
Namedbcooper JSON
Version 0.0.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryShort description of the package.
upload_time2023-03-23 13:39:17
authorMichael Chow
keywords template packaging
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # dbcooper-py


The dbcooper package turns a database connection into a collection of functions,
handling logic for keeping track of connections and letting you take advantage of
autocompletion when exploring a database.

It's especially helpful to use when authoring database-specific Python packages,
for instance in an internal company package or one wrapping a public data source.

For the R version see [dgrtwo/dbcooper](https://github.com/dgrtwo/dbcooper).

## Installation

pip install dbcooper

## Example

### Initializing the functions

The dbcooper package asks you to create the connection first.
As an example, we'll use the Lahman baseball database package (`lahman`).

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from dbcooper.data import lahman_sqlite

# connect to sqlite
engine = create_engine("sqlite://")

# load the lahman data into the "lahman" schema

Next we'll set up dbcooper

from dbcooper import DbCooper

dbc = DbCooper(engine)

The `DbCooper` object contains two important things:

* Accessors to fetch specific tables.
* Functions for interacting with the underlying database.

### Using table accessors

In the example below, we'll use the `"Lahman"."Salaries"` table as an example.
By default, dbcooper makes this accessible as `.lahman_salaries`.

**Plain** `.lahman_salaries` prints out table and column info, including types and descriptions.

# show table and column descriptions

<h3> salaries </h3>
<p> (No table description.) </p>
<tr><th>name    </th><th>type  </th><th>description  </th></tr>
<tr><td>index   </td><td>BIGINT</td><td>             </td></tr>
<tr><td>yearID  </td><td>BIGINT</td><td>             </td></tr>
<tr><td>teamID  </td><td>TEXT  </td><td>             </td></tr>
<tr><td>lgID    </td><td>TEXT  </td><td>             </td></tr>
<tr><td>playerID</td><td>TEXT  </td><td>             </td></tr>
<tr><td>salary  </td><td>BIGINT</td><td>             </td></tr>

Note that sqlite doesn't support table and columnn descriptions, so these sections
are empty.

**Calling** `.lahman_salaries()` fetches a lazy version of the data.


    # Source: lazy query
    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)
    # Preview:
       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary
    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000
    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000
    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000
    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333
    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000
    # .. may have more rows

Note that this data is a siuba `LazyTbl` object, which you can use to analyze the data.

from siuba import _, count

dbc.lahman_salaries() >> count(over_100k = _.salary > 100_000)

    # Source: lazy query
    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)
    # Preview:
       over_100k      n
    0       True  25374
    1      False   1054
    # .. may have more rows

### Using database functions

* `.list()`: Get a list of tables
* `.tbl()`: Access a table that can be worked with using `siuba`.
* `.query()`: Perform a SQL query and work with the result.
* `._engine`: Get the underlying sqlalchemy engine.

For instance, we could start by finding the names of the tables in the Lahman database.



We can access one of these tables with `dbc.tbl()`, then put it through any kind
of siuba operation.


    # Source: lazy query
    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)
    # Preview:
       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary
    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000
    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000
    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000
    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333
    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000
    # .. may have more rows

from siuba import _, count
dbc.tbl("Salaries") >> count(_.yearID, sort=True)

    # Source: lazy query
    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)
    # Preview:
       yearID     n
    0    1999  1006
    1    1998   998
    2    1995   986
    3    1996   931
    4    1997   925
    # .. may have more rows

If you'd rather start from a SQL query, use the `.query()` method.

        sum(AB) as AB
    FROM Batting
    GROUP BY playerID

    # Source: lazy query
    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)
    # Preview:
        playerID     AB
    0  aardsda01      4
    1  aaronha01  12364
    2  aaronto01    944
    3   aasedo01      5
    4   abadan01     21
    # .. may have more rows

For anything else you might want to do, the sqlalchemy Engine object is available.
For example, the code below shows how you can set its `.echo` attribute, which
tells sqlalchemy to provide useful logs.

dbc._engine.echo = True
table_names = dbc.list()

    2022-03-20 22:49:37,553 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine PRAGMA database_list
    2022-03-20 22:49:37,554 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()
    2022-03-20 22:49:37,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT name FROM "main".sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name
    2022-03-20 22:49:37,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()
    2022-03-20 22:49:37,556 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT name FROM "lahman".sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name
    2022-03-20 22:49:37,557 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()

Note that the log messages above show that the `.list()` method executed two queries:
One to list tables in the "main" schema (which is empty), and one to list tables
in the "lahman" schema.

