
Namedash-json-grid JSON
Version 0.3.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryDash porting version of the react project React JSON Grid. Provide structured and nested grid table view of complicated JSON objects/arrays.
upload_time2024-09-14 06:34:28
licenseMIT License
keywords python python3 python-library dash plotly-dash python-dash json json-viewer json-table data-visualization
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Dash JSON Grid

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Dash JSON Grid is a Dash component library.

Dash porting version of the react project [React JSON Grid :link:][git-react-json-grid]. Provide structured and nested grid table view of complicated JSON objects/arrays.

The following two figures compare the demos of the original React version and the ported Dash version. Since this project is just a dash component wrapper on the original React component, the performance is the same.

|             React JSON Grid             |            Dash JSON Grid             |
| :-------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------: |
| ![demo-react][pic-demo-react] | ![demo-dash][pic-demo-dash] |

## 1. Install

Intall the **latest released version** of this package by using the PyPI source:

``` sh
python -m pip install dash-json-grid

Or use the following commands to install **the developing version** from the GitHub Source when you have already installed [Git :hammer:][tool-git], [NodeJS :hammer:][tool-nodejs], and [Yarn :hammer:][tool-yarn]:

git clone https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid
cd dash-json-grid
yarn install
yarn build
python -m pip install .

## 2. Usage

* The component can be initialized by the following signature:

    ``` python
    import dash_json_grid

        id: str | dict{...},
        class_name: str,
        data: Any,
        default_expand_depth: int,
        default_expand_key_tree: dict,
        selected_path: list ,
        highlight_selected: bool,
        search_text: str,
        theme: str | dict,
        loading_state: dict

    where we use `data` to provide the data to be viewed.

* Users can also initialize the component by a string:

    ``` python
    import dash_json_grid

        json_string: str, ...

    By using this signature, the first argument `json_string` will be a string that can be decoded by a JSON decoder. In this case, `data` should not be used.

* It is also allowed to use a file to initialize the component directly:
    ``` python
    import dash_json_grid

        json_file: str | os.PathLike | IO[str], ...

    By using this signature, the first argument `json_file` will be path pointing to a json file or a file-like object. In this case, `data` should not be used.

> Note that `json_str` and `json_file` are translated to `data` during the initialization. Therefore, `json_str` or `json_file` will not be properties that can be accessed by a callback.

## 3. Properties

The `DashJsonGrid` component supports the following callback-accessible properties:

| Name                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| id                      | `str` or `dict`   | The ID of the component. A dictionary-id is used for creating a [pattern-matching callback :book:][dash-pmcallback].        | undefined     |
| class_name              | `str`   | The css-class of the component. Use ` ` to separate different names.        | undefined     |
| data                    | `Any`   | The JSON-serializable simple object to be transformed into a grid table.         | Requried :exclamation:     |
| default_expand_depth    | `int`   | The depth to which the grid is expanded by default.                   | `0`             |
| default_expand_key_tree | `dict`  | Tree-like structure with all keys that needs to be expanded. This value should be used only when `data` is a `dict`.          | undefined     |
| selected_path           | `list`  | A sequence of indicies representing the route of the currently selected element. The last value can represent a column or a table if it is a one-value list. | `[]` |
| highlight_selected      | `bool`  | Whether to highlight the selected item or not. If disabled, the selection will not trigger callbacks. | `True`          |
| search_text             | `str`   | The text that needs to be searched in the JSON data.                  | undefined     |
| theme                   | `str` or `dict`   | The theme name or the dictionary representing the details of a theme.  | `"default"`   |
| loading_state           | `dict`   | The loading state set by Dash. This value should not be used by users. | undefined            |

The following arguments are **NOT** properties. They are used for providing different ways of initialization.

* Used by the class method `from_str(...)`
    | Name                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |
    | --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
    | json_string | `str`   | A string that can be decoded as json data. This value is configured for replacing `data` duirng the initialization.  | Required :exclamation:   |

* Used by the class method `from_file(...)`
    | Name                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |
    | --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
    | json_file | `str` or `PathLike` or `IO[str]` | If it is a string or a path-like object, it is used for locating the json file. It can be a file-like object, too. This value is also used for replacing `data`.  | Required :exclamation:   |

> Please remember to use the callback property to get `data` in any case. Python allows users to define a dictionary key by hashable objects like `int`. However, the keyword in the JSON data is always `str`. Therefore, using `data` property to get the value can ensure that the data structure is aligned with the other callback properties like `selected_path`.

## 3. Additional utilities

The following functions are used for helping users to update the component by the callback.

### 3.1. Compare routes

``` python
class DashJsonGrid:
    def compare_routes(route_1: Route, route_2: Route) -> bool: ...

