
Namediqu JSON
Version 0.2.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryData Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
upload_time2024-07-08 03:56:04
authorInfinite Lambda
keywords packaging poetry data-quality alert notification collaboration agility flake8 markdown lint
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # diqu

[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/diqu.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/diqu/)
[![License: Apache 2.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache--2.0-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/license/apache-2-0/)

Automate and streamline the alerting/ notification process for dbt test results using this versatile CLI companion tool. Receive detailed alerts & test metadata seamlessly on various platforms, promoting improved collaboration on dbt project issues 🐞🚀.

## Who is this for

This tool is designed for individuals or teams seeking to automate the management of their dbt project issues (test warnings, errors... etc) outside the dbt environment.

## Features

- Automated alerts and notifications based on recorded dbt test results.
- Built-in support for dq-tools and custom query input.
- Auto-labels `deprecated` tests for quick & easy identification.
- Creates and updates Jira tickets with the latest tests' metadata.
- Sends succinct and informative messages to a dedicated Slack channel.

> **dbt alert rant 🟢 🟡 🔴 ⚫** </br></br>
> _"Run errors are red,_</br>
> _Test warnings are yellow,_</br>
> _Where's my bug alert,_</br>
> _And joint bugfix workflow?"_</br></br>
> _-- by `diqu` OG Contributors_ </br>

<img src="./docs/assets/img/diqu_concept.jpeg" alt="diqu Concept"> <!-- markdownlint-disable no-inline-html -->

### Supported Modules

- Sources (DWH connections)
  - Snowflake
  - CSV file
- Package (parsing dbt test results)
  - [![dq-tools](https://img.shields.io/badge/dq--tools-hub-FF694B?logo=dbt&logoColor=FF694B)](https://hub.getdbt.com/infinitelambda/dq_tools)
  - Custom query
- Alert Modules (alert/ notification)
  - Jira
  - Slack

## Installation

pip install diqu [--upgrade]

📓 _NOTE_: The required Data Warehouse (DWH) module should already be installed if you are using `diqu` in a working dbt project. If not, please perform additional steps to install these DWH modules.
For example, if you're using Snowflake:

pip install "snowflake-connector-python[pandas]"
pip install "snowflake-connector-python[secure-local-storage]"

## Usage

<details> <!-- markdownlint-disable no-inline-html -->

  # define the query params
  export ISSUE_DEPRECATED_WINDOW_IN_DAYS=your_issue_deprecation_time_in_day, default to "3"
  export ISSUE_UPDATE_WINDOW_IN_DAYS=your_issue_historical_data_update_window_in_days, default to "14"

  # build dq-tools log table
  dbt run -s dq_tools


  diqu alert --to slack --to jira

04:33:17  diqu: INFO - Run with diqu==1.0.0 🏃
04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Using dbt project at: /path/to/dbt/project
04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Using dbt profiles.yml at: ~/.dbt
04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Using snowflake connection
04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Looking for the query in: ./dq_tools__get_test_results.sql
04:33:23  diqu: INFO - Alerting to: SLACK
04:33:23  diqu: INFO - ✅ Done > Slack
04:33:23  diqu: INFO - Alerting to: JIRA
04:33:23  diqu: INFO - ✅ Done > JIRA

## Alert Modules Configurations

### Slack

- Use the environment variables to configure the Slack Channel:

    export SLACK_TOKEN=your_token
    export SLACK_CHANNEL=your_channel_name
    diqu alert --to slack

### Jira Board

- Use the environment variables to configure the JIRA Board:

    export JIRA_SERVER=your_jira_server e.g. https://your_value.atlassian.net/
    export JIRA_AUTH_USER=your_service_account e.g. dqt_user@your_value.com
    export JIRA_AUTH_PASSWORD=your_service_token e.g. ATATTxxxxx
    export JIRA_PROJECT_ID=your_project_id e.g. 106413
    export JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE=your_issue_type, default to "Bug"
    export JIRA_OPEN_ISSUES_FILTER_BY_SUMMARY=your_issue_filter_on_title, default to "dq-tools"

    diqu alert --to jira

📖 For more details, please visit [the documentation site](https://diqu.iflambda.com/latest/).

## Quick Demo

[![Watch the video](https://cdn.loom.com/sessions/thumbnails/8d970dfe333c450f8f6d3859458cac99-1700469864888-with-play.gif)](https://www.loom.com/share/8d970dfe333c450f8f6d3859458cac99?sid=b5542b91-ca6d-42a9-b80f-55f85674ec21)

## How to Contribute

This Auto Alert (`diqu`) tool is an open-source software. Whether you are a seasoned open-source contributor or a first-time committer, we welcome and encourage you to contribute code, documentation, ideas, or problem statements to this project.

