# dag-factory
<img alt=analytics referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" src="https://static.scarf.sh/a.png?x-pxid=2bb92a5b-beb3-48cc-a722-79dda1089eda" />
Welcome to *dag-factory*! *dag-factory* is a library for [Apache Airflow®](https://airflow.apache.org) to construct DAGs
declaratively via configuration files.
The minimum requirements for **dag-factory** are:
- Python 3.8.0+
- [Apache Airflow®](https://airflow.apache.org) 2.0+
For a gentle introduction, please take a look at our [Quickstart Guide](#quickstart). For more examples, please see the
[examples](/examples) folder.
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Features](#features)
- [Multiple Configuration Files](#multiple-configuration-files)
- [Dynamically Mapped Tasks](#dynamically-mapped-tasks)
- [Datasets](#datasets)
- [Custom Operators](#custom-operators)
- [Benefits](#benefits)
- [Notes](#notes)
- [HttpSensor (since 1.0.0)](#httpsensor-since-100)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
## Quickstart
The following example demonstrates how to create a simple DAG using *dag-factory*. We will be generating a DAG with three tasks, where `task_2` and `task_3` depend on `task_1`.
These tasks will be leveraging the `BashOperator` to execute simple bash commands.

(1) To install *dag-factory*, run the following pip command in your [Apache Airflow®](https://airflow.apache.org) environment:
pip install dag-factory
(2) Create a YAML configuration file called `config_file.yml` and save it within your dags folder:
owner: 'example_owner'
retries: 1
start_date: '2024-01-01'
schedule_interval: '0 3 * * *'
catchup: False
description: 'this is an example dag!'
operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator
bash_command: 'echo 1'
operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator
bash_command: 'echo 2'
dependencies: [task_1]
operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator
bash_command: 'echo 3'
dependencies: [task_1]
We are setting the execution order of the tasks by specifying the `dependencies` key.
(3) In the same folder, create a python file called `generate_dags.py`. This file is responsible for generating the DAGs from the configuration file and is a one-time setup.
You won't need to modify this file unless you want to add more configuration files or change the configuration file name.
from airflow import DAG ## by default, this is needed for the dagbag to parse this file
import dagfactory
from pathlib import Path
config_file = Path.cwd() / "dags/config_file.yml"
dag_factory = dagfactory.DagFactory(config_file)
After a few moments, the DAG will be generated and ready to run in Airflow. Unpause the DAG in the [Apache Airflow®](https://airflow.apache.org) UI and watch the tasks execute!

Please look at the [examples](/examples) folder for more examples.
## Features
### Multiple Configuration Files
If you want to split your DAG configuration into multiple files, you can do so by leveraging a suffix in the configuration file name.
from dagfactory import load_yaml_dags # load relevant YAML files as airflow DAGs
load_yaml_dags(globals_dict=globals(), suffix=['dag.yaml'])
### Dynamically Mapped Tasks
If you want to create a dynamic number of tasks, you can use the `mapped_tasks` key in the configuration file. The `mapped_tasks` key is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a task.
operator: airflow.operators.python.PythonOperator
python_callable_name: example_task_mapping
python_callable_file: /usr/local/airflow/dags/expand_tasks.py # this file should contain the python callable
operator: airflow.operators.python_operator.PythonOperator
python_callable_name: expand_task
python_callable_file: /usr/local/airflow/dags/expand_tasks.py
test_id: "test"
dependencies: [request]

### Datasets
**dag-factory** supports scheduling DAGs via [Apache Airflow Datasets](https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/authoring-and-scheduling/datasets.html).
To leverage, you need to specify the `Dataset` in the `outlets` key in the configuration file. The `outlets` key is a list of strings that represent the dataset locations.
In the `schedule` key of the consumer dag, you can set the `Dataset` you would like to schedule against. The key is a list of strings that represent the dataset locations.
