# DeepBGC: Biosynthetic Gene Cluster detection and classification
DeepBGC detects BGCs in bacterial and fungal genomes using deep learning.
DeepBGC employs a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network
and a word2vec-like vector embedding of Pfam protein domains.
Product class and activity of detected BGCs is predicted using a Random Forest classifier.
[![BioConda Install](https://img.shields.io/conda/dn/bioconda/deepbgc.svg?style=flag&label=BioConda%20install&color=green)](https://anaconda.org/bioconda/deepbgc)
![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/deepbgc.svg?color=green&label=PyPI%20downloads)
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[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/deepbgc.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/deepbgc)
![DeepBGC architecture](images/deepbgc.architecture.png?raw=true "DeepBGC architecture")
## 📌 News 📌
- **DeepBGC 0.1.23**: Predicted BGCs can now be uploaded for visualization in **antiSMASH** using a JSON output file
- Install and run DeepBGC as usual based on instructions below
- Upload `antismash.json` from the DeepBGC output folder using "Upload extra annotations" on the [antiSMASH](https://antismash.secondarymetabolites.org/) page
- Predicted BGC regions and their prediction scores will be displayed alongside antiSMASH BGCs
## Publications
A deep learning genome-mining strategy for biosynthetic gene cluster prediction <br>
Geoffrey D Hannigan, David Prihoda et al., Nucleic Acids Research, gkz654, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz654
## Install using conda (recommended)
You can install DeepBGC using [Conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/download.html)
or one of the alternatives ([Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html),
Set up Bioconda and Conda-Forge channels:
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
Install DeepBGC using:
# Create a separate DeepBGC environment and install dependencies
conda create -n deepbgc python=3.7 hmmer prodigal
# Install DeepBGC into the environment using pip
conda activate deepbgc
pip install deepbgc
# Alternatively, install everything using conda (currently unstable due to conda conflicts)
conda install deepbgc
## Install dependencies manually (if conda is not available)
If you don't mind installing the HMMER and Prodigal dependencies manually, you can also install DeepBGC using pip:
- Install Python version 3.6 or 3.7 (Note: **Python 3.8 is not supported** due to Tensorflow < 2.0 dependency)
- Install Prodigal and put the `prodigal` binary it on your PATH: https://github.com/hyattpd/Prodigal/releases
- Install HMMER and put the `hmmscan` and `hmmpress` binaries on your PATH: http://hmmer.org/download.html
- Run `pip install deepbgc` to install DeepBGC
## Use DeepBGC
### Download models and Pfam database
Before you can use DeepBGC, download trained models and Pfam database:
deepbgc download
You can display downloaded dependencies and models using:
deepbgc info
### Detection and classification
![DeepBGC pipeline](images/deepbgc.pipeline.png?raw=true "DeepBGC pipeline")
Detect and classify BGCs in a genomic sequence.
Proteins and Pfam domains are detected automatically if not already annotated (HMMER and Prodigal needed)
# Show command help docs
deepbgc pipeline --help
# Detect and classify BGCs in mySequence.fa using DeepBGC detector.
deepbgc pipeline mySequence.fa
# Detect and classify BGCs in mySequence.fa using custom DeepBGC detector trained on your own data.
deepbgc pipeline --detector path/to/myDetector.pkl mySequence.fa
This will produce a `mySequence` directory with multiple files and a README.txt with file descriptions.
See [Train DeepBGC on your own data](#train-deepbgc-on-your-own-data) section below for more information about training a custom detector or classifier.
#### Example output
See the [DeepBGC Example Result Notebook](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/download/v0.1.0/DeepBGC_Example_Result.ipynb).
Data can be downloaded on the [releases page](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases)
![Detected BGC Regions](images/deepbgc.bgc.png?raw=true "Detected BGC regions")
## Train DeepBGC on your own data
You can train your own BGC detection and classification models, see `deepbgc train --help` for documentation and examples.
Training and validation data can be found in [release 0.1.0](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0) and [release 0.1.5](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.5). You will need:
- Positive (BGC) training data - In most cases, this is your own BGC training set, see "Preparing training data" section below
- Negative (Non-BGC) training data - Needed for BGC detection. You can use `GeneSwap_Negatives.pfam.tsv` from release https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0
- Validation data - Needed for BGC detection. Contigs with annotated BGC and non-BGC regions. A working example can be downloaded from https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.5
- Trained Pfam2vec vectors - "Vocabulary" converting Pfam IDs to meaningful numeric vectors, you can reuse previously trained `pfam2vec.csv` results from https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0
- JSON configuration files - See JSON section below
If you have any questions about using or training DeepBGC, feel free to submit an issue.
