
Namedatamodel-code-generator-genson-wheel JSON
Version 0.25.6 PyPI version JSON
SummaryDatamodel Code Generator
upload_time2024-05-12 02:26:24
authorKoudai Aono
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # datamodel-code-generator

This code generator creates [pydantic v1 and v2]( model, [dataclasses.dataclass]( and [typing.TypedDict]( from an openapi file and others.

[![Build Status](](
[![PyPI version](](
[![PyPI - Python Version](](
[![Code style: black](](

## Help
See [documentation]( for more details.

## Sponsors

## Quick Installation

To install `datamodel-code-generator`:
$ pip install datamodel-code-generator

## Simple Usage
You can generate models from a local file.
$ datamodel-codegen --input api.yaml --output


openapi: "3.0.0"
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Swagger Petstore
    name: MIT
  - url:
      summary: List all pets
      operationId: listPets
        - pets
        - name: limit
          in: query
          description: How many items to return at one time (max 100)
          required: false
            type: integer
            format: int32
          description: A paged array of pets
              description: A link to the next page of responses
                type: string
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pets"
          description: unexpected error
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
                    Fn::Sub: arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${PythonVersionFunction.Arn}/invocations
                  passthroughBehavior: when_no_templates
                  httpMethod: POST
                  type: aws_proxy
      summary: Create a pet
      operationId: createPets
        - pets
          description: Null response
          description: unexpected error
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
                    Fn::Sub: arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${PythonVersionFunction.Arn}/invocations
                  passthroughBehavior: when_no_templates
                  httpMethod: POST
                  type: aws_proxy
      summary: Info for a specific pet
      operationId: showPetById
        - pets
        - name: petId
          in: path
          required: true
          description: The id of the pet to retrieve
            type: string
          description: Expected response to a valid request
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pets"
          description: unexpected error
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
        Fn::Sub: arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${PythonVersionFunction.Arn}/invocations
      passthroughBehavior: when_no_templates
      httpMethod: POST
      type: aws_proxy
        - id
        - name
          type: integer
          format: int64
          type: string
          type: string
      type: array
        $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
        - code
        - message
          type: integer
          format: int32
          type: string
      type: array
        type: object
            type: string
            description: To be used as a dataset parameter value
            type: string
            description: To be used as a version parameter value
            type: string
            format: uri
            description: "The URL describing the dataset's fields"
            type: string
            format: uri
            description: A URL to the API console for each API



# generated by datamodel-codegen:
#   filename:  api.yaml
#   timestamp: 2020-06-02T05:28:24+00:00

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Optional

from pydantic import AnyUrl, BaseModel, Field

class Pet(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str
    tag: Optional[str] = None

class Pets(BaseModel):
    __root__: List[Pet]

class Error(BaseModel):
    code: int
    message: str

class Api(BaseModel):
    apiKey: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='To be used as a dataset parameter value'
    apiVersionNumber: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, description='To be used as a version parameter value'
    apiUrl: Optional[AnyUrl] = Field(
        None, description="The URL describing the dataset's fields"
    apiDocumentationUrl: Optional[AnyUrl] = Field(
        None, description='A URL to the API console for each API'

class Apis(BaseModel):
    __root__: List[Api]

## Projects that use datamodel-code-generator
These OSS projects use datamodel-code-generator to generate many models. See the following linked projects for real world examples and inspiration.
- [Netflix/consoleme](
  - *[How do I generate models from the Swagger specification?](*
- [DataDog/integrations-core](
  - *[Config models](*
- [awslabs/aws-lambda-powertools-python](
  - *Recommended for [advanced-use-cases]( in the official documentation*
- [open-metadata/OpenMetadata](
  - [Makefile](
- [airbytehq/airbyte](
  - *[code-generator/Dockerfile](*
- [IBM/compliance-trestle](
  - *[Building the models from the OSCAL schemas.](*
- [SeldonIO/MLServer](
  - *[](*
## Supported input types
-  OpenAPI 3 (YAML/JSON, [OpenAPI Data Type](
-  JSON Schema ([JSON Schema Core]([JSON Schema Validation](
-  JSON/YAML/CSV Data (it will be converted to JSON Schema)
-  Python dictionary (it will be converted to JSON Schema)

