
Namedivinegift JSON
Version 2.15.19 PyPI version JSON
SummaryVer.2.15.19. Added slice_portion function.
upload_time2023-07-03 03:35:31
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            **The most useful package for you, young python programmer :)**

# How to use it

## Install this packages before use

* sqlalchemy            - For works with databases
* cx_Oracle             - Oracle driver
* sqlalchemy-pytds      - MSSQL driver
* psycopg2-binary       - Postgres driver
* xlutils               - For Excel
* xlsxwriter            - for Excel
* openpyxl              - For Excel  
* transliterate         - For Transliteration
* confluent-kafka[avro] - For work with kafka

## logging

# Import necessary functions
from divinegift.logger import log_info, log_err, log_warning, set_loglevel

# info msg
log_info('Your message')

# error msg
log_err('Error msg',
        src='Error source',  # e.g. str(sys.argv[0])
        mode=['telegram', 'email']  # May be empty
            "telegram": -1001343660695, 
            "email": {"TO": ["your@domain.ru"], "FROM": "from@domain.com", 
                "HOST": "smtp.domain.com", "usr": "from@domain.com", "pwd": "supersecretpassword"}  
        })  # You can add "CC" to "email" for add copy_to addresses

# error msg with out sending problem to external system
log_err('Error msg', src='Error src')

## Pass log_level and log_name through cmd arguments

To specify log_level and log_name in your app you can send it through arguments:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Get all args from cmd:
    args = get_args()
    # Get log_level, log_name, log_dir
    lp = get_log_param(args)
    # Set log_level and log_name:
    set_loglevel(lp.get('log_level'), lp.get('log_name'), lp.get('log_dir'))
You should pass your args by pairs: key value, e.g. --log_level INFO
Available variants for logging are:
* --log_level or shortcut is -ll
* --log_name or shortcut is -ln
* --log_dir or shortcut is -ld

log_level could be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Example of starting app with arguments:
python test.py -ll INFO -ln test.log

## Config parsing 

To parsing configs you can use class *divinegift.config.Settings* .
By default, it's use yaml as config language. But you can use json-style too.

### YAML-config
from divinegift.config import Settings  # Necessary imports

settings = {}

# You should use divinegift.logger.set_loglevel before config parsing
s = Settings()
settings = s.get_settings()

#### Config example
- telegram
- email
- slack
    - aims.control@s7.ru
    telegram: -1001343660695

### JSON-config

from divinegift.config import Settings  # Necessary imports

settings = {}

# You should use divinegift.logger.set_loglevel before config parsing
s = Settings()
s.parse_settings('./settings.ini', use_yaml=False)
settings = s.get_settings()

#### Config example

    "log_level": "INFO",
    "log_name": "YourAwesomeProject.log",
    "monitoring": [
    "monitoring_channel": {
        "telegram": -1001343660695,
        "email_to": [

## Working with DB (sqlalchemy)

You should define dict with db_conn creditional.
For example:

### Oracle
Install oracle driver:
pip install cx_oracle
db_conn = {
    "db_user": "dbuser",             # username
    "db_pass": "dbpass",             # password
    "db_host": "dbhost",             # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_port": "",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_name": "dbname",             # database name
    "db_schm": "",                   # db scheme if not equal username
    "dialect": "oracle"              # if use cx_Oracle or oracle+another_dialect
Install mssql driver:
pip install sqlalchemy-pytds
db_conn = {
    "db_user": "dbuser",             # username
    "db_pass": "dbpass",             # password
    "db_host": "",                   # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_port": "",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_name": "dbname",             # database name
    "db_schm": "",                   # db scheme if not equal username
    "dialect": "mssql+pytds"         # mssql dialect
### Postgres
Install postgres driver:
pip install psycopg2
db_conn = {
    "db_user": "dbuser",             # username
    "db_pass": "dbpass",             # password
    "db_host": "",                   # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_port": "",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_name": "dbname",             # database name
    "db_schm": "",                   # db scheme if not equal username
    "dialect": "postgresql+psycopg2" # dialect

