
Namedg-face-tracking JSON
Version 0.1.15 PyPI version JSON
SummaryDeGirum Face Tracking Application Package
upload_time2024-05-10 02:01:42
authorDeGirum Corp.
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Face Tracking Demo

Demonstrates the following technologies:
- Face Detection in a video stream. Yolo models from DeGirum zoo are used.
- Creating face embeddings by [DeepFace](https://github.com/serengil/deepface)
- Saving face metadata, including embeddings, in a vector database ([LanceDB](https://lancedb.com/)) 
- Recognition of detected faces, using saved faces metadata.

Used as a mock-up for development of hybrid deployment of a vector db.

## 1.Installation

Create a new conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate it:
conda activate dg_face_tracking

Create a database folder:
mkdir db

Open env.ini file and fill the DEGIRUM_CLOUD_TOKEN field with a valid DeGirum cloud platform API access token. 

## 2. Running

A laptop with an enabled camera must be used. 

Start the face tracking app:
python track.py -d <deployment>  -c <config>

- deployment: cloud, local or docker
- config: config path, relative to Configs subfolder  

Press OK button to finalize keying. 

Ctrl+C stops the app.

## 3. Creating a dataset.
1. Edit the `face_tracker_camera.cfg` config file by adding
 [${data_source.id}, ${dataset_writer}]
line in `data_connections` section.

2. In `dataset` section of `LocalDBWriter.cfg` config file:
- Set the valid paths for catalogue (`catalogue_path`) and the datasets path (`datasets_path`);
- Set dataset name `dataset_name`
- If you want to overwrite the existing dataset, set `write_mode` as "overwrite"

Run the application.

To stop data collection, press Ctrl+C

## 4. Running on a dataset
python DataFace.py  face_tracker_dataset
`dataset` section of `FaceTrackerDataset.cfg` must contain the valid parameters of the dataset to be used:

- Set the valid paths for catalogue (`catalogue_path`) and the datasets path (`datasets_path`);
- Set the dataset name (`dataset_name`)

Run the application.

To stop running, press Ctrl+C

## 5. Face to ID functionality

To label a cropped face image: import `face2id` function
   from dg_face_tracking.Face2ID.face2id import face2id
   def face2id(img: Union[str, np.ndarray],
            deployment: str = "docker",
            async_support: bool = False,
            verbose: bool = False) -> str:
    img : str or ndarray: face image as base64 encoded png or numpy array
    deployment: ["cloud", "local", "docker"]
    async_support: bool: do we need to enable async support
    verbose: bool: for testing purpose only
Return value: json string
    {"label": "<some label or empty string>", "error": "<error message or empty string>"}
Label can be a name of a person, `unknown` or empty (in case of internal error)
Error is empty string on success or contains some error message

## 6. CI/CD

To make new release perform the following steps:

1. Assign new git tag by running the following command:

    ./rel-tag.sh x.y.z

    where `x.y.z` is semantic version of new release.

2. Open [Github Release action page](https://github.com/DeGirum/dg_face_tracking/actions/workflows/release.yml) and configure release action
by clicking **Run workflow** combo box, selecting **Tags** tab in **Branch** combo box, and specifying the tag, which corresponds to the released version:


3. Start release action by pressing green **Run workflow** button.
4. Make sure Release action finishes successfully (green checkmark new recent Release action run status)
5. Open [Github Upload action page](https://github.com/DeGirum/dg_face_tracking/actions/workflows/upload.yml) and configure upload action
by clicking **Run workflow** combo box and specifying the release version tag in **Release tag containing wheels to upload** edit box:


6. Start upload action by pressing green **Run workflow** button.
7. Make sure Upload action finishes successfully (green checkmark new recent Upload action run status)
8. Verify, that release is avaiable for installation by running the following command:
    pip uninstall -y dg_face_tracking && pip install -U dg_face_tracking

    You should see the following prompt:

    Successfully installed dg_face_tracking-x.y.z
## 6. Orin Local Demo Installation

#### 6.1 Prerequisites
- Install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit and Configure Docker


- Start AIServer in Docker with nvidia runtime:
   docker run -d -p 8778:8778 -v /my/model/zoo/dir:/zoo --runtime nvidia --privileged degirum/aiservertrt:latest
- Download models from DeGirum cloud zoo 

#### 6.2. Create conda environment and install dg_face_tracking package

   conda create --name face_tracking python=3.9
   conda activate face_tracking
   pip install dg_face_tracking

