
Namedisplay-tty JSON
Version 1.1.7 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA module that allows you to display text with a few boilers (i.e. put your text in a square for titles)
upload_time2024-09-09 14:22:12
authorHenry Letellier
requirements colorlog pytest setuptools wheel pep517
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Display tty

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## Description

This is a python package I created in order to simplify the boiling process for displaying text in a geometrical shape drawn using characters.

## Disclaimer

The package was originally named `disp` but had to be changed to `display_tty` because the names `disp` and `display` were already taken by other packages.

The class will still remain `Disp` but bindings named `Display`, `DispTTY` and `DisplayTTY` are available.

The Preloaded version exists under: `IDISP`, `IDISPLAY`, `IDTTY` and `IDISPTTY`

## Table of Content

1. [Display tty](#display-tty)
2. [Description](#description)
3. [Disclaimer](#disclaimer)
4. [Table of Content](#table-of-content)
5. [Installation](#installation)
    1. [Using pip](#using-pip)
    2. [Using python](#using-python)
6. [Usage](#usage)
    1. [Importing](#importing)
    2. [Initialising](#initialising)
    3. [Calling the tree function](#calling-the-tree-function)
    4. [Displaying a beautified Hello World](#displaying-a-beautified-hello-world)
        1. [Hello World as a title](#hello-world-as-a-title)
        2. [Hello World as a sub title](#hello-world-as-a-sub-title)
        3. [Hello World as a sub sub title](#hello-world-as-a-sub-sub-title)
        4. [Hello World as a message with adjustable delay per call](#hello-world-as-a-message-with-adjustable-delay-per-call)
        5. [Hello World as a message](#hello-world-as-a-message)
        6. [Hello World as a question message](#hello-world-as-a-question-message)
        7. [Hello World as an error message](#hello-world-as-an-error-message)
        8. [Hello World as a success message](#hello-world-as-a-success-message)
        9. [Hello World as a warning message](#hello-world-as-a-warning-message)
        10. [Hello World as an inform message](#hello-world-as-an-inform-message)
7. [Change the initialisation content](#change-the-initialisation-content)
    1. [TOML configuration breakdown](#toml-configuration-breakdown)
        1. [line 1](#line-1)
        2. [line 2](#line-2)
        3. [line 3](#line-3)
        4. [line 4](#line-4)
        5. [line 5](#line-5)
        6. [line 6](#line-6)
        7. [line 7](#line-7)
        8. [line 8](#line-8)
        9. [line 9](#line-9)
        10. [line 10](#line-10)
        11. [line 11](#line-11)
        12. [line 12](#line-12)
        13. [line 13](#line-13)
        14. [line 14](#line-14)
        15. [line 15](#line-15)
        16. [line 16](#line-16)
        17. [line 17](#line-17)
    2. [Update the configuration of an initialised class](#update-the-configuration-of-an-initialised-class)
8. [Author](#author)
9. [Version](#version)

## Installation

### Using pip

pip install -U disp

### Using python

Under Windows:

py -m pip install -U display_tty

Under Linux/Mac OS:

python3 -m pip install -U display_tty

## Usage

### Importing

from display_tty import IDTTY

### Initialising

The generic class is: `Disp(toml_content: dict, save_to_file: bool = False, file_name: str = "text_output_run.txt", file_descriptor: any = None)`

For your convenience, you can use the `IDTTY` variable which is an initialised version of the class.

IDTTY.title("Hello World")

Otherwise, if you wish to initialise the class with your own parameters, you can do so like this:

from display_tty import DisplayTTY
    'TREE_NODE_CHAR': '├',
    'TREE_NODE_END_CHAR': '└',

FILE_NAME = "run_results.txt"

IDTTY = DisplayTTY(

### Calling the tree function

The generic function is:

tree(self, title: str, data: list[str], offset: int = 0)

The output is: None

    "test_data1": "test_data1.1",
    "test_data2": "test_data2.1",
    "test_data3": [
    "test_data4": "test_data4.1",
    "test_data5": {
        "test_data5.1": "test_data5.1.1",
        "test_data5.2": "test_data5.2.1",
        "test_data5.3": "test_data5.3.1",
        "test_data5.4": "test_data5.4.1"
    "test_data6": [
            "test_data6.1": "test_data6.1.1",
            "test_data6.2": "test_data6.2.1"
    "test_data7": {
        "test_data7.1": {
            "test_data7.1.1": "test_data7.1.1.1",
            "test_data7.1.2": "test_data7.1.2.1"
        "test_data7.2": [