### Create connection

Use class DBClient to create connection to DB. Old-styled functions, which contained in *divinegift.db* module directly, are deprecated but still works.
from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn)            # db_conn - variable which was described above
# Describe which fields you wants to method get_conn will returned (possible fields are 'engine', 'conn' and 'metadata')
engine, conn, metadata = connection.get_conn(fields=['engine', 'conn', 'metadata'])  

If you need to call stored procedure with db cursors you should use raw connection.
from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn, do_initialize=False)            # db_conn - variable which was described above
conn = connection.get_conn(fields='conn')  

### Get data from sript (file or just string)

After you got "connection" variable you can  get data from file or from str variable directly.

from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn)

result = connection.get_data('path/to/scripts/some_script.sql')
# or you can use str variable:
script = 'select * from dual'
result = connection.get_data(script)
>>>[{'dummy': 'X'}]

You can use specific encoding for your files (by default it's 'cp1251').
Just put it into args:
result = connection.get_data('path/to/scripts/some_script.sql', encoding='utf8')

Also you can add some variables into your script (e.g. date) and then you can pass it into a function:
from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn)

script = """select * from dual
where dummy = '$param'"""
parameters = {'param': 'X'}
result = connection.get_data(script, **parameters)
# Or another variant
result = connection.get_data(script, param='X')
>>>[{'dummy': 'X'}]

### Run script without getting data

You can run script without recieving data.
You should use *divinegift.db.DBClient.run_script* for this like get_data, e.g.:
from divinegift.db import Connection
connection = Connection(db_conn)

## Sending email

You can use function send_mail from class *divinegift.sender.Sender*

You should set your msg, subject and list of recipients, and account which should be used for sending email
Simple example:
from divinegift.sender import Sender

sender = Sender()
sender.send_mail('Test message', 'Test subject', TO=['your@domain.com'],
           FROM="from@domain.com", HOST="smtp.domain.com", usr="from", pwd="pwd")

You can specify TO, CC, BCC, HOST, FROM and attachments. Also you can send it like html-message or like text.

You should pass list of attachments files with absolute path to it. You can use function *divinegift.main.get_list_files* for get it.
For sending email with attachment(s):
from divinegift.main import get_list_files
from divinegift.sender import Sender

sender = Sender()
attachment_list = get_list_files('/path/to/files', add_path=True)
sender.send_mail('Hello! This are files in attach', 'Test sending attachments', ['your@domain.com'], 
                  FROM="from@domain.com", HOST="smtp.domain.com", usr="from", pwd="pwd",
# Also you can send only one file:
attachment = '/path/to/file/file_name'
sender.send_mail('Hello! There is file in attach', 'File', ['your@domain.com'], 
                FROM="from@domain.com", HOST="smtp.domain.com", usr="from", pwd="pwd",

If you set IS_HTML to False (by default it is True), you could send an email like simple text message, not html

## Work with JSON

You can simple parse and create JSONs

To create json you could use *divinegift.main.create_json*
To parse it you could use *divinegift.main.parse_json*
Or you could use class *divinegift.main.Json* instead of it

For example:
from divinegift.main import create_json, parse_json
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
create_json(A, 'json_file_name.json')
B = parse_json('json_file_name.json')

>>> {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}

from divinegift.main import Json
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
json_obj = Json('json_file_class.json')
B = json_obj.parse()

## Work with YAML

You can simple parse and create YAMLs

To create json you could use *divinegift.main.create_yaml*
To parse it you could use *divinegift.main.parse_yaml*
Or you could use class *divinegift.main.Yaml* instead of it

For example:
from divinegift.main import create_yaml, parse_yaml
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
create_yaml(A, 'yaml_file_name.yml')
B = parse_yaml('yaml_file_name.yml')

>>> {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}

from divinegift.main import Yaml
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
yml_obj = Yaml('yml_file_class.yml')
B = yml_obj.parse()