## Supported output types
- [pydantic](
- [pydantic_v2](
- [dataclasses.dataclass](
- [typing.TypedDict](

## Installation

To install `datamodel-code-generator`:
$ pip install datamodel-code-generator

### `http` extra option
If you want to resolve `$ref` for remote files then you should specify `http` extra option.
$ pip install datamodel-code-generator[http]

### Docker Image
The docker image is in [Docker Hub](
$ docker pull koxudaxi/datamodel-code-generator

## Advanced Uses
You can genearte models from a URL.
$ datamodel-codegen --url https://<INPUT FILE URL> --output
This method needs the [http extra option](#http-extra-option)

## All Command Options

The `datamodel-codegen` command:
usage: datamodel-codegen [-h] [--input INPUT] [--url URL]
                         [--http-headers HTTP_HEADER [HTTP_HEADER ...]]
                         [--input-file-type {auto,openapi,jsonschema,json,yaml,dict,csv}]
                         [--output-model-type {pydantic.BaseModel,pydantic_v2.BaseModel,dataclasses.dataclass,typing.TypedDict}]
                         [--openapi-scopes {schemas,paths,tags,parameters} [{schemas,paths,tags,parameters} ...]]
                         [--output OUTPUT] [--base-class BASE_CLASS]
                         [--field-constraints] [--use-annotated]
                         [--field-extra-keys FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS [FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS ...]]
                         [--field-extra-keys-without-x-prefix FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS_WITHOUT_X_PREFIX [FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS_WITHOUT_X_PREFIX ...]] 
                         [--original-field-name-delimiter ORIGINAL_FIELD_NAME_DELIMITER]
                         [--allow-extra-fields] [--enable-faux-immutability]
                         [--use-default] [--force-optional]
                         [--strict-types {str,bytes,int,float,bool} [{str,bytes,int,float,bool} ...]]
                         [--disable-timestamp] [--use-standard-collections]
                         [--use-union-operator] [--use-schema-description]
                         [--use-field-description] [--use-default-kwarg]
                         [--reuse-model] [--keep-model-order]
                         [--enum-field-as-literal {all,one}] [--use-one-literal-as-default]
                         [--empty-enum-field-name EMPTY_ENUM_FIELD_NAME]
                         [--special-field-name-prefix SPECIAL_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX]
                         [--use-subclass-enum] [--class-name CLASS_NAME]
                         [--use-title-as-name] [--use-operation-id-as-name]
                         [--custom-template-dir CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_DIR]
                         [--extra-template-data EXTRA_TEMPLATE_DATA]
                         [--aliases ALIASES]
                         [--target-python-version {3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.10,3.11}]
                         [--wrap-string-literal] [--validation]
                         [--use-double-quotes] [--encoding ENCODING] [--debug]
                         [--disable-warnings] [--version]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT         Input file/directory (default: stdin)
  --url URL             Input file URL. `--input` is ignored when `--url` is
  --http-headers HTTP_HEADER [HTTP_HEADER ...]
                        Set headers in HTTP requests to the remote host.
                        (example: "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz")
  --http-ignore-tls     Disable verification of the remote host's TLS
  --input-file-type {auto,openapi,jsonschema,json,yaml,dict,csv}
                        Input file type (default: auto)
  --output-model-type {pydantic.BaseModel,pydantic_v2.BaseModel,dataclasses.dataclass,typing.TypedDict}
                        Output model type (default: pydantic.BaseModel)
  --openapi-scopes {schemas,paths,tags,parameters} [{schemas,paths,tags,parameters} ...]
                        Scopes of OpenAPI model generation (default: schemas)
  --output OUTPUT       Output file (default: stdout)
  --base-class BASE_CLASS
                        Base Class (default: pydantic.BaseModel)
  --field-constraints   Use field constraints and not con* annotations
  --use-annotated       Use typing.Annotated for Field(). Also, `--field-
                        constraints` option will be enabled.
                        Use the Non{Positive,Negative}{FloatInt} types instead
                        of the corresponding con* constrained types.