IDTTY.tree("This is a test tree", TEST_DATA, 0)

### Displaying a beautified Hello World

#### Hello World as a title

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a title is:

title(self, title)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.title("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as a sub title

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a sub title is:

sub_title(self, sub_title)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.sub_title("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as a sub sub title

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a sub sub  title is:

sub_sub_title(self, sub_sub_title)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.sub_sub_title("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as a message with adjustable delay per call

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a message is:

animate_message(self, message: str = "Hello World!", delay: float = 0.02)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.animate_message("Hello World !", 0.01)

#### Hello World as a message

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a message is:

message(self, message:str)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.message("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as a question message

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a question message is:

question_message(self, message: str)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.question_message("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as an error message

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as an error message is:

error_message(self, message: str)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.error_message("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as a success message

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a success message is:

success_message(self, message: str)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.success_message("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as a warning message

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as a warning message is:

warning_message(self, message: str)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.warning_message("Hello World !")

#### Hello World as an inform message

The generic function to display `Hello World!` as an inform message is:


The outputs is: None


### Displaying the current date

The generic function to display the current date as a title is:

inform_message(self, message: list)

The outputs is: None

IDTTY.inform_message("Hello World !")

## Change the initialisation content

When initialising the class it is possible to change the animation behaviour by editing the `TOML_CONF` that you must provide when initialising the class.

During the initialisation it is also possible to redirect the output to a file instead of displaying it on the terminal. For this, please set the `save_to_file` to `True` and either:

* provide a file name in `file_name`

* provide a file descriptor in `file_descriptor`

If you provided a `file_name`, the file will automatically be opened
However, in both cases, you will need to close the file by calling the function `close_file` (i.e. at the end of your program)

### TOML configuration breakdown

This is the arguments that are required in the `TOML` file:

```txt #toml
14 | TREE_NODE_CHAR: '├',

PS: I've added line numbers `<number> |` to help you track the analysis of the file, these are generally added automatically by your code editor.

Thats a big file, lets break it down together:

#### line 1

```txt #toml

This option is a crucial pivot for the program.


* `True`: The program will output the content letter by letter while waiting a specified delay
* `False`: It will print out all of your messages at once without waiting any delay

#### line 2

```txt #toml

This option is an optimisation for the program.


* `True`: The program will:
  * Extract the words from the input
  * output the content word by word while waiting a specified delay and respecting spacing
* `False`: It will print out all of your messages at once without waiting any delay

#### line 3

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a message.

#### line 4

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying an error message.

#### line 5

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying an inform message.

#### line 6

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a question message.

#### line 7

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a success message.

#### line 8

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a warning message.

#### line 9

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a sub sub title.

#### line 10

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a sub title.

#### line 11

```txt #toml

This is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a title.

#### line 12

```txt #toml

This is the character used by the tree function to indicate the indentation level


│   ├─── my_file

#### line 13

```txt #toml

This is the character used by the tree function to indicate the file/folder of the current line


├─── my_file

#### line 14

```txt #toml

This is the character used by the tree function to indicate the directory level to wich the file/directory is linked but that this is not the last file/directory.


├─── my_file

#### line 15

```txt #toml

This is the character used by the tree function to indicate the directory level to wich the file/directory is linked but that this is the last file/directory.


└─── my_file

#### line 16

```txt #toml

Specify the delay between each word placement. (min: 0)

PS: if you enter 0, this is like setting `PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS` to `False`

#### line 17

```txt #toml

This variable is a pivot point for the program.

Specify the delay between each word placement. (min: 0)

PS: if you enter 0, this is like setting `PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS` to `False`

### Update the configuration of an initialised class

If the default initialisation, or the class you previously initialised has some elements you would like to update, you can do so by calling the inner variables.

Here are the variables you might be interested in:

from display_tty import IDTTY
IDTTY.title_wall_chr # string (length 1): i.e.: '#'
IDTTY.sub_title_wall_chr # string (length 1): i.e.: '@'
IDTTY.sub_sub_title_wall_chr # string (length 1): i.e.: '*'
IDTTY.message_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '@'
IDTTY.message_error_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '#'
IDTTY.message_success_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '/'
IDTTY.message_inform_char # string (length 1): i.e.: 'i'
IDTTY.message_warning_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '!'
IDTTY.message_question_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '?'
IDTTY.message_animation_delay # float: i.e.: # 0.01
IDTTY.tree_node_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '├'
IDTTY.tree_node_end_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '└'
IDTTY.tree_line_seperator_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '─'
IDTTY.tree_column_seperator_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '│'
IDTTY.save_to_file # True or False
IDTTY.toml_content["PRETTIFY_OUTPUT"] # True of False
IDTTY.toml_content["PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS"] # True of False

To update a variable, simply assing it a new value, like in this example: `IDTTY.title_wall_chr = "&"`

PS: These changes only apply to the class you loaded, any others will not be touched.