# Example
    Input("viewer", "selected_path")
def check_route(route):
    if DashJsonGrid.compare_routes(route, [1, "new", ["column"]]):
        # Will do something only when route is [1, "new", ["column"]]

We use this `compare_route` method to validate whether the route provided by the selected callback is a specific value or not.

| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| route_1 | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | The routes are provided by the `selected_path` callback. Each element represents a index of the routing level sequentially. The last element may be a one-element sequence. In this case, it represents the selected value is a table or a table column.  | Required :exclamation:   |
| route_2 | The same as `route_1` | The second route value to be compared.  | Required :exclamation:   |

### 3.2. Get a part of the data.

``` python
class DashJsonGrid:
    def get_data_by_route(data: Any, route: Route) -> Any: ...

# Example
    Input("viewer", "selected_path"),
    State("viewer", "data")
def show_data(route, data):
    data_part = DashJsonGrid.get_data_by_route(data, route)

This method is used for getting the small part of the data by a specific `route`.

| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| data | `Any` | The whole data object to be routed.  | Required :exclamation:   |
| route | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | A sequence of indicies used for locating the specific value in `data`. If the last element of this `route` locates a table column, will locate each value of the column as a sequence.  | Required :exclamation:   |

| Returned                  | Type     | Description                                                           |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| #1 | `Any` | The value located by `route`.  |

### 3.3. Modify a part of the data.

``` python
class DashJsonGrid:
    def update_data_by_route(data: Any, route: Route, val: Any) -> Any: ...

# Example
    Output("viewer", "data"),
    Input("viewer", "selected_path"),
    State("viewer", "data")
def modify_data(route, data):
    data_part = DashJsonGrid.get_data_by_route(data, route)
    modified_part = ...  # Do some modification
    DashJsonGrid.update_data_by_route(data, route, modified_part)
    return data

This method is used for updating the data part selected by a specific `route`, where `route` is provided by the callback value `selected_path`.

| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| data | `Any` | The whole data object to be updated.  | Required :exclamation:   |
| route | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | A sequence of indicies used for locating the specific value in `data`. If the last element of this `route` locates a table column, will apply the update to each value of the column.  | Required :exclamation:   |
| val | `Any` | The value used for updating the located part of the given dictionary. If a table column is located, this `val` will be broadcasted to each value of the column. If the broadcasting fails, raise an `IndexError`. | Required :exclamation: |

| Returned                  | Type     | Description                                                           |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| #1 | `Any` | The modified `data`.  Since `data` is mutable, even if this returned value is not used, the modification will still take effect. |

### 3.4. Delete a part of the data.

``` python
class DashJsonGrid:
    def delete_data_by_route(data: Any, route: Route) -> Any:

# Example
    Output("viewer", "data"),
    Input("viewer", "selected_path"),
    State("viewer", "data")
def delete_data(route, data):
    deleted_part = DashJsonGrid.delete_data_by_route(data, route)
    # deleted_part is the part that is removed from the whole data.
    return data

This method is similar to the functionality of `dict.pop(...)`. It accepts the `route` specified by the callback value `selected_path`, remove the data part selected by the value, and return the removed part as the output.

| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| data | `Any` | The whole data object to be modified, where the located part will be deleted.  | Required :exclamation:   |
| route | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | A sequence of indicies used for locating the specific value in `data`. If the last element of this `route` locates a table column, will pop out the each value of the column.  | Required :exclamation:   |
| val | `Any` | The data that is deleted and poped out. | Required :exclamation: |

| Returned                  | Type     | Description                                                           |
| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| #1 | `Any` | The data that is deleted and poped out. |

## 4. Available themes

The property `theme` can be a theme name (`str`) or a theme-configuration dictionary (`dict`). The dictionary format should be like this:

``` python
theme = {
    "bgColor": "#f5f5f5",
    "booleanColor": "#007acc",
    "cellBorderColor": "#c0c0c0",
    "highlightBgColor": "#e0e0e0",
    "indexColor": "#666666",
    "keyNameColor": "#333333",
    "numberColor": "#007acc",
    "objectColor": "#333333",
    "searchHighlightBgColor": "#cccccc",
    "stringColor": "#2ca22c",
    "tableBorderColor": "#d3d3d3",
    "tableHeaderBgColor": "#dddddd",
    "tableHeaderColor": "#333333",

The configuration `theme` can be incomplete. It is recommended that this value can be initialized by a typed dictionary:

``` python
import dash_json_grid

theme = dash_json_grid.ThemeConfigs(

When using the theme name, the available theme names are:

``` python
    "default", "dracula", "monokai", "oceanicPark", "panda",
    "gruvboxMaterial", "tokyoNight", "remedy", "atlanticNight",
    "defaultLight", "defaultLight2", "slime", "spacegray",
    "blueberryDark", "nord", "nightOwl", "oneMonokai", "cobaltNext",
    "shadesOfPurple", "codeBlue", "softEra", "atomMaterial",
    "evaDark", "moonLight"

## 5. Contributing

See [CONTRIBUTING.md :book:][link-contributing]

## 6. Changelog

See [Changelog.md :book:][link-changelog]

## 7. Acknowledgements

- [RedHeadphone/react-json-grid :link:][git-react-json-grid]: The original React component implementation of this project.
- [jsongrid.com :link:][link-json-grid]: Grid design and styles.
- [kevincobain2000/json-to-html-table :link:][git-json-to-html]: React Component and project structure





Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "dash-json-grid",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "Yuchen Jin <cainmagi@gmail.com>",
    "keywords": "python, python3, python-library, dash, plotly-dash, python-dash, json, json-viewer, json-table, data-visualization",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Yuchen Jin <cainmagi@gmail.com>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/fa/03/adc1180b0f6cb78d7f00a0e3891c5e997dc9e62bb62a923972616d8e1ea3/dash_json_grid-0.3.1.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Dash JSON Grid\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/releases/latest\"><img alt=\"GitHub release (latest SemVer)\" src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/cainmagi/dash-json-grid?logo=github&sort=semver&style=flat-square\"></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/releases\"><img alt=\"GitHub all releases\" src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/total?logo=github&style=flat-square\"></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/blob/main/LICENSE\"><img alt=\"GitHub\" src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/license/cainmagi/dash-json-grid?style=flat-square&logo=opensourceinitiative&logoColor=white\"></a>\n  <a href=\"https://pypi.org/project/dash-json-grid\"><img alt=\"PyPI - Downloads\" src=\"https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/dash-json-grid?style=flat-square&logo=pypi&logoColor=white&label=pypi\"\n  \"></a>\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/actions/workflows/python-package.yml\"><img alt=\"GitHub Actions (Build)\" src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/python-package.yml?style=flat-square&logo=githubactions&logoColor=white&label=build\"></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/actions/workflows/python-publish.yml\"><img alt=\"GitHub Actions (Release)\" src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/python-publish.yml?style=flat-square&logo=githubactions&logoColor=white&label=release\"></a>\n</p>\n\nDash JSON Grid is a Dash component library.\n\nDash porting version of the react project [React JSON Grid :link:][git-react-json-grid]. Provide structured and nested grid table view of complicated JSON objects/arrays.\n\nThe following two figures compare the demos of the original React version and the ported Dash version. Since this project is just a dash component wrapper on the original React component, the performance is the same.\n\n|             React JSON Grid             |            Dash JSON Grid             |\n| :-------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------: |\n| ![demo-react][pic-demo-react] | ![demo-dash][pic-demo-dash] |\n\n## 1. Install\n\nIntall the **latest released version** of this package by using the PyPI source:\n\n``` sh\npython -m pip install dash-json-grid\n```\n\nOr use the following commands to install **the developing version** from the GitHub Source when you have already installed [Git :hammer:][tool-git], [NodeJS :hammer:][tool-nodejs], and [Yarn :hammer:][tool-yarn]:\n\n```bash\ngit clone https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid\ncd dash-json-grid\nyarn install\nyarn build\npython -m pip install .\n```\n\n## 2. Usage\n\n* The component can be initialized by the following signature:\n\n    ``` python\n    import dash_json_grid\n\n    dash_json_grid.DashJsonGrid(\n        id: str | dict{...},\n        class_name: str,\n        data: Any,\n        default_expand_depth: int,\n        default_expand_key_tree: dict,\n        selected_path: list ,\n        highlight_selected: bool,\n        search_text: str,\n        theme: str | dict,\n        loading_state: dict\n    )\n    ```\n\n    where we use `data` to provide the data to be viewed.\n\n* Users can also initialize the component by a string:\n\n    ``` python\n    import dash_json_grid\n\n    dash_json_grid.DashJsonGrid.from_str(\n        json_string: str, ...\n    )\n    ```\n\n    By using this signature, the first argument `json_string` will be a string that can be decoded by a JSON decoder. In this case, `data` should not be used.\n\n* It is also allowed to use a file to initialize the component directly:\n  \n    ``` python\n    import dash_json_grid\n\n    dash_json_grid.DashJsonGrid.from_file(\n        json_file: str | os.PathLike | IO[str], ...\n    )\n    ```\n\n    By using this signature, the first argument `json_file` will be path pointing to a json file or a file-like object. In this case, `data` should not be used.\n\n> [!WARNING]\n> Note that `json_str` and `json_file` are translated to `data` during the initialization. Therefore, `json_str` or `json_file` will not be properties that can be accessed by a callback.\n\n## 3. Properties\n\nThe `DashJsonGrid` component supports the following callback-accessible properties:\n\n| Name                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n| id                      | `str` or `dict`   | The ID of the component. A dictionary-id is used for creating a [pattern-matching callback :book:][dash-pmcallback].        | undefined     |\n| class_name              | `str`   | The css-class of the component. Use ` ` to separate different names.        | undefined     |\n| data                    | `Any`   | The JSON-serializable simple object to be transformed into a grid table.         | Requried :exclamation:     |\n| default_expand_depth    | `int`   | The depth to which the grid is expanded by default.                   | `0`             |\n| default_expand_key_tree | `dict`  | Tree-like structure with all keys that needs to be expanded. This value should be used only when `data` is a `dict`.          | undefined     |\n| selected_path           | `list`  | A sequence of indicies representing the route of the currently selected element. The last value can represent a column or a table if it is a one-value list. | `[]` |\n| highlight_selected      | `bool`  | Whether to highlight the selected item or not. If disabled, the selection will not trigger callbacks. | `True`          |\n| search_text             | `str`   | The text that needs to be searched in the JSON data.                  | undefined     |\n| theme                   | `str` or `dict`   | The theme name or the dictionary representing the details of a theme.  | `\"default\"`   |\n| loading_state           | `dict`   | The loading state set by Dash. This value should not be used by users. | undefined            |\n\nThe following arguments are **NOT** properties. They are used for providing different ways of initialization.\n\n* Used by the class method `from_str(...)`\n  \n    | Name                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |\n    | --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n    | json_string | `str`   | A string that can be decoded as json data. This value is configured for replacing `data` duirng the initialization.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n\n* Used by the class method `from_file(...)`\n  \n    | Name                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |\n    | --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n    | json_file | `str` or `PathLike` or `IO[str]` | If it is a string or a path-like object, it is used for locating the json file. It can be a file-like object, too. This value is also used for replacing `data`.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n\n> [!CAUTION]\n> Please remember to use the callback property to get `data` in any case. Python allows users to define a dictionary key by hashable objects like `int`. However, the keyword in the JSON data is always `str`. Therefore, using `data` property to get the value can ensure that the data structure is aligned with the other callback properties like `selected_path`.\n\n## 3. Additional utilities\n\nThe following functions are used for helping users to update the component by the callback.\n\n### 3.1. Compare routes\n\n``` python\nclass DashJsonGrid:\n    @staticmethod\n    def compare_routes(route_1: Route, route_2: Route) -> bool: ...\n\n\n# Example\n@callback(\n    Output(...),\n    Input(\"viewer\", \"selected_path\")\n)\ndef check_route(route):\n    if DashJsonGrid.compare_routes(route, [1, \"new\", [\"column\"]]):\n        # Will do something only when route is [1, \"new\", [\"column\"]]\n        ...\n```\n\nWe use this `compare_route` method to validate whether the route provided by the selected callback is a specific value or not.\n\n| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n| route_1 | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | The routes are provided by the `selected_path` callback. Each element represents a index of the routing level sequentially. The last element may be a one-element sequence. In this case, it represents the selected value is a table or a table column.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n| route_2 | The same as `route_1` | The second route value to be compared.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n\n### 3.2. Get a part of the data.\n\n``` python\nclass DashJsonGrid:\n    @staticmethod\n    def get_data_by_route(data: Any, route: Route) -> Any: ...\n\n\n# Example\n@callback(\n    Output(...),\n    Input(\"viewer\", \"selected_path\"),\n    State(\"viewer\", \"data\")\n)\ndef show_data(route, data):\n    data_part = DashJsonGrid.get_data_by_route(data, route)\n    ...\n```\n\nThis method is used for getting the small part of the data by a specific `route`.\n\n| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n| data | `Any` | The whole data object to be routed.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n| route | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | A sequence of indicies used for locating the specific value in `data`. If the last element of this `route` locates a table column, will locate each value of the column as a sequence.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n\n| Returned                  | Type     | Description                                                           |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| #1 | `Any` | The value located by `route`.  |\n\n### 3.3. Modify a part of the data.\n\n``` python\nclass DashJsonGrid:\n    @staticmethod\n    def update_data_by_route(data: Any, route: Route, val: Any) -> Any: ...\n\n\n# Example\n@callback(\n    Output(\"viewer\", \"data\"),\n    Input(\"viewer\", \"selected_path\"),\n    State(\"viewer\", \"data\")\n)\ndef modify_data(route, data):\n    data_part = DashJsonGrid.get_data_by_route(data, route)\n    modified_part = ...  # Do some modification\n    DashJsonGrid.update_data_by_route(data, route, modified_part)\n    return data\n```\n\nThis method is used for updating the data part selected by a specific `route`, where `route` is provided by the callback value `selected_path`.\n\n| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n| data | `Any` | The whole data object to be updated.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n| route | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | A sequence of indicies used for locating the specific value in `data`. If the last element of this `route` locates a table column, will apply the update to each value of the column.