## Transliterate strings between Russian and English and back

From version 1.0.8 you can use transliterate library to transliterate strings between languages

from divinegift.translit import translit

name_r = translit(name, 'ru_ext')
name_e = translit(name_r, 'ru_ext', reversed=True)
name_r_cap = translit(name, 'ru_ext').capitalize()
name_r_low = translit(name, 'ru_ext').lower()

print(f'From English to Russian: {name}\t->\t{name_r}')
print(f'From Russian to English: {name_r}\t->\t{name_e}')
print(f'Capitalize             : {name}\t->\t{name_r_cap}')
print(f'Lower                  : {name}\t->\t{name_r_low}')

Code from above will show next:
Capitalize             : SHEVCHENKO ANDREY  ->  Шевченко андрей
Lower                  : SHEVCHENKO ANDREY  ->  шевченко андрей

## Encryption
From version 1.0.10 you can use encryption module

### Simple example
from divinegift.cipher import get_key, get_cipher, encrypt_str, decrypt_str

cipher_key = get_key()
cipher = get_cipher(cipher_key)
text = 'qwerty1234!!'
text_enc = encrypt_str(text, cipher)
text_dec = decrypt_str(text_enc, cipher)

Code above will output next:

If you use parameter get_str=False in functions encrypt_str and decrypt_str than this functions will returns binary string

### Works with key in file

Save your key in file by *write_key* function:
from divinegift.cipher import get_key, write_key

cipher_key = get_key()
write_key('key.ck', cipher_key)

Read your key file by *read_key* function:
from divinegift.cipher import read_key

cipher_key = read_key('key.ck')

### Caesar

You can use caesar encrypt/decrypt:
from divinegift.cipher import caesar_code

text = caesar_code('Hello, World!', shift=5)
It will output next:
Mjqqt, 1twqi!

### Easy encription/decryption database-passwords for more security

Before all you should encrypt your file with settings.
Use next code to do this once:
from divinegift.config import Settings

s = Settings()
s.encrypt_password('db_conn')   # db_conn - name of db connection in settings.conf which contains "db_pass"

After that your password in section 'db_conn' will automaticaly encrypted.
If you have more db-connections just add s.encrypt_password('db_conn_name_you_have') before saving function

Next you must use decryption function in your code to use connection:
from divinegift.config import Settings

s = Settings()
s.decrypt_password('db_conn')   # db_conn - name of db connection in settings.conf which contains "db_pass"

## Live templates. Start create your app as easy as possible

From version 1.0.11 you can create files from templates.
You should use module *templator* for this.

Create tmp.py with following text and run it:
from divinegift.templator import Templator

t = Templator()
# create console app, or main logic (you can omit the file extension, '.py' will add automaticaly.):
# or
t.create_console()  # it will create 'main.py' file

# create QT-app:
# or
t.create_gui()  # it will create 'main_gui.py' file

# create config file:
# or
t.create_config()       # it will create 'settings.ini' file

# After creating file with config you can add email section on it:
# or
t.add_email_config()    # it will add email section to 'settings.ini'

## Kafka Client

From version 1.3.0 you can use kafka client to read and write data from/to topics

from divinegift.kafka_client import KafkaClient

kafka_client = KafkaClient()

# Reader

messages = kafka_client.read_messages(topic_name)
# You can read all messages from begin if you needed:
messages = kafka_client.read_messages(topic_name, from_beginning=True)

# Writer

kafka_client.send_message(topic_name, msg)

Config example from example above:
kafka_config: &kafka_config
    - server.domain:9093
    security_protocol: SSL
    ssl_check_hostname: False
    ssl_cafile: CARoot.pem
    ssl_certfile: certificate.pem
    ssl_keyfile: key.pem
    <<: *kafka_config
    <<: *kafka_config
    consumer_timeout_ms: 1000