## Author

This module was written by (c) Henry Letellier
Attributions are appreciated.

Quick way:

print(f"AskQuestion is written by {IDTTY.author}")

## Version

The current version is 1.0.0

An easy way to display the version is:

import display_tty as IDTTY
print(f"Version : {IDTTY.__Version__}")


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/Hanra-s-work/disp",
    "name": "display-tty",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Henry Letellier",
    "author_email": "henrysoftwarehouse@protonmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e4/2d/c88524b540e30595ef6cba1a9b47ea36584b6a21c8493d476385ede281e7/display_tty-1.1.7.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Display tty\n\n![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/display_tty)\n![PyPI - Implementation](https://img.shields.io/pypi/implementation/display_tty)\n![PyPI - Wheel](https://img.shields.io/pypi/wheel/display_tty)\n![PyPI - Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/display_tty?label=pypi%20package:%20display_tty)\n![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/display_tty)\n![PyPI - License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/display_tty)\n![Execution status](https://github.com/Hanra-s-work/display_tty/actions/workflows/python-package.yml/badge.svg)\n![GitHub Workflow Status (with event)](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/Hanra-s-work/display_tty/python-package.yml)\n![GitHub repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/Hanra-s-work/display_tty)\n![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Hanra-s-work/display_tty)\n![GitHub commit activity (branch)](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/Hanra-s-work/display_tty)\n![GitHub last commit (branch)](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/Hanra-s-work/display_tty/main)\n\n[![Static Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Buy_me_a_tea-Hanra-%235F7FFF?style=flat-square&logo=buymeacoffee&label=Buy%20me%20a%20coffee&labelColor=%235F7FFF&color=%23FFDD00&link=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buymeacoffee.com%2Fhanra)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hanra)\n\n## Description\n\nThis is a python package I created in order to simplify the boiling process for displaying text in a geometrical shape drawn using characters.\n\n## Disclaimer\n\nThe package was originally named `disp` but had to be changed to `display_tty` because the names `disp` and `display` were already taken by other packages.\n\nThe class will still remain `Disp` but bindings named `Display`, `DispTTY` and `DisplayTTY` are available.\n\nThe Preloaded version exists under: `IDISP`, `IDISPLAY`, `IDTTY` and `IDISPTTY`\n\n## Table of Content\n\n1. [Display tty](#display-tty)\n2. [Description](#description)\n3. [Disclaimer](#disclaimer)\n4. [Table of Content](#table-of-content)\n5. [Installation](#installation)\n    1. [Using pip](#using-pip)\n    2. [Using python](#using-python)\n6. [Usage](#usage)\n    1. [Importing](#importing)\n    2. [Initialising](#initialising)\n    3. [Calling the tree function](#calling-the-tree-function)\n    4. [Displaying a beautified Hello World](#displaying-a-beautified-hello-world)\n        1. [Hello World as a title](#hello-world-as-a-title)\n        2. [Hello World as a sub title](#hello-world-as-a-sub-title)\n        3. [Hello World as a sub sub title](#hello-world-as-a-sub-sub-title)\n        4. [Hello World as a message with adjustable delay per call](#hello-world-as-a-message-with-adjustable-delay-per-call)\n        5. [Hello World as a message](#hello-world-as-a-message)\n        6. [Hello World as a question message](#hello-world-as-a-question-message)\n        7. [Hello World as an error message](#hello-world-as-an-error-message)\n        8. [Hello World as a success message](#hello-world-as-a-success-message)\n        9. [Hello World as a warning message](#hello-world-as-a-warning-message)\n        10. [Hello World as an inform message](#hello-world-as-an-inform-message)\n7. [Change the initialisation content](#change-the-initialisation-content)\n    1. [TOML configuration breakdown](#toml-configuration-breakdown)\n        1. [line 1](#line-1)\n        2. [line 2](#line-2)\n        3. [line 3](#line-3)\n        4. [line 4](#line-4)\n        5. [line 5](#line-5)\n        6. [line 6](#line-6)\n        7. [line 7](#line-7)\n        8. [line 8](#line-8)\n        9. [line 9](#line-9)\n        10. [line 10](#line-10)\n        11. [line 11](#line-11)\n        12. [line 12](#line-12)\n        13. [line 13](#line-13)\n        14. [line 14](#line-14)\n        15. [line 15](#line-15)\n        16. [line 16](#line-16)\n        17. [line 17](#line-17)\n    