The consumer dag will run when all the datasets are available.
owner: "example_owner"
retries: 1
start_date: '2024-01-01'
description: "Example DAG producer simple datasets"
schedule_interval: "0 5 * * *"
operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator
bash_command: "echo 1"
outlets: [ 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset1.json' ]
bash_command: "echo 2"
dependencies: [ task_1 ]
outlets: [ 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset2.json' ]
owner: "example_owner"
retries: 1
start_date: '2024-01-01'
description: "Example DAG consumer simple datasets"
schedule: [ 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset1.json', 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset2.json' ]
operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator
bash_command: "echo 'consumer datasets'"

### Custom Operators
**dag-factory** supports using custom operators. To leverage, set the path to the custom operator within the `operator` key in the configuration file. You can add any additional parameters that the custom operator requires.
operator: airflow.operators.dummy_operator.DummyOperator
operator: customized.operators.breakfast_operators.MakeBreadOperator
bread_type: 'Sourdough'

### Callbacks
**dag-factory** also supports using "callbacks" at the DAG, Task, and TaskGroup level. These callbacks can be defined in
a few different ways. The first points directly to a Python function that has been defined in the `include/callbacks.py`
on_failure_callback: include.callbacks.example_callback1
Here, the `on_success_callback` points to first a file, and then to a function name within that file. Notice that this
callback is defined using `default_args`, meaning this callback will be applied to all tasks.
on_success_callback_file: /usr/local/airflow/include/callbacks.py
on_success_callback_name: example_callback1
**dag-factory** users can also leverage provider-built tools when configuring callbacks. In this example, the
`send_slack_notification` function from the Slack provider is used to dispatch a message when a DAG failure occurs. This
function is passed to the `callback` key under `on_failure_callback`. This pattern allows for callback definitions to
take parameters (such as `text`, `channel`, and `username`, as shown here).
**Note that this functionality is currently only supported for `on_failure_callback`'s defined at the DAG-level, or in
`default_args`. Support for other callback types and Task/TaskGroup-level definitions are coming soon.**
callback: airflow.providers.slack.notifications.slack.send_slack_notification
slack_conn_id: example_slack_id
text: |
:red_circle: Task Failed.
This task has failed and needs to be addressed.
Please remediate this issue ASAP.
channel: analytics-alerts
username: Airflow
## Notes
### HttpSensor (since 1.0.0)
The package `airflow.providers.http.sensors.http` is available for Airflow 2.0+
The following example shows `response_check` logic in a python file:
operator: airflow.providers.http.sensors.http.HttpSensor
http_conn_id: 'test-http'
method: 'GET'
response_check_name: check_sensor
response_check_file: /path/to/example1/http_conn.py
dependencies: [task_1]
The `response_check` logic can also be provided as a lambda:
operator: airflow.providers.http.sensors.http.HttpSensor
http_conn_id: 'test-http'
method: 'GET'
response_check_lambda: 'lambda response: "ok" in response.text'
dependencies: [task_1]
## Benefits
- Construct DAGs without knowing Python
- Construct DAGs without learning Airflow primitives
- Avoid duplicative code
- Everyone loves YAML! ;)
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Just submit a Pull Request or Github Issue.
## License
To learn more about the terms and conditions for use, reproduction and distribution, read the [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/astronomer/dag-factory/blob/main/LICENSE).
## Privacy Notice
This project follows [Astronomer's Privacy Policy](https://www.astronomer.io/privacy/).
For further information, [read this](https://github.com/astronomer/dag-factory/blob/main/PRIVACY_NOTICE.md)
## Security Policy
Check the project's [Security Policy](https://github.com/astronomer/dag-factory/blob/main/SECURITY.md) to learn
how to report security vulnerabilities in DAG Factory and how security issues reported to the DAG Factory
security team are handled.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": null,
"name": "dag-factory",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "airflow, apache-airflow, astronomer, dag, provider",
"author": null,