#### 6.3 Run the Demo
To stop the demo: hit "x".



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/degirum",
    "name": "dg-face-tracking",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "DeGirum Corp.",
    "author_email": "support@degirum.com",
    "download_url": null,
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Face Tracking Demo\n\nDemonstrates the following technologies:\n- Face Detection in a video stream. Yolo models from DeGirum zoo are used.\n- Creating face embeddings by [DeepFace](https://github.com/serengil/deepface)\n- Saving face metadata, including embeddings, in a vector database ([LanceDB](https://lancedb.com/)) \n- Recognition of detected faces, using saved faces metadata.\n\nUsed as a mock-up for development of hybrid deployment of a vector db.\n\n## 1.Installation\n\n\nCreate a new conda environment:\n```\nconda env create -f environment.yml\n```\n\nActivate it:\n```\nconda activate dg_face_tracking\n```\n\nCreate a database folder:\n```\nmkdir db\n```\n\nOpen env.ini file and fill the DEGIRUM_CLOUD_TOKEN field with a valid DeGirum cloud platform API access token. \n\n## 2. Running\n\nA laptop with an enabled camera must be used. \n\n\nStart the face tracking app:\n```\npython track.py -d <deployment>  -c <config>\n``` \nOptions:\n\n- deployment: cloud, local or docker\n- config: config path, relative to Configs subfolder  \n\n\nPress OK button to finalize keying. \n\nCtrl+C stops the app.\n\n## 3. Creating a dataset.\n1. Edit the `face_tracker_camera.cfg` config file by adding\n```commandline\n [${data_source.id}, ${dataset_writer}]\n```\nline in `data_connections` section.\n\n\n2. In `dataset` section of `LocalDBWriter.cfg` config file:\n- Set the valid paths for catalogue (`catalogue_path`) and the datasets path (`datasets_path`);\n- Set dataset name `dataset_name`\n- If you want to overwrite the existing dataset, set `write_mode` as \"overwrite\"\n\nRun the application.\n\nTo stop data collection, press Ctrl+C\n\n## 4. Running on a dataset\n```\npython DataFace.py  face_tracker_dataset\n``` \n`dataset` section of `FaceTrackerDataset.cfg` must contain the valid parameters of the dataset to be used:\n\n- Set the valid paths for catalogue (`catalogue_path`) and the datasets path (`datasets_path`);\n- Set the dataset name (`dataset_name`)\n\nRun the application.\n\nTo stop running, press Ctrl+C\n\n## 5. Face to ID functionality\n\nTo label a cropped face image: import `face2id` function\n   ```\n   from dg_face_tracking.Face2ID.face2id import face2id\n   ```\nInterface:\n   ```\n   def face2id(img: Union[str, np.ndarray],\n            deployment: str = \"docker\",\n            async_support: bool = False,\n            verbose: bool = False) -> str:\n   ```\nParameters:\n   ```\n    img : str or ndarray: face image as base64 encoded png or numpy array\n    deployment: [\"cloud\", \"local\", \"docker\"]\n    async_support: bool: do we need to enable async support\n    verbose: bool: for testing purpose only\n   ```\nReturn value: json string\n   ```\n    {\"label\": \"<some label or empty string>\", \"error\": \"<error message or empty string>\"}\n   ```\nLabel can be a name of a person, `unknown` or empty (in case of internal error)\nError is empty string on success or contains some error message\n\n## 6. CI/CD\n\nTo make new release perform the following steps:\n\n1. Assign new git tag by running the following command:\n\n    ```\n    ./rel-tag.sh x.y.z\n    ```\n\n    where `x.y.z` is semantic version of new release.\n\n2. Open [Github Release action page](https://github.com/DeGirum/dg_face_tracking/actions/workflows/release.yml) and configure release action\nby clicking **Run workflow** combo box, selecting **Tags** tab in **Branch** combo box, and specifying the tag, which corresponds to the released version:\n\n    ![image](https://github.com/DeGirum/dg_face_tracking/assets/78237151/ab57bac6-59e4-42cd-86b1-d22af480f71a)\n\n3. Start release action by pressing green **Run workflow** button.\n4. Make sure Release action finishes successfully (green checkmark new recent Release action run status)\n5. Open [Github Upload action page](https://github.com/DeGirum/dg_face_tracking/actions/workflows/upload.yml) and configure upload action\nby clicking **Run workflow** combo box and specifying the release version tag in **Release tag containing wheels to upload** edit box:\n\n    ![image](https://github.com/DeGirum/dg_face_tracking/assets/78237151/84685ca8-1a8c-49b4-b9b9-5abde828964f)\n\n6. Start upload action by pressing green **Run workflow** button.\n7. Make sure Upload action finishes successfully (green checkmark new recent Upload action run status)\n8. Verify, that release is avaiable for installation by running the following command:\n    ```\n    pip uninstall -y dg_face_tracking && pip install -U dg_face_tracking\n    ```\n\n    You should see the following prompt:\n\n    ```\n    Successfully installed dg_face_tracking-x.y.z\n    ```\n   \n## 6. Orin Local Demo Installation\n\n#### 6.1 Prerequisites\n- Install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit and Configure Docker\n\nhttps://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/install-guide.html\n\n- Start AIServer in Docker with nvidia runtime:\n   ```commandline\n   docker run -d -p 8778:8778 -v /my/model/zoo/dir:/zoo --runtime nvidia --privileged degirum/aiservertrt:latest\n   ```\n- Download models from DeGirum cloud zoo \nhttps://docs.degirum.com/documentation/PySDK-0.11.0/user-guide/cli/\n\n\n#### 6.2. Create conda environment and install dg_face_tracking package\n\n   ```commandline\n   conda create --name face_tracking python=3.9\n   conda activate face_tracking\n   pip install dg_face_tracking\n   ```\n\n#### 6.3 Run the Demo\n   ```commandline\n    dr_face_tracking   \n   ```\nTo stop the demo: hit \"x\".\n\n\n\n    \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
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    "summary": "DeGirum Face Tracking Application Package",
    "version": "0.1.15",
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