  --field-extra-keys FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS [FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS ...]
                        Add extra keys to field parameters
                        Add all keys to field parameters
                        Add extra keys with `x-` prefix to field parameters.
                        The extra keys are stripped of the `x-` prefix.
  --snake-case-field    Change camel-case field name to snake-case
  --original-field-name-delimiter ORIGINAL_FIELD_NAME_DELIMITER
                        Set delimiter to convert to snake case. This option
                        only can be used with --snake-case-field (default: `_`
  --strip-default-none  Strip default None on fields
                        Disable appending `Item` suffix to model name in an
                        Allow population by field name
  --allow-extra-fields  Allow to pass extra fields, if this flag is not
                        passed, extra fields are forbidden.
                        Enable faux immutability
  --use-default         Use default value even if a field is required
  --force-optional      Force optional for required fields
  --strict-nullable     Treat default field as a non-nullable field (Only
  --strict-types {str,bytes,int,float,bool} [{str,bytes,int,float,bool} ...]
                        Use strict types
  --disable-timestamp   Disable timestamp on file headers
                        Use standard collections for type hinting (list, dict)
                        Use generic container types for type hinting
                        (typing.Sequence, typing.Mapping). If `--use-standard-
                        collections` option is set, then import from
               instead of typing
  --use-union-operator  Use | operator for Union type (PEP 604).
                        Use schema description to populate class docstring
                        Use schema description to populate field docstring
  --use-default-kwarg   Use `default=` instead of a positional argument for
                        Fields that have default values.
  --reuse-model         Re-use models on the field when a module has the model
                        with the same content
  --keep-model-order    Keep generated models' order
                        Models generated with a root-type field will be
                        mergedinto the models using that root-type model
  --enum-field-as-literal {all,one}
                        Parse enum field as literal. all: all enum field type
                        are Literal. one: field type is Literal when an enum
                        has only one possible value
                        Use one literal as default value for one literal field
                        Set enum members as default values for enum field
  --empty-enum-field-name EMPTY_ENUM_FIELD_NAME
                        Set field name when enum value is empty (default: `_`)
                        Capitalize field names on enum
  --special-field-name-prefix SPECIAL_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX
                        Set field name prefix when first character can't be
                        used as Python field name (default: `field`)
                        Remove field name prefix when first character can't be
                        used as Python field name
  --use-subclass-enum   Define Enum class as subclass with field type when
                        enum has type (int, float, bytes, str)
  --class-name CLASS_NAME
                        Set class name of root model
  --use-title-as-name   use titles as class names of models
                        define field type as `set` when the field attribute
                        has `uniqueItems`
  --custom-template-dir CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_DIR
                        Custom template directory
  --extra-template-data EXTRA_TEMPLATE_DATA
                        Extra template data
  --aliases ALIASES     Alias mapping file
  --target-python-version {3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.10,3.11}
                        target python version (default: 3.7)
                        Wrap string literal by using black `experimental-
                        string-processing` option (require black 20.8b0 or
  --validation          Enable validation (Only OpenAPI)
  --use-double-quotes   Model generated with double quotes. Single quotes or
                        your black config skip_string_normalization value will
                        be used without this option.
  --encoding ENCODING   The encoding of input and output (default: cp1252)
  --debug               show debug message
  --disable-warnings    disable warnings
  --version             show version

