
NameddcUtils JSON
Version 1.0.25 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFew Utilities
upload_time2024-05-23 21:51:15
authorDaniel Costa
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Few Utility Functions

[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A//actions-badge.atrox.dev/ddc/ddcUtils/badge?ref=main&style=plastic&label=build&logo=none)](https://actions-badge.atrox.dev/ddc/ddcUtils/goto?ref=main)

# Install
pip install ddcUtils

# Cryptography
from ddcUtils import Cryptography
cp = Cryptography()

    + Generates a private key to be used instead of default one
    + But keep in mind that this private key will be needed to decode further strings
        generate_private_key() -> str

    + Encodes a given string
        encode(str_to_encode: str) -> str

    + Decodes a given string
        decode(str_to_decode: str) -> str

# Conf File Utils
from ddcUtils import ConfFileUtils
cfu = ConfFileUtils()

File example - file.ini:


    + Get all values from an .ini config file structure and returns them as a dictionary
    + mixed_values will return all values as an object instead of dict
        get_all_values(file_path: str, mixed_values: bool = False) -> dict

    + Get all section values from an .ini config file structure and returns them as a dictionary
        get_section_values(file_path: str, section: str) -> dict

    + Get value from an .ini config file structure and returns it
        get_value(file_path: str, section: str, config_name: str) -> str | int | None

    + Set value from an .ini config file structure and returns True or False
        set_value(file_path: str, section_name: str, config_name: str, new_value, commas: bool = False) -> bool

# File Utils
from ddcUtils import FileUtils
fu = FileUtils()

    + Open the given file or directory in explorer or notepad and returns True for success or False for failed access
        show(path: str) -> bool

    + List all files in the given directory and returns them in a tuple sorted by creation time in ascending order
        list_files(directory: str, starts_with: str | tuple[str, ...] | list[str] = None, ends_with: str | tuple[str, ...] | list[str] = None) -> tuple

    + Compress the given file and returns the Path for success or None if failed
        gzip(input_file_path: str, output_dir: str = None) -> Path | None

    + Unzips the given file.zip and returns ZipFile for success or None if failed
        unzip(file_path: str, out_path: str = None) -> ZipFile | None

    + Remove the given file or dir and returns True if it was successfully removed
        remove(path: str) -> bool

    + Rename the given file and returns True if the file was successfully
        rename(from_name: str, to_name: str) -> bool

    + Copy files from src to dst and returns True or False
        copy_dir(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None) -> bool

    + Download file from remote url to local and returns True or False
        download_file(remote_file_url, local_file_path) -> bool

    + Returns the binary type of the given windows EXE file
        get_exe_binary_type(file_path: str) -> str | None

    + Check if a file or directory is older than the specified number of days
        is_older_than_x_days(path: str, days: int) -> bool

    + Copy a file to another location
        copy(src_path, dst_path)

# Object
+ This class is used for creating a simple class object
from ddcUtils import Object
obj = Object()
obj.test = "test"

# Misc Utils
from ddcUtils import MiscUtils
mu = MiscUtils()

    + Clears the terminal screen
        clear_screen() -> None

    + This function will ask the user to select an option
        user_choice() -> input

    + Returns the name of the active branch if found, else returns the "master" branch
        get_active_branch_name(git_dir: str, master_branch_name: str = "master") -> str | None

    + Returns the current date and time on UTC timezone
        get_current_date_time() -> datetime

    + Converts a datetime object to a long string
    + returns: "Mon Jan 01 2024 21:43:04"
        convert_datetime_to_str_long(date: datetime) -> str

    + Converts a datetime object to a short string
    + returns: "2024-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
        convert_datetime_to_str_short(date: datetime) -> str

    + Converts a str to a datetime
    + input: "2024-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
        convert_str_to_datetime_short(datetime_str: str) -> datetime

    + Returns the current date and time as string
    + returns: "Mon Jan 01 2024 21:47:00"
        get_current_date_time_str_long() -> str

# OS Utils
from ddcUtils import OsUtils
ou = OsUtils()

    + Get OS name
        get_os_name() -> str

    + Check if OS is Windows
        is_windows() -> bool

    + Returns the current working directory
        get_current_path() -> Path

    + Returns the pictures directory inside the user's home directory
        get_pictures_path() -> Path

    + Returns the download directory inside the user's home directory
        get_downloads_path() -> Path