## Advanced Configuration

> ⚠️: These behaviors are well tested, but dbcooper's internals and API may change.

dbcooper can be configured in three ways, each corresponding to a class interface:

* **TableFinder**: Which tables will be used by `dbcooper`.
* **AccessorBuilder**: How table names are turned into accessors.
* **DbcDocumentedTable**: The class that defines what an accessor will return.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from dbcooper.data import lahman_sqlite
from dbcooper import DbCooper, AccessorBuilder

engine = create_engine("sqlite://")

### Excluding a schema

from dbcooper import TableFinder

finder = TableFinder(exclude_schemas=["lahman"])
dbc_no_lahman = DbCooper(engine, table_finder=finder)


### Formatting table names

from dbcooper import AccessorBuilder

# omits schema, and keeps only table name
# e.g. `salaries`, rather than `lahman_salaries`
builder = AccessorBuilder(format_from_part="table")

tbl_flat = DbCooper(engine, accessor_builder=builder)

    # Source: lazy query
    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)
    # Preview:
       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary
    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000
    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000
    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000
    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333
    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000
    # .. may have more rows

### Grouping tables by schema

from dbcooper import AccessorHierarchyBuilder

tbl_nested = DbCooper(engine, accessor_builder=AccessorHierarchyBuilder())

# note the form: <schema>.<table>

    # Source: lazy query
    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)
    # Preview:
       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary
    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000
    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000
    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000
    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333
    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000
    # .. may have more rows

### Don't show table documentation

from dbcooper import DbcSimpleTable

dbc_no_doc = DbCooper(engine, table_factory=DbcSimpleTable)

    DbcSimpleTable(..., 'salaries', 'lahman')

Note that sqlalchemy dialects like `snowflake-sqlalchemy` cannot look up things
like table and column descriptions as well as other dialects, so `DbcSimpleTable`
may be needed to connect to snowflake (see [this issue](https://github.com/snowflakedb/snowflake-sqlalchemy/issues/276)).