## Related projects
### fastapi-code-generator
This code generator creates [FastAPI]( app from an openapi file.


### pydantic-pycharm-plugin
[A JetBrains PyCharm plugin]( for [`pydantic`](


## PyPi


## License

datamodel-code-generator is released under the MIT License.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "datamodel-code-generator-genson-wheel",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Koudai Aono",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# datamodel-code-generator\n\nThis code generator creates [pydantic v1 and v2]( model, [dataclasses.dataclass]( and [typing.TypedDict]( from an openapi file and others.\n\n[![Build Status](](\n[![PyPI version](](\n[![Conda-forge](](\n[![Downloads](](\n[![PyPI - Python Version](](\n[![codecov](](\n![license](\n[![Code style: black](](\n\n\n## Help\nSee [documentation]( for more details.\n\n## Sponsors\n[![JetBrains](](\n\n## Quick Installation\n\nTo install `datamodel-code-generator`:\n```bash\n$ pip install datamodel-code-generator\n```\n\n## Simple Usage\nYou can generate models from a local file.\n```bash\n$ datamodel-codegen --input api.yaml --output\n```\n\n<details>\n<summary>api.yaml</summary>\n\n```yaml\nopenapi: \"3.0.0\"\ninfo:\n  version: 1.0.0\n  title: Swagger Petstore\n  license:\n    name: MIT\nservers:\n  - url:\npaths:\n  /pets:\n    get:\n      summary: List all pets\n      operationId: listPets\n      tags:\n        - pets\n      parameters:\n        - name: limit\n          in: query\n          description: How many items to return at one time (max 100)\n          required: false\n          schema:\n            type: integer\n            format: int32\n      responses:\n        '200':\n          description: A paged array of pets\n          headers:\n            x-next:\n              description: A link to the next page of responses\n              schema:\n                type: string\n          content:\n            application/json:\n              schema:\n                $ref: \"#/components/schemas/Pets\"\n        default:\n          description: unexpected error\n          content:\n            application/json:\n              schema:\n                $ref: \"#/components/schemas/Error\"\n                x-amazon-apigateway-integration:\n                  uri:\n                    Fn::Sub: arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${PythonVersionFunction.Arn}/invocations\n                  passthroughBehavior: when_no_templates\n                  httpMethod: POST\n                  type: aws_proxy\n    post:\n      summary: Create a pet\n      operationId: createPets\n      tags:\n        - pets\n      responses:\n        '201':\n          description: Null response\n        default:\n          description: unexpected error\n          content:\n            application/json:\n              schema:\n                $ref: \"#/components/schemas/Error\"\n                x-amazon-apigateway-integration:\n                  uri:\n                    Fn::Sub: arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${PythonVersionFunction.Arn}/invocations\n                  passthroughBehavior: when_no_templates\n                  httpMethod: POST\n                  type: aws_proxy\n  /pets/{petId}:\n    get:\n      summary: Info for a specific pet\n      operationId: showPetById\n      tags:\n        - pets\n      parameters:\n        - name: petId\n          in: path\n          required: true\n          description: The id of the pet to retrieve\n          schema:\n            type: string\n      responses:\n        '200':\n          description: Expected response to a valid request\n          content:\n            application/json:\n              schema:\n                $ref: \"#/components/schemas/Pets\"\n        default:\n          description: unexpected error\n          content:\n            application/json:\n              schema:\n                $ref: \"#/components/schemas/Error\"\n    x-amazon-apigateway-integration:\n      uri:\n        Fn::Sub: arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${PythonVersionFunction.Arn}/invocations\n      passthroughBehavior: when_no_templates\n      httpMethod: POST\n      type: aws_proxy\ncomponents:\n  schemas:\n    Pet:\n      required:\n        - id\n        - name\n      properties:\n        id:\n          type: integer\n          format: int64\n        name:\n          type: string\n        tag:\n          type: string\n    Pets:\n      type: array\n      items:\n        $ref: \"#/components/schemas/Pet\"\n    Error:\n      required:\n        - code\n        - message\n      properties:\n        code:\n          type: integer\n          format: int32\n        message:\n          type: string\n    apis:\n      type: array\n      items:\n        type: object\n        properties:\n          apiKey:\n            type: string\n            description: To be used as a dataset parameter value\n          apiVersionNumber:\n            type: string\n            description: To be used as a version parameter value\n          apiUrl:\n            type: string\n            format: uri\n            description: \"The URL describing the dataset's fields\"\n          apiDocumentationUrl:\n            type: string\n            format: uri\n            description: A URL to the API console for each API\n```\n\n</details>\n\n<details>\n<summary></summary>\n\n```python\n# generated by datamodel-codegen:\n#   filename:  api.yaml\n#   timestamp: 2020-06-02T05:28:24+00:00\n\nfrom __future__ import annotations\n\nfrom typing import List, Optional\n\nfrom pydantic import AnyUrl, BaseModel, Field\n\n\nclass Pet(BaseModel):\n    id: int\n    name: str\n    tag: Optional[str] = None\n\n\nclass Pets(BaseModel):\n    __root__: List[Pet]\n\n\nclass Error(BaseModel):\n    code: int\n    message: str\n\n\nclass Api(BaseModel):\n    apiKey: Optional[str] = Field(\n        None, description='To be used as a dataset parameter value'\n    )\n    apiVersionNumber: Optional[str] = Field(\n        None, description='To be used as a version parameter value'\n    )\n    apiUrl: Optional[AnyUrl] = Field(\n        None, description=\"The URL describing the dataset's fields\"\n    )\n    apiDocumentationUrl: Optional[AnyUrl] = Field(\n        None, description='A URL to the API console for each API'\n    )\n\n\nclass Apis(BaseModel):\n    __root__: List[Api]\n```\n</details>\n\n## Projects that use datamodel-code-generator\nThese OSS projects use datamodel-code-generator to generate many models. See the following linked projects for real world examples and inspiration.\n- [Netflix/consoleme](\n  - *[How do I generate models from the Swagger specification?](*\n- [DataDog/integrations-core](\n  - *[Config models](*\n- [awslabs/aws-lambda-powertools-python](\n  - *Recommended for [advanced-use-cases]( in the official documentation*\n- [open-metadata/OpenMetadata](\n  - [Makefile](\n- [airbytehq/airbyte](\n  - *[code-generator/Dockerfile](*\n- [IBM/compliance-trestle](\n  - *[Building the models from the OSCAL schemas.](*\n- [SeldonIO/MLServer](\n  - *[](*\n## Supported input types\n-  OpenAPI 3 (YAML/JSON, [OpenAPI Data Type](\n-  JSON Schema ([JSON Schema Core]([JSON Schema Validation](\n-  JSON/YAML/CSV Data (it will be converted to JSON Schema)\n-  Python dictionary (it will be converted to JSON Schema)\n\n## Supported output types\n- [pydantic](\n- [pydantic_v2](\n- [dataclasses.dataclass](\n- [typing.TypedDict](\n\n## Installation\n\nTo install `datamodel-code-generator`:\n```bash\n$ pip install datamodel-code-generator\n```\n\n### `http` extra option\nIf you want to resolve `$ref` for remote files then you should specify `http` extra option.\n```bash\n$ pip install datamodel-code-generator[http]\n```\n\n### Docker Image\nThe docker image is in [Docker Hub](\n```bash\n$ docker pull koxudaxi/datamodel-code-generator\n```\n\n## Advanced Uses\nYou can genearte models from a URL.\n```bash\n$ datamodel-codegen --url https://<INPUT FILE URL> --output\n```\nThis method needs the [http extra option](#http-extra-option)\n\n\n## All Command Options\n\nThe `datamodel-codegen` command:\n```bash\nusage: datamodel-codegen [-h] [--input INPUT] [--url URL]\n                         [--http-headers HTTP_HEADER [HTTP_HEADER ...]]\n                         [--http-ignore-tls]\n                         [--input-file-type {auto,openapi,jsonschema,json,yaml,dict,csv}]\n                         [--output-model-type {pydantic.BaseModel,pydantic_v2.BaseModel,dataclasses.dataclass,typing.TypedDict}]\n                         [--openapi-scopes {schemas,paths,tags,parameters} [{schemas,paths,tags,parameters} ...]]\n                         [--output OUTPUT] [--base-class BASE_CLASS]\n                         [--field-constraints] [--use-annotated]\n                         [--use-non-positive-negative-number-constrained-types]\n                         [--field-extra-keys FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS [FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS ...]]