## Working with Excel

### Reading file

For reading excel-file you should use function *divinegift.excel.read_excel*

You should pass filename, array with column names

Optional fields are:
    sheet_name, int_columns, date_columns, start_row

from divinegift import excel

filename = 'your/path/to/excel.xlsx'      # or it could be xls
excel_header = ['column1', 'column2', ]
excel_data = excel.read_excel(filename, excel_header)

By default, all cells are read as strings, but if you need read int columns/date columns, you could pass their names 
in parameters int_columns/date_columns. You should name it like you pass it at excel_header

from divinegift import excel

filename = 'your/path/to/excel.xlsx'      # or it could be xls
excel_header = ['column1', 'column2', 'int_col', 'date_col']
excel_data = excel.read_excel(filename, excel_header, int_columns=['int_col'], date_col=['date_col'])

### Writing file

For writing excel-file you should use function *divinegift.excel.create_excel*

You should pass filename and list with data

Optional fields are:
    sheet_name, header

When you set excel_header, you could set column width

from divinegift import excel

filename = 'path/to/excel/your.xlsx'
data = [{'col1': 1, 'col2': 2,},]    # or it could be just list of list

excel_header = {'col1': 10, 'col2', 13, }
excel.create_excel(data, filename, excel_header=excel_header)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://gitlab.com/gng-group/divinegift.git",
    "name": "divinegift",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Malanris",
    "author_email": "admin@malanris.ru",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/41/2b/eef995b51d9f113eec2ba9d9bd7a3237caa75d49c02b821f9e34bb38c52d/divinegift-2.15.19.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "**The most useful package for you, young python programmer :)**\n\n# How to use it\n\n## Install this packages before use\n\n* sqlalchemy            - For works with databases\n* cx_Oracle             - Oracle driver\n* sqlalchemy-pytds      - MSSQL driver\n* psycopg2-binary       - Postgres driver\n* xlutils               - For Excel\n* xlsxwriter            - for Excel\n* openpyxl              - For Excel  \n* transliterate         - For Transliteration\n* confluent-kafka[avro] - For work with kafka\n\n## logging\n\n```\n# Import necessary functions\nfrom divinegift.logger import log_info, log_err, log_warning, set_loglevel\n\n# info msg\nlog_info('Your message')\n\n# error msg\nlog_err('Error msg',\n        src='Error source',  # e.g. str(sys.argv[0])\n        mode=['telegram', 'email']  # May be empty\n        channel={ \n            \"telegram\": -1001343660695, \n            \"email\": {\"TO\": [\"your@domain.ru\"], \"FROM\": \"from@domain.com\", \n                \"HOST\": \"smtp.domain.com\", \"usr\": \"from@domain.com\", \"pwd\": \"supersecretpassword\"}  \n        })  # You can add \"CC\" to \"email\" for add copy_to addresses\n\n# error msg with out sending problem to external system\nlog_err('Error msg', src='Error src')\n```\n\n## Pass log_level and log_name through cmd arguments\n\nTo specify log_level and log_name in your app you can send it through arguments:\n```\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n    # Get all args from cmd:\n    args = get_args()\n    # Get log_level, log_name, log_dir\n    lp = get_log_param(args)\n    # Set log_level and log_name:\n    set_loglevel(lp.get('log_level'), lp.get('log_name'), lp.get('log_dir'))\n```\nYou should pass your args by pairs: key value, e.g. --log_level INFO\nAvailable variants for logging are:\n* --log_level or shortcut is -ll\n* --log_name or shortcut is -ln\n* --log_dir or shortcut is -ld\n\nlog_level could be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR\n\nExample of starting app with arguments:\n```\npython test.py -ll INFO -ln test.log\n```\n\n## Config parsing \n\nTo parsing configs you can use class *divinegift.config.Settings* .