
Nameddeutil-workflow JSON
Version 0.0.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryData Developer & Engineer Workflow Utility Objects
upload_time2024-06-11 05:13:11
keywords data workflow utility pipeline
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Data Utility: _Workflow_

[![python support version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/ddeutil-workflow)](https://pypi.org/project/ddeutil-workflow/)

**Table of Contents**:

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
  - [Connection](#connection)
  - [Dataset](#dataset)
  - [Schedule](#schedule)
- [Examples](#examples)
  - [Python](#python)
  - [Tasks (EL)](#tasks-extract--load)
  - [Hooks (T)](#hooks-transform)

This **Utility Workflow** objects was created for easy to make a simple metadata
driven pipeline that able to **ETL, T, EL, or ELT** by `.yaml` file.

I think we should not create the multiple pipeline per use-case if we able to
write some dynamic pipeline that just change the input parameters per use-case
instead. This way we can handle a lot of pipelines in our orgs with metadata only.
It called **Metadata Driven**.

Next, we should get some monitoring tools for manage logging that return from
pipeline running. Because it not show us what is a use-case that running data

> [!NOTE]
> _Disclaimer_: I inspire the dynamic statement from the GitHub Action `.yml` files
> and all of config file from several data orchestration framework tools from my
> experience on Data Engineer.

## Installation

pip install ddeutil-workflow

This project need `ddeutil-io`, `ddeutil-model` extension namespace packages.

## Getting Started

The first step, you should start create the connections and datasets for In and
Out of you data that want to use in pipeline of workflow. Some of this component
is similar component of the **Airflow** because I like it concepts.

The main feature of this project is the `Pipeline` object that can call any
registries function. The pipeline can handle everything that you want to do, it
will passing parameters and catching the output for re-use it to next step.

> In the future of this project, I will drop the connection and dataset to
> dynamic registries instead of main features because it have a lot of maintain
> vendor codes and deps. (I do not have time to handle this features)

### Connection

The connection for worker able to do any thing.

  type: conn.Postgres
  url: 'postgres//username:${ENV_PASS}@hostname:port/database?echo=True&time_out=10'

from ddeutil.workflow.conn import Conn

conn = Conn.from_loader(name='conn_postgres_data', externals={})
assert conn.ping()

### Dataset

The dataset is define any objects on the connection. This feature was implemented
on `/vendors` because it has a lot of tools that can interact with any data systems
in the data tool stacks.

  type: dataset.PostgresTbl
  conn: 'conn_postgres_data'
    id: serial primary key
    name: varchar( 100 ) not null

from ddeutil.workflow.vendors.pg import PostgresTbl

dataset = PostgresTbl.from_loader(name='ds_postgres_customer_tbl', externals={})
assert dataset.exists()

### Schedule

  type: schedule.Schedule
  cron: "*/5 * * * *"

from ddeutil.workflow.schedule import Schedule

scdl = Schedule.from_loader(name='schd_for_node', externals={})
assert '*/5 * * * *' == str(scdl.cronjob)

cron_iterate = scdl.generate('2022-01-01 00:00:00')
assert '2022-01-01 00:05:00' f"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"
assert '2022-01-01 00:10:00' f"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"
assert '2022-01-01 00:15:00' f"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"
assert '2022-01-01 00:20:00' f"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"
assert '2022-01-01 00:25:00' f"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"

## Examples

This is examples that use workflow file for running common Data Engineering

### Python

The state of doing lists that worker should to do. It be collection of the stage.

  type: ddeutil.workflow.pipe.Pipeline
      type: str
      type: datetime
        - name: Printing Information
          id: define-func
          run: |
            x = '${{ params.author-run }}'
            print(f'Hello {x}')

            def echo(name: str):
              print(f'Hello {name}')

        - name: Run Sequence and use var from Above
            x: ${{ params.author-run }}
          run: |
            print(f'Receive x from above with {x}')
            # Change x value
            x: int = 1

        - name: Call Function
            echo: ${{ stages.define-func.outputs.echo }}
          run: |

from ddeutil.workflow.pipeline import Pipeline

pipe = Pipeline.from_loader(name='run_py_local', externals={})
pipe.execute(params={'author-run': 'Local Workflow', 'run-date': '2024-01-01'})