2. [Update the configuration of an initialised class](#update-the-configuration-of-an-initialised-class)\n8. [Author](#author)\n9. [Version](#version)\n\n## Installation\n\n### Using pip\n\n```sh\npip install -U disp\n```\n\n### Using python\n\nUnder Windows:\n\n```bat\npy -m pip install -U display_tty\n```\n\nUnder Linux/Mac OS:\n\n```sh\npython3 -m pip install -U display_tty\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### Importing\n\n```py\nfrom display_tty import IDTTY\n```\n\n### Initialising\n\nThe generic class is: `Disp(toml_content: dict, save_to_file: bool = False, file_name: str = \"text_output_run.txt\", file_descriptor: any = None)`\n\nFor your convenience, you can use the `IDTTY` variable which is an initialised version of the class.\n\n```py\nIDTTY.title(\"Hello World\")\n```\n\nOtherwise, if you wish to initialise the class with your own parameters, you can do so like this:\n\n```py\nfrom display_tty import DisplayTTY\nTOML_CONF = {\n    'PRETTIFY_OUTPUT': True,\n    'PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS': True,\n    'MESSAGE_CHARACTER': '@',\n    'MESSAGE_ERROR_CHARACTER': '#',\n    'MESSAGE_INFORM_CHARACTER': 'i',\n    'MESSAGE_QUESTION_CHARACTER': '?',\n    'MESSAGE_SUCCESS_CHARACTER': '/',\n    'MESSAGE_WARNING_CHARACTER': '!',\n    'SUB_SUB_TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER': '*',\n    'SUB_TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER': '@',\n    'TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER': '#',\n    'TREE_COLUMN_SEPERATOR_CHAR': '\u2502',\n    'TREE_LINE_SEPERATOR_CHAR': '\u2500',\n    'TREE_NODE_CHAR': '\u251c',\n    'TREE_NODE_END_CHAR': '\u2514',\n    'MESSAGE_ANIMATION_DELAY_BLOCKY': 0.01,\n    'MESSAGE_ANIMATION_DELAY': 0.01\n}\n\nSAVE_TO_FILE = False\nFILE_NAME = \"run_results.txt\"\nFILE_DESCRIPTOR = None\n\n\nIDTTY = DisplayTTY(\n    TOML_CONF,\n    SAVE_TO_FILE,\n    FILE_NAME,\n)\n```\n\n### Calling the tree function\n\nThe generic function is:\n\n```py\ntree(self, title: str, data: list[str], offset: int = 0)\n```\n\nThe output is: None\n\n```py\nTEST_DATA = {\n    \"test_data1\": \"test_data1.1\",\n    \"test_data2\": \"test_data2.1\",\n    \"test_data3\": [\n        \"test_data_list3.1\",\n        \"test_data_list3.2\",\n        \"test_data_list3.3\",\n        \"test_data_list3.4\",\n        \"test_data_list3.5\"\n    ],\n    \"test_data4\": \"test_data4.1\",\n    \"test_data5\": {\n        \"test_data5.1\": \"test_data5.1.1\",\n        \"test_data5.2\": \"test_data5.2.1\",\n        \"test_data5.3\": \"test_data5.3.1\",\n        \"test_data5.4\": \"test_data5.4.1\"\n    },\n    \"test_data6\": [\n        {\n            \"test_data6.1\": \"test_data6.1.1\",\n            \"test_data6.2\": \"test_data6.2.1\"\n        },\n        [\n            \"test_data_list6.3.1\",\n            \"test_data_list6.3.1\",\n            \"test_data_list6.3.1\",\n            \"test_data_list6.3.1\"\n        ]\n    ],\n    \"test_data7\": {\n        \"test_data7.1\": {\n            \"test_data7.1.1\": \"test_data7.1.1.1\",\n            \"test_data7.1.2\": \"test_data7.1.2.1\"\n        },\n        \"test_data7.2\": [\n            \"test_data7.2.1\",\n            \"test_data7.2.2\",\n            \"test_data7.2.3\",\n            \"test_data7.2.4\",\n            \"test_data7.2.5\"\n        ]\n    }\n}\n\nIDTTY.tree(\"This is a test tree\", TEST_DATA, 0)\n```\n\n### Displaying a beautified Hello World\n\n#### Hello World as a title\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a title is:\n\n```py\ntitle(self, title)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.title(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as a sub title\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a sub title is:\n\n```py\nsub_title(self, sub_title)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.sub_title(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as a sub sub title\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a sub sub  title is:\n\n```py\nsub_sub_title(self, sub_sub_title)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.sub_sub_title(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as a message with adjustable delay per call\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a message is:\n\n```py\nanimate_message(self, message: str = \"Hello World!\", delay: float = 0.02)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.animate_message(\"Hello World !