\nBy default, it's use yaml as config language. But you can use json-style too.\n\n### YAML-config\n```\nfrom divinegift.config import Settings  # Necessary imports\n\nsettings = {}\n\n# You should use divinegift.logger.set_loglevel before config parsing\ns = Settings()\ns.parse_settings('./settings.ini')\nsettings = s.get_settings()\n```\n\n#### Config example\n```\nmonitoring:\n- telegram\n- email\n- slack\nmonitoring_channel:\n    email_to:\n    - aims.control@s7.ru\n    telegram: -1001343660695\n```\n\n### JSON-config\n\n```\nfrom divinegift.config import Settings  # Necessary imports\n\nsettings = {}\n\n# You should use divinegift.logger.set_loglevel before config parsing\ns = Settings()\ns.parse_settings('./settings.ini', use_yaml=False)\nsettings = s.get_settings()\n```\n\n#### Config example\n\n```\n{\n    \"log_level\": \"INFO\",\n    \"log_name\": \"YourAwesomeProject.log\",\n    \"monitoring\": [\n        \"telegram\",\n        \"email\"\n    ],\n    \"monitoring_channel\": {\n        \"telegram\": -1001343660695,\n        \"email_to\": [\n            \"aims.control@s7.ru\"\n        ]\n    }\n }\n```\n\n## Working with DB (sqlalchemy)\n\nYou should define dict with db_conn creditional.\nFor example:\n\n### Oracle\nInstall oracle driver:\n```\npip install cx_oracle\n```\n```\ndb_conn = {\n    \"db_user\": \"dbuser\",             # username\n    \"db_pass\": \"dbpass\",             # password\n    \"db_host\": \"dbhost\",             # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns\n    \"db_port\": \"\",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns\n    \"db_name\": \"dbname\",             # database name\n    \"db_schm\": \"\",                   # db scheme if not equal username\n    \"dialect\": \"oracle\"              # if use cx_Oracle or oracle+another_dialect\n}\n```\n### MSSQL\nInstall mssql driver:\n```\npip install sqlalchemy-pytds\n```\n```\ndb_conn = {\n    \"db_user\": \"dbuser\",             # username\n    \"db_pass\": \"dbpass\",             # password\n    \"db_host\": \"\",                   # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns\n    \"db_port\": \"\",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns\n    \"db_name\": \"dbname\",             # database name\n    \"db_schm\": \"\",                   # db scheme if not equal username\n    \"dialect\": \"mssql+pytds\"         # mssql dialect\n}\n```\n### Postgres\nInstall postgres driver:\n```\npip install psycopg2\n```\n```\ndb_conn = {\n    \"db_user\": \"dbuser\",             # username\n    \"db_pass\": \"dbpass\",             # password\n    \"db_host\": \"\",                   # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns\n    \"db_port\": \"\",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns\n    \"db_name\": \"dbname\",             # database name\n    \"db_schm\": \"\",                   # db scheme if not equal username\n    \"dialect\": \"postgresql+psycopg2\" # dialect\n}\n```\n\n### Create connection\n\nUse class DBClient to create connection to DB. Old-styled functions, which contained in *divinegift.db* module directly, are deprecated but still works.\n```\nfrom divinegift.db import DBClient\nconnection = DBClient(db_conn)            # db_conn - variable which was described above\n# Describe which fields you wants to method get_conn will returned (possible fields are 'engine', 'conn' and 'metadata')\nengine, conn, metadata = connection.get_conn(fields=['engine', 'conn', 'metadata'])  \n```\n\nIf you need to call stored procedure with db cursors you should use raw connection.