> Hello Local Workflow
> Receive x from above with Local Workflow
> Hello Caller

### Tasks (Extract & Load)

  type: ddeutil.workflow.pipe.Pipeline
      type: datetime
      type: str
        - name: "Extract Load from Postgres to Lake"
          id: extract-load
          task: tasks/postgres-to-delta@polars
              conn: conn_postgres_url
              query: |
                select * from ${{ params.name }}
                where update_date = '${{ params.datetime }}'
              conn: conn_az_lake
              endpoint: "/${{ params.name }}"

### Tasks (Transform)

  type: ddeutil.workflow.pipe.Pipeline
    run_date: datetime
    sp_name: str
    source_name: str
    target_name: str
        - name: "Transform Data in MS SQL Server"
          id: transform
          task: tasks/mssql-proc@odbc
            exec: ${{ params.sp_name }}
              run_mode: "T"
              run_date: ${{ params.run_date }}
              source: ${{ params.source_name }}
              target: ${{ params.target_name }}

## License

This project was licensed under the terms of the [MIT license](LICENSE).


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "ddeutil-workflow",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9.13",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "data, workflow, utility, pipeline",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "ddeutils <korawich.anu@gmail.com>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/5b/2f/804f1198c45e2c73d592d4e60408adc45b97d497638ab95467addb44b36d/ddeutil_workflow-0.0.4.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Data Utility: _Workflow_\n\n[![test](https://github.com/ddeutils/ddeutil-workflow/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/ddeutils/ddeutil-workflow/actions/workflows/tests.yml)\n[![python support version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/ddeutil-workflow)](https://pypi.org/project/ddeutil-workflow/)\n[![size](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/ddeutils/ddeutil-workflow)](https://github.com/ddeutils/ddeutil-workflow)\n\n**Table of Contents**:\n\n- [Installation](#installation)\n- [Getting Started](#getting-started)\n  - [Connection](#connection)\n  - [Dataset](#dataset)\n  - [Schedule](#schedule)\n- [Examples](#examples)\n  - [Python](#python)\n  - [Tasks (EL)](#tasks-extract--load)\n  - [Hooks (T)](#hooks-transform)\n\nThis **Utility Workflow** objects was created for easy to make a simple metadata\ndriven pipeline that able to **ETL, T, EL, or ELT** by `.yaml` file.\n\nI think we should not create the multiple pipeline per use-case if we able to\nwrite some dynamic pipeline that just change the input parameters per use-case\ninstead. This way we can handle a lot of pipelines in our orgs with metadata only.\nIt called **Metadata Driven**.\n\nNext, we should get some monitoring tools for manage logging that return from\npipeline running. Because it not show us what is a use-case that running data\npipeline.\n\n> [!NOTE]\n> _Disclaimer_: I inspire the dynamic statement from the GitHub Action `.yml` files\n> and all of config file from several data orchestration framework tools from my\n> experience on Data Engineer.\n\n## Installation\n\n```shell\npip install ddeutil-workflow\n```\n\nThis project need `ddeutil-io`, `ddeutil-model` extension namespace packages.\n\n## Getting Started\n\nThe first step, you should start create the connections and datasets for In and\nOut of you data that want to use in pipeline of workflow. Some of this component\nis similar component of the **Airflow** because I like it concepts.\n\nThe main feature of this project is the `Pipeline` object that can call any\nregistries function. The pipeline can handle everything that you want to do, it\nwill passing parameters and catching the output for re-use it to next step.\n\n> [!IMPORTANT]\n> In the future of this project, I will drop the connection and dataset to\n> dynamic registries instead of main features because it have a lot of maintain\n> vendor codes and deps. (I do not have time to handle this features)\n\n### Connection\n\nThe connection for worker able to do any thing.