"author_email": "Astronomer <humans@astronomer.io>",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1e/da/00fc5f213ae26c1ae231956559aa023c3275408b8b116dffe89995c0f5b3/dag_factory-0.22.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# dag-factory\n\n[](https://github.com/astronomer/dag-factory/actions?workflow=build)\n[](https://codecov.io/github/astronomer/dag-factory?branch=master)\n[](https://pypi.org/project/dag-factory/)\n[](https://github.com/ambv/black)\n[](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/dag-factory)\n\n<img alt=analytics referrerpolicy=\"no-referrer-when-downgrade\" src=\"https://static.scarf.sh/a.png?x-pxid=2bb92a5b-beb3-48cc-a722-79dda1089eda\" />\n\nWelcome to *dag-factory*! *dag-factory* is a library for [Apache Airflow\u00ae](https://airflow.apache.org) to construct DAGs\ndeclaratively via configuration files.\n\nThe minimum requirements for **dag-factory** are:\n\n- Python 3.8.0+\n- [Apache Airflow\u00ae](https://airflow.apache.org) 2.0+\n\nFor a gentle introduction, please take a look at our [Quickstart Guide](#quickstart). For more examples, please see the\n[examples](/examples) folder.\n\n- [Quickstart](#quickstart)\n- [Features](#features)\n - [Multiple Configuration Files](#multiple-configuration-files)\n - [Dynamically Mapped Tasks](#dynamically-mapped-tasks)\n - [Datasets](#datasets)\n - [Custom Operators](#custom-operators)\n- [Benefits](#benefits)\n- [Notes](#notes)\n - [HttpSensor (since 1.0.0)](#httpsensor-since-100)\n- [Contributing](#contributing)\n\n## Quickstart\n\nThe following example demonstrates how to create a simple DAG using *dag-factory*. We will be generating a DAG with three tasks, where `task_2` and `task_3` depend on `task_1`.\nThese tasks will be leveraging the `BashOperator` to execute simple bash commands.\n\n\n\n(1) To install *dag-factory*, run the following pip command in your [Apache Airflow\u00ae](https://airflow.apache.org) environment:\n\n```bash\npip install dag-factory\n```\n\n(2) Create a YAML configuration file called `config_file.yml` and save it within your dags folder:\n\n```yaml\nexample_dag1:\n default_args:\n owner: 'example_owner'\n retries: 1\n start_date: '2024-01-01'\n schedule_interval: '0 3 * * *'\n catchup: False\n description: 'this is an example dag!'\n tasks:\n task_1:\n operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator\n bash_command: 'echo 1'\n task_2:\n operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator\n bash_command: 'echo 2'\n dependencies: [task_1]\n task_3:\n operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator\n bash_command: 'echo 3'\n dependencies: [task_1]\n```\n\nWe are setting the execution order of the tasks by specifying the `dependencies` key.\n\n(3) In the same folder, create a python file called `generate_dags.py`. This file is responsible for generating the DAGs from the configuration file and is a one-time setup.\nYou won't need to modify this file unless you want to add more configuration files or change the configuration file name.\n\n```python\nfrom airflow import DAG ## by default, this is needed for the dagbag to parse this file\nimport dagfactory\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nconfig_file = Path.cwd() / \"dags/config_file.yml\"\ndag_factory = dagfactory.DagFactory(config_file)\n\ndag_factory.clean_dags(globals())\ndag_factory.generate_dags(globals())\n```\n\nAfter a few moments, the DAG will be generated and ready to run in Airflow. Unpause the DAG in the [Apache Airflow\u00ae](https://airflow.apache.org) UI and watch the tasks execute!\n\n\n\nPlease look at the [examples](/examples) folder for more examples.\n\n## Features\n\n### Multiple Configuration Files\n\nIf you want to split your DAG configuration into multiple files, you can do so by leveraging a suffix in the configuration file name.\n\n```python\n from dagfactory import load_yaml_dags # load relevant YAML files as airflow DAGs\n\n load_yaml_dags(globals_dict=globals(), suffix=['dag.yaml'])\n```\n\n### Dynamically Mapped Tasks\n\nIf you want to create a dynamic number of tasks, you can use the `mapped_tasks` key in the configuration file. The `mapped_tasks` key is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a task.\n\n```yaml\n...\n tasks:\n request:\n operator: airflow.operators.python.PythonOperator\n python_callable_name: example_task_mapping\n python_callable_file: /usr/local/airflow/dags/expand_tasks.py # this file should contain the python callable\n process:\n operator: airflow.operators.python_operator.PythonOperator\n python_callable_name: expand_task\n python_callable_file: /usr/local/airflow/dags/expand_tasks.py\n partial:\n op_kwargs:\n test_id: \"test\"\n expand:\n op_args:\n request.output\n dependencies: [request]\n```\n\n\n\n### Datasets\n\n**dag-factory** supports scheduling DAGs via [Apache Airflow Datasets](https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/authoring-and-scheduling/datasets.html).\n\nTo leverage, you need to specify the `Dataset` in the `outlets` key in the configuration file. The `outlets` key is a list of strings that represent the dataset locations.\nIn the `schedule` key of the consumer dag, you can set the `Dataset` you would like to schedule against. The key is a list of strings that represent the dataset locations.\nThe consumer dag will run when all the datasets are available.