\n                         [--field-include-all-keys]\n                         [--field-extra-keys-without-x-prefix FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS_WITHOUT_X_PREFIX [FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS_WITHOUT_X_PREFIX ...]] \n                         [--snake-case-field]\n                         [--original-field-name-delimiter ORIGINAL_FIELD_NAME_DELIMITER]\n                         [--strip-default-none]\n                         [--disable-appending-item-suffix]\n                         [--allow-population-by-field-name]\n                         [--allow-extra-fields] [--enable-faux-immutability]\n                         [--use-default] [--force-optional]\n                         [--strict-nullable]\n                         [--strict-types {str,bytes,int,float,bool} [{str,bytes,int,float,bool} ...]]\n                         [--disable-timestamp] [--use-standard-collections]\n                         [--use-generic-container-types]\n                         [--use-union-operator] [--use-schema-description]\n                         [--use-field-description] [--use-default-kwarg]\n                         [--reuse-model] [--keep-model-order]\n                         [--collapse-root-models]\n                         [--enum-field-as-literal {all,one}] [--use-one-literal-as-default]\n                         [--set-default-enum-member]\n                         [--empty-enum-field-name EMPTY_ENUM_FIELD_NAME]\n                         [--capitalise-enum-members]\n                         [--special-field-name-prefix SPECIAL_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX]\n                         [--remove-special-field-name-prefix]\n                         [--use-subclass-enum] [--class-name CLASS_NAME]\n                         [--use-title-as-name] [--use-operation-id-as-name]\n                         [--use-unique-items-as-set]\n                         [--custom-template-dir CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_DIR]\n                         [--extra-template-data EXTRA_TEMPLATE_DATA]\n                         [--aliases ALIASES]\n                         [--target-python-version {3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.10,3.11}]\n                         [--wrap-string-literal] [--validation]\n                         [--use-double-quotes] [--encoding ENCODING] [--debug]\n                         [--disable-warnings] [--version]\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  --input INPUT         Input file/directory (default: stdin)\n  --url URL             Input file URL. `--input` is ignored when `--url` is\n                        used\n  --http-headers HTTP_HEADER [HTTP_HEADER ...]\n                        Set headers in HTTP requests to the remote host.\n                        (example: \"Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz\")\n  --http-ignore-tls     Disable verification of the remote host's TLS\n                        certificate\n  --input-file-type {auto,openapi,jsonschema,json,yaml,dict,csv}\n                        Input file type (default: auto)\n  --output-model-type {pydantic.BaseModel,pydantic_v2.BaseModel,dataclasses.dataclass,typing.TypedDict}\n                        Output model type (default: pydantic.BaseModel)\n  --openapi-scopes {schemas,paths,tags,parameters} [{schemas,paths,tags,parameters} ...]\n                        Scopes of OpenAPI model generation (default: schemas)\n  --output OUTPUT       Output file (default: stdout)\n  --base-class BASE_CLASS\n                        Base Class (default: pydantic.BaseModel)\n  --field-constraints   Use field constraints and not con* annotations\n  --use-annotated       Use typing.Annotated for Field(). Also, `--field-\n                        constraints` option will be enabled.\n  --use-non-positive-negative-number-constrained-types\n                        Use the Non{Positive,Negative}{FloatInt} types instead\n                        of the corresponding con* constrained types.\n  --field-extra-keys FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS [FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS ...]\n                        Add extra keys to field parameters\n  --field-include-all-keys\n                        Add all keys to field parameters\n  --field-extra-keys-without-x-prefix\n                        Add extra keys with `x-` prefix to field parameters.\n                        The extra keys are stripped of the `x-` prefix.\n  --snake-case-field    Change camel-case field name to snake-case\n  --original-field-name-delimiter ORIGINAL_FIELD_NAME_DELIMITER\n                        Set delimiter to convert to snake case. This option\n                        only can be used with --snake-case-field (default: `_`\n                        )\n  --strip-default-none  Strip default None on fields\n  --disable-appending-item-suffix\n                        Disable appending `Item` suffix to model name in an\n                        array\n  --allow-population-by-field-name\n                        Allow population by field name\n  --allow-extra-fields  Allow to pass extra fields, if this flag is not\n                        passed, extra fields are forbidden.