\n\n```yaml\nconn_postgres_data:\n  type: conn.Postgres\n  url: 'postgres//username:${ENV_PASS}@hostname:port/database?echo=True&time_out=10'\n```\n\n```python\nfrom ddeutil.workflow.conn import Conn\n\nconn = Conn.from_loader(name='conn_postgres_data', externals={})\nassert conn.ping()\n```\n\n### Dataset\n\nThe dataset is define any objects on the connection. This feature was implemented\non `/vendors` because it has a lot of tools that can interact with any data systems\nin the data tool stacks.\n\n```yaml\nds_postgres_customer_tbl:\n  type: dataset.PostgresTbl\n  conn: 'conn_postgres_data'\n  features:\n    id: serial primary key\n    name: varchar( 100 ) not null\n```\n\n```python\nfrom ddeutil.workflow.vendors.pg import PostgresTbl\n\ndataset = PostgresTbl.from_loader(name='ds_postgres_customer_tbl', externals={})\nassert dataset.exists()\n```\n\n### Schedule\n\n```yaml\nschd_for_node:\n  type: schedule.Schedule\n  cron: \"*/5 * * * *\"\n```\n\n```python\nfrom ddeutil.workflow.schedule import Schedule\n\nscdl = Schedule.from_loader(name='schd_for_node', externals={})\nassert '*/5 * * * *' == str(scdl.cronjob)\n\ncron_iterate = scdl.generate('2022-01-01 00:00:00')\nassert '2022-01-01 00:05:00' f\"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}\"\nassert '2022-01-01 00:10:00' f\"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}\"\nassert '2022-01-01 00:15:00' f\"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}\"\nassert '2022-01-01 00:20:00' f\"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}\"\nassert '2022-01-01 00:25:00' f\"{cron_iterate.next:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}\"\n```\n\n## Examples\n\nThis is examples that use workflow file for running common Data Engineering\nuse-case.\n\n### Python\n\nThe state of doing lists that worker should to do. It be collection of the stage.\n\n```yaml\nrun_py_local:\n  type: ddeutil.workflow.pipe.Pipeline\n  params:\n    author-run:\n      type: str\n    run-date:\n      type: datetime\n  jobs:\n    first-job:\n      stages:\n        - name: Printing Information\n          id: define-func\n          run: |\n            x = '${{ params.author-run }}'\n            print(f'Hello {x}')\n\n            def echo(name: str):\n              print(f'Hello {name}')\n\n        - name: Run Sequence and use var from Above\n          vars:\n            x: ${{ params.author-run }}\n          run: |\n            print(f'Receive x from above with {x}')\n            # Change x value\n            x: int = 1\n\n        - name: Call Function\n          vars:\n            echo: ${{ stages.define-func.outputs.echo }}\n          run: |\n            echo('Caller')\n```\n\n```python\nfrom ddeutil.workflow.pipeline import Pipeline\n\npipe = Pipeline.from_loader(name='run_py_local', externals={})\npipe.execute(params={'author-run': 'Local Workflow', 'run-date': '2024-01-01'})\n```\n\n```shell\n> Hello Local Workflow\n> Receive x from above with Local Workflow\n> Hello Caller\n```\n\n### Tasks (Extract & Load)\n\n```yaml\npipe_el_pg_to_lake:\n  type: ddeutil.workflow.pipe.Pipeline\n  params:\n    run-date:\n      type: datetime\n    author-email:\n      type: str\n  jobs:\n    extract-load:\n      stages:\n        - name: \"Extract Load from Postgres to Lake\"\n          id: extract-load\n          task: tasks/postgres-to-delta@polars\n          with:\n            source:\n              conn: conn_postgres_url\n              query: |\n                select * from ${{ params.name }}\n                where update_date = '${{ params.datetime }}'\n            sink:\n              conn: conn_az_lake\n              endpoint: \"/${{ params.name }}\"\n```\n\n### Tasks (Transform)\n\n```yaml\npipe_hook_mssql_proc:\n  type: ddeutil.workflow.pipe.Pipeline\n  params:\n    run_date: datetime\n    sp_name: str\n    source_name: str\n    target_name: str\n  jobs:\n    transform:\n      stages:\n        - name: \"Transform Data in MS SQL Server\"\n          id: transform\n          task: tasks/mssql-proc@odbc\n          with:\n            exec: ${{ params.sp_name }}\n            params:\n              run_mode: \"T\"\n              run_date: ${{ params.run_date }}\n              source: ${{ params.source_name }}\n              target: ${{ params.target_name }}\n```\n\n## License\n\nThis project was licensed under the terms of the [MIT license](LICENSE).\n",
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