\n```\nfrom divinegift.db import DBClient\nconnection = DBClient(db_conn, do_initialize=False)            # db_conn - variable which was described above\nconnection.set_raw_conn()\nconn = connection.get_conn(fields='conn')  \n```\n\n### Get data from sript (file or just string)\n\nAfter you got \"connection\" variable you can  get data from file or from str variable directly.\n\n```\nfrom divinegift.db import DBClient\nconnection = DBClient(db_conn)\n\nresult = connection.get_data('path/to/scripts/some_script.sql')\n# or you can use str variable:\nscript = 'select * from dual'\nresult = connection.get_data(script)\nprint(result)\n>>>[{'dummy': 'X'}]\n```\n\nYou can use specific encoding for your files (by default it's 'cp1251').\nJust put it into args:\n```\nresult = connection.get_data('path/to/scripts/some_script.sql', encoding='utf8')\n```\n\nAlso you can add some variables into your script (e.g. date) and then you can pass it into a function:\n```\nfrom divinegift.db import DBClient\nconnection = DBClient(db_conn)\n\nscript = \"\"\"select * from dual\nwhere dummy = '$param'\"\"\"\nparameters = {'param': 'X'}\nresult = connection.get_data(script, **parameters)\n# Or another variant\nresult = connection.get_data(script, param='X')\nprint(result)\n>>>[{'dummy': 'X'}]\n```\n\n### Run script without getting data\n\nYou can run script without recieving data.\nYou should use *divinegift.db.DBClient.run_script* for this like get_data, e.g.:\n```\nfrom divinegift.db import Connection\nconnection = Connection(db_conn)\nconnection.run_script('path/to/scripts/some_script.sql')\n```\n\n## Sending email\n\nYou can use function send_mail from class *divinegift.sender.Sender*\n\nYou should set your msg, subject and list of recipients, and account which should be used for sending email\nSimple example:\n```\nfrom divinegift.sender import Sender\n\nsender = Sender()\nsender.send_mail('Test message', 'Test subject', TO=['your@domain.com'],\n           FROM=\"from@domain.com\", HOST=\"smtp.domain.com\", usr=\"from\", pwd=\"pwd\")\n```\n\nYou can specify TO, CC, BCC, HOST, FROM and attachments. Also you can send it like html-message or like text.\n\nYou should pass list of attachments files with absolute path to it. You can use function *divinegift.main.get_list_files* for get it.\nFor sending email with attachment(s):\n```\nfrom divinegift.main import get_list_files\nfrom divinegift.sender import Sender\n\nsender = Sender()\nattachment_list = get_list_files('/path/to/files', add_path=True)\nsender.send_mail('Hello! This are files in attach', 'Test sending attachments', ['your@domain.com'], \n                  FROM=\"from@domain.com\", HOST=\"smtp.domain.com\", usr=\"from\", pwd=\"pwd\",\n                  attachments=attachment_list)\n# Also you can send only one file:\nattachment = '/path/to/file/file_name'\nsender.send_mail('Hello! There is file in attach', 'File', ['your@domain.com'], \n                FROM=\"from@domain.com\", HOST=\"smtp.domain.com\", usr=\"from\", pwd=\"pwd\",\n                attachments=attachment)\n```\n\nIf you set IS_HTML to False (by default it is True), you could send an email like simple text message, not html\n\n## Work with JSON\n\nYou can simple parse and create JSONs\n\nTo create json you could use *divinegift.main.create_json*\nTo parse it you could use *divinegift.main.parse_json*\nOr you could use class *divinegift.main.Json* instead of it\n\nFor example:\n```\nfrom divinegift.main import create_json, parse_json\nA = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}\ncreate_json(A, 'json_file_name.json')\nB = parse_json('json_file_name.json')\n\nprint(B)\n>>> {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}\n\nfrom divinegift.main import Json\nA = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}\njson_obj = Json('json_file_class.json')\njson_obj.set_data(A)\njson_obj.create()\nB = json_obj.parse()\n```\n\n## Work with