\n  --enable-faux-immutability\n                        Enable faux immutability\n  --use-default         Use default value even if a field is required\n  --force-optional      Force optional for required fields\n  --strict-nullable     Treat default field as a non-nullable field (Only\n                        OpenAPI)\n  --strict-types {str,bytes,int,float,bool} [{str,bytes,int,float,bool} ...]\n                        Use strict types\n  --disable-timestamp   Disable timestamp on file headers\n  --use-standard-collections\n                        Use standard collections for type hinting (list, dict)\n  --use-generic-container-types\n                        Use generic container types for type hinting\n                        (typing.Sequence, typing.Mapping). If `--use-standard-\n                        collections` option is set, then import from\n               instead of typing\n  --use-union-operator  Use | operator for Union type (PEP 604).\n  --use-schema-description\n                        Use schema description to populate class docstring\n  --use-field-description\n                        Use schema description to populate field docstring\n  --use-default-kwarg   Use `default=` instead of a positional argument for\n                        Fields that have default values.\n  --reuse-model         Re-use models on the field when a module has the model\n                        with the same content\n  --keep-model-order    Keep generated models' order\n  --collapse-root-models\n                        Models generated with a root-type field will be\n                        mergedinto the models using that root-type model\n  --enum-field-as-literal {all,one}\n                        Parse enum field as literal. all: all enum field type\n                        are Literal. one: field type is Literal when an enum\n                        has only one possible value\n  --use-one-literal-as-default\n                        Use one literal as default value for one literal field\n  --set-default-enum-member\n                        Set enum members as default values for enum field\n  --empty-enum-field-name EMPTY_ENUM_FIELD_NAME\n                        Set field name when enum value is empty (default: `_`)\n  --capitalise-enum-members\n                        Capitalize field names on enum\n  --special-field-name-prefix SPECIAL_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX\n                        Set field name prefix when first character can't be\n                        used as Python field name (default: `field`)\n  --remove-special-field-name-prefix\n                        Remove field name prefix when first character can't be\n                        used as Python field name\n  --use-subclass-enum   Define Enum class as subclass with field type when\n                        enum has type (int, float, bytes, str)\n  --class-name CLASS_NAME\n                        Set class name of root model\n  --use-title-as-name   use titles as class names of models\n  --use-unique-items-as-set\n                        define field type as `set` when the field attribute\n                        has `uniqueItems`\n  --custom-template-dir CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_DIR\n                        Custom template directory\n  --extra-template-data EXTRA_TEMPLATE_DATA\n                        Extra template data\n  --aliases ALIASES     Alias mapping file\n  --target-python-version {3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.10,3.11}\n                        target python version (default: 3.7)\n  --wrap-string-literal\n                        Wrap string literal by using black `experimental-\n                        string-processing` option (require black 20.8b0 or\n                        later)\n  --validation          Enable validation (Only OpenAPI)\n  --use-double-quotes   Model generated with double quotes. Single quotes or\n                        your black config skip_string_normalization value will\n                        be used without this option.\n  --encoding ENCODING   The encoding of input and output (default: cp1252)\n  --debug               show debug message\n  --disable-warnings    disable warnings\n  --version             show version\n```\n\n## Related projects\n### fastapi-code-generator\nThis code generator creates [FastAPI]( app from an openapi file.\n\n[](\n\n### pydantic-pycharm-plugin\n[A JetBrains PyCharm plugin]( for [`pydantic`](\n\n[](\n\n## PyPi\n\n[](\n\n## License\n\ndatamodel-code-generator is released under the MIT License.\n",
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