### Preparing training data
The training examples need to be prepared in Pfam TSV format, which can be prepared from your sequence
using `deepbgc prepare`.
First, you will need to manually add an `in_cluster` column that will contain 0 for pfams outside a BGC
and 1 for pfams inside a BGC. We recommend preparing a separate negative TSV and positive TSV file,
where the column will be equal to all 0 or 1 respectively.
Finally, you will need to manually add a `sequence_id` column ,
which will identify a continuous sequence of Pfams from a single sample (BGC or negative sequence).
The samples are shuffled during training to present the model with a random order of positive and negative samples.
Pfams with the same `sequence_id` value will be kept together. For example, if your training set contains multiple BGCs, the `sequence_id` column should contain the BGC ID.
**! New in version 0.1.17 !** You can now prepare *protein* FASTA sequences into a Pfam TSV file using `deepbgc prepare --protein`.
### JSON model training template files
DeepBGC is using JSON template files to define model architecture and training parameters. All templates can be downloaded in [release 0.1.0](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0).
JSON template for DeepBGC LSTM **detector** with pfam2vec is structured as follows:
"type": "KerasRNN", - Model architecture (KerasRNN/DiscreteHMM/GeneBorderHMM)
"build_params": { - Parameters for model architecture
"batch_size": 16, - Number of splits of training data that is trained in parallel
"hidden_size": 128, - Size of vector storing the LSTM inner state
"stateful": true - Remember previous sequence when training next batch
"fit_params": {
"timesteps": 256, - Number of pfam2vec vectors trained in one batch
"validation_size": 0, - Fraction of training data to use for validation (if validation data is not provided explicitly). Use 0.2 for 20% data used for testing.
"verbose": 1, - Verbosity during training
"num_epochs": 1000, - Number of passes over your training set during training. You probably want to use a lower number if not using early stopping on validation data.
"early_stopping" : { - Stop model training when at certain validation performance
"monitor": "val_auc_roc", - Use validation AUC ROC to observe performance
"min_delta": 0.0001, - Stop training when the improvement in the last epochs did not improve more than 0.0001
"patience": 20, - How many of the last epochs to check for improvement
"mode": "max" - Stop training when given metric stops increasing (use "min" for decreasing metrics like loss)
"shuffle": true, - Shuffle samples in each epoch. Will use "sequence_id" field to group pfam vectors belonging to the same sample and shuffle them together
"optimizer": "adam", - Optimizer algorithm
"learning_rate": 0.0001, - Learning rate
"weighted": true - Increase weight of less-represented class. Will give more weight to BGC training samples if the non-BGC set is larger.
"input_params": {
"features": [ - Array of features to use in model, see deepbgc/features.py
"type": "ProteinBorderTransformer" - Add two binary flags for pfam domains found at beginning or at end of protein
"type": "Pfam2VecTransformer", - Convert pfam_id field to pfam2vec vector using provided pfam2vec table
"vector_path": "#{PFAM2VEC}" - PFAM2VEC variable is filled in using command line argument --config
JSON template for Random Forest **classifier** is structured as follows:
"type": "RandomForestClassifier", - Type of classifier (RandomForestClassifier)
"build_params": {
"n_estimators": 100, - Number of trees in random forest
"random_state": 0 - Random seed used to get same result each time
"input_params": {
"sequence_as_vector": true, - Convert each sample into a single vector
"features": [
"type": "OneHotEncodingTransformer" - Convert each sequence of Pfams into a single binary vector (Pfam set)
### Using your trained model
Since version `0.1.10` you can provide a direct path to the detector or classifier model like so:
deepbgc pipeline \
mySequence.fa \
--detector path/to/myDetector.pkl \
--classifier path/to/myClassifier.pkl
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/Merck/DeepBGC",
"name": "deepbgc",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.6,<3.8",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "biosynthetic gene clusters,bgc detection,deep learning,pfam2vec",
"author": "David P\u0159\u00edhoda, Geoffrey Hannigan",