👉 See [CONTRIBUTING guideline](https://diqu.iflambda.com/latest/nav/dev/contributing.html) for more details or check out [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md)

🌟 And then, kudos to **our beloved Contributors**:

<a href="https://github.com/infinitelambda/diqu/graphs/contributors">
  <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=infinitelambda/diqu" />

## About Infinite Lambda

Infinite Lambda is a cloud and data consultancy. We build strategies, help organizations implement them, and pass on the expertise to look after the infrastructure.

We are an Elite Snowflake Partner, a Platinum dbt Partner, and two-times Fivetran Innovation Partner of the Year for EMEA.

Naturally, we love exploring innovative solutions and sharing knowledge, so go ahead and:

🔧 Take a look around our [Git](https://github.com/infinitelambda)

✏️ Browse our [tech blog](https://infinitelambda.com/category/tech-blog/)

We are also chatty, so:

👀 Follow us on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/infinite-lambda/)

👋🏼 Or just [get in touch](https://infinitelambda.com/contacts/)

[<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/infinitelambda/cdn/1.0.0/general/images/GitHub-About-Section-1080x1080.png" alt="About IL" width="500">](https://infinitelambda.com/)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://infinitelambda.com",
    "name": "diqu",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<3.13,>=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "packaging, poetry, data-quality, alert, notification, collaboration, agility, flake8, markdown, lint",
    "author": "Infinite Lambda",
    "author_email": "contact@infinitelambda.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/83/10/8554c9aedd981e2adde2787ab51020461a2351b39a285f29aa0b75db3f3e/diqu-0.2.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# diqu\n\n[![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/Documentation-Check%20it%20out%20\ud83d\udcd6-blue?style=flat)](https://diqu.iflambda.com/latest/)\n[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/diqu.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/diqu/)\n[![License: Apache 2.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache--2.0-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/license/apache-2-0/)\n![python-cli](https://img.shields.io/badge/CLI-Python-FFCE3E?labelColor=14354C&logo=python&logoColor=white)\n[![python](https://img.shields.io/badge/Python-3.9|3.10|3.11-3776AB.svg?style=flat&logo=python&logoColor=white)](https://www.python.org)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/infinitelambda/diqu/graph/badge.svg?token=JUO2ASNQEB)](https://codecov.io/gh/infinitelambda/diqu)\n\nAutomate and streamline the alerting/ notification process for dbt test results using this versatile CLI companion tool. Receive detailed alerts & test metadata seamlessly on various platforms, promoting improved collaboration on dbt project issues \ud83d\udc1e\ud83d\ude80.\n\n## Who is this for\n\nThis tool is designed for individuals or teams seeking to automate the management of their dbt project issues (test warnings, errors... etc) outside the dbt environment.\n\n## Features\n\n- Automated alerts and notifications based on recorded dbt test results.\n- Built-in support for dq-tools and custom query input.\n- Auto-labels `deprecated` tests for quick & easy identification.\n- Creates and updates Jira tickets with the latest tests' metadata.\n- Sends succinct and informative messages to a dedicated Slack channel.\n\n> **dbt alert rant \ud83d\udfe2 \ud83d\udfe1 \ud83d\udd34 \u26ab** </br></br>\n> _\"Run errors are red,_</br>\n> _Test warnings are yellow,_</br>\n> _Where's my bug alert,_</br>\n> _And joint bugfix workflow?\"_</br></br>\n> _-- by `diqu` OG Contributors_ </br>\n\n<img src=\"./docs/assets/img/diqu_concept.jpeg\" alt=\"diqu Concept\"> <!-- markdownlint-disable no-inline-html -->\n\n### Supported Modules\n\n- Sources (DWH connections)\n  - Snowflake\n  - CSV file\n- Package (parsing dbt test results)\n  - [![dq-tools](https://img.shields.io/badge/dq--tools-hub-FF694B?logo=dbt&logoColor=FF694B)](https://hub.getdbt.com/infinitelambda/dq_tools)\n  - Custom query\n- Alert Modules (alert/ notification)\n  - Jira\n  - Slack\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\npip install diqu [--upgrade]\n```\n\n\ud83d\udcd3 _NOTE_: The required Data Warehouse (DWH) module should already be installed if you are using `diqu` in a working dbt project. If not, please perform additional steps to install these DWH modules.