common ancestor) use `daff.compareTables3` (give ancestor\ntable as the first argument).\n\nHere is how to apply that difference as a patch:\n```js\nvar patcher = new daff.HighlightPatch(table1,table_diff);\npatcher.apply();\n// table1 should now equal table2\n```\n\nFor other languages, you should find sample code in\nthe packages on the [Releases](https://github.com/paulfitz/daff/releases) page.\n\nSupported languages\n-------------------\n\nThe `daff` library is written in [Haxe](http://haxe.org/), which\ncan be translated reasonably well into at least the following languages:\n\n * Javascript\n * Python\n * Java\n * C#\n * C++\n * Ruby (using an [unofficial haxe target](https://github.com/paulfitz/haxe) developed for `daff`)\n * PHP\n\nSome translations are done for you on the\n[Releases](https://github.com/paulfitz/daff/releases) page.\nTo make another translation, or to compile from source\nfirst follow the [Haxe language introduction](https://haxe.org/documentation/introduction/language-introduction.html) for the\nlanguage you care about.  At the time of writing, if you are on OSX, you should\ninstall haxe using `brew install haxe`.  Then do one of:\n\n```\nmake js\nmake php\nmake py\nmake java\nmake cs\nmake cpp\n```\n\nFor each language, the `daff` library expects to be handed an interface to tables you create, rather than creating them\nitself.  This is to avoid inefficient copies from one format to another.  You'll find a `SimpleTable` class you can use if\nyou find this awkward.\n\nOther possibilities:\n\n * There's a daff wrapper for R written by [Edwin de Jonge](https://github.com/edwindj), see https://github.com/edwindj/daff and http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/daff\n * There's a hand-written ruby port by [James Smith](https://github.com/Floppy), see https://github.com/theodi/coopy-ruby\n\nAPI documentation\n-----------------\n\n * You can browse the `daff` classes at http://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/\n\nSponsors\n--------\n\n<img src=\"http://datacommons.coop/images/the_zen_of_venn.png\" alt=\"the zen of venn\" height=\"100\">\nThe <a href=\"https://datacommons.coop\">Data Commons Co-op</a>,  \"perhaps the geekiest of all cooperative organizations on the planet,\" has given great moral support during the development of `daff`.\nDonate a multiple of `42.42` in your currency to let them know you care: <a href=\"https://datacommons.coop/donate/\">https://datacommons.coop/donate/</a>.\n\nReading material\n----------------\n\n * https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/tabular-diff : a specification of the diff format we use.\n * http://theodi.org/blog/csvhub-github-diffs-for-csv-files : using this library with github.\n * https://github.com/ropensci/unconf/issues/19 : a thread about diffing data in which daff shows up in at least four guises (see if you can spot them all).\n * http://theodi.org/blog/adapting-git-simple-data : using this library with gitlab.\n * http://okfnlabs.org/blog/2013/08/08/diffing-and-patching-data.html : a summary of where the library came from.\n * http://blog.okfn.org/2013/07/02/git-and-github-for-data/ : a post about storing small data in git/github.\n * http://blog.ouseful.info/2013/08/27/diff-or-chop-github-csv-data-files-and-openrefine/ : counterpoint - a post discussing tracked-changes rather than diffs.\n * http://blog.byronjsmith.com/makefile-shortcuts.html : a tutorial on using `make` for data, with daff in the mix. \"Since git considers changes on a per-line basis,\n   looking at diffs of comma-delimited and tab-delimited files can get obnoxious. The program daff fixes this problem.\"\n\n## License\n\ndaff is distributed under the MIT License.",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "Diff and patch tables",
    "version": "1.3.46",
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    "split_keywords": [
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            "url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0e/fc/82796c10545f3df9882566c79debac28b664e3a3a08fdb493ac3cc418709/daff-1.3.46.tar.gz",
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    "github_actions": false,
    "lcname": "daff"
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