"author_email": "david.prihoda1@merck.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/63/66/a24a5a909ff4b1bc332913f85e73f8fac25d78ef515c1af5c5a46ed02e45/deepbgc-0.1.31.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# DeepBGC: Biosynthetic Gene Cluster detection and classification\n\nDeepBGC detects BGCs in bacterial and fungal genomes using deep learning. \nDeepBGC employs a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network \nand a word2vec-like vector embedding of Pfam protein domains. \nProduct class and activity of detected BGCs is predicted using a Random Forest classifier.\n\n[![BioConda Install](https://img.shields.io/conda/dn/bioconda/deepbgc.svg?style=flag&label=BioConda%20install&color=green)](https://anaconda.org/bioconda/deepbgc) \n![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/deepbgc.svg?color=green&label=PyPI%20downloads)\n[![PyPI license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/deepbgc.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/deepbgc/)\n[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/deepbgc.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/deepbgc)\n[![CI](https://api.travis-ci.org/Merck/deepbgc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Merck/deepbgc)\n\n![DeepBGC architecture](images/deepbgc.architecture.png?raw=true \"DeepBGC architecture\")\n\n## \ud83d\udccc News \ud83d\udccc\n\n- **DeepBGC 0.1.23**: Predicted BGCs can now be uploaded for visualization in **antiSMASH** using a JSON output file\n - Install and run DeepBGC as usual based on instructions below\n - Upload `antismash.json` from the DeepBGC output folder using \"Upload extra annotations\" on the [antiSMASH](https://antismash.secondarymetabolites.org/) page\n - Predicted BGC regions and their prediction scores will be displayed alongside antiSMASH BGCs\n \n## Publications\n\nA deep learning genome-mining strategy for biosynthetic gene cluster prediction <br>\nGeoffrey D Hannigan, David Prihoda et al., Nucleic Acids Research, gkz654, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz654\n\n## Install using conda (recommended)\n\nYou can install DeepBGC using [Conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/download.html) \nor one of the alternatives ([Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html), \n[Miniforge](https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge)).\n\nSet up Bioconda and Conda-Forge channels:\n\n```bash\nconda config --add channels bioconda\nconda config --add channels conda-forge\n```\n\nInstall DeepBGC using:\n\n```bash\n# Create a separate DeepBGC environment and install dependencies\nconda create -n deepbgc python=3.7 hmmer prodigal\n\n# Install DeepBGC into the environment using pip\nconda activate deepbgc\npip install deepbgc\n\n# Alternatively, install everything using conda (currently unstable due to conda conflicts)\nconda install deepbgc\n```\n\n\n## Install dependencies manually (if conda is not available)\n\nIf you don't mind installing the HMMER and Prodigal dependencies manually, you can also install DeepBGC using pip:\n\n- Install Python version 3.6 or 3.7 (Note: **Python 3.8 is not supported** due to Tensorflow < 2.0 dependency)\n- Install Prodigal and put the `prodigal` binary it on your PATH: https://github.com/hyattpd/Prodigal/releases\n- Install HMMER and put the `hmmscan` and `hmmpress` binaries on your PATH: http://hmmer.org/download.html\n- Run `pip install deepbgc` to install DeepBGC \n\n## Use DeepBGC\n\n### Download models and Pfam database\n\nBefore you can use DeepBGC, download trained models and Pfam database:\n\n```bash\ndeepbgc download\n```\n\nYou can display downloaded dependencies and models using:\n\n```bash\ndeepbgc info\n```\n\n### Detection and classification\n\n![DeepBGC pipeline](images/deepbgc.pipeline.png?raw=true \"DeepBGC pipeline\")\n\nDetect and classify BGCs in a genomic sequence. \nProteins and Pfam domains are detected automatically if not already annotated (HMMER and Prodigal needed)\n\n```bash\n# Show command help docs\ndeepbgc pipeline --help\n\n# Detect and classify BGCs in mySequence.fa using DeepBGC detector.\ndeepbgc pipeline mySequence.fa\n\n# Detect and classify BGCs in mySequence.fa using custom DeepBGC detector trained on your own data.\ndeepbgc pipeline --detector path/to/myDetector.pkl mySequence.fa\n```\n\nThis will produce a `mySequence` directory with multiple files and a README.txt with file descriptions.\n\nSee [Train DeepBGC on your own data](#train-deepbgc-on-your-own-data) section below for more information about training a custom detector or classifier.\n\n#### Example output\n\nSee the [DeepBGC Example Result Notebook](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/download/v0.1.0/DeepBGC_Example_Result.ipynb).\nData can be downloaded on the [releases page](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases)\n\n![Detected BGC Regions](images/deepbgc.bgc.png?raw=true \"Detected BGC regions\")\n\n## Train DeepBGC on your own data\n\nYou can train your own BGC detection and classification models, see `deepbgc train --help` for documentation and examples.