\", 0.01)\n```\n\n#### Hello World as a message\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a message is:\n\n```py\nmessage(self, message:str)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.message(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as a question message\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a question message is:\n\n```py\nquestion_message(self, message: str)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.question_message(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as an error message\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as an error message is:\n\n```py\nerror_message(self, message: str)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.error_message(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as a success message\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a success message is:\n\n```py\nsuccess_message(self, message: str)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.success_message(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as a warning message\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as a warning message is:\n\n```py\nwarning_message(self, message: str)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.warning_message(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n#### Hello World as an inform message\n\nThe generic function to display `Hello World!` as an inform message is:\n\n```py\nappend_run_date(self)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.append_run_date()\n```\n\n### Displaying the current date\n\nThe generic function to display the current date as a title is:\n\n```py\ninform_message(self, message: list)\n```\n\nThe outputs is: None\n\n```py\nIDTTY.inform_message(\"Hello World !\")\n```\n\n## Change the initialisation content\n\nWhen initialising the class it is possible to change the animation behaviour by editing the `TOML_CONF` that you must provide when initialising the class.\n\nDuring the initialisation it is also possible to redirect the output to a file instead of displaying it on the terminal. For this, please set the `save_to_file` to `True` and either:\n\n* provide a file name in `file_name`\n\n* provide a file descriptor in `file_descriptor`\n\nIf you provided a `file_name`, the file will automatically be opened\nHowever, in both cases, you will need to close the file by calling the function `close_file` (i.e. at the end of your program)\n\n### TOML configuration breakdown\n\nThis is the arguments that are required in the `TOML` file:\n\n```txt #toml\n1  | PRETTIFY_OUTPUT: True,\n2  | PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS: True,\n3  | MESSAGE_CHARACTER: '@',\n4  | MESSAGE_ERROR_CHARACTER: '#',\n5  | MESSAGE_INFORM_CHARACTER: '!',\n6  | MESSAGE_QUESTION_CHARACTER: '?',\n7  | MESSAGE_SUCCESS_CHARACTER: '/',\n8  | MESSAGE_WARNING_CHARACTER: '?',\n9  | SUB_SUB_TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER: '*',\n10 | SUB_TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER: '@',\n11 | TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER: '#',\n12 | TREE_COLUMN_SEPERATOR_CHAR: '\u2502',\n13 | TREE_LINE_SEPERATOR_CHAR: '\u2500',\n14 | TREE_NODE_CHAR: '\u251c',\n15 | TREE_NODE_END_CHAR: '\u2514',\n16 | MESSAGE_ANIMATION_DELAY_BLOCKY: 0.01,\n17 | MESSAGE_ANIMATION_DELAY: 0.01\n```\n\nPS: I've added line numbers `<number> |` to help you track the analysis of the file, these are generally added automatically by your code editor.\n\nThats a big file, lets break it down together:\n\n#### line 1\n\n```txt #toml\nPRETTIFY_OUTPUT: True\n```\n\nThis option is a crucial pivot for the program.\n\nIf:\n\n* `True`: The program will output the content letter by letter while waiting a specified delay\n* `False`: It will print out all of your messages at once without waiting any delay\n\n#### line 2\n\n```txt #toml\nPRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS: True\n```\n\nThis option is an optimisation for the program.\n\nIf:\n\n* `True`: The program will:\n  * Extract the words from the input\n  * output the content word by word while waiting a specified delay and respecting spacing\n* `False`: It will print out all of your messages at once without waiting any delay\n\n#### line 3\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_CHARACTER: '@'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a message.\n\n#### line 4\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_ERROR_CHARACTER: '#'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying an error message.\n\n#### line 5\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_INFORM_CHARACTER: '!'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying an inform message.\n\n#### line 6\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_QUESTION_CHARACTER: '?'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a question message.\n\n#### line 7\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_SUCCESS_CHARACTER: '/'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a success message.