# Logs
    + Logs will rotate based on `when` variable to a `.tar.gz` file, defaults to `midnight`
    + Logs will be deleted based on the `days_to_keep` variable, defaults to 7
    + Current 'when' events supported:
        + S - Seconds
        + M - Minutes
        + H - Hours
        + D - Days
        + midnight - roll over at midnight
        + W{0-6} - roll over on a certain day; 0 - Monday
from ddcUtils import Log
log = Log(
    dir_logs = "./logs",
    level = "info",
    filename = "app.log",
    encoding = "UTF-8",
    days_to_keep = 7,
    when = "midnight",
    utc = True

# Databases
class DBSqlite(db_file_path: str, batch_size=100, echo=False)

import sqlalchemy as sa
from ddcUtils.databases import DBSqlite, DBUtils
dbsqlite = DBSqlite(database_file_path)
with dbsqlite.session() as session:
    stmt = sa.select(Table).where(Table.id == 1)
    db_utils = DBUtils(session)
    results = db_utils.fetchall(stmt)

  + Using driver "psycopg2"
import sqlalchemy as sa
from ddcUtils.databases import DBPostgres, DBUtils
db_configs = {
    "username": username,
    "password": password,
    "host": host,
    "port": port,
    "database": database
dbpostgres = DBPostgres(**db_configs)
with dbpostgres.session() as session:
    stmt = sa.select(Table).where(Table.id == 1)
    db_utils = DBUtils(session)
    results = db_utils.fetchall(stmt)

  + Using driver "psycopg2"
import sqlalchemy as sa
from ddcUtils.databases import DBPostgresAsync, DBUtilsAsync
db_configs = {
    "username": username,
    "password": password,
    "host": host,
    "port": port,
    "database": database
dbpostgres = DBPostgresAsync(**db_configs)
async with dbpostgres.session() as session:
    stmt = sa.select(Table).where(Table.id == 1)
    db_utils = DBUtilsAsync(session)
    results = await db_utils.fetchall(stmt)

  + Uses SQLAlchemy statements
from ddcUtils.databases import DBUtils
db_utils = DBUtils(session)

  + Uses SQLAlchemy statements
from ddcUtils.databases import DBUtilsAsync
db_utils = DBUtilsAsync(session)
await db_utils.add(stmt)
await db_utils.execute(stmt)
await db_utils.fetchall(stmt)
await db_utils.fetchone(stmt)
await db_utils.fetch_value(stmt)