## Developing

# install with development dependencies
pip install -e .[dev]

# or install from requirements file
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

### Test

# run all tests, see pytest section of pyproject.toml

# run specific backends
pytest -m 'not snowflake and not bigquery'

# stop on first failure, drop into debugger
pytest -x --pdb

### Release

# set version number
git tag v0.0.1

# (optional) push to github
git push origin --tags

# check version
python -m setuptools_scm


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/machow/template-python-pkg",
    "name": "dbcooper",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "template,packaging",
    "author": "Michael Chow",
    "author_email": "mc_al_github@fastmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/dd/30/a2020c9858e622012859d8c8a49f36fce922fe58b8b4e6f940fbe3d9874e/dbcooper-0.0.5.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# dbcooper-py\n\n[![CI](https://github.com/machow/dbcooper-py/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/machow/dbcooper-py/actions/workflows/ci.yml)\n[![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/machow/dbcooper-py/HEAD)\n\nThe dbcooper package turns a database connection into a collection of functions,\nhandling logic for keeping track of connections and letting you take advantage of\nautocompletion when exploring a database.\n\nIt's especially helpful to use when authoring database-specific Python packages,\nfor instance in an internal company package or one wrapping a public data source.\n\nFor the R version see [dgrtwo/dbcooper](https://github.com/dgrtwo/dbcooper).\n\n## Installation\n\n```\npip install dbcooper\n```\n\n## Example\n\n### Initializing the functions\n\nThe dbcooper package asks you to create the connection first.\nAs an example, we'll use the Lahman baseball database package (`lahman`).\n\n\n```python\nfrom sqlalchemy import create_engine\nfrom dbcooper.data import lahman_sqlite\n\n# connect to sqlite\nengine = create_engine(\"sqlite://\")\n\n# load the lahman data into the \"lahman\" schema\nlahman_sqlite(engine)\n```\n\nNext we'll set up dbcooper\n\n\n```python\nfrom dbcooper import DbCooper\n\ndbc = DbCooper(engine)\n```\n\nThe `DbCooper` object contains two important things:\n\n* Accessors to fetch specific tables.\n* Functions for interacting with the underlying database.\n\n### Using table accessors\n\nIn the example below, we'll use the `\"Lahman\".\"Salaries\"` table as an example.\nBy default, dbcooper makes this accessible as `.lahman_salaries`.\n\n**Plain** `.lahman_salaries` prints out table and column info, including types and descriptions.\n\n\n```python\n# show table and column descriptions\ndbc.lahman_salaries\n```\n\n\n\n\n<h3> salaries </h3>\n<p> (No table description.) </p>\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr><th>name    </th><th>type  </th><th>description  </th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr><td>index   </td><td>BIGINT</td><td>             </td></tr>\n<tr><td>yearID  </td><td>BIGINT</td><td>             </td></tr>\n<tr><td>teamID  </td><td>TEXT  </td><td>             </td></tr>\n<tr><td>lgID    </td><td>TEXT  </td><td>             </td></tr>\n<tr><td>playerID</td><td>TEXT  </td><td>             </td></tr>\n<tr><td>salary  </td><td>BIGINT</td><td>             </td></tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n\n\n\nNote that sqlite doesn't support table and columnn descriptions, so these sections\nare empty.\n\n**Calling** `.lahman_salaries()` fetches a lazy version of the data.\n\n\n\n```python\ndbc.lahman_salaries()\n```\n\n\n\n\n    # Source: lazy query\n    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)\n    # Preview:\n       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary\n    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000\n    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000\n    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000\n    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333\n    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000\n    # .. may have more rows\n\n\n\nNote that this data is a siuba `LazyTbl` object, which you can use to analyze the data.\n\n\n```python\nfrom siuba import _, count\n\ndbc.lahman_salaries() >> count(over_100k = _.salary > 100_000)\n```\n\n\n\n\n    # Source: lazy query\n    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)\n    # Preview:\n       over_100k      n\n    0       True  25374\n    1      False   1054\n    # .. may have more rows\n\n\n\n### Using database functions\n\n* `.list()`: Get a list of tables\n* `.tbl()`: Access a table that can be worked with using `siuba`.\n* `.query()`: Perform a SQL query and work with the result.\n* `._engine`: Get the underlying sqlalchemy engine.\n\nFor instance, we could start by finding the names of the tables in the Lahman database.\n\n\n```python\ndbc.list()\n```\n\n\n\n\n    ['lahman.allstar_full',\n     'lahman.appearances',\n     'lahman.awards_managers',\n     'lahman.awards_players',\n     'lahman.awards_share_managers',\n     'lahman.awards_share_players',\n     'lahman.batting',\n     'lahman.batting_post',\n     'lahman.college_playing',\n     'lahman.fielding',\n     'lahman.fielding_of',\n     'lahman.fielding_ofsplit',\n     'lahman.fielding_post',\n     'lahman.hall_of_fame',\n     'lahman.home_games',\n     'lahman.managers',\n     'lahman.managers_half',\n     'lahman.parks',\n     'lahman.people',\n     'lahman.pitching',\n     'lahman.pitching_post',\n     'lahman.salaries',\n     'lahman.schools',\n     'lahman.series_post',\n     'lahman.teams',\n     'lahman.teams_franchises',\n     'lahman.teams_half']\n\n\n\nWe can access one of these tables with `dbc.tbl()`, then put it through any kind\nof siuba operation.