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n| val | `Any` | The value used for updating the located part of the given dictionary. If a table column is located, this `val` will be broadcasted to each value of the column. If the broadcasting fails, raise an `IndexError`. | Required :exclamation: |\n\n| Returned                  | Type     | Description                                                           |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| #1 | `Any` | The modified `data`.  Since `data` is mutable, even if this returned value is not used, the modification will still take effect. |\n\n### 3.4. Delete a part of the data.\n\n``` python\nclass DashJsonGrid:\n    @staticmethod\n    def delete_data_by_route(data: Any, route: Route) -> Any:\n\n\n# Example\n@callback(\n    Output(\"viewer\", \"data\"),\n    Input(\"viewer\", \"selected_path\"),\n    State(\"viewer\", \"data\")\n)\ndef delete_data(route, data):\n    deleted_part = DashJsonGrid.delete_data_by_route(data, route)\n    # deleted_part is the part that is removed from the whole data.\n    return data\n```\n\nThis method is similar to the functionality of `dict.pop(...)`. It accepts the `route` specified by the callback value `selected_path`, remove the data part selected by the value, and return the removed part as the output.\n\n| Argument                  | Type     | Description                                                           | Default       |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n| data | `Any` | The whole data object to be modified, where the located part will be deleted.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n| route | `Sequence` of `int`, `str`, or `[str]` | A sequence of indicies used for locating the specific value in `data`. If the last element of this `route` locates a table column, will pop out the each value of the column.  | Required :exclamation:   |\n| val | `Any` | The data that is deleted and poped out. | Required :exclamation: |\n\n| Returned                  | Type     | Description                                                           |\n| --------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| #1 | `Any` | The data that is deleted and poped out. |\n\n## 4. Available themes\n\nThe property `theme` can be a theme name (`str`) or a theme-configuration dictionary (`dict`). The dictionary format should be like this:\n\n``` python\ntheme = {\n    \"bgColor\": \"#f5f5f5\",\n    \"booleanColor\": \"#007acc\",\n    \"cellBorderColor\": \"#c0c0c0\",\n    \"highlightBgColor\": \"#e0e0e0\",\n    \"indexColor\": \"#666666\",\n    \"keyNameColor\": \"#333333\",\n    \"numberColor\": \"#007acc\",\n    \"objectColor\": \"#333333\",\n    \"searchHighlightBgColor\": \"#cccccc\",\n    \"stringColor\": \"#2ca22c\",\n    \"tableBorderColor\": \"#d3d3d3\",\n    \"tableHeaderBgColor\": \"#dddddd\",\n    \"tableHeaderColor\": \"#333333\",\n}\n```\n\nThe configuration `theme` can be incomplete. It is recommended that this value can be initialized by a typed dictionary:\n\n``` python\nimport dash_json_grid\n\ntheme = dash_json_grid.ThemeConfigs(\n    bgColor=\"#f5f5f5\",\n    booleanColor=\"#007acc\",\n    ...\n)\n```\n\nWhen using the theme name, the available theme names are:\n\n``` python\n[\n    \"default\", \"dracula\", \"monokai\", \"oceanicPark\", \"panda\",\n    \"gruvboxMaterial\", \"tokyoNight\", \"remedy\", \"atlanticNight\",\n    \"defaultLight\", \"defaultLight2\", \"slime\", \"spacegray\",\n    \"blueberryDark\", \"nord\", \"nightOwl\", \"oneMonokai\", \"cobaltNext\",\n    \"shadesOfPurple\", \"codeBlue\", \"softEra\", \"atomMaterial\",\n    \"evaDark\", \"moonLight\"\n]\n```\n\n## 5. Contributing\n\nSee [CONTRIBUTING.md :book:][link-contributing]\n\n## 6. Changelog\n\nSee [Changelog.md :book:][link-changelog]\n\n## 7. Acknowledgements\n\n- [RedHeadphone/react-json-grid :link:][git-react-json-grid]: The original React component implementation of this project.\n- [jsongrid.com :link:][link-json-grid]: Grid design and styles.\n- [kevincobain2000/json-to-html-table :link:][git-json-to-html]: React Component and project structure\n\n[git-react-json-grid]:https://github.com/RedHeadphone/react-json-grid\n[git-json-to-html]:https://github.com/kevincobain2000/json-to-html-table\n[link-json-grid]:https://jsongrid.com/json-grid\n[dash-pmcallback]:https://dash.plotly.com/pattern-matching-callbacks\n[tool-git]:https://git-scm.com/downloads\n[tool-nodejs]:https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager\n[tool-yarn]:https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install\n\n[pic-demo-react]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/main/display/demo-react.png\n[pic-demo-dash]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/main/display/demo-dash.png\n\n[link-contributing]:https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md\n[link-changelog]:https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/blob/main/Changelog.md\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT License",
    "summary": "Dash porting version of the react project React JSON Grid. Provide structured and nested grid table view of complicated JSON objects/arrays.",
    "version": "0.3.1",
    "project_urls": {
        "Changelog": "https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/blob/main/Changelog.md",
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid",
        "Issues": "https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid/issues",
        "Repository": "https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-json-grid.git"
    "split_keywords": [
        " python3",
        " python-library",
        " dash",
        " plotly-dash",
        " python-dash",
        " json",
        " json-viewer",
        " json-table",
        " data-visualization"
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