# Source Code
### Build
poetry build

### Run Tests
poe test

### Get Coverage Report
poe coverage

# License
Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/ddc/ddcUtils",
    "name": "ddcUtils",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0.0,>=3.11.0",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Daniel Costa",
    "author_email": "danieldcsta@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e6/b7/a5969addcdbcbac0d72f69f8eb07703268fe7963d71732e04ef0080f519f/ddcutils-1.0.25.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Few Utility Functions\n\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ddc/ddcUtils.svg?style=plastic)](https://github.com/ddc/ddcUtils/blob/master/LICENSE)\n[![Python](https://img.shields.io/badge/Python-3.11+-blue.svg?style=plastic)](https://www.python.org)\n[![PyPi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/ddcUtils.svg?style=plastic)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ddcUtils)\n[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A//actions-badge.atrox.dev/ddc/ddcUtils/badge?ref=main&style=plastic&label=build&logo=none)](https://actions-badge.atrox.dev/ddc/ddcUtils/goto?ref=main)\n\n\n# Install\n```shell\npip install ddcUtils\n```\n\n# Cryptography\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils import Cryptography\ncp = Cryptography()\n```\n\n+ GENERATE_PRIVATE_KEY\n    + Generates a private key to be used instead of default one\n    + But keep in mind that this private key will be needed to decode further strings\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        generate_private_key() -> str\n        ```\n\n+ ENCODE\n    + Encodes a given string\n        ```\n        encode(str_to_encode: str) -> str\n         ```     \n\n+ DECODE\n    + Decodes a given string\n        ```\n        decode(str_to_decode: str) -> str\n        ```\n\n\n# Conf File Utils\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils import ConfFileUtils\ncfu = ConfFileUtils()\n```\n\nFile example - file.ini:\n\n    [main]\n    files=5\n    path=\"/tmp/test_dir\"\n    port=5432\n    list=1,2,3,4,5,6\n\n\n+ GET_ALL_VALUES\n    + Get all values from an .ini config file structure and returns them as a dictionary\n    + mixed_values will return all values as an object instead of dict\n        ```\n        get_all_values(file_path: str, mixed_values: bool = False) -> dict\n        ```\n\n+ GET_SECTION_VALUES\n    + Get all section values from an .ini config file structure and returns them as a dictionary\n        ```\n        get_section_values(file_path: str, section: str) -> dict\n        ```\n\n+ GET_VALUE\n    + Get value from an .ini config file structure and returns it\n        ```\n        get_value(file_path: str, section: str, config_name: str) -> str | int | None\n        ```\n\n+ SET_VALUE\n    + Set value from an .ini config file structure and returns True or False\n        ```\n        set_value(file_path: str, section_name: str, config_name: str, new_value, commas: bool = False) -> bool\n        ```\n\n\n# File Utils\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils import FileUtils\nfu = FileUtils()\n```\n\n+ SHOW\n    + Open the given file or directory in explorer or notepad and returns True for success or False for failed access\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        show(path: str) -> bool\n        ```\n\n+ LIST_FILES\n    + List all files in the given directory and returns them in a tuple sorted by creation time in ascending order\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        list_files(directory: str, starts_with: str | tuple[str, ...] | list[str] = None, ends_with: str | tuple[str, ...] | list[str] = None) -> tuple\n        ```\n\n+ GZIP\n    + Compress the given file and returns the Path for success or None if failed\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        gzip(input_file_path: str, output_dir: str = None) -> Path | None\n        ```\n\n+ UNZIP\n    + Unzips the given file.zip and returns ZipFile for success or None if failed\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        unzip(file_path: str, out_path: str = None) -> ZipFile | None\n        ```\n\n+ REMOVE\n    + Remove the given file or dir and returns True if it was successfully removed\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        remove(path: str) -> bool\n        ```\n\n+ RENAME\n    + Rename the given file and returns True if the file was successfully\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        rename(from_name: str, to_name: str) -> bool\n        ```\n\n+ COPY_DIR\n    + Copy files from src to dst and returns True or False\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        copy_dir(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None) -> bool\n        ```\n\n+ DOWNLOAD_FILE\n    + Download file from remote url to local and returns True or False\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        download_file(remote_file_url, local_file_path) -> bool\n        ```\n\n+ GET_EXE_BINARY_TYPE\n    + Returns the binary type of the given windows EXE file\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        get_exe_binary_type(file_path: str) -> str | None\n        ```\n\n+ IS_OLDER_THAN_X_DAYS\n    + Check if a file or directory is older than the specified number of days\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        is_older_than_x_days(path: str, days: int) -> bool\n        ```\n\n+ COPY\n    + Copy a file to another location\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        copy(src_path, dst_path)\n        ```\n\n\n# Object\n+ This class is used for creating a simple class object\n ```python\nfrom ddcUtils import Object\nobj = Object()\nobj.test = \"test\"\n```   \n\n\n# Misc Utils\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils import MiscUtils\nmu = MiscUtils()\n```\n\n+ CLEAR_SCREEN\n    + Clears the terminal screen\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        clear_screen() -> None\n        ```\n\n+ USER_CHOICE\n    + This function will ask the user to select an option\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        user_choice() -> input\n        ```\n\n+ GET_ACTIVE_BRANCH_NAME\n    + Returns the name of the active branch if found, else returns the \"master\" branch\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        get_active_branch_name(git_dir: str, master_branch_name: str = \"master\") -> str | None\n        ```\n\n+ GET_CURRENT_DATE_TIME\n    + Returns the current date and time on UTC timezone\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        get_current_date_time() -> datetime\n        ```\n\n+ CONVERT_DATETIME_TO_STR_LONG\n    + Converts a datetime object to a long string\n    + returns: \"Mon Jan 01 2024 21:43:04\"\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        convert_datetime_to_str_long(date: datetime) -> str\n        ```\n\n+ CONVERT_DATETIME_TO_STR_SHORT\n    + Converts a datetime object to a short string\n    + returns: \"2024-01-01 00:00:00.000000\"\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        convert_datetime_to_str_short(date: datetime) -> str\n        ```\n\n+ CONVERT_STR_TO_DATETIME_SHORT\n    + Converts a str to a datetime\n    + input: \"2024-01-01 00:00:00.000000\"\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        convert_str_to_datetime_short(datetime_str: str) -> datetime\n        ```\n\n+ GET_CURRENT_DATE_TIME_STR_LONG\n    + Returns the current date and time as string\n    + returns: \"Mon Jan 01 2024 21:47:00\"\n        ```\n        get_current_date_time_str_long() -> str\n        ```\n\n\n# OS Utils\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils import OsUtils\nou = OsUtils()\n```\n\n+ GET_OS_NAME\n    + Get OS name\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        get_os_name() -> str\n        ```\n\n+ IS_WINDOWS\n    + Check if OS is Windows\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        is_windows() -> bool\n        ```\n\n+ GET_CURRENT_PATH\n    + Returns the current working directory\n        ```\n        @staticmethod\n        get_current_path() -> Path\n        ```\n\n+ GET_PICTURES_PATH\n    + Returns the pictures directory inside the user's home directory\n        ```\n        get_pictures_path() -> Path\n        ```\n\n+ GET_DOWNLOADS_PATH\n    + Returns the download directory inside the user's home directory\n        ```\n        get_downloads_path() -> Path\n        ```\n\n\n# Logs\n+ SETUP_LOGGING\n    + Logs will rotate based on `when` variable to a `.tar.gz` file, defaults to `midnight`\n    + Logs will be deleted based on the `days_to_keep` variable, defaults to 7\n    + Current 'when' events supported:\n        + S - Seconds\n        + M - Minutes\n        + H - Hours\n        + D - Days\n        + midnight - roll over at midnight\n        + W{0-6} - roll over on a certain day; 0 - Monday\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils import Log\nlog = Log(\n    dir_logs = \"./logs\",\n    level = \"info\",\n    filename = \"app.log\",\n    encoding = \"UTF-8\",\n    days_to_keep = 7,\n    when = \"midnight\",\n    utc = True\n)\nlog.setup_logging()\n```\n\n\n# Databases\n+ DBSQLITE\n```\nclass DBSqlite(db_file_path: str, batch_size=100, echo=False)\n```\n\n```python\nimport sqlalchemy as sa\nfrom ddcUtils.databases import DBSqlite, DBUtils\ndbsqlite = DBSqlite(database_file_path)\nwith dbsqlite.session() as session:\n    stmt = sa.select(Table).where(Table.id == 1)\n    db_utils = DBUtils(session)\n    results = db_utils.fetchall(stmt)\n```\n\n+ DBPOSTGRES\n  + Using driver \"psycopg2\"\n```python\nimport sqlalchemy as sa\nfrom ddcUtils.databases import DBPostgres, DBUtils\ndb_configs = {\n    \"username\": username,\n    \"password\": password,\n    \"host\": host,\n    \"port\": port,\n    \"database\": database\n}\ndbpostgres = DBPostgres(**db_configs)\nwith dbpostgres.session() as session:\n    stmt = sa.select(Table).where(Table.id == 1)\n    db_utils = DBUtils(session)\n    results = db_utils.fetchall(stmt)\n```\n\n+ DBPOSTGRES ASYNC\n  + Using driver \"psycopg2\"\n```python\nimport sqlalchemy as sa\nfrom ddcUtils.databases import DBPostgresAsync, DBUtilsAsync\ndb_configs = {\n    \"username\": username,\n    \"password\": password,\n    \"host\": host,\n    \"port\": port,\n    \"database\": database\n}\ndbpostgres = DBPostgresAsync(**db_configs)\nasync with dbpostgres.session() as session:\n    stmt = sa.select(Table).where(Table.id == 1)\n    db_utils = DBUtilsAsync(session)\n    results = await db_utils.fetchall(stmt)\n```\n\n+ DBUTILS\n  + Uses SQLAlchemy statements\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils.databases import DBUtils\ndb_utils = DBUtils(session)\ndb_utils.add(stmt)\ndb_utils.execute(stmt)\ndb_utils.fetchall(stmt)\ndb_utils.fetchone(stmt)\ndb_utils.fetch_value(stmt)\n```\n\n+ DBUTILS ASYNC\n  + Uses SQLAlchemy statements\n```python\nfrom ddcUtils.databases import DBUtilsAsync\ndb_utils = DBUtilsAsync(session)\nawait db_utils.add(stmt)\nawait db_utils.execute(stmt)\nawait db_utils.fetchall(stmt)\nawait db_utils.fetchone(stmt)\nawait db_utils.fetch_value(stmt)\n```\n\n\n# Source Code\n### Build\n```shell\npoetry build\n```\n\n\n### Run Tests\n```shell\npoe test\n```\n\n\n### Get Coverage Report\n```shell\npoe coverage\n```\n\n\n# License\nReleased under the [MIT License](LICENSE)\n\n",
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