\n\nTraining and validation data can be found in [release 0.1.0](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0) and [release 0.1.5](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.5). You will need:\n- Positive (BGC) training data - In most cases, this is your own BGC training set, see \"Preparing training data\" section below\n- Negative (Non-BGC) training data - Needed for BGC detection. You can use `GeneSwap_Negatives.pfam.tsv` from release https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0\n- Validation data - Needed for BGC detection. Contigs with annotated BGC and non-BGC regions. A working example can be downloaded from https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.5\n- Trained Pfam2vec vectors - \"Vocabulary\" converting Pfam IDs to meaningful numeric vectors, you can reuse previously trained `pfam2vec.csv` results from https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0\n- JSON configuration files - See JSON section below\n\nIf you have any questions about using or training DeepBGC, feel free to submit an issue.\n\n### Preparing training data\n\nThe training examples need to be prepared in Pfam TSV format, which can be prepared from your sequence\nusing `deepbgc prepare`. \n\nFirst, you will need to manually add an `in_cluster` column that will contain 0 for pfams outside a BGC \nand 1 for pfams inside a BGC. We recommend preparing a separate negative TSV and positive TSV file, \nwhere the column will be equal to all 0 or 1 respectively. \n\nFinally, you will need to manually add a `sequence_id` column ,\nwhich will identify a continuous sequence of Pfams from a single sample (BGC or negative sequence).\nThe samples are shuffled during training to present the model with a random order of positive and negative samples.\nPfams with the same `sequence_id` value will be kept together. For example, if your training set contains multiple BGCs, the `sequence_id` column should contain the BGC ID.\n\n**! New in version 0.1.17 !** You can now prepare *protein* FASTA sequences into a Pfam TSV file using `deepbgc prepare --protein`.\n\n\n### JSON model training template files\n\nDeepBGC is using JSON template files to define model architecture and training parameters. All templates can be downloaded in [release 0.1.0](https://github.com/Merck/deepbgc/releases/tag/v0.1.0).\n\nJSON template for DeepBGC LSTM **detector** with pfam2vec is structured as follows:\n```\n{\n \"type\": \"KerasRNN\", - Model architecture (KerasRNN/DiscreteHMM/GeneBorderHMM)\n \"build_params\": { - Parameters for model architecture\n \"batch_size\": 16, - Number of splits of training data that is trained in parallel \n \"hidden_size\": 128, - Size of vector storing the LSTM inner state\n \"stateful\": true - Remember previous sequence when training next batch\n },\n \"fit_params\": {\n \"timesteps\": 256, - Number of pfam2vec vectors trained in one batch\n \"validation_size\": 0, - Fraction of training data to use for validation (if validation data is not provided explicitly). Use 0.2 for 20% data used for testing.\n \"verbose\": 1, - Verbosity during training\n \"num_epochs\": 1000, - Number of passes over your training set during training. You probably want to use a lower number if not using early stopping on validation data.\n \"early_stopping\" : { - Stop model training when at certain validation performance\n \"monitor\": \"val_auc_roc\", - Use validation AUC ROC to observe performance\n \"min_delta\": 0.0001, - Stop training when the improvement in the last epochs did not improve more than 0.0001\n \"patience\": 20, - How many of the last epochs to check for improvement\n \"mode\": \"max\" - Stop training when given metric stops increasing (use \"min\" for decreasing metrics like loss)\n },\n \"shuffle\": true, - Shuffle samples in each epoch. Will use \"sequence_id\" field to group pfam vectors belonging to the same sample and shuffle them together \n \"optimizer\": \"adam\", - Optimizer algorithm\n \"learning_rate\": 0.0001, - Learning rate\n \"weighted\": true - Increase weight of less-represented class. Will give more weight to BGC training samples if the non-BGC set is larger.\n },\n \"input_params\": {\n \"features\": [ - Array of features to use in model, see deepbgc/features.py\n {\n \"type\": \"ProteinBorderTransformer\" - Add two binary flags for pfam domains found at beginning or at end of protein\n },\n {\n \"type\": \"Pfam2VecTransformer\", - Convert pfam_id field to pfam2vec vector using provided pfam2vec table\n \"vector_path\": \"#{PFAM2VEC}\" - PFAM2VEC variable is filled in using command line argument --config\n }\n ]\n }\n}\n```\n\nJSON template for Random Forest **classifier** is structured as follows:\n```\n{\n \"type\": \"RandomForestClassifier\", - Type of classifier (RandomForestClassifier)\n \"build_params\": {\n \"n_estimators\": 100, - Number of trees in random forest\n \"random_state\": 0 - Random seed used to get same result each time\n },\n \"input_params\": {\n \"sequence_as_vector\": true, - Convert each sample into a single vector\n \"features\": [\n {\n \"type\": \"OneHotEncodingTransformer\" - Convert each sequence of Pfams into a single binary vector (Pfam set)\n }\n ]\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Using your trained model\n\nSince version `0.1.10` you can provide a direct path to the detector or classifier model like so:\n```bash\ndeepbgc pipeline \\\n mySequence.fa \\\n --detector path/to/myDetector.pkl \\\n --classifier path/to/myClassifier.pkl \n```\n",
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