YAML\n\nYou can simple parse and create YAMLs\n\nTo create json you could use *divinegift.main.create_yaml*\nTo parse it you could use *divinegift.main.parse_yaml*\nOr you could use class *divinegift.main.Yaml* instead of it\n\nFor example:\n```\nfrom divinegift.main import create_yaml, parse_yaml\nA = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}\ncreate_yaml(A, 'yaml_file_name.yml')\nB = parse_yaml('yaml_file_name.yml')\n\nprint(B)\n>>> {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}\n\nfrom divinegift.main import Yaml\nA = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}\nyml_obj = Yaml('yml_file_class.yml')\nyml_obj.set_data(A)\nyml_obj.create()\nB = yml_obj.parse()\n```\n\n## Transliterate strings between Russian and English and back\n\nFrom version 1.0.8 you can use transliterate library to transliterate strings between languages\n\nExample:\n```\nfrom divinegift.translit import translit\n\nname = 'SHEVCHENKO ANDREY'\nname_r = translit(name, 'ru_ext')\nname_e = translit(name_r, 'ru_ext', reversed=True)\nname_r_cap = translit(name, 'ru_ext').capitalize()\nname_r_low = translit(name, 'ru_ext').lower()\n\nprint(f'From English to Russian: {name}\\t->\\t{name_r}')\nprint(f'From Russian to English: {name_r}\\t->\\t{name_e}')\nprint(f'Capitalize             : {name}\\t->\\t{name_r_cap}')\nprint(f'Lower                  : {name}\\t->\\t{name_r_low}')\n```\n\nCode from above will show next:\n```\nFrom English to Russian: SHEVCHENKO ANDREY  ->  \u0428\u0415\u0412\u0427\u0415\u041d\u041a\u041e \u0410\u041d\u0414\u0420\u0415\u0419\nFrom Russian to English: \u0428\u0415\u0412\u0427\u0415\u041d\u041a\u041e \u0410\u041d\u0414\u0420\u0415\u0419    ->  SHEVCHENKO ANDREI\nCapitalize             : SHEVCHENKO ANDREY  ->  \u0428\u0435\u0432\u0447\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e \u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0439\nLower                  : SHEVCHENKO ANDREY  ->  \u0448\u0435\u0432\u0447\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e \u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0439\n```\n\n## Encryption\nFrom version 1.0.10 you can use encryption module\n\n### Simple example\nExample:\n```\nfrom divinegift.cipher import get_key, get_cipher, encrypt_str, decrypt_str\n\ncipher_key = get_key()\ncipher = get_cipher(cipher_key)\ntext = 'qwerty1234!!'\ntext_enc = encrypt_str(text, cipher)\nprint(text_enc)\ntext_dec = decrypt_str(text_enc, cipher)\nprint(text_dec)\n```\n\nCode above will output next:\n```\ngAAAAABcanXfhUr9i__R_24rPyrHzZoMgQSTYiBmx9ZtVqdcMiGZPOxoSz4gkAW0Y9TDWpAJ6jzAjPo-mrK_IcJcdByyfWrbhQ==\nqwerty1234!!\n```\n\nIf you use parameter get_str=False in functions encrypt_str and decrypt_str than this functions will returns binary string\n\n### Works with key in file\n\nSave your key in file by *write_key* function:\n```\nfrom divinegift.cipher import get_key, write_key\n\ncipher_key = get_key()\nwrite_key('key.ck', cipher_key)\n```\n\nRead your key file by *read_key* function:\n```\nfrom divinegift.cipher import read_key\n\ncipher_key = read_key('key.ck')\n```\n\n### Caesar\n\nYou can use caesar encrypt/decrypt:\n```\nfrom divinegift.cipher import caesar_code\n\ntext = caesar_code('Hello, World!', shift=5)\nprint(text)\n```\nIt will output next:\n```\nMjqqt, 1twqi!\n```\n\n### Easy encription/decryption database-passwords for more security\n\nBefore all you should encrypt your file with settings.\nUse next code to do this once:\n```\nfrom divinegift.config import Settings\n\ns = Settings()\ns.parse_settings('settings.conf')\ns.initialize_cipher()\ns.encrypt_password('db_conn')   # db_conn - name of db connection in settings.conf which contains \"db_pass\"\ns.save_settings('settings.conf')\n```\n\nAfter that your password in section 'db_conn' will automaticaly encrypted.