\n\n\n```python\ndbc.tbl(\"Salaries\")\n```\n\n\n\n\n    # Source: lazy query\n    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)\n    # Preview:\n       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary\n    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000\n    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000\n    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000\n    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333\n    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000\n    # .. may have more rows\n\n\n\n\n```python\nfrom siuba import _, count\ndbc.tbl(\"Salaries\") >> count(_.yearID, sort=True)\n```\n\n\n\n\n    # Source: lazy query\n    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)\n    # Preview:\n       yearID     n\n    0    1999  1006\n    1    1998   998\n    2    1995   986\n    3    1996   931\n    4    1997   925\n    # .. may have more rows\n\n\n\nIf you'd rather start from a SQL query, use the `.query()` method.\n\n\n```python\ndbc.query(\"\"\"\n    SELECT\n        playerID,\n        sum(AB) as AB\n    FROM Batting\n    GROUP BY playerID\n\"\"\")\n```\n\n\n\n\n    # Source: lazy query\n    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)\n    # Preview:\n        playerID     AB\n    0  aardsda01      4\n    1  aaronha01  12364\n    2  aaronto01    944\n    3   aasedo01      5\n    4   abadan01     21\n    # .. may have more rows\n\n\n\nFor anything else you might want to do, the sqlalchemy Engine object is available.\nFor example, the code below shows how you can set its `.echo` attribute, which\ntells sqlalchemy to provide useful logs.\n\n\n```python\ndbc._engine.echo = True\ntable_names = dbc.list()\n```\n\n    2022-03-20 22:49:37,553 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine PRAGMA database_list\n    2022-03-20 22:49:37,554 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()\n    2022-03-20 22:49:37,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT name FROM \"main\".sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name\n    2022-03-20 22:49:37,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()\n    2022-03-20 22:49:37,556 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT name FROM \"lahman\".sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name\n    2022-03-20 22:49:37,557 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] ()\n\n\nNote that the log messages above show that the `.list()` method executed two queries:\nOne to list tables in the \"main\" schema (which is empty), and one to list tables\nin the \"lahman\" schema.\n\n## Advanced Configuration\n\n> \u26a0\ufe0f: These behaviors are well tested, but dbcooper's internals and API may change.\n\ndbcooper can be configured in three ways, each corresponding to a class interface:\n\n* **TableFinder**: Which tables will be used by `dbcooper`.\n* **AccessorBuilder**: How table names are turned into accessors.\n* **DbcDocumentedTable**: The class that defines what an accessor will return.\n\n\n```python\nfrom sqlalchemy import create_engine\nfrom dbcooper.data import lahman_sqlite\nfrom dbcooper import DbCooper, AccessorBuilder\n\nengine = create_engine(\"sqlite://\")\nlahman_sqlite(engine)\n```\n\n### Excluding a schema\n\n\n```python\nfrom dbcooper import TableFinder\n\nfinder = TableFinder(exclude_schemas=[\"lahman\"])\ndbc_no_lahman = DbCooper(engine, table_finder=finder)\ndbc_no_lahman.list()\n```\n\n\n\n\n    []\n\n\n\n### Formatting table names\n\n\n```python\nfrom dbcooper import AccessorBuilder\n\n# omits schema, and keeps only table name\n# e.g. `salaries`, rather than `lahman_salaries`\nbuilder = AccessorBuilder(format_from_part=\"table\")\n\ntbl_flat = DbCooper(engine, accessor_builder=builder)\ntbl_flat.salaries()\n```\n\n\n\n\n    # Source: lazy query\n    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)\n    # Preview:\n       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary\n    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000\n    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000\n    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000\n    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333\n    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000\n    # .. may have more rows\n\n\n\n### Grouping tables by schema\n\n\n```python\nfrom dbcooper import AccessorHierarchyBuilder\n\ntbl_nested = DbCooper(engine, accessor_builder=AccessorHierarchyBuilder())\n\n# note the form: <schema>.<table>\ntbl_nested.lahman.salaries()\n```\n\n\n\n\n    # Source: lazy query\n    # DB Conn: Engine(sqlite://)\n    # Preview:\n       index  yearID teamID lgID   playerID  salary\n    0      0    1985    ATL   NL  barkele01  870000\n    1      1    1985    ATL   NL  bedrost01  550000\n    2      2    1985    ATL   NL  benedbr01  545000\n    3      3    1985    ATL   NL   campri01  633333\n    4      4    1985    ATL   NL  ceronri01  625000\n    # .. may have more rows\n\n\n\n### Don't show table documentation\n\n\n```python\nfrom dbcooper import DbcSimpleTable\n\ndbc_no_doc = DbCooper(engine, table_factory=DbcSimpleTable)\ndbc_no_doc.lahman_salaries\n```\n\n\n\n\n    DbcSimpleTable(..., 'salaries', 'lahman')\n\n\n\nNote that sqlalchemy dialects like `snowflake-sqlalchemy` cannot look up things\nlike table and column descriptions as well as other dialects, so `DbcSimpleTable`\nmay be needed to connect to snowflake (see [this issue](https://github.com/snowflakedb/snowflake-sqlalchemy/issues/276)).\n\n## Developing\n\n```shell\n# install with development dependencies\npip install -e .[dev]\n\n# or install from requirements file\npip install -r requirements/dev.txt\n```\n\n### Test\n\n```shell\n# run all tests, see pytest section of pyproject.toml\npytest\n\n# run specific backends\npytest -m 'not snowflake and not bigquery'\n\n# stop on first failure, drop into debugger\npytest -x --pdb\n```\n\n### Release\n\n```shell\n# set version number\ngit tag v0.0.1\n\n# (optional) push to github\ngit push origin --tags\n\n# check version\npython -m setuptools_scm\n```\n",
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