\n\n#### line 8\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_WARNING_CHARACTER: '?'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a warning message.\n\n#### line 9\n\n```txt #toml\nSUB_SUB_TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER: '*'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a sub sub title.\n\n#### line 10\n\n```txt #toml\nSUB_TITLE_WALL_CHARACTER: '@'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a sub title.\n\n#### line 11\n\n```txt #toml\nTITLE_WALL_CHARACTER: '#'\n```\n\nThis is a customisation, it allows you to specify the characther to use when displaying a title.\n\n#### line 12\n\n```txt #toml\nTREE_COLUMN_SEPERATOR_CHAR: '\u2502'\n```\n\nThis is the character used by the tree function to indicate the indentation level\n\ni.e:\n\n```txt\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500 my_file\n```\n\n#### line 13\n\n```txt #toml\nTREE_LINE_SEPERATOR_CHAR: '\u2500'\n```\n\nThis is the character used by the tree function to indicate the file/folder of the current line\n\ni.e:\n\n```txt\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500 my_file\n```\n\n#### line 14\n\n```txt #toml\nTREE_NODE_CHAR: '\u251c'\n```\n\nThis is the character used by the tree function to indicate the directory level to wich the file/directory is linked but that this is not the last file/directory.\n\ni.e:\n\n```txt\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500 my_file\n```\n\n#### line 15\n\n```txt #toml\nTREE_NODE_END_CHAR: '\u2514'\n```\n\nThis is the character used by the tree function to indicate the directory level to wich the file/directory is linked but that this is the last file/directory.\n\ni.e:\n\n```txt\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500 my_file\n```\n\n#### line 16\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_ANIMATION_DELAY_BLOCKY: 0.01\n```\n\nSpecify the delay between each word placement. (min: 0)\n\nPS: if you enter 0, this is like setting `PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS` to `False`\n\n#### line 17\n\n```txt #toml\nMESSAGE_ANIMATION_DELAY: 0.01\n```\n\nThis variable is a pivot point for the program.\n\nSpecify the delay between each word placement. (min: 0)\n\nPS: if you enter 0, this is like setting `PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS` to `False`\n\n### Update the configuration of an initialised class\n\nIf the default initialisation, or the class you previously initialised has some elements you would like to update, you can do so by calling the inner variables.\n\nHere are the variables you might be interested in:\n\n```py\nfrom display_tty import IDTTY\nIDTTY.title_wall_chr # string (length 1): i.e.: '#'\nIDTTY.sub_title_wall_chr # string (length 1): i.e.: '@'\nIDTTY.sub_sub_title_wall_chr # string (length 1): i.e.: '*'\nIDTTY.message_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '@'\nIDTTY.message_error_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '#'\nIDTTY.message_success_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '/'\nIDTTY.message_inform_char # string (length 1): i.e.: 'i'\nIDTTY.message_warning_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '!'\nIDTTY.message_question_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '?'\nIDTTY.message_animation_delay # float: i.e.: # 0.01\nIDTTY.tree_node_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '\u251c'\nIDTTY.tree_node_end_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '\u2514'\nIDTTY.tree_line_seperator_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '\u2500'\nIDTTY.tree_column_seperator_char # string (length 1): i.e.: '\u2502'\nIDTTY.save_to_file # True or False\nIDTTY.toml_content[\"PRETTIFY_OUTPUT\"] # True of False\nIDTTY.toml_content[\"PRETTY_OUTPUT_IN_BLOCS\"] # True of False\n```\n\nTo update a variable, simply assing it a new value, like in this example: `IDTTY.title_wall_chr = \"&\"`\n\nPS: These changes only apply to the class you loaded, any others will not be touched.\n\n## Author\n\nThis module was written by (c) Henry Letellier\nAttributions are appreciated.\n\nQuick way:\n\n```py\nprint(f\"AskQuestion is written by {IDTTY.author}\")\n```\n\n## Version\n\nThe current version is 1.0.0\n\nAn easy way to display the version is:\n\n```py\nimport display_tty as IDTTY\nprint(f\"Version : {IDTTY.__Version__}\")\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "A module that allows you to display text with a few boilers (i.e. put your text in a square for titles)",
    "version": "1.1.7",
    "project_urls": {
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    "split_keywords": [],
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