\n\n```yaml\nproducer_dag:\n default_args:\n owner: \"example_owner\"\n retries: 1\n start_date: '2024-01-01'\n description: \"Example DAG producer simple datasets\"\n schedule_interval: \"0 5 * * *\"\n tasks:\n task_1:\n operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator\n bash_command: \"echo 1\"\n outlets: [ 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset1.json' ]\n task_2:\n bash_command: \"echo 2\"\n dependencies: [ task_1 ]\n outlets: [ 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset2.json' ]\nconsumer_dag:\n default_args:\n owner: \"example_owner\"\n retries: 1\n start_date: '2024-01-01'\n description: \"Example DAG consumer simple datasets\"\n schedule: [ 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset1.json', 's3://bucket_example/raw/dataset2.json' ]\n tasks:\n task_1:\n operator: airflow.operators.bash_operator.BashOperator\n bash_command: \"echo 'consumer datasets'\"\n```\n\n\n\n### Custom Operators\n\n**dag-factory** supports using custom operators. To leverage, set the path to the custom operator within the `operator` key in the configuration file. You can add any additional parameters that the custom operator requires.\n\n```yaml\n...\n tasks:\n begin:\n operator: airflow.operators.dummy_operator.DummyOperator\n make_bread_1:\n operator: customized.operators.breakfast_operators.MakeBreadOperator\n bread_type: 'Sourdough'\n```\n\n\n\n### Callbacks\n\n**dag-factory** also supports using \"callbacks\" at the DAG, Task, and TaskGroup level. These callbacks can be defined in\na few different ways. The first points directly to a Python function that has been defined in the `include/callbacks.py`\nfile.\n\n```yaml\nexample_dag1:\n on_failure_callback: include.callbacks.example_callback1\n...\n```\n\nHere, the `on_success_callback` points to first a file, and then to a function name within that file. Notice that this\ncallback is defined using `default_args`, meaning this callback will be applied to all tasks.\n\n```yaml\nexample_dag1:\n ...\n default_args:\n on_success_callback_file: /usr/local/airflow/include/callbacks.py\n on_success_callback_name: example_callback1\n```\n\n**dag-factory** users can also leverage provider-built tools when configuring callbacks. In this example, the\n`send_slack_notification` function from the Slack provider is used to dispatch a message when a DAG failure occurs. This\nfunction is passed to the `callback` key under `on_failure_callback`. This pattern allows for callback definitions to\ntake parameters (such as `text`, `channel`, and `username`, as shown here).\n\n**Note that this functionality is currently only supported for `on_failure_callback`'s defined at the DAG-level, or in\n`default_args`. Support for other callback types and Task/TaskGroup-level definitions are coming soon.**\n\n```yaml\nexample_dag1:\n on_failure_callback:\n callback: airflow.providers.slack.notifications.slack.send_slack_notification\n slack_conn_id: example_slack_id\n text: |\n :red_circle: Task Failed.\n This task has failed and needs to be addressed.\n Please remediate this issue ASAP.\n channel: analytics-alerts\n username: Airflow\n...\n```\n\n## Notes\n\n### HttpSensor (since 1.0.0)\n\nThe package `airflow.providers.http.sensors.http` is available for Airflow 2.0+\n\nThe following example shows `response_check` logic in a python file:\n\n```yaml\ntask_2:\n operator: airflow.providers.http.sensors.http.HttpSensor\n http_conn_id: 'test-http'\n method: 'GET'\n response_check_name: check_sensor\n response_check_file: /path/to/example1/http_conn.py\n dependencies: [task_1]\n```\n\nThe `response_check` logic can also be provided as a lambda:\n\n```yaml\ntask_2:\n operator: airflow.providers.http.sensors.http.HttpSensor\n http_conn_id: 'test-http'\n method: 'GET'\n response_check_lambda: 'lambda response: \"ok\" in response.text'\n dependencies: [task_1]\n```\n\n## Benefits\n\n- Construct DAGs without knowing Python\n- Construct DAGs without learning Airflow primitives\n- Avoid duplicative code\n- Everyone loves YAML! ;)\n\n## Contributing\n\nContributions are welcome! Just submit a Pull Request or Github Issue.\n\n## License\n\nTo learn more about the terms and conditions for use, reproduction and distribution, read the [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/astronomer/dag-factory/blob/main/LICENSE).\n\n## Privacy Notice\n\nThis project follows [Astronomer's Privacy Policy](https://www.astronomer.io/privacy/).\n\nFor further information, [read this](https://github.com/astronomer/dag-factory/blob/main/PRIVACY_NOTICE.md)\n\n## Security Policy\n\nCheck the project's [Security Policy](https://github.com/astronomer/dag-factory/blob/main/SECURITY.md) to learn\nhow to report security vulnerabilities in DAG Factory and how security issues reported to the DAG Factory\nsecurity team are handled.\n",
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"summary": "Dynamically build Apache Airflow DAGs from YAML files",
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