\nFor example, if you're using Snowflake:\n\n```bash\npip install \"snowflake-connector-python[pandas]\"\npip install \"snowflake-connector-python[secure-local-storage]\"\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n<details> <!-- markdownlint-disable no-inline-html -->\n  <summary>preflight</summary>\n\n  ```bash\n  # define the query params\n  export ISSUE_DEPRECATED_WINDOW_IN_DAYS=your_issue_deprecation_time_in_day, default to \"3\"\n  export ISSUE_UPDATE_WINDOW_IN_DAYS=your_issue_historical_data_update_window_in_days, default to \"14\"\n\n  # build dq-tools log table\n  dbt run -s dq_tools\n  ```\n\n</details>\n\n  ```bash\n  diqu alert --to slack --to jira\n  ```\n\n```log\n04:33:17  diqu: INFO - Run with diqu==1.0.0 \ud83c\udfc3\n04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Using dbt project at: /path/to/dbt/project\n04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Using dbt profiles.yml at: ~/.dbt\n04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Using snowflake connection\n04:33:19  diqu: INFO - Looking for the query in: ./dq_tools__get_test_results.sql\n04:33:23  diqu: INFO - Alerting to: SLACK\n04:33:23  diqu: INFO - \u2705 Done > Slack\n04:33:23  diqu: INFO - Alerting to: JIRA\n04:33:23  diqu: INFO - \u2705 Done > JIRA\n```\n\n## Alert Modules Configurations\n\n### Slack\n\n- Use the environment variables to configure the Slack Channel:\n\n    ```bash\n    export SLACK_TOKEN=your_token\n    export SLACK_CHANNEL=your_channel_name\n    \n    diqu alert --to slack\n    ```\n\n### Jira Board\n\n- Use the environment variables to configure the JIRA Board:\n\n    ```bash\n    export JIRA_SERVER=your_jira_server e.g. https://your_value.atlassian.net/\n    export JIRA_AUTH_USER=your_service_account e.g. dqt_user@your_value.com\n    export JIRA_AUTH_PASSWORD=your_service_token e.g. ATATTxxxxx\n    export JIRA_PROJECT_ID=your_project_id e.g. 106413\n    export JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE=your_issue_type, default to \"Bug\"\n    export JIRA_OPEN_ISSUES_FILTER_BY_SUMMARY=your_issue_filter_on_title, default to \"dq-tools\"\n\n    diqu alert --to jira\n    ```\n\n\ud83d\udcd6 For more details, please visit [the documentation site](https://diqu.iflambda.com/latest/).\n\n## Quick Demo\n\n[![Watch the video](https://cdn.loom.com/sessions/thumbnails/8d970dfe333c450f8f6d3859458cac99-1700469864888-with-play.gif)](https://www.loom.com/share/8d970dfe333c450f8f6d3859458cac99?sid=b5542b91-ca6d-42a9-b80f-55f85674ec21)\n\n## How to Contribute\n\nThis Auto Alert (`diqu`) tool is an open-source software. Whether you are a seasoned open-source contributor or a first-time committer, we welcome and encourage you to contribute code, documentation, ideas, or problem statements to this project.\n\n\ud83d\udc49 See [CONTRIBUTING guideline](https://diqu.iflambda.com/latest/nav/dev/contributing.html) for more details or check out [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md)\n\n\ud83c\udf1f And then, kudos to **our beloved Contributors**:\n\n<a href=\"https://github.com/infinitelambda/diqu/graphs/contributors\">\n  <img src=\"https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=infinitelambda/diqu\" />\n</a>\n\n## About Infinite Lambda\n\nInfinite Lambda is a cloud and data consultancy. We build strategies, help organizations implement them, and pass on the expertise to look after the infrastructure.\n\nWe are an Elite Snowflake Partner, a Platinum dbt Partner, and two-times Fivetran Innovation Partner of the Year for EMEA.\n\nNaturally, we love exploring innovative solutions and sharing knowledge, so go ahead and:\n\n\ud83d\udd27 Take a look around our [Git](https://github.com/infinitelambda)\n\n\u270f\ufe0f Browse our [tech blog](https://infinitelambda.com/category/tech-blog/)\n\nWe are also chatty, so:\n\n\ud83d\udc40 Follow us on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/infinite-lambda/)\n\n\ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffc Or just [get in touch](https://infinitelambda.com/contacts/)\n\n[<img src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/infinitelambda/cdn/1.0.0/general/images/GitHub-About-Section-1080x1080.png\" alt=\"About IL\" width=\"500\">](https://infinitelambda.com/)\n",
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        "Homepage": "https://infinitelambda.com",
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