\nIf you have more db-connections just add s.encrypt_password('db_conn_name_you_have') before saving function\n\nNext you must use decryption function in your code to use connection:\n```\nfrom divinegift.config import Settings\n\ns = Settings()\ns.parse_settings('settings.conf')\ns.decrypt_password('db_conn')   # db_conn - name of db connection in settings.conf which contains \"db_pass\"\n```\n\n\n## Live templates. Start create your app as easy as possible\n\nFrom version 1.0.11 you can create files from templates.\nYou should use module *templator* for this.\n\nExample:\nCreate tmp.py with following text and run it:\n```\nfrom divinegift.templator import Templator\n\nt = Templator()\n# create console app, or main logic (you can omit the file extension, '.py' will add automaticaly.):\nt.create_console('your_awesome_name.py')\n# or\nt.create_console()  # it will create 'main.py' file\n\n# create QT-app:\nt.create_gui(your_awesome_name.py')\n# or\nt.create_gui()  # it will create 'main_gui.py' file\n\n# create config file:\nt.create_config('your_config_name.ini')\n# or\nt.create_config()       # it will create 'settings.ini' file\n\n# After creating file with config you can add email section on it:\nt.add_email_config('your_config_name.ini')\n# or\nt.add_email_config()    # it will add email section to 'settings.ini'\n```\n\n## Kafka Client\n\nFrom version 1.3.0 you can use kafka client to read and write data from/to topics\n\n\nExample:\n```\nfrom divinegift.kafka_client import KafkaClient\n\nkafka_client = KafkaClient()\n\n# Reader\nkafka_client.set_consumer(**s.settings.get('consumer_config'))\n\nmessages = kafka_client.read_messages(topic_name)\n# You can read all messages from begin if you needed:\nmessages = kafka_client.read_messages(topic_name, from_beginning=True)\n\n# Writer\nkafka_client.set_consumer(**s.settings.get('producer_config'))\n\nkafka_client.send_message(topic_name, msg)\n```\n\nConfig example from example above:\n```\nkafka_config: &kafka_config\n    bootstrap_servers:\n    - server.domain:9093\n    security_protocol: SSL\n    ssl_check_hostname: False\n    ssl_cafile: CARoot.pem\n    ssl_certfile: certificate.pem\n    ssl_keyfile: key.pem\nproducer_config:\n    <<: *kafka_config\nconsumer_config:\n    <<: *kafka_config\n    consumer_timeout_ms: 1000\n```\n\n## Working with Excel\n\n### Reading file\n\nFor reading excel-file you should use function *divinegift.excel.read_excel*\n\nYou should pass filename, array with column names\n\nOptional fields are:\n    sheet_name, int_columns, date_columns, start_row\n\n```\nfrom divinegift import excel\n\nfilename = 'your/path/to/excel.xlsx'      # or it could be xls\nexcel_header = ['column1', 'column2', ]\nexcel_data = excel.read_excel(filename, excel_header)\n```\n\nBy default, all cells are read as strings, but if you need read int columns/date columns, you could pass their names \nin parameters int_columns/date_columns. You should name it like you pass it at excel_header\n\n```\nfrom divinegift import excel\n\nfilename = 'your/path/to/excel.xlsx'      # or it could be xls\nexcel_header = ['column1', 'column2', 'int_col', 'date_col']\nexcel_data = excel.read_excel(filename, excel_header, int_columns=['int_col'], date_col=['date_col'])\n```\n\n### Writing file\n\nFor writing excel-file you should use function *divinegift.excel.create_excel*\n\nYou should pass filename and list with data\n\nOptional fields are:\n    sheet_name, header\n\nWhen you set excel_header, you could set column width\n\n```\nfrom divinegift import excel\n\nfilename = 'path/to/excel/your.xlsx'\ndata = [{'col1': 1, 'col2': 2,},]    # or it could be just list of list\n\nexcel_header = {'col1': 10, 'col2', 13, }\nexcel.create_excel(data